• l’année dernière


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - I would like you to go with me to Romans chapter one.
00:36 And we're gonna begin at verse 18,
00:39 but we're going to end up in St. John chapter three.
00:43 One of the problems that we're facing today
00:47 is that the presentation of the gospel has become
00:52 more humanistic than it is spiritual.
00:59 And when you talk about humanism,
01:01 you're talking about the ability of mankind
01:04 to operate within his space and correct his life
01:08 and correct who he is, humanism.
01:12 And much of the presentation then
01:16 is centered around Norman Vincent Peale.
01:20 It's centered around positive thinking.
01:23 And the dialogue in theological circles
01:29 is whether or not humanism
01:33 has taken the place of the gospel.
01:37 One of the questions that I have asked
01:41 in dealing with the evolution of Christianity
01:45 is, and I asked this question of Walter Malone yesterday,
01:51 of Maurice Watson, Kevin Adams.
01:55 I asked this question with the Bishop Jakes,
01:59 asked the question,
02:02 do you think that the Nicaean fathers,
02:07 do you think that the apostles,
02:09 do you think that the early church leaders
02:15 were more anointed than we are?
02:20 You know, I should take a chair.
02:23 We should have a dialogue this morning.
02:25 Dr. Oaks,
02:33 the question is upon us
02:40 because many people are arguing
02:45 that the presentation of the gospel
02:51 has become quite erroneous,
02:54 and maybe that's a little strong,
02:56 but has been watered down
02:58 because we failed to deal
03:04 with the doctrine of condemnation,
03:06 which says to all of us
03:08 that none of us in this room
03:11 should have any confidence in the flesh.
03:16 [audience applauding]
03:20 So when you look at Romans
03:23 and the presentation of Paul
03:26 and what is called his treatise of the gospel,
03:30 he begins with the doctrine of condemnation
03:36 before he deals with the doctrine of justification.
03:41 So the question now becomes,
03:48 how depraved are we?
03:50 And do we have any power in our natural birth
03:58 to become so wonderfully accepted by God
04:03 that we can make ourselves so wonderful
04:10 that he will accept us?
04:17 I suggest to you that God has already defined
04:20 how depraved we are in our natural birth,
04:26 that he says to us,
04:31 no matter how good you make yourself,
04:34 your righteousness is as filthy rags.
04:42 The great contention that I ran into was
04:47 when I declared that an individual can be born gay.
04:53 And the argument that I'm getting from around the world
05:03 is that gay is a choice.
05:07 [audience member speaking faintly]
05:11 Can I get that chair down there?
05:15 [audience laughing]
05:18 Okay.
05:21 The argument I'm getting is that gay is a choice,
05:28 and somehow,
05:29 somehow we have distinguished homosexuality
05:38 as being the meanest of sins.
05:43 And we have separated homosexuality
05:49 from the rest of sinfulness
05:51 as if it stands alone in its sinfulness.
05:58 And so those of us who have traditionally
06:07 operated within the space that homosexuality is a choice,
06:12 and I had the unmitigated call and audacity to say
06:17 that an individual can be born gay
06:20 as an individual can be born a liar,
06:25 as an individual can be born a thief,
06:29 as an individual can be born a fornicator,
06:32 as an individual can be born an adulterer.
06:35 So now I'm left with the instance of having to prove it.
06:40 All right?
06:46 Now,
06:47 I wish that I didn't have to preach all the time
06:53 and have discourse,
06:55 because discourse is one-sided.
06:58 But the new generation has brought us
07:02 into thinking about dialogue.
07:06 Which means everybody has something to say in the comment.
07:11 Right?
07:12 And what that does for us is it allows me
07:16 to understand where you are,
07:19 because you have always seen where I am.
07:22 But when you talk back to me, like my wife does,
07:28 (audience laughing)
07:31 then I get to understand where you are, where she is.
07:36 So let's take a journey, and if you have any problem,
07:40 raise your hand.
07:42 And we will bring you a mic so that you can speak.
07:48 Let's go to Romans chapter one.
07:50 Verse 18 says to us,
07:53 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
07:59 against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
08:04 who hold the truth in unrighteousness.
08:11 All right, I'm gonna read before I begin to espostulate.
08:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them,
08:27 for God hath showed it unto them.
08:30 For the invisible things of him
08:34 from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
08:39 being understood by the things that are made,
08:41 even his eternal power and Godhead,
08:45 so that they are without excuse.
08:49 Because that when they knew God,
08:54 they glorified him not as God,
08:57 neither were thankful.
09:02 That's a very critical piece, neither were thankful.
09:10 But became vain in their imaginations,
09:17 and their foolish heart was dark,
09:19 professing themselves to be wise,
09:25 they became fools,
09:26 and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God
09:32 into an image made light to corruptible man,
09:36 to birds, four-footed beasts, and creeping things.
09:40 Now here is the key.
09:43 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
09:48 through the lusts of their own hearts,
09:53 to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.
09:57 Why?
09:59 Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
10:03 and worshiped and served the creature
10:05 more than the creator, who is blessed forever, amen.
10:10 Now let's take 26, which emphasizes
10:17 and elaborates on 24.
10:23 God gave 24, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness.
10:28 Then he goes here and says,
10:31 for this cause God gave them up
10:36 unto vile affections.
10:42 For even their women did change the natural use
10:47 into that which is against nature.
10:51 Natural use, which is against nature.
10:56 Likewise, also the men leaving the natural use of the woman
11:03 burned in their lusts one towards another.
11:10 Men with men working that which is unseemly,
11:13 and received in themselves that recompense
11:17 of their error which was meek,
11:19 and even as they did not like to retain God
11:23 in their knowledge, God gave them over
11:25 to a reprobate mind to do those things
11:28 which are not convenient,
11:30 being filled with all unrighteousness.
11:34 Now notice what he does.
11:36 He moves us from dealing with the issue of homosexuality,
11:46 and he equates homosexuality with unrighteousness,
11:51 fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness,
11:59 and here is one that we all have to watch for,
12:05 full of envy.
12:09 I'm looking at the situation in churches today,
12:13 and I have to do a piece on leadership this weekend,
12:17 and I'm caught between whether or not
12:19 I'm going to do a sophisticated presentation
12:22 of all of the wonderful animals,
12:24 because God said, "Look to the ant, thou sluggard."
12:28 So I've discovered now that being a leader
12:32 and having the power of leadership
12:34 is not something you're born with,
12:37 it's something that you can acquire.
12:40 [audience chattering]
12:44 Dr. Lee, you agree?
12:45 >> I agree.
12:46 >> From the point of, Dr. Oaks?
12:49 Doc?
12:51 What is your last name?
12:54 Dr. Griffin.
12:57 I should ask your first name.
12:59 The creator says, "Look to the ant, thou sluggard."
13:07 Ant, thou sluggard.
13:10 And you know that all animals are instinctive.
13:17 I have some dogs, I have a little one called Bella now
13:21 that took the place of the other Bella,
13:23 but this is a little Bella.
13:25 The other Bella was a bigger Bella.
13:27 So I'm gonna get one that's the size of the other Bella,
13:31 and I'm gonna call her Alpha,
13:36 but then I might call her, "What's it all about, Alpha?"
13:39 Is it just for the moment we move?
13:43 So my point is,
13:45 instinctively, that little dog protects.
13:51 She's not taught to protect.
13:54 So here is God saying to you and I
13:56 who are intellectual creatures,
13:59 "Look to the ant."
14:02 So what he's saying is, if you make the right observation,
14:07 you can take on a quality that is instinctive
14:13 even though that you're intellectually genius.
14:17 Can you understand what I'm saying?
14:20 When my team studied the hyena and presented it to me,
14:26 hyenas are led by the female.
14:31 - Amen. - Wow.
14:32 - I wish you'd understand.
14:35 So when God says, "Look to the animal,"
14:37 he is not negating the power of the female,
14:40 and yet I hear so many of these preachers
14:46 denouncing the fact that women can be pastors
14:50 or preachers or teachers,
14:53 and I suggest that they take a look
14:55 at two of the scriptures in Corinthians
14:59 where one says, "We admonish your women
15:03 "not to speak in the church,"
15:08 but then there's another one that says,
15:10 "If she's going to prophesy and pray,
15:14 "let her prophesy with her head covered."
15:17 Now which one did he mean?
15:21 Because if she's gonna pray and prophesy,
15:24 it has to be in the church,
15:27 but she must do it with her head covered
15:29 to indicate that the man is her head,
15:32 but head covered is not having on a hat
15:36 because they used to wear veils.
15:40 I wish you all would understand.
15:42 So I would say to the fellows who would preach against wigs
15:46 that a wig,
15:55 a wig is as good as a hat.
15:57 Anyway, I don't wanna digress and get crazy.
16:04 Now, it's incumbent upon us to understand
16:11 then that homosexuality is no more sin than fornication,
16:16 is no more sin,
16:24 and one of the problems with the church
16:26 is the church only deals with what is visible.
16:30 So the individual who gets beat up by church folk
16:37 are female impersonators,
16:41 but do you know how many women go for the man's man?
16:51 It's quiet now you can hear rat licking eyes.
16:56 There is a man who has no semblance of homosexuality.
17:10 There is a man's man.
17:18 There's a man that the man would want.
17:21 Who every woman would want
17:24 because he's not a female impersonator
17:29 and the church only deals with what's visible,
17:34 but God deals with what's in the heart.
17:38 So when I said that an individual can be born gay,
17:44 let's go here and let's prove it.
17:48 He says very emphatically in two places,
17:53 we go to 24 and verse 24 says,
17:59 wherefore God gave them up to one cleanness
18:07 through the lusts or the desires of their own heart,
18:17 which means that because they decided
18:22 and when talking mankind in general,
18:26 because in chapter number one,
18:27 he's going to hit the Gentiles, the human race in general.
18:32 In chapter number two,
18:35 he's going to hit the Jews specifically
18:39 and by chapter number three,
18:42 he's going to conclude that all have sin.
18:46 [audience murmurs]
18:48 You follow?
18:49 And come short of the glory of God.
18:51 He's going to say that mankind in general in his attitude,
18:56 this is Adam,
18:58 when he decided that he's going to put God on trial
19:04 to see whether or not he's going to worship the creator,
19:10 God said, you're going to put me on trial?
19:13 I tell you what I'm going to do.
19:14 I'm going to give you a mind that cannot try anything.
19:18 I wish you'd understand the intensity of our depravity
19:26 in our natural birth
19:29 and people are trying to say you choose or you don't choose.
19:34 If God gives you over to one cleanness,
19:39 can I take it further?
19:44 And for those of you online,
19:46 hit me as hard as you can because I don't mind.
19:48 Everybody runs around and talking about the curse
19:56 that witches and the devil can put on you.
19:59 We're going to go for a ride today
20:05 and I want you to go with me.
20:11 You know, I take this medicine,
20:16 I get all kinds of brain fog.
20:18 I'm really very smart until I take medicine.
20:21 I want you to go with me.
20:26 Let's go to Romans chapter eight.
20:29 I'm going to be about verse 22.
20:35 This is the Holy Spirit that works with me,
20:37 helps me all the time.
20:39 All right?
20:40 And let's go to,
20:47 let's go a little earlier than that.
20:50 Let's go to 18.
20:51 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time
20:56 are not worthy to compare it with the glory
21:00 which shall be revealed in us.
21:05 For the earnest expectation of the creature
21:10 waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
21:14 So everything around us in this world
21:19 is waiting for you and I to manifest the God that's in us.
21:26 All right?
21:30 Notice now, earnest expectation of the creature
21:35 waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
21:38 For the creature was made subject to vanity,
21:43 not willingly, but by reason of him
21:51 who had subjected the same in hope.
21:57 Now, who is the him in this text?
22:02 It is God who put the curse on the earth
22:09 because Adam would not listen.
22:14 In the day thou eateth thou shall surely die.
22:20 And what death brought was every negative thing.
22:25 (audience exclaiming)
22:28 That man has to endure.
22:31 Because when you deal with life,
22:36 you deal with every, listen, Steve Jobs said this.
22:43 Here's what Steve Jobs said before he died.
22:47 Steve Jobs said, "If I eat my food like medicine,
22:53 "I will never have to eat medicine like food."
22:57 My wife's book is number five on the charts
23:09 for those who operate in cancer.
23:13 So the book is number five on Amazon
23:19 because of its health presentation.
23:22 He said, "If I eat my food like medicine,
23:27 "I will never have to eat medicine like food."
23:31 The curse, you all think that the problem of the world
23:37 is the devil cursing the witches and the wizards?
23:43 When God told Adam in the day thou eateth
23:48 thou shall surely die, the whole world was cursed.
23:53 (audience exclaiming)
23:55 But he subjected, the creature was subjected
24:00 to vanity, not willingly, oh my God,
24:07 but by reason of him who subjected the same in hope.
24:19 You have to understand then that Jesus was a lamb
24:24 slain before the foundation of the world,
24:29 which means that God anticipates every one of your trials
24:34 and he has an answer to every trial
24:39 before you get to the trial.
24:46 So even though mankind was subjected to vanity,
24:51 it was subjected by him with hope
24:58 because before he made the curse,
25:03 he had the answer to the curse.
25:06 (audience applauding)
25:09 I wanna go deeper and I'm gonna hold this to the very end,
25:14 the solution I'm gonna hold to the end
25:16 because the creature, read 21,
25:19 the creature itself also shall be delivered
25:25 from the bondage of corruption
25:27 into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
25:31 For we know that the whole creation grown in,
25:36 you ain't gonna have heaven on earth,
25:38 and trevailous and pain together until now.
25:42 And not only they, but ourselves also,
25:44 which have the first fruits of the spirit,
25:46 even we ourselves grown within ourselves,
25:48 waiting for adoption to wit, the redemption of our body.
25:53 For we are saved by hope,
25:55 but hope that is seen is not hope.
25:57 Now, what he's saying essentially is,
25:59 the problem why you can be born anything,
26:06 and please don't tell me,
26:10 that people's behavior with a depraved nature is a choice.
26:15 You are going to be whatever your DNA is.
26:28 You can't make yourself good enough to please God.
26:39 (audience laughing)
26:42 And so with all of this teaching,
26:46 and one of the prophetic moves of the writer,
26:51 when he said, they would heap to themselves
26:53 teachers having itching ears.
26:56 Whose ears are itching?
26:57 Not the teachers.
27:00 The people.
27:03 So when I hear leaders beating leaders
27:09 and killing leaders on health, wealth, and prosperity,
27:13 say, oh yeah, they tricking the people.
27:15 No, they ain't tricking nobody.
27:16 The people chose them.
27:19 Yeah, let me put another way.
27:27 I talked to my Baptist boys,
27:32 and I talked to my Methodist boys,
27:34 because this is something I had to reach for everybody.
27:37 I talked to my Apostolic boys.
27:39 When I was growing up,
27:40 I heard nobody but an Apostolic preacher.
27:46 They wouldn't let me listen to the Baptist, the Methodist.
27:50 I couldn't listen to anybody.
27:52 Can you imagine how intellectually astute I would be
27:58 if I could have heard everybody?
28:04 Because everybody had a conceptualization of God
28:07 that could not be duplicated or imitated.
28:09 I would be so brilliant.
28:11 If I could have heard Marshall Fields,
28:14 if I could have heard Walter Malone,
28:19 Maurice Watson, if I could have heard
28:22 some of the greatest preachers of our time,
28:26 I was left out because they were not Apostolic.
28:30 [audience laughing]
28:34 So the Apostolic preacher, the Baptist preacher,
28:37 they controlled the atmosphere within the church.
28:42 Let me ask you this question.
28:46 How many preachers have you surfaced this week?
28:51 What they call that thing, surfing?
28:56 Now, surfing.
28:59 [audience laughing]
29:02 Maybe I'm dyslexic.
29:04 But when you're surfing,
29:08 anybody know anything about surfing?
29:10 When you're surfing,
29:14 you're always, the surfer is always looking
29:20 for the next wave.
29:22 Somebody got it.
29:27 [audience cheering]
29:30 The next wave that comes online
29:35 doesn't have to be from somebody that's intellectual.
29:41 Doesn't have to be somebody who knows the truth.
29:46 Because you're looking for the next wave.
29:50 The next wave may come from,
29:52 I ain't gonna call no names.
29:56 [audience laughing]
29:58 But the next thing that catches your attention,
30:01 so when the prophetic, the prophetic is this.
30:05 When he said they would heap to themselves
30:08 teachers having itching ears,
30:11 it's because they have a chance to choose
30:13 who they will listen to.
30:17 So many times when you're accusing the preacher,
30:21 you ought to be accusing the audience.
30:24 [audience cheering]
30:27 I wonder do you understand where we are?
30:32 Where we are.
30:34 If I preach this message that I'm presenting today
30:39 that's gonna end up being a gospel message,
30:42 I will get 15,000 followers.
30:49 If I get up today and begin to talk about
30:53 how easily you're going to be rewarded with wealth,
30:56 I will get 15 million followers.
31:00 And God said I'm going to send a strong delusion
31:10 because they have no love for the truth.
31:17 [audience laughing]
31:22 I can get you on your feet shouting in no time
31:25 depending on what I present.
31:29 But I say to all of the fellows who follow me
31:34 that your intent determines your content.
31:38 If you intend to bring people to another level of truth,
31:45 then that's what your content will be.
31:49 If you want to manipulate folks
31:52 and bring them to a place where,
31:54 I give you an example.
31:57 My time is almost up.
31:58 I'm gonna give you an example and I'm going back here.
32:01 I was invited to dinner years ago
32:05 by one of our illustrious bishops
32:08 and I was invited with two, three other bishops.
32:15 And that day I drove my 550 Marinella to the dinner.
32:20 And of course they looked out at the 550 Marinella
32:27 and they said, "Do you ever drive this car to church?"
32:30 One of the bishops said, "Do you drive to church?"
32:33 I said, "No, I don't drive to church.
32:34 "A car's not saved."
32:36 [audience laughing]
32:42 I didn't know that the bishop's wife
32:46 had followed all of my messages.
32:49 And so she said, "Well, aren't you living
32:52 "beneath your privilege if you don't drive it to church?"
32:57 I said, "Well," I said, "No."
33:01 I said, "I can afford to, I can afford not to."
33:04 There's a lot of people who have these cars
33:09 that come to church.
33:11 So I don't have to prove.
33:13 So the other bishop, the same bishop digged it.
33:16 He said, "Well, maybe you should drive it
33:20 "to show young people that they can get it legitimately
33:23 "if you got it legitimately."
33:25 So that was a dig.
33:27 That was a dig.
33:31 And so I said, "Remember the commercial
33:34 "where the man bought a VW
33:39 "and the other man said to him,
33:40 "He said, 'Well, you're rich, you can buy whatever you want.'"
33:42 And he said, "I can afford to, I can afford not to."
33:45 I said, "I don't have to drive it to church
33:48 "to prove that you can get it legitimately
33:53 "because when I look at my parking lot,
33:55 "I see Rolls Royces, I see Lamborghinis,
33:59 "I see everything you can think of.
34:01 "So I don't have to prove it."
34:02 So my other bishop now was enjoying
34:09 the discussion and he says,
34:13 "Maybe you have to drive your Rolls Royce to church
34:18 "because what you're preaching
34:22 "is health, wealth, and prosperity.
34:27 "So you have to show what you're preaching."
34:32 Noel is preaching the gospel.
34:37 So he don't have to show anything.
34:40 (audience applauding)
34:43 What I'm saying to you is this,
34:47 intent determines content.
34:50 If you're preaching to make yourself rich,
34:57 then you have to have a content.
35:00 And you have to go to the Bible and say to people,
35:05 "Delight yourself in the Lord
35:10 "and he will give you the desires of your heart."
35:16 But what you just did with the content
35:21 was take it out of context.
35:23 Because what he's saying is,
35:28 if you delight yourself in the Lord,
35:32 he will give you what you delight in.
35:36 And that is the Lord.
35:40 (audience applauding)
35:43 Any one of us and every one of us,
35:54 we were born in sin.
35:56 And when God turned us over
36:02 to a reprobate mind,
36:05 that mind cannot choose righteousness.
36:09 (audience applauding)
36:12 I wish you'd understand that.
36:15 Let me just, let's go back to Romans one before I quit.
36:21 And then I'm gonna go to St. John.
36:24 And if I see you leaving,
36:26 then I know it's time for me to leave too.
36:29 (audience laughing)
36:32 I wanna go back to Romans one.
36:34 Because I have to make this point.
36:37 This point is essential for where we're going.
36:40 They changed the glory,
36:45 wherefore God gave them also up to one cleanness
36:49 through the lust of their heart.
36:50 That's 24.
36:52 26, he gave them up unto vile affections.
36:59 And people burn for the wrong people.
37:02 Gave them over in, now we're slipping down to 27, 28.
37:07 And even as they did not like to retain God
37:12 in their knowledge,
37:13 God gave them over to a reprobate mind
37:19 to do things which are not convenient.
37:27 Full of unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
37:30 covetousness, maliciousness, envy, murder,
37:34 debate, deceit, malignancy, whisperers,
37:38 backbiters, haters of God,
37:41 despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things.
37:45 Now here is one.
37:47 Disobedient to parents.
37:52 Now we ain't talking about after you're grown.
37:56 'Cause when you're grown, I don't run my kid's house.
37:59 I don't run none of their houses.
38:01 I don't bother with none of them.
38:03 Don't come to my house on Thanksgiving,
38:06 I'll meet you pre-Thanksgiving.
38:08 Go deal with your family.
38:09 Don't come to my house on Christmas.
38:12 I'll take you to dinner pre-Christmas.
38:15 Pre-everything.
38:16 But then you have a family,
38:20 so you deal with your family on those days.
38:24 I don't bother them.
38:25 But if you in my house,
38:27 amen.
38:31 I don't care if you 40 years old,
38:33 you better get your 40 year old self out of my house.
38:36 Because at 40 years old,
38:40 you still gonna have to obey what I do.
38:45 And I would tell you this,
38:47 and I make folk mad all over the world.
38:50 If they 40 years old and still in your house,
38:53 you did something wrong.
38:55 (audience applauding)
38:59 Amen.
39:01 And I'm telling all these saints in here,
39:04 get out of other people's houses.
39:06 Stop.
39:07 All you missionaries and all you saved folk,
39:12 the Lord speaks to you.
39:14 The Lord ain't spoke to you to get in anybody's house
39:17 and take it over.
39:18 Amen.
39:24 God blessed you that well,
39:26 you ought to have your own house.
39:27 Don't go to these mothers
39:30 and try to get in a mother's house.
39:32 Who here is living in somebody's house?
39:35 Talk about the Lord told you.
39:36 Mothers, put them out your house.
39:41 Since they got so much God in them,
39:45 the Lord takes care of his people.
39:49 Amen.
39:52 (audience applauding)
39:56 Oh, it's quiet now.
39:57 Who knowing the judgment of God,
40:03 they which commit such things are worthy of death,
40:06 not only do the same,
40:08 but have pleasure in them that do them.
40:13 Notice how complete that is,
40:15 because once you were born
40:19 into this world
40:20 that has been cursed
40:23 because you've been left with a reprobate mind,
40:26 and with a reprobate mind,
40:31 you can't choose what's right.
40:34 I don't wanna overspend my time here.
40:48 He tells us that no man seeketh after God.
40:52 He says no man
40:55 obeys or follows God,
41:00 because as individuals we are depraved.
41:04 I want you to go with me now very quickly as I close
41:09 to St. John's Gospel.
41:12 And I wanna go to chapter
41:18 three.
41:18 All right.
41:24 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus,
41:29 a ruler of the Jews.
41:30 The same came to Jesus by night,
41:32 said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher
41:35 come from God, for no man can do these miracles
41:38 that thou doest, except God be with him.
41:40 Of course, he's flattering Jesus.
41:42 Jesus turns around and said,
41:44 "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be."
41:49 - Born again.
41:50 - I know I'm talking to a sanctified church.
41:54 Except a man be born again,
42:03 he cannot see.
42:09 Later he's gonna talk about entering.
42:14 - Yes.
42:14 - But initially he says, you cannot even see.
42:20 I have no problem with the liar saying I was born a liar.
42:36 I ain't got no problem with the thief,
42:42 the kleptomaniac saying I was born a thief.
42:47 I ain't got no problem with that.
42:51 I have no problem with the hermaphrodite
42:54 saying I'm born with two sex organs.
42:57 And I don't know which one I wanna be.
43:01 I ain't got no problem with that.
43:05 Because when the curse was in the day thou eateth,
43:10 thou shalt surely die, I realized that everybody born
43:15 is born with a proclivity for something.
43:19 So when the man says to me, and the woman says,
43:25 I'm born lesbian, I'm born homosexual,
43:29 I ain't got no problem with that.
43:31 Because according to being left with a reprobate mind,
43:39 you can't choose God.
43:41 You can't choose righteousness.
43:46 And as good as you can get, it's filthy red.
43:50 I ain't got no problem with how you're born.
43:53 Because I got a solution to how you're born.
44:08 Give somebody a high five and say,
44:10 God's got a solution to however you're born.
44:13 And that is, you've got to be born again.
44:18 That's why we have church.
44:27 And I'm getting ready to close.
44:34 But I feel the power of the Holy Ghost.
44:39 And I heard Him when He said,
44:42 you must be born again.
44:48 Born of the water, born of the Spirit,
44:52 so that the power of God will move in your life.
44:58 And when God comes in your life,
45:02 He moves against every demonic power,
45:07 every spiritual negative,
45:11 everything that has caused you to be the way you are.
45:15 And He pulls you out and says,
45:18 I'm going to take you to another level.
45:22 Born again.
45:24 Give somebody a high five and say,
45:27 neighbor, I have been born again.
45:33 The reason I walk right, I've been born again.
45:38 The reason I talk right, I've been born again.
45:42 The reason I love right, I've been born again.
45:46 The reason I act right, I've been born again.
45:50 The reason I live right.
45:52 I feel like shouting in here.
46:01 Liar, you gotta be born again.
46:05 Fornicator, you gotta be born again.
46:09 Homosexual, you gotta be born again.
46:12 Cheat thief, you gotta be born.
46:31 When I preach like I feel it,
46:33 everything in my past has been washed away
46:38 by the blood of Jesus.
46:42 There is power, power.
46:44 That's the gospel.
46:56 That's the gospel.
46:59 I don't care how you came in here.
47:02 You ain't going to hell because of how you were born.
47:06 You going to hell because you ain't born again.
47:10 Come on, Griffin.
47:22 Make the altar call before I fall down.
47:27 Nicodemus said, "You must be born again."
47:32 And when we begin to look at being born again,
47:36 there's an immersion that takes place.
47:39 What can make me hold?
47:41 Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
47:45 This Sanhedrin Pharisee came upon us and he said,
47:48 "Jesus, how can a man be born again
47:52 "except for a man born of the water and of the spirit?"
47:57 He cannot receive the kingdom of heaven.
48:00 The doors of the church is open right now.
48:03 Somebody today must be born again.
48:06 You've been out there, you've been in tents with contents.
48:09 There's a depravity that's going to turn it around.
48:12 God is here.
48:13 There's an anointing.
48:15 Is there a man?
48:16 Is there a woman?
48:17 Is there a boy or girl today who wants to come and be saved?
48:22 God is here.
48:24 He wants to save you.
48:26 There is a redemption.
48:28 There is a power.
48:30 There is a power that will cause you to turn around.
48:34 If any man be in Christ, he becomes a new creature.
48:38 All things pass away and behold, all things become new.
48:43 There's a newness in his power.
48:46 We know that they must be.
48:48 Nicodemus knew it.
48:49 He looked at it.
48:50 He seen the power of God, the duty, this power,
48:55 the wonder working power, the Kratos power,
48:59 the authoritative power.
49:01 When you begin to trust God,
49:03 there's a power that will turn your life around.
49:07 There is a change.
49:08 Who is here today?
49:10 Realize I've gone through some troubles.
49:13 I've had some trials.
49:15 Folks counted me out, but I'm still here.
49:19 And there is a power that God,
49:22 he has an anointing for you that you can be born again.
49:26 This is your moment.
49:28 This is your hour.
49:29 You must be born again,
49:34 baptized in the name of Jesus
49:37 for the remission of your sin.
49:40 Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus.
49:44 Amen.
49:45 (upbeat music)
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