• l’année dernière


00:00Good evening, You Left Covenant Church, all our viewers around the world.
00:18Thank you for tuning in to our Moodwick Bible Study.
00:23And these lessons are so important.
00:25Not only are they edifying for all those that watch and stuff, but also because of
00:32the nature of the teachings, they are designed to be generational, that 10, 20, even 30 years
00:39from now, based on the subject material we cover, they should be and can be still relevant.
00:46And so in this season, we're going to be studying the fruit of the Spirit, and also could be
00:53termed the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
00:56And so it's the fruit of the Spirit, which is your spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit,
01:01which is God's spirit, and we'll deal with both.
01:04And so let's go to our anchor scripture for these teachings.
01:09And this is going to be Galatians 5 and verse 22.
01:14And today's lesson is, mankind must produce fruit.
01:21Mankind must produce fruit.
01:24Galatians 5 and verse 22.
01:29But the fruit of the Spirit is joy, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness,
01:40faith, meekness, temperance.
01:46Against such there is no law.
01:51The Apostle Paul was addressing a number of very important issues in the body of Christ.
02:00The Galatian church, basically, the leaders of the Galatian church were high-trained skills.
02:16Pharisees who observed the law of Moses to the T.
02:23These men and women had become converted, received the gospel.
02:29And in their repentance and became members of the whole body of Christ, there were some
02:38teachings that they retained from the Old Testament.
02:43And one of those teachings which they were imposing on their region and their churches
02:49was circumcision.
02:52That circumcision was necessary for all men as a means of salvation.
03:07And the Apostle Paul came to argue against that, and you'll see that presentation of
03:15that conference in Acts chapter number 15.
03:19And so in Acts 15, they all presented their case of why circumcision should be imposed
03:27on the Gentiles as a means of salvation.
03:30And then the Apostle Paul, who went to that council in Jerusalem with believers from the
03:37Gentile church that were not circumcised, proved to them that circumcision in the New
03:43Testament is not a circumcision of the flesh, but it's a circumcision of the heart, where
03:51the cutting is not the cutting away of the flesh in a male on his eighth day of birth
04:03and being named, but it's cutting away the works of the flesh, which he mentions in chapter
04:09number 5 and verse 19 through 21, and we'll get to that at some point.
04:16But then he says the flesh is going to function in the way it does.
04:23That must be cut away.
04:25But the fruit of the Spirit must be manifest, and he names nine here, but doesn't limit
04:32them to nine, because he then says, against such there is no law.
04:39And so we're going to add at some point other things that are fruit of the Spirit, which
04:46is such where there is no law.
04:50And so God commanded the human being when he created man in Genesis 1.26, let's look
04:57at that real quick.
04:58God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them, as male and female,
05:06have dominion over the fish of the sea, birds of the air, cattle, everything that creeps
05:12on the earth, and everything that's living.
05:15So God created man in his own image, and in the image of God created him, male and female
05:20created them.
05:22God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue, and
05:27have dominion, and he mentions all the areas that man would have dominion.
05:33And then in Psalm 8, the writer of Psalm 8 says, what is meant that you are mindful of
05:38him, you have given him dominion, you've made him lower than the angels, but you've given
05:44him dominion over all things and put it under his feet.
05:47So mankind was then given dominion over everything that God had created.
05:53And so when God made the man in Genesis 2 and verse 8, man was made a spirit being in
06:00Genesis 1, 26, and then man was given a body in Genesis 2 and verse 7.
06:07He built the body, the Bible says he took dirt and built a body, and then placed that
06:17man in the Garden of Eden.
06:20And so the height, Adam's height was six foot, he was six foot tall, which is the number
06:30of man.
06:33And so when the Bible talks about Saul being head and shoulders above the people, King
06:37Saul was seven foot tall.
06:41And the reason he was chosen to be king, because seven is the number of perfection, he was
06:45a perfect height, a perfect stature for that role.
06:50So the average height of the man is six foot, and it's believed that Jesus was six foot
06:57Be that as it may, it's just a play on certain things.
07:02But the thing is that what we need to remember here is that the man was given a commandment
07:08to be fruitful.
07:10And so the Bible says in Genesis 2 and verse 8, the Lord God planted a garden eastward
07:19in Eden.
07:21So there was the Garden of Eden, but in the Garden of Eden, God planted another garden.
07:26So it's a garden in the garden, and there, eastward in the garden that was in Eden, God
07:35put the man whom he formed.
07:39And then he says, and out of the ground God made to grow every tree that is pleasant,
07:46number one to the sight, good for food, the tree of life also in the middle of the garden.
07:52And there was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
07:56So there were four types of trees in the Garden of Eden.
08:01The first one were the trees pleasant for sight.
08:06This would include things like the jacaranda tree.
08:09It's jacaranda season now in our hemisphere.
08:12And so the whole environment is going to be filled with beautiful purple flowers, the mimosa flower.
08:21Those are trees that are pleasant for sight.
08:23The redwood trees, these massive baobab trees, etc.
08:28Most of those are given, they are pleasant for sight.
08:32It has to do with earth aesthetics, beautification, providing covering and shade for different
08:40forms of life that needed that against the heat of the sun.
08:45The second tree that God planted there were trees that were good for food, not just for
08:50man, yes, good for food for man, but good for food for all the other living creatures
08:57that were in the earth and in the garden, because they were the ones who also had to
09:04be sustained.
09:06And then there was, in the middle of the garden, God then put a tree there, which is
09:11very important, the tree of life was in the middle of the garden, a tree of life.
09:18And then thirdly, fourthly, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
09:24And so these four trees represent several things.
09:28Number one, the four trees represent the four corners of the earth.
09:33So constantly in the Bible, you will see references to the four corners of the earth,
09:40which are generally news, which is north, east, west, south, news, N-E-W-S.
09:53So when God does something in the four corners of the earth, and each corner is 90 degrees,
09:5990 degrees multiplied by four is 360, which makes a complete circumference, a complete circle.
10:07Everything goes full circle.
10:09So every corner of the earth was then represented.
10:12Also, four is the number for the four winds that blow throughout the earth, the north
10:19wind, the east wind, the west wind and the south wind.
10:24And then four is also the four Gospels that we see, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
10:29and many other things we could do with the number four.
10:32And so, but the main thing here is that when the Lord planted those trees in the garden,
10:39in chapter two, verse 16 of Genesis, the Bible says, and the Lord God commanded the man saying,
10:47firstly, the first command is of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat.
10:54That's the first commandment.
10:56Freely eat.
10:57It's for you.
10:59There's no cost.
11:00There's no charge.
11:01There's no levy.
11:03There's no duty.
11:04Freely eat.
11:05Whatever you want to eat, freely eat.
11:08Verse 17, part of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it,
11:16because the day you eat of that, you will surely die.
11:20So when God gave this commandment here concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
11:28it was because God had made man in his image and after his likeness.
11:33And because man was made in God's image and after his likeness,
11:37mankind, like God, had to have the ability to choose, to make a choice, to choose.
11:46And so it's not just choose what fruits you want to eat.
11:49He also had to be able to choose between options of what to do, what not to do.
11:58Right, wrong, night, day.
12:02And so those alternatives were given.
12:05And so God said, don't eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
12:10because the day you eat of it, you are going to access a world, go through a door.
12:16And when you go through this door, you will have knowledge of good and evil.
12:21Good is fine, but evil is the mother of sin.
12:26And the human body has not been built or constructed or to be compatible with sin.
12:34Sin breaks down the human body.
12:38And so because God is the originator of good and of evil, both are in God.
12:48They're in him, because you can't have, you can't know black if there's no alternative white.
12:57You can't know right if there's no alternative wrong.
13:01You can't know up if there's no alternative down.
13:06And so those things exist in God.
13:09God is not evil.
13:11He doesn't tempt any man with evil.
13:14God is not dark.
13:15God is light.
13:17But in chapter number 19, I believe of Exodus, the Bible says that God came to Moses in darkness
13:26and he pulled Moses into great darkness.
13:29So for there to be great light, there's also great darkness.
13:33For there to be great heat, there's also great cold.
13:36And so these are the great opposites that you find within the world of the spirit that are then
13:44that are then also translated into the human, physical, tangible, molecular world.
13:50And so if Adam only had options for good, if he only could see one side,
13:57he would not have truly been made in God's image and after God's likeness.
14:02God chose to bring a creation.
14:05And God chose in the creation to do it in six days and rest the seventh day.
14:10God chose to put it in a specific order.
14:14God chose to make a man in his image and after his likeness.
14:17And if God chose to do all those things, the man that's in God's image
14:21and after his likeness has to have the ability to choose.
14:26But God gives a direction as he does in Deuteronomy 30, where he says,
14:31I said before you could enable life and death, choose life that both you and your seed may live.
14:39So God presents both sides and gives strong recommendations as to what the individual
14:47should choose.
14:49And so when Adam was in the garden, of course, he was definitely eating every day
14:57and he was feeding his physical body.
15:01And then the Bible says in chapter number two and verse 19 of Genesis,
15:08that God communed with Adam every day.
15:12He was with Adam in the cool of the day.
15:16And so in Genesis two and verse 19, one of those evenings,
15:22the Bible says that when God had formed the beast out of the,
15:25when God had formed every beast of the field, which is in Genesis chapter number
15:31one and verse 26, he comes now and lays another layer
15:35to show you that what he had created, he now brings before Adam.
15:40And so the first test to see if Adam is in the God class,
15:45to see if Adam is actually academic, intellectual, a brainiac, a God,
15:53a brainiac, a God man in the earth.
15:57He then brings what he formed in terms of animals, whatever they were from
16:06the possibility of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and so on to an end.
16:11Every living creature was brought before Adam.
16:16And the Bible says what God brought them there to see what Adam would call them.
16:21And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name of it.
16:29And so when Adam had an elephant come before, he never said, this is an ant or a mouse.
16:34He named it because instinctively, because he's in the God class that was on his hard drive.
16:43God's intent for a creature, for a living being, whether it's a shark, a whale,
16:51an eagle, a hawk, a sparrow, God's intent for them in the earth was revealed by Adam naming them.
17:02So God's test for his product was, let's see if this is truly a product in the God class.
17:09I won't influence him at all.
17:11I'll just bring something before him and see if instinctively he can name it.
17:17Horse, donkey, O. McDonald's farm, EIEIO, cow, goat, sheep, Tyrannosaurus Rex, mouse, rat,
17:29kangaroo, and we can go through all plethora of all kinds of animals, camel, et cetera, et cetera.
17:36And he names them according to what was already there.
17:42And when the exercise was done, God knew that this being is truly in the God class.
17:49And so verse 20, Adam gave names to all cattle, all fall of the air, every beast of the field.
17:58He was even in the ocean, in the water.
18:01So Adam was also an amphibious being.
18:04He was in the water, identifying all kinds of sharks and naming them, whales, naming them.
18:12In the air, I believe he could fly.
18:16And he was naming them as they came.
18:19And on the earth, he named every being.
18:23There is no time frame given here.
18:26I don't think it was done in a day because the day markers were already done in Genesis chapter
18:36number one, and then in Genesis two, verse one and two, on the seventh day, God rested.
18:44And so now the day markers were done.
18:47Adam is now naming these in what is called the solar cycle, which is 24 hour days.
18:55The first days you have are creative days.
18:59A creative day is 7,000 years.
19:03How do we know that?
19:05That's based on Genesis chapter number one.
19:08Seven days, God made the earth.
19:12Seven days.
19:13That's a creative day.
19:14A creative day is 7,000 years.
19:18And then they are the millennial days.
19:21A day with the Lord is a thousand years.
19:24A thousand years is one day.
19:27And so those are millennial days.
19:30And so when you look at from Adam to where we are now, from Adam to Jesus was 4,000 years.
19:38From Jesus to where we are was 2,000 years.
19:42That's 6,000 years.
19:45Every day, every thousand years, a distinct plan for the family of man.
19:53And so you'll see how Noah, Abraham, et cetera, how they come into those time frames of a
20:00thousand years.
20:01Jesus came at the end of 4,000 years.
20:06And so when he raised Lazarus from the dead, who was in the grave for 4,000 years or four
20:13days, it was from Adam to mankind who died in the garden of Eden, was buried.
20:21And Jesus came to resurrect man after being in the grave for 4,000 years or four days.
20:28But Lazarus, when he came out of the tomb, was tied with all the agencies and limitations
20:34that are in the grave.
20:36And Jesus gives an instruction, lose him and let him go.
20:41So even though Jesus comes and brings mankind out of their tomb and out of their grave,
20:47what we lose in our lives is loosed.
20:52What is bound to our lives is bound.
20:56And so he's saying the sky is the limit, Lazarus.
20:59And for us, for you, the sky is the limit.
21:02What you lose in your life is loosed.
21:06And so you've got to be careful what you lose.
21:09Make sure it's good things and not bad things.
21:13And so after this exercise, after this exercise, God says the man is exhausted.
21:20It's not good for the man to be alone.
21:23So God puts him to sleep and out of his side built a woman.
21:30And so we took a bone out of Adam's side and built a woman.
21:35So a woman was not built out of the dirt of the ground.
21:38She was built out of a man's rib.
21:40And that's generally why men are dirtier than women,
21:44because men were birthed from the dirt and women were birthed from a rib.
21:50And so it's important for us to understand that she was not taken out of Adam's foot.
21:57Neither was she taken out of Adam's head.
21:59She was taken out of Adam's side.
22:02That's why a woman has to be close to a man's heart.
22:06A man must never put his foot on a woman.
22:09Put his foot on a woman to rule and dominate her.
22:12Because God doesn't want any human being to be dominated by another.
22:17No person should dominate another person.
22:19They should be willing, free, submission.
22:23Submit yourselves one to another.
22:26Because in the place of submission, there is great power.
22:32And so when Adam then brought, when he was awakened from his sleep,
22:39he found Eve.
22:41And he says, now this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.
22:45And he names her, she shall be called woman.
22:48And they too became one flesh.
22:52Therefore will a man leave his mother and father and they twain to become one.
22:58And so they then dwelt in that garden together.
23:03She had free access to the garden as Adam did.
23:08Free access to creation as Adam did.
23:11She was a glowing being as Adam was.
23:15And so when we get to Genesis chapter number three,
23:22a serpent is now speaking to Eve.
23:27And there's all kinds of speculation as why Lucifer chose the serpent to speak through,
23:34to address Eve.
23:36And so he brings her into a great corn and says,
23:39the day you eat of this fruit, God knows you will be as he is.
23:44When they already were like God in his image and after his likeness.
23:51And so they were already partaking of food in the garden every day, feeding their body.
23:57They were communicating with God every day when he came in the cool of the day.
24:02But somehow when she ate of this fruit and she gave it to her husband,
24:09only when she gave it to her husband and he had to make a decision,
24:14do I eat this fruit and suffer the consequence of whatever comes
24:22or do I choose the person that God has given me?
24:26He made the choice for his wife.
24:29And in that choice,
24:33rightly so,
24:37he was then cut off from God.
24:41And so everything that Adam had freely in the garden of Eden,
24:46they were now going to have to work for.
24:50He said, out of the sweat of your brow, you're going to have to earn your living.
24:55What was free there because of your choice, you're going to have to work for.
25:01And so their access to God was cut.
25:06And so they had no access to the fruit of the spirit.
25:13Neither did they have access to the fruit for the body.
25:17They had to work for everything.
25:19Everything had to be cultivated.
25:21Every animal had to be domesticated.
25:24And wherever they exercised dominion and brought into a dominion area
25:31and domesticated was theirs.
25:36And so they found it difficult to domesticate a lion, a tiger, a leopard,
25:40a cheetah, and the list goes on, a bear.
25:43But they found it easier to domesticate sheep, goats, cattle, and so on and so forth.
25:50Horses, camels.
25:52And so this is also true of the plant life.
25:57And so they were starved from eating anything in terms of the spirit.
26:04So when Jesus comes now, 4,000 years later, he is the last Adam.
26:12When Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane,
26:18he is in a garden of olives.
26:21A garden where anointing that Adam lost was going to be restored.
26:28And so it was important that in the garden of olives that Jesus crushing began,
26:35which is the crushing of the olive, to release the anointing oil that Adam had,
26:40to release that oil on Jesus who was about to represent man.
26:46And so in the garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus began to pray,
26:50the Bible says the crushing was so severe that he began to sweat
26:56and the blood corpuscles in his head began to burst
27:01and that the sweat was even turning into blood.
27:05That's how severe the pressure had to be on the olives in that garden.
27:11Jesus didn't pray in a garden of roses, in a garden of mango trees,
27:16in a garden of whatever fruit.
27:21He prayed not even in a vineyard.
27:23He prayed in a garden of olives for this reason.
27:28So the anointing that was on Adam could be pressed out,
27:34released on Jesus, and then released into the family of man.
27:40And so the crushing of Jesus, or the crushing of that olive,
27:46was a seven-fold crushing.
27:48Crushed to the point of where the olive is not recognized in its original state.
27:55When Jesus was crushed from the garden of Gethsemane
27:59to when he was brutalized and put on the cross,
28:01he was not recognized as he was before the crushing.
28:06And so when Jesus was crushed and then buried and rose from the dead,
28:11when he rose from the dead,
28:15he broke the hold of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
28:20even though mankind still has the knowledge of good and evil,
28:23but he then gave access on the day of Pentecost,
28:27when the Holy Spirit came, to the fruit of the Spirit.
28:31And Paul mentions nine of them.
28:35Nine is the number of birthing.
28:38So those nine fruit of the Spirit,
28:43which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,
28:48meekness, temperance, faith, goodness, against such there is no law.
28:54When Jesus released that, those nine fruit of the Spirit,
29:00he was giving access not just to those nine,
29:03but everything that's fruit of the Spirit.
29:06And so we don't participate in the flesh,
29:09we participate in the Spirit.
29:13And we freely eat from the tree of the fruit of the Spirit.
29:18And the tree of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5.22 is love, joy, peace,
29:27patience or long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
29:29meekness, temperance, and all such like, against which there is no law.
29:36And we eat from that freely.
29:38A person can never be destroyed because of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness,
29:44goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and good things.
29:48We can only be edified, built up, grown up, increased by these things.
29:54And so for every person listening and watching,
29:58it must be your inner heart's desire to develop, grow,
30:04increase the fruit of the Spirit in your life.
30:09Because when you increase in the fruit of the Spirit,
30:11you don't live by law, you live by Spirit.
30:15We walk by Spirit, not by law.
30:18Brother, we thank you for this presentation.
30:21Bless all our viewers.
30:22Bless all those watching.
30:24I pray that the fruit of the Spirit will be manifest and increased in their life.
30:28In Jesus' name.
