Dr. Jamal H. Bryant - WHAT'S YOUR SIGN - Sunday 21th, April 2024
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - This morning's prayer at 8.30 was absolutely amazing.
00:17 Sister Angela Martin came in to lead us in prayer.
00:24 I am indebted to her eternally.
00:27 Outside of my mother, this woman has prayed for me
00:31 more than anybody on the planet,
00:34 and I just treasure her with my life, with my heart.
00:39 Would you help me give God some glory
00:41 for Dr. Angela Martin, an amazing gift.
00:44 That's my sister.
00:46 Amen.
00:48 How many of you know sometimes you just need
00:49 somebody praying for you?
00:51 You just need somebody praying you through,
00:54 and she has just covered me in so many spaces of my life,
00:59 and I am just grateful for her.
01:02 I honor you, I love you, thank you so very much
01:05 for making me your brother.
01:07 Matthew 26, verse number 40.
01:10 Matthew 26, verse 40.
01:15 Once you've found it, won't you say, "I got it."
01:19 If you can't find it, say, "Lord, help me."
01:21 Amen.
01:24 Matthew 26 and 40.
01:27 My daughters were here last week, they said,
01:32 "Daddy, how come you say you just gonna preach
01:34 "for a little while?"
01:36 (audience laughing)
01:39 So for a little while, if you'll look at Matthew 26,
01:43 verse 40.
01:46 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping.
01:51 Couldn't y'all keep watch with me for just one hour?
01:56 He returned to his disciples, he found them sleeping,
02:02 and he asked them, "Couldn't you just watch
02:06 "for just one hour?"
02:09 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
02:12 I'm gonna preach today using as a subject,
02:17 it won't take long.
02:19 (audience cheering)
02:20 It won't take long.
02:21 I need you to encourage who you're sitting beside.
02:26 Tell 'em, "Whatever you've been praying for,
02:28 "it won't take long."
02:31 Look at the person on the other side and say,
02:33 "Whatever you've been waiting for God to do,
02:36 "it will not take long."
02:40 If you need God to hurry up and do it,
02:42 would you give God glory right now?
02:44 (audience cheering)
02:50 It won't take long.
02:51 I wanna introduce you today to something called
02:56 the Five-Hour Rule.
02:59 Do you write that down?
03:00 The Five-Hour Rule is a blueprint used by billionaires
03:05 across the globe that shows you how to turn a wasted day
03:13 into a successful one.
03:17 The Five-Hour Rule.
03:20 The conceptualizer deduced that there are 24 hours in a day
03:26 and the average person is in bed for eight hours,
03:32 just leaving 16 hours to work with.
03:37 Out of that 16 hours, then nine hours are given to work,
03:44 to commuting, to eating, errands, and administration.
03:49 And after those nine hours,
03:54 you are still left with five hours.
03:58 Those five hours go largely squandered to Netflix,
04:04 texting, idling, and gossiping.
04:14 Those who do not master their five hours
04:19 will never be innovators, impactors, or influencers.
04:25 The Five-Hour Rule suggests that of every day that you have,
04:33 you should lend one hour a day to learning,
04:39 reflecting, praying, and thinking.
04:45 You got 24 hours in a day, five of them are free,
04:49 and one of those hours should be for your development.
04:53 It is a principle that your pastor lives by.
04:58 It's a discipline that has exemplars
05:03 from Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk counted as its disciples.
05:09 Just one hour a day enlarges your mind,
05:14 improves your skills, cultivates your creativity,
05:21 and reinforces your discipline.
05:25 I have to ask you a question.
05:28 Don't you think you are worth the investment
05:32 of giving, hear this, your future an hour?
05:40 I'm asking you that you will put into practice
05:43 for the balance of this year, the Five-Hour Rule.
05:48 For those of you who are under covenant of new birth,
05:50 those of you who are friends of this ministry,
05:53 I'm gonna give you the blueprint of how it is
05:57 that you can master the Five-Hour Rule.
06:01 Put it on the screen, even right now.
06:03 I need you to pull out your phone.
06:05 I want you to scan this QR code.
06:08 It's gonna go straight to your phone
06:10 as to how it is that you can operate,
06:13 how it is that you can function,
06:14 how you can learn the discipline of the Five-Hour Rule.
06:19 Those of you who are online,
06:22 if you will text NBNotes, NBNotes to 54244.
06:34 If you'll text NBNotes to 54244.
06:39 Our boomers who may have difficulty,
06:44 just pass your phone over to one of our young people.
06:47 They'll scan it for you.
06:48 Here it is, some of y'all are having difficulty.
06:51 Text NBNotes to 54244
06:56 so that you can get the blueprint for the Five-Hour Rule.
07:04 Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to have it.
07:07 Not only do I want you to have it,
07:08 but I want you to master it
07:11 because I need you to hear this,
07:12 the arch enemy of faith.
07:16 Somebody please write this down.
07:18 The arch enemy of faith, hear this, is time.
07:23 Time is the enemy of faith.
07:30 The people who are the most impatient,
07:34 you're not gonna believe it,
07:35 the most impatient people on the planet are anointed people.
07:40 Anointed people have a problem with patience.
07:47 Why, pastor?
07:48 Because God gives you the vision
07:51 and never gives you the delivery date.
07:54 So you have the vision and you assume falsely
07:58 that what he has shown you will come tomorrow.
08:03 Then when it does not come,
08:06 your faith begins to falter
08:08 and you begin to question,
08:11 did God really mean that for me?
08:14 Trying to decipher and discern Kronos versus Kairos.
08:21 So we're believing in our minds
08:24 that it has to happen by December 31st
08:26 because we are judging our miracle by our clocks
08:31 and not doing it in accordance to God's timetable.
08:36 Where it is that you are now
08:39 is not where you saw yourself.
08:42 But God had a plan, he had a schedule,
08:46 and he had a timetable.
08:48 When you carry a heavy assignment,
08:53 it is hard to decipher between your darkest hour
08:58 and your finest hour.
09:00 Pastor, say that again.
09:03 When you carry a heavy assignment,
09:06 it's hard to decipher between your darkest hour
09:10 and your finest hour.
09:13 Because sometimes your darkest hour
09:17 is just before your finest hour.
09:23 In any event, the clock started ticking for Jesus
09:27 in Matthew 26.
09:30 In Matthew 26, Jesus had just finished teaching
09:34 and the chief priest at the church plots to kill him.
09:40 He just finished doing the work of God
09:44 and as soon as he finishes,
09:46 read Matthew 26 when you get home,
09:48 that's when immediately they come up with a plot.
09:53 How can we get rid of him for doing his assignment?
09:58 I mean, Matthew 26, Jesus trying to find an escape
10:03 from all of his stress.
10:05 Right after he learns of the plot
10:07 of those who are trying to kill him,
10:09 Jesus goes to a dinner party.
10:12 When he goes to a dinner party,
10:14 a woman breaks into the party
10:16 who did not receive an invitation.
10:20 She comes into the dinner party
10:22 and nobody checked at the door
10:23 so she was able to sneak in with an alabaster box.
10:28 She sneaks in with an alabaster box,
10:30 breaks the box, y'all not gonna believe it,
10:33 and then begins to anoint his feet with oil.
10:38 Now that doesn't make any sense to you
10:40 until you remember what it is
10:42 that was declared in Genesis chapter three,
10:45 that the sole of your feet
10:47 will crush the head of the serpent.
10:51 Now I need you to pull it all together.
10:53 There is a plot that is going on to kill Jesus
10:57 and in the next verse, he goes to a dinner party
11:00 and his feet are anointed with oil.
11:05 Pastor, why am I telling you that?
11:06 I'm telling you that because when the enemies start coming,
11:10 the oil starts flowing.
11:13 Say it again, when the enemies start coming,
11:16 then the oil starts flowing.
11:19 Hear this, ladies and gentlemen,
11:21 the plots against you are not stronger than God's plan.
11:26 Conspiracies cannot contend with your consecration.
11:32 The same day they set up to assassinate you
11:38 is the same day God set up to anoint you.
11:42 How your day started is not how your day is going to end.
11:47 I can't hear nobody.
11:49 The enemy don't even understand
11:52 that the moment you put my name out your mouth,
11:56 God begin to put my name in angels' hands
12:01 and God begin countering the attack
12:04 that was against my life.
12:06 After he gets anointed, hear this,
12:11 I need you to watch what happens.
12:12 Read Matthew 26 in your devotion.
12:14 There is a plot to kill Jesus.
12:17 After there's a plot to kill Jesus,
12:19 his feet are anointed with oil.
12:23 And after he is anointed, hear this, he feels pressure.
12:28 Y'all didn't hear what I just said.
12:31 You can be anointed and still be under pressure.
12:36 There are people who believe falsely
12:38 that because you are anointed, you shouldn't have any stress,
12:42 you shouldn't have any anxiety,
12:44 you shouldn't have any worry.
12:45 Come on in here.
12:46 There are those of you who are in this room
12:48 that know I know I got the oil of God,
12:51 but sometimes I still can't sleep.
12:54 I know that I've got a future and an assignment,
12:58 but there are some days it's hard for me
13:00 to focus and to concentrate.
13:03 I need God to help me with the pressure.
13:06 Some of y'all who are looking stuck up
13:08 and act like you ain't never had a day
13:11 that was pulling you hither and yon,
13:14 but you needed God to ground you.
13:17 The reason why the enemy can't stand you
13:19 is you learned what a lot of people in here
13:22 don't know what to do,
13:24 is how to praise him under pressure.
13:27 If you are under pressure right now,
13:30 hold on musician, if you are under pressure right now,
13:34 but the joy of the Lord is still your strength,
13:39 I dare you to open up your mouth
13:41 and praise him under pressure.
13:44 (audience cheering)
13:47 Hallelujah.
13:48 (audience cheering)
13:51 I'm anointed, there are systems afoot
13:57 that are trying to kill me,
13:59 and I am now feeling the pressure.
14:03 It says the only thing I can do now
14:08 with all the pressure that I'm under,
14:10 the only thing I can do now is pray.
14:13 And he takes Peter, James, and John with him,
14:18 and he confesses to them
14:22 while being the savior of the world.
14:24 He says to Peter, James, and John, I feel anxious.
14:29 Your real friends are the people
14:32 you can be transparent with.
14:33 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
14:36 Your real tribe are those who you ain't got to put on airs
14:40 or a front or a filter, but you can tell them,
14:43 you know what, I ain't feeling myself right now.
14:46 I feel like I'm trying to break.
14:48 I need you to pray for me right here.
14:50 I ain't got time for no phony friends
14:53 where I always got to perform and audition.
14:56 I need some folk that'll love me
14:58 when I'm getting ready to crumble and crack
15:01 and break and conceive me in spite of what I'm dealing with.
15:06 (audience cheering)
15:08 Says to Peter, James, and John,
15:10 I know y'all saw me anointed,
15:13 but I'm feeling anxious, and I'm feeling stressed
15:19 because there's stuff out here
15:21 that's trying to get me killed.
15:23 Oh my God.
15:25 The enemy's after me, and everywhere I look,
15:30 the enemy just keeps showing up.
15:33 Are you trying to figure out
15:35 why did he ask Peter, James, and John to pray for him?
15:38 He didn't ask him to pray for him.
15:41 He asked him to watch.
15:43 (audience cheering)
15:46 God help me.
15:48 I need you looking out for me.
15:51 God help me.
15:53 Don't you think that you can handle everything by yourself.
15:56 You need somebody that can look out for you.
15:59 (audience cheering)
16:02 Ladies and gentlemen, why would they need to watch?
16:05 They would need to watch
16:06 because Jesus' feet just got anointed.
16:10 God help me.
16:11 And because his feet got anointed,
16:14 y'all not finding what just happened.
16:16 Watch this, everywhere he walked, he left footprints.
16:21 God help me, because the oil was now on his feet.
16:26 I'm waiting on somebody.
16:27 The Lord said to Joshua,
16:29 every place the sole of your feet shall tread upon,
16:33 I'm getting ready to give it to you.
16:35 Hey, I need you to look at your neighbor,
16:38 tell him whenever you step on this week,
16:40 you got authority over wherever room you step in.
16:44 You better act like you own the joint
16:47 because your feet are anointed.
16:50 Says I need you to watch
16:58 'cause there's stuff out here trying to kill me.
17:01 Stuff out here that's trying to stop my assignment.
17:05 There's stuff out here that's trying to block
17:07 the glory of God that's on my life.
17:10 He says, I need you to watch while I pray.
17:15 Jesus goes a little bit further than them,
17:18 falls on his face, and he begins praying.
17:25 And he looks up and he sees the three Negroes he trusted,
17:30 who's supposed to have my back,
17:39 supposed to be looking out for me.
17:43 The three of them are nodding off.
17:50 They're nodding off and Jesus is immediately incensed
17:55 and asks the three stooges,
17:58 "Can't y'all just stay up for an hour?"
18:04 He don't even wait on the answer.
18:09 He goes right back into prayer.
18:12 He prays a second time and the Bible says
18:16 he looks out from his peripheral vision,
18:19 sees they done gone to sleep again.
18:21 And this time he don't even bother to wake 'em
18:26 because he could not let their incompetence
18:32 mess with his focus.
18:35 I'm preaching to me, that wasn't even for you.
18:41 I can't let other people's incompetence mess with my focus.
18:48 I can't force you to be accountable and responsible.
18:52 At this point, I gotta do what I know is best for me
18:56 in order to get the job done.
18:59 All he asked was for one hour
19:06 and they couldn't even take a Mountain Dew,
19:09 couldn't drink a Red Bull,
19:11 couldn't shake themselves off to stay up for 60 minutes.
19:18 Their faith was so frail that they really didn't believe
19:23 anything meaningful could happen in an hour.
19:31 Say, "What difference does 60 minutes make?
19:38 "We can just sleep for an hour."
19:42 But the three of them, like many of you,
19:46 have forgotten that it don't take God long.
19:51 (audience cheering)
19:54 They forgot about Matthew 8.
20:00 In Matthew 8, a centurion came to Jesus
20:05 and said, "My servant is at home paralyzed
20:10 "and suffering terribly in their body.
20:12 "They are wracked in pain.
20:15 "They're not with me, they're at the house."
20:18 Jesus asked, "Do you want me to come to the house
20:21 "and heal them?"
20:22 He replied, "You don't even have to come to my house.
20:26 "All you have to do is send the word
20:30 "and they will be healed."
20:35 I'm in Matthew 8, y'all don't wanna read verse number 13.
20:39 Verse number 13 says, "And in that hour,
20:45 "every person who lived in that house
20:50 "that had sickness in their body
20:53 "begin to walk up saying they feel no pain in their body."
20:59 Some of y'all are in the short bus.
21:01 It is at 10.48, God help me.
21:05 I speak over whoever lives in your house
21:09 that by 11.49,
21:14 whatever pain is in their body,
21:17 oh, y'all ain't saying nothing in here,
21:20 they shall be healed.
21:23 Can you not trust him?
21:27 For one hour, you may be seated.
21:30 You may be seated.
21:33 Not because of the sick person's faith,
21:39 but because of the person who went to Jesus.
21:44 Hallelujah, I dare you to just look down your row
21:46 and tell them family members are gonna be healed in one hour.
21:50 Hallelujah.
21:54 (audience cheering)
21:57 Ah!
22:01 Hey!
22:04 Hey!
22:06 I don't know where my worshipers are,
22:09 but God said pain is coming out of their knees.
22:13 It's coming out of their back.
22:16 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
22:18 It's coming out of their chest.
22:19 It's coming out of their neck.
22:22 Arthritis is coming out of their hair.
22:25 Can you trust him for one hour?
22:28 (audience cheering)
22:31 They didn't think anything of significance
22:36 could happen in one hour
22:38 'cause they forgot what happened in Matthew chapter eight.
22:43 Turn the page.
22:44 They forgot what happened in Matthew chapter nine.
22:49 There's a woman who got an issue of blood for 12 years
22:54 who thought to herself,
22:57 if I can just touch the hem of his garment,
23:03 God, I wish I had a Bible church.
23:06 I believe I can be made whole.
23:12 Y'all not reading Matthew chapter nine, verse 22.
23:15 The Bible says, "And when she touched him,"
23:17 come on, I can't hear nobody,
23:20 "within one hour,
23:22 "everything in her body began to operate in alignment."
23:28 It's Women's Sunday.
23:30 I need every woman to lay hands on your womb.
23:34 The same miracle that happened in Matthew nine
23:37 is getting ready to happen for you.
23:39 God said, "In one hour, I'm healing ruptured ovaries.
23:44 "I'm healing thyroids and polycystic ovaries.
23:48 "I'm healing fallopian tubes.
23:50 "I'm healing uterine fibroids."
23:52 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
23:54 "I'm healing you of cervix cancer.
23:56 "I'm healing you of uterine polyps."
23:59 He said, "If you give me glory,
24:01 "I'm gonna heal you from irregular cycle."
24:04 He said, "Whatever is happening in your reproductive organs,
24:09 "watch me heal it in one hour."
24:12 You ain't gotta shout for it,
24:14 but would you scream for your sister
24:17 that within one hour,
24:19 whatever is happening in her womb,
24:23 it's about to be healed.
24:25 You ought to shout for it
24:27 like God can do it in an hour.
24:30 (congregation cheering)
24:32 Hallelujah.
24:33 Hallelujah.
24:35 (congregation cheering)
24:39 You may be seated.
24:40 They forgot the one that was healed
24:46 at the house in Matthew 8.
24:48 They forgot the woman who got healed
24:51 of all of her female issues in Matthew 9.
24:54 They conveniently didn't recall Matthew 15
24:58 when Jesus was leaving a region
25:01 and a Canaanite woman came out crying
25:05 for divine intervention
25:06 because a demon had possessed her child.
25:10 The disciples were trying to get her removed
25:13 'cause she wasn't a member of the church,
25:15 but the mother was relentless.
25:18 Finally, Jesus said, Matthew 15, verse 28,
25:22 watch what Jesus says.
25:24 He said, "Woman, you have great faith.
25:27 "Your child," I hope y'all don't tear this church up,
25:30 "Your child is free from all demonic activity."
25:35 God, I can't hear nobody.
25:39 Within one hour, I don't know where the screamers are,
25:44 whatever spiritual bondage your children have been in,
25:49 they are getting ready to come out of it.
25:52 He said, "If you open up your mouth in one hour,
25:56 "every satanic assignment is canceled."
26:00 If you lift up your voice, every soul tie is dissolved.
26:05 If you cry out loud, every curse is broken.
26:10 If you yell, every hex is unlocked.
26:14 He said, "If you open up your mouth,
26:16 "your sons and your daughters will prophesy."
26:21 I break the hand of the enemy.
26:25 You can't have my child.
26:28 You can't have my son.
26:31 If you lift up your voice, they coming off of drugs.
26:36 God is breaking that spirit off of 'em.
26:39 He's pulling 'em out of that relationship.
26:42 They gonna get their self-esteem back.
26:45 No weapon that is formed against your child shall be able.
26:56 I'm out of my shot.
26:58 Hey!
26:59 Hey!
27:01 I give you glory.
27:04 I don't know why y'all ain't screaming.
27:07 I declare over your life that by 1154,
27:12 your child's attitude is gonna change.
27:17 When you open up your mouth, they gonna be responsible.
27:22 They gonna be accountable.
27:24 They gonna be dutiful.
27:26 They gonna flow in discipline.
27:29 Shout for the breakthrough.
27:31 (audience cheering)
27:34 I give you glory.
27:37 I give you glory.
27:39 Hey!
27:40 Oh!
27:42 Oh!
27:44 I dare you to lay hands on your belly.
27:49 I need to hear a sound in this room.
27:52 Would you open up your mouth?
27:54 I need you to travail for your grandchildren.
27:57 Open up your mouth for your niece and for your nephew.
28:01 I need you to cry out loud for your best friend's kid.
28:05 Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you.
28:10 Satan!
28:11 (audience cheering)
28:14 Thank you, Lord.
28:16 I give you glory.
28:18 I give you glory.
28:20 Hey!
28:21 I give you glory.
28:23 Hey!
28:24 Hallelujah.
28:33 Hallelujah.
28:35 Hallelujah.
28:37 Hallelujah.
28:45 Be seated, I gotta show you something.
28:52 Be seated if you will.
28:54 Hallelujah.
28:55 I gotta show you something.
28:58 Thank you, holy God.
29:01 I gotta show you something, I don't want you to miss it.
29:05 There is a deep abiding contrast
29:08 between what happens in the Old Testament
29:11 and what happens in the New Testament.
29:13 In Genesis, we find an instance
29:16 where the angel of the Lord visited Abraham.
29:21 When he visited Abraham, he said to Abraham,
29:24 watch this, I know you and your wife have been trying
29:26 and have not been able to conceive.
29:29 And the man of God prophesied to Abraham
29:34 and said, by next year this time,
29:36 you will have a baby in your hands.
29:40 I can't hear no worshipers in here.
29:43 And that's where you learn from Sunday school
29:45 that Sarah laughed.
29:48 Hallelujah, 'cause she didn't think
29:49 it was gonna happen in a year.
29:52 Fast forward and you go to the book of Kings.
29:55 In the book of Kings, we find a prophet
29:57 by the name of Elijah.
29:59 And Elijah says, this woman has been good for us,
30:02 what can we do for her that she does not have?
30:07 Says that woman, she's got everything,
30:09 professional success, economic prowess,
30:14 but she's not been able to give birth to a child.
30:17 And the man of God, Elijah, prophesied
30:20 and said, by next year this time,
30:24 whatever that woman does not have,
30:27 she will have it in her hands.
30:30 I'm waiting for the women of New Birth
30:31 to hear what I just said.
30:34 By next year this time, whatever that woman does not have,
30:38 she will have it in her hands.
30:42 That, ladies and gentlemen, is the language
30:45 of the Old Testament, that by next year this time,
30:50 you will have it.
30:52 If you do an autopsy on the New Testament,
30:54 never once do you ever hear Jesus tell anybody,
30:59 by next year this time.
31:02 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
31:04 When Jesus shows up, time begins to shift.
31:07 It no longer takes a year, here's my screamers,
31:12 it takes an hour.
31:14 I can't hear nobody gossip.
31:16 Whatever you thought you were gonna get next year,
31:20 if you give me glory, I'll start releasing it in an hour.
31:25 He said, if you magnify me, y'all ain't saying nothing,
31:29 I will confirm it for you through signs and wonders
31:34 within the hour.
31:36 (audience cheering)
31:39 All right, hallelujah.
31:42 My time is almost up.
31:44 I need you to take that neighbor by the hand real quick.
31:46 I gotta show you something, I gotta show you something.
31:49 In the Old Testament, in the Old Testament,
31:53 by next year this time, in the Synoptic Gospels,
31:59 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, watch this,
32:01 within the hour, it is going to come to pass.
32:06 God, I can't hear nobody.
32:08 I need you to pull on your neighbor,
32:09 telling me it ain't gonna take God long now.
32:12 I wish I was at New Birth.
32:14 I wish you would pull on somebody else
32:16 and tell him it ain't gonna take God long now.
32:19 That's the wrong neighbor.
32:21 Would you say it to yourself
32:22 and say it ain't gonna take God long now?
32:25 Watch this, before the physical manifestation of Jesus,
32:30 it took a year.
32:32 Y'all ain't saying nothing in the presence of Jesus.
32:35 It took an hour, but all of that was before the cross.
32:41 We are now on the other side of the cross,
32:45 and I now declare over covenant believers,
32:49 if you open up your mouth, what used to take a year,
32:53 what used to take an hour, if you praise him,
32:57 he'll start doing it in the next 60 seconds.
33:02 I need those of you that need a urgent miracle,
33:06 would you open up your mouth and shout out loud,
33:10 while on others thou art calling,
33:14 please don't pass me by.
33:17 I need you to speed up your praying.
33:19 God said, the quicker you praise me,
33:22 the quicker your miracle is coming.
33:25 The quicker you jump, the quicker I'm breaking stronghold.
33:30 The quicker you holler, the quicker I'm paying bill.
33:34 Let the redeemed of the Lord open up your mouth
33:38 and shout like it's about to happen.
33:41 Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
33:46 It's almost your time now.
33:49 You've been faithful over a few things,
33:52 but he's about to make you ruler over many.
33:57 Hey up God.
33:57 (congregation cheering)
34:01 Hey up God.
34:02 Make a way out of nowhere.
34:05 Hey up God.
34:07 Heal my body.
34:09 Hey up God.
34:11 And open up a door.
34:13 Hey up.
34:14 (congregation cheering)
34:17 We got to go, but would you give three people a high five
34:24 and tell them it won't be long now.
34:26 By the time you get home,
34:29 it's gonna be news on your voicemail.
34:32 By the time you get to the car,
34:34 a text message is coming in.
34:37 It won't be long now.
34:39 (congregation cheering)
34:42 I feel a shout right through here.
34:47 Would you pull on that neighbor
34:49 and tell him you better hurry up and praise her.
34:52 While you trying to figure it out,
34:55 the Lord is already working it out.
34:58 Here's my grandmother.
34:59 How did you feel when you came out the wilderness?
35:04 I felt like lifting him up.
35:08 I just can't stop.
35:10 (congregation cheering)
35:14 With no music, how you gonna shout
35:19 when you get the text message?
35:22 How you gonna praise him when the package is at home?
35:25 How you gonna lift him when there's a knock on the door?
35:29 (congregation cheering)
35:33 What?
35:34 Somebody shout it won't be long now.
35:41 God, I feel something getting ready to break.
35:45 Look at your neighbor,
35:46 tell him you better sow into this environment.
35:49 What used to take a year is about to take an hour.
35:53 What used to take an hour is about to take a minute.
35:56 You better flow in this.
35:58 (congregation cheering)
36:03 Lift up that hand.
36:04 Hurry up God.
36:05 Hurry up God.
36:09 Hurry up God.
36:13 Hurry up God.
36:16 Oh my God.
36:18 Hurry up God.
36:19 I need it right now.
36:21 Hurry up God.
36:22 I can't keep waiting like this.
36:25 Hurry up God.
36:26 I need it right now.
36:28 Hurry up God.
36:29 I can't keep waiting like this.
36:31 Hurry up God.
36:32 Oh my God.
36:36 You've gone from years, softly musicians,
36:46 to hours, to now minutes.
36:51 Would you lift up that hand?
36:54 Amazon Prime can't be faster than God.
37:01 (congregation cheering)
37:04 I pray for expedited miracles.
37:10 Stuff that you thought you weren't gonna have
37:15 for a long time.
37:18 God just released it softly musicians.
37:22 Just release it on your behalf.
37:29 I'm not just talking about tangible,
37:31 but I pray for expedited recovery.
37:35 From trauma you've been carrying.
37:39 From unforgiveness that you've been harboring.
37:43 From wounds that have stalked you from your childhood.
37:47 I pray that God will give you a speedy release.
37:53 Pray that God will bless you so fast.
37:58 (congregation cheering)
38:00 That you won't even remember how long you were suffering.
38:03 Did y'all hear what I just said?
38:06 May God bless you so fast.
38:12 Your pain and your poverty will feel like a distant memory.
38:18 Y'all realize how long ago it feel like the pandemic was?
38:26 It feel like that was a lifetime ago.
38:28 While we were in it, we were saying, when would it end?
38:32 I'm believing for every lifted hand
38:36 speedy miracles are getting ready to happen.
38:40 Oh my God.
38:43 I said speedy miracles.
38:47 While you're filling out the application,
38:50 they're gonna offer you the job.
38:52 Speedy miracles.
38:54 (congregation cheering)
38:57 Before you pull off from the doctor's visit,
38:59 they're gonna call you and say, we saw something else.
39:02 Surgery will not be necessary.
39:05 Speedy miracles.
39:06 Getting ready to happen.
39:10 Your child is gonna wake up
39:12 with a completely different demeanor.
39:14 Completely different spirit.
39:18 A family member is gonna come off of years of addiction.
39:24 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
39:25 Years of addiction.
39:27 And the taste will no longer be in their mouth.
39:31 God is getting ready to do a speedy miracle.
39:36 I feel something on me right here.
39:39 Listen to me.
39:39 Those of you that need God to do something in a hurry,
39:42 would you wave that hand at me?
39:44 Hallelujah.
39:47 I want every person watch this.
39:49 I'm gonna seed in this environment.
39:52 I'm gonna seed in this environment.
39:54 I feel it.
39:55 It's not even where I'm supposed to be right now,
39:56 but I'm gonna seed into this environment.
39:59 I'm gonna confirm to God
40:00 that I believe it's gonna happen for me fast.
40:04 That God's gonna do it for me in the blink of an eye.
40:07 I want those of you who will partner with your pastor
40:10 to give a seed in this environment.
40:12 Let's break the speed limit.
40:15 Every person, get your best gift above 65.
40:18 Get above 65.
40:19 Would you just come touch the altar with that seed,
40:22 with your phone?
40:23 Hallelujah.
40:24 Touch the altar with your phone,
40:27 with your check, with your currency.
40:28 And when you release it,
40:29 I just want you to declare out loud, hurry up, God.
40:32 That's what I feel in this room.
40:35 Those of you who are online,
40:37 I want you to use that electronic altar.
40:39 I want you to sow today.
40:40 I feel God is doing something in a hurry.
40:43 He's doing a speedy work on my behalf.
40:46 Hallelujah.
40:49 Hurry up, God.
40:50 I need you to do something for my dad's mind.
40:55 I need you to do something for my mother's body.
40:58 Hurry up, God.
41:00 I don't know what it is I need.
41:03 I just know I can't stay where I am.
41:05 I can't be in this same position.
41:09 Hurry up, God.
41:10 Hurry up, God.
41:12 Do something for my T-cells.
41:14 Do something for my blood pressure.
41:17 Hurry up, God.
41:20 Do something for my credit score.
41:21 I need you to do something fast.
41:25 Need you to do it quick.
41:28 I need you to do it in a hurry.
41:31 Somebody in the room, would you just shout out loud,
41:35 hurry up, God.
41:36 Hallelujah.
41:41 Every person ought to be sown.
41:45 Every person ought to be involved and engaged.
41:48 Ladies and gentlemen,
41:49 anywhere on the circumference of this altar.
41:52 Hallelujah.
41:53 Hallelujah.
41:58 God's gonna do a speedy work on your behalf.
42:04 You ain't gonna believe how fast he's gonna heal you.
42:07 How fast he's gonna change the mind
42:10 of somebody who was against you.
42:12 How quickly God is gonna whisper your name
42:15 in the ears of influential people.
42:19 Hurry up, God.
42:20 I need you to do it.
42:23 If you can't do it, it can't be done.
42:25 But there is nothing that my God can't do.
42:29 How God is awesome.
42:31 Every person online, I want you to get a C,
42:35 Eclipse 65 if you can, go above it.
42:38 I wanna go faster than the speed limit.
42:41 They're gonna have to pull me over
42:44 to stop the flow of God that's on my life.
42:46 ♪ Signs and signs ♪
42:48 Ain't no stopping me now.
42:49 I done got my momentum.
42:51 I done got my drive.
42:53 I done got my pull.
42:55 I done regained my balance.
42:57 I got my footing underneath of me.
43:00 It's gonna happen for me fast.
43:04 As long as I've been waiting, God gotta do something for me.
43:08 God, I need you to hurry up.
43:10 My faith is beginning to wane.
43:13 I need you to hurry up.
43:17 (gentle music)
43:19 You're right there.
43:23 Hallelujah.
43:27 Everybody is standing.
43:30 Bless you, man, good to see you.
43:31 Every person is standing.
43:33 (upbeat music)
43:38 (whooshing)
43:40 (upbeat music)
43:43 (upbeat music)
43:46 (upbeat music)
43:48 (upbeat music)
43:51 (upbeat music)
43:53 (upbeat music)