• l’année dernière


00:00Good evening, New Life Covenant Church, all our viewers around the world.
00:19Thank you for being with us for our midweek Bible study.
00:24Last week we introduced the subject, the fruit of the Spirit, and in that lesson we
00:30kind of like tracked the whole deal with mankind producing fruit and what fruit we freely eat
00:37from and we concluded that the fruit of the Spirit is a benefit of Jesus' death on the
00:46So we go to our anchor scripture, which is Galatians chapter number 5 and verse 22.
00:52This lesson is entitled, There is no law.
00:57So 522 of Galatians, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering,
01:08which is patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, colon, against such.
01:19So he's not confining the fruit of the Spirit to nine.
01:25These are the anchor, these are the anchor fruit, against such, when he says, he doesn't
01:32say against these, against such, which means there are many more.
01:38So you can take these nine, joy or love, which we'll prove later on, and you can break love
01:47into seven categories or the 12 Grecian categories of love.
01:53The same with joy, the same with peace.
01:57A person can have peace in the Spirit, but not peace in their home, not peace in their
02:07And so there are different categories of peace and the same is true with everything else.
02:13I don't want to get off the point.
02:15But again, such, such, and we'll talk about in another lesson and include what such could
02:25And so when we're dealing with the fruit of the Spirit, in this lesson, it is important
02:30to know that as a spirit being, having a human experience, God wants us to worship him in
02:38spirit and in truth, which is John chapter number four, verse 24.
02:45God is a spirit and they that worship him doesn't say should, says must worship him
02:55in spirit and in truth.
02:57Now, if you look at that scripture again, God is a spirit, capital S. They that worship
03:04him must worship him in spirit, small s.
03:08Not with their spirit, but in spirit.
03:12In spirit is the spirit of worship, not the spirit of a man.
03:17You have to worship God in the spirit of worship and in truth.
03:24Truth is multilayered.
03:29There are so many layers of truth.
03:32They are truths that in a hundred lifetimes we will never discover.
03:37When Pilate asked Jesus what is truth, he was looking at truth, the many levels of truth.
03:44You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.
03:48But it's not the truth knowing it, it's the application of what you know.
03:54And so then when you worship God in spirit and in truth, you must worship him in the
04:00spirit of worship and in the spirit of truth.
04:03In other words, as deep as you want me to go in worship, I'm going to worship you in
04:08that as far as you want me to go in spirit, I'm willing to do that.
04:14And so that's why God loved David because David was experimental in worship.
04:20He worshipped God in so many expressions and wrote hundreds of verses and Psalms in
04:30He was a very deep man and God loved him for that.
04:33And also in his worship, he did it in truth.
04:37Some of the greatest writings ever are found in David's writings in Psalms.
04:43Here's a boy that didn't go to school.
04:45Here's a boy that wasn't given access to the higher schools of learning of various
04:51prophets and so on.
04:53But he flowed in spirit and in truth.
04:58And so when Jesus now is going to guide us on how this happens, he gets a visit one night
05:07from a Pharisee who is very high up.
05:10His name is Nicodemus.
05:12And he says, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God for no man can do
05:16these miracles except God be with him.
05:19So Jesus bounces off the praise and says to him, Nick, you have to be born again, except
05:26a man be born again, cannot see, cannot see the kingdom of God.
05:31So the kingdom of God is around us.
05:34The kingdom is in us.
05:36It's within us.
05:37The kingdom of God is above us.
05:40The kingdom of God is functioning without our permission.
05:45And you can function with permission and without permission.
05:50So when you get access to see certain things in the kingdom, you have to respond to that.
05:57Now so many times God doesn't allow you to see things in the kingdom because you don't
06:03have the capacity, you don't have the tools, you don't have the power to respond to what
06:10you are seeing.
06:12And so he says, except to be born again, you cannot see, you cannot have revelation of,
06:18you cannot have a visual picture of the magnitude of what you are seeing.
06:25So Nick says to him, well, how does that happen?
06:28I'm an old man now.
06:31How am I going to enter a second time into my mother's womb?
06:36So his reference is a fleshly reference, which is eating from the tree of knowledge
06:44of the earth.
06:46But Jesus is about to give him knowledge of the tree of the spirit.
06:53Jesus said, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter, he cannot
06:59enter, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
07:03So there is seeing, once you see, then you have to enter.
07:09And so people want to enter and then see, it doesn't work that way.
07:12You see, and then what you see, you enter.
07:15It's not like you enter and then see, it doesn't work that way.
07:19And so that which is born of flesh is flesh.
07:24So the flesh has its place.
07:27You can't live in this world without flesh.
07:31That which is born of spirit, capital S, is spirit, small s.
07:36Marvel not again that I say to you, you must, capital Y, you, that's all humanity, must
07:46be born again.
07:48And so with Nicodemus' inquiry of what all of this means, and you've got to read the
07:57entire chapter of John 3, had it not been for Nicodemus visiting Jesus, the most famous
08:06scripture in the whole world, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
08:11That's included in that midnight visit all the way down, which is a phenomenal, phenomenal
08:18little excerpt for Nicodemus into the fruit of the spirit.
08:24And Nicodemus is being given this at midnight.
08:28Imagine when he now comes into daylight, what he will see.
08:35If Jesus is giving him this phenomenal insight in a dark night season, imagine what the man
08:42or the human being is really going to see and get access to in broad daylight.
08:49For example, the apostle Paul was not saved on the Damascus road at night.
08:56He was saved on the Damascus road in daylight, which meant that he had free access to every
09:05When he escaped from Damascus, he escaped in the night, which meant that Paul was entering
09:11into a night season when no man can work.
09:16The night comes and no man can work.
09:18In other words, Paul, your work of the flesh, which is your training.
09:24We respect that training.
09:25Your work of the flesh is important, but you are going to be a man of the spirit.
09:29So you escape the city of Damascus at night, like Moses in a basket, and we can deal with
09:37all the basket cases in the Bible.
09:40If you're a basket case, you have potential to become something great.
09:45And so Paul goes into a night season for three and a half years.
09:49And when he comes out of that night season, where he's trained by the Holy Spirit in the
09:55Arabian desert, he's out there in the Arabian desert, trained by the Holy Spirit, using
10:02what he was trained in the flesh to convert it into the spirit.
10:07And in his revelation knowledge, Peter even said, this guy, something else, there's things
10:13he writes I don't understand.
10:15And Paul said, there's things I want to tell you, I can't because you are babies.
10:20So Paul was a giant in the spirit.
10:23And so what he does is when Jesus awakens Nicodemus, his understanding in the middle
10:29of the night, he then brings him to the awareness of what Adam was.
10:37Adam was a superman, a superhuman, the miracles that you said I do, that no man can do.
10:44These miracles except God be with them.
10:47That was Adam.
10:48I am the last Adam.
10:50And every person out of me will do what Adam was and what I am giving access to.
10:57The way you do that is the born again process.
11:01So the born again process is several things.
11:03The first one here, you have to be born again.
11:10And so he then explains the born again process.
11:14You have to be born of water, which is baptism and immersion.
11:21And you have to be baptized of the spirit.
11:24Now why is this significant?
11:27So a human being is basically a water being.
11:33For the first nine months of your life, you lived in a water world.
11:40You grow in a water world.
11:43So let's take it back now to the very beginning.
11:46In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
11:51The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep.
11:58So the whole earth, the earth itself was in a womb surrounded by water.
12:06The earth wasn't born.
12:08The earth was in a womb.
12:10It was being developed.
12:14And so now as the earth is being born, the contraction pains come.
12:22The first thing the earth is going to have is when the earth comes out of the womb, is
12:30the head.
12:31Let there be light.
12:34So the head of the earth comes first, which is vision, revelation, seeing.
12:40The earth was not birthed with feet first.
12:44It couldn't walk.
12:46A baby shouldn't be born feet first.
12:48That's breach.
12:50Baby has to turn.
12:51So the earth was turned head first.
12:55The first thing is let there be light.
12:58I see it.
13:00And then the earth began to scream and wail.
13:04And then when you look at the rest of the creative process as the earth is born, the
13:10earth died when Adam sinned.
13:14That's why there'll be a new heaven and a new earth.
13:19So the reason there's so many challenges in the world today and so many, the Bible says
13:26that the whole earth is convulsing and travailing, which is a birthing word for the manifestation
13:33of the sons of God.
13:34So the new earth that's coming, he said, this heaven and this earth will pass away.
13:40John said, I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
13:44For that new earth to come, there has to be the same process.
13:49And so we are getting close in the season of the last days to come into the new earth.
13:54So Jesus is now saying to Nicodemus, as was with the earth is with man, because man is
14:00a product of the earth.
14:05And so when Adam sinned, the spirit died, the soul was dramatically wounded, and the
14:16flesh being given access to sin was damaged.
14:22The physical body, the physical body cannot handle sin.
14:26But Adam's body was made so strong and so perfect.
14:29He lived to be 13939 years old, because sin was a new thing for him.
14:39It was a new thing, sin couldn't break him down.
14:44After the flood, because sin was so violent in the earth, God shortened man's days to
14:50120 years.
14:53Because he said the human body cannot be compatible with sin, because a person in the early 20s
15:02can live such a hard life in sin, which means they now have 80 years left to live in an
15:09environment of a broken body in sin, or more than that.
15:13So God compressed the human life to 120 years.
15:19And then David came along and said, you know, if we live 70 years, we blessed anything over
15:24and above is a blessing.
15:27But God's promise that was David's word as a prophet.
15:31But God's promise is that the human being will live to be 120 years old.
15:37So how do we know that we coming back to the days of Noah, more and more in the world today,
15:43we are getting records and stories of people that are living to be 100.
15:49Apostle Jesus was telling us at the Council of African Apostles, he was at a meeting when
15:57they opened the new parliament in Zimbabwe.
16:00And there was an older man that was there, was said to be 115 years old, walking upright,
16:07all his teeth, all his eyes.
16:10They were climbing up the stairs, whatever they were doing, and huffing and puffing.
16:14He was fine.
16:15And so Jesus asked him, what's your secret?
16:18He said, I'm eating right, I'm living right, and so on and so forth.
16:22So we know now that we're coming to a place of the end time.
16:28And so when Jesus awakens Nicodemus to a world that's coming, and then gives him access to
16:36certain things, he's going to give him access to things against such there is no law.
16:46And again, such which will be the fruit of the spirit.
16:50So let's look at the reason the book of Galatians is written and tie this up with Nicodemus.
16:55Nicodemus is a Pharisee.
16:56They insisted that people be circumcised.
17:00So when the church comes into being, the Pharisees, who were the first custodians of
17:08the church, those that were converted.
17:11If you'll remember what Paul said, he was a Pharisee of Pharisees.
17:15That's why they killed Stephen and that bunch.
17:18The scripture is very clear that these individuals, based on their knowledge of the Old Testament,
17:26insisted that the new Christian males also be circumcised.
17:31And there was such a hard dispute, especially when the gospel reached the Gentiles.
17:36The gospel reached the Gentiles in Acts chapter number 10, which was Cornelius and their household.
17:44Peter was sent there because Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, was not ready for the body
17:51of Christ.
17:52He was being trained in the Arabian desert.
17:56Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles.
17:59Peter was the apostle to the Jews.
18:02But Cornelius was on track for salvation and couldn't wait for Peter, for Paul.
18:09So Peter was sent.
18:11So chapter 10, verse 44 of Acts, while Peter yet spoke these words, the Holy Ghost fell.
18:22And so Peter was about to get into the message of circumcision.
18:30And so the Holy Spirit had to cut that short because there was no way that Cornelius with
18:37these 100 men and their male children were going to be expected to be circumcised.
18:43So before he gets to, let's pull out the knives and start circumcising these guys, the Holy
18:47Spirit fell.
18:48And the Bible says that Peter was stunned and said, these have received the spirit as
18:53well as we, for they heard them speak with tongues.
18:57And then Peter said, they must be baptized immediately.
19:01And they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
19:04And so that baptism, Paul explains in Colossians and Galatians, that baptism is the circumcision.
19:14It's not the circumcision of the flesh and the circumcision of the male sex organ.
19:19It's the circumcision of the works of the flesh, which must be cut off from a human
19:25So before a person is born again, they are eating from the tree of the knowledge of good
19:29and evil, eating from all kinds of putrid, sinful things.
19:34When you become a Christian, you make that decision.
19:37I'm going to be a Christian and you are baptized in water.
19:41It's where the knife of the spirit comes out and cuts off the works of the flesh.
19:47Bible tells us what they are.
19:48We'll get to that sooner than later.
19:51And so when the dispute is sorted in Galatians chapter number in Acts chapter number 15,
20:00Paul then writes a letter concerning this covenant.
20:06So circumcision then is a covenant.
20:09So when was circumcision introduced?
20:11It was introduced when God made a covenant with Abraham and in the Abrahamic covenant,
20:17a covenant has three things.
20:19Number one, there's the blood of the covenant.
20:22Number two, there's the promise and the benefit of the covenant.
20:26And number three, there's the mark of the covenant.
20:29For Abraham, the mark of the covenant was circumcision.
20:35The mark of the covenant was circumcision.
20:38So Abraham then was put to sleep.
20:41Genesis 15, blood was shed, animals were split.
20:46In that covenant, God and Abraham became equal partners.
20:51God's wars were Abraham's wars.
20:52Abraham's wars were God's wars.
20:54Abraham's possessions were God's possessions.
20:57God's possessions were Abraham's possessions.
20:59Abraham's decisions were God's decisions.
21:01God's decisions were Abraham's decisions.
21:03God is prolific and productive.
21:06Abraham couldn't have a child, so God had to make him productive and so on and so forth.
21:10So in this covenant, Abraham, the mark of his covenant with God was circumcision.
21:20In other words, for you to reproduce the covenant, not going to be through your mind, not going
21:27to be through your heart, it's going to be through your sexual organ.
21:31In other words, what comes through you has got to be cut.
21:37And so Isaac was circumcised, so were the 12 sons of Jacob.
21:50And so the reason Potiphar chose Joseph, because the slaves were standing on the auction blocks
21:57totally naked.
22:00They had examined their whole mouth to see if they were what, what.
22:03And so when Potiphar came and he saw this unique man, how did he know he was unique?
22:09Based on the mark on his flesh, his circumcision, Potiphar said, this got to be a special guy
22:15because I've never seen this ever.
22:18That's why he chose Joseph.
22:20And it was that mark of circumcision in Joseph's life that blessed him in Potiphar's house,
22:26blessed him in jail.
22:27Because all the guys in jail, when they're taking a shower, he's like, this guy's different.
22:32This guy's different.
22:33It's the mark of the covenant.
22:35And so when Joshua, we go through Jacob and his family going to Egypt that are 430 years,
22:43they go through the wilderness before they take the promised land.
22:49And Joshua is now the new leader.
22:52The first thing that Joshua insists on, every man has got to be circumcised.
22:58They circumcised every man.
23:01You cannot enter into the promise without circumcision.
23:05You cannot enter into the promise without baptism.
23:08And so Joshua cut them before they crossed over into the promised land.
23:13The same is true for every one of us.
23:17If we backtrack to Exodus chapter number four and 24, the Bible says that God called
23:23Moses, spoke to him out of a burning bush.
23:26I want you to deliver my people.
23:29He goes and he tells his father-in-law, Jethro, Jethro says, that's God.
23:34So he goes with his wife, Sapphora.
23:37And in that same chapter, in Exodus chapter number four, the Bible says that it came to
23:42pass that while Moses and his family were going to Egypt to carry out what God instructed
23:48him to do, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him.
23:53I was like, why do you want to kill this man?
23:57The reason for it is in verse 25, because he was trying to go and fulfill the promise
24:04of God with these sons not being circumcised.
24:08And so the Bible says Sapphora took a stone and cut the foreskin of her son and threw
24:16it at Moses' feet before the Lord and Moses.
24:24So when the Lord was coming to kill Moses, the sign of the covenant circumcision stopped
24:30God from killing Moses.
24:33So every one of us should die for the wages of sin is death.
24:36But what saves us?
24:40The Bible tells us that in Colossians.
24:43And so it is important for us to understand that this is an important agenda in God's
24:53Once circumcision has taken place and there's the mark of the covenant, now you have access
25:00to every fruit after that point.
25:04So we go to the story of Jonathan and David in first Samuel 20 and verse 16.
25:10Jonathan made a covenant with David and we see that they were no longer on opposite sides.
25:19Jonathan represents the flesh, which is the house of Saul.
25:22David represents the spirit out of the tribe of Judah, which is going to be the life of
25:28the spirit.
25:29Saul, Jonathan and all that bunch die in the last battle.
25:34The flesh died before David is risen to prominence to be king.
25:39They couldn't cohabit.
25:41And so David says in chapter number nine of second Samuel, is there anybody alive from
25:47Jonathan's world that I might show kindness?
25:49And they said, yes, he's got a son.
25:51So Mephibosheth then gets access to the fruit of the spirit based on a covenant that was
25:59And the Bible said Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, ate bread continually in the
26:04king's palace.
26:05Everything that was David's belonged to Mephibosheth.
26:09Mephibosheth acknowledged he was a dead dog.
26:11David said, you're not everything that I agreed with your father.
26:16You have access to you.
26:17I like my son.
26:18You are a prince.
26:19I'm restoring your land.
26:20I'm giving you servants.
26:21I'm giving you riches.
26:22Everything was given back because of that covenant, because of that.
26:29And so when Jesus came and he died, he shed his blood.
26:32That's the blood of the covenant.
26:34He then released the promises and the marks on his flesh through crucifixion is a sign
26:43that Jesus gives us access.
26:45So when we apply now, sisters and brothers, when we apply this to our lives, Colossians
26:50chapter number two and verse 11, whom in whom also you are circumcised with a circumcision
26:59not made with the hands of putting off the body of sins in the flesh by circumcision
27:07in Christ, which is buried with him in baptism.
27:13Second Corinthians seven verse 19 circumcision doesn't mean anything in the New Testament
27:19Neither is uncircumcision, but he that keeps the commandments and seeks the spirit.
27:26There's Galatians six and 15 for in Christ is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision,
27:33but a new creature.
27:35So when we now seek the works of the, uh, the gifts of the spirit, let's look at the
27:42works of the flesh in Galatians five and 18 by mention.
27:46If you were led by the spirit, you are not under the law.
27:52Then he says the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these adultery fornication, which
27:57is sexual perversion, uncleanness, lasciviousness, ideology, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation,
28:04wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, endings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such
28:11like, which means there are many more.
28:13He says, I told you, and I'm telling you again, these people cannot inherit the kingdom
28:19of God.
28:20That's an Nicodemus.
28:21These are the works of the flesh.
28:22You can't hear the kingdom of God.
28:25Then he says in verse 22, but the fruit of the spirit nine and such like many more, you
28:32have free access to provided you have come, you have, um, provided you have, uh, submitted
28:42yourself to the conditions of the covenant, which is being born again.
28:48And so the fruit of the spirit, then love everyone say love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness,
29:01goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
29:06He said against such, there's no law.
29:10You can't be judged for loving somebody.
29:13You can't be judged for peace, for love, for patience and all these things.
29:18And so what Jesus did, he's giving mankind access, not to what Adam ate, not to what
29:24Abraham is marked with, but to a tree.
29:28That's a spiritual tree, the tree of life.
29:34And that tree of life bears these nine fruit of the spirit.
29:39Once you X this, those, the sky's the limit.
29:44Love is so deep.
29:46Jesus love was so great.
29:48He would have come for one man.
29:50Joy is so amazing.
29:52It's stunning.
29:53If you talk about faith, it moves mountains.
29:57All of these are within our reach.
30:02And so your assignment and your work is in the season to pray that the fruit of the spirit
30:09manifest in your life.
30:11If they are traits in your life that are contrary to these nine, you got a lot of work to do
30:20because it means that the spirit of God is not complete in your life.
30:24Thank you for watching guys.
30:25God bless you.
30:26Father, we thank you.
30:27We pray that the fruit of the Holy Spirit will be demonstrated and lifted in our lives.
30:33Thank you for marking us by the covenant.
30:35Thank you for giving us access to the good things of the spirit.
30:39And thank you for renewing our mind in Jesus name.
30:44Thank you guys.
