• l’année dernière


00:00Good evening, Ulife Covenant Church and our faithful viewers watching online in Nairari,
00:21Zimbabwe and around the world.
00:23Thank you for being with us for our Middleweight Bible Study.
00:26It's been a real joy presenting to you on the subject, The Precious Blood of Jesus.
00:33And so this session is going to be entitled, The Blood is Precious or Precious Blood.
00:41And so our scripture reading is 1 Peter 1, verse 18, and while you're thumbing through
00:47to find that on your phone or your physical Bible, just a reminder that the last couple
00:52of weeks we taught 20 different things that the blood does and the way the blood can apply
00:58is not just a lesson, but what it is, it's principles that you can pray and confess on
01:04a daily basis.
01:05Our early morning prayers, I'm definitely going to be using some of these or most of
01:10these or all of them, time permitting.
01:14So 1 Peter 1, verse 18, for as much as you know, you were not redeemed with corruptible
01:20things such as silver and gold from your vain compensation received by the traditions
01:27of your fathers, but you were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ as a lamb without
01:34blemish and without spot, who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was
01:41manifest in these last times for you.
01:46And Hebrews chapter 10, verse 1, for the law, having a shadow of good things to come
01:54and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifice which they offered year
02:00by year continually to make the commerce there unto perfect, for then would they have not
02:06ceased to be offered because the worshipers once purged should have had to come no more
02:14because of their conscience, but would need to continually come.
02:18But those sacrifices, they were a remembrance again and again for sins every year.
02:25Verse 4, for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
02:35Wherefore, when he comes into the world, he says, sacrifice and offerings you would not,
02:43but a body has been prepared for me.
02:46Hebrews 10, verse 10, by which, which is the sacrifice of Jesus, we were sanctified through
02:54the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.
02:59And as a priest, this offering was made to take away sins in the Old Testament, but this
03:06man one time was sacrificed for the sins of man forever and then sat down at the right
03:14hand of God.
03:15I'm going to go back to 1 Peter chapter number 1 and I want to pull out a couple of things
03:23from that conversation.
03:24Verse 20, 1 Peter chapter number 1, verse 20, talking about Jesus' precious blood as
03:31a lamb who shed his blood, a lamb without blemish and without spot, who was foreordained
03:41before the foundation of the world.
03:46So go with me to Genesis chapter number 1, verse 1.
03:51Genesis 1, verse 1, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
03:58So the blood of Jesus was shed before Genesis 1, verse 1, because his blood was foreordained
04:08before the foundation of the world.
04:11So before anything, both heaven and in earth, visible and invisible, was actually made,
04:18the blood of Jesus was already shed.
04:22And if that blood was shed and was powerful back then, before there was anything spoken,
04:27let there be light, the blood was shed.
04:30Let the waters be separated, the blood was shed.
04:33If all those things were so dynamic, so powerful, so cataclysmic, think about the blood of Jesus,
04:40what that blood will do for you.
04:43It's not just powerful, it is precious.
04:47And you are a beneficiary of that blood.
04:50And so the precious blood of Jesus was number 1, shed for our sins.
04:56Number 2, the blood of Jesus was shed for our transgressions.
05:03And number 3, the blood of Jesus was shed for our iniquities.
05:08Isaiah chapter number 53, verse 5.
05:12He was wounded for our transgressions.
05:16He was bruised for our iniquities.
05:19The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with these stripes we are healed.
05:25And so, when Jesus shed his blood, the blood that he shed was number 1 for sins.
05:35Sins are sins of the flesh, flesh.
05:40Galatians chapter 5, verse 19.
05:44The works of the flesh are manifest which are these.
05:48He talks about fornication, adultery, the serviousness, uncleanness, idolatry, emulations.
05:57He lists all the works of the flesh.
06:00The blood that was shed physically was to remove the sins of the flesh.
06:07And so the blood then washes away our sin.
06:11That blood, when it is applied in repentance, when it is applied in baptism, when that blood
06:17is applied, our sins are washed away.
06:22So people say, when is the blood applied?
06:25Well, the fact that the terminology used is washed away, the blood then is applied in
06:33So we go to the tabernacle, all right?
06:36In the tabernacle, when the priest shed the blood of an animal in repentance, the blood
06:42was made available.
06:45When the priest then washed at the lever, that blood was then washing away the things
06:54that had transpired.
06:56But the blood was actually for atonement in the holiest of holies applied, where it was
07:02acknowledged that the blood was shed and acknowledged that the blood had removed sins.
07:11Let me put it to you this way.
07:13You've committed a crime.
07:16You then get a lawyer.
07:18The lawyer then reviews your case.
07:22The lawyer then books an appointment with the clerk of the court.
07:28And the judge or the court then gives you a date, the 1st of February, you will come
07:33before the judge.
07:35The fact that you have a lawyer doesn't mean that your crime has been done away with.
07:41The fact that your lawyer has a date with the court doesn't mean that your crime has
07:47been taken away.
07:49The fact that you enter the court doesn't mean that that crime has been lifted and you've
07:53been exonerated.
07:54The fact that the judge is sitting in the seat and hasn't listened to your lawyer present
08:00doesn't mean that you are set free.
08:03When the judge hears the case and the judge passes their sentence and says, this person
08:08is not guilty, that's the only time you're free.
08:11So the blood then is applied in the holiest of holies, all the way you are carrying the
08:17blood, but the blood has not yet been applied.
08:21And so for you, as you're carrying the blood, number one, the blood must be shed and applied
08:28to take away your sins.
08:30Say my sins are forgiven.
08:32Say my sins are remitted.
08:34Say my sins are removed.
08:36So forgiven and remitted and removed are separate things.
08:40The fact that your sins are forgiven doesn't mean they've been remitted.
08:45So you must be baptized in the name of the Lord for the remission of your sins.
08:51Acts 2 verse 38.
08:53And then transgression.
08:56The transgression is a wound.
08:59He was bruised for transgression.
09:01So a bruise is basically blood that doesn't break the skin.
09:08So I fell the other day jogging and I bruised my entire area of my knee.
09:13And so it's just now after four weeks coming to total healing.
09:19It would have been better if it was cut and the blood poured out as opposed to a bruising.
09:24So what Jesus did was he shed his blood for sins.
09:29Those are outward sins.
09:31He was bruised for our transgression.
09:34These are inward sins.
09:36A transgression, the word trans means to travel.
09:42Gression is a deed.
09:45Traveling deeds.
09:48Traveling deeds.
09:49So his wounding was to deal with traveling deeds.
09:53A lot of times your sins will wait for you in front.
09:57Yes, you have been forgiven and yes, you've been baptized.
10:03But that deed like prophecy is traveling and waiting for you in a moment of temptation.
10:10And it's coming to every person.
10:12And so you have to be aware that the blood of Jesus does separate things for separate
10:21crimes and violations.
10:23He was wounded for transgressions.
10:26Transgressions are sins of the soul, not sins of the flesh.
10:31Transgressions are sins of the soul.
10:34These are in your mind, having thoughts cast down, imaginations removed, imagining and
10:43creating evil.
10:45Those transgressions, traveling sins, sins of the soulish realms.
10:52You know, sometimes people are in acts and they have a soul tie with someone.
10:58You need the blood of transgressions to be applied.
11:04I met a lady that, in fact, a man was very close to us, married seven different times.
11:15He was a pastor.
11:16Divorced, married, divorced, married, divorced, married, divorced, married.
11:20And so last year we learned that he was now on his ninth woman.
11:27After he failed on the seventh, got an eighth, refused to get married, that fell apart, went
11:32to a ninth.
11:33The problem is there are sins of the soul.
11:38And they go back a few generations, which I'll deal with iniquities in a minute.
11:43And so Jesus was wounded.
11:46Because when a person is wounded in your emotions, in your mind, you don't need a rag to wash.
11:52You need something that goes inside, enthysio, inside, to heal inside.
11:59They are people worshiping on a Sunday.
12:01They are sick inside.
12:03I did a series on the soul of a man.
12:06A sick soul is a sick person.
12:12And so if your soul is sick, if your mind is unstable, don't need medication.
12:21Medication could be applied.
12:22What you need is the blood of Jesus to heal that broken soul.
12:27Say after me in the name of Jesus.
12:31He was wounded for my soul's sins.
12:36The third thing the precious blood of Jesus does, he was bruised for iniquities.
12:44So there's wounded for transgressions, bruised for iniquity.
12:49Iniquity is a generational spirit.
12:54And iniquity is a pattern of family traits.
13:00It's a trait within a family.
13:04And so there are certain families.
13:07In their family group, there is a trait, a behavioral pattern of alcoholism or drug addiction
13:17or whoredom of sexual sins.
13:21It passes on.
13:23And sometimes even if a person is not exposed directly to the family deed, at a certain
13:32age, that spirit comes and claim the family tradition.
13:40And so when a person then is brought to repentance and they give their heart to the Lord, these
13:47things have to be dealt with.
13:49We have to go deep because it is here in deliverance where people just should not just acknowledge
13:57their sins and people shouldn't just cry because they are wounded in their soul.
14:03We have to deal with the iniquitous patterns and have to go deep into deliverance.
14:11Deep into deliverance.
14:13And so when you're dealing with family traits, years and years ago, a young lady in our family
14:20group was basically dumped and landed up with my grandmother.
14:32And I can tell the story because this young lady has passed away since then.
14:36And from when she was a little girl, from about four or five, my grandmother was looking
14:41after a child who already, my grandmother had raised 13 children.
14:47She had 13 children.
14:48And I was looking after her grandchild.
14:51And so as my grandmother got older, she finally, she passed away.
14:56Before she passed away, she asked my mother to take care of this young lady.
15:01And she came to us.
15:02There were already so many in the family.
15:04She came to us and shared a room with my five other sisters.
15:12And was attending church, was a good young lady.
15:15And on her 16th birthday, something came on this girl.
15:25She ran from a good, loving, honest, beautiful, Christian young lady where she went totally
15:35Lifted her dress here, went to school.
15:38I was like, what's wrong with her?
15:40Went to school.
15:41Her dress was here.
15:42Started showing boys in school her underwear, started going and flashing, and started sleeping
15:49with men.
15:50My mother, what is this?
15:52What had happened was an iniquitous pattern manifest when she was 16.
15:59And then the story came out that her mother had had her with others.
16:06All her brothers and sisters were from different men.
16:11The crazy thing, and when my parents began to research our church, which had no name,
16:18we were at a place in Blyer called City Tutorial College.
16:23All of the families, besides our family when we joined, all of the families there, the
16:28women that were in that church, there were no men, only women.
16:33All of those women had four, five, six children.
16:37Each of the children were from different men.
16:42So when our family joined the church, my dad wasn't yet saved.
16:48I was just about 16.
16:51I was basically the only man at 16.
16:56And so the church was led by, of course, women.
17:00My mother was a very strong person, became the natural leader of that church.
17:05And when my dad got saved, when he was delivered miraculously from all kinds of evil sins
17:11and behavior and stuff like that, and my dad became the leader, suddenly those behaviors
17:18in those...
17:19I can think about eight different women right now who had children, six, seven, eight children
17:25from different men.
17:26It was iniquitous patterns.
17:29And so my dad had to deal with all of these iniquitous patterns, not knowing what they
17:34were, going through each one of them.
17:37But the crazy thing is that those women that had children from different men, their children,
17:46the girls, all had children from different men.
17:51And the men had women and had children from different women.
17:57And some of them are still in Harare.
17:59Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still doing the same thing.
18:04I met one the other day trying to invite them to church.
18:08She had three kids, all of them different.
18:11One looked like a white kid.
18:13The other one looked like he came from a swing with a big head.
18:17Another one you could see was like a Portuguese.
18:18I'm like, what happened?
18:22She's like the woman in chapter number four of the book of John.
18:26The man that I'm with is not even my husband.
18:28I said, but when are you going to change this?
18:31She said, I'm trying.
18:32She said, I come to church, but there's something pulling me back.
18:35It is an iniquitous pattern.
18:37What is needed here is the blood of Jesus to deal with the iniquity.
18:42They are things that some people are fighting here.
18:46It's not you.
18:48It's something from the past that's claiming a hold of you.
18:53At this point, I want you to say in the name of Jesus.
18:56I apply the precious blood of Jesus.
19:00The blood of an iniquity is inferior to the precious blood of Jesus.
19:09I am redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus in Jesus' name.
19:16So let's talk about things of value.
19:19So something of value, it can be a ring, a simple ring.
19:25I bought Chi-Chi an engagement and wedding ring in 1981 in Durban, South Africa.
19:32Cost me 110 rand.
19:34It's just about all I had, and it was precious.
19:39She still has it somewhere.
19:41When we got married, my cousin saw the ring.
19:43He said, let me do something for you as a jeweler, and he added some gold around that
19:48from a nine carat, he put 14 carat gold around that.
19:52That ring is precious.
19:54I have notebooks in my drawer of my first messages from 1974.
19:59If you look at that notebook, it's not notes like this, but those are more precious than
20:05I have my tie that I wore when Chi-Chi and I got engaged.
20:09I saw somebody working for us took that tie and was going to throw it away.
20:13I said, Shamari, this tie, it may not mean much to you, but this is a precious tie.
20:19It reminds me of when I asked Chi-Chi to marry me at the Jameson Hotel, at Tiffany's restaurant.
20:28I said I asked her to marry me, I was wearing this tie.
20:30It's a precious tie to me.
20:32It may not seem like anything to you.
20:34I have a shirt there that my dad bought for me when he went to America for the first time
20:39in 1981.
20:42When my sister Marion died, burnt with fire, my dad made a sacrifice.
20:48Part of the reminder is the church that my brother's pastoring, but he bought me a shirt.
20:53The shirt is lacerated, it's worn out, it's kind of like tawdry, but that shirt is the
20:59most precious shirt I have in all my collection because it's precious.
21:05I have a pair of cowboy boots that I received in 1988.
21:11I was in Longview, Texas.
21:13My sister was arrested by some policemen who were driving down the road coming from church.
21:20They pulled her over, said she was going over the speed limit.
21:26In the middle of the night, these Caucasian policemen arrested her.
21:29I was getting out of the car.
21:31They put a gun on me and said, get back in the car and use the word.
21:37There was a young white guy that was in the service that night who received the Holy Spirit
21:41and got deliverance.
21:43His first name is Donnie.
21:44He witnessed some of that, called the pastor.
21:47They got the sheriff to come out and found out that it was a wrongful arrest.
21:52They wrote my sister and the church a letter of apology, but Donnie felt so bad being a
21:58white young man, and here black people are being arrested for no cause at all.
22:04To thank me, he gave me a pair of cowboy boots.
22:07I was looking at them this morning.
22:09I've worn them maybe twice from 1988.
22:13Those boots are precious because of the event.
22:17They are things in your life.
22:18I still have my tie from when I was in Form 6 in Founder's Eye.
22:25It's precious.
22:26I have two ties of my first trip to Israel.
22:30Those things are precious.
22:31The list goes on and on and on and on and on of different things that are given.
22:38I was given in Honduras from a little girl.
22:43The power of God fell in the service.
22:45There were 25,000 plus people there.
22:49People started throwing money.
22:50This little girl came and the armor bearers tried to push her back, Brian.
22:54I said, let her through.
22:57She took out two little grass earrings.
22:59Her ears were just pierced by her grandmother.
23:03They put grass.
23:04Through the interpreter, she said, all I have is this.
23:07I don't have any money.
23:10I received maybe 150 watches in that offering, cell phones.
23:16Somebody gave a computer, clothes, shoes, but none of those things were as precious
23:22as two pieces of grass.
23:25Stanislaus Jones, the late Stanislaus Jones who's been to our conference, sacrificed her
23:32life to look after her mother.
23:34Her mother was very sick.
23:38Stanislaus said to her fiance, I need to look after my mother because her mother was going
23:42to die.
23:44She said, let's get married and we look after my mom.
23:47He said, no, I didn't sign up for that.
23:51She let her fiance go.
23:53He married somebody else.
23:55Her mom lived another 35 years.
23:58Her mom lived to almost 100.
24:01A day before her 100th birthday, she passed away.
24:07She was strong.
24:08She was fine.
24:10She gave Stanislaus, this old girl really loved me.
24:15When she turned 99, she said, Stanislaus, this is my last year.
24:19She said, I want you, when I die, to take my purse and give it to Bishop Bismarck.
24:25It's a pink purse that she bought in 1948.
24:31It's like crocodile skin.
24:35There's money in that purse.
24:36I have that purse.
24:39It's in a safekeeping.
24:41I have that purse.
24:43I just peeped in the other day, that money there can never be used.
24:47It's precious.
24:49I was leaving India just after my 60th birthday.
24:54I'd always wanted to go to India.
24:56My armor bearer that looked after me, my security guy, as I boarded Emirates flight, came to
25:02my seat to make sure I was secure.
25:05He took out an envelope and said, I've been listening to you for seven years preaching
25:10at Bill Winston.
25:11I've even come to Bill Winston's conference.
25:14He said, when I heard you were coming to be with our pastor, Dr. Steve Patter, he said,
25:18I saved my salary for one year and I want to give it to you.
25:23I cried like a baby.
25:25He said, please buy something.
25:26How can I buy something with somebody that gave something so precious?
25:32Sisters and brothers, that offering is still in an envelope in rupees because it's precious.
25:38And there are many things, a moment, a moment with your mom, a moment with a sister, a moment
25:45of something that happens.
25:46Those are precious.
25:47But none of those are as precious as the blood of Jesus.
25:52That found you when you were nobody, had nothing, lifted you from sinking sand, washed you whiter
25:59than sin.
26:00You had no name, that blood cleans you up.
26:03Thank God for his precious blood.
26:06That precious blood has given you eternal life.
26:10That precious blood has given you a new body.
26:13That precious blood has given you a new name.
26:16That blood covers Adam and his sin and Eve from the original sin to the last human being,
26:22the last baby that will ever be born, to babies that are being aborted at full term.
26:29Even now there's a law that was passed that authorizes if a baby's been born and a mother
26:35says she doesn't want that baby, that a doctor has authority to take the life of that baby.
26:41Even those kids who haven't even had an hour to live in this corrupt and wicked world,
26:47that precious blood covers that baby.
26:50To every person the blood covers.
26:53There's nothing too bad you've done that the blood can't cover.
26:56There's nothing so heinous that you may have committed that the blood can't cover.
27:01That blood is available for you and God makes it available through confession of your words.
27:08He makes that precious blood available through an embassy such as a church where the word
27:13of God is dispensed.
27:15That blood is made available through reading the precious word of God.
27:19When you read it and that word is applied, it cleanses you.
27:22That precious blood is applied when you pray prayers of sincerity, asking God to let the
27:28advocate touch you.
27:30That blood is more precious than the blood of rams, of goats, of bulls, of pigeons.
27:36That blood is more precious than the life of men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph,
27:41Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.
27:46You name all the kings, all of those men who had royal blood flowing through their veins,
27:52King David, King Solomon, Rehoboam, Josaphat, Hezekiah, all that royal blood, all of it
27:59doesn't amount to a microscopic drop of the blood of Jesus.
28:04It takes a microscopic drop of the blood of Jesus to bring you into eternal deliverance,
28:10eternal blessing, eternal benefit.
28:12We command that blood on your life.
28:15So sin brothers, at Solomon's sacrifice for the temple, there were over 600,000 liters
28:32of blood that was shed.
28:35At the shedding of blood for Solomon, it was 800, 300 liters of lamb's blood, 87 gallons
28:44of ox blood.
28:46All of that blood doesn't even come close to what the blood of Jesus does.
28:51It's so precious.
28:53It's the blood of gladness.
28:54It's the blood of rejoicing.
28:56It's the blood, sisters and brothers, of jubilee.
28:59It's the blood that uplifts.
29:01It's the blood that once you apply it in your life, the Father receives you and blesses
29:08We thank God for the blood.
29:09Guys, thank you for watching.
29:11Thank you for being with us.
29:12There's power in the blood of Jesus.
29:14The blood is precious.
29:16Apply it.
29:17Use it.
29:18If you are a pastor, if you are leading a group in New Life Covenant Church, if you
29:23are praying for people to be delivered, always use the blood of Jesus.
29:28It will never lose its power.
29:31The blood of Jesus will never lose its power.
29:34In the name of Jesus, thank God for the blood.
29:37We love you, guys.
29:39God bless you.
29:40We'll see you next time in our one-week Bible study.
29:43In Jesus' name, amen.
