00:00:00Praise God, if you have your Bibles,
00:00:02turn with me to the book of Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20.
00:00:06Today, we're gonna talk about resting and realizing
00:00:10in true faith.
00:00:12Rescue and realizing in true faith.
00:00:17Now, I wanna start off with this statement.
00:00:20The faith we have, based on what we've been talking about
00:00:25the faith we have is God's faith.
00:00:30The faith that we have is his faith.
00:00:36And his faith is finished.
00:00:40His faith is perfect.
00:00:43His faith is done.
00:00:47His faith is completed.
00:00:50And all that we need to do is rest in his faith.
00:00:57So, understand how this goes.
00:01:00The Bible says, one Lord, one faith.
00:01:02There's one faith, and that's God's faith.
00:01:06And God's faith is not lacking in any area.
00:01:10God's faith is perfect, complete, finished, done.
00:01:18Glory to God.
00:01:19So, what he did to get this faith,
00:01:21to get his faith to us, he wrapped himself in flesh.
00:01:32And that Word became flesh and dwelt amongst men.
00:01:38And now, when we receive Jesus, we receive not your faith,
00:01:44but we receive his faith.
00:01:49So, the faith that Jesus has is God's faith.
00:01:56Jesus' faith is a reflection of God's faith.
00:02:00My goodness.
00:02:02His faith is finished.
00:02:06And when Jesus got his faith wrapped up in flesh,
00:02:11it wasn't the type of faith where you had to do something
00:02:14to get something finished.
00:02:17When Jesus got God's faith, God's faith says,
00:02:20done, completed, finished, because he abides.
00:02:25He is the realm of the finished.
00:02:27We abide in the realm of the finished.
00:02:29And so, the faith we have is Jesus' faith.
00:02:33But religion keep trying to convince you,
00:02:36you have your faith.
00:02:38No, it's his faith you have.
00:02:42Now, you can say, my faith, but remember,
00:02:45it's his faith that you have.
00:02:49You don't have some customized, genuine faith that's given to
00:02:53you where you can lay claim on it and say,
00:02:56well, that's your faith.
00:02:58You have his faith that you can lay claim on.
00:03:02Your faith is perfect and complete and finished.
00:03:06My goodness.
00:03:08That's what kind of faith you have.
00:03:10You don't have this kind of faith where, oh,
00:03:12it did good today, but it let me down last week.
00:03:16You don't have the kind of faith that says,
00:03:18oh, I need to work hard at getting my faith where it needs
00:03:21to be.
00:03:22No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:03:23This faith is a gift from God.
00:03:26It is God's gift to mankind.
00:03:29Jesus is God's gift to mankind, and everything Jesus has done
00:03:34is God's gift to mankind.
00:03:36So, when you receive Jesus, you receive all of the gifts that
00:03:40come with Jesus.
00:03:42God said, I gave you my son.
00:03:43Don't you know I gave you everything else?
00:03:48So, what you gotta get in your head is you gotta get off this
00:03:51thing of, okay, let me get ready.
00:03:54All right, all right.
00:03:56I think I have enough faith to do this.
00:03:57I think I have enough faith.
00:04:01Flush that mindset down the toilet.
00:04:04Stay forward.
00:04:05Something ought to happen to you when you see in the Scripture
00:04:08that says, by faith you have this.
00:04:11What you should see is, is his faith,
00:04:14and his faith is finished.
00:04:15So, whatever I just read, I already got,
00:04:17because it's finished.
00:04:21You gotta live, you got to live in the realm of the finished.
00:04:23I got some great testimony this past week.
00:04:25There was a woman who had some kind of tumor or something that
00:04:27was going on, and she had got a hold of what we'd been teaching,
00:04:30been hearing this, and she just decided, no more of this.
00:04:33Oh, Lord, please help me.
00:04:34Oh, Lord, help me to have my faith stronger.
00:04:36Oh, Lord, do this.
00:04:38She just decided to say, my healing is finished.
00:04:42Went back to the doctor, I guess,
00:04:44after the months and had a checkup.
00:04:46The thing is gone.
00:04:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:04:51It's stuff like that's happened.
00:04:52A lady took the tape, one of the teachings,
00:04:55and sat down with a guy who was, I don't know the situation,
00:04:58so I'm not gonna say it, sat down with a guy who didn't want
00:05:00to hear the teachings, said, I don't want to hear whoever that
00:05:02doesn't want to hear my preachers.
00:05:03She made him listen to it.
00:05:05So, after she made him listen to it, he heard it and said,
00:05:09oh, my God, I didn't think nobody could minister to me
00:05:11like that.
00:05:12Where the church at?
00:05:13When did it open up?
00:05:14What's going on?
00:05:15Because people are fed up with struggling,
00:05:18trying to get something to happen that Jesus has already
00:05:21made happen.
00:05:23Your faith is finished, and whatever is by faith,
00:05:26you're saved by faith.
00:05:27Your salvation is a finished deal.
00:05:29You're healed by faith.
00:05:29Your healing is a finished deal.
00:05:31Righteousness of God, righteousness is done with you.
00:05:34You got problems, your victory over that problem
00:05:37is already done.
00:05:39I invite you all to live in the realm of the finished.
00:05:44Are you listening to me?
00:05:54So, his faith is perfect.
00:05:56I just read Galatians 2 and 20, and I'm going to really milk
00:06:03Galatians 2 and 20 because this is huge.
00:06:06I don't know why we did it.
00:06:08I don't know.
00:06:09I don't understand it, but it's like this Scripture's there.
00:06:12We ignored this Scripture and took all of the ones that
00:06:14talked about how you need to perfect your faith and strength
00:06:18and your faith, and I'm going to show you what that means.
00:06:20I'm going to show you what you should be believing, right?
00:06:22Maybe I should go back up here because I'm feeling kind of
00:06:26gritty this morning.
00:06:31All right, check this out.
00:06:32Galatians chapter 2, 20.
00:06:34No, no, no, I'll tell you when to go to the mirror.
00:06:36Galatians chapter 2, 20.
00:06:38King James first, and then we'll go from there.
00:06:41Now, here's what he says.
00:06:42I am crucified with Christ.
00:06:46Okay, I am crucified with Christ.
00:06:49In the Greek, it's more of a present tense.
00:06:52I am, it's not a past tense.
00:06:55I am even like right now, crucified with Christ, all right?
00:07:00He says, nevertheless, he says, I live.
00:07:03I live crucified.
00:07:04Glory to God.
00:07:06I live crucified, yet not I, but it's Christ that lives where?
00:07:13Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh.
00:07:19I live this life in the flesh by the faith of the Son of God.
00:07:28Watch this.
00:07:29I live this life in the flesh by a perfect, completed, finished,
00:07:36done faith of the Son of God.
00:07:39I'm not living this life by my faith.
00:07:42I'm living my life by his faith.
00:07:48That's pretty clear, right?
00:07:50Y'all know what I'm saying, and I'll show you, you'll get free
00:07:54today from the struggle that you've had with your faith.
00:07:58Was it enough?
00:08:01You know, was it strong enough?
00:08:03Was it weak?
00:08:05No, no, you live your life in this flesh, and it's clear, by
00:08:11the faith of the Son of God, and watch this.
00:08:14I'm telling you, you've been lied to, boy.
00:08:16He loved you.
00:08:17He gave himself for you, and he gave you his faith, his, he gave
00:08:24you something that can't be improved on.
00:08:26So, what do I do with this thing?
00:08:36You know what I'm saying?
00:08:44You realize it, and you rest in it.
00:08:50You realize it, and you submit to it, and the only way you can
00:08:54deal with this perfect, flawless, complete, done faith
00:08:58is realize it, submit to it, and rest in it.
00:09:02All right, now watch this.
00:09:05Go to the ENLT.
00:09:06You're moving into the realm of the finished today.
00:09:14You're gonna walk out of here with some peace, because you're
00:09:16like, well, since it's already done, they ain't gonna need me
00:09:19worrying about it.
00:09:21All that stuff's gonna start hitting your brain, like, why
00:09:24am I, why am I, what's, why am I stressing over this?
00:09:26It's, I live in the finished, and when that, when that, when
00:09:30what's finished, oh, finds itself in your realm, oh, glory.
00:09:37When what's finished shows up in your dimension, see, it is all
00:09:43It's in the dimension of the finished, and if you stand in
00:09:47the finished, it'll move to your dimension.
00:09:50K'elah basho to l'abba, excuse what I'm saying.
00:09:54It'll move to your dimension, and you'll be walking in the
00:09:56manifestations of what you decided to stand on, because you
00:10:00allowed your thinking to be moved from where it is right
00:10:03now, present, what's happening right now, and all of a sudden,
00:10:06you're not dealing with what's happening right now, because
00:10:08whatever's happening right now, he saw the end of that at the
00:10:11beginning, went ahead and finished it, so you can abide in
00:10:14the realm of the finished and see the manifestations of the
00:10:18finished move into your dimension.
00:10:21Oh, I feel all right now, boy.
00:10:26NLT says, my old self has been crucified with Christ.
00:10:34It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, so I live in
00:10:39this earthly body.
00:10:41How do I live in this earthly body?
00:10:43By trusting in the Son of God.
00:10:46I'm trusting in the Son of God, the Son of God who loved me and
00:10:50gave himself for me.
00:10:52Now, I wanna see this in the mirror translation.
00:10:57Look at this in the mirror translation.
00:11:00He says, you're gonna put it up, there you go.
00:11:03So, here I am dead.
00:11:10So, what are you dead to?
00:11:13What are you dead to?
00:11:15Okay, y'all getting deep.
00:11:17Here I am dead.
00:11:20We died to the law, and that's what the Scriptures mentions
00:11:25when he talks about dead.
00:11:27You just can't come up with something, you gotta stay in the
00:11:29context of where the Scripture mentioned it, and Scripture
00:11:32says, all through Romans, that we're dead to the law.
00:11:36Every time it refers to dead, he's talking about dead to the
00:11:39law, so here I am dead, but I'm alive at the same time.
00:11:48I'm dead to the old me I was trying to be.
00:11:52See, you remember under the law, you were trying through your
00:11:56obedience to accomplish what it was?
00:11:58I'm dead to that old me, all right?
00:12:01I'm alive to the real me, which is where?
00:12:05In Christ, in me.
00:12:08Come on.
00:12:10I'm co-crucified, I'm co-alive.
00:12:16See, right now, whatever Jesus was and is, I am now,
00:12:21because I live in him, right?
00:12:22I'm co-crucified, I'm co-alive.
00:12:24I love what he says, this, what a glorious entanglement.
00:12:28You're talking about that lady had an entanglement.
00:12:32This is a glorious, I ain't saying nothing, it's a glorious,
00:12:36this is a glorious entanglement.
00:12:39This is a glorious entanglement.
00:12:41You think what you want to think, but I ain't saying nothing.
00:12:43This is a glorious entanglement.
00:12:45It's a glorious entanglement.
00:12:48I said, say this, I'm in a glorious entanglement.
00:12:53I was in him in his death.
00:13:02Now I discovered that he is infused in me.
00:13:07Y'all ain't understanding what I'm saying.
00:13:09I have discovered that he's infused in me.
00:13:11He's infused in my life.
00:13:17For the first time, I'm free to be me in my skin.
00:13:23Immersed in his faith, in our joint sonship.
00:13:39So now you gotta understand something.
00:13:42When Jesus, listen, when God looks at Jesus as son,
00:13:46he has to look at you as son.
00:13:48He's not looking at you as son, and he's not looking at Jesus
00:13:52as son, and you're a lower class of son.
00:13:55He's not looking at Jesus as my real son, and you're a stepson.
00:14:00And listen, and somebody said, well, what about daughter?
00:14:03Now, the daughter, all son, everything in the son.
00:14:07He's looking at you as a son.
00:14:09He's not looking at you based on your sex.
00:14:11He's not looking at you based on who your mom and dad are here.
00:14:14He said, now that this has happened, we joint sonship.
00:14:18So, there is nothing that God promised Jesus that that same
00:14:23promise is not offered to you.
00:14:30He loves me.
00:14:32He, now this got me, this just got me.
00:14:36He loves me, and he believes in me.
00:14:42You got the God of creation saying, I believe in you.
00:14:54He is God's gift to me.
00:15:01Jesus is God's gift to me.
00:15:08Wow, and a gift has to be received.
00:15:14I didn't deserve him.
00:15:15I didn't work for him.
00:15:17Jesus is my gift.
00:15:23Yes, he's your Lord, but he's your gift.
00:15:29Think about that now.
00:15:31Jesus is God's gift to me.
00:15:36I wanna go a little bit farther with what this is mean,
00:15:41what this means here.
00:15:44You have to understand something.
00:15:47If you're not living by the law, a set of rules and regulations
00:15:50to govern yourself by, and now you live in him, you have moved
00:15:57over into a relationship with the Spirit.
00:16:09Under the old covenant, rules and regulations tried to govern
00:16:15behavior and morals, and it failed miserably.
00:16:21Now, under this new covenant, it is administered by the Holy
00:16:26Spirit, life by the Spirit.
00:16:30Here's what we've been missing.
00:16:31We've been content with just staying with rules, and here's
00:16:35what we say, God mind if we drank some wine?
00:16:40See, you wanna rule.
00:16:42You still wanna rule.
00:16:44Well, what the Bible say about this?
00:16:46You don't understand.
00:16:48You have moved into his life, and you're still trying, you're
00:16:53still looking for some letter to give you permission to do stuff
00:16:59when you have the ultimate, you have the gift.
00:17:03Now, Hosea saw this.
00:17:06Look at this, Hosea 6 and 2 in NLT, I believe.
00:17:11Hosea 6 and 2, and I've read Hosea in different versions of
00:17:16the Scripture, and his one I like the best.
00:17:18He says, in just a short time, he will restore us so that we
00:17:22may live in his presence.
00:17:27What do you think it is?
00:17:28You have life.
00:17:28You are in, you have life with him.
00:17:34You have life with him.
00:17:36All right, now watch this now.
00:17:38This is so amazing.
00:17:39Ephesians 2 and 5, let's look at it in the King James and then
00:17:44the mirror, Ephesians 2 and 5.
00:17:47Now, notice what he's saying.
00:17:48He says, chapter 2 says, you know, we live by the faith of
00:17:52Jesus Christ, he's a gift to us.
00:17:55Now, watch this.
00:17:56Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with
00:18:05Christ, we've been made alive together with Christ.
00:18:12Our livelihood is together with Christ.
00:18:15We are co-sons.
00:18:19Co-sonship, our livelihood is together with Christ.
00:18:24Nobody in the old covenant can say that.
00:18:29And then he says, and by grace are you saved and delivered and
00:18:35whole and all that.
00:18:39Now, look at this in the mirror.
00:18:41See, the only way we're gonna straighten all this religion
00:18:44that we've been digesting is to do this, this kind of service.
00:18:48We ain't gonna get up in, you know, preach a lollipop sermon
00:18:51and ain't nothing in it.
00:18:52We gotta dig, we gotta study this.
00:18:54We gotta look at it, we gotta see what happened here.
00:18:58This is how grace rescued us.
00:19:04Now, remember, grace is a person.
00:19:06His name is Jesus.
00:19:09While we were yet in that state of deadness and indifferent in
00:19:15our deviations, we were co-quickened together with
00:19:25We had nothing to do with it.
00:19:28Grace freed us once and for all from the lies that we believed
00:19:36about ourselves under the performance-driven system and
00:19:42that now defines our authentic identity.
00:19:47My authentic identity is in Christ.
00:19:52Somebody said, what's your identity?
00:19:58That's my identity.
00:19:59We have been, go back to that again.
00:20:01We have, we've been delivered from the, we've been lied to
00:20:04about who we are.
00:20:06You've been lied to and told that you, you've been described
00:20:11as separate from him and how you got to earn him and work for him
00:20:16to do something and don't even realize you are co-him.
00:20:25Christ is not Jesus' last name.
00:20:31Somebody say, what's Jesus' last name?
00:20:33Jesus, Christ, you know.
00:20:35Christ is not Jesus' last name.
00:20:38Christ means the anointed one, the anointed one, Jesus, the
00:20:46anointed one, and the day you realized it, what you have to
00:20:52realize is, oh, wait a minute, if he anointed, I'm co-anointed.
00:21:01See, you talk about your anointing in you.
00:21:03Any anointing in you is because he in you.
00:21:07You've got no anointing in and of your own.
00:21:11Everything you have is from him.
00:21:13Your faith is from him.
00:21:14Your identity is from him.
00:21:16Your anointing is of him.
00:21:17Your blessing is of him.
00:21:18You've been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly
00:21:20places in Christ Jesus who is in you.
00:21:29Even while we're in a state of deadness and indifferent in our
00:21:32situations, we were co-made alive together with Christ.
00:21:38We had nothing to do with it.
00:21:40Grace freed us once and for all from the lies that we believed
00:21:46about ourselves.
00:21:49How many lies have you, how many lies have you believed about
00:21:56I ain't worthy.
00:21:58I can't do it.
00:21:59I'm not enough.
00:22:01I don't know if God really loves me.
00:22:03I don't know if I got the power to do this.
00:22:05How many lies have you believed about yourself?
00:22:07And notice where the lies were.
00:22:09He says, lies that we believed about ourselves under a
00:22:12performance-driven system, under that system where you thought
00:22:16you had to do good to get good.
00:22:18You see, that was a lie.
00:22:19Under that system where you thought you had to do something
00:22:22to deserve something from God, that was a lie.
00:22:24He said, you've been lied to under that
00:22:27performance-driven system.
00:22:31Come on.
00:22:33And now, now we can finally get the definition of our authentic
00:22:42identity, which is in Jesus Christ.
00:22:47And the church said, amen.
00:22:52All right, look at Romans 6.
00:22:54Now, I realize, listen, I'm going Scripture by Scripture,
00:22:58line by line, and you went to bed at 12 o'clock last night.
00:23:01You nodding.
00:23:02That's not the devil.
00:23:04You just didn't get no sleep last night.
00:23:07You nodding, but I'm saying fight through that now,
00:23:09because I'll send up in your life, ooh, child, I'm sleeping.
00:23:13And you're saying amen, but then your body's saying, oh, me.
00:23:16I get it, but you got to fight through this, because we are
00:23:22living whole lives in a lie about who we are, putting up
00:23:31with stuff that we don't have to put up with, allowing things to
00:23:37come in our lives and conquer us, and we don't have to do
00:23:41Let folks come in and fool you and deceive you, and the Holy
00:23:45Ghost is in you who will let you know about things that are going
00:23:50He'll let you know about Ray Ray and Sequitur now, and you won't
00:23:53even realize who you are.
00:23:56You won't even realize what you got on the inside of you.
00:23:58You have a burden removing, yoke destroying anointing.
00:24:01You have an entrepreneurship anointing.
00:24:05You got everything you praying to God for, and God's just
00:24:09looking at you, why you keep coming to me about this?
00:24:12And the whole time is like, I need you to realize, I need you
00:24:19to realize.
00:24:22You won't realize.
00:24:24You're looking for a miracle.
00:24:25The miracle in you, you is the miracle.
00:24:35But you keep finding excuses not to realize who you are, and
00:24:42those excuses are marred in performance-based realization.
00:24:49It's a religion.
00:24:50Yeah, but perhaps a dollar.
00:24:52Don't you got to do something?
00:24:54And you can ask your own question.
00:24:58You's doing stuff.
00:24:59If you ever ask yourself, you did something, and then nothing
00:25:02changed at all.
00:25:06So what you do?
00:25:07You was looking for something else to do.
00:25:08Well, maybe I did it wrong, and then it didn't work, and then
00:25:12for long, you walking around condemned.
00:25:15And you know what happens when you're being condemned?
00:25:19It's easy for you to be critical of other people.
00:25:21Look at this, verse 6.
00:25:31But now we are delivered from the law.
00:25:36Okay, so that's the problem right there.
00:25:39The question, are you delivered from the law?
00:25:42The law is based in performance.
00:25:46The law is based in, okay, I've got to say these 10
00:25:52confessions in order to get that to happen.
00:25:57That's what the law is based in.
00:26:01I've got to, oh, I've got to tithe for God to bless you.
00:26:06I don't know if you read the Bible lately,
00:26:09but Abraham was blessed before he gave his 10%.
00:26:15He realized and then said, I need to respond.
00:26:20I'm gonna give just 10%.
00:26:22Now, he could have responded with 20%.
00:26:23He could have responded with 50%.
00:26:25And then somebody came and memorialized the 10th and used
00:26:29it to put fear into people.
00:26:31And if you can open your eyes up,
00:26:33you'll see that most of the preaching you've received
00:26:36is fear-based.
00:26:38If you do this, then that'll be good.
00:26:40But if you don't do it, then bad gonna happen to you.
00:26:42You know where that came from?
00:26:43Deuteronomy 28.
00:26:44If you do these blessings, if you do these,
00:26:47keep these commandments, you'll be blessed.
00:26:48If you don't, you'll be cursed.
00:26:52And so the church took it and just decided to tell you,
00:26:55you better do this or you're gonna be cursed by 12,
00:26:5812 o'clock, you're gonna be cursed.
00:26:59Watch, watch.
00:27:00I prophesy, eat a little boo-boo.
00:27:02I thought I just got it.
00:27:06I have a working relationship with God on the inside of me.
00:27:08I don't want none of your circus tricks.
00:27:13See, I'm getting to a point where, man,
00:27:17I'm thinking that Christianity is like looking like a disguise
00:27:22more than a life.
00:27:25You're dressing up in a disguise called Christianity,
00:27:29and you're going around, and you're mimicking the lines
00:27:32of the disguise.
00:27:35And you're going around for a long time until people who
00:27:37really got to know God could see through your disguise and could
00:27:41see you don't even know Jesus.
00:27:45You're just disguised, and you know how to jiggle right.
00:27:49Illibus shakar.
00:27:51Wearing that disguise, and I'm trying to snatch
00:27:53that disguise off of you.
00:27:55You don't scare me.
00:27:56Well, if you don't, if you don't, I had a guy called,
00:28:00called himself a prophet and said,
00:28:01if you don't call me back in five days, you're gonna die.
00:28:03I'm just telling you what I said.
00:28:05I'm not just, let's just say I ain't calling him back.
00:28:15Stuck in the law of performance-based Christianity,
00:28:25and I'm supposed to be crazy?
00:28:28Stuck in that realm of, I gotta do this, I gotta do that,
00:28:35I gotta do this.
00:28:36You know what you're saying every time?
00:28:37I gotta do this, I gotta do that.
00:28:38What you're saying is, I don't believe Jesus did that.
00:28:40I don't believe Jesus did that.
00:28:41I don't believe Jesus did that.
00:28:44Because you ain't resting.
00:28:45Constant struggling.
00:28:46Constant just struggle, just struggle, just struggle.
00:28:49Oh, I gotta do that.
00:28:51If I'm gonna be a good Christian, you know,
00:28:52I gotta do that here.
00:28:53You know, if you want to see Jesus,
00:28:55you're supposed to be baptized.
00:28:57Oh, you got baptized wrong.
00:28:59You got baptized in the name of Jesus.
00:29:01You were supposed to be baptized in the name
00:29:03of the Father, the Son, God, no.
00:29:05You just got to know that God is smarter than all of that.
00:29:09So, I'm gonna go to hell because I wasn't baptized
00:29:13in the right name.
00:29:15How about you just baptize me and shut up?
00:29:20I saw this, I don't know if it was a comedy or what it was,
00:29:22but it was these black guys.
00:29:24It was in the book of Clarence, and the guy came down
00:29:28to be baptized by John.
00:29:30I love the, I love what he did in the movie.
00:29:33He came down to be baptized, and what did you hear?
00:29:36And he just said, pop!
00:29:38And he was talking, he slapped him again, pop!
00:29:41Because he knew that baptism wasn't gonna work.
00:29:43That man, that baptism wasn't gonna work,
00:29:45so he just tried to slap it out of him.
00:29:49Well, that didn't work either.
00:29:52You just see what you've been doing?
00:29:55Going from one performance to another performance,
00:29:58to another performance, and still not realizing that you
00:30:04don't have to perform.
00:30:06Jesus was the final performance.
00:30:14Don't nobody need to perform no more.
00:30:16All we need to do is realize, submit, and rest.
00:30:18Now, some of y'all resting in there,
00:30:21but he was knocked out.
00:30:25Brother got his head all the way back on the thing,
00:30:29and I'm like, Lord, I hope he ain't got no S-curl juice
00:30:31on his thing, putting it on my seat.
00:30:39Y'all, can you handle it?
00:30:40You all right with this?
00:30:41Some of y'all like, what kind of preacher is this?
00:30:48Guy up here dressed like that, got a lucky charm
00:30:50on his neck, what's going on?
00:31:00All right, watch this.
00:31:01But now we are delivered, but now we are delivered,
00:31:04but now, right now, we are delivered.
00:31:06Now we are delivered, and tomorrow we will be delivered,
00:31:10and the next day we will be delivered.
00:31:11Now, now, now, now is not bound by time.
00:31:15Now is now, now.
00:31:17Next week, we'll still be delivered.
00:31:21But now, from the law, that being dead wherein we were
00:31:25held, that we should serve in the newness of spirit and not
00:31:31in the oldness of letter.
00:31:37Look at this in the mirror.
00:31:41But now, we are fully released from any further association
00:31:48with a life directed by the rule of the law.
00:31:53Let me read that to you again.
00:31:55But now, and tomorrow will be now, and next week will be now.
00:32:00But now, we are fully released, fully released.
00:32:06It is okay.
00:32:08Walk away from it.
00:32:09You are fully released from any further association with a life
00:32:13directed by the rule of the law.
00:32:17We are dead to that which once held us captive, the law.
00:32:23We are free to be slaves to the newness, what's this,
00:32:27of the spirit spontaneity.
00:32:30Yeah, that's about shotgun.
00:32:33Y'all didn't even get it.
00:32:34You are free.
00:32:36You are free.
00:32:46Go back.
00:32:47He calls it spirit spontaneity.
00:32:52Y'all, I wrote this now because you had to understand this.
00:32:58Spirit spontaneity, that means it's a sudden, I can't find
00:33:07where I put it.
00:33:09It's a sudden impulse without any premeditation.
00:33:20Yeah, I got to call a little boss, y'all.
00:33:24If you're gonna be a slave to the newness of spirit
00:33:27spontaneity, you're gonna be spontaneous now that you're with
00:33:32the Spirit, and what the Spirit will do, the Spirit will invite
00:33:40you to these impulses without premeditation of what
00:33:46you're gonna do.
00:33:47So, while you're living life with the Spirit, the Spirit
00:33:51say, go back, turn left right there.
00:33:54Go tell that lady that I love her.
00:33:57Oh, my God, go over here and show your idea over here.
00:34:02I want you to do this.
00:34:03I want you to do that.
00:34:04See, we're free now to be slaves to the Spirit
00:34:08of spirit spontaneity, the spontaneousness of the Holy
00:34:12Ghost leading and guiding and directing your life, and you
00:34:15doing things you don't even know what's gonna happen because
00:34:19you're not trying to do nothing to get nothing to happen.
00:34:21You're just living in the Spirit, the spontaneous voice
00:34:26of the Holy Ghost.
00:34:35You ain't drinking enough water.
00:34:36Drink some water.
00:34:37You talking too much about that.
00:34:41Keep your mouth closed over there.
00:34:42Don't say nothing.
00:34:43Y'all know what I'm talking about.
00:34:48You each have experienced the spontaneity of the Spirit of God
00:34:54instructing you to do something that you didn't, you weren't
00:34:56meditating on before you left.
00:34:58In fact, you ain't even thought about it before you left, and
00:35:01all of a sudden, the Holy Ghost in you, the Christ on the inside
00:35:05has said to you, now that you are delivered from the rule of
00:35:07the law, glory to God, now come and be involved in the romance
00:35:12of the Spirit, glory to God, and let me guide you.
00:35:17Let me lead you.
00:35:18Let me tell you what to say.
00:35:20I just need you to trust me.
00:35:22I just need you to show up and say, Lord, I depend on you.
00:35:25Oh, God, show me what to do, and then just go on, live your life.
00:35:29You ain't got to sit there, you know, drinking water all day.
00:35:32You just go on, live your life.
00:35:34Time to go to work, go to work.
00:35:35Time to go pick the kids up, pick the kids up, and in your
00:35:38living, you enjoy this romance between the Spirit's
00:35:46Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
00:35:52This is a greater level of living that not a lot of
00:35:54Christians get to because we want the law to say, yeah, but
00:36:00what about drinking?
00:36:05I just want to know, can I drink this brass monkey?
00:36:08That's all I want to know.
00:36:21He said, not the brass monkey.
00:36:24You know about the brass monkey, huh?
00:36:26Oh, yeah, you heard about it, all right.
00:36:30I heard about it too after I got up.
00:36:39I just think people are afraid to break free from that
00:36:45which binds you.
00:36:49Sometimes I think people love bondage more than they do
00:36:55Well, my Bible tells me that faith without works is dead.
00:37:02You don't even know how to read your Bible, little girl.
00:37:07You don't have to add works to faith in order to be
00:37:10justified, and that's not what James was saying.
00:37:14James was saying that if you say you have saving faith, then
00:37:18out of that saving faith will come good works.
00:37:23He said you don't need to add good works to faith if you got
00:37:26faith out of it.
00:37:28See, good works is finished in the faith that you have.
00:37:36I know, I know, I know.
00:37:38Y'all look at me like.
00:37:44We are dead to that which once held us captive, free to be
00:37:47slaves to the newness of spirit spontaneity rather than age
00:37:53old religious rituals imitating the mere face value of the
00:38:02written code.
00:38:05Lord, have mercy.
00:38:07The moment you exchange spontaneity with rules, you've
00:38:12lost the edge of romance.
00:38:14You have God in you.
00:38:27He doesn't have to have a board meeting with you to convince you
00:38:32of the plans he has for your life.
00:38:35He's asking you to trust him and depend on it.
00:38:38And I'm telling you, when you start living this life trusting
00:38:41him, you're gonna find yourself in places where you'll have to
00:38:45ask yourself, how did I get here?
00:38:47How did I get here?
00:38:53You're gonna be in such joy when everybody else think you were in
00:38:57such pain and you'll say, am I right?
00:39:01How did I get here, Lord?
00:39:06You're gonna find yourself in a business you didn't go to school
00:39:09You're gonna find yourself in a business you didn't go to school
00:39:13Because the law said you can go get a degree if you want to, but
00:39:16I wired you before the foundations of the world.
00:39:21This gonna come at you like sweat coming out of pores, baby.
00:39:27When Ken and I over 28 years ago in Sacramento, California, 28,
00:39:4830 years ago, don't seem like it was that long, but 20 something,
00:39:5320 something years ago, I was in a place called San Francisco.
00:39:57And the Lord said, when I, I can't articulate, when I was in
00:40:02that place and I saw these people who I assume were my
00:40:06relatives, because a couple of places started coming through,
00:40:10they were out of focus, and the voice of God, when I heard it,
00:40:17I also saw it in a force.
00:40:20That's a weird saying, but that's what I saw it, and it got
00:40:24between me and them and said, no, too much unfinished business.
00:40:32I didn't know I had to go through the thing, one thing in
00:40:35order to see the other thing, and I almost didn't arrive at
00:40:42this point because of approval addiction, scared that people
00:40:50would say, well, I'm going to do this by preaching this truth
00:40:55that I would not be approved of.
00:40:57But then after going through blood clots, cancer, and
00:41:02shingles, after you go through that, couldn't no man help me
00:41:06with it, couldn't no doctor help me with that.
00:41:10It was weird the first time, but I knew that if I would see
00:41:21it, say yes, that he would open up more into my understanding,
00:41:27but then he would let me walk in it to see it work with me
00:41:31and Taffi.
00:41:34Now I'm trying to bring you along, and if y'all stay stuck
00:41:41in the law, I don't know who to preach to.
00:41:45I'm just going to keep preaching to you until you quit or just
00:41:49because I'm going to run you away with the truth.
00:41:53I used to go to world changes.
00:41:55Why you don't go no more?
00:41:56Too much truth.
00:42:04You believe that one time this church had 40,000 members, that
00:42:13we had one service when we opened the dome up, and the next
00:42:17year, we immediately had to go to two services, and they all
00:42:21came at different times.
00:42:22One would come twice on Wednesday, and another would
00:42:24come twice on Sunday.
00:42:25One come only on the third Sunday, and one would come just
00:42:28on the first Sunday.
00:42:29You see how we just like this, but I'm good now, bro.
00:42:36I'm ready to go.
00:42:37Jesus come back now.
00:42:38I'm ready to go.
00:42:39I hope he come back now.
00:42:40I hope he come back in five minutes.
00:42:41Come on, Jesus, please.
00:42:42Don't say that.
00:42:43Don't say that.
00:42:44Yeah, come, come.
00:42:45Get ready.
00:42:46Get ready.
00:42:47Get ready.
00:42:48Get ready.
00:42:49Get, get, get, get, get ready.
00:42:50I want him to hurry.
00:42:51Come on back, Lord.
00:42:52Every time I hear a trumpet, I'm thinking it's him.
00:42:54I hear a train, I'm thinking that's the moaning train.
00:42:57Glory to God.
00:42:59When I see some stranger in the sky, I'm like, that's the
00:43:02That's the chariot coming to get me right now.
00:43:04I'm ready to go.
00:43:05Oh, hallelujah.
00:43:06When I'm in Miami, I look at that old ship of Zion.
00:43:08There it go, Lord.
00:43:10And y'all, y'all, because you don't realize the relationship
00:43:16you have in him, because you still want to play church.
00:43:26Don't know nothing.
00:43:27That's why you're hollering.
00:43:29You're broke.
00:43:31See, you don't know nothing.
00:43:32You don't know nothing.
00:43:33You don't know nothing.
00:43:34You don't know nothing.
00:43:35You're broke.
00:43:37Stop it.
00:43:46I'm wondering about a lot of things.
00:43:48I'm wondering about stuff I've taught, wondering about stuff
00:43:50I've been taught, wondering about stuff I've heard.
00:43:52And I took the challenge, quit trusting the books and quit
00:43:58trusting these theologians and stuff, and get your butt in
00:44:04there and do your work.
00:44:12Well, I don't agree.
00:44:14I don't think you would, because you ain't did no work.
00:44:17You're just standing on what you've been standing on the last
00:44:2030 years.
00:44:21I don't think you, of course you don't.
00:44:28I need to hear it, y'all.
00:44:29Come on.
00:44:30I need.
00:44:32I need to hear it.
00:44:33I need to hear it.
00:44:34All right, I'm good.
00:44:35I'm back there.
00:44:36I'm back.
00:44:37I'm good.
00:44:38I felt myself drifting.
00:44:39I'm good.
00:44:40I'm good.
00:44:41All right, now, got a few more minutes now.
00:44:43Now, watch this.
00:44:44I went through all of that to say, we live our lives resting
00:44:54in his faith.
00:44:56It's not doing, it's resting.
00:45:06And when I do that, I don't wonder if I have enough faith.
00:45:13And I don't have to try and build my faith up.
00:45:18I only need to live life resting in his faith.
00:45:23I'm talking about the dollar.
00:45:24Don't we need to believe?
00:45:26Oh, yes, we need to believe.
00:45:28But what do we believe?
00:45:29We believe that it's his faith we live by.
00:45:33It's his faith that we rest in.
00:45:36That's what I believe.
00:45:37I believe I live by the faith of the Son of God.
00:45:40I believe that it's his faith.
00:45:43That's what I believe.
00:45:44Well, you know, you ain't gonna get no promotion unless you
00:45:48believe it.
00:45:49No, no, I believe it's his faith.
00:45:52And when you believe it's his faith, then you know the
00:45:54promotion's finished.
00:46:03I believe that it's his faith and that we live and rest in
00:46:09that, and then we realize.
00:46:17What do we realize?
00:46:18We realize that his beliefs and his believing is already
00:46:25finished in us.
00:46:29What he believes is finished in us.
00:46:35That's why Jesus is what God believes about you, because
00:46:40what he believes is finished in us.
00:46:45And when you look what he believed and finished, ooh,
00:46:49put it, oh, glory, oh, my God, put it in Jesus and then
00:46:53put Jesus in us.
00:46:54And you still walk around like a little weak punk.
00:47:02When you should, when you face things, what you should be
00:47:06doing is, oh, I realize, well, I just realized we, yeah,
00:47:10that's victory.
00:47:11Yeah, that's victory.
00:47:13You know what happened the first time I did that?
00:47:15When I'm in prayer and I'm getting ready to pray for two
00:47:17hours, I started realizing everything that was done,
00:47:19and I got up.
00:47:20That's why, that's how prayer became a living communion, and
00:47:23not a segregated time in a corner somewhere, a living
00:47:27Because if you think about it, you know, you can't just say,
00:47:30you can't just say, you can't just say, you can't just say,
00:47:33you can't just say, you can't just say, you can't just say,
00:47:36you can't just say, you can't just say, you can't just say,
00:47:40a living communion.
00:47:41Because if you think about it, if it's finished and if it's
00:47:45done, what are you doing?
00:47:49Your prayer time should look like worship and thanksgiving
00:47:57and affirmation of what he's done and echoing.
00:48:01Well now, you know, Brother Dawson, that's just too much.
00:48:06That's just too much.
00:48:09That's just too much.
00:48:11Everybody knows that you need an hour of prayer.
00:48:18Even the song says, no, they say even the Bible says,
00:48:21sweet hour of prayer.
00:48:26I don't know, guys.
00:48:28We need to reevaluate a lot of things.
00:48:33See, it's interesting to me what the Bible does say.
00:48:35It says in Matthew 11, men ought always to pray.
00:48:37Now, that means you ain't, somebody says that you ought to
00:48:39be praying.
00:48:40You think you ought to just stay there and just pray in the
00:48:43closet all day?
00:48:44You're gonna be broke.
00:48:45You're gonna have a roof over your head after a while.
00:48:47You're gonna open your eyes up.
00:48:48You're gonna be outside.
00:48:49You know, that's not what he's talking about.
00:48:53Everything God wants from us is in our living,
00:48:59in our getting up, in our going to work,
00:49:01in our coming home, in our dealing with the issues
00:49:05of life.
00:49:06I mean, what good is a relationship when he's only
00:49:09segregated to an hour in a closet?
00:49:11So, here's the sermon I wanted to preach on today.
00:49:16So, what does it mean to rest?
00:49:39It means to totally depend on God for support,
00:49:45help, power, totally depend on him for everything.
00:49:54It's complete surrender and trust.
00:49:59What does it mean to rest?
00:50:01To have confidence, trust, reliance on God.
00:50:07It means that we cast our care over on him,
00:50:11knowing that he cares for us and that we are not created to
00:50:15carry worry and stress and anxiety over the cares of this
00:50:22That's what it means.
00:50:25It's like to authenticate what you say you believe can only be
00:50:34done and seen when you're at rest.
00:50:40Rest is not inactivity.
00:50:43What you been doing?
00:50:44Been going on getting to bed and do like pastor said and rest.
00:50:46Now, rest for your body is important,
00:50:51but that's not what he's talking about.
00:50:53He's talking about resting in confidence and resting in trust
00:50:57and resting in yamahusha.
00:51:01Okay, I've never said it before, but this is absolutely right.
00:51:04Resting in the finished.
00:51:09Find rest and trust and confidence in what is done.
00:51:17Jesus said it is finished, all right?
00:51:19You don't know how to cause rest.
00:51:21Go and try this.
00:51:23Face whatever you face in life and say to yourself,
00:51:27I realize that's done.
00:51:28You will enter into rest on the inside.
00:51:31There'll be confidence that arise.
00:51:33There'll be peace that arise.
00:51:34It'll be obvious to your mind, well, if he's done this,
00:51:37I realize it's done, so let me go ahead and submit and rest.
00:51:45What are you doing?
00:51:46You're not trying to do something that's done.
00:51:51And that rest still remains.
00:51:54Look at this Hebrews chapter 4, verse 9 and 11.
00:51:59Hebrews 4, 9 and 11.
00:52:00I've got eight minutes to go.
00:52:02Eight minutes to go.
00:52:03No game until six o'clock.
00:52:05I'm good.
00:52:08I'm good.
00:52:09I'm good.
00:52:10But the reason why the falcons won last week,
00:52:13it's very simple.
00:52:14I prayed.
00:52:15And I asked the Lord in the name of Jesus.
00:52:19And I spent several times, three times touch, touch, touch.
00:53:15I felt a pain in my finger.
00:53:20I hung up my phone.
00:53:21I bought something, you know what?
00:53:28This is a work.
00:53:31This is Lord.
00:53:34This is Lord.
00:53:35I don't know about.
00:53:38Well, I ain't, I was, I ain't gonna buy Sweet Lips.
00:53:42Sweet Lips, Sweet Lips, Sweet Lips, Sweet Lips.
00:53:47Somebody say, what is in that Sweet Lips?
00:53:48There's a Scripture in the Bible that says,
00:53:49Sweet Lips increase learning.
00:53:52And every time I escape Sweet Lips,
00:53:54I do a disservice to your learning, so Sweet Lips.
00:54:05But catch me after the benediction.
00:54:11Hebrews 4, 9 through 11, he says,
00:54:14there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
00:54:18Verse 10, for he that is entered into his rest,
00:54:23he also has ceased from his works.
00:54:26So he says, I'll show you when you've entered into his rest.
00:54:29You've entered into his rest because you are no longer
00:54:32trying to perform to get something that's already
00:54:35been gotten and you should enter into the rest.
00:54:38And then he says, as God did from his works.
00:54:4111, let us labor therefore to enter into that rest.
00:54:47So not labor to get rich, not labor to get healed,
00:54:50not labor to get holy.
00:54:52All that's been done.
00:54:53He wants you to labor to enter into that rest.
00:54:56Lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
00:54:59What happens?
00:55:00When you are still laboring, when you should be resting,
00:55:03you are in unbelief.
00:55:09If we are willing to receive what Jesus has for us,
00:55:13we will enter into his rest.
00:55:15Are you willing to receive what Jesus has for you?
00:55:18Or is it just a struggle?
00:55:21If you're willing to receive what Jesus has for you,
00:55:25then you'll enter into that rest.
00:55:28The greatest faith a person could have is to rest in what
00:55:31Jesus has done, to rest in what Jesus has done.
00:55:37You have perfect, flawless, complete, done faith,
00:55:41but if you don't rest in it, if you're not relying on it,
00:55:47then you'll go back into trying to work your own little fake
00:55:51faith because you won't receive his faith.
00:56:02A critical aspect of walking in the rest of God is to give him
00:56:06all of your cares.
00:56:10First Peter chapter 5, verse 6 and 7, you want to know?
00:56:16What is to authenticate your rest?
00:56:19You've given him your cares.
00:56:22Now, I won, but I had a little care-carrying fight this week
00:56:31where I responded right, I spoke right, I held everything,
00:56:38I did everything right.
00:56:40But on the inside, oh, God dog, it's the stuff I wanted to do.
00:56:48It's the stuff I wanted to say.
00:56:51See, that's growth.
00:56:54That's growth.
00:56:55It doesn't mean it's, you know, you do everything you're
00:56:58supposed to do according to the Word.
00:57:00It doesn't mean that, you know, you're just all messed up to
00:57:03have that thought.
00:57:07But the issue with me was, while on the outside I did all the
00:57:11stuff, I carried it.
00:57:15I should have casted it, and I carried it, and I rehearsed it,
00:57:24and I nursed it when I should have dispersed it.
00:57:28I wasn't at rest.
00:57:34I just did what I knew to do, but I wasn't at rest.
00:57:38And the more I thought about it, the more cussing words I was
00:57:40inventing on the inside of me.
00:57:44I wanted something, but I won't that.
00:57:46I just, I wish you would.
00:57:47I want you.
00:57:49I want you.
00:57:53You've not entered into the rest.
00:57:58That's the truth.
00:58:00And I ain't the only one.
00:58:01The way some of y'all looking at me like,
00:58:03how you know that, pal?
00:58:04How you know that?
00:58:06Who called you?
00:58:10So, we're talking about entering into such a confidence that the
00:58:14story over that is finished.
00:58:17It's done.
00:58:20And that, the authentic truth of its rest can be found in what's
00:58:29happening in you, because you know whatever's in you
00:58:34eventually will work itself out.
00:58:38And if it stays in there undealt with,
00:58:42every time you see it, it's been boiling and it's been simmering
00:58:45and it comes out in bitterness.
00:58:48And the Bible says that will trouble you.
00:58:58Look at this Scripture real quick.
00:59:00I got a minute.
00:59:01Somebody say, praise the Lord.
00:59:04Philippians 4, 6 through 7.
00:59:07I think we ought to pick up with this next week.
00:59:09You getting anything out of this,
00:59:11or do I need to go on to another subject?
00:59:13Now, y'all doing good.
00:59:14Ain't but three people left.
00:59:15Well, four or five.
00:59:17All right.
00:59:18Just playing with y'all.
00:59:19All right.
00:59:20Be careful.
00:59:21Be careful.
00:59:22Be careful.
00:59:23Be careful.
00:59:24Be careful.
00:59:25Be careful.
00:59:26Be careful.
00:59:27Be careful.
00:59:28Be careful.
00:59:29Be careful.
00:59:30Be careful.
00:59:31Be careful.
00:59:32Be careful.
00:59:33Be careful.
00:59:34Be careful.
00:59:35Be careful.
00:59:37Be careful for nothing.
00:59:41In no thing carry care.
00:59:45But in everything by prayer and supplication,
00:59:52what does it look like?
00:59:53With thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God
00:59:59and the peace of God which passes all understanding.
01:00:06You ever had that kind of peace?
01:00:08I got peace, and I remember two months ago,
01:00:13I'd have had my butcher knife out.
01:00:15But the peace of God that passes understanding,
01:00:18watch this, here it is, shall keep your hearts and your minds,
01:00:24and your minds, watch this, through Christ Jesus.
01:00:31But you gotta ask God, Lord, help me not to deceive myself.
01:00:34Because sometimes as Christians, we walk around with the disguise
01:00:40of Christianity on, and we deceive ourselves,
01:00:43and we won't deal with the truth.
01:00:45And I'm telling you, you're setting yourself up for some
01:00:47uncomfortable, some discomfort, because discomfort is designed
01:00:51to help you to see who you really are.
01:00:54Discomfort works like a mirror.
01:00:56It's gonna show you your soul, and it's gonna show you not what
01:00:59you want to be or see.
01:01:03It's gonna show you who you really are.