00:00 I
00:02 Want all of us to read it together with uplifted voices Psalm 47 verse 1 come on
00:17 Let's declare it together clap your hands all you nations
00:25 Come on let's declare it again with a little bit more been big and vitality everybody clap your hands all you nations
00:31 The third time let's put the power of the Holy Spirit behind it come on everybody allowed let's declare it clap your hands
00:42 You may be seated come on clap your hands that's what the Bible told you to do
00:51 You
00:53 Whether you went to public school a Montessori school or Catholic school or private school or charter school
01:07 Afrocentric school or Christian school all of us
01:12 In our early formative years learn the song if you're happy, and you know it clap your hands
01:21 Look at that you still remember that you're happy, and you know it clap your hands
01:26 Y'all do better than that then when the praise team tell you to do it
01:33 Let's let's try it again if you're happy, and you know it clap your hands
01:37 Unless
01:42 You are disabled it's something that every person can participate in
01:47 From three to a hundred or three a hundred and three it's something
01:51 Everyone around the earth can engage in
01:55 You clap at graduations
01:58 theaters presentations
02:02 Performances competitions concerts and sometimes yes even in worship services
02:09 Clapping transcends language
02:14 If you're in Portugal you are in Peru or you driving on West Paces Ferry
02:20 You don't need an interpreter to translate what a clap means
02:25 It's a sound of applause
02:28 It's the sound of affirmation
02:32 It's bringing two limbs together
02:36 that produce a sound of approval of
02:40 jubilation and excitement
02:43 Unlike
02:45 Singing or dancing clapping does not require a skill set
02:49 All you have to do is have the willingness
02:53 to participate
02:56 The amazing thing is that clapping stimulates your blood circulation
03:03 the blood circulation
03:06 removes all obstructions in the veins and the arteries
03:11 You're not gonna believe it clapping even moves bad cholesterol
03:16 Look good
03:34 Clapping does something in your bloodstream to open up your veins and your arteries so that it is not stagnant
03:42 so
03:44 Clapping is something here. There's that the very first thing that clapping does it makes blood move
03:51 It reaches to the highest mountain
03:55 It flows to the lowest valley
04:00 It gives me strength from day to day and it'll never lose
04:06 Its power. I I want to just give a warning to the people who are sitting on your row
04:12 That when I clap my hands
04:15 The blood is gonna start flowing
04:18 Come on, I can't hear nobody. I'm thankful for the blood
04:24 One day when I was lost Jesus died on the cross
04:30 And I know it was the blood
04:33 That saved me
04:36 The blood is getting ready to flow down your aisle. It's getting ready to flow on your row
04:42 Hear this if you're not careful, it's getting ready to flow through your bloodline
04:47 It's getting ready to flow through your house
04:51 Those of you who need the blood to move on your behalf
04:58 I dare you to clap your hand right there if you need the blood to move in your family members
05:05 Say that the blood of Jesus
05:09 Is against you. Come on clap that hand
05:13 for the blood that moves
05:16 Amazing thing is that a study from the University of Negev
05:23 showed that clapping hands
05:26 Boosts the development of motor skills in children
05:30 That's why at the beginning of the school day
05:34 That is why they sing the song if you're happy and you know it clap your hands what y'all don't quarter
05:40 Because a clap in your hands
05:44 stimulates your mental retention a
05:47 Clap in your hands stops you from preventing a trivial errors
05:53 Are clapping your hand cleans up your handwriting?
05:57 Clapping your hands here. This
06:00 sharpens your focus
06:02 You get ready to clap your hands here. This not for you
06:06 I need you to clap your hands with authority for the children of your family
06:10 That they are getting ready
06:13 Come on clap for their focus
06:16 They are not gonna be held back a year
06:21 They're gonna be able to grasp every concept
06:24 They will suffer no learning disorder
06:28 No learning disability. I need you to clap like they're gonna graduate at the top of the class
06:35 I need you to clap like they're gonna be peer mentors
06:40 I need you to clap your hand like they gonna get scholarships and
06:46 educational opportunity
06:49 Clap your hands like they gonna go further than you
06:53 Clap your hands for your children's focus
06:59 You may be seated
07:02 Clapping I need you to hear this clapping
07:06 Does a chiropractic work on the back?
07:10 Be it the middle or the lower back wherever there is pain in your back
07:18 Clapping alleviates a measure of discomfort
07:21 Those of you who have been suffering with back pain, and I want you to stand right where you are
07:26 The severity of the back pain is about to be reduced
07:31 Because of the clapping of hands
07:35 65 million people
07:39 Have been dealing with back problems between January and this morning
07:47 But when you clap your hands
07:50 The pain that is in your back
07:53 Is getting ready to be under your feet. I don't care where you are
07:59 Whether you are at home or in this place. I need you to clap like God is getting ready to extract the pain
08:09 Like God is getting ready to deal with the issue
08:13 Now watch this you can stop clapping for one moment clapping your hands is getting ready to alleviate back pain
08:19 Whether that is in upper back whether that's lower back whether that's middle back watch this, but it will be amplified
08:26 Here it is it is amplified when there are those who are clapping around you
08:32 But there is something within your neurological structure
08:36 That said there is a sound
08:40 That mandates that pain has got to be evicted
08:44 Some of you will never be blessed
08:47 Because you only clap for yourself
08:49 But if you want to see the people around you to live pain-free
08:55 Would you clap your hand right now come on I can't hear you I said clap your hand
09:08 Lena Horne
09:10 Lena Horne said it's not the load that breaks you down
09:14 It's how you carry it
09:17 God today is getting ready to take the monkey off of your back
09:21 Whatever it is that has caused you to be cramped up whatever it is that causes you
09:27 Anxiety just to shift and to move and to be out of sorts God says because you are surrounded by worshippers
09:36 That there is no pain that God cannot alleviate
09:40 The highest prescription that is written in America is pain
09:45 Medication but God says when you praise me I will address your pain
09:52 I don't know where you are, but those of you that need a pain-free week
09:58 I need you to start clapping your hand
10:01 Like God is addressing your pain. Oh come on
10:06 You got to do better than that clap your hand like God is dealing with your pain
10:12 You may be seated
10:20 Gout
10:23 Gout which is
10:26 Something in your feet that affects your kidneys
10:29 Clapping is proven to be effective
10:35 Strikingly when we clap we are executing a physiological
10:40 directive our body is a bundle of nerves and blood vessels that spread through the entire body and
10:48 Within your hands is more complex than any computer program that is in your laptop
10:56 I'm been known to most there are 30 acupuncture pressure points in your palm
11:05 In the palm of your hand are 30 different
11:08 Acupuncture pressure points the heart is connected to the bottom of the middle finger
11:15 I want you to point to it the heart is connected to the bottom of your middle finger the large
11:22 Intestine is connected to the center of your palm
11:27 The large intestine is connected to the center of your palm of the foot is connected to your thumb
11:34 The reproductive organs are connected to your wrist
11:39 The heart here it is is connected to the base of your middle finger
11:45 So when you are clapping your hands
11:49 You are sending a signal to your body
11:53 That everything in my body got a lineup
11:57 To the will of God y'all ain't saying nothing you gotta have dominion
12:03 You gotta have authority over your physical health
12:07 I don't know where my worshipers are God say you ain't gonna be on medication your entire life
12:15 You ain't gonna need physical therapy for the rest of your life
12:20 The devil is a liar all of your limbs are gonna be working in order
12:27 I need you to clap your hand like your body is in sync with the will of God come on
12:34 I said clap your hand
12:36 Clap your hand and cancel the surgery
12:41 Cancel the hand and cancel diabetes
12:47 Cancel the hand and stop the amputation
12:51 Can't a hand and believe from the top of my head
12:55 To the sole of my feet my body is a temple under God
13:02 holy and acceptable
13:05 You may be seated oh my god
13:10 Hallelujah
13:14 Hallelujah
13:16 I want you to prophesy to your neighbor
13:18 Only 1,500 of y'all are gonna get it. I need you to prophesy to your neighbor tell them neighbor
13:25 You ain't gonna die
13:28 Of nothing
13:30 but old age
13:32 You gonna die in perfect health
13:35 I need you to clap your hand
13:38 Like you gonna live on your own
13:41 Clap like you gonna drive yourself
13:45 Clap like you gonna bathe yourself
13:47 Clap your hand
13:51 Hallelujah
13:55 Hallelujah
13:57 Oh my god
13:59 Hallelujah you may be seated
14:03 Clapping is not just physiological
14:09 Clapping is psychological
14:14 Because clapping watch this is an organic
14:17 antidepressant
14:19 It is an antidote for anxiety and the problem is you have been conditioned to clap for others
14:27 But you don't know how to clap for yourself
14:30 But the Bible says David encouraged himself. I want you to clap your hands because today you start celebrating
14:38 yourself
14:40 Clap your hands if you're proud of the progress you made
14:45 Clap your hands if you know you didn't think you would make it this far
14:51 Clap your hands
14:53 Because you're held on
14:55 Clap your hand
14:57 Cuz you didn't become what you saw clap your hands
15:02 If you know you're worthy of the best clap your hand if you know you deserve
15:10 To be happy clap your hand
15:13 If you know you should be treated right and loved right and talked to correctly
15:21 You may be seated
15:30 I'm Snoop Dogg. I want to thank me
15:39 Cuz I got me up every morning
15:42 I'm decided not to quit
15:45 Decided not to commit suicide
15:48 I'm proud of me
15:51 Nobody said the road was gonna be easy, but I don't believe he brought me this far
15:59 Leave me now you may be seated
16:04 Hey
16:07 Hey
16:09 You see how good I look
16:14 You see that I came through it I'm clapping for me
16:19 curse every devil every liar every
16:24 hater every enemy
16:27 I'm proud of me
16:35 Hallelujah you may be seated. Oh my god
16:41 Clapping is the cure for depression
16:51 anxiety
16:54 stress and
16:56 over againstness
16:58 God said when you clap your hands this time
17:01 The spirit of depression is coming out of your body
17:06 It's coming out of your mind and it's coming out of your house. I need you to clap your hand
17:13 You got too much to do to be depressed
17:18 You got too much to accomplish
17:21 To be stressed out. You've got too much going for you to commit suicide
17:29 Clap your hand
17:31 Hallelujah, you may be seated
17:37 Hallelujah
17:42 Those
17:44 Those who practice
17:47 Eastern holistic medicine
17:49 Said that for the best results
17:52 You should be clapping ten minutes a day
17:56 But in order for it to effectually work you can't just clap your hands y'all ain't gonna believe it
18:02 You got to put oil in your hands
18:04 God help me because there's something about the oil
18:08 That amplifies the power of the clap
18:11 Look at the person beside you and tell them you are in luck
18:15 Because you sitting beside somebody anointed
18:19 It's already oil in my hand
18:22 Y'all ain't saying nothing when I clap
18:27 It ain't about me
18:29 It's about the God over me
18:31 That keeps making away. Come on all the anointed people
18:37 Clap your hand
18:40 all of the chosen people
18:42 Clap your hand
18:45 All those that were first for this assignment
18:48 Clap your hand
18:51 Hallelujah
18:55 I need somebody to just shout out loud. I'm anointed
18:59 You may be seated Psalm 47 you may be seated Psalm 47
19:08 Says something significant
19:12 Psalm 47 is an ode to the king of the universe
19:19 Psalm 47 here it is is so critical
19:24 That Psalm 47 is the selection. It is the passage. It is the song that Jewish communities
19:31 read on New Year's
19:33 Jewish community the first day of the year they read Psalm 47
19:39 Because it is
19:42 Really a tribute for the battles. I have come out of
19:46 Hallelujah, and it is preparing me for what I'm getting ready to win
19:53 Some of y'all are sitting by the wrong person look at the person beside you tell them congratulations
19:59 You just defeated
20:02 your biggest battle
20:04 It's gonna get easier after this
20:07 All you got to do is clap your hand
20:11 Don't wait till the battle is over
20:14 Clap right now
20:20 Psalm 47
20:22 Was written in the era of King Jehoshaphat
20:25 When Jehoshaphat got the message this battle is not yours
20:31 The battle is the Lord's
20:34 God goes further to say you won't even have to fight. I
20:39 Got this
20:41 So the hand that you would have used for fists
20:44 Y'all ain't saying nothing the hands you would have used for spears and for javelins
20:50 All you got to do catch this is worship, and I'll go to war
20:54 Let me try this out all you got to do is worship and he'll go to war
21:02 Let me talk to the people on that all you got to do is worship
21:06 And he'll go to war
21:09 Those of y'all that's been in a fight
21:11 God said stop fighting them go to worship and let me go to war
21:18 I need you to worship that God will fight your supervisor
21:24 God will fight your manager. God will fight your co-workers. I need you to go to worship
21:33 And so when I am going to worship
21:39 It is spiritual warfare
21:42 That's what the enemy doesn't want me to worship
21:47 Because he knows when I worship I'm declaring war
21:50 Look at the person beside and say you don't pick the right one to sit next to
21:54 I
21:57 Don't like to fight, but I know how to
21:59 Are y'all y'all ain't saying nothing?
22:02 Keep trying me
22:05 Push me again
22:07 Say something else
22:09 Watch me go to war. I need you to go to war for whoever your friends are
22:17 That whatever they dealing with come on clap that hand
22:21 Hey, come on
22:24 Clap that hand
22:26 Go to war for
22:28 Go to war for
22:31 Psalm 47 is
22:38 read on New Year's and Jewish synagogues
22:42 to suggest
22:45 That you've come out of the battle and you get me to go into a season of victory
22:50 More houses
22:53 Sister school is a Bennett College in North Carolina and Bennett College
22:58 They tell all of the young ladies that this is the place
23:02 Where the girl you are?
23:05 Meets the woman you are about to become
23:08 Y'all just miss what I just said. This is the place
23:13 Where you meet who you are and see what you are getting ready to become
23:19 God says if you know, I'm not finished with you yet and this starts a new chapter in your life
23:27 Clap your hands like you are better than your own self
23:42 Then
23:44 You clap your hands
23:47 It's significant
23:49 That you are saying bravo
23:51 Good job
23:55 The pandemic hit in 2020 and as a consequence Broadway was closed
24:00 for almost two years
24:03 When finally they pulled the curtain back
24:05 Of the first up main play to open back up was Hamilton
24:12 And when Hamilton opened back up y'all not gonna believe what happened at the end of the performance
24:17 Nobody in the entire theater clapped
24:22 The actors were completely
24:25 Discombobulated they went back in the green room in the dressing room and thought they had done a bad job
24:32 The director of Hamilton had to bring the cast together and said don't worry
24:37 It ain't you
24:40 The people who you just performed in front of
24:44 I'm not used to seeing the performance
24:47 And because they're not used to seeing a performance. They don't know that they are supposed to clap
24:54 That that's what God is saying to the angels when he sees you in church, and you're not worshiping
25:01 So it ain't you you just dealing with a crowd that don't believe I'm able to perform
25:08 But when I clap my hands
25:10 I'm saying now
25:13 Unto him who is able to keep me from falling and to present me hopeless
25:22 You clapping like you ain't seen God perform I
25:28 Want you to clap?
25:32 Come on clap like you've seen them do some stuff
25:37 Come on you ain't clapping good
25:39 Come on clap your hands
25:43 If you know God gonna let your side of the story come out clap your hands
25:49 If you know he gonna redeem your name clap your hands
25:54 Like you know, he'll make a way out of no way
25:58 My
26:07 Niece
26:08 My oldest niece is a theater major and she taught me something
26:13 That I wanted to give to you. Here's what my niece if a taught me is that at the end of a performance
26:20 If it's really good
26:23 You don't just clap
26:25 She said uncle Jay you don't just clap you supposed to shout encore
26:32 I said he say what that mean what that mean?
26:34 She said I'm Jay when you say encore and clap is saying do it again
26:39 Y'all I wish I was that new birth
26:44 Don't just clap
26:51 Pay the rent again
26:57 Get my brother out of jail again
27:00 Oh
27:04 That there was
27:14 There was a blind man that Jesus touched and
27:17 Jesus said do you see anything?
27:20 He said I see something it it looks like trees
27:25 What I need you to do is touch me again
27:28 I don't know how many y'all are ready for this move of God, but God said if you clap your hands
27:34 I'm getting ready to touch you again
27:36 Come on. I can't hear nobody
27:39 Clap your hand
27:41 Like you want to see better
27:43 Clap your hand
27:46 Like you need a clear vision for your life
27:49 Clap your hand
27:51 The Hebrew
27:59 The Hebrew word for clapping is taqwa
28:03 It means to clap your hands
28:07 Taqwa every person say taqwa
28:11 Come on, say it again taqwa
28:14 It means clap your hands and so you had no idea in this first dimension this first realm of worship
28:21 You had absolutely no idea
28:23 That clapping is a duality of purpose
28:28 That when I clap my hands it affirms who he is
28:33 And it strengthens who I am
28:36 Here it is. Y'all are missing it. And so when I clap my hand, I'm blessed while I'm blessing him
28:44 Blessing him
28:46 blesses me
28:49 So when I'm clapping my hand watch this he's check he's touching my child
28:54 When I'm clapping my hand, he's moving pain out of my body
28:58 When I'm clapping my hand, he's getting rid of the pressure
29:03 When he's clapping my hand my focus is getting better
29:08 When he's clapping my hand, he's curing my pain
29:12 (applause)
29:14 That says clap your hands but not just the members
29:22 Clap your hands all people
29:26 It doesn't matter what your nationality it doesn't matter what your background is. It doesn't matter. What is your upbringing?
29:34 Everybody in this room is getting ready to clap their hands
29:38 I want you to stay with me. I bet says when you clap your hands clapping is not enough
29:44 It is not sufficient
29:46 how much it'll clap your hands watch this and
29:49 Behind your clap shout with a voice of triumph
29:54 Hallelujah in other words when I'm clapping my hands and shouting
29:59 It is magnifying the sound
30:03 Y'all ain't saying so I sound louder
30:06 Then where it is that I am
30:08 Some of y'all don't believe it one can chase a thousand
30:13 But two will put ten thousand to flight. Come on open up your mouth
30:19 Clap your hand
30:22 Hey
30:24 Clap your hand
30:28 Open up your mouth
30:32 Now listen, hold on listen says clap your hands all you people
30:39 shout with a voice of
30:42 triumph
30:44 Hear this. I am shouting with a voice of triumph, which means I know for myself
30:51 That I am NOT gonna lose. I
30:55 Am clapping and shouting with the voice of triumph because God is the greatest power. I cannot be defeated
31:03 Are y'all ain't saying nothing to me? I am believing by the power of Calvary
31:09 That when my hands come together
31:12 All things are gonna work together for good
31:15 Because I love him and I'm called according to his purpose
31:21 You only got 60 seconds to roll up your sleeves
31:25 And go to war. I need you to clap your hand
31:30 Open up your mouth
31:33 Open up your mouth
31:37 You will not be defeated
31:39 Hey, I feel it another way. The devil is already defeated
31:46 The devil is already
31:49 Defeated
31:51 You are
31:58 You are to give
32:01 You ought to give
32:04 your greatest clap
32:06 Your greatest shout of victory
32:09 Watch this son because you know, he is about to perform
32:16 Because you know, he's getting ready to work something out on your life
32:19 Because you know, he's gonna exceed
32:23 your expectation
32:26 I uh, I was in Vegas this week praying. It's in Vegas. I was
32:32 I was praying for y'all in Vegas
32:34 This week
32:37 Really I was I was praying for you
32:39 I'm telling on myself before somebody tell you they saw me there. I was in Vegas
32:43 I was in Vegas this week and I'm just walking down the street. I'm just walking down the street
32:48 I got lost and I walked in this room. I said, what am I doing here?
32:53 They said, uh, this is the usher concert. I said I don't belong in the usher concert
32:57 The whole room whole room was dark
33:03 5,000 people in the room watch this and they showed the silhouette usher on the screen
33:09 And the people started screaming started yelling started cheering watch this and he hadn't even come out yet
33:15 God help me. They started screaming. They started clapping because they anticipated the performance
33:23 God I can't hear nobody when I give God this level of glory. I
33:29 Am giving God glory before he reveals himself
33:34 God I can't hear nobody
33:38 because I expect a
33:40 Performance I need you to open up your mouth
33:45 Come on
33:47 Like you expect
33:49 God to do it for you
33:51 Open up your mouth
33:53 Like he's gonna do exceedingly
33:55 Abundantly
33:59 What you can think what you can dream what you can imagine
34:07 Clap your hands
34:09 Clap your hands
34:11 Clap your hands
34:13 Lift up that hand
34:20 Lift up that hand this week God is gonna perform in your life
34:29 He's gonna perform something in your bank account
34:35 I
34:37 Wait another real worshippers, I'm telling y'all if y'all don't scream over this he's gonna perform in your body
34:46 Speak of every lifted hand that your hands are anointed that your hands are consecrated
35:05 That everything you touch this week is gonna be blessed
35:08 Everything you lay your hands on is gonna multiply
35:13 That God is gonna have fresh oil flowing through your hands
35:18 That no weapon that is formed against you
35:22 Will be able to prosper
35:26 And those of you your faith comes into alignment with my faith
35:31 Would you clap your hands like you know, you got the victory?
35:35 Come on, I can't hear you. I said open up your mouth
35:40 Come on, come on
35:44 Come on, I can't hear you
35:47 Clap your hands
35:49 Clap your hands
35:52 Clap your hands
35:54 I
36:01 Need you to hear the voice of your pastor
36:03 When I make this declaration over your life is I want you to experience victory this week
36:11 Hear this. I want you to have victory this week
36:16 without fighting
36:19 I want you to experience a sweatless victory
36:26 That God will put into your life
36:31 While you're driving to work, I need you to just start clapping your hands
36:34 Sitting on the side of your bed. I need you to clap your hands
36:38 Waiting for the red light to turn green. I just want you to start clapping your hands
36:44 Waiting on your food to be delivered. I want you to just start clapping your hands
36:50 Because I expect a performance
36:58 Not only do I expect a performance I'm not even really looking for God to do something new I just need an encore
37:05 I need him to do what he's already done before
37:09 I just need him to do it again
37:13 One things that God has done
37:16 Is God has not allowed us to have a Sunday
37:20 Where somebody didn't see Jesus
37:25 He's not allowed us to open up these doors not one Sunday in four years
37:30 But somebody didn't say this is the kind of ministry. I need to be connected to
37:35 It's not been one instance
37:38 When we open up the doors of this church
37:41 Where somebody was not convicted that they needed the Christ factor in their life. I
37:48 Need you all to help me open the doors of the church. The rules are very
37:52 Simple for engagement. They get me to be throngs of people in every section and every aisle who are getting ready to come to get saved
37:59 Mounds of people who are getting ready to find Jesus Christ as the Lord of their life
38:04 Scores of people who are going to make up a critical decision
38:08 That this is where their soul is going to bloom and blossom
38:12 I've been praying for him all week. I've been believing God for him all week
38:16 Hear me when I tell you I'm telling you hear me when I tell you when they start coming
38:21 I need you to start clapping
38:23 Because they have been so many forces afoot
38:27 That did not want them to get to this altar
38:30 Come on, they already coming
38:33 Listen to me
38:36 Listen to me I
38:45 Need you every person who's physically able to do so I need you to stand every person who's physically able to do so
38:52 I need you to stand please sir, please ma'am
38:55 I don't want somebody who's trying to make a life decision to have to entertain
39:00 Should I disrupt them by asking them to move?
39:04 Yeah, I don't want you to be their excuse I want to clear the runway because they need God
39:12 I
39:14 Need you to do please sir
39:22 Please ma'am
39:25 Wherever you are in this place and space of grace. I
39:28 Want you to come I want you to give me your hand give these leaders your hand
39:32 But more than that, I want you to give God your heart
39:36 I want you to see what God is getting ready to do in this place in
39:42 just two minutes
39:44 God is getting ready to open up the bow
39:46 for souls to start pouring in
39:49 For believers to come into the right alignment for where they're supposed to be one minute from now
39:55 I'm telling you God is getting ready to do
39:58 the unrecognizable
40:01 the amazing
40:04 the overwhelming
40:06 And I trust him for it
40:08 Y'all ain't clapping good
40:11 I
40:13 Know like like y'all didn't hear a word. I had to say I said when you worship he'll go to war
40:24 All right
40:28 Your response is tepid at best
40:31 We got to take it up a notch
40:33 Would you help me open the doors of the church?
40:35 I need you to talk to somebody around you and somebody around you are they saved ask them do they have a church home?
40:41 Ask them have they given their life to God ask them. Are they in a church where they feel free to clap?
40:47 Are they in a ministry that when they worship something happens?
40:51 When they get in the presence of God this door start opening up on their behalf
40:57 Hallelujah
41:01 Hallelujah
41:03 Believing by faith that God is going to save families. It's gonna save men
41:09 He's gonna save Millennials. He's gonna save Gen X us
41:12 He's got something in reserve for baby boomers. God's gonna do something
41:17 amazing in this place
41:20 Y'all just got to take your foot off the brake
41:22 So God can accelerate the process
41:25 Come on clap your hands here comes one
41:36 If there's somebody else in this room both of you who are online I want you to partner with me
41:41 I want you to come into alignment with what it is that God is doing in this place
41:45 Let's do this if I can let's do this move outside of your comfort zone
41:51 I need you to find two people who you don't know two people you haven't talked to in this service
41:57 Two people who have never spoken to you in their life two people whose Facebook page you don't stop. I need you to please
42:05 Go find those two people every person would you do that for me, please?
42:09 Everybody move and go talk to somebody ask them ask them
42:13 I'm believing God for overflow for an explosive expression
42:19 Hallelujah
42:31 If they're saved you ought to be clapping your hands
42:35 If they go to this church you ought to be clapping your hands
42:39 If they're in right relationship with God come on and clap your hands
42:46 Those of you who are online I want to be your pastor I want new birth to be your church because of
42:57 Technology we are local and global at the same time
43:01 It doesn't matter where it is that you live where it is that you find yourself
43:05 You can still be a part of what God is doing in this colony of faith
43:09 And for that we are grateful the Bible says that the angels rejoice over one that's found
43:14 I want you to help me. Thank God for those who have come
43:17 Come on they still coming
43:30 I like this section over here
43:32 Stretch your right hand to faith. Let's try it again. Shut your right hand to faith if you gonna come come on in
43:47 You moving come on come on don't play hard to get come on we wait you holding up the whole service
43:57 Wherever it is that you are stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place
44:01 at the right time
44:04 showing in the right church
44:06 Serving only God and I know that's right if you're not right say show you're right
44:11 Come on, let's give God some praise for it right now
44:15 (applause)
44:17 Let me ask
44:20 You
44:22 You
44:24 You
44:26 You
44:28 You
44:30 You
44:32 You
44:34 You
44:36 You