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00:00Good evening, UNLV Covenant Church, all our viewers in Harare and around the world.
00:21Thank you for joining me for our Middle East Bible study, Bible teaching.
00:27I've really been enjoying bringing these to you.
00:29I'm starting a series here on the blood of Jesus.
00:33And the first lesson today is going to be the subject is the journey of the blood, which
00:41will try to explain why the blood.
00:47And so our scripture for this lesson is taken from the book of Leviticus, chapter number
00:5417 and verse 11.
00:56This will be an anchor scripture throughout the teaching.
01:00Life is in the blood.
01:04Life is in the blood.
01:08Given to you for atonement.
01:12Life is in the blood given to you for atonement.
01:17And then Hebrews chapter number nine and verse 21, moreover, he sprinkled with blood both
01:25the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry.
01:32Verse 22, and almost all things are by the law purged with blood.
01:42This is so important now.
01:44And without shedding of blood is no remission, no remission.
01:53And then Hebrews chapter number 10, verse 18.
01:56Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
02:05Having therefore, verse 19, brethren boldness to enter in to the holiest of holies by the
02:11blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he had consecrated for us through the veil.
02:23That is to say his flesh father, thank you for adding a blessing to this word.
02:29I pray that everyone would be edified and blessed by the teaching of this word.
02:35So we're going to deal with the blood and the journey of the blood.
02:41So when God made living creatures, he made living creatures in Genesis chapter number
02:49He fills the ocean with fish and all kinds of living creatures.
02:55If you'll cut a fish, it's got blood in it.
02:58The blood of a fish is not the same blood of an animal because in Genesis chapter number
03:04one, verse 26, the first part of the day, he created all living animals, four footed
03:11beasts and so on through the veins of all those animals was blood flowing.
03:17That blood is different to the blood of fish, different to the blood of the fowls of the
03:23air birds.
03:25And then in the second part of Genesis one, verse 26, in the evening time, God made man.
03:32Let us make man in our image and after our likeness, Adam was made a spirit being.
03:41Adam was a spirit being.
03:43So man is a spirit in Genesis chapter number two and verse eight.
03:50God made man a body out of the dirt of the ground.
03:55So man is a spirit lives in a body and then God breathed into man's body, the breath of
04:02life and man became a living soul.
04:05So we know that because we've taught that before.
04:08So the breath of life, the breath of life is what activated the veins of Adam.
04:18So Adam's veins, Adam's veins had the breath of life.
04:24The veins were filled with God's glory.
04:29The Bible says that the whole earth is full of his glory.
04:33So the earth as a planet that God made, the Bible says in chapter number 24 and verse
04:39one of Psalms, the earth is the Lord's and all of its fullness, the people and everything
04:46that dwells in it.
04:48So God blew his glory into the earth.
04:53The same word breath that he blew into the earth to fill it with his glory is the same
04:59word breath, Zoe, that he breathed into Adam to make him a living soul.
05:06When God breathed into the nostrils of Adam to become a living soul, that life of God,
05:13the word is Zoe activated Adam's veins.
05:18It started Adam's heart to pump and when his heart began to beat, it began to then send
05:27blood throughout his body.
05:29He began to breathe and all the sensitive organs within Adam's body began to work from
05:37his head, which I had shipped gifts.
05:40All of those began to work.
05:41His eyes began to see, ears began to hear, nose began to smell and discern, mouth began
05:47to speak, teeth able to break down chunks of fruit and veg so that he could work through
05:56his being.
05:58But in Adam's veins, there was God's glory.
06:04His veins were filled with God's glory.
06:06So when Jesus died and rose from the dead, when he died, he shed all his blood and we
06:15get to that in a different lesson.
06:17There were seven places in which blood was shed from his body at seven different locations
06:24and seven different times in his passion.
06:28And so the last drop of blood was shed on the cross when he said it is finished.
06:34Not only the task, but the last drop of blood came out.
06:38He was then wrapped up temporarily because the Sabbath was coming.
06:43They put a reasonable amount of burial spices on his body.
06:48He was put into a virgin tomb, which Joseph of Arimathea had made.
06:54It had never been used.
06:56He was born of a virgin.
06:58He could not be buried outside of a virgin, so he was buried in a virgin tomb.
07:05He descended into hell, defeated Satan, set all the captives free.
07:09And then he appeared to Mary first and then to the other disciples and Thomas doubted.
07:17And so eight days after Thomas doubted, Jesus said, handle me.
07:21And he says these words, a spirit hath not flesh and bone the way you see me have.
07:28He did not say flesh and blood.
07:31He said flesh and bone.
07:33So he was a normal body.
07:36The brothers on the road to Emmaus saw him.
07:40He talked to them, talked about himself, starting from Moses, explaining his crucifixion
07:49because he asked them, why are you so sad?
07:52They said, haven't you heard?
07:53Are you a stranger in the city?
07:56And he called them fools.
07:58And he began to teach himself beginning at Moses up until the crucifixion.
08:03And then when they got into the inn at Emmaus and he broke the bread, their eyes were opened.
08:10They ran and said, we have seen the Lord.
08:12They said he's just appeared here too.
08:14When they told Thomas, he said, unless I handle him, I won't believe.
08:19And when Thomas did that, Jesus was a full body.
08:24But what was missing from his body was blood.
08:29His veins were there.
08:30So what was in his veins?
08:33The same thing that was in Adam's veins, glory.
08:37Glory was in Adam's veins.
08:40Glory was flowing through Jesus' veins.
08:43So when the apostle Paul writes in the book of Romans, he says, for all have sinned and
08:49have fallen short of the glory of God.
08:53So this is what happened when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good
08:59and evil.
09:01They chose the physical world above the spiritual world.
09:08And in so doing, when they ate that, the seed of sin penetrated the glory realm.
09:19And when glory was contaminated, their glory in their veins congealed and became blood.
09:29So blood is a luminous agent.
09:32And you've heard me say this many times, a forensic expert, even at a crime scene that
09:39a criminal may have cleaned up and so on, they can take certain light and it will show
09:48that blood has been here because blood is luminous, it'll shine up.
09:53And so when Adam and Eve sinned, their veins then carried blood, luminous, glowing blood.
10:03And so at the court hearing in Genesis chapter number three, there is a promise in verse
10:0813 that yes, Adam's lost his crown and yes, Satan, you are now ruler of the world.
10:18But the seed of the woman in the future, you'll bruise his heel, but he will crush
10:25your head talking about a Messiah that would come.
10:30And so what was expected of Adam and Eve now was to make an atonement.
10:37They were to bring a sacrifice before the Lord.
10:41And so in Genesis chapter number four, we find Cain the oldest and Abel the second oldest.
10:52Both boys went to church in my own words and they brought their sacrifice.
10:58The Bible says that God rejected Cain's sacrifice and God accepted Abel's sacrifice.
11:08And there's various ways in which that could have happened.
11:10We won't deal with that now.
11:13And so Abel's sacrifice was a sacrifice from his flock.
11:19It was a blood sacrifice.
11:23Abel brought a blood sacrifice, which was an excellent sacrifice.
11:29Cain's sacrifice was not a sacrifice for atonement.
11:35Cain's sacrifice was a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
11:40He was giving thanks for the fruit of the grounds.
11:44You cannot approach God in a sinful manner.
11:48I will only pass over you when I see the blood.
11:53And so instead of Cain taking the blood of an animal from his brother's flock and trading
12:00it for vegetables, he took the blood of his brother, which was the wrong thing to do.
12:09It was not time for the blood of a mortal being to be shed for the atonement of sin.
12:17And it became sin to Cain.
12:20The one that was going to come was appointed by God, who was going to be the son of God
12:26and not the son of Adam.
12:28The son of Adam could not be an atonement for human sin.
12:33He'd only be the son of God.
12:36So when Cain killed Abel, the blood of Abel went to the ground and the ground could not
12:43accept it as an atoning agent.
12:47It was rejected as an atoning agent.
12:50But his sacrifice, his blood sacrifice, speaks great things and better things.
12:58And so now God was requiring for every generation to bring a blood sacrifice for the atonement
13:07of their sins.
13:10So in chapter number six of the book of Genesis, God was so ticked off with the world because
13:16of their sin.
13:18But Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord.
13:21And God then took Noah, gave him a message, Noah built an ark, which is a type of Christ.
13:29The three levels of the ark, body, soul, and spirit, father, son, and Holy Ghost.
13:35Those three levels of the ark represent the Christ and he's the same yesterday, today,
13:44and forever.
13:46And then the animals came in.
13:47Firstly, the wild animals, which is a type of fallen world.
13:53And after the wild animals came the clean animals.
13:57The wild animals came in two by two, the clean animals came in seven by seven.
14:04The reason the clean animals came in, he was told for sacrifice.
14:10So he was being told, yes, you're going into an ark.
14:13The rain has never come.
14:14You've never seen rain.
14:16You've never seen a flood.
14:19You are in a huge conglomerate, massive ark that people have been mocking you about.
14:27And so by your obedience, when the last animals are in, you get in the ark.
14:35And the Bible says that God shut the door.
14:38The door was shut so that nothing and no one could get in, more so that Noah couldn't get
14:45There were eight in the ark, which is the number of new beginnings.
14:49And so the rain waited for seven days.
14:55There were seven days waiting so that the sin of the world could be gathered in one
15:02As it was gathered, suddenly the rain comes, the fountains of the deep, the waters from
15:08above burst and the ark floated for a whole, almost a year, landed on Mount Ararat.
15:15The first thing that Noah did of the clean animals, he offered a sacrifice, an atonement
15:24for their sin.
15:26And the Bible says it was a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord.
15:30And from that time, men were required to offer a sacrifice unto the Lord.
15:38And so many times men would go to a high place and offer a sacrifice to the Lord for their
15:45sin and for their family.
15:47We fast forward now to Abraham who made, offered seven sacrifices at five different altars.
15:57So did Isaac, so did Jacob and the rest of the children of Israel.
16:04But in terms of Abraham offering up Isaac on Mount Moriah, he put Isaac on the altar
16:12and he said, I want you to take your son's life to see if you are obedient to me.
16:19And as he was about to kill his son, which was a type of father taking his son's life,
16:25a heavenly father taking his son Jesus' life, an angel stopped him and said, there's a ram
16:30in the thicket.
16:31He got the ram, shed the blood of that ram, and that ram became an atonement, a replacement
16:39for the life of Isaac.
16:42And so basically the principle of the blood being shed is to become an atonement or a
16:47replacement, a life for a life.
16:52The children of Israel go to Egypt.
16:55They are there for 430 years.
16:58Moses is raised now as their champion.
17:01In the 10th plague that came, to save the firstborn, they were required as the people
17:09of God, all the fathers in the house.
17:14That's why a father is important in a household.
17:17The fathers in the house were required to select a lamb from their flock, a lamb without
17:23blemish separated for 14 days.
17:26It had to be a pure lamb, separated, examined because they had to give God their best.
17:35And then on the Passover night, which was a Friday night, that Passover night they were
17:44to slay the lamb at three o'clock in the afternoon.
17:48They were to cut its head from ear to ear, drain the blood into a basin, take that blood
17:57and apply it on the doorposts.
18:00And then they were to roast that lamb and eat it fully clothed, fully dressed with their
18:06staffs in their hand, ready for their journey.
18:11And so the shedding of that blood was going to be an atonement.
18:15When the angel of the Lord passed over, when the Lord saw the blood, he would pass over
18:20the house and spare the firstborn.
18:25If there was no blood, the firstborn would be taken.
18:30The second thing about that is it was also a covenant, which means that in every covenant
18:38there is the blood of the covenant.
18:41There is also the sign of the covenant.
18:45And then there's the benefit of the covenant.
18:49The blood of the covenant was the lamb.
18:52The sign of the covenant was the posting of the blood on the doorpost.
18:57And then the benefit of the covenant was all of the wealth of Egypt, which was God's wealth
19:06to Egypt through the work of the Jews was given to them, 430 years of labor.
19:14And so that covenant was put in as an eternal covenant forever.
19:20And it was to be celebrated year after year after year.
19:24When the children of Israel get into the wilderness and God begins to organize them into a people,
19:31one of the things that God organized them into was the way they celebrate the feasts.
19:40There was the Passover, there was the feast of Pentecost, and then there was the feast
19:47of tabernacles.
19:49The Passover was a feast to celebrate the passing over and the saving the lives of the
19:57It was not a celebration for sins forgiven and remitted.
20:03The feast of atonement was the shedding of the blood of an animal for the removal and
20:10the forgiveness of sins.
20:12That feast was called in the Hebrew tongue, the feast of Yom Kippur.
20:21It was the 10th day of the seventh month when the priest, which was Aaron, would have
20:28separated two lambs for 14 days, examined them.
20:34He would then cast lots on those lambs, one to be slain, one to remain alive.
20:43He would then slay that lamb at three o'clock, put the blood in two basins, walk into the
20:51tabernacle, anoint the doorpost seven times with his index finger, which is the finger
20:57of the prophetic, anoint the altar seven times, the altar that was for burnt offerings.
21:06He would then anoint the lava where he'd wash his hands seven times, anoint the candlesticks
21:13seven times, the table of showbread seven times, the altar of incense seven times, and
21:20then he'd go past the veil and anoint the mercy seat and apply the blood there for himself
21:27and for the sins of the people.
21:29At that moment, the anger and the wrath of God would come down to destroy the people
21:34because of their sins, as he did in the days of Noah, as he did in the days of Abraham
21:41with Sodom and Gomorrah.
21:43But when God's wrath would hit the blood of an innocent lamb that had not, could not,
21:50not even ever make or commit a sin, God would then have judged an innocent life unfairly.
21:59And to reverse injustice, God would then benefit someone or something to make it right.
22:09And so that injustice was converted into justice for the children of Israel.
22:15And what God would then do, he would forgive them of their sin.
22:20And as he forgave them of their sin, it would be rolled back to for one year.
22:26And then when Aaron would come out of the holiest of holies, he would then come to the
22:32remaining lamb, he would lay his hands on that lamb and pronounce all the sins of Israel
22:40for that year, every sin, whatever it was, from a lie to an adultery, a fornication,
22:48whatever sin, a murder, he would lay his hands there and pronounce all the sins of Israel
22:54on that remaining lamb.
22:57Take that lamb, a priest would lead that lamb outside of the camp, far out into the desert
23:03where no one could trace it and leave it there.
23:07And that lamb, the priest would watch that lamb, that lamb would then die.
23:12And as that lamb died there, so did the sons of the children of Israel die outside the camp.
23:21And so the blood then was extremely important.
23:25There was remission of sins by the shedding of blood.
23:30That lamb, as the lamb of the day of atonement proceeded all the way to the book, to the
23:38New Testament, to John chapter number one and verse 29, John said, behold the lamb of
23:44God who takes away the sin of the world.
23:47And so when Jesus came, he came to lay down his life.
23:52What was his life?
23:53His blood.
23:55He had to shed his life, which was his blood and to give his body, his life and his body.
24:03So what did Jesus do?
24:04He gave his life.
24:07As the lamb gave its body, he gave his body.
24:11He gave his blood.
24:12The lamb gave its blood.
24:15Atonement means to make holy.
24:18And so that atonement was to make the people holy in Moses day.
24:23Moses atonement was to make the people holy coming in the future.
24:28That atonement is to be made one with God, at one with God.
24:34The Old Testament, we're looking at laws that were behind.
24:39The New Testament is looking at works that are ahead.
24:44The third thing the blood did was forgiveness, forgiveness of sin.
24:50We all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
24:53We are all sinners.
24:55Let every man be a liar and God be true.
24:58And so we have forgiveness of sins.
25:01Our sins are forgiven.
25:04Then number four, our sins are remitted.
25:10They are remitted for the remission of sins.
25:13Not only are they forgiven, but they are wiped away.
25:17They are put into the sea of forgetfulness like that lamb that's left in the desert.
25:22God does not remember your sin once you are forgiven and you pray for forgiveness.
25:30Number five, there is reconciliation where there was a breach between a human and God.
25:37The blood then reconciles the human to its God and become one.
25:43You can't tell the difference between the man and God because we have become one Christ
25:49in us and we in Christ.
25:52Number six, the word redeemed.
25:55We are now redeemed.
25:56The word redeemed means to purchase.
26:00Acts chapter 20 and verse 28 says, we have been purchased with the precious blood of
26:06So does the book of Peter say that we have been purchased not with corruptible things
26:10as silver and gold, but by the precious blood of Jesus.
26:14So we have been bought with a price.
26:17So Satan owned the human franchise to get the franchise back.
26:24The price was blood.
26:27When Jesus gave his blood, he put it on, not on the altar in the temple in Jerusalem as
26:35the priest did the day Jesus died.
26:38The priest put the blood on that altar.
26:41Jesus put his blood on the altar in the holiest of holies, which speaks better things than
26:46the blood of Abel.
26:48That blood is speaking even now.
26:50That blood, when you apply it over your life, it over your doorpost, which is from your
26:56brain all the way down.
26:58So we are bought back with a price.
27:01Number seven, the blood is sanctified, sanctified us.
27:07Sanctification means to make holy Hebrews 13 verse 12, first Corinthians six verse 19.
27:14We are sanctified by the precious blood of Jesus.
27:18The word sanctification means it burns out sin.
27:23The blood of Jesus burns out sin.
27:26And so the human body is at a human temperature of about 36.4 37 degrees.
27:32It has a temperature, but the blood of Jesus comes.
27:36It's like a fire.
27:37It burns out the stain of sin.
27:42Number eight, justification, Romans five and verse nine.
27:47The word justification is just as if I'd never sinned.
27:51He gave me his righteousness.
27:55I gave him my unrighteousness.
27:58So we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
28:01And when God looks at us, when the blood is applied, he's actually looking at us through
28:06the lens of seeing Jesus.
28:08He doesn't see you as Tudor or you as James or you as Lorraine.
28:13He sees you as Jesus because the blood has made atonement for you.
28:19You were justified as though you had never sinned.
28:23And then number nine, the shedding of blood is an object of faith.
28:31Romans chapter number three and verse 25, the glory of God comes into our lives for
28:38purposes of purification, for purposes of faith.
28:42We receive salvation by faith for by faith are you saved through grace.
28:49It is the gift of God.
28:51So it is a work of faith.
28:54The blood comes by faith.
28:56And lastly, number 10, the blood gives us access to the throne of grace.
29:02Ephesians two and verse 13, Hebrews 10 verse 10, Hebrews 10 verse 19.
29:08The Bible also says in Hebrews chapter number two and verse 14, we can therefore come to
29:15the throne of grace boldly because of the blood of Christ.
29:19Before the blood is applied, you don't have access.
29:22Now that the blood is applied, you have access.
29:25The doors are opened.
29:26You have full access to the Lord Jesus Christ.
29:29He's at the throne of God making intercession for you.
29:33The journey of the blood now comes when you apply it.
29:37How do you apply the blood you applied as the Hebrews did with hyssop?
29:43Hyssop is a simple branch.
29:45Your hyssop is your tongue.
29:48You apply the blood by your tongue by saying, I apply the blood of Jesus on my life.
29:53I plead the blood of Jesus on my life.
29:56So when you stand in court and the judge asks you, how do you plead?
30:00We plead not guilty.
30:02Our tongue says not guilty, but you sin not guilty because the blood is a standard.
30:08The blood has given its life for my life.
30:12And so even though I sinned, I'm not guilty because I plead the blood.
30:17It speaks better things for us and it gives us access.
30:21The blood lastly gives us victory because of the finished work of Christ.
30:26The scripture says in chapter number 12 in verse 11 of the book of Revelation, we overcome
30:32the devil by the blood of the lamb, and here it is by the word of our testimony.
30:38And so we overcome the devil by speaking using hyssop and applying it.
30:46So you must apply the blood.
30:47Apply the blood when you pray for your children.
30:50Apply the blood on your property and your house.
30:53Apply the blood on everything that you do because there's power in the blood.
30:57Once the blood is there, God will pass over you.
31:01And in the next lesson, you'll see once the blood is applied, Satan cannot touch you.
31:06Father, we thank you for this teaching.
31:08We thank you that there's life in the blood.
31:11The blood of Jesus now is flowing through my life and in my veins.
31:16I am sanctified.
31:17I'm justified.
31:18I am redeemed.
31:20I am reconciled to God.
31:21I'm bought with the price.
31:23Thank you for the blood.
31:25I thank you, Lord, for saving me through your blood.
31:27In Jesus name, amen.
