• l’année dernière


00:00:00The one true faith, the one true faith.
00:00:08Where'd you get that from?
00:00:09Ephesians 4 and 5.
00:00:10I just want you to see it right quick before we start.
00:00:12The one true faith.
00:00:16And in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 5, he says,
00:00:18there is one Lord, there is one faith,
00:00:24and there is one baptism.
00:00:27There's one faith.
00:00:30There's not two, three different faith.
00:00:32It's not you got a faith and then there's one faith.
00:00:37There's one faith.
00:00:40The faith you have is the one he has.
00:00:45There's one faith.
00:00:48There's one faith.
00:00:49Now, let's start this from a practical place now.
00:00:54Did I pray?
00:00:57Okay, Father, thank you for this opportunity to minister to
00:01:01these, your precious sheep.
00:01:03Thank you that revelation and knowledge will flow freely,
00:01:06uninterrupted, and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force.
00:01:10Speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind.
00:01:13None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray,
00:01:16and everybody said, amen.
00:01:23So, this is my Bible.
00:01:28This is the book where supposedly we get all of the
00:01:31truth that we live by.
00:01:36But there's one thing about this Bible that we hadn't spent a lot
00:01:39of time talking about is that this Bible was not written in
00:01:45English originally.
00:01:48The English language was not the original language
00:01:52for this Bible.
00:01:55The original language for this Bible, Old Testament mostly,
00:01:59was originally Hebrew, and the New Testament that we live by
00:02:03and study came from a Greek language.
00:02:09So, this Greek language, as well as this Hebrew,
00:02:17the Greek language is so vastly different
00:02:21from the English language.
00:02:23That's the first thing you gotta understand.
00:02:25It's so vastly different from the English language.
00:02:27Sometimes you come across a word where there is just no
00:02:31equivalent in English.
00:02:34And if you read the Greek translation of the Bible,
00:02:37sometimes it seems like, well, they need to put a conjunction
00:02:40or something in there to hook it up, but that is important.
00:02:45For some reason, over the years, as ministers of the gospel,
00:02:49I don't know if we ever thought it was important enough to share
00:02:52it with the congregation.
00:02:53It's the stuff that they share in seminary with the preachers,
00:02:56and it needs to be shared with the congregation.
00:02:59And because our Bible is translated into English,
00:03:08we tend to read it with an English understanding.
00:03:12In other words, understanding it from the perspective of our
00:03:16English Western culture.
00:03:21And so, we end up understanding, or rather, misunderstanding it
00:03:28from our Western way of thinking.
00:03:31So, what happens is we don't realize that the culture,
00:03:36the gospel, and the language is different from ours,
00:03:43and that has to be in your head.
00:03:47Wonder what was missing out of this Scripture,
00:03:49or wonder if there was a word that was substituted
00:03:53by someone's prerogative.
00:03:57Let me give you an example.
00:03:59Go to Matthew chapter 28 and verse 19.
00:04:05Matthew 28 and verse 19 and 20.
00:04:10He said, "'Go, go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
00:04:15baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
00:04:18and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things
00:04:23whatsoever I have commanded you.
00:04:24And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.'"
00:04:29So, when Jesus told his disciples to go,
00:04:34and we know the story, the Great Commission here.
00:04:36He told them to go and make disciples.
00:04:39We read this from our Western understanding,
00:04:42and we interpret it from our church culture and language,
00:04:47and here's what we hear.
00:04:49We hear, "'Go and do the Great Commission.'"
00:04:53In other words, we are to go and evangelize.
00:04:56We are to go and spread the gospel.
00:04:59We are to go and get people to repent and to repent of their
00:05:06sins and go and get people saved.
00:05:09That's what I've understood all my life.
00:05:11That's what you've understood all your life, okay?
00:05:16But if we understand the language and the culture of the
00:05:20day, we would understand what Jesus meant by go.
00:05:30So, I want to put the Greek word for go, poiouma,
00:05:37and the Greek word for go, it means to pursue one's journey.
00:05:43It means to lead.
00:05:49It means to order one's life, and in the Greek,
00:05:56if you remember your English words,
00:05:59this word go is a participle, going.
00:06:04So, what he is saying is, in your going, make disciples.
00:06:13In your everyday life, make disciples.
00:06:16When you go, make disciples.
00:06:19And whatever you do, whenever you're at work,
00:06:22make disciples.
00:06:23Whenever you're at school, make disciples.
00:06:26When you go hang out with friends, make disciples.
00:06:29When you go to church, make disciples.
00:06:32Or even when you go for a walk, make disciples.
00:06:35What was he saying?
00:06:37He didn't say go like you had to have a mission trip to do it.
00:06:40He says, I want you to use your everyday living and your everyday
00:06:45life, and I want you to be an example of a disciple.
00:06:49And what I'm saying, what he's saying is, in your going,
00:06:52make disciples because they're going to hear what you say.
00:06:55In your going, make disciples because they're going to see how
00:06:57you respond to this.
00:06:58When you're going, make disciples because they see how
00:07:00you're going to react with that.
00:07:02In everything you do, when you go to school, make disciples
00:07:04because you become the epistle that everybody else reads,
00:07:08and by reading your living and your everyday life,
00:07:11you make disciples.
00:07:16But you couldn't see that in the English interpretation
00:07:22from the Greek.
00:07:23We had to go back to the Greek to find out what that said.
00:07:27And even in Romans 17, excuse me, Romans 14 and 17,
00:07:32we talk about the kingdom of God.
00:07:35And, you know, the question is, what does the kingdom
00:07:37of God look like?
00:07:38Well, Romans 14, 17 says, for the kingdom of God is not meat,
00:07:42it's not drink.
00:07:43It's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost
00:07:46who's on the inside of us.
00:07:48And we're looking for some kingdom.
00:07:49He says the kingdom is on the inside of us.
00:07:53It's not about what we do.
00:07:55It's not about what we don't do.
00:07:58It's about Christ in us.
00:08:00And the day you got born again, Christ got on the inside of you.
00:08:03It's righteousness, it's peace, it's joy in the Holy Ghost,
00:08:07and all of which are finished and in us.
00:08:11Righteousness is finished and it's in you by way
00:08:14of the Holy Ghost.
00:08:15Joy is finished and it's in you by way of the Holy Ghost.
00:08:19Peace is finished and it's in you by way of the Holy Ghost.
00:08:24When Jesus came, Jesus is the kingdom of God.
00:08:28Jesus is righteousness, he's peace, he's joy,
00:08:31and he has now entered on the inside of you, hallelujah,
00:08:34and it's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost
00:08:37and it's righteousness and it's in you.
00:08:43Now, understanding that we read in English translation and
00:08:48understanding what we read in English translation may or may
00:08:52not accurately reflect what we wrote and translated in our
00:08:59original English language.
00:09:02It may reflect what we're reading may reflect the
00:09:05translator's personal belief.
00:09:06It may reflect his personal understanding of God.
00:09:11And so, think about this.
00:09:13In English, nouns are the essential part of a sentence.
00:09:19A noun is an essential part of a sentence, but in Greek,
00:09:24it's all about the verb.
00:09:28In Greek, it's all about the verb, and the Greek verb each
00:09:33has moods, they have tenses, the tenses, they have voices,
00:09:39moods, tenses, and voices.
00:09:41You have to understand there's some language, like some of the
00:09:44language in Chinese, you can say the same thing,
00:09:47but it's all about tones.
00:09:50You can say something in Chinese,
00:09:51ay-ya-hee-ah, or ay-ya-hee-ah.
00:09:55They mean two different things, but Christians over here who
00:10:01read the Scriptures in English, we don't think about that kind
00:10:04of stuff, but in Greek, it's all about the verb.
00:10:06It's all about the mood.
00:10:08It's about the tense.
00:10:10It's about the voice.
00:10:14Let me show you the tense of the New Testament,
00:10:16and this is important.
00:10:19The tense of the New Testament is aorist tense.
00:10:25This denotes a default, the default tense in the Greek.
00:10:29In other words, the tense in the New Testament is always
00:10:33the finished tense.
00:10:35Finished is the default tense of the New Testament Scripture.
00:10:40And so, when we talk about something being in the aorist
00:10:43tense, it is completed tense.
00:10:46It is the done tense.
00:10:48It is the finished tense.
00:10:50In other words, it doesn't need to be done again, and in fact,
00:10:56it can't be done again.
00:10:59This tense says it's done and can't be done again.
00:11:02This tense says it's done and can't be undone.
00:11:06It can never be undone.
00:11:07That's the tense of this Greek language.
00:11:09Glory to God.
00:11:11While English is built primarily on the present tense, the aorist
00:11:15tense in Greek is the default tense, and it says in this, it
00:11:21says in so many words, it's finished.
00:11:24It's the default tense.
00:11:25It's finished, so the New Testament, the new covenant of
00:11:28the New Testament is written in the tense of done, completed,
00:11:35finished, can't be undone.
00:11:40Let me give you an illustration on that now, because I'm getting
00:11:42excited about the tense, but you know where I'm going.
00:11:45So, let me give you an illustration of this.
00:11:47Look at Luke chapter 23 and verse 34.
00:11:51Luke chapter 23 and verse 34.
00:11:53I'm still on the bus.
00:11:57See, some people just want to hear about, want to come to
00:11:59church, hear about Shackrack, Meshack, and the Bendigo, and
00:12:02they want to hear about Daniel and the Lion's Den.
00:12:04They want to hear about three Hebrew boys.
00:12:06I wants to know more.
00:12:08Because some of you say, I've been in the Lion's Den and they
00:12:16ate me up.
00:12:19I was in the fire and all my clothes were burnt.
00:12:25So, what does this Aris tense look like in Luke chapter 23
00:12:28and verse 34?
00:12:32Jesus said, Father, forgive them.
00:12:34Now, remember what tense this is.
00:12:36Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do, and they
00:12:40parted his raiment and cast lots.
00:12:42So, he's on the cross, all right?
00:12:48But what he just said is going to be in that Aris tense.
00:12:52Forgive is an Aris tense.
00:12:56It is finished.
00:12:58The Father is not forgiving anyone today.
00:13:03Because he has completely and fully forgiven us.
00:13:08Finished, done, forgiven, that's it.
00:13:10In fact, when we mess up and ask him to forgive us, we'll always
00:13:28hear him say, forgiven.
00:13:32Because it's done.
00:13:33Oh, God, forgive me.
00:13:35Not because he's right now forgiving us for what we've
00:13:40done, but because forgiven is who we are.
00:13:50So, do I have to receive his forgiveness if it's already
00:13:55Yeah, absolutely, of course.
00:13:58But it's received by understanding that he's already
00:14:02completely and fully forgiven us.
00:14:05The day I understand that I am forgiven and he's completely and
00:14:09full of forgiving me and it can't be done, I've received it
00:14:13based on what I now understand.
00:14:15When I understand something, I can receive it.
00:14:19And the day I understand that I can't get no more forgiveness
00:14:22than what I already got.
00:14:25Jesus made his mind up to forgive you before you even
00:14:32formed into a fetus.
00:14:33When you came here, you were forgiven.
00:14:36Y'all don't understand what I'm saying.
00:14:39He's not forgiving you, you know, you go and you mess up and
00:14:43you say, oh, Lord, I messed up.
00:14:44And there's some things you don't realize.
00:14:47So, you say, oh, Lord, I messed up.
00:14:49Oh, God, please forgive me.
00:14:50But you don't realize.
00:14:51What is it you don't realize?
00:14:52You don't realize that he already forgave you.
00:14:55So, there's something that has to happen.
00:14:57You got to realize what already is.
00:15:02You think God is present tense, present time, right now, oh,
00:15:09Lord, forgive me.
00:15:10And then you say, forgive me, and then you pretend you heard
00:15:13him say, okay, I'll do it right now.
00:15:15But you're not going to hear him say that.
00:15:17What you're going to hear him say when you're going to say,
00:15:19Lord, forgive me, he's going to say, forgiven.
00:15:22He responds to you, he responds to you in the heiress tense.
00:15:30He's not responding to you in the present tense.
00:15:33He's not even responding to you in the past tense.
00:15:36He responds to you in the tense of the finished.
00:15:40Anytime you talk to God, he's going to talk to you about the
00:15:45finished, oh, Lord, make me righteous.
00:15:47You're righteous.
00:15:48You remember when Abraham did that?
00:15:50Abraham believed, you're righteous because he did all
00:15:55that before you were born.
00:15:57Nothing we do surprises God.
00:16:00It's not like you do something, now God got to figure out a way
00:16:02to work this thing out.
00:16:05You did something, now God got to, oh, Lord, God like,
00:16:08it ain't like God to have a, oh, Lord, and mess up again.
00:16:10Come on, y'all, let's do this.
00:16:12He, it's finished.
00:16:16You and I have got to come into this new realm,
00:16:21this realm of the finished.
00:16:23We got to start operating from the place of the finished.
00:16:25We got to start moving from the place of the finished.
00:16:28When something is finished, it's completely done.
00:16:31It is done, it's over, and watch this, and it cannot be undone.
00:16:34You cannot undo what God has already done.
00:16:38And the reason why a lot of people don't receive it is
00:16:41because they don't realize it.
00:16:45And I need you to realize it, and you're tempted because of
00:16:52your mindset and religion, you're tempted to say,
00:16:55every time you do something, oh, God, forgive me.
00:16:57And you hear people say, you know what?
00:16:59You're not forgiven until you confess it.
00:17:03You got to confess it first, and then you're forgiven.
00:17:05Now, God says, no, you don't understand.
00:17:08What I did is done.
00:17:11Everything I was going to do for you, I already did for you.
00:17:19And if you're going to walk in the peace of what's already
00:17:21done, you got to realize that when I gave you Jesus,
00:17:25I gave you everything.
00:17:27I gave you your forgiveness, I gave you your healing.
00:17:30It's already done, it's finished, it's completed.
00:17:34It's already done, it's finished, it's completed.
00:17:45Are receiving that truth means, oh, wow,
00:17:53I just thought about something.
00:17:55When you understand something, you receive it.
00:17:58I've always wondered, and somebody said, receive it.
00:18:00It's hard to receive something that you don't understand.
00:18:06That's why Proverbs 4 and 7 says, in all you're getting.
00:18:13If you're going to get healing, understand you're healed.
00:18:16If you're going to get forgiveness,
00:18:17understand forgiven.
00:18:18If you're going to get whatever, understand it's finished.
00:18:21Understand the finish.
00:18:22Understand the arrow's tent.
00:18:24Understand it is already done.
00:18:26In all you're getting, get understanding,
00:18:30because you're not going to really get or receive
00:18:32without no understanding.
00:18:34But the more I can bring you understanding,
00:18:36the more you can receive.
00:18:38And it doesn't take some religious rhetoric to,
00:18:41that you got to do to get it.
00:18:45You don't understand.
00:18:46We have been trained in what you got to do to get it.
00:18:50And God's like, who do you think you are?
00:18:53I have done it.
00:18:55It is done, it is finished, can't be undone.
00:18:58It ain't you doing nothing.
00:19:00You ain't doing nothing.
00:19:01Look at what you did in the first covenant.
00:19:02Look at how y'all mess it up.
00:19:04Mankind was a mess.
00:19:06So, I have come and I have done this for all of mankind.
00:19:10He gave the whole world Jesus.
00:19:12I have come for all mankind and I have finished righteousness
00:19:15for every man on the planet.
00:19:16I have finished deliverance for every man on the planet.
00:19:19Well, I'm still sick because you ain't realized that healing
00:19:22is a finished work, not even past tense.
00:19:26It's undone, that your healing can't be undone.
00:19:30Your deliverance can't be undone.
00:19:32Your prosperity can't be undone.
00:19:34You keep walking around here trying to do something.
00:19:36How insulting.
00:19:43So, I'm retraining my thinking.
00:19:45I'm getting up and say, I live in the realm of the finished.
00:19:49My victory is finished.
00:19:51If there's a fight, it's finished.
00:19:54I'm going to step ahead just for a moment.
00:19:57May I do this for just a moment?
00:19:59And you don't have to receive it now because we'll go over it
00:20:01again at a later date.
00:20:04But there, it took me 43 years to realize that there are four
00:20:09easy steps in living a life of faith and moving in the glory.
00:20:15You want them?
00:20:17You want them?
00:20:21Because I believe somebody going to use this this week.
00:20:23All right, do you understand what I mean when I say,
00:20:29you know, Jesus got on the cross and he said,
00:20:30it is finished.
00:20:32And then people have interpreted it all kinds of ways.
00:20:34Well, his life is over.
00:20:35No, no, no.
00:20:37He said, no man took my life.
00:20:39I gave it away.
00:20:39If I didn't give it away, nobody could.
00:20:42So, everything is finished.
00:20:44Everything that's wrong with you,
00:20:46everything you want to make right,
00:20:47everything you want to do, everything you need, done.
00:20:51Finished, completed, can't be undone.
00:20:55The first step is you got to realize what's finished.
00:21:02And what's finished, ladies and gentlemen?
00:21:04Everything, everything.
00:21:06It's so shocking.
00:21:07If you read Ephesians 1, you see all that stuff.
00:21:09You've already been blessed with spiritual blessings.
00:21:11I've already decided to make you a son before you ever got here.
00:21:14I decided to forgive you.
00:21:15I decided to do what he decided to do before you were born.
00:21:19So, the first thing you got to do is anything you encounter,
00:21:21you got to say and realize it's finished.
00:21:24You have to start living in the realm of the finished.
00:21:28That's number one.
00:21:32Number two, after you realize, receive.
00:21:38Now, watch this.
00:21:39Your receiving is going to be limited to your understanding.
00:21:44So, the more you understand, just go through all the
00:21:48promises in the New Testament and it's finished.
00:21:51So, once you understand it, by pure fact,
00:21:54by through your understanding, you received.
00:21:57Number three, rest.
00:22:01If it is finished, you should not be laboring to do nothing
00:22:05but rest.
00:22:07You got to learn how to rest in confidence in what's already
00:22:11You got to labor to rest.
00:22:13Something comes up, labor to rest.
00:22:16Rest, rest, rest.
00:22:20You're not trying to do to get to finish what he's already
00:22:24Well, I need to do this so God can do that.
00:22:26I need to do that.
00:22:26That's over.
00:22:27It's finished.
00:22:29He didn't ask you for your help and you couldn't,
00:22:31you didn't bring nothing to the table.
00:22:33Righteousness, redemption, peace,
00:22:35all that came directly from him.
00:22:38He's the source of everything that's finished.
00:22:43Ain't nothing else left to do but rest.
00:22:48And rest doesn't mean, you know, idleness.
00:22:53It means I am resting in confidence and assurance that
00:22:58this is done, so I'm not gonna try to do it.
00:23:01Oh, well, I'm just such a gossiper.
00:23:03I need to do this and I need to do that.
00:23:05See how your mind think?
00:23:08Your deliverance is finished.
00:23:10So, you got to dwell in the realm of,
00:23:12oh, deliverance is finished.
00:23:14You're tempted to say, no, I got to do something about that.
00:23:19You just stepped out of the realm of the finished.
00:23:24Here's the fourth thing to do.
00:23:26Now, while you're resting, while you've received because you
00:23:30understand, and while you realize you still got a devil
00:23:34who's gonna try to attack you, distract you,
00:23:38and take you out of it.
00:23:39His job is to take you out of the realm of the finished.
00:23:42The word have in the book of Mark chapter 11,
00:23:46when he says, have faith in God, that word, Chandra, means echo.
00:23:54It comes from a Greek word that we get the word echo from.
00:23:58When Jesus had the disciples in the middle of the water and all
00:24:02the storms were going on, and Jesus showed up and calmed the
00:24:04storm, and he said this, why is it that you have no faith?
00:24:10You know what he's saying?
00:24:11There's a storm.
00:24:12Why is it that you're not echoing your faith?
00:24:18So, when the trouble comes, open your mouth up and state
00:24:22the finished.
00:24:28When you're standing in front of a mountain, and that's what in
00:24:31chapter 11 he talks about this mountain, when you're standing
00:24:33in front of a mountain, why are you not echoing what's finished?
00:24:40Echo what's finished.
00:24:42Not, you're not saying it to try to get it to happen.
00:24:45It's already happened.
00:24:48And so, if trouble shows up to try to take you out of the
00:24:51finished, you just echo, hey, echo finished, echo healed,
00:24:57echo delivered, echo forgiven, echo.
00:25:01He said whenever trouble shows up, we ought to be echoing what
00:25:07Jesus said when he said it is finished.
00:25:24We'll develop that as we go on.
00:25:27Now, on this occasion, some of y'all want to kick that devil
00:25:30butt today.
00:25:35Realize it.
00:25:36You need to walk out of here today realizing, oh, my God,
00:25:39that's done too.
00:25:40And then you say, well, Lord, I need it.
00:25:42Oh, well, that's done too.
00:25:43Well, Lord, I know I need to do this, so I need.
00:25:47No, that's done too.
00:25:48Now, what I need to do, I need to pray more so you can.
00:25:51Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:25:52See, see, now you can finally get prayer in the right place,
00:25:56and the right place is I can't help but to praise and thank
00:26:00you for what you've already done.
00:26:03Hey, I got to thank you for what you've already done.
00:26:08Thank you that it's finished.
00:26:10Thank you that I'm healed.
00:26:11Oh, glory to God.
00:26:18Our receiving that truth means we grasp it.
00:26:24We are now free in our thinking to experience the finished.
00:26:31It's got to be grasped.
00:26:33And most church folks hadn't grasped it because religion has
00:26:36taught us to do this, to do that, to do this, to do that,
00:26:41to do that.
00:26:42And like Taffi was telling me the other day,
00:26:43why would you want to repeat and try to do something that Jesus
00:26:49has did and already done?
00:26:51It makes no sense.
00:26:54That's why it's called religion.
00:26:56In the Latin, the word religion means a return to bondage.
00:27:04So, religion has kept us bound when the thing's already
00:27:09been finished.
00:27:11The heiress is a completed action that took place at a
00:27:24point in time, and so when did God forgive?
00:27:30On the cross.
00:27:32It was finished.
00:27:36It was fleshed out, in a sense, in time.
00:27:41It was finished a few years ago, but the cross is eternal,
00:27:46which means he's completely forgiven.
00:27:50All mankind before time ever began.
00:27:59That sounds strange to Christian folks because they always think
00:28:01that their fraternity is greater than everybody else,
00:28:04but Jesus didn't come just to forgive your fraternity.
00:28:10He came, it's all over the Scripture.
00:28:14Jesus came to forgive the whole world for God so loved the
00:28:19world, so what about that guy who's walking around?
00:28:27Don't think God forgave him.
00:28:28He hadn't realized it yet.
00:28:32What about making disciples?
00:28:34Getting people to realize it's done.
00:28:37Getting people to realize they're forgiven.
00:28:44Getting people to realize that God loves them.
00:28:47Getting people to realize, but we turned the whole issue into
00:28:51a heaven and hell issue, and Romans 10 and 8 says,
00:28:55the righteousness of God doesn't say who shall go to hell or who
00:28:58shall go to heaven.
00:29:00The righteousness of God is nigh thee even in your mouth,
00:29:04but we keep making it a heaven and hell issue because we really
00:29:09want to get somebody back.
00:29:11I've been living a hard time.
00:29:12Y'all been living a good time.
00:29:13You're going to hell.
00:29:14I'm going to heaven, and Jesus came.
00:29:16Jesus came to change all that.
00:29:18Jesus came to say, anybody that will realize, anybody that'll
00:29:28realize and start living in the finish,
00:29:30his whole life can turn around.
00:29:34Really, think about how did you and I get saved?
00:29:37We came to a point, we realized something, didn't we?
00:29:39All right?
00:29:40Okay, once you realized it, you were saved right there.
00:29:45Do you actually think going to the prayer room and saying that
00:29:47prayer after that dude was the magic powder that got it done?
00:29:51No, no, but that's what we've been trained.
00:29:54You got to say this.
00:29:59Without understanding that once you realize something from your
00:30:02heart, you're going to confess it.
00:30:06Everything proceeds from your heart.
00:30:08I confess this from my heart.
00:30:10We've turned everything into a little trick with something you
00:30:14got to do to make you feel like you're a part of it, and God
00:30:17already told you, you didn't bring nothing to the table.
00:30:21You're a part of the finish, and we won't even become a part of
00:30:25the finished because religious doctrine tells us you got to do
00:30:31this in order that he did this.
00:30:33You got to do that in order for that to happen.
00:30:35You got to do this in order for that to happen, and if you don't
00:30:37do this, and you don't do that, then you better watch out.
00:30:42You better not cry.
00:30:51I realized that.
00:30:52I asked myself a question, okay, so what if I'm on a deserted
00:30:55island, and I have this wow moment in my heart where all of
00:31:00a sudden I believe in God, so I'm going to hell because
00:31:05nobody was there to take me to the prayer room to say this
00:31:08afternoon, or what if I can't talk?
00:31:17This is a heart issue, and religion has captured our mind
00:31:23and gave us traditional mindset, and by hearing just what you're
00:31:28saying, some of you, maybe you're getting it, but some of
00:31:31you are like, okay, pastor, whoo, because you're coming up
00:31:36with questions to satisfy that traditional mindset.
00:31:40Yeah, but what about, and I'm telling you, it's finished.
00:31:45It's done.
00:31:46Quit all that what about.
00:31:48Get into the realm of the finished.
00:31:50Get into the realm of the done.
00:31:51Get into the realm of the completed.
00:31:53I receive it, Jesus.
00:31:55You did it, Jesus.
00:31:56I take you.
00:31:57I take you for everything.
00:31:58I take you, Lord.
00:31:58I take you, I take you, I take you.
00:32:05All mankind before time ever began, before Adam fell, he was
00:32:10completely and fully forgiven.
00:32:13Think of that.
00:32:15Religion people sent Adam to hell.
00:32:16You know that, don't you?
00:32:18Before humanity ever sinned, they were forgiven.
00:32:27It's finished.
00:32:30It can't be undone.
00:32:31That's why this gospel is the almost too-good-to-be-true news.
00:32:39Another essential element of the Greek grammar that we need to
00:32:43understand is something, if you put it up, is called the
00:32:47genitive possessive, and basically, we'll look at the
00:32:51genitive possessive of the case of nouns.
00:32:55But when you see this in the Greek language, it talks about
00:33:06Somebody's got to own that noun.
00:33:10One noun, if you will, has got to own that other noun.
00:33:13That one person's got to own that thing.
00:33:16That's what it says in the language.
00:33:18In our English Bible, the word of, O-F, that's usually added
00:33:24in the translation to help the verse read easier.
00:33:28And although at times the different prepositional phrases
00:33:32that we use, these are words that connect phrases and clauses
00:33:35together, the translator may use the word in.
00:33:41Now, I want you to go to Romans 3.22.
00:33:46I want to show you this.
00:33:54So, there is something that happens when we look at having
00:33:58faith in Jesus and having the faith of Jesus.
00:34:04Somebody says, don't, please don't make a big deal out of
00:34:06It's a big deal.
00:34:09Because when I have the faith of Jesus, then it's a gift.
00:34:15But when I have to have faith in Jesus, it seems like I got to
00:34:18do something.
00:34:20Listen carefully, Romans 3.22.
00:34:24He says, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus
00:34:28Christ to all and, he says, to all and on all who believe in
00:34:39me, for there is no difference.
00:34:42Now, the phrase is consistently rendered in English translation
00:34:46as faith in Jesus Christ.
00:34:50But the Greek translation says the faith of Jesus Christ or
00:34:57literally Jesus' faith, pistis eios Christos, which means the
00:35:04faith of Christ or Jesus Christ's faith.
00:35:11So, both of the nouns, faith and Jesus Christ are genitive
00:35:16Now, remember, the genitive possession, it denotes ownership.
00:35:20This is what it means in this Scripture, that Jesus owns the
00:35:27Jesus owns the faith.
00:35:30But when you translate it as in, it makes it sound like we need
00:35:35to put our faith in Jesus, and we miss the importance of
00:35:40understanding that the faith belongs to Jesus.
00:35:44It is his.
00:35:51Romans 3.22, it's important for us to really look at this
00:35:55because we got to correctly understand how God's
00:36:00righteousness comes to us.
00:36:02Does God's righteousness come to us because we have faith in
00:36:05Jesus, meaning that we've got to do that in order for
00:36:09righteousness to come?
00:36:10Or does God's righteousness come to us because we have the faith
00:36:13of Jesus, meaning that righteousness came as a gift
00:36:16because it's his faith?
00:36:20Does that make sense?
00:36:22Having the righteousness, having faith in Jesus Christ.
00:36:25Oh, now look at it, and this is as clear as I go.
00:36:28Having faith in Jesus Christ.
00:36:31But everybody's supposed to have faith in Jesus Christ.
00:36:33Yeah, I'm supposed to have faith in Jesus Christ that it's his
00:36:38I'm supposed to believe that it's his faith.
00:36:41But having faith in Jesus Christ, saying,
00:36:43I got to have faith in Jesus Christ in order to get
00:36:47righteousness appears to be something, again,
00:36:50I've got to do to get righteousness.
00:36:54But the faith of Jesus Christ, righteousness now is a gift
00:36:59because the faith is not my faith that determines me
00:37:02getting righteous.
00:37:03It's his faith that gifted me with righteousness.
00:37:06Are you seeing what I'm saying?
00:37:11And so, some translations that translated in Christ, the NLT,
00:37:17the ESV, the CEV, they all translate it.
00:37:20But thank God the King James, you know, does it of Christ,
00:37:24and we see it very clearly.
00:37:26So, why is an understanding of this so critical, all right?
00:37:29And I want you to listen to this.
00:37:31This is so important.
00:37:32This is big, big, big, big.
00:37:33Because the faith of Jesus Christ says it's a free gift.
00:37:39The faith of Jesus Christ says it's finished.
00:37:44But faith in Jesus Christ makes it something we need to do to
00:37:47become righteous or that God only accepts people because of
00:37:51their faith in Jesus, and that's just not true.
00:37:56That makes it about our works instead of his finished works.
00:38:01Now, this is why it's so important.
00:38:03Let me give you an illustration.
00:38:05If I'm gonna understand Romans chapter 7, I gotta make sure I
00:38:08understand Romans chapter 5 and 6.
00:38:12If I wanna understand chapter 5 and 6, I gotta make sure I
00:38:14understand Romans chapter 3.
00:38:16So, if you read it as putting your faith in Jesus, that will
00:38:21also be the lens through which you read Romans 5 and 6.
00:38:26Now, watch carefully.
00:38:29I believe that a correct understanding of Romans 3.22,
00:38:32which we're talking about right now, is kind of like
00:38:36understanding the garden scene in Genesis chapter 3.
00:38:40If you go to Genesis chapter 3, and if your perception of God
00:38:45sets the stage of how you see God throughout the rest of the
00:38:48Scripture, and that's true.
00:38:50However you perceive God in Genesis chapter 3, you're gonna
00:38:53perceive him like that for the rest of the Scriptures.
00:38:56So, either you're gonna see God as a loving father, or you're
00:39:00gonna see him as a demanding God punisher of those
00:39:05who are in disobedience.
00:39:08Your perception of God will determine how you see God.
00:39:14If you perceive him as a punisher, you're gonna see him
00:39:17as a punisher.
00:39:19So, here in Romans 3, our perception of Christ's faith,
00:39:23our faith in Christ, it sets the stage for how we read the rest
00:39:26of Romans and how we read the New Testament.
00:39:30And either we're going to emphasize the finished work of
00:39:34God, or we're gonna emphasize it's conditionally based on our
00:39:39putting our faith in receiving justification, in receiving
00:39:42salvation, in receiving righteousness.
00:39:44See, the difference is gonna be if I put my faith in Christ,
00:39:48you are now saying, I have to do this in order to receive
00:39:56righteousness, redemption, and all the gifts.
00:40:00Yeah, but wait a minute, brother.
00:40:02Listen to what I'm saying.
00:40:03It's his faith.
00:40:04I'm gonna clear it up in Galatians 2.20.
00:40:07It's his faith.
00:40:09The faith is possessed by him.
00:40:12With his faith, he gave you righteousness as a gift.
00:40:20With his faith, he redeemed you.
00:40:24With his faith, he gave you wisdom.
00:40:27With his faith, he made you holy.
00:40:33You were none of them.
00:40:38It's all gifted to you.
00:40:42You ain't.
00:40:47So, first of all, the faith we have is his faith.
00:40:54You don't have no faith.
00:40:56You have his faith.
00:40:59He is the source of the faith you have.
00:41:02But that's why he says, I gave to every man the measure of
00:41:04faith, because there's only one Lord, one faith, and he gave you
00:41:09the faith.
00:41:09There's only one, so he gave you his faith.
00:41:12You share in his faith.
00:41:18So, there you go again trying to use something that's his to get
00:41:23something that's his.
00:41:31Let's see.
00:41:32How do we break this down a little bit more?
00:41:34All right, let's use Paul.
00:41:37Paul's opponents to his grace message believed that
00:41:40justification came from obeying the law of Moses.
00:41:45You can read that.
00:41:46They're always saying, no, what about Moses' law?
00:41:50However, Paul taught that our justification came not from
00:41:54works, but from Jesus.
00:41:59Look at Romans 3.20 real quick.
00:42:02Romans 3.20.
00:42:04All right, Romans 3.20, he says,
00:42:09Therefore, by the deeds of the law,
00:42:11there shall no flesh be justified.
00:42:14No flesh can be justified by the deeds of the law,
00:42:16for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
00:42:19So, Romans 3.20 tells us that no one is justified by the law or
00:42:23by our own works.
00:42:24And look at verse 24, Romans 3.24.
00:42:27Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption
00:42:36that is in Christ Jesus.
00:42:39So, verse 24 says that we are freely justified by his grace
00:42:43through redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
00:42:47So, watch this, both grace and redemption in this verse are
00:42:52also genitive possessive case nouns,
00:42:57which means they belong to him.
00:43:02Grace belongs to him.
00:43:04Redemption belongs to him.
00:43:07That's the genitive possessive case noun.
00:43:10It is his grace.
00:43:12It is his redemption.
00:43:14It is his faith that justifies us.
00:43:19It's all him.
00:43:24But religion says, no, you got your part and God has his part.
00:43:32As far as the gifts, you didn't get a part.
00:43:35Oh, you pause because you insist that you do.
00:43:40You don't.
00:43:42You don't get a part in you being righteous.
00:43:47You don't get a part in you being redeemed.
00:43:52Yeah, but Brother Dollar, I had, I got to receive it.
00:43:55That's because you don't understand it,
00:43:56so you took a religious mindset and said,
00:44:00well, you still have to receive it.
00:44:01No, once you realize that you didn't have a part,
00:44:06then you go ahead and receive what's already done.
00:44:08It's a small cell.
00:44:10That's how that works.
00:44:12You don't have a part, and that's the attack on religion
00:44:20which Satan nourishes.
00:44:24It's not just God bringing you to church.
00:44:26It depends on where you're going,
00:44:27because Satan don't mind you going there,
00:44:32because like a dude who sells drugs,
00:44:36if I could just give you a little taste of the product,
00:44:40we wouldn't have gotten hooked on it.
00:44:42And he's been giving us a little taste
00:44:44of the product of religion.
00:44:46Excuse me, England, but we done got hooked on it.
00:44:49And your tradition has made the Word of God of no effect,
00:44:53and your traditional mindset and thinking
00:44:55has made the Word of God.
00:44:56I'm giving you everything so you can go and get Syria,
00:44:59and y'all can check out what I'm saying.
00:45:00I am telling you, religion has fed us.
00:45:03Religion has groomed us, because the devil knew
00:45:08there was a time where a bunch of free people
00:45:11who deliver from approval would study and study
00:45:14and not get satisfied with religion
00:45:17and knew something was wrong.
00:45:19What about this God?
00:45:20This God, if he that great, what is this?
00:45:22You please understand me.
00:45:24God don't need you to be who he is.
00:45:26But we had to make some kind of religious, I don't know,
00:45:31something to make it seem like we were doing something.
00:45:40And then we start trying to outdo something,
00:45:42and then we're just so pressured by it.
00:45:45It's like, oh, my God, so their faith must be greater than mine.
00:45:48You ever been to a, something must be wrong with my faith.
00:45:52This didn't happen.
00:45:53This didn't happen, and I cried, and I cried all night long,
00:45:59and I cried all night long, and, oh, and I'm crying.
00:46:03God said, you ain't no been to crying in the first place.
00:46:08I just need you to realize, receive, rest,
00:46:12and if trouble shows up, echo what I already have done.
00:46:15Paul goes to Galatians 2, 16.
00:46:30Would you, would you please go there, Galatians 2, 16?
00:46:36And here's what he says here.
00:46:39Is everybody still on the bus?
00:46:40Y'all, y'all, there's, I might be a little, whatever,
00:46:45biased or whatever, but I tell you what,
00:46:46I don't believe there's no church in America that could sit
00:46:50here and absorb what I'm saying.
00:46:52You know, most people would be like.
00:46:55Yes, amen, amen, because if his religious mindset can't get you,
00:47:12his religious nodding will get you.
00:47:16That's why you need to go to sleep at night.
00:47:20Look at Galatians chapter 2, 16.
00:47:22This man is not justified by works of the law,
00:47:27but by the faith of Jesus Christ.
00:47:31It's his faith.
00:47:32Even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we might be
00:47:36justified, ah, interesting.
00:47:38Sounds like it contradicted everything, right?
00:47:40Underline that.
00:47:41Even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we might be
00:47:43justified by what?
00:47:46The faith of Christ and not by the works of the law.
00:47:49What's going on here?
00:47:52For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
00:47:57It says the faith, meaning it's not a general faith.
00:48:01It is the faith.
00:48:02Whose faith?
00:48:02Ephesians 4, 5.
00:48:04It is the only one faith, his faith.
00:48:07And Paul said this is the faith he lives by.
00:48:10Paul says, I live by the faith.
00:48:12I live by the one faith.
00:48:14I live by his faith.
00:48:16We live by his faith.
00:48:18We live by the faith of Jesus Christ.
00:48:20You'll see that in a moment.
00:48:21And so, Paul says this is the faith he lives by, the faith,
00:48:26the one faith of the Son of God.
00:48:29But now we need to straighten out that phrase we just saw
00:48:31there in 2.16.
00:48:34He mentions our believing in Christ that we might be
00:48:36justified by Christ's faith and not by the works of the law.
00:48:39So, the word here, when he uses the word in, anytime you find
00:48:45a word in a truth that has a string, go to the Greek.
00:48:49The word in, in the Greek, is spelled E-I-S, and it means
00:48:56a point reached in conclusion.
00:49:00The point was reached in conclusion.
00:49:04It's not putting our belief in Jesus.
00:49:07Instead, it means that his belief, his faith is the only
00:49:11basis for our believing.
00:49:15My believing is in the finish.
00:49:17My believing is in the conclusion.
00:49:21In other words, we believe what he believes.
00:49:25His belief is the conclusion of our belief.
00:49:29What he believes is what I believe.
00:49:32Oh, God.
00:49:33He believes I'm righteous.
00:49:36He believes I'm redeemed.
00:49:38He believes I'm healed.
00:49:39He believes I'm delivered.
00:49:41So, I'm believing in what he believes.
00:49:47I'm not believing so I can get to righteousness.
00:49:49He believes I'm righteous.
00:49:51His faith believes I'm righteous.
00:49:53My belief is in the conclusion.
00:49:57I believe what you believe, God.
00:49:59You believe I'm healed, don't you?
00:50:00He says, healed.
00:50:01Well, I believe I'm healed.
00:50:03You believe I'm delivered, don't you?
00:50:05Well, I believe I'm delivered.
00:50:06You believe I'm prosperous.
00:50:08He said, prosperous.
00:50:09Well, I'm prosperous.
00:50:10I believe that I'm forgiven.
00:50:13He believes I believe what he believes.
00:50:15Find out what he believes.
00:50:22Now, I want you to write this down, and I want you to go home
00:50:26and think about this.
00:50:28I'm not finished yet.
00:50:30Jesus is what God believes about you.
00:50:33Jesus is what God believes about you.
00:50:40That's strong, isn't it?
00:50:46Jesus is what God believes about you.
00:50:54Jesus is what God believes about you.
00:50:57He looks at you, he looks at me, and he concludes.
00:51:03Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:11Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:16Jesus, are your brain pores opening up?
00:51:19Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:24Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:29Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:33I look at you.
00:51:36I ain't looking at what you're going, I ain't looking at your
00:51:39journey right now.
00:51:42Jesus is what I believe about you.
00:51:44So, what does God believe?
00:51:46He believes Jesus, and so I'm gonna believe what he believes.
00:51:51Jesus is what God believes about you.
00:51:55Jesus is what I believe.
00:51:57You didn't get that.
00:51:58Jesus is what I believe.
00:52:01Jesus is what I believe.
00:52:05Jesus is what I believe.
00:52:12Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith.
00:52:17That's what I read it, that's what I heard.
00:52:19Ha-ha, look at this.
00:52:20Let's go to the Greek, look at it.
00:52:24Ladies and gentlemen, this is, I've got like 10 minutes to go
00:52:27and this is about to catch this now.
00:52:30You did real good.
00:52:32You're still struggling, and please understand this.
00:52:34If you don't listen to this and learn this, you're stuck.
00:52:39You're not gonna get out of it.
00:52:41You're paying the price to go to that next level, but this is
00:52:48gonna come by hearing it, and if all this is about just you
00:52:55coming to church to get God to check off of you,
00:52:57you're still missing it.
00:52:59It's been checked off on you.
00:53:04It's finished, it's completed, and you're still trying to get
00:53:06him to check off you.
00:53:08Well, I need to come so I can do my goody-goody, and the Lord
00:53:11might be, I need a blessing.
00:53:12You're blessed, but you're still coming and trying
00:53:15to get a blessing.
00:53:20You gotta move today.
00:53:21Everybody gotta call the moving trucks today.
00:53:23You're moving out of what he gonna do.
00:53:26You're moving out on if I do this, then he might do this.
00:53:30You're moving out of your past.
00:53:32You're moving into the realm of the finished.
00:53:35You're moving into the realm of the completed.
00:53:43I echo what's done, and the glory's gonna start rising
00:53:51in your life, and the favor's gonna start rising in your life.
00:53:55Because you have finally located his address.
00:54:03Hey, his address.
00:54:06I know where he is now.
00:54:08He's in the realm of the finished.
00:54:12He's located in the dimension of the done.
00:54:15He abides in the completed, and what he has done, no devil in
00:54:23the world, and not even you are gonna undo what he has done.
00:54:27So, go ahead and receive it.
00:54:31Go ahead and realize it.
00:54:33A devil shows up in your bed tonight, you turn and say,
00:54:43I ain't scared of you.
00:54:45I already know you done.
00:54:47Boy, you already cooked.
00:54:49It's already finished.
00:54:51You don't want none of me.
00:54:53I don't live where I used to live.
00:54:55I don't speak from where I used to speak from.
00:54:57I ain't scared of you.
00:54:59I ain't got no reason to fear.
00:55:01I ain't got no reason to fear.
00:55:03I ain't scared of you.
00:55:05I ain't got no reason to fear.
00:55:07I ain't got no reason to fear.
00:55:09Why am I gonna be afraid of something when I know it's
00:55:11already been done?
00:55:12Hallelujah, it's already finished.
00:55:14So, Hebrews chapter 12 and 2.
00:55:30All right, now, Hebrews chapter 12 and 2, here's the question.
00:55:34Does it say that he's the author and the finisher of,
00:55:38watch this, big word, caps, our faith?
00:55:41Oh, he's the author and the finisher of our faith?
00:55:53Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith?
00:55:59That's how I've always quoted it, but when you look it up in
00:56:03the Bible, it says, looking unto the faith founder and finisher.
00:56:11He is the founder and the finisher of the faith.
00:56:16What do you mean the faith?
00:56:17The one faith.
00:56:20Now, that tells me there is no other faith that exists.
00:56:22It's not his faith and our faith.
00:56:28No, he is the faith.
00:56:30He is the one faith.
00:56:32He is the founder and the finisher.
00:56:35I love this other translation, the mirror Bible translation
00:56:38says this, he is the fountainhead and conclusion of faith.
00:56:45Oh, my goodness, the fountainhead and the conclusion.
00:56:49The one faith flows out from him as the source and ends or
00:56:57finishes in him.
00:56:59The one faith flows out of him as the source and ends or
00:57:04finishes in him.
00:57:08You understand?
00:57:09It don't, it's not, our faith, the faith we have is his faith
00:57:20in us.
00:57:21It is a finished faith.
00:57:23It is a perfected faith.
00:57:26Oh, we do, what do you do with a finished faith?
00:57:29What do you do with a perfected faith?
00:57:30What do you do with his faith that is in us?
00:57:34His faith in us is finished and it's perfected.
00:57:37So, ain't no, ain't but one thing to do, rest.
00:57:41All we do is rest in it.
00:57:50We rest in it.
00:57:54It's his faith.
00:57:55He started it in him and he finished it in him and then he
00:57:59gave his faith to us, which requires nothing on your part,
00:58:04but resting.
00:58:11Chilling in the finished.
00:58:16Why you ain't upset?
00:58:17I'm just done.
00:58:18It's like when you say what you said with your kid.
00:58:22I done said what I'm saying and I'm done now.
00:58:25And they come back and want to keep talking.
00:58:27I ain't talking no more.
00:58:28Why we talking?
00:58:29Why we talking?
00:58:30You act like it ain't done.
00:58:31I said it's done.
00:58:32Yeah, but.
00:58:33Get the but out of the way because it's done.
00:58:37So, Romans chapter 1 and 17, come on, real quick.
00:58:43Romans 1 and 17.
00:58:45You remember that one?
00:58:46That talked about the righteousness.
00:58:48Romans 1 and 17.
00:58:49He said, that thing had me until I switched locations.
00:58:56For therein is the righteousness of God.
00:58:59It's revealed from faith to faith.
00:59:06So, the just shall live by faith.
00:59:08So, now remember, his faith and now his faith is in us.
00:59:11It's revealed from faith and now his faith in us.
00:59:17There's one faith.
00:59:20So, it tells us that God's righteousness is revealed in
00:59:23the Gospel from faith to faith, and the righteous shall
00:59:28live by faith.
00:59:29So, Paul is not telling us that we are to live our lives
00:59:32by our faith.
00:59:36I mean, for years I thought he was saying that, but you know,
00:59:40I thought the righteous he was talking about were only those
00:59:46who believed in Jesus, asking him into their hearts.
00:59:51I thought he was only talking about those I saw every Sunday
00:59:53at church and not the worldly bunch that didn't live for
00:59:56Jesus, that they were unrighteous.
00:59:58And now I can't even think that way.
01:00:03It's becoming foreign, and I hope it becomes foreign to you.
01:00:07So, I thought the righteous were to live by their faith,
01:00:12and I needed to live a life of faith, a life of believing God
01:00:17and obeying him, all based on me and based on what I do.
01:00:27But Paul tells us in Galatians 2.20 that living a life of faith
01:00:33looks like this, Galatians 2 and 20.
01:00:35Here's what living a life of faith looks like.
01:00:39He said,
01:00:40I am crucified with Christ.
01:00:43Nevertheless, I live.
01:00:44Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.
01:00:50And the life which I now live in the flesh, I am now living this
01:00:55life by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave
01:01:00himself for me.
01:01:01I am living by the faith of the Son of God.
01:01:09I am living by the faith of the Son of God.
01:01:15Our faith?
01:01:16No, I'm living by his faith.
01:01:20Now, listen to this translation.
01:01:22Oh, this is good.
01:01:23So, here I am dead and alive at the same time.
01:01:26Watch this.
01:01:31I'm dead to the old me.
01:01:34I was trying to be an alive to the real me, which is Christ in
01:01:39me, co-crucified, now co-alive.
01:01:45What a glorious entanglement.
01:01:50I was in him in his death.
01:01:53Now I discover that he is infused in me in my life.
01:01:59For the first time, I'm free to be me in my skin, immersed in
01:02:06his faith in our joint sonship.
01:02:11He loves me and believes in me.
01:02:15He is God's gift to me.
01:02:17The apostle Paul's life of faith was a life of co, co-crucified,
01:02:24It was a life of joint sonship that's immersed in Christ's
01:02:36He's infused in our life, and Jesus' beliefs were Paul's
01:02:45I love this part.
01:02:48What a glorious entanglement.
01:02:53I'm entangled in him.
01:02:57But Galatians 2.20, in the Greek it reads,
01:03:07I live in flesh.
01:03:09In faith I live that from the Son of God.
01:03:14I left out all of the preposition.
01:03:17It reads that simple in Greek.
01:03:18I live in flesh.
01:03:20In faith I live.
01:03:21I'm receiving that faith from the Son of God.
01:03:26So, what is Paul saying?
01:03:27He's telling us that his life in his physical body here on the
01:03:30earth is lived in faith, but whose faith?
01:03:35Translations make it sound like it's his faith.
01:03:39It may sound like it's Paul's faith in Christ, but the Son is
01:03:43a genitive noun, which means he owns the Word, or he owns the
01:03:50Word that comes before it, which is, in this case,
01:03:53it is the faith.
01:03:55The Son owns the faith, all of it.
01:04:00In other words, we live in the Son's faith.
01:04:03There's no mention in this verse of our faith or putting our
01:04:08faith in Jesus.
01:04:09We live our lives here on earth in a finished perfect faith,
01:04:15his faith in us.
01:04:17But even this word in, check this out.
01:04:19This word in comes from the Greek word.
01:04:21It's spelled e-n, the phrase there, and it talks about rest.
01:04:27It denotes rest.
01:04:29We live our lives resting in his faith.
01:04:35We live our lives resting in his faith.
01:04:38But don't we have to believe?
01:04:40Don't we need to believe?
01:04:42Of course, yes.
01:04:45We ought to believe that it's his faith we live in.
01:04:50We ought to believe we're living in his faith and we're resting
01:04:53in his faith, and then we realize that his beliefs,
01:04:56that his believing is already finished in us.
01:05:09All right, one more.
01:05:11Can you handle one more?
01:05:14I see some of y'all, y'all like, hmm, I don't know.
01:05:18It's the first time I taught grace.
01:05:20I got that same look out here, like, hmm, I don't know.
01:05:23But now you have the Scriptures, you can go and look yourself.
01:05:27Or you can change and start seeing some glory increase
01:05:30in your life.
01:05:32But I can promise you this, if you continue down the same path,
01:05:35it's gonna be the same.
01:05:39It's gonna be the same.
01:05:40You're wondering why stuff ain't doing what the promise said?
01:05:46Because you are not doing what the promise said.
01:05:52You're not believing what he believes,
01:05:53you believe what you believe.
01:05:56And you're struggling with what you believe right now.
01:05:59I don't believe what you're teaching,
01:06:01but I believe what I've always taught.
01:06:03Because such-and-so, such-and-so said that,
01:06:05but what about such-and-so, such-and-they said that,
01:06:07and what about such-and-so said that?
01:06:08I ain't coming here talking to people about what such-and-so,
01:06:09such-and-they said.
01:06:10I'm trying to teach you what the Bible say.
01:06:12I'm trying to teach you what it says originally in the language.
01:06:15And you're sitting up there talking about what such-and-so,
01:06:17such-and-so said 20 years ago.
01:06:21And I'm telling you what I said 30 years ago.
01:06:23I'm correcting me.
01:06:28I believe in the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:06:30The stuff you're struggling with, I taught you.
01:06:36It's just what the apostle Paul said.
01:06:39There's no better person to call to preach the gospel of grace
01:06:42than a Pharisee who was under the law teaching the law.
01:06:51Because you know this is right, because you've been where I'm
01:06:55trying to bring you out of, because I've been there.
01:06:57I know it because I was there.
01:07:00Tell me what you believe and don't believe.
01:07:08You gotta tie your spiritual tennis shoes.
01:07:14And I'm telling you, untie them babies and throw them shoes
01:07:17There's some finished sneakers around the corner.
01:07:19There's some things that are already done.
01:07:31Paul doesn't live by any faith of his own,
01:07:34but in the faith of Jesus.
01:07:39And he's telling us this, man.
01:07:45So, Romans 117, back to that, is talking about the righteous
01:07:49one, Jesus living faithfully, living full of faith.
01:07:54In Christ, God finds an accurate,
01:07:56complete expression of himself in a human body.
01:08:01Look at John 14 and 9.
01:08:03He finds an accurate and complete expression of himself
01:08:06in a human body.
01:08:08You remember when he said this?
01:08:09If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
01:08:14Jesus said unto them, have I been so long with you?
01:08:17And yet has thou not known me, Philip?
01:08:19He that has seen me has seen the Father.
01:08:22And how saith thou then, show us the Father?
01:08:27Because in Christ, God finds an accurate and complete expression
01:08:30of himself in a human body, an exact and a full expression of
01:08:35his faith, God's faith in a human body.
01:08:39And we, as the righteous ones, resting in the righteous one,
01:08:43we are embodied or an embodiment of his faith that is in us.
01:08:48We are living expressions of his faith in human form.
01:08:54Isn't that what Paul was saying in Galatians 2.20?
01:08:56Christ lives in me, and this life I now live in the flesh.
01:09:00I live in the faith of the Son of God.
01:09:03The just ones live in the just one.
01:09:15Who are the righteous or the just ones?
01:09:19And so, Romans 5, whoo, Romans 5, 18 and 19.
01:09:23Now, this is where I struggled, marked up, said,
01:09:27I can't, I don't even, I can't, I ain't ready to say that yet.
01:09:29I don't know about that.
01:09:31And I thought, well, I'm not saying that to y'all today.
01:09:33I changed my mind.
01:09:36Look at this.
01:09:38Therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men
01:09:43to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one,
01:09:45the free gift came upon church men, saved men.
01:09:54Romans 5 says that all mankind is righteous because
01:09:57of Christ's obedience.
01:10:00All mankind has access to this righteousness
01:10:02because of Christ's obedience.
01:10:03So, all mankind can live life in and by the faith of Jesus
01:10:09Christ, the faith of the righteous one.
01:10:11We are not living life by our faith in Christ
01:10:13to become righteous.
01:10:16We're living our lives in and by the faith of the Son of God,
01:10:19and trusting in his faith, or living in and by his faith.
01:10:24It awakens, it awakens faith.
01:10:29It awakens the faith of the Son of God and trusting in his
01:10:33faith, listen, or living in and by his faith,
01:10:37it awakens my faith, faith to faith.
01:10:45So, the faith, his faith in me and his faith, it's his faith,
01:10:50faith to his faith.
01:11:05To live in the awareness of the finished, to rest in the
01:11:10realization of who he is in me, as me, through me, his faith,
01:11:16through me, his faith becomes my experience in life.
01:11:26His faith becomes my experience in life.
01:11:30It was by his faith that I was justified, not just set free
01:11:35from sin, but placed in the same position as the one
01:11:41who has never sinned.
01:11:43The struggle is going to be, but I got to do something.
01:12:13I got to do something to deserve this.
01:12:20I got to pray more.
01:12:21I got to fast more.
01:12:22I got to be better.
01:12:24I got to be all the things that his faith is finished enough to
01:12:33transform, his faith is flawless enough to transform.
01:12:43I'm going to stay in the realm of the finished until it's
01:12:49finished, and not by you, but by him.
01:12:59And he ain't doing it like after church, then he going to start.
01:13:07Y'all understand what I'm saying?
01:13:11It's done.
01:13:15And your temptation is going to be, yeah, but if it's done,
01:13:18because this opens the pores of your thinking.
01:13:21Religion talks about your part where God don't need you.
01:13:29I'm trying to get you to see.
01:13:30Now, here's one of the things I told myself.
01:13:33I'm going to teach it, and I'm going to teach it around the
01:13:35world, and whoever does it, does it.
01:13:37I'm going to do it.
01:13:39And then when you get to heaven, you'll find out.
01:13:41The little old dollar from Cali Park was right.
01:13:47Why would I say that?
01:13:49Because there's things that have been happening to me that are
01:13:53mind boggling.
01:13:56It's like I talk to them about it, and in less than 24 hours,
01:14:01in some cases, I'm looking at it.
01:14:06It's like stuff is happening, and I'm like, how'd that happen?
01:14:09I'm like, come from the dew.
01:14:11What I, heya.
01:14:18And had I not gotten in the realm of the finished, I would have
01:14:20never accepted the challenge of Creflo Dollar Ministry's digital
01:14:28outreach to preach the gospel of grace around the world in every
01:14:33language in one year.
01:14:35A year ago, I'm like, that's impossible.
01:14:39It can't be done.
01:14:41And everything I asked for, oh, God, if there's just some
01:14:43technology that can take my natural voice and make it speak
01:14:47those languages, and the technology came.
01:14:49Somebody says, why?
01:14:51Because I was in the finished, and God had already had that in
01:14:57his plan.
01:15:00He was just waiting on somebody to realize it.
01:15:02Let's start a revolution.
01:15:04Let people start looking at you, and they say, whoa, how'd it
01:15:22Oh, brother, that was finished.
01:15:24Well, what'd you do?
01:15:25Well, it was already done.
01:15:27I mean, what do you do when you put some cheese toast in the
01:15:30oven and you put the bra on?
01:15:36What do you do?
01:15:37Take it out.
01:15:40All I'm doing is opening the oven and the refrigerator and
01:15:44taking out what's already finished.
01:15:50Now, throughout this week, keep up with the different religious
01:15:57motions that you have gotten yourself into.
01:16:01Listen to how you talk.
01:16:06Start recognizing how far away from the realm of the finished
01:16:09you are, how you talk past, and how you talk present, and how
01:16:14you talk future, but you don't talk finished.
01:16:21And when you can clearly see what I'm saying, and you enter
01:16:25into this dimension of done, completed, and finished,
01:16:31the Holy Ghost is ready.
01:16:33God's ready.
01:16:34And see, here's what you're thinking.
01:16:36Well, when I do that, God's gonna do this.
01:16:39There you go again.
01:16:40You're still thinking he, God is off.
01:16:43He is on vacation, has been there for like 2,000 years.
01:16:48Haven't you heard?
01:16:49They're seated.
01:16:51Until you make your enemy, but watch this, watch this.
01:16:59He already did a footstool.
01:17:03So, when he show up, you should say, footstool.
01:17:13And it's gonna take some time.
01:17:15You're gonna have to become aware of how you've been
01:17:20trained away from the finished.
01:17:23And the most powerful three words that was ever said in the
01:17:27Bible are the most ignored.
01:17:29It is finished.
01:17:35Surely, that wasn't done just so we can have a good Easter
01:17:39service, you know.
01:17:41The kids who couldn't memorize the long speech, they just get
01:17:44up, it is finished.
01:17:50Now, I'm not done.
01:17:57That was just the foundation.
01:18:03I'm not finished.
01:18:07Several things you gotta learn.
01:18:09You gotta learn how to rest.
01:18:10What does that mean and what does that look like?
01:18:13You gotta learn how to echo.
01:18:16What'd that mean, what'd that look like?
01:18:20And you gotta learn how to read in the default tense.
01:18:35People ask me to pray for them, it's changed.
01:18:38Pray for them to be healed, healed.
01:18:42But it's not, now, there'll be gifts of the Spirit that'll be
01:18:47operating, but they'll operate through you because you know
01:18:50it's finished, now you can go and move in it.
01:18:55What do you tell the person who's going through something?
01:18:57All right, baby, echo.
01:18:59That's the power of what we did.
01:19:00We did some of it and got some results.
01:19:03I don't want you to say none, but these Scriptures
01:19:05on you're healing.
01:19:07In trouble, I echo my faith.
01:19:10Now, remember, my faith is his faith.
01:19:17And for a while, you might have to say,
01:19:19I live by the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:19:21I'm healed by the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:19:23I have wisdom by the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:19:25I'm righteous by the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:19:27I know what to do by the faith of Jesus Christ.
01:19:29Until you get that on the inside of you,
01:19:31we're not talking about something you have
01:19:33independent of the source.
01:19:35To have you got anything you want to add to this,
01:19:41I'm not going to be done for the night.
01:19:46Over there, looking like a madam president yourself.
01:19:51Is that what I'm saying?
01:19:54Father, thank you for this church.
01:20:03Thank you for these world changers.
01:20:05All these years, we've been calling ourselves
01:20:09In all these years, we've been calling ourself world changers,
01:20:14and now we are about to see what you finished.
01:20:21You see everything that's going on with everybody.
01:20:27And I declare that their victory is secured.
01:20:34I declare that their victory is secured in the finished.
01:20:39I declare that your presence dwells in the finished.
01:20:44That the more we dwell in the place of the finished and the
01:20:48done and the completed, we feel your presence.
01:20:54We feel your presence.
01:20:55How, how can a God that is so good do all of what he has done
01:21:04and he is just waiting on me to realize it?
01:21:09Oh, you are good.
01:21:13We praise you.
01:21:17Let this week be a week of realization and change,
01:21:23realization and receiving, realization and rest,
01:21:28realization and echo.
01:21:32We praise you, God.
