• il y a 7 mois
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - There's a scripture in the Bible
00:35 in the book of Genesis, the 11th chapter.
00:39 And it's a long text, so I want to expedite it
00:42 by just quoting something to you,
00:44 and then you can read it when you get home as your homework.
00:47 There's a, the Bible says the entire earth
00:52 was of one language and of one speech.
00:55 Everybody say one language, one speech.
00:57 - One language.
00:58 - That means that everybody said the same thing,
01:00 everybody talked, everybody understood everybody.
01:04 Look at your neighbor and say, do you understand me?
01:06 - Do you understand me?
01:07 - Go ahead and lie to him right now,
01:09 you know what I'm saying?
01:10 But we'll lie to him by saying yes.
01:11 You know, it's hard to understand people.
01:15 And he said they found a plane of land in Shinar,
01:20 and there they decided that they was gonna build.
01:23 King Nimrod said, let us build us a city and a tower
01:28 that would reach up to the heavens,
01:30 lest we be scattered abroad the entire earth
01:35 and no one would remember us, no legacy, no inheritance.
01:40 And so they set out to do this.
01:44 The story then turns a little bit,
01:46 one day God is up in heaven and he can hear the sound,
01:49 the voices of people speaking,
01:51 but it's not coming up through intercession
01:53 or through prayer.
01:55 Looks over one of his porches,
01:56 and there he sees coming up through the clouds this tower.
02:00 I don't know for sure if God is upset about the city.
02:05 I think it's the tower that kind of
02:08 unearths him for a few moments.
02:12 You would think that unity would be something
02:17 that God would praise,
02:19 that folks coming together would be something
02:22 that would make God happy.
02:24 But in Genesis chapter number 11,
02:27 it's the unity that agitates God.
02:31 For he says the people are of one mind,
02:33 one speech, and one spirit,
02:36 and they can accomplish anything.
02:39 He said, pray to let us go down and confuse their language
02:44 lest they come up here and be like us or as us.
02:52 That's in Genesis chapter number 11.
02:54 This morning I come to talk to you
02:58 about understanding the people who are around you.
03:03 I want to preach from this particular topic.
03:08 Huh?
03:08 What you say?
03:10 Turn to your neighbor and say, huh?
03:13 - Huh.
03:14 - What did you say?
03:16 - What did you say?
03:21 - I want to tell a story that I told before,
03:22 but I want to tell it again because I think that it fits
03:25 where I'm going for a few moments.
03:28 And I want a few people in this room to know
03:30 that everything that the devil took from you,
03:33 you're about to get it back.
03:34 That the devil is not wise enough to take something
03:39 from you and destroy it.
03:41 When he takes it from you, he puts it in a display case
03:45 and assign demons to keep the dust off of it
03:48 because he wants to brag on the fact
03:49 that he took something from you.
03:51 But I want you to ball your fist up and say,
03:53 I want it back.
03:54 I want to tell this story real briefly
04:00 so you can understand where I'm coming from.
04:02 There was a man by the name of George Washington Carver.
04:06 George Washington Carver was affectionately known
04:08 as the peanut farmer.
04:11 But it was a lot more to him than that.
04:12 In his memoirs he writes, in the days of horses and buggies
04:16 where there were sharecroppers and slaves,
04:18 the slave masters would allow the slaves for a week or two
04:23 to come together for their religious services,
04:26 convocations, if you would.
04:28 They would take these barns and turn them
04:31 into makeshift convention centers or cathedrals.
04:35 George Washington Carver in his memoir says
04:37 that he was sitting up on a platform,
04:39 staring into the ceiling while preachers
04:41 strutted their stuff, preaching over the heads of the people.
04:45 He said it was in that setting that he asked God a question
04:47 that would turn out to be a chorus of questions.
04:50 He asked God this question, he said,
04:51 Lord, show me the universe,
04:55 to which the Lord immediately spoke back to him and says,
04:57 that's too big for you to understand.
04:59 Over the next few weeks he would continue to ask God
05:03 to show me, show me anthropology,
05:05 too big for you to understand.
05:06 Archeology, too big for you to understand.
05:09 Biology, too big for you to understand.
05:11 Planology, too big for you to understand.
05:14 Theology, boy, you know that's too big for you to understand.
05:19 Too big, too big, too big, too big, too big.
05:21 He said every time he would ask God the question,
05:23 God would come back immediately and say to him,
05:25 too big for you to understand.
05:27 He said one afternoon he was walking
05:29 and he saw some children playing
05:30 and others were eating peanuts,
05:32 and he retrieved the peanut from one of the kids
05:34 and he waved it up in the air towards the sky
05:37 almost to the point of cursing God to his face,
05:39 saying, Lord, show me the peanut,
05:41 to immediately the Lord spoke to him and says,
05:43 now you've given me something that you can understand
05:46 and showed him 300 ways to use a peanut.
05:50 Put your hand on your head and say,
05:51 Lord, give me something.
05:53 Come on, say it with authority.
05:54 Lord, give me something that I can understand.
05:57 In 1983, Coca-Cola was the largest soda pop company
06:03 on the planet, 1983.
06:06 86% of the soda pop shares was controlled by Coca-Cola.
06:11 Coca-Cola was awesome and bad.
06:13 120 nations around the world displayed the Coca-Cola can
06:17 in its own language.
06:19 Coca-Cola was awesome.
06:21 86% of the soda pop market share Coca-Cola controlled.
06:26 In 1983, Coca-Cola decided that it was going to move
06:30 the formula off the shelf and place it
06:32 with a new improved formula.
06:34 They came up with those golden cans.
06:37 Folks was excited.
06:38 They spent $500 million on a new formula
06:42 and $500 million on an advertisement campaign
06:47 out of Madison Avenue, New York City.
06:49 Coca-Cola put this thing together and in six months,
06:53 the taste buds of the United States of America,
06:55 along with 120 countries around the world, rejected it.
06:59 They had to go back and get the old Coca-Cola formula back,
07:03 bring the red cans back, and on the side of it,
07:05 they put a seal.
07:06 They call it a classic.
07:08 It cost them a billion dollars to figure out
07:11 if it ain't broke, don't touch what is perfected.
07:16 (audience applauding)
07:18 In 1983, there was another soda pop company
07:21 on the verge of extinction and the owner of the company
07:25 passed away, leaving his controlling shares to his son,
07:28 which was a Southern Baptist preacher
07:30 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
07:32 This young preacher goes into his prayer closet
07:35 and asks God to give him something that he can understand
07:37 and the Lord gave him a slogan.
07:40 The slogan was choice of a new generation.
07:44 The name of the company was Pepsi.
07:46 Pepsi was on the down, but after God gave him a word,
07:50 he was able to move it.
07:51 He understood that 86% of the market share on soda pop
07:56 was in the hands of Coca-Cola.
07:58 To go after Coca-Cola's market would be suicide,
08:02 but God let him know that there was a generation
08:04 that had never tasted Coca-Cola.
08:08 One of the problems that we're having with church
08:10 after COVID is that everybody's doing
08:12 what everybody's doing, but there's a generation, Bishop,
08:15 and I saw it flash on the screen this morning.
08:18 There's a generation that have never been,
08:20 never tasted the product that is popular.
08:27 There's a new product on its way.
08:30 Touch two people and say, there's a new product on its way.
08:35 Man, Mr. Pepsi came up with brand new cans,
08:37 stripes with polka dots on it,
08:40 surfboarders and skateboarders and bungee jumpers.
08:43 This is 1983.
08:45 Hide Michael Jackson, hee-hee, spinning up on the piano.
08:49 Hair catches on fire.
08:52 Y'all ain't hearing what I'm saying.
08:53 Tragedy in the midst, glory be to God,
08:57 tragedy in the midst of his campaign.
09:01 And you saw on the news, Michael Jackson
09:03 being rolled out on the gurney with the silver glove on,
09:06 waving it with a Pepsi in the other hand.
09:09 Y'all ain't hearing what I'm saying.
09:10 Sometimes your worst tragedy, glory be to God,
09:13 is your comeback.
09:15 Say to two people, you're coming back, you're coming back.
09:18 I don't care what you've been through
09:20 and what you've been dealing with, you on the comeback,
09:22 and there's a great comeback for you.
09:24 Pepsi began to go up in the market shares.
09:28 The generation who had never tasted Coca-Cola
09:31 was now introduced to Pepsi by hair being on fire
09:36 and a golden glove.
09:38 Look at your neighbor and say,
09:39 God is setting you up for your comeback.
09:41 And so as you would have it,
09:45 they began to come up in the market shares.
09:47 Pepsi did another public offering under the IPO
09:51 and they were coming up in the market shares.
09:52 They came up with a clear Pepsi, with a lime Pepsi,
09:55 with a cherry Pepsi, and it was doing well.
09:58 Mr. Pepsi said if there's a new generation in America,
10:01 there's got to be another generation in Russia.
10:04 There's got to be one in China.
10:05 There's got to be one in Mexico.
10:07 They got on the corporate jets and they flew to Russia,
10:10 sat in front of Russian commerce and said,
10:12 we would like to sell Pepsi in this country.
10:15 The Russians looked at them and says, no, only Coca-Cola.
10:19 They went to China.
10:19 (speaking in foreign language)
10:20 Coca-Cola, only Coca-Cola.
10:23 And Mexico, come on, papi, only Coca-Cola.
10:26 Coca-Cola, papi, papi, Coca-Cola.
10:28 He comes back and goes into his prayer closet
10:30 and asks God to give me something that I could understand.
10:34 He comes up out of his prayer closet,
10:35 he goes to Kentucky, he leaves Kentucky,
10:37 he goes to little Italy, he goes to south of the border.
10:40 They come back, they go back to New York City.
10:43 They hire a advertisement firm.
10:46 One year later, they're on the corporate jets.
10:48 True story, on the corporate jets, flying back to Russia.
10:51 They're sitting in front of Russian commerce again
10:54 and they say, we would like to build
10:56 a restaurant here in Russia.
10:58 The Russians said, we like restaurants.
11:00 We have the Golden Arches and the King,
11:02 Burger King and McDonald's.
11:04 What type of restaurant would you build?
11:06 He said, I would build a chicken restaurant
11:09 with one stipulation, that if I build
11:11 this chicken restaurant here,
11:12 the number one soda pop will have to be Pepsi.
11:15 They agreed to it.
11:16 Mr. Pepsi went and bought Kentucky Fried Chicken,
11:19 Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.
11:21 Mr. Pepsi is not in the business of selling taco pizza,
11:24 y'all in here, or chicken.
11:26 He's in the business of selling soda pop.
11:28 But sometimes you got to do this before you can do that.
11:32 Turn to your neighbor and say,
11:33 what is your this before that?
11:35 (audience laughing)
11:38 My name is George Gary John Derrick Bloomer.
11:42 I was born in Brooklyn, New York,
11:44 453 Columbia Street, apartment A, B, and C.
11:47 My mom and my dad had nine children together.
11:51 My dad went out of the wedding bar
11:52 and had 15 other children by six women in rental projects.
11:55 That's the truth.
11:57 I dropped out of school in the ninth grade,
11:59 from first grade to the ninth grade.
12:02 They kept on passing me from class to class to class.
12:06 I learned how to read when I was 47 years old.
12:09 Got my GED when I was 48.
12:11 Y'all in here with what I'm saying.
12:13 (audience applauding)
12:16 Strung out on heroin and crack, cocaine.
12:20 I was 430 pounds when I weighed in.
12:24 It looked as if my life was over,
12:27 but God had a second.
12:29 Who am I talking to right now?
12:33 See, there's a few of you, glory be to God,
12:35 who was on the verge of giving up
12:38 because the product that you were using,
12:40 glory be to God, wasn't for you.
12:42 But God is about to show up in your life in the second half.
12:45 And the second half of your life is right now.
12:49 And I come to tell everybody in this room
12:52 that is 50 and above, glory be to God,
12:55 the hands of time is being rolled back.
12:58 At 50, you're going to feel like you're 30.
13:00 (audience applauding)
13:03 You're not hearing what I'm saying.
13:04 You're about to get everything
13:06 that the devil took from you, stole from you,
13:09 you're going to get it back.
13:10 I wish you would talk to about three or four people
13:12 and tell them, "I'm about to get my stuff back.
13:14 "I'm about to get my stuff back."
13:16 (audience applauding)
13:20 (audience cheering)
13:23 In the Old Testament, unity amongst those
13:30 around about the Tower of Babel
13:33 when the babbling was going on,
13:36 and people not being able to understand one another.
13:39 One of the things that we're dealing with right now
13:41 is that there's a real battle that is going on.
13:44 There's a battle between truth and lie.
13:48 We live in a time and a day of fake news.
13:51 There's a battle between the true church
13:54 and the false church.
13:56 Y'all ain't hearing what I'm saying.
13:57 There's a battle going on everywhere.
14:01 And the Bible says that a time is going to come
14:03 when there's going to be a great falling away.
14:07 COVID didn't cause the falling away.
14:09 The falling away had already started.
14:11 COVID just expedited it, made it a little quicker.
14:16 But I come to tell you that your stuff is coming back.
14:20 Your children and your children's children
14:23 who's been under the attack, God is going to do it.
14:26 Why?
14:26 Because he's going to give you something
14:28 that you can understand.
14:29 Look at your neighbor and say, "Huh, what you say?"
14:31 He going to give you a strategy,
14:34 a supernatural strategy that will break
14:38 the back of the enemy when it comes down to your kids.
14:44 I was raised in old fashioned Pentecostalism.
14:48 I'm talking about, oh, if you breathe,
14:50 you was going to hell.
14:51 You were going to hell, no makeup, no pants.
14:56 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing, no nothing.
15:00 You can't sell that Coca-Cola to this generation.
15:05 That Coca-Cola doesn't work with this generation.
15:08 This new generation is the choice of Pepsi.
15:11 This new generation, you have to show them
15:14 what you're saying and storms that come to make you strong
15:19 sometimes make you weak first.
15:22 Who am I talking to in the room?
15:24 Now, the reason why I threw my testimony
15:27 into this discussion is because I want you to understand
15:31 that sometimes without a testimony,
15:35 you have no proof of who God really is.
15:40 A testimony is not thanking the Lord
15:41 for your life, health and strength,
15:43 food on the table or clothes on your back.
15:45 That's a speech in the storefront church
15:47 when you're waiting for more people to come.
15:49 A testimony is an undeniable experience
15:51 that you've had with God in the past
15:53 to sustain you for any present or futuristic difficulties.
15:57 A testimony is data and proof
15:59 that the God that brought you out before
16:01 will turn around and do it again.
16:03 Is there anybody in the room that know
16:05 that God will bring you out again?
16:09 That God will bring you out again?
16:11 I know I came here this morning for somebody.
16:14 I know I came here this morning for somebody
16:17 to let you know that no matter what you have gone through,
16:20 glory be to God, count it all joy
16:23 when you go through these divest temptations
16:26 for God is going to bring you out.
16:30 Look at three or four people and tell them,
16:32 I'm coming out, I'm coming out, I'm coming out.
16:34 And I'm not just coming out,
16:36 I'm coming out with a testimony
16:38 and I'm coming out with all of my stuff.
16:41 (audience cheering)
16:44 Confusion is everywhere.
16:53 The Republicans are confused.
16:56 The Democrats are confused.
16:59 The independents are confused.
17:02 You turn the television on
17:03 and the media is supposed to be telling you the news
17:06 and they're giving you their opinion.
17:08 (audience cheering)
17:08 We know not what to believe.
17:11 We open up the scriptures and there's things
17:13 that we read in the Bible about these last days
17:16 that you look at it and you can almost see it.
17:19 The Bible is reading like the newspaper.
17:22 The Bible said, "This know also that in the last days
17:24 "perilous times shall come,
17:25 "for men shall be lovers of themselves
17:27 "more than lovers of God,
17:29 "heady, high-minded, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
17:32 "disobedient to parents, unruly, unthankful,
17:34 "truth-breakers."
17:35 You can't tell nobody.
17:36 Somebody, I'm ride or die
17:38 and they leave and tell all of your business.
17:40 The devil is alive.
17:41 Truth-breakers without natural affection.
17:45 We live in a crazy time
17:47 and folks are now coming against the church
17:51 like never before.
17:52 The church, this church is, this building is not the church.
17:56 We are the church.
17:58 There's absolutely nothing wrong with the church organism.
18:03 The problem is church organization.
18:06 When you deal with the organized church,
18:08 you might have some problem,
18:09 but I know my Redeemer lives.
18:11 I know Jesus is the same God that delivered me
18:14 and set me free from crack cocaine.
18:17 Now let me tell you this story.
18:19 After I got saved and got filled with the Holy Ghost,
18:22 and I'm okay, you ready?
18:24 After I got saved and got filled with the Holy Ghost,
18:26 actually, are you ready for this?
18:28 After I got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost,
18:31 one more time, after I got saved
18:34 and filled with the Holy Ghost,
18:36 that old crack addiction came back.
18:40 What happens, glory be to God,
18:41 when the thing that you thought you was delivered from,
18:44 abstinence is not deliverance.
18:48 This church woman, woman that's out of our church,
18:50 she came to me, she said, Bishop, I need to speak to you
18:52 'cause these young people in this church
18:53 is getting on my last nerve.
18:56 I said, Mother, okay, calm down.
18:57 She said, no, I ain't calming down nothing.
18:59 They live in any kind of way, they don't believe in nothing.
19:02 Mother was really, really upset.
19:04 And I said, what's bothering you?
19:05 She said, because they just act in any kind of way
19:07 and y'all act like it's all right
19:08 for them to live the way they live.
19:10 You know, you got some people who monitor your salvation
19:12 but don't take care of their own, you know.
19:14 Yeah, huh, and she all upset,
19:16 and so I'm trying to calm her down.
19:18 She said, the places I used to go, I don't go no more.
19:21 And the men's I used to run around with,
19:23 I don't run around with them no more.
19:26 She said, I'm saved, sanctified,
19:27 Holy Ghost filled, the fire baptized.
19:29 I looked at Elder King, I said,
19:30 we need to do a little investigation on Mama.
19:32 Let's follow her around.
19:34 Let's get some information on her.
19:36 We gather the information
19:37 on that sanctified mother in the church.
19:40 Come to find out that the places she used to go,
19:43 all shut down, and the men she used to run with, all dead.
19:47 That ain't deliverance, that's unfortunate.
19:50 Say amen to my, abstinence is not deliverance.
19:55 I found myself in Rackers Island Prison.
19:59 And in Rackers Island Prison, I had a jailhouse conviction.
20:02 I was delivered and set free.
20:04 You couldn't tell me that I wasn't.
20:06 But when I came out, glory be to God,
20:08 I found myself in a predicament.
20:11 Somebody in this room going to get set free
20:13 in the next five minutes, I'm about to go to my seat.
20:16 I come to tell you that the greatest day
20:18 is in front of us right now.
20:20 And folks talking about the churches falling apart
20:22 and people ain't going like, yeah, all of that is true.
20:25 But revival is about to break out.
20:27 (audience cheering)
20:30 Came out of prison, glory be to God,
20:31 began to preach the word of the Lord,
20:33 and that addiction came back.
20:35 I ain't never been a hypocrite, not a day in my life.
20:39 But I began to understand that that which is flesh is flesh,
20:42 I'm sorry, bishop, and that which is spirit is spirit.
20:44 And a lot of times people are trying to hold your flesh
20:48 to a standard of the spirit, and it doesn't work that way.
20:53 I was saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled,
20:56 and fire baptized with an addiction.
21:00 With an addiction that God had to set me free from.
21:03 Can I preach to somebody here?
21:05 God had to give me something that I could understand.
21:09 He didn't tell me at the time that I was going through
21:12 my affliction and going through my addictions
21:14 that my ministry would attract gang members.
21:17 He didn't tell me at that time when I was going through
21:20 it would attract prostitutes,
21:22 y'all ain't hear what I'm saying, and trans individuals.
21:25 He didn't tell me at that particular time.
21:27 I had to go through in order for him to bring me out
21:31 so that I could have, glory be to God,
21:33 the spirit of intercession.
21:35 And when you intercede for somebody,
21:37 you're not praying for them, you're praying as them.
21:40 You got a whole lot of intercessors that,
21:43 they think they're intercessors,
21:44 but they're nothing but prayer warriors.
21:45 They say words in the atmosphere.
21:48 But when you are an intercessor,
21:49 you feel the infirmity of the individual
21:53 that you're prevailing for.
21:54 And you don't judge them because you understand
21:57 that what they're going through, you're going through,
22:00 and you came out of it, therefore God will bring them out.
22:03 Somebody shout and say, "I'm coming out."
22:06 The reason why I'm talking to you this way
22:09 is because the hand of the Lord is on this house.
22:13 And the hand of the Lord is on the man of God.
22:17 With them bad shoes on.
22:18 The hand of God is on his life.
22:21 And I come to tell you, glory be to God,
22:24 that God allowed a little shakening to take place.
22:28 But the sifting is not on, it's just a little shakening.
22:31 In a few more months, God is going to flip on the switch.
22:36 And you're going to see in this house,
22:39 in this city, you're going to see here,
22:41 God move like he's never moved before.
22:45 Who am I preaching to right now?
22:47 Everything the devil took from you,
22:49 you about to get it back,
22:51 but you about to get it back with a testimony.
22:54 Understand this, storms that come to make you strong
22:57 sometimes makes you weak first.
23:00 And when you come out, you come out with power.
23:03 Yeah.
23:04 The enemy, glory be to God,
23:06 began to attack everything that was associated
23:09 with George Blumer and my name.
23:12 I have this, my grandson lives with me.
23:15 He's 18 years old, just turned 19 years old.
23:18 I was in Switzerland preaching in October.
23:22 I left for September to go into October.
23:25 I called him on the 30th of October,
23:28 and I said, "Justin, I feel in my spirit
23:31 "that whatever you're going to do on Halloween,
23:33 "I want you off the streets by 11 o'clock."
23:37 Papa, yeah, I said, "No, I want you off the streets
23:40 "by 11 o'clock.
23:41 "Be in the house, I'll turn the cameras on.
23:44 "You be in place."
23:46 He said, "Papa, I got you."
23:48 I said, "Do not be out, I don't know."
23:50 Is there any parents in this room concerning your children
23:53 that you get feelings at certain times?
23:56 It's something that I don't know what it is,
23:59 and I can't put it into place,
24:00 but something just ain't right.
24:02 And I said to Justin, "Be in the house."
24:04 I went and I preached, and when I got finished preaching,
24:07 I was coming out of the pulpit, and my phone went on.
24:11 Victor came and he showed me the phone,
24:13 and I called back home.
24:14 My grandson was in a car accident.
24:17 The accident, the car flipped over.
24:19 He was ejected from the car,
24:21 and the friend that was in the car with him died
24:25 at 11/17.
24:28 The 11th month is November, and the 17th is his birthday.
24:34 The accident happened at the same time of his birth.
24:37 Do you not realize that Satan is trying to show up
24:40 to snatch you, to take you out, glory be to God,
24:43 before God can do what God promised that he's going to do?
24:49 They had to bring him back.
24:50 He coded twice, face all busted up.
24:55 I just don't know what to do.
24:57 The enemy has made up in his mind
24:59 that he can't take me out like he used to,
25:02 so he's going for our next generation.
25:05 You remember Grandma used to walk through the house,
25:07 and while you were sleeping, she would anoint the,
25:09 y'all in here, we need to go back to get some bottles of oil
25:13 and start anointing and rebuking those witches
25:16 and warlocks that are around us
25:17 and around our children's children.
25:20 You wake up in the morning, your head is all greased up
25:22 and grease on your feet.
25:24 You be sleeping, great be the God you sleeping,
25:28 and while you're sleeping, glory be to God,
25:30 you having a wonderful, wonderful dream
25:32 like you on a date.
25:33 You getting ready to give a kiss,
25:34 and all of a sudden, the whole thing shifts,
25:36 'cause Grandma done came into the house,
25:37 put oil on your head.
25:39 Done messed up your dream life.
25:42 You couldn't go out of your house
25:43 without them putting their hands on you
25:45 and decreeing and declaring the glory of God over your life.
25:49 And when there was problems in the house,
25:50 they didn't burn sage, they pleaded the blood of Jesus.
25:54 You better learn how to call on the name of the Lord
25:58 in the midst of your storms, in the midst of your crisis.
26:01 Glory be to God.
26:02 You better remember that the blood of Jesus works.
26:06 So the Lord raised my grandson back up out of that situation
26:10 and got us through that.
26:12 And I began to scratch my head
26:14 because the devil was fighting us in every area.
26:17 On my way coming to church, I was wrestling with the text.
26:21 There was a message that I want to preach
26:22 'cause this message is really, really good.
26:24 And but the Lord says, "No, no, no, no.
26:25 "Carry them back to their roots.
26:28 "Let them know that deliverance
26:30 "is about to shake this house.
26:32 "Let them know that every devil and demon,
26:35 "every root worker," y'all ain't hearing what I'm saying,
26:37 "every hater is about to be put in their place
26:41 "by the power of the Holy Ghost."
26:43 Great day in the morning.
26:45 That strength is coming back to this house.
26:47 That every place the soles of your feet shall tread,
26:50 it shall be yours.
26:52 By everything that your hand touches is going to be blessed.
26:56 Oh, touch two people and say,
26:57 bless, bless, bless, bless, bless.
26:59 You're gonna be blessed in the city,
27:01 blessed in the mountain top, blessed in the valley.
27:03 Everything you about to get blessed with.
27:06 And not only is this anointing gonna be for you,
27:09 but this anointing that is on you
27:11 is going to be the choice of the new generation.
27:14 Your children's children's children
27:17 are going to live up under the covering
27:19 and the anointing that is on your life.
27:22 Oh, let me just tell you this as I go back to my seat.
27:24 I come to tell you, glory be to God,
27:26 there's a language that the young people speak
27:28 that we don't speak.
27:29 My grandson, he said, "Papa, I went out on a date."
27:32 I said, "You did?"
27:33 He said, "Yeah, I went out on a date."
27:35 I said, "Was it a nice girl?"
27:36 He said, "Yeah."
27:37 I said, "Was she cute?"
27:39 He said, "Yeah, Papa."
27:41 I said, "Was she good looking?"
27:42 "Yeah, man, 'cause I want, you know,
27:43 "mmm, you know, ugly don't change."
27:46 (audience laughing)
27:49 He said, "Yeah."
27:49 And I said, "Wait."
27:50 He said, "I took her to Roof Crits."
27:51 He's an 18-year-old boy.
27:53 And he said, "And I paid for the dinner,
27:55 "and I really enjoyed it."
27:56 He said, "But I got to ask you a question, Papa,
27:58 "'cause something happened."
27:59 I said, "What happened there?"
28:01 He said, "I was sitting down there,
28:02 "and after we had the dinner,
28:04 "I was just getting ready to call the waiter
28:05 "to bring the dessert menu,
28:08 "and she looked across the table,
28:10 "and she said, 'I bet you don't know how you got here.'"
28:14 And he said, "Yeah, I know how I got here.
28:16 "I drove here."
28:17 She said, "I'm not talking about driving.
28:18 "I'm talking about, I bet you don't know how you got here.
28:20 "I know you don't think that you bad enough
28:23 "to pull someone as fine as I am."
28:25 (audience cheering)
28:28 My grandson said, "What?"
28:29 She said, "I manifested you."
28:33 (audience cheering)
28:35 I'm going to Masid.
28:36 "I manifested you."
28:37 He said, "You manifested what?"
28:39 She said, "I manifested you."
28:41 The school that they was in
28:43 has opened up to these new practices,
28:47 where they're allowing witchcraft and sorcery
28:50 to take place in the school systems.
28:53 Seven or eight girls would sit in a circle
28:55 with a white candle, light it up,
28:58 and write the names of boys on it,
29:00 and say their names 36 times,
29:02 and blow the candle out.
29:03 The wind carries it in, and on the seventh day,
29:06 the boy that they want manifests in front of you.
29:08 He looked at her, he said, "The devil is a liar."
29:10 (audience cheering)
29:13 I said, "Justin, what did you do?"
29:18 He said, "I binded her."
29:20 I said, "You what?"
29:21 He said, "I binded her."
29:22 I said, "What?"
29:24 He said, "Yeah, Papa, I binded her."
29:25 I said, "You can't bind her.
29:26 "You're not filled with the Holy Ghost."
29:28 He said, "Yes, I am filled with the Holy Ghost."
29:29 I said, "Grandson, when did you get filled
29:31 "with the Holy Ghost?"
29:31 He said, "Papa, I got filled with the Holy Ghost
29:33 "when you got to filled with the Holy Ghost,
29:35 "'cause the Bible said the promises to you
29:36 "and to your children's children's children.
29:39 "My grandson used the cliche to choke the devil,
29:43 "and I come to tell you on this morning
29:45 "that everything the devil stole from you,
29:49 "you about to get it all back.
29:52 "It's time for you to march into the enemy's camp
29:55 "and decree and declare it,
29:56 "'That's mine, and that's mine, and that's mine,
29:59 "'and you can't have it.
30:01 "'You can't have my children.
30:03 "'You can't have my family.
30:05 "'You can't have my marriage.
30:07 "'You can't have my job.
30:08 "'You can't have my intellectual property.
30:11 "'I want it all back.
30:14 "'Is there anybody in the building
30:16 "'that's ready for a supernatural comeback?
30:19 "'You're on your way back.
30:21 "'Everything he stole from you,
30:23 "'you about to get it back.
30:27 "'Lord, give me something that I can understand.
30:32 "'I didn't understand it before,
30:34 "'but I had to go through it
30:36 "'in order for you to bring me out.
30:38 "'And now that I'm here,
30:40 "'I got a feeling that things are about to change.
30:45 "'Things are about to shift in my life.
30:51 "'Open up your mouth, somebody,
30:53 "'and give God a praise.
30:55 "'Where are the praisers in the city of refuge?
30:59 "'Where are the worshipers in this house?
31:03 "'Decree it and declare it
31:05 "'that everything, that everything is on its way back.
31:10 "'I want it all back.
31:16 "'I want it all back.
31:19 "'I want it all back.
31:21 "'You are going to experience
31:26 "'something supernatural over the next seven days,
31:32 "'and it's not the job of a visiting preacher
31:34 "'to come in and set policy in anybody's church.
31:37 "'And certainly that's not what I'm doing,
31:39 "'but I see the angels coming in the building right now,
31:43 "'getting ready, glory be to God,
31:44 "'to get around you, to cover you,
31:47 "'because the next seven days,
31:49 "'everything that you're going through,
31:51 "'you're going to be guided by angelic forces.
31:55 "'Be careful how you deal with strangers,
31:57 "'for thereby you may be entertaining angels unaware.
32:01 "'I'm going to usher your angel in front of you,
32:04 "'because God is going to do it in this season.
32:06 "'Your broke days are over.
32:09 "'Your lack days are over.
32:11 "'Your days of complaining is over.
32:14 "'I wish I could get about 50 people to turn.
32:16 "'God's going to turn that thing around for you
32:19 "'and fix it in your life.
32:22 "'In the name of Jesus.'"
32:24 (audience applauding)
32:27 (triumphant music)
32:30 I speak this over your life.
32:39 First, no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.
32:43 Number two, you've been saved too long
32:48 to even think about backsliding.
32:50 You've been running for Jesus a long time,
32:56 you ain't got to hide yet.
32:58 The devil ain't even trying to fight you right now.
33:00 He's after the generation to come.
33:04 That's what he's going after.
33:08 He's going after the generation to come.
33:11 But God's going to give us something
33:13 that we can understand about our children.
33:16 And we'll be able to cover them under the blood of Jesus
33:21 and keep them protected from every demonic attack
33:25 and assignment that is on them.
33:27 And when we talk about our children and our grandchildren,
33:33 our great-grandchildren,
33:35 we won't talk about them as if they're not saved.
33:39 We're going to call things that be not as though they were.
33:43 We're going to speak it over their life.
33:46 The experience that they're having and they're going through
33:52 is so that God can manifest himself before them.
33:55 (congregation applauding)
33:57 I know how we were raised.
33:58 I know what our generation is like.
34:00 Woo, I know that.
34:03 But our children are not calling on our God.
34:10 They're calling on a foreign God.
34:14 Let's love our children.
34:19 Keep them covered under the blood of Jesus.
34:23 Stop being judgmental.
34:25 God is big enough to save them in a different tent
34:31 and still keep them covered.
34:37 If that word was for you,
34:38 somebody give the Lord a hand clap and a praise
34:40 in the name of Jesus.
34:42 (congregation applauding)
34:46 I'm here this morning
34:48 because I know without a shout of a doubt,
34:52 some of you are dealing with reoccurring stuff.
34:55 Things that you were delivered from,
34:58 things that you was set free from.
35:01 You looked up and it's back again.
35:06 The devil is a liar.
35:11 Preacher called me and said,
35:13 Bluma, when you're preaching,
35:16 you tell too much of your business.
35:21 I said, the reason why I talk the way I talk
35:24 is because I want the people of God
35:28 to hold me accountable to what I say.
35:31 He can't talk like I talk
35:34 'cause he ain't free like I'm free.
35:37 (congregation applauding)
35:40 (horn honking)
35:43 I'm just as human as you are.
35:45 I'm battling the same things you're battling.
35:48 And if you go to a church looking for a perfect person
35:50 to speak to you, you're deceiving yourself.
35:53 Let every man work out his own soul salvation
35:56 with fear and trembling.
35:58 Turn to your neighbor and say,
35:59 mind your business and praise your God.
36:03 And if you can keep your nose out of other people's business
36:07 you can keep the presence of God in your spirit.
36:10 But if you keep other people's business in your head,
36:13 you'll never connect with God
36:15 the way you need to connect with God.
36:17 Because if God is talking to you like you are,
36:20 how come he can't be talking to me like I am?
36:26 Two prayers I'm going to pray
36:27 and I'm getting out of your way.
36:29 The first prayer I'm going to pray,
36:31 hoo, shut up,
36:33 is for parents and grandparents
36:36 who are dealing with the choice of the new generation.
36:39 Young people, family members
36:44 that don't see it like you see it.
36:47 Asking God to give you something
36:50 that you can understand about them.
36:52 For breakthrough, for healing, for deliverance.
36:58 Which mother or parent needs that?
37:00 Over your son, over your daughter?
37:02 Stand up, let me pray this prayer in the name of Jesus.
37:04 Even as I have experienced,
37:08 even as I have experienced breakthrough,
37:14 year after year, month after month,
37:16 day after day, week after week,
37:18 so I release it in this room right now.
37:21 Supernatural strength,
37:23 power of the intercessor
37:26 to loose an anointing on our children's children,
37:30 ka-ta-da-ba-ba,
37:32 on our children's children in the name of Jesus.
37:35 That the blood of the Lord Jesus
37:41 would cover them and saturate them.
37:45 For that we give your name praise right now.
37:49 Somebody by next week's going to get the telephone call,
37:53 prison, an accident, an overdose.
37:57 But God, we block it right now.
38:00 In the name of Jesus,
38:04 we block it right now in Jesus' name.
38:07 Somebody give God a shout and a praise out of your spirit.
38:12 Oh, sha-ta-da-ba,
38:18 shan-da-da-ba, sa-ka-ta-ba.
38:20 Come on, give Him just one more minute.
38:26 Give Him that praise, give Him that praise.
38:29 Give Him that praise, give Him that praise.
38:31 Oh, sha-ta-da-ba.
38:35 (audience applauding)
38:38 And if you don't mind,
38:42 atmosphere is a whole lot.
38:44 If you don't mind,
38:46 shout that name that you're interceding for
38:47 into the atmosphere
38:49 so your angels can snatch it right now.
38:51 Ka-ta-da-ba, sa-ka-ta.
38:53 Just breathe.
38:56 So we, all the grandchildren,
38:59 in the name of Jesus.
39:01 I feel something shaking right now.
39:03 I feel something breaking right now.
39:05 He ka-ta-da-ba, sa-ka-bo-sha-ka-ta-ba.
39:07 Come on, speak it into the atmosphere.
39:09 Speak it into the atmosphere.
39:12 Speak it into the atmosphere.
39:15 That's prayer number one.
39:20 Woo, sha-ta-da-ba.
39:32 (speaking in foreign language)
39:36 Somebody caught that thing.
39:39 Somebody got it in their spirit.
39:42 Break through, break through, break through,
39:47 break through, break through.
39:49 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
39:56 My final prayer.
39:59 (dramatic music)
40:02 Woo.
40:04 Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
40:13 Woo, sha-ta-da-ba, sa-ka-ba.
40:21 You don't know like I know the battle
40:23 that I've been fighting.
40:24 You don't know like I know what I've been dealing with.
40:27 (dramatic music)
40:30 Oh, somebody shabbat the Lord in this place.
40:35 Woo, oh, I said somebody shabbat the Lord in this place.
40:44 Woo.
40:47 (speaking in foreign language)
40:57 Shabbat comes from the Hebrew word shabiri.
41:00 It means to confuse the enemy.
41:02 Every time you shabbat,
41:04 the devil that is on his way to attack you gets confused.
41:08 Somebody better confuse the devil right now.
41:10 (dramatic music)
41:13 Yes.
41:20 (dramatic music)
41:28 (crowd cheering)
41:31 Touch two or three people and say it's done,
41:34 it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done.
41:36 And if you touch 'em and you don't feel no power,
41:41 touch somebody 'til you feel some power.
41:43 I need somebody to touch and agree with me in this place.
41:47 I ain't in here playing.
41:50 I'm trying to keep my house safe.
41:52 I'm trying to keep my children covered.
41:54 (speaking in foreign language)
41:57 I'm trying to keep demons and devils out of my,
42:00 oh, (speaking in foreign language)
42:06 I got a feeling, I got a feeling
42:12 that everything is gonna be all right.
42:25 Look at two or three people and say,
42:26 I feel a dance about to hit me.
42:29 I feel something about to tremble in my spirit.
42:32 I feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it,
42:36 I feel it, I feel it, I feel it, I feel it.
42:41 I feel like my praise has been received.
42:44 (upbeat music)
42:46 Put those hands together.
43:02 (upbeat music)
43:05 (speaking in foreign language)
43:26 Praise him.
43:27 (upbeat music)
43:30 Put your hands together.
43:48 Slash the devil.
43:51 (upbeat music)
43:54, somebody say, Barcelona in this place.
43:59 (upbeat music)
44:01 Somebody say, Barcelona in this place.
44:22 (audience applauding)
44:24 Yes, yes.
44:28 (upbeat music)
44:31 Father, be pleased to receive the praises
44:50 of your people on this morning.
44:52 In Jesus name, somebody give the Lord a hand praise
44:55 like you mean it.
44:57 Decree and declare.
44:59 Give me something I can understand God.
45:02 Shift my atmosphere.
45:05 Save my children.
45:08 Keep me covered.
45:10 Keep me safe.
45:12 In Jesus name, amen.
45:16 (upbeat music)
45:18 (upbeat music)
45:21 (upbeat music)
45:24 (upbeat music)
45:26 (upbeat music)
