Sinning After Being Born Again - Creflo Dollar

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00:00:00 We thank you for this and other opportunity to minister to these, your precious sheep.
00:00:05 Thank you, Lord, that revelation knowledge will flow freely, uninterrupted, and unhindered by any
00:00:12 satanic or demonic force. And Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think
00:00:18 through my mind. None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray, and everybody said, amen.
00:00:26 You may be seated. If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 5.
00:00:32 We'll start off at the King James and then go to the NLT.
00:00:36 Now, what we're going to talk about today is extremely radical, so I need you to kind of like,
00:00:44 make sure you're okay. We're going to talk about the gift of righteousness
00:00:54 versus the curse of sin. So, what does that mean? Well, I don't even know if you've heard this ever
00:01:04 taught in church, but it's like we ignore it and we kind of go over it and everybody's thinking
00:01:09 about it, but we're not addressing it. So, I'm going to talk about sinning after you've been
00:01:16 born again. We always talk about sin, you know, back in the day when you were a sinner,
00:01:25 as if you got born again and you stopped. Mighty quiet in here, isn't it?
00:01:34 So, we're going to address the elephant that's been in church for years.
00:01:43 What's the deal
00:01:44 with sinning after you get born again? Does that happen? Yeah.
00:01:56 Am I going to be giving you a license and an okay to sin? No.
00:02:04 I just think we need to get really honest, and right now in my life, I don't have time to be
00:02:12 a religious preacher being concerned about being validated by all of my peers.
00:02:16 So, world changes nation, whether you're here in the dome or online,
00:02:25 let's rock and roll with this thing, amen? Let's rock and roll with this. Now,
00:02:30 so every Scripture is so very important to me, and I want to start off with
00:02:37 2 Corinthians 5, 17 through 19 in the King James and then in the New Living Translations.
00:02:47 All right, he says, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ," all right, you got born again,
00:02:53 and when you got born again, you're technically in Christ, okay?
00:02:57 If he's in Christ, he says he's a new creature.
00:03:04 The old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new. So, the day you got in Christ,
00:03:09 your old sinful man passed away, just like somebody when they die, you hear the term,
00:03:16 "They passed." Well, that old nature you used to have before you got born again passed, okay?
00:03:26 Is there a little rat or something up in the speakers or something like that?
00:03:33 "Therefore," and it might be my--is it me? Let's see. Technician, come check me out so I won't
00:03:41 interrupt myself no more, make sure I'm all right, because once I get shook and gone,
00:03:48 it'll be too annoying for you to check me out. You'll fall all out on the floor,
00:03:51 and people wondering what's wrong with you. Is this man drunk or what, you know?
00:03:57 We good? Okay, thank you. All right, so you get born again, that old sinful man passed,
00:04:05 and by the grace of God, you now have a new creation that is just like God and flawless
00:04:15 and perfect and cannot sin. All right, now, "Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he's a new
00:04:21 creature. Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Next verse, "And all
00:04:28 things are of God, who hath reconciled," brought you back to God, "reconciled us to himself by
00:04:36 Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation." Verse 19, now watch this,
00:04:40 "To wit that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself," now watch this,
00:04:46 "not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
00:04:54 Now, look at this in the NLT, "not imputing their trespasses unto them."
00:04:59 If you can, guys, do you have the message translation of verse 17, verse 17 through 19,
00:05:08 if you do? Thank you. Because of this decision, we don't evaluate people by what they have or how
00:05:16 they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly
00:05:25 don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united
00:05:32 with Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone, a new life emerges.
00:05:42 Look at it. All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us
00:05:47 and him, and then called us to settle our relationship with each other. God put the world
00:05:55 square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness
00:06:03 of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's
00:06:12 representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into
00:06:19 God's work of making things right between them. Now, go back to the NLT, 2 Corinthians 5, 16.
00:06:29 Somebody says, "You're really stuck on this one." Yeah, I got to get this first one right.
00:06:32 The NLT, 2 Corinthians 5, 17. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new
00:06:40 person. The old life is gone, the new life has begun. And all of this is a gift from God who
00:06:47 brought us back to himself through Christ, and God has given us this task of reconciling people
00:06:52 to him. For God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's
00:06:59 sins against them. He is no longer counting your sins against you. He is no longer holding your
00:07:10 sins against you. So everybody who think, "Well, I want God to use me," but then you think in your
00:07:16 past, "Oh, well, you know, I did this, this, this." He's not counting that against you. "Well, I asked
00:07:22 God to heal me, but I'm not healed." Oh, it must be that. No, he's not counting that against you.
00:07:26 "Well, I prayed, but I haven't answered to my prayer." Maybe it was this, "No, he's not counting
00:07:32 your sin against you." So, in other words, you're not going to be able to use your sin as an excuse
00:07:39 for why certain things are not happening in your life. It may be because you're self-righteous, or
00:07:46 it may be because you depend more on you than God, but it is not because of your sin because he
00:07:54 doesn't hold your sin against you. That's hard in a religious church saying something like that.
00:07:58 But when Jesus went in these villages and the Bible says that he couldn't heal none of them,
00:08:03 and somebody said, "If it was the cause of sin, if it was the cause of sin, it was the cause of sin."
00:08:08 They said, "No, it wasn't because of sin. It was because of self-righteousness."
00:08:11 They had more trust in themselves than they had in Jesus. Now, follow me very carefully now as we
00:08:17 walk through this, and you'll see the reason why I wanted to start off with that. All people
00:08:23 who are born again, everybody that's born again is 100% righteous.
00:08:34 How many of you are born again in here this morning? Whoa, you are 100%, not 99 and a half.
00:08:41 You are 100% righteous. Now, the issue with this is I've got to get you to have confidence
00:08:52 in that truth. So, can we lose our righteousness as easily as we received it
00:09:03 if we commit a sin after being born again? If we commit a sin after being born again,
00:09:08 can we lose our righteousness as easily as we received it? Or maybe we are still righteous,
00:09:15 but no longer 100%. Maybe we're now 89%, maybe 75%, and we need to cleanse ourselves from all
00:09:24 unrighteousness. For some, it's hard to believe that a person who committed a sin
00:09:32 could still be righteous. There are some who are listening to me now as I'm asking these questions.
00:09:39 It's so hard for you to believe that a person who committed a sin can still be righteous.
00:09:48 Committing a sin doesn't make you unrighteous again. And this is stuff that we've always
00:09:56 thought, but now I'm just saying it. Committing a sin doesn't make you unrighteous again.
00:10:02 Your tradition is freaking out, but stay here with me. Now, let's examine all this stuff I
00:10:13 just said. Let's take it through the test. How do we become righteous?
00:10:18 By faith in Jesus. So, the day you decided to believe in Jesus,
00:10:28 heaven said you're righteous. So, are we then going to lose our righteousness by our works or
00:10:37 our lifestyle? See, if we think this way, then we still have the mindset of self-righteousness.
00:10:44 Self-righteousness is driving that. Self-righteousness is saying, "Wait, wait,
00:10:48 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, but I got to do this in order to be righteous,
00:10:51 and if I do that, then I'm going to undo my righteousness." See, you're putting it all on
00:10:56 you. You're self-righteous-centered, and so that's why it's kind of difficult for you to
00:11:03 just wholeheartedly take in what I'm saying, because self-righteousness has reigned in your
00:11:09 life and in your religion. And you've been trained in self-righteousness. You come to church,
00:11:16 and you're trained in self-righteousness. You're told if you do A, B, C, then you might get X, Y,
00:11:21 Z, and you're told if you don't do A, B, C, you won't get X, Y, Z, and you're told if you do,
00:11:26 you know, J, W, E, then, you know, that's going to mess up A, B, C.
00:11:32 And we try to treat this thing like a mathematical equation, and it's not.
00:11:39 Follow me now. I--let me say this now. I need to say this right now. I am not trying to give
00:11:48 a license to sin or to defend sin. That's not what I'm doing. I'm not giving a license to sin or
00:11:53 defend sin. I'm trying to get you to understand what we're saying, and then all this stuff will
00:11:58 work. I'm trying to put everything in its proper place. The objective of grace is always to achieve
00:12:05 holiness. The objective of that new creation that you got when you got born again, that new creation,
00:12:11 it's his job is to move you towards a sinless life. The new creation wants you to do right.
00:12:20 The new creation doesn't want you to sin. The new creation wants you to do right. However,
00:12:27 that's a process because your soul has been programmed by the old man, and the old man,
00:12:36 when he passed away, left behind the sin software. So, the flesh and the sin software is still in
00:12:47 your thinking, and even though you received the new creation in its perfection, you still got the
00:12:53 same software. And so, without renewing your mind, you got the new creation screaming, trying to get
00:12:59 you to change your mind. And so, we have to be renewed in the spirit of our mind so that our mind
00:13:05 being renewed with the Word will line up with the new creation. And when the new creation now begins
00:13:10 to dominate, and then your soul and your mind and your thinking lines up with the new creation,
00:13:15 then your body will just fall in line.
00:13:17 Why is it that you got saved one day and cussed somebody out the next day?
00:13:26 Because you got saved for real, but you still had that software working.
00:13:30 You notice sometimes your telephone sends you a text and says, "It's time for a update." See,
00:13:40 when you get born again, it's time for an update. You got to update the software.
00:13:45 Some of us try to live the Christian life without doing the update. And have you noticed when you
00:13:51 don't update, after a while, the phone start tripping out? It start doing things. It start
00:13:57 cutting off. It start doing all kinds of stuff because it needs an update. Glory to God. And
00:14:02 that's why you can be born again and you're still tripping out because you haven't received the
00:14:07 update. On our phones, the update can take a matter of five or ten minutes or so, but in this life,
00:14:16 in this body, we are continually being updated because look at how crazy the times are. You are
00:14:24 saved. You have a new creation, but you might need an update. Ain't no might, you do.
00:14:33 Is everybody with me so far? All right, now, to know that we have received the gift of righteousness
00:14:40 and know that we are brand new creations is the key to getting free from the bondage of sin.
00:14:47 Number one, I know that I have received the gift of righteousness. The day I got born again,
00:14:54 I was made righteous. Say out loud, "I have received the gift of righteousness."
00:15:00 Okay, second thing, I know that I have a brand new creation. I know that the old man,
00:15:09 the old man, the old nature--somebody say, "Why did I sin so much?" Because you had the nature.
00:15:17 You had the nature to sin. You sinned. You did all kinds of stuff because you had the nature to sin.
00:15:23 Well, you no longer have that nature anymore. You have a new nature, and you got to believe,
00:15:29 "I've received the new nature. I received the new creation, and I have the gift of righteousness."
00:15:34 That's going to be the key to overcoming this bondage of sin by you knowing, "I have the gift
00:15:41 of righteousness. I have been made right because of Jesus, and I have the new creation because of
00:15:46 Jesus." That's where it starts right here. It starts with what you believe. Tapu said it this
00:15:51 morning, "When you believe right, you will live right, but when you believe wrong, you will live
00:16:00 wrong." All right, Romans chapter 519, let's go there. Romans 519. All right, now watch this.
00:16:09 "For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself."
00:16:18 Dis--okay, 519, "For as by one man's disobedience,"
00:16:23 "For as by one man's disobedience," Who is this one man? "many were made sinners.
00:16:33 So by the obedience of one shall many be made." Who is the one who was obedient? Okay,
00:16:42 look at this in the NLT. See, all of this is based on what one guy did versus one--another guy.
00:16:50 He says, "Because of one person's--person disobeyed God, many became sinners. Because
00:16:54 one person disobeyed God." Adam did what he did in the garden. From that point on,
00:16:58 everybody had the nature of sin. "But because one other person, Jesus, obeyed God,
00:17:04 many will be made righteous." Now, I'm going to say this to you. Your sin nature and your new
00:17:11 creation, you did not get those by any contribution of your own.
00:17:16 Both you being a sinner came by what one man did,
00:17:23 and you being righteous came by what one man did. None of those came by what you did.
00:17:36 I look at verse 18. Look at verse 18, Romans 5, 18.
00:17:41 "Yes, Adam's one sin brings condemnation for everyone." Now, look at this.
00:17:48 Adam's one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ's one act of righteousness--Christ's
00:17:56 one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.
00:18:04 All right, so what Adam did is responsible for the condemnation in your life.
00:18:10 For you to say that you are saved and have the new creation and you're still experiencing
00:18:16 condemnation. No, condemnation came by what Adam did. But the righteous act that Jesus performed
00:18:25 made us right with God, and the righteous act that Jesus performed gave us a new creation and gave us
00:18:32 a new life. So, we're putting things in the right place here, man, so we can see what's happening
00:18:38 here. All right, so there are two kinds of people on the earth right now, two kinds. Somebody says
00:18:49 there's all kinds. No, no, only two kinds, and everything is going to flow. Now, I ain't talking
00:18:54 about color. I'm talking about two kinds. The first kind is from Adam. The second kind
00:19:07 is from the new creation. You are either in Adam or you are in Christ.
00:19:15 You are either in Adam or you are in Christ. First Corinthians 15, verse 22 in the King James.
00:19:25 I'm going to look at three verses here. First Corinthians 15, 22, 45, and 47. First
00:19:30 Corinthians 15, 22, 45, 47, King James, King James. Now, look at these Scriptures.
00:19:37 Listen to this line-by-line stuff. You know I'm going somewhere. You know I'm going to take you
00:19:42 somewhere. I'm trying to give you all the ingredients before we take the cake out the oven.
00:19:50 "For as in Adam," what happened in Adam, "all die, even so in Christ shall all be," what?
00:19:58 Made alive. Look at the contrast here, verse 45. "And so it is written, the first man, Adam,
00:20:06 was made a," what? "Living soul. The last Adam," who was Jesus, "was made," what? "A quickening spirit."
00:20:17 See the contrast there. You're either one or the other. 47, "The first man is of the earth, earthy;
00:20:27 the second man is of the Lord from heaven." So, you're either still earthy or you're of the Lord
00:20:40 from heaven. Only two kind of people on the earth, in Adam, in Christ. New creation, old man.
00:20:50 Only two kind of people on the earth. Now, look at Galatians chapter 6 and 15. Galatians 6 and 15.
00:21:06 "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything,
00:21:12 nor uncircumcision availeth anything, but a new creature." Now, you know what he was saying?
00:21:20 He says you're circumcising. In the Old Testament, every male had to be circumcised, he said,
00:21:26 in order to be a part of that covenant. He said, "In Christ, circumcision ain't gonna get it,
00:21:35 or not being circumcised ain't gonna get it." He said, "But here is what you get when you get in
00:21:41 Christ, a new creation, and you got to believe that on the inside I have a new creation."
00:21:50 We are either in Adam having a sinful nature, or we are in Christ being the new creation.
00:22:00 Now, those of you who are saved, I want you to say out loud, "I am in Christ. I have the new
00:22:07 creation." In our old nature, in our old self, we were sinners. Before you got the new creation,
00:22:17 you had a sinful nature, you had an old self, you were sinners. But in your new nature in Christ,
00:22:26 you have the new creation, you have the new self. We are righteous because we're in Christ,
00:22:35 and we have a new creation. Now, look at Romans chapter 5, verse 12 through 21 in the NLT.
00:22:44 Romans chapter 5, verse 12 through 21 in the NLT. All right.
00:22:56 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death. Do you understand that when
00:23:07 God made man, man was never supposed to die? He made man immortal. He was not--man was not--Adam
00:23:18 and Eve were not made mortal beings. They were made never to die. They were supposed to live
00:23:25 forever. But when Adam sinned, sin entered the world, Adam's sin brought death. So, death spread
00:23:36 to everyone for everyone's sin. Have you noticed in the Old Testament people would live in 500
00:23:42 years? It took a long--it took hundreds of--I'd say thousands of years to work out eternity from
00:23:53 the body. That's why Adam and Eve didn't have no natural clothing. They didn't put nothing on their
00:24:10 body until they sinned and they lost the glory. They were naked of natural clothing, but they were
00:24:19 covered with their natural coat, which was the glory that was going to be responsible for
00:24:27 immortality that was lost when one man sinned and death came on one man, and eternity went from
00:24:36 eternity to a thousand years to 800 and some years to 500 and some years. And then--and then
00:24:43 here's what people don't understand. The Bible says you're going to live a minimum of 70 years
00:24:49 and more if you like, and you think that's a blessing. That's a part of the curse that
00:24:55 occurred in the garden. 70 years from 800 to 70? Do your math.
00:25:06 I would love if y'all would have to put up with me for 800 years. That'd be something else.
00:25:16 I told you a great, great, great, great, great, whatever. I lost count of the greats.
00:25:24 Adam's sin brought death. That wasn't supposed to be a part of our existence.
00:25:31 So, death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Now, watch this.
00:25:38 Yes, people sinned even before the law was given.
00:25:43 People sinned even before the law was given, but it was not counted as sin. Why? Because there was
00:25:53 not yet any law to break. You can't cause something wrong if there's not anything prohibiting it.
00:26:00 So, that's one of the reasons the law came in, to curb sin. It was getting crazy out there.
00:26:09 They said, "We got to do something. You got giants coming out here,
00:26:13 angels coming out here, having sex with women, and they're producing giants, and you got brother
00:26:19 killing brother, and then you got them building a tower, trying to reach to heaven with the tower."
00:26:23 There's all kinds of stuff going on. So, you can't cause something, sin, without a law.
00:26:28 So, they've been sinning since Adam fell, but there was no law to curb sin.
00:26:35 Still, everyone died from the time of Adam to the time of Moses.
00:26:41 Even those who did not disobey an explicit commandment of God as Adam did,
00:26:49 now, Adam is a symbol of a representation of Christ, who was yet to come.
00:26:57 But there is a great difference between Adam's sin and God's gracious gift.
00:27:03 For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace
00:27:13 and His gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. My goodness, 16?
00:27:20 And the result of God's gracious gift is very different from the results of that of man's sin.
00:27:26 For Adam's sin led to condemnation, but God's free gift leads to our being made right with God,
00:27:34 even though we are guilty of many sins. Because you see, it wasn't you, it was Adam that started
00:27:41 this, and it was Jesus that ended it. And you keep trying to put yourself in the middle of all that.
00:27:48 For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many.
00:27:56 But even greater is God's wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness for all who receive it
00:28:01 will live in triumph. All who receive it will—all who receive it will—all who receive it—see,
00:28:10 our problem is we won't receive it. We receive—we receive the law-based teaching
00:28:15 in religion. We receive rules keeping. Some of us are more concerned about rules than we are people.
00:28:22 You're a woman with a—with a woman that was caught in the act of adultery?
00:28:30 They were more concerned about what rule was broken than concerned about this lady.
00:28:37 And that's what the church has become. We're more concerned about rules and doctrine
00:28:41 than we do people. We don't care about people no more.
00:28:44 We care more about who keeping the rule and who ain't keeping the rule.
00:28:47 You ain't got to clap.
00:28:51 They'll have triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.
00:29:00 You can't do it except through the man. Eighteen? Yes, Adam's one sin brings condemnation for
00:29:07 everyone, but Christ's one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and a new
00:29:13 life for everyone. Oh, you got to choose. You go choose Adam, and you get condemnation for
00:29:20 everybody who choose Adam. Choose Jesus, and he make everything right for everyone. He—so
00:29:26 far ain't no list of the stuff you got to do to qualify, except choose who you're going to choose.
00:29:36 Verse 19, "Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person
00:29:42 obeyed God, many will be made, made, made, made, made, not became, but made, not you did something
00:29:52 to make happen, but made righteous." Verse 20, "God's law was given so that all people could
00:29:59 see how sinful they were." Whoa! He said, "God gave you the law so you can see how sinful you are."
00:30:05 You didn't have nothing to break, so you didn't know how bad you were. So, let's give something,
00:30:08 give the law so you can see how sinful you are. You a mess.
00:30:12 And the problem with that is the church religion today still trying to give you laws, and you still
00:30:22 looking at—the law is trying to show you how sinful you are. You still looking at how sinful
00:30:26 you are. So, you've developed a sin consciousness, and that proves that you have not switched sides
00:30:32 over here to God, because instead of having a God consciousness, you're more conscious of sin
00:30:37 and how big of a mess you are, and less conscious of you've been made righteous and you have a new
00:30:43 creation. So, you keep going and hearing how bad you are. You keep doing it. "Honey, why don't you
00:30:54 leave there? My grandmama went to this church. Her mama went to this church, and bless God,
00:30:58 I'm going to this church. They were Baptists. My daddy was a Baptist, and I'm going to die a
00:31:02 Baptist." And you're going to live all your life in bondage, because here's one thing I know about
00:31:06 people who keep the law. You can't go around here acting like you don't do nothing wrong,
00:31:10 because if you keep the law, the law was made for you to do something wrong.
00:31:20 But as people sinned, look what happens. As they sinned more and more,
00:31:25 God's wonderful grace became more and more abundant. 21, "So, just as sin ruled over all people
00:31:37 and brought them to death," just like sin did, "God's wonderful grace rules instead,
00:31:47 giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
00:31:55 This seems like an easy decision. This seems like an easy decision, except we don't
00:32:03 bought religion. We don't bought traditional, law-based, rule-keeping religion.
00:32:13 And instead of carrying and loving people out of our heart, we checking the rules.
00:32:18 And by the way, you checking the very rules, you break.
00:32:20 Is everybody still on the bus? All right, here we go.
00:32:34 There is a difference between sin and the sinner.
00:32:41 We do not become a sinner again just because we commit a sin.
00:32:51 I've never been this straightforward before. This is cool. It's liberating. I've always had to go
00:33:00 over that sentence and not quite say it. I'll say it again. We do not become a sinner again
00:33:06 just because we committed a sin. What Jesus did on the cross is stronger than that.
00:33:18 This is about our nature. Jesus dealt with the sin and the sinner. This is about our nature.
00:33:32 Go to Romans chapter 6, verse 5, King James, verse 5 through 7.
00:33:44 All right, I'm assuming you speak English, because we're going to read some English.
00:33:50 Are you there? You ready?
00:33:56 "For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death,
00:34:04 we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection,
00:34:13 knowing this," here's what you got to know, "that our old man," look at there, old man.
00:34:22 What happened to your old man? It was crucified with Christ,
00:34:30 and that old man is also the body of sin. And what happened to the body of sin? It was destroyed.
00:34:41 "That henceforth we should not serve sin." Look at the sentence.
00:34:48 He defines sin as the body of sin and the old man. Sin here is a noun. Person, place, or thing.
00:35:00 Sin is a noun. This is not a verb. He didn't say your old man was crucified,
00:35:09 the body of sin was destroyed, and now you won't be sinning no more.
00:35:14 What he says is you're not going to serve the old man, because the old man is responsible for your
00:35:24 sinning, but if the old man has been destroyed, and if the old man has been crucified, then you
00:35:31 don't have to serve the old man. Verse 7, "For he that is dead is freed from," watch this, "the old
00:35:53 man." You're free from the old man. We keep looking at this as a verb, sinning, what you're
00:36:06 doing wrong, and not the one that was responsible for sinning, the old man. You don't have the old
00:36:15 man no more. Now that you're born again, you don't have to worry about sinning, because the new
00:36:21 creation doesn't produce sinning. It was the old man that produced sinning, and you were captured
00:36:28 by the old man. That was your nature. Listen, a mule is a mule. You can raise him like a raised
00:36:35 horse. You can cut his hair like a raised horse. You can talk to him like a raised horse, but as
00:36:41 soon as you put him behind the gates and they blow their whistle or hit the gun, that joker gonna
00:36:46 start acting like a mule and not gonna run not one bit. He gonna be looking for something to eat,
00:36:52 because that is his nature. And so, likewise, the nature of somebody who sins is the sinner,
00:37:03 glory to God, and the sinner in you, glory to God, is no longer in you. That sinful man has
00:37:10 been destroyed. That old man has been crucified. You don't have to serve the old man no more,
00:37:17 because he ain't there to be served no more. He has passed away.
00:37:22 Somebody said, "Well, what do you do with that knowledge?" Well, go to verse 1.
00:37:32 There's only one place in Romans chapter 6 where sin is used as a verb,
00:37:40 and that's verse 15. Every time you see sin in Romans 6, it's a noun. It's talking about the
00:37:47 man of sin, the old man. Now, watch this. What shall we say then? Shall we continue--I'm gonna
00:37:56 translate and define sin so you see what I'm saying. Shall we continue in the old man
00:38:05 that grace may abound? You know how we read that? What shall we say then? Shall we continue sinning?
00:38:12 Shall we continue to do sinful acts? Hey, what are you talking about? See, we're always dealing
00:38:20 with the fruit instead of the very root. We're dealing with the cheaper instead of the deeper.
00:38:24 If you hit the thing where the root is, the fruit gonna stop.
00:38:32 Take care of the old man, and the old behavior gonna eventually leave because he ain't there no
00:38:39 more. You got a new creation who's after God, who is perfect and holy and flawless, and eventually
00:38:47 your belief in that new creation in you is gonna eventually start training that old software,
00:38:54 and it's gonna start producing holy and righteous things because you believe you have a new creation
00:39:00 and you believe you're righteous. But some of you still think the devil is living on the inside of
00:39:06 you still. Listen, what shall we say then? Shall we continue in the old man that grace may abound
00:39:14 or increase? Now, watch Paul. God forbid. Now, watch this. How shall we?
00:39:20 Paul look at this and says, "Okay, oh, no, God forbid, but how are we gonna do that?
00:39:28 How shall we? How shall we who are dead and separated from the old man,
00:39:35 how shall we live any longer there in the old man?" Paul was like saying, "What you're saying
00:39:43 can't happen no more because that which was responsible for that behavior,
00:39:48 we're dead to it. We are separated from it. We have a new nature now.
00:39:56 Old nature has passed away. New nature has come. I will not continue to allow
00:40:04 an old nature that I have been dead to continue to haunt and rule my life.
00:40:12 I have a new creation, glory to God, created after God and made in the image of God,
00:40:22 and when I start believing that I have a new creation and having confidence that I have a
00:40:28 new creation, then when I behave in sinful behavior, I have to now credit that to my
00:40:38 soul that has yet to be renewed. And what it should say to you is if you start acting crazy
00:40:47 one day, what you should say is, "Oh, I need to get in the Word. I need to renew my mind because
00:40:54 that's not me. That's not my nature. I don't do that no more. I used to cuss you out in three
00:41:01 seconds, but I got a new creation, so I need to--I need to--I need a--I need--what's that? I need a
00:41:08 telephone. I need--I need to update. I need to update the software. I need to update--it's
00:41:12 the renewing of your mind. The renewing of your mind is why you can be dead to the sinful man
00:41:20 and still act in sin, action.
00:41:31 Whew, I'm tired. I mean, you're trying to crack open centuries of religious beliefs.
00:41:42 Now, let me--let me--let me get back to my point, though. Do you understand all that? I mean,
00:41:51 I want you to read--look at verse 15, the only place where the action of sin is used as a verb.
00:42:00 Verse 15, "What then? Shall we--shall we sin? Action." That's not a noun. Now, "Shall we sin?
00:42:06 Action." Okay, 48 times in the book of Romans it's used as a noun. Only eight times in the book of
00:42:12 Romans it's--only eight times it's used as a verb. "What then? Shall we sin, sinning? Action, because
00:42:20 we're not under the law but under grace?" That's the only time. The rest of the time, you have to
00:42:26 remind yourself when you're reading this, you got to--you got to--you got to meditate and you got to
00:42:31 say, "Wait a minute, that's a noun. The sin man, the sin man, the sin man, he's been destroyed.
00:42:36 I'm dead to him. I'm dead to him. I'm alive to the new creation. I'm alive to the new creation
00:42:42 right now." In the same way, we couldn't become righteous by works.
00:42:52 Could you become righteous by works? No. The Old Testament said in order to be righteous,
00:42:58 you had to do right. In the new covenant, you're righteous because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
00:43:04 So, in the same way that we couldn't become righteous by works, we don't lose our righteousness
00:43:10 by works. We didn't become righteous by works. We don't lose it by works.
00:43:19 You didn't become righteous by your works. You don't lose it by your works.
00:43:24 Your works is not a factor. It wasn't a factor in you getting righteous,
00:43:31 and it's not going to be a factor in you losing your righteousness.
00:43:34 It's a matter of faith in the redemptive work of Jesus. Committing a sin doesn't make you
00:43:49 partly righteous--unrighteous, excuse me. Committing a sin doesn't make you partly unrighteous.
00:43:55 Committing a sin doesn't make you partly unrighteous. Now, listen to this. I had to
00:44:02 write this on a note card. I couldn't forget this. So, we believe that we are still the new creation
00:44:10 even if we make a mistake. But for sure, our righteousness now--now, here's somebody talking.
00:44:20 But our righteousness now has some dirty spots, and it needs to be cleansed for us to be 100%
00:44:29 righteous again. That's our attitude in church. I messed up, so my righteousness got some dirty
00:44:35 spots, so I need to be cleansed, so we go on this little weird journey that we go on. We ain't
00:44:41 talking to nobody. We ain't looking at TV no more. We're not doing nothing. We're not going to eat
00:44:46 for five days. We're trying to make ourselves hurt a little bit because I'm 75% righteous now. 75.
00:44:52 75%. And I don't want to get 50% righteous. I'm 75 right now. I got to stop it right now.
00:44:58 That's crazy. For you even think that you have a God that's so wise that would even do that?
00:45:05 Only religious men do that.
00:45:08 The question is, "Is this the way it works?" Now, if you say, "Yes, this is the way it works,"
00:45:18 then we have once again returned to the mindset of self-righteousness. You still think you bring
00:45:25 something to the table. You still think it's something about you. You won't let it go.
00:45:35 You still think your self-righteousness, "Oh, the Lord opened that door for me because I did this,
00:45:42 this, this," or even, "The Lord closed that door because I didn't do this, this." It's
00:45:47 almost the same. You still trying to take credit for what you can't do.
00:45:52 Self-righteousness is based on ourselves. It's based on our good works
00:46:04 and our right lifestyle. God's righteousness is based on God himself.
00:46:13 God's righteousness is based on God himself.
00:46:16 So, here's the question. If you have missed the mark by doing something against God's will,
00:46:27 did that affect the righteousness of Jesus?
00:46:33 You know, did Jesus get some dirty spot and needs to be cleansed?
00:46:42 Because if you're righteous because of Jesus and you say you got a dirty spot,
00:46:47 then Jesus got a dirty spot because your righteousness is not based on your spots.
00:46:51 It's based on Jesus, and if Jesus ain't got no spot, quit acting like you got a spot.
00:46:56 Jesus has always and will always remain fully righteous, and this is the good news Jesus
00:47:10 Christ himself has become our righteousness. 1 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 30 and 31 in the NLT.
00:47:20 1 Corinthians 1, verse 30 and 31 in the NLT. These Scriptures are everywhere.
00:47:25 God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit, God made him. For our benefit,
00:47:34 God made Jesus to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God. Not Creflo, not Jenny, not
00:47:45 Jenny Craig, not even—not—not a name, whatever name you mention, it had nothing to do with it.
00:47:50 You didn't bring nothing to the table.
00:47:59 Is anybody hearing me? Some of y'all looking at me like, "Mm, mm, mm."
00:48:05 For our benefit, God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us be right with God.
00:48:16 He made us pure, and he made us holy, and he freed us from sin.
00:48:24 It is not my righteousness that makes me right, but if I receive his righteousness, I'll do right.
00:48:31 It's not me performing holiness that makes me holy,
00:48:36 but if I believe I'm holy, I'll behave holy.
00:48:40 It's not me trying to be pure that makes me pure. See, religion and church says it's you doing all
00:48:50 of that, that's responsible for making you all of that. No, no, you doing righteous doesn't make
00:48:57 you righteous, but you receiving righteousness will make you righteous. You receiving holiness
00:49:05 is what's going to make you holy. You receiving purity is what's going to make you pure.
00:49:09 You keep saying, "No, it's got to be more than just receiving it. I don't receive that,
00:49:18 brethren. I don't receive that," because you are so used to being self-righteous,
00:49:22 and you find security in being self-righteous. I mean, you find something out of being self-righteous.
00:49:26 You love telling people what you done did and how you done did it and what you brought to the table.
00:49:30 They ain't had nothing to eat until I brought that ham to the table. You love doing that. You're stuck
00:49:35 in that. You're stuck in that, and your actions and your behavior, it doesn't change
00:49:40 because you're trying to achieve what's been achieved.
00:49:47 You might as well buy you a big cross, put it in the backyard, and have somebody nail you to the cross.
00:49:52 Only then to find out it's not your blood that's going to do nothing. All you're going to do is bleed out.
00:50:00 We're not born again by your blood. We're not going to miss hell because of your blood.
00:50:08 We're not made righteous because of your blood. We're not holy because of your blood. Your blood
00:50:13 can't do nothing, hallelujah, but the blood of Jesus.
00:50:19 Satan has deceived people into thinking that what Jesus did was not enough for us.
00:50:38 Second Corinthians 11, 2 through 4 in the NLT. Second Corinthians 11, 2 through 4 in the NLT.
00:50:43 This is a trick. The whole thing has been a propaganda trick.
00:50:50 Through fear and condemnation and shame, you come to church, you pray, you give,
00:51:05 and what happened is people just got so tired of being in fear and condemnation and shame. When I
00:51:13 was at the church, I got so tired. My pastor called me, said, "You coming to church tonight?" I said, "No."
00:51:18 He said, "Why?" I said, "I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling bad. I'm tired of feeling guilty."
00:51:26 And I'm on the minister's platform. I'm tired of feeling guilty. I'm tired of feeling shame.
00:51:32 I come--every time I come, I have to hear about these rules. You can't do this, you can't do that.
00:51:36 If you do that, you ain't gonna do that. You gotta do that. You gotta pray in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name,
00:51:40 not Jesus' name. And if you don't pray in Jesus' name, I'm like, "God, dog, I don't want to come.
00:51:45 I don't want--I don't want to come." And I seriously considered atheism because it made more sense
00:51:56 than that stuff I was hearing. I got tired,
00:52:01 and I was like--I thought church people were supposed to be about love. Them was the meanest.
00:52:07 Never met nobody like 'em.
00:52:13 And I thought, "If this is what it's supposed to be like, I just don't think I'm gonna make it."
00:52:25 And since I can't seem to do nothing right, then I might as well enjoy myself.
00:52:32 I'm gonna go to the party.
00:52:38 Stand up.
00:52:42 But I got myself together.
00:52:47 Really get down.
00:52:54 I'm being honest with you. It just--it's like, "What is this?" And then we would celebrate
00:52:59 Easter. Then I'm like, "Why are we celebrating Easter?" They said, "Jesus died." I'm like, "Why?"
00:53:03 And he rose again. Okay, why? That's why. "What? What? What?" And it kept blowing smoke in my ear.
00:53:15 I got tired of it. And one day I woke up, and I'm just--I'm done with this.
00:53:22 A little boy--I was working with the Fulton County Parks and Recreation. He drowned, and he died.
00:53:27 And I didn't understand that. And I went in the room, and I said, "Lord, this little boy ain't
00:53:33 seen his life. Go on, take my life. Let this boy live." And he didn't do it, and I'm like--I spent
00:53:37 three days locked up in the room 'cause I'm trying to consider becoming an atheist, and this is--
00:53:43 something's wrong with this. Something's just not right with this stuff. I do everything they tell
00:53:49 me to do. I fast. I pray for hours. I do everything they tell me to do, and I don't understand. I'm
00:53:55 broke. I'm busted, disgusted. I'm driving my mama's station wagon. I can't--I can't--I'm just--
00:54:01 "Where is this God?"
00:54:06 And so, anyway, well, I'm gonna be no preacher. I can't stand them jokers
00:54:17 showing up eating all the chicken up, talking about--I'm gonna stand them preachers.
00:54:23 I'm being honest with you. I was so tired, and it just--
00:54:34 and then one day,
00:54:44 I heard this word, "Will you become a student of grace?" I'm like, "What's that?"
00:54:50 See, the Bible says grace teaches you. You know another translation for that word, "teacher"?
00:54:58 He parents you. Grace will be your parent, which means he's patient with everything
00:55:09 involving your transformation, and he--he parents--the grace of God parents you, and I needed a parent.
00:55:17 Here is Paul's concern, and it's still the same today.
00:55:35 "For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to be one
00:55:43 husband, Christ." Three? "But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will
00:55:52 be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.
00:56:01 You gladly put up with whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach a different Jesus
00:56:08 than the one we preach, or a different kind of spirit than the one you received,
00:56:14 or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.
00:56:19 And you gladly put up with it.
00:56:26 You gladly just hear it because they have gigantic crowds, and you gladly put up with it."
00:56:31 And Paul said that if anybody preached any of the gospel, or if any angel preached any of the
00:56:38 gospel, then that which I preach, let him be accursed, and he said it twice.
00:56:51 So, since I've stopped--since I've been preaching this gospel of grace for 12, 13 years,
00:56:56 I've lost all of my preacher friends.
00:56:59 Isn't that sad? Because at least you could still love me if you disagree with me.
00:57:06 You could still have me over for a bologna sandwich if you disagree with me.
00:57:11 What is that?
00:57:21 And then I learned grace people gotta learn how to be gracious people,
00:57:28 even when it's not fun, even when it doesn't feel good, even when it hurts, you gotta be gracious.
00:57:37 And the same things happen with our marriage.
00:57:46 Some women would rather be dominated and abused by men than to understand
00:57:54 that Jesus came to set you free from male domination.
00:57:59 Look at the men.
00:58:02 "Hey, men, I got news for you.
00:58:05 You ain't the boss.
00:58:06 You're supposed to be an equal partner in the corporation that you married into,
00:58:11 but you scared.
00:58:14 You scared because you're so inferior you have hidden behind false superiority
00:58:22 to make you feel better about your inferiority."
00:58:25 And now a woman's got to dumb herself down to your dumb butt because--oh, excuse me, I'm sorry.
00:58:31 She can't be smart.
00:58:35 She can't be intelligent.
00:58:36 She can't be a CEO.
00:58:38 She can't run nothing because your butt's so dumb that you get inferior
00:58:42 if she make more money than you make.
00:58:44 I don't mind being my wife's boy.
00:58:47 Make that money, girl.
00:58:49 Bring that bag home.
00:58:51 I don't mind.
00:58:52 I'm gonna cut my hours so I can serve her, run her some bath water,
00:59:00 make her a cheese sandwich when she come home.
00:59:02 What's the matter with you?
00:59:04 I done got it to the bloom.
00:59:13 I've been blooming too much.
00:59:14 I done got it to the bloom.
00:59:17 Come on, baby, help me.
00:59:18 I was thinking about something when--y'all hear me okay?
00:59:39 I was thinking about the fact that when we had our children,
00:59:43 one of the things that we thought about was that if we gave them a ring, it would make them pure
00:59:53 and that they would make a decision to live a life of abstinence.
01:00:01 And I think the message of the church has been--is so much about what we do
01:00:09 or what we don't do that makes us right.
01:00:13 Because not to say that, you know, all of that was wrong, but I think--I
01:00:21 was sitting here just making notes as you were talking.
01:00:24 Purity culture in the church is what we so much bought into.
01:00:29 Purity culture in the church is what we do and thought what was going to change us
01:00:34 in order to purify us.
01:00:36 Does that make sense?
01:00:38 Mm-hmm.
01:00:39 It was still on the thing of what you do.
01:00:42 What we do.
01:00:42 To try to get it.
01:00:44 What rules you got to keep in order to be pure.
01:00:47 And if you don't keep this rule, then you're not pure because purity is not based on what you do
01:00:56 or don't do.
01:00:57 Purity is based on what Jesus has done to make you pure.
01:01:05 Okay, and we put pressure on them to try to be something that only Jesus can make.
01:01:13 And that sums up what the last 50 years of religious church has been trying to make you
01:01:20 do something and accept responsibility for something that Jesus has already done and
01:01:26 Jesus has already accepted responsibility for.
01:01:28 Is that what you were saying?
01:01:32 That's awesome.
01:01:33 Okay.
01:01:34 [laughter]
01:01:44 So if you—don't fall.
01:01:46 [laughter]
01:01:52 So I'm almost through here.
01:01:54 What are we to do if we have committed a sin?
01:02:02 What are we to do as Christians if we have committed a sin?
01:02:08 Go to the book of 1 John 2, 1 and 2.
01:02:15 1 John 2, 1 and 2.
01:02:18 This is what we do.
01:02:22 You're a Christian.
01:02:24 You have a new creation.
01:02:27 The software, which is—that's the flesh.
01:02:30 That mind, that unrenewed mind, that's the flesh.
01:02:34 Not so much your body as much as it is your flesh.
01:02:37 Again, get to the root of it.
01:02:39 The root of your body doing stuff is this unrenewed software.
01:02:44 So what do we do?
01:02:48 My little children, these things right out of you that you sin not.
01:02:53 Okay, that's what he said.
01:02:55 So as Christians, he's not advocating sinning because he's like, "Yield to the new creation
01:03:02 in you just like you yield to the old man, the old sin man."
01:03:05 So he says, "What do you do if you sin?"
01:03:08 He says, "Now, these things are right into you, so you sin not."
01:03:11 If any man sin, we have an advocate, someone who pleads our case.
01:03:16 So Jesus says, "I'll plead and stand before the Father on your behalf."
01:03:20 Now, what is it that we do?
01:03:24 Verse 2, "Remember this, he is the propitiation, he is the sin offering,
01:03:36 he is the ransom that has been paid.
01:03:41 He is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only,
01:03:45 but also for the sins of the whole world.
01:03:47 If you sin, here's what you do.
01:03:52 The ransom has been paid for me.
01:03:53 I'm good.
01:03:56 I gotta renew my mind.
01:03:59 That's crazy, but I'm good.
01:04:01 You sin, the ransom's been paid for me.
01:04:04 I'm still the righteousness of God.
01:04:06 I'm good.
01:04:08 You sin, I'm the righteousness of God.
01:04:11 The sin offering has been paid for me.
01:04:14 He didn't cover my sin, he kicked it out of socket.
01:04:17 You know what he's saying, dude?
01:04:20 Remind yourself of who you are and what has been done for you.
01:04:26 Do not try to undo something by something you do.
01:04:32 You are still righteous.
01:04:41 Well, Pastor Dollar—I know it's in the room.
01:04:47 I'm gonna say it because I'm free.
01:04:50 I know it's in the room.
01:04:51 What are you talking about?
01:04:52 Want saved, always saved?
01:04:54 Yes, you should always be saved unless you turn away from it.
01:04:58 And you still ain't that deep.
01:05:01 See, that's another one of them demon doctrines.
01:05:04 Let me convince you that there's no way that you can get in Christ
01:05:09 and be all right in him for the whole time,
01:05:13 because you're basing it on what you do.
01:05:16 When you're in Christ, you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
01:05:20 You would have to—it would be real hard,
01:05:27 but you would have to just turn your back on God
01:05:30 and just go crazy another way.
01:05:33 But you would have to be full of revelation,
01:05:37 full of this, all this gifts, acne.
01:05:38 You can't even qualify to do that.
01:05:40 You better hope that's right.
01:05:45 You better hope they'll want you in Christ,
01:05:47 that they closed the door behind and you can't get out of Christ.
01:05:51 Oh, let me, let me—
01:05:52 [speaking in tongues]
01:05:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:05:54 All right, all right.
01:05:54 All right, check this out.
01:05:55 So, the ark that Noah was in,
01:05:58 [speaking in tongues]
01:06:00 That's gotta be God.
01:06:03 The ark represented Jesus.
01:06:11 [congregation murmurs]
01:06:20 With all that water, I know they fell,
01:06:23 but they were in the ark.
01:06:26 They didn't fall out of the ark.
01:06:31 They fell in the ark, so they were still safe.
01:06:37 [congregation murmurs]
01:06:42 Noah and his wife might even had an argument,
01:06:45 but they had it in the ark.
01:06:48 When you sin, you don't fall out of Christ,
01:06:56 you fall in Him.
01:06:58 You fall right in His arms.
01:07:00 You don't fall out of Him, you fall in Him.
01:07:03 [congregation applauds]
01:07:12 Lord, have mercy.
01:07:13 You fall in Him.
01:07:15 Took me 13 years to get this,
01:07:18 get to this place where I can preach this bold enough
01:07:21 'cause I know I might go viral today.
01:07:23 I know, but I don't care.
01:07:25 I don't got time for all that.
01:07:27 You in the ark, baby.
01:07:31 You in the ark, and when everything,
01:07:37 everybody fell in the ark, wasn't nobody falling out of it.
01:07:39 [congregation murmurs]
01:07:42 So what happens when you fall in a ditch?
01:07:44 You get up.
01:07:47 You remember when it was raining,
01:07:51 or no, snowing in Georgia,
01:07:53 and that limb fell on the driveway,
01:07:54 and I went out there and tried to be, you know,
01:07:56 your Superman to move the limb out of the driveway
01:08:00 so we can drive.
01:08:01 I forgot the, it was iced.
01:08:04 So behind me was a pond,
01:08:09 and I got the thing moving,
01:08:12 and I felt like, "Yeah, Superman, this ain't nothing moving."
01:08:14 I grabbed this other little piece,
01:08:16 and I leaned all the way back,
01:08:19 and it snapped, pop!
01:08:20 [congregation laughs]
01:08:24 Now, ain't it used to me just standing in the water?
01:08:29 'Cause I'm not gonna change into a fish.
01:08:31 [congregation laughs]
01:08:35 So I might as well get myself out the water.
01:08:40 I fell in a dry man.
01:08:42 I got out a wet man.
01:08:45 I'm getting ready to dry my wet self off again.
01:08:48 I'm all right.
01:08:50 I got two more Scriptures to share, can I?
01:08:57 [congregation responds]
01:09:00 Can I share these two more Scriptures?
01:09:01 [congregation responds]
01:09:03 They're important.
01:09:04 If people think that their relationship with the Lord
01:09:07 is destroyed, if you think that,
01:09:11 if you continue to buy that,
01:09:13 "Oh, my God, I messed up, I sinned.
01:09:15 My relationship with God is destroyed,"
01:09:16 then their one sin might lead to another sin,
01:09:20 might lead to a third sin, might lead to a fourth sin.
01:09:22 Because you think, you know,
01:09:25 "My relationship with God is destroyed."
01:09:27 Just like when I told you when I was in college
01:09:28 and this guy told me, you know, "I heard what you said.
01:09:31 You committed blasphemy, and God ain't gonna be able
01:09:34 to forgive you."
01:09:34 And I thought, "Well, if I did that one sin,
01:09:36 I thought about it, if I'm in sin,
01:09:39 then I might as well sin."
01:09:41 [congregation laughs]
01:09:44 And I'm so glad I bumped into a mature Christian
01:09:46 before I started, but my thought was,
01:09:48 "Since my relationship with Jesus is destroyed
01:09:52 with that one sin, then I might as well go do another sin
01:09:56 and a third sin and a fourth sin."
01:09:58 And that's why this message is so important,
01:10:00 because as long as you think that whatever you did
01:10:04 destroyed your relationship with God,
01:10:06 you're gonna be more open to the devil
01:10:08 to just do crazy stuff
01:10:09 because you figured you messed that up.
01:10:12 "Well, you don't understand, I fell into sin,
01:10:17 and I had sex with such and so, such and so."
01:10:20 I hope you ain't married and she ain't got a gun,
01:10:24 that's all I know.
01:10:25 You righteous, you might be dead righteous,
01:10:28 but you righteous, because sin has consequences, you know?
01:10:33 But one of those consequences is not losing your righteousness.
01:10:38 Sin has consequences, but one of them is not,
01:10:44 is not losing your righteousness.
01:10:45 You still gonna be righteous.
01:10:50 You might be a put-out-the-house righteous,
01:10:51 you might be hungry righteous,
01:10:53 you might be lights out 'cause you ain't paying your light bill
01:10:56 righteous, but you still gonna be righteous
01:10:57 as long as you stay righteous,
01:10:59 you gonna get out of all them situations.
01:11:01 We gotta help people to remember Jesus
01:11:11 as their righteousness so they can get back up,
01:11:15 so they can get back up,
01:11:18 so they can get back up.
01:11:19 Somebody shout, "Get back up."
01:11:22 Proverbs 24, 16, come on.
01:11:26 Proverbs 24, 16, and then one more, and then we done.
01:11:29 Proverbs 24, 16, "For a just man falleth seven times,
01:11:36 and he rises up again,
01:11:39 but the wicked shall fall into his mischief."
01:11:43 Look at the NLT on this one.
01:11:45 So, you gotta rise up again.
01:11:47 That's part of your maturity, rising up again.
01:11:49 That's part of your maturity, rising up again.
01:11:52 Anybody can make an excuse to stay down.
01:11:54 Part of your maturity is rising up again.
01:11:57 The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again,
01:12:02 but one disaster is enough to overflow the wicked,
01:12:06 and they get depressed,
01:12:08 and they wanna jump out of buildings,
01:12:09 and they wanna blow their brain out
01:12:11 'cause they don't have the certainty
01:12:14 that they have been made right with God.
01:12:17 And then the final Scripture,
01:12:18 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 4 through 9.
01:12:22 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 4 through 9.
01:12:26 In the NLT, let's read that.
01:12:28 Let's close it up here.
01:12:29 Y'all have been so patient with me.
01:12:30 And, you know, somebody says, "Well, I don't know.
01:12:33 I can't receive that."
01:12:34 Hey, but still love me.
01:12:35 All right, all right.
01:12:36 So, I preach one message today.
01:12:38 You can't receive it.
01:12:39 All right, have I ever said anything to help you out?
01:12:41 All right, so keep--love me 'cause I preach one thing
01:12:43 to help you out, okay?
01:12:45 But because I am sure that God will--he'll work with you
01:12:48 on this.
01:12:48 You'll be all right.
01:12:50 He'll work with this.
01:12:51 Now, you know I ain't giving nobody no license to sin.
01:12:53 Some of y'all gonna do what you wanna do anyway.
01:12:54 But I'm trying to show you that you got to know who you are
01:12:58 so you can keep getting up.
01:12:59 I said you gotta know who you are so you can keep getting up.
01:13:04 We had too many Christians, they have fallen,
01:13:06 and they ain't got up yet.
01:13:06 They've been down for five years.
01:13:08 COVID came, they messed up.
01:13:11 I ain't seen them since.
01:13:14 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:15 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:16 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:17 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:18 Yeah, it was awful.
01:13:19 It was bad.
01:13:19 It hurt a lot of people.
01:13:20 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:21 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:22 You gotta learn how to get up.
01:13:24 What motivates you to get up?
01:13:26 I am the righteousness of God.
01:13:28 I am the beloved of God.
01:13:30 I'm gonna get up, and I'm gonna be better when I get up
01:13:33 the next time, and the devil ain't gonna win,
01:13:35 and he's not gonna defeat me.
01:13:36 Hallelujah.
01:13:42 Oh, my God, how great thou art.
01:13:45 Jesus, come back this afternoon if you don't mind.
01:13:48 Somebody said, "Don't say that."
01:13:51 You better hurry up and get ready.
01:13:52 You better hurry up and get ready.
01:13:54 I ain't married yet.
01:13:56 You better ask God who you supposed to be marrying then.
01:13:57 Don't be talking about me holding up Jesus
01:13:59 'cause you ain't ready.
01:14:00 You better get ready.
01:14:01 I'm ready.
01:14:01 I've been ready.
01:14:02 I'm ready to go.
01:14:02 Telling me not--I'm praying that every day.
01:14:06 Come now, Jesus.
01:14:07 "And because of his glory," this last one,
01:14:16 "and because of his glory and excellence,
01:14:20 he has given us great and precious promises."
01:14:22 These are the promises that enable you to share his divine
01:14:26 nature and escape the world's corruption
01:14:30 caused by human desires.
01:14:35 In view of all this, make every effort to respond
01:14:38 to God's promises.
01:14:39 Supplement your faith with generous provision
01:14:42 of moral excellence and moral excellence with knowledge
01:14:44 and knowledge with self-control and self-control
01:14:47 with patient endurance and patient endurance
01:14:50 with godliness, godliness with brotherly affection
01:14:52 and brotherly affection with love for everyone.
01:14:55 The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful
01:14:59 you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
01:15:03 But those who fail to develop in this way are short-sighted
01:15:10 or they are blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed
01:15:16 from their old sins.
01:15:16 He said, "That's the reason why you fail to develop in this way,
01:15:20 because you forgot that you were cleansed of your sins."
01:15:29 You forgot that you're the righteousness of God.
01:15:33 You won't remind yourself that the price has been paid,
01:15:41 the ransom has been paid, my sins have been forgiven.
01:15:44 And so it's hard to develop in those things,
01:15:47 because the only alternative is you using your own self-effort
01:15:52 to try to develop in those things.
01:15:53 And you say to yourself, "I don't fail too many times."
01:15:58 "God don't want to use me."
01:16:00 "He don't want to use me."
01:16:02 "He can't want to use me."
01:16:04 And then you start comparing yourself, you know,
01:16:07 "I wish I was like such and such, such and so."
01:16:08 Such and so, such and so got stuff that he getting up from too.
01:16:14 He might look better today because he got up two days ago.
01:16:18 You got up last night, you know.
01:16:19 But get up.
01:16:22 Get up.
01:16:26 Get up.
01:16:27 I refuse to keep going along with this church,
01:16:34 law-based, rule-based religiosity that lasts for a while,
01:16:42 and then you look after some years,
01:16:44 those same people who were so committed, where are they?
01:16:48 They quit.
01:16:50 They quit.
01:16:54 They quit.
01:16:54 And they died wondering if they were all right with God.
01:17:02 Ain't doing it.
01:17:06 I know this is right.
01:17:08 Everybody here can leave and we go back to blue seats.
01:17:14 I ain't never going back to law-based religion.
01:17:20 Not as long as I'm black and living.
01:17:23 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:26 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:28 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:30 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:32 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:34 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:36 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:38 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:40 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:42 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:44 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:46 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:48 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:50 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:52 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:54 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:56 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:17:58 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:18:00 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:18:02 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:18:04 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:18:06 I'm going to be living in a church that's not going to be like this.
01:18:08 Are you with me?
01:18:10 We'll get you on out here, but if you can, hold a long line.
01:18:12 Father, we thank you for the opportunity to minister this Word,
01:18:16 and now the Holy Spirit, we trust you to confirm it.
01:18:20 We trust you to make it plain.
01:18:24 We trust you to give revelation of it.
01:18:26 We thank you for it now, in Jesus' name.
01:18:30 Let's give.
01:18:32 If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
01:18:34 The ushers will be more than happy to put it in your hands.
01:18:38 That's why we got to understand how to rightly divide the Word.
01:18:42 I give because I'm so in love with him.
01:18:46 My giving is a reflex of the love that I have for God.
01:18:50 My giving is not some kind of game or con.
01:18:54 It's me giving, and you've got to decide what you're going to do
01:18:56 with that area you're concerned.
01:18:58 I'm going to give because God has been so good to Taffi and I
01:19:02 that we give with a cheerful heart.
01:19:06 We give not out of necessity.
01:19:08 We give not out of fear of a curse.
01:19:10 We give because God has been so genuinely, awesomely amazing
01:19:17 in our lives and that we love him.
01:19:20 And if God blesses you, if God does something for you,
01:19:23 and, you know, to reciprocate that back to him,
01:19:26 that's my giving because he asked in the Word.
01:19:29 He said, "Give."
01:19:30 He said, "Bring unto the Lord glory due to his name.
01:19:33 Give an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness."
01:19:37 My giving is my worship, and my worship cannot just be
01:19:42 when I sing and when I pray and when I come to church
01:19:45 and when I shout.
01:19:47 And then when the test comes, am I governed by mammon
01:19:54 or am I governed by the love for God?
01:19:58 I give a portion of all that he has bought into my life.
01:20:03 All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own I give to thee.
01:20:11 What I give, he gave to me anyway.
01:20:16 So as you give today and as you plant today and as you decide
01:20:26 to accept this challenge or stick with Adam,
01:20:31 'cause that's the decision,
01:20:35 to accept the challenge to be in Jesus or to stay in Adam,
01:20:44 there's condemnation that comes for being in Adam.
01:20:47 And next week, we're gonna talk about that condemnation,
01:20:51 that condemned, that voice that says,
01:20:57 "You're no longer fit for use."
01:21:02 So we condemn this building.
01:21:04 We condemn this life.
01:21:07 That ain't God.
01:21:11 Wow.
01:21:16 I just imagine standing before Jesus and trying to explain
01:21:20 why I wouldn't preach the gospel.
01:21:23 Because people don't like the gospel.
01:21:25 They don't like me.
01:21:26 They don't like Paul.
01:21:27 I thought I delivered you from being validated with people.
01:21:32 And yeah, I thought you did too, Lord, but it came back.
01:21:39 Nah, greatest deliverance you'll ever have in your life
01:21:42 is deliverance from people where you can finally do
01:21:46 what God told you to do without being addicted to approval.
01:21:51 Sure, I want a lot of people to like me.
01:21:54 Everybody wants to be liked, but, man, they dog Jesus out.
01:21:58 I had a nerve to call Jesus a winebibber
01:22:01 and called him a devil plenty of times,
01:22:05 called him Beelzebub.
01:22:07 Think of that.
01:22:10 But one day, we're gonna see him,
01:22:13 and I wanna make sure that this was not a waste of time
01:22:16 for none of you.
01:22:21 When I get to heaven, I want kisses and hugs from everybody.
01:22:24 All I'm gonna do is say, "I told you, didn't I?
01:22:27 Told you, didn't I?"
01:22:28 And then there'll be someone that'll come up before the throne
01:22:32 and say, "The reason why I didn't do that,
01:22:34 Pastor Darling never taught it.
01:22:35 I'm gonna be right behind that little chair.
01:22:37 I'm gonna stick my head out."
01:22:38 Use a lot.
01:22:39 Come on back over here.
01:22:41 I'm gonna get you out of here, 'cause it was cold.
01:22:47 Hold your offerings up, and we'll get you out of here.
01:22:50 Oh, my God, for the privilege of sowing into the kingdom,
01:22:57 for the privilege of trusting you,
01:23:00 of believing in you, of depending on you,
01:23:06 we bring these gifts.
01:23:09 We bring them in love out of our hearts,
01:23:13 and we thank you for what you've already done.
01:23:17 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:23:21 Hush as you can receive the offering.
01:23:27 As you give, I want you to be thinking about
01:23:32 your status as a believer.
01:23:36 I want you to be thinking about, "Am I truly born again?
01:23:44 Have I made Jesus the Lord of my life?
01:23:50 Am I ready to check in to Holy Ghost Hotel?
01:23:59 Am I ready to accept him as my everything?"
01:24:08 And the altar is the place of change.
01:24:12 The altar is the place where you come down trusting
01:24:18 and depending on God to say, "Lord, I give you my life,"
01:24:21 and things change.
01:24:24 If you're here right now, and you've never made Jesus
01:24:28 the Lord of your life, and today you make the biggest
01:24:32 and most important decision of your life,
01:24:36 I wanna pray with you.
01:24:39 So, if you're not saved, and you want to be saved
01:24:43 and be a born-again Christian, and in reality,
01:24:46 we're constantly being saved, but if you don't know Jesus
01:24:50 as your Lord and personal Savior,
01:24:52 you wanna fix that today, come on down right now.
01:24:55 If you're here and you want to recommit yourself to God,
01:25:00 wanna rededicate yourself to the Lord in a sense of saying
01:25:03 that somehow I put this relationship on pause
01:25:06 and I'm ready to match play, you come down.
01:25:10 If you're here and you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit
01:25:13 with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you come down.
01:25:17 And last but not least, if God has called you to join
01:25:20 this church, World Changes Church International,
01:25:24 where it seems like our doctrine doesn't line up
01:25:26 with everybody else's, you gotta make that decision.
01:25:30 I've given to you four things, an opportunity to get born again,
01:25:34 to rededicate your life, receive the Holy Spirit,
01:25:40 and to join this church.
01:25:43 I pray that you will respond right now
01:25:46 as the Spirit of God leads you to respond.
01:25:49 [congregation applauding]
01:25:55 [humming]
01:26:00 Yeah.
01:26:01 [congregation applauding]
01:26:05 [humming]
01:26:10 Yeah, the devil's losing you right now.
01:26:12 He--condemnation is losing you right now.
01:26:16 Guilt and shame, it's losing you right now.
01:26:20 It's losing you right now.
01:26:24 Yeah.
01:26:27 Yeah, the devil can't even keep you.
01:26:29 Why serve somebody?
01:26:30 He can't even keep you.
01:26:36 But the Bible says, God said, "I'll keep you from falling,
01:26:40 and I'll present you faultless before the Almighty God
01:26:44 with glory, majesty, dominion, and power."
01:26:48 [congregation applauding]
01:26:52 Oh, hallelujah.
01:26:55 Oh, what a mighty God we serve.
01:26:58 [congregation applauding]
01:27:00 Oh, what a mighty God we serve.
01:27:03 [congregation applauding]
01:27:08 Yeah, I'm not gonna let go of him,
01:27:10 and he ain't gonna let go of us.
01:27:12 He won't do it.
01:27:14 He won't do it.
01:27:17 Honey, get ready for your whole life to change.
01:27:20 God's gonna touch every area of your life.
01:27:23 [congregation applauding]
01:27:28 Hopefully, one day I'll be able to explain it, but I don't--God,
01:27:32 when you start understanding stuff like this,
01:27:34 and you start believing right, and he starts doing right,
01:27:37 he, like, literally moves into your life
01:27:40 and starts rearranging furniture,
01:27:43 and you get up one day and look in the mirror like,
01:27:45 "What has happened to me?
01:27:47 I don't even think like I used to think.
01:27:49 I don't even want what I used to want."
01:27:54 Because he's changing your desires,
01:27:57 and I know what it feels like when your doctrine
01:28:01 that you lived your whole life believing
01:28:05 is challenged your whole life.
01:28:09 Your whole life is challenged, and it's like,
01:28:12 "Oh, God, I just wanna believe."
01:28:15 And I pray--my prayer, I'm like, "God, I thank you
01:28:19 that it helped me not to be deceived,
01:28:21 and I will use the rest of my life preaching this gospel."
01:28:25 Now, there are little interesting things that come with it,
01:28:28 but, you know, you gotta put your--you know,
01:28:32 you're gonna be the man--you're gonna be a man God calls you to be.
01:28:35 You need to take your bloomers off and put your--
01:28:37 you need to put your big drawers on, you understand what I'm saying?
01:28:40 You need to be what you--you need to be what God calls you to,
01:28:43 because if God's gonna ever get something done in this earth,
01:28:46 he not gonna be able to do it with a whole bunch of people
01:28:49 who are addicted to approval.
01:28:51 Can he trust you? Can he use you?
01:28:54 Can he speak to you? Can he lead you?
01:28:57 Can he guide you?
01:29:00 That's what this is about.
01:29:04 And I thank God for world changers.
01:29:09 [cheers and applause]
01:29:11 World changers.
01:29:14 Now, Father, I pray the blessings
01:29:16 over these precious people,
01:29:18 that there will be such a glorious transformation
01:29:23 in their lives from the inside out,
01:29:25 that they will stand in testimony one day
01:29:28 and declare how the grace of God has changed their lives.
01:29:33 And I praise you for it in Jesus' name.
01:29:36 And everybody say it.
01:29:38 Amen.
01:29:39 At this time, if you'll turn this way
01:29:41 and follow this gentleman to the prayer room.
01:29:43 They're gonna take you, minister to you,
01:29:45 give you biblical understanding.
01:29:47 If you just prayed with us and you wanna join our e-church,
01:29:51 all that information is there on the screen.
01:29:54 Ladies and gentlemen, let's stand up for our final blessing.
01:29:57 God bless you.
01:29:58 Thank you for being so patient with us today.
01:30:01 [gentle piano music]
01:30:04 ♪ ♪
01:30:10 And now may the Spirit of grace
01:30:14 parent you throughout this journey.
01:30:18 May the Spirit of grace teach you throughout this journey.
01:30:23 I pray in the name of Jesus
01:30:26 that the angels of God watch over you,
01:30:29 that they protect you,
01:30:32 that there'll be no car wrecks,
01:30:35 no death from sickness and disease,
01:30:39 no life-threatening diagnosis.
01:30:42 I call you blessed right now in Jesus' name.
01:30:46 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling
01:30:50 and to present you faultless before the almighty God,
01:30:54 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power
01:30:59 both now and forever.
01:31:01 And everybody said amen.
01:31:03 I love you guys. God bless you. Have a great day.
01:31:06 [gentle piano music]
01:31:09 - Amen, amen, amen. - Amen.
01:31:13 - There is nothing like being a world changer.
01:31:15 - Nothing. - I tell you the truth.
01:31:17 - Nothing at all. - Oh, my goodness.
01:31:18 We pray that you all enjoy and receive
01:31:21 just the life-changing word that we receive
01:31:23 'cause my goodness, God is so serious about us.
01:31:27 He love us some us. - He love us some us.
01:31:29 - He love--you know what I'm trying to say.
01:31:31 [both laughing]
01:31:32 But either way, thank you, world changers,
01:31:34 for tuning in today.
01:31:35 Be sure, of course, to not only share this message
01:31:38 with someone that you love,
01:31:39 share it with yourself, okay? - Yes.
01:31:41 - Make sure that you're taking those notes.
01:31:43 Make sure you're getting it all in
01:31:44 'cause, man, this--God is so amazing.
01:31:47 - Listen to it. What's that song?
01:31:48 ♪ Over and over and over ♪
01:31:50 - ♪ Over and over and over ♪
01:31:51 - ♪ Over and over and over ♪
01:31:53 So we definitely got so much out of today's service.
01:31:56 Ayanna, share something that you got
01:31:58 'cause we kept hitting each other.
01:32:00 I know that. - For me, it was the mic drop of
01:32:03 you have to know who you are so you can keep getting up.
01:32:07 What motivates you to keep getting up
01:32:09 is knowing that you are the righteousness of God.
01:32:11 So like we were saying, stand up.
01:32:14 - Stand up. - Stand up.
01:32:15 - Stand up. - Know who you are.
01:32:17 - You are righteous. Type that in the chat.
01:32:19 - Hey, I'm the righteousness of God.
01:32:21 So one thing that I got out of the many
01:32:24 was that the grace of God will not only teach you
01:32:26 but also parent you.
01:32:28 And as a parent, that just--
01:32:30 - That hit. - It hit so different.
01:32:33 'Cause even though you know, like, he will parent you, man.
01:32:36 So again, share this message with yourself, okay?
01:32:39 - Listen. - With yourself.
01:32:41 - Not just Sunday. You know, I keep telling y'all,
01:32:43 every single day--you can go online,
01:32:46 listen to it over and over and over,
01:32:48 get them MP3, whatever you gotta do
01:32:50 to meditate on God's word.
01:32:52 Do that, y'all. Do that.
01:32:54 Listen, you can't just sit there and just be like,
01:32:57 "Oh, well, you know, I went to church on Sunday.
01:32:59 I'm good now."
01:33:00 - It's a constant software update, okay?
01:33:02 - Like he said, constant. - I told you this.
01:33:05 Listen, thank God for our pastors, our gifts.
01:33:08 Okay, let's keep moving 'cause I'm really, like, in a place.
01:33:11 - We full, honey. We full. - We full. We full.
01:33:14 So for those, of course, as you're online,
01:33:17 if you did not get an opportunity to give today,
01:33:19 we wanna make sure and extend that over to you right now.
01:33:22 So we do have multiple ways that you can give,
01:33:24 but one of which, you can simply text the word "worldchangers,"
01:33:28 leave a space, and then add your amount,
01:33:30 and text that to 74483.
01:33:32 You can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:33:37 You can mail it in to 2500 Burdett Road,
01:33:40 Collins Park, Georgia, 30349,
01:33:42 or, of course, online simply by--
01:33:44 or
01:33:48 Man, I'm full. - Yeah.
01:33:50 - All right, so we have a few announcements,
01:33:52 just a few announcements to share with you.
01:33:54 - We got a lot going on, but we got a few announcements.
01:33:57 First up, ladies, ladies, if you're tuning in
01:34:00 and you came to Women's Fellowship yesterday,
01:34:02 thank you so, so very much.
01:34:04 We had a great time. I was there.
01:34:06 We had a great, great time for our first kickoff
01:34:09 of Women's Fellowship for 2024.
01:34:11 Be sure to be in the building,
01:34:14 in the building February 17th.
01:34:16 That is our next Women's Fellowship.
01:34:18 And then that leads us right into Bloom.
01:34:22 - Bloom. - So we got--we got month to month to month.
01:34:26 - Back to back to back. - Back to back.
01:34:28 So Bloom, March 14th and 15th.
01:34:31 Make sure and be there.
01:34:33 We have special guests Pastor Taffy Dollar,
01:34:36 Laura Pickett, Chryslin McNair,
01:34:38 Dr. Anita Phillips, Samira Joy,
01:34:41 Pastor Dollar, Ty Tribbett.
01:34:43 I don't know if y'all heard that add-on of Ty Tribbett,
01:34:46 Egypt Sherrod, and so much more.
01:34:49 So make sure and text "radical" to 51555
01:34:53 so you can get your ticket today.
01:34:55 Early bird ends today.
01:34:57 Make sure and get your ticket.
01:34:58 Get your girls together.
01:35:00 Tell them--girl, did you get your ticket?
01:35:02 I didn't get my ticket. Listen.
01:35:04 All right, let's get this group chat together
01:35:06 and get our ticket and our schedules together
01:35:08 and our flights or whatever we need to do
01:35:10 to be in the building for Bloom, March 14th and 15th.
01:35:14 Yeah, and I also heard there's a group rate as well.
01:35:17 - Yes. - So as you get your girls--
01:35:19 - That's what I said, get your girls together. - Take advantage of that group rate.
01:35:21 - So... - So now outside of that,
01:35:23 I know the ladies are holding it down,
01:35:25 - and we just-- - We sure are.
01:35:26 You know, we love 'em, but fellas.
01:35:29 Fellas, Men's Fellowship is actually happening
01:35:32 this Saturday, January the 20th at 11 a.m.
01:35:35 So simply come, connect with the tribe,
01:35:38 and we promise that you're not gonna leave the same.
01:35:40 So what I want you to do is text the word "Men's Fellowship."
01:35:43 Text "Men's Fellowship" to 51555 to register today.
01:35:48 - Today. - Ladies, we know y'all blooming and all.
01:35:50 Tell your fellas, say, "Hey, look, bruh.
01:35:52 "Hey, sir, gentlemen, go ahead and register."
01:35:55 So let's all come together.
01:35:57 This is our first event of the year as well.
01:36:00 So shout-out to all the fellas. I know y'all gonna do it.
01:36:02 - I can't wait. - I can't wait.
01:36:04 - We working on ourselves from the inside out.
01:36:06 - From the inside out.
01:36:08 So next up, calling out to L.A.
01:36:10 Change Experience L.A. is almost here.
01:36:13 So on February the 2nd,
01:36:15 it's gonna be our first stop of the Change Experience Tour.
01:36:18 What we want you to do is simply text the word "Change"
01:36:21 2024 to 51555 to reserve your seat today.
01:36:25 It's free. It's an experience unlike any other.
01:36:28 So L.A., I know y'all showed up last year.
01:36:31 Let's continue to show up, show out,
01:36:33 and tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend.
01:36:35 - All right. - That we coming.
01:36:37 - Yes. All right, so back to College Park, y'all.
01:36:40 Back to College Park. - The international city.
01:36:42 - The international city of College Park.
01:36:44 38th anniversary, y'all.
01:36:47 38 beautiful, amazing years.
01:36:50 Help us celebrate on Sunday, February 4th, at 10 a.m.
01:36:54 So if you say, "You know what? I might need to be in the building.
01:36:57 "Let me travel. Let me get there."
01:36:59 10 a.m., come celebrate with us.
01:37:01 We will have Donnie McClurkin and Fred Price Jr.
01:37:06 will be imparting it to us on Sunday,
01:37:08 so make sure and join us Sunday, February 4th, 10 a.m.
01:37:13 We are so excited to see you there.
01:37:15 You can come celebrate with us. - Definitely.
01:37:17 And then also, Grace Life Conference.
01:37:20 - Whoo! - The Grace Life Conference is almost here.
01:37:23 Last year, it was-- - Less than.
01:37:25 - Less than. It get better and better.
01:37:27 - Better and better. - And this year, it's just going to another level.
01:37:29 This year is going to be the reunion.
01:37:31 So what I want you to do, the tickets are available right now.
01:37:34 You can save your seat right now by texting "gracelife," one word,
01:37:38 to 51555 or by visiting
01:37:42 So we're going to be all here in the international city of College Park
01:37:46 on July 11th through the 13th,
01:37:49 and this will be a reunion that you won't forget.
01:37:52 - Listen, I'm excited. - I'm excited.
01:37:54 - Y'all excited? - I'm excited.
01:37:55 - Y'all excited? - Listen, you better be excited
01:37:57 because this--God is good. - 2024, y'all.
01:38:00 - Yeah, so that's all we have right now.
01:38:03 We don't want to take up too much more of your time,
01:38:05 so we want you all to have an amazing, amazing favor-filled and blessed Sunday.
01:38:10 Get you some good eats, all of that jazz,
01:38:13 and make sure to love on somebody, hug somebody, tell them you love them,
01:38:16 tell them that God is good and that you are the righteousness of God, all right?
01:38:20 - All right. - So we want you all to have a great Sunday,
01:38:22 but before you log off--before you log off, hold up.
01:38:24 - Before you log off. - Before. Tune in to this special spot.
01:38:27 Love y'all.
01:38:29 - A room filled with brilliant minds.
01:38:34 Women gather to share and learn.
01:38:38 Seeds of knowledge ready to bloom.
01:38:42 Ideas blossoming as we discern.
01:38:45 Experts, students, leaders alike.
01:38:50 Each with her own light to shine.
01:38:55 - I break the bands of trauma in the name of Jesus
01:39:04 that's trying to snuff out your garden.
01:39:06 - There is something you felt on the inside of you
01:39:09 that built strength within you to give you the courage
01:39:12 to go out and do what he has signed you to do.
01:39:16 - Could you consider cooperating with the plan
01:39:21 since he has done what he has done?
01:39:25 - I'm more than a conqueror.
01:39:27 Greater is he that's on the inside of me
01:39:29 than he that's in the world.
01:39:31 When you begin to co-multi,
01:39:33 then be not as though they were.
01:39:35 By his stripes I am healed.
01:39:39 - But you have to make up your mind, "I am ready. I'm not scared."
01:39:43 - You will not have my marriage. You will not have my body.
01:39:47 For we are not under the law, ladies.
01:39:50 We are under grace.
01:39:53 - Are you ready to bloom?
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