• l’année dernière


00:00Would you join me in Matthew's Gospel, the 27th chapter? Matthew's Gospel, the 27th chapter.
00:18Verse 45. Matthew 27, verse 45. I ask that you'll stand for the reading of God's Word.
00:35From noon until three in the afternoon, darkness came over all the land. You may be seated. From
00:59noon until three o'clock, darkness covered the land. I want to teach tonight using as a subject
01:07the darkest season of my life. The darkest season of my life. I want you to think about what was
01:18for you your darkest season. I don't know if it was when your mother died. I don't know if it was
01:30when you realized the marriage was over. I don't know whether or not you found yourself behind the
01:37economic proverbial 8-ball. I don't know when you were at the lowest place of your depression or the
01:47furthest you had ever been from God. I don't know if it was when your body was racking with pain in
01:54hospital or on the side of your own bed. Whether or not it was a rejection. But your darkest moment
02:05is a moment that you don't have to search for. You know it right off the top of your head. Right off
02:14the tip of your tongue. And I can't help but to think how many of us have never taken a moment to
02:23think about Jesus's darkest hour. To be the son of God and have a dark season. He already turned
02:35himself to be vulnerable in the garden when he cried out to his father, let this cup pass from
02:43my mouth. Nevertheless not my will but your will be done. I want to say to you that we have the
02:54gift of forgiveness but the gift of forgiveness does not exonerate us from the consequence of
03:03sin. So you can smoke for years. God will forgive you but that doesn't mean you're gonna be cancer
03:17free. You can have a reckless sexual appetite and it doesn't mean that you'll be safeguarded against
03:28STD or unwanted pregnancy. You can gamble and then after it is that you've thrown the dice the last time and
03:38realize that was your whole check. Doesn't mean that the recoup will be in your account. We want
03:48forgiveness without consequence. So when we find Jesus hanging on the cross and he's crying out to
04:00his father who sent him there and then the one who sent him there has the nerve to be silent. He's
04:12silent. Hear this. When I wasn't even asking for me I said forgive them and he still ain't talking. What
04:23happens when I am the son of God and he has so anointed me to lay hands on the sick and with my
04:31anointed hands he allows a nail to go through it. What happens when I operate in the supernatural
04:40and he's given buoyancy to my feet to walk on water and still allows them to drive a stake through my ankles?
04:52I'm trying to figure out how God would put me in this precarious predicament
04:56or that there was a woman who had an issue of blood for years and she thought to herself if I
05:02can just touch the hem of his garment and yet he would allow some centurion soldier to poke
05:10a spear in my side when I had oil even in my robe. He said to those who had not yet been
05:21discipled you were transformed by the renewing of your mind and yet he watched and then put a crown
05:29of thorns on my head and then twisted. I'd already declared so said Jesus if I be lifted up
05:41I'll draw all men unto me and so it would have been enough for them to drive it through my
05:46hands and through my feet and leave the cross on the ground but for me to be lifted up I didn't mean
05:53in pain. I didn't mean to be elevated with agony. I didn't mean to be exalted with embarrassment
06:05and yet I'm lifted up and when my cross is lifted up nobody is worshiping.
06:12Nobody is shouting. Nobody is crying. Nobody is lifting up holy hands
06:17and then when the cross is hoisted what I would have never imagined takes place
06:26then the whole world goes dark. It was just not over Gelgafa. All of Israel went dark.
06:38God unplugged the sun and he unplugged the sun when it's supposed to be at its highest
06:47this is not a lunar eclipse because those can only last for up to 30 minutes
06:55but this is three hours. Three hours when God does not allow nature to live up to Genesis 1
07:06that everything in creation is supposed to be under my power and now sun refuses to
07:14function and when the sun refuses to function moon won't show up
07:22stars won't even sprinkle and so I need you to understand darkness has a walkout
07:33and silence has gone mute so the only thing I can hear is not birds chirping
07:40I can only hear my own fainting heartbeat I can only hear the gasp of my own breath
07:49I can only hear me talking to God and I can hear him not talking to me
07:56it's dark this is the darkest season of my life and I'm trying to figure out why I am going through
08:02it when the earth has not been this dark since exodus when God gave a plague of darkness to
08:10Pharaoh for not letting the people go here I am trying to free the people
08:17and I'm suffering the same way somebody who don't follow God does
08:24why turn the lights out on me when I work for you
08:29why shut me down when I'm trying to open heaven up
08:35why leave me in isolation when I'm supposed to be anointed
08:40he says I needed to make it dark Jesus because you went not far back enough
08:49you stopped as your only example to be exodus when I needed you to go to Genesis
08:56when the earth was dark when it was filled with void it is only when it's darkest that I start
09:05speaking the clearest God help me to preach it right there's somebody in this room that needs
09:11to know when life gets dark that's when God's voice gets clear if you ain't hearing nothing
09:19nothing your life ain't dark enough yet but when life gets real dark God begins to declare
09:27let there be and I don't know who you sitting beside tonight but brace yourself I am on assignment
09:34to announce to you sometime here it is in the next three hours God is getting ready to speak
09:42to your situation but he needed it so you could only see him
09:50says when situations get dark and you can't see anything go back to Genesis 1 and darkness
09:58covered the earth and when darkness covered the earth I hope y'all are ready for it is then that
10:04the Holy Spirit starts moving hallelujah I need you to know that God has now unleashed the Holy
10:12Spirit to move on the behalf of somebody in this room who was going through pain that ain't even
10:21called for you are going through an attack that is not worthy of who it is that you are
10:27you are dealing with opposition from folk who you tried to help he said now watch God move
10:34in the next three hours I gotta do something but I needed you in the dark space first
10:44you will see your miracle when you can't see yourself you'll see your miracle when you can't
10:53see around you you'll see your miracle it's gonna be strange and quirky but it'll make sense
11:00you will see your miracle in seasons where you can't even hear from God
11:08it gets dark and ladies and gentlemen this is uh where miracles start happening
11:16when things in your life go dark the first thing God does is turn lights out
11:21he turns lights out when things get dark oh but the second thing that God does is he tears things up
11:29everything is dark darkness has covered all of Israel and something is happening simultaneously
11:36I'm in Matthew 27 verse 51 simultaneously watch what happens here it says that the veil in the
11:44temple is torn now I need you to know that this is not sheer this is not cotton this is not linen
11:53but it's velvet and the velvet here this is four inches thick it's four inches thick and 60 feet
12:03high hallelujah nobody with natural hands could tear it hallelujah I'm telling you the scissors
12:12you got in your kitchen are not sharp enough and even if they are sharp enough you couldn't go all
12:19the way up to 60 feet without the knife becoming dull he says I'm tearing up stuff while you can't
12:27even see it because the veil in the temple here it is separated you and the glory only the high
12:36priest could get behind there but he said I'm tearing stuff up whatever was blocking you
12:43from getting into the manifestation of who I am I'm tearing it up in the dark I came to make
12:50an apostolic announcement whatever was in between you and his glory he just ripped it up whatever
13:00it is that got in the way of you worshiping him and hearing his voice he just ripped it up
13:09I better say it another way whoever thought they were big enough to block you from his will he just
13:19tore it up
13:23he says I
13:28I'm tearing up relationships
13:32I'm tearing up soul ties I'm tearing up generational curses I'm tearing up opposition
13:41and you will not be held accountable because it's so dark you didn't even see it happen
13:48you don't even know how they lost their way but they were so arrogant that they thought they were
13:55gonna mistreat you and not be held accountable God said I'm gonna do it in the dark even while
14:03you sleep I'll do it can you imagine can you imagine in the next three hours
14:13God is tearing you away from people you shouldn't be close to
14:20and the next three hours he's disconnecting you from cycles of behavior
14:27and the next three hours he's purging you of habits that are debilitating you from away
14:34of your call and your assignment whatever it is that the enemy thought he could use against you
14:42it just got destroyed in the dark I don't know where y'all are but I
14:48I declare over somebody who's in this room between now and 1103
14:55God I can't hear nobody if you are at home find something to tear up if you are in your car
15:03tear it up watch God divide it in a place that it cannot be repaired
15:12said I'm doing it I'm doing it in the dark you may be seated I'm I'm in Matthew 27 verse 51
15:22clause b he's in the dark and the veil is torn apart but I need you to look at clause b of verse
15:3151 it says and then there is an earthquake so Jesus is on the cross and the tectonic plates
15:42under the earth begin to shift and they begin to shift in such a degree here it is
15:48then I need you to know that Israel Palestine is not a place of volcanoes oh my God
15:56this is not where earthquakes happen my God made the earth operate in indigestion
16:05they couldn't even stomach what was taking place to somebody who wasn't on it
16:11now I'm in Matthew 27 the next time we find an earthquake it is Paul and Silas who are locked
16:17in jail and at midnight here it is they begin to worship God and the Bible records in the book of
16:24the acts of the apostles there's an earthquake and doors start opening up and shackles fall off
16:33here's what is amazing but there is nobody at the cross worshiping so what caused the earthquake
16:40hallelujah angelic beings said we we remember what it is that God said and nobody else paid
16:49attention to it God said here it is if you don't praise me
16:57God I got the wrong church I will make the rocks cry out so because nobody else would shout in the
17:06dark the rock said put me in watch me worship him even while I'm in a dark place
17:16I'm telling you something is getting ready to shift for those who are hardened for those who
17:25were dead set against you to those who were committed to your failure God says I'm getting
17:32ready to shift some things it cannot be natural it's got to be supernatural I'm getting ready
17:40to mess some stuff up just for you to be able to get into your rightful place I feel sorry for
17:49the folk in your room who don't know why you're screaming like this on a Tuesday night they don't
17:56know it ain't me it's a earthquake they don't understand this ain't me but it's the God that
18:04lives inside of me it's a dark season it's a dark season and I want to give you a contrast analysis
18:15on why it is a dark season because when in Paula and Silas at midnight praise God
18:22chains fall off of them doors open not just to their cell but for everybody who's on c-block
18:35what if this is pastor Chris a dark season hear this because this is nothing like acts
18:45say dark season is nothing like acts hear this because there is an earthquake and Christ is still
18:52on the cross it's not fair why when Paul and Silas praise them they get out of it
19:03oh my god the earthquake comes for Jesus and he's still nailed to the situation
19:10see some of you try to pimp praise you think when you praise God immediately you step out of a
19:17situation hallelujah but sometimes what you are in is not for you it is to teach what you are in
19:27a lesson God I can't hear nobody Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were not in the furnace for themselves
19:36they had to show fire you ain't in charge of me I got authority over the environment
19:46Daniel was not in the lion's den for himself he had to teach lions a lesson
19:53I don't know what you are in tonight but if you were in a dark season God help me to preach
20:00it ain't for you God says I'm getting ready to show what had you bound that you in it but you
20:07ain't gonna commit suicide you in it but you ain't gonna be depressed you in it and you ain't gonna
20:15have a nervous breakdown because it ain't for you you gotta teach the attack a lesson
20:25it's an earthquake
20:28it's an earthquake but Jesus is still on the cross
20:32how heavy is the earthquake here it is that the cross don't move
20:38how significant is the earthquake that none of the nails in his hand fall out of place
20:48I see a move of God but it's not impacting me and it ain't fair you ain't never been in church and
20:57you've seen folk get delivered seen folk get a breakthrough and you still in the same situation
21:06can you only praise God when it's your turn but can you praise God when somebody else is getting
21:13a door open even while the door is shut for you I better test my theory right here don't
21:21shout for yourself shout for whoever in your row is in a dark section
21:34I'm in a dark section
21:39you may be seated
21:42you may be seated
21:46he says what's this it's a dark season of my life and in this dark season the lights are out
21:53stuff is being torn up stuff is being shaken up and now watch this people are starting to pop out
22:04I'm in Matthew 27 I'm in verse 52 people are starting to pop up pop out what do you mean
22:10pastor is when the lights go dark when the veil in the temple is torn the earth begins to quake
22:18then the bible says then the righteous come out of the grave hallelujah this did not apply
22:27for the whole cemetery this was not for everybody in the graveyard but those who have been buried
22:36and they had an assignment God said watch me bring them up God I can't hear nobody some of you brace
22:44yourself because you're getting ready to pop out folk that thought that it was over for you
22:52folk that thought this was the end of the road this is your pop out season you're gonna pop
22:59out engaged you're gonna pop out as a graduate you're gonna pop out dead free don't you bury me
23:09ahead of my time I'm about to pop out
23:17what is unfair what is unfair
23:25God help me y'all already here I just need five of y'all to just pop out of your seat
23:32you popping out of this season you popping out of this circumstance you popping out of
23:39this depression you popping out of this dead-end job go ahead and pop out there
23:55only select people came out of the grave
24:01only select people came out of their casket would you be seated for one moment the problem that I have
24:19the problem that I have Ashton is between 12 and 3 people started to pop out
24:28and my problem my conflict with the text is they popped out popped up out of the grave
24:37and Jesus stayed screwed to the cross
24:44I'm in a dark season because he didn't even have to let me die
24:51God help me since resurrection was in the air
24:55why not save me from this death God I can't hear while on others thou art calling
25:05please don't pass me by I wish I had an old school church right here
25:12hallelujah I believe for somebody it's about to be your season you don't watch other folk get
25:18blessed other people get promoted other people get their bills paid other people children go to
25:25school when is it gonna be my turn God said I needed to see how you would respond
25:36in your dark season in the darkest season of your life God turns the light out
25:43he tears stuff up he tears stuff up he tears stuff up he shakes stuff up he lets people pop up
25:53and then uh ladies and gentlemen in that dark season he allows people to turn around
26:05it is in the dark it is in the dark that the centurion said I think we killed the wrong man
26:14oh my God did y'all hear what I just said
26:18it's between 12 and 3 that the soldier says I think we killed the wrong man
26:26but what you all have not paid attention to through the annals of time is how did he recognize Jesus
26:33in the dark in the dark how does he not know he is not standing at the foot of the robber
26:43how does he know he's not standing at the base of the thief he says I know who he is based off of
26:52how he acts in the dark oh God help me the real testament of your relationship to God
27:00is not how you act when the lights are on God help me but how do you trust him when you in a dark
27:08season if you ain't doing bad don't shout with us but if you in a dark night of the soul
27:17but I will bless the Lord at all time
27:25I'm in a dark season you may be seated
27:31your hands are lifted you may be seated your hands are lifted
27:39all summer I've been uh talking to you about miracles
27:46and uh the anchor of our faith the anchor of our faith is the resurrection power of Jesus
27:55who it is that we are swings on knowing that he got up from the grave
28:00and he got up from the grave but in case you missed it five miracles happen while he was on the cross
28:11five miracles happen in his dark season
28:17and I speak over those of you who have a dark season lift up that hand
28:23I speak five miracles over your life
28:26I pray watch this God will perform a miracle listen to me listen to me I pray that God
28:33will perform a miracle for you in the season when you can't hear him
28:42I pray that God performs a miracle for you in the era of your life where you can't see your future
28:49I pray that God will perform a miracle in your dark season while it is that uh folk are forced
28:58by the power of the Holy Spirit hear this to change their mind about you
29:09I don't know where my praises are for six of you I need you to hear this
29:13I don't know where my praises are for six of you I need you to hear this
29:16I pray in your dark season God will stop somebody in your family from dying
29:27I can't believe y'all ain't gonna shout right there
29:38that hand is lifted
29:43and after that third hour
29:47after that third hour that hand is lifted after that third hour the lights came back on
29:57and when the lights came back on it went from bad to worse
30:05at the end of the third hour he is no longer struggling he's no longer in pain
30:13he's dead can you imagine the lights don't come on until the enemy thinks he has the victory
30:28the lights don't come on until um virtue has been completely depleted from his system
30:37I wonder how many of us have the maturity to trust God hear this while we feel like we're dying
30:53that people hear this who don't have your level of assignment
30:58don't have your level of glory don't have your level of connectivity
31:02your level of connectivity may very well get out of it before you
31:09and it may end up being more damaging for you than it is for them
31:17but God said to show you my power I'll bless you in the dark
31:24my time is almost completed but um how cruel and heinous and unusual a punishment
31:32that after being in the dark for three hours they then seal me in a dark cave
31:40and my three hours becomes three days I thought it was over
31:49but it has not come to a conclusion until everything in me is resigned
31:57that I can't do it only God can do this for me
32:03it's not by might it's not by power it's only by your spirit
32:12the art of war written by Sun Tzu 2,000 years ago he said the only way to defeat the enemy
32:21because he is the author of confusion is to confuse the confuser
32:28hallelujah I better say it again the art of war is you have to confuse the confuser
32:37would you join me just for 30 seconds I want those of you who are in a dark season
32:43would you just worship God like you believe in the next three hours
32:49the lights are getting ready to come on for you
32:54come on confuse them
32:59come on I said confuse them
33:03y'all ain't saying nothing I said confuse them
33:13come on you only got 10 seconds left
33:22come on five you coming out of this you gonna survive this
33:29it won't always be like this sooner or later
33:35bless the Lord I want you standing I want you standing I want to open this altar very quickly
33:50listen to me softly musicians there are those of you who are in a dark season
33:58where life has become unbearable you're in a dark season you're second guessing
34:05the existence and the presence of God in your life you're in a dark season things are not making
34:13sense because it doesn't add up for you why the wicked are prospering in a dark season no matter
34:23what it is that you try to do what you attempt to do you always end up back in this slump
34:28you end up spiraling in this rabbit hole if you're in that dark season you're not here by accident
34:36tonight you're to date with destiny wherever it is that you are you in that dark season
34:45are you looking for a bright side somewhere
34:49would you come meet me at this altar very quickly please wherever it is that you are
