Dr. R.A. Vernon -- Fix Your Face

  • avant-hier
00:00Let's get it today. I'm starting a new series titled the Nehemiah project the first message fix
00:07Your face Nehemiah goes into the presence of the king with a long face the king asked him in essence
00:14What's up with your face? You're the cup bearer. You taste my food for me. You can't be in my presence unprofessional
00:19This will speak to entrepreneurs. It'll speak to people who've had stuff happen to them
00:24Sometimes you show it on your face and written all over your face. How do you maintain a certain equanimity a certain?
00:30Professionalism no matter what you've been through not showing it on your face all the time going after your goals rebuilding stuff
00:37This is the series you cannot miss. It's the Nehemiah project couple with that. I'm serving the supper today
00:44So if you're connected to us and you miss communion this past weekend, even this evening
00:47You can take it with us right now go find yourself something doesn't have to be real blood and real flesh
00:52It can't be crackers and juice will be fine. I'm serving the supper. I'm starting a new series
00:57Hang on this entire month the Nehemiah project
02:42The reason I brought this brother up
02:45Is because the world church don't just have people that know how to do the church dance
02:50He ain't know I was looking at him
02:52But they were singing the blood still works and he was getting it in
02:57So hit it one more time
04:42Nehemiah 2 verse 1 it was the month of Nisan
04:46That wouldn't be Befra Nisan in the 20th year
04:50It's a Cleveland thing if you don't live in Cleveland of Arta Xerxes difficult name Arta Xerxes the king
04:57At the hour for serving wine, I brought it in and gave it to the king
05:01I had never been never seen this word before
05:04hand dog in his presence before
05:08So he asked me
05:10Why the long face?
05:12You're not sick. Are you or are you depressed?
05:15That made me all the more agitated. So so he asked me
05:19Why the long face notice the purposeful inflection? So he asked me notice the purposeful
05:26Inflection why the long face so he asked me why?
05:30The long face do me a favor point down your row and tell five people fix your face. Go ahead. Tell him right quick
05:39No find somebody who still look mean and say fix your face fix your face fix your face fix
05:46Your face. I'm your mama fix
05:52Face go ahead and be seated in the Lord's house
05:56Fix your face. I
05:59Keep telling pastors
06:01All across the country that you have about two minutes not to be boring post-pandemic
06:07People's attention spans have shifted and they are shorter than ever to me in the history of mankind
06:13the preacher pastor used to take his time and sort of build his
06:16Introduction and take his time and make his way toward the text and set a lot of context and give some historicity of the text
06:22Now you got like two minutes and grandma on Facebook
06:27In the middle of your sermon
06:29That says you have to do things to kind of grab people's attention because the devil is fighting for it
06:34One of those things I do
06:35Homiletically is to try to come up with interesting subjects to kind of grab you and snatch you
06:40Cognitively so I can drop something on you spiritually and practically so subjects matter and if I was thinking about this idea
06:47Of this new series the Nehemiah project
06:51The Nehemiah project I want to deal with that for the next three Sundays
06:56And I was thinking about this opening message and how Nehemiah had this strange disposition
07:01This strange disposition and the presence of someone great and the person literally said to him. What's up with your face?
07:08I started to preach is written all over your face
07:13Sorry 35 and over a man
07:16But you have to come up with interesting subjects to kind of grab crowds and then you can drop
07:20The real substance on them speaking of substance the book of Nehemiah is full of it
07:25I need you to sit up in your seats. Many of you were here about seven eight years ago
07:30I did a series from Nehemiah called I'm working on something. I'm working on something. I'm trying to get some stuff done
07:36I have no time for craziness or people who have no agenda. I'm working on something
07:40Why y'all hating I'm working on something. How come you don't call me because I'm working on something
07:44Yeah, how come you ain't come over because I'm working on something
07:47How come we don't get together like we used to because I'm working on something
07:49There's some things I'm trying to get done and I have no time for people who don't want to get anything done
07:53I have no time for haters or critiquers or lazy people apathy or indifference
07:57I'm trying to get something done hit somebody say I'm working on something. I'm working on something. I'm working on something. It is a powerful
08:06Pericope Nehemiah is about building
08:09It's about restoration
08:11It's about who's on your team. It's about repentance. It's about planning. It's about professionalism
08:18It's about entrepreneurship and who should be around you. I mean whatever angle you want to take just snatch one
08:23I'm not on any particular path
08:25I'll be going down different paths because it speaks to so much during this teaching you'll hear some things about getting stuff done
08:31You'll hear some things about family curses and how you may be the one that has to restore the family
08:36You'll hear some things about making sure you have an agenda preparation specificity you'll hear all of that during this teaching
08:42I need you to put your seatbelt on because we're going to places
08:45You've never gone before this particular Nehemiah passage is powerful begins. I want to start in verse
08:52Four when I heard this I sat down and cried I mourned for days
08:57I continued to fast and pray to the God of heaven when I when I heard this I start crying
09:04When I heard this I start mourning when I heard this I ain't even eat nothing
09:08I didn't even eat anything when I heard this I pushed the plate back. I just went into straight
09:15Consecration the question that begs asking pastor is what he here. I'm glad you asked
09:21He heard that the place he was from was in trouble. Okay, you read it later. Okay, you read it
09:27It's your homework assignment. He's from Jerusalem right City of David the City of God
09:31He's from he's he's from Jerusalem and Jerusalem is in trouble
09:36Why Jerusalem has now went back into subjugation. They've been dispersed. No one's really living there
09:42Okay, you go now everybody wants to go to Israel now probably not right now in terms of the conflict militaristically
09:48Between Israel, of course and everything's happening in Palestine
09:51But normally when things are calm most Christians like Muslims want to go to Mecca
09:55Most Christians want to go to Jerusalem or Israel before they die like Muslims want to go to Mecca
10:01Most Christians get a few dollars a planet. They try to go to Jerusalem one time Israel
10:05I've never taken the word church at some point. I want to two places
10:08I want to take you Ghana and I want to take you to Israel
10:11Ghana because our people have a way of praying like I've never seen it changed me
10:16It changed our church when I took a trip to Ghana and prayed and saw how they pray at another level
10:21It pushed us to another level of praying in the spirit. We've never been the same since I want to do a return trip
10:26To Ghana and take some Saints with me. Also, you want to go to Israel?
10:29I've baptized Larry Craig who went with me in the Jordan River
10:33Touching them and say I am a hater right now. Praise God. I'm not gonna lie
10:37I'm a straight hater you baptized me in a round pool in front of the church. Praise God
10:42I want to be baptized in the Jordan River and when we go to Israel, I'm going to baptize a bunch of you in the
10:48Jordan River
10:49Same place Jesus baptized John. This is the Jerusalem. I'm talking about
10:54It's now it's now in trouble at the time of Nehemiah
10:58Why because of bondage because of people taking over Jerusalem because of their bondage because of their sin toward God
11:06They were always in conflicts many of you know, we see them in Roman conflict
11:10We see them and conflict against so many people the Assyrians the Babylonians you name it
11:17We always see them coming out of some sort of conflict. He asked his brother Nehemiah did come here. Let's get to it
11:24And now he said hey now what's going on? He said bro. I just went through Israel. It's a mess man
11:29Jerusalem a trip ain't no buildings
11:30There's no buildings the few people that are there because everybody else has been dispersed
11:34They live in every place. Nobody there no more. The walls are messed up. It's tumbling down. It's ugly. It's like nobody live
11:40It's like man. It's like a scene. You don't want to see the Bible says when he heard about his city
11:45He start crying in a very real sense that kind of that's kind of
11:49Binagulous to how I feel about Cleveland the whole world know I love this city. I do I do
11:55I know some people trying to get out. I thank God for one thing about it. We don't get no hurricanes
12:01We don't get no earthquakes I
12:03Know it get cold in January and February
12:06But you ought to praise God the ground gonna be shaking the ground gonna be shaking and and so there's some benefits a little bit
12:11Here in this beautiful city called Cleveland. I was talking to one of our business persons
12:14I'm meeting with the mayor here as soon as we can our schedules keep conflicting about the lake front and what's going on in the
12:20Brown Stadium and how to bring more revenue to our city. It's not the mistake on the lake
12:24It's a blessed place. God can bless you where you at. Don't talk about my city. Don't talk about my family
12:29Don't talk about my city. Nehemiah has a heart for his family
12:32He has a heart for his city and Nehemiah start crying
12:37There are some things that ought to make you cry watch this the first thing I want you to notice come on note-takers
12:43Is your phone on do you have it on vibrate because it's better to have
12:47You know better have you know, don't don't don't don't miss this now. This is important
12:50I want you to write it down better have a long pencil than a short memory
12:53Write it down. Write it down. Write it down. Write it down. First of all, we see Nehemiah's pain
12:58Nehemiah's pain Nehemiah is in pain. I wonder is there anything that has you in pain?
13:03Yeah, is it alright to say pain at church? Is it alright for spirit filled people to have pain?
13:08Is it alright to have some humanity in my Christianity? Is it alright to be in pain? Does that mean I'm not spiritual?
13:14Does that mean I don't love Jesus pain is okay pain is okay
13:18There are people sitting here right now that their life is not perfect life is painful
13:22The Bible says he's in pain, but the second thing that leaps right off the text is when he when he felt pain
13:28He started praying y'all got to catch this Nehemiah's prayer because Nehemiah wasn't just in pain
13:34Nehemiah was in prayerful pain. See when life don't make sense. Okay, come here grandma. Have a little talk with Jesus
13:41Can I talk to somebody that knows when you're in pain? It's alright to feel that but don't just walk around with that pray
13:49Don't just go social media looking for a Facebook therapist. That's not gonna help you
13:53Looking for an Instagram specialist who going through stuff herself trying to give you advice on what to do
13:57No, when you don't know what to do call on the name that's above every name. I'm serious
14:03That that's just not a preaching point that's from my heart
14:05I want to push us back to prayer
14:07When you confuse pray when you don't know what to say pray when your children breaking your heart pray when somebody break up with you
14:14Pray when you sing the lonely pray when you land in the bed and your body calling you hang up on it
14:19first of all and then pray
14:21Pray, I mean it don't just lay there pray say Jesus you understand me Jesus. You know, I'm tripping right now
14:26You know, I'm a real woman. You know, I'm a real bro. You know, this is real to me
14:29Many people don't know how much God would do for you if you would ask him
14:34You have no idea how he would help you if you would call on him
14:39Nehemiah began to pray he's in pain about his people and his city
14:44But as opposed to just venting or just talking to someone which is good. He also called on God
14:52Can I push you on this first Sunday in October?
14:54Whether you be a younger daughter or a teenager or older than me or old enough to be my parents
14:59Please don't stop calling on Jesus church is not a game. God is real and Jesus is real
15:05He says you have not because you ask not he says call unto me
15:09I'll show you great and mighty things
15:11you've never seen before if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and
15:17Seek my face then I will hear from heaven here on the land. Can I talk to somebody?
15:24Can I read the prayer to you
15:27It's not a trick question. Can I read the prayer to you?
15:29I'm just gonna read some of it to you. See if you can feel this. I like this
15:33He says in verses 6 through 9
15:35He says look at me
15:36Listen to me pay attention to this prayer look at him talking to God of your servant that I'm praying day and night and
15:42Intercession for your service the people of Israel. I'm confessing the sins of the people of Israel. I'm including myself
15:47I and my ancestors are among those who have sinned against you. We've treated you like dirt
15:53We haven't done what you told us haven't followed your commands haven't obeyed your decisions
15:58Okay, y'all missed that because he did not put himself above his family
16:03He says yes, I know you God, but my cousins I'm no better than them
16:07The only reason I'm not in the penitentiary because they got caught I didn't
16:11Be the only reason I ain't got more babies. It's not because I had less sex
16:15Don't be judging people. They got a couple of babies. You ain't no virgin God gave you the grace to be here today
16:21Should none of us put our mouth
16:24Sometimes we go over family members house and they won't accept your Christ because you act too bougie like you above them because you've been
16:30Born again, that's the same cousin used to get high with you bought it from her
16:34Don't y'all look at me crazy
16:35God gave you another chance and now you gotta say when you pray God touched my cousins like you touched me
16:43Because we all treated you like dirt. I laid up in some beds with my cousins messing with women. I've done it pastor
16:50I've done it Jesus. I like Nehemiah because he didn't say fix them
16:55He said fix us
16:57He says I'm a part of the problem too. Yes, you've gotten a hold of my heart. He says but
17:03But please fix us watch what he says watch what he says because this is so powerful. Can we just jump to verse 11?
17:10I wanted to bless you. He says I want to read the Bible Oh Lord
17:13Please hear my prayer
17:15Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you nine o'clock missed it. I'ma see who can catch it quick
17:21Oh Lord, please hear my prayers. Listen to the prayers of us to those of us who delight in honoring you
17:28Let me try it one more time. Oh
17:29Lord, please hear my prayer
17:32Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight
17:42Lord please hear my prayer
17:45Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you which means he distinguishes
17:53people who call on God when they need him and
17:58Those who take delight and try to live right come here
18:07Pastor Terry Anderson one of my homiletic heroes pastor the living living Grove Church in Houston, Texas
18:13One of my homiletic heroes. He says something that blessed my life. He said that his grandmother it was like eight of them
18:18He had like eight siblings plus him and he said that his grandmother would give him all Christmas presents and there's one Christmas
18:24She gave him more than she gave everybody else and all the siblings was tripping like grandma
18:30How you are gonna give Terry more than you gave us?
18:34He said first of all grandma said first of all, it's my blank money
18:38He said my grandma taught me how to cuss y'all missed that praise God. Amen. Don't okay. I'm gonna do that right there
18:42Praise God is my it's my blank money
18:44She said she said secondly
18:46The reason why I gave Terry more than I gave y'all is because out of all of you
18:50He the only one that called me when he don't need nothing
18:55Did nobody shout let me try this one time he's the only one they call me when he don't need nothing
19:00Can I get some people that just don't talk to Jesus when it's 9-1-1, but when you walk up this morning
19:06You said thank you Jesus before you went to bed last night. You said thank you Jesus when your bills are paid
19:11You say thank you Jesus when your health is good. You say thank you Jesus
19:15Don't just wait till it's 9-1-1 for him all the time those who delights an hour
19:20I'm just getting started those who delight or stand up those who delights
19:25And honoring you there are some of us Nehemiah says that take pleasure and trying to be right
19:32There's some of us that are single and trying to be abstinence and it can be difficult
19:36Trying to be absent that there those of us that are married that are fighting to honor our wives that are praying that are doing
19:42our best this is so important because
19:45The B clause of that verse says in verse 11 in those days. I
19:50Was the King's cupbearer. Oh, that's so powerful in those days Nehemiah gives us this it's critical in those days
19:58I was the Kings
19:59Cupbearer now, that's correct. That's that's critical. Why did he tell us what he did for living?
20:04Occupationally, he said I was the Kings cupbearer
20:06So so many new people and I'm learning all pastors watching boy
20:10You better break it down because post pandemic there are thousands of people who come to church that did not come
20:15Pre-pandemic so you gotta explain this stuff and don't assume everybody knows what the cupbearer is
20:19The cupbearer was the most major position now Nehemiah is living in Persia
20:24Why because Jerusalem has been desecrated Jerusalem has been violated
20:29Subjugation occupation they've been taken over all of that kind of stuff. He's in Persia
20:34He works for the king as the Kings cupbearer
20:38Guess what the cupbearer used to do the cupbearer would taste the Kings food before he ate it
20:43The cupbearer would drink the Kings drink before he drank it because there was always some assassination attempt on the king
20:51People close to him who wanted to be him
20:57And so the cupbearer's job was before he tasted I'm gonna taste it
21:01So before you poison him, you don't poison me. So the king would watch and see if the cupbearer died
21:07Is it good?
21:09All right. Give me some y'all just missed that
21:13He died you probably wouldn't eat that day. Praise God. Amen
21:16This is so important. So so so so so Nehemiah got a good gig. He got a good gig number one
21:21He's in Persia Persia has wealth. He he's the Kings cupbearer, which mean he has he has access
21:26Geographically to the king which means king live in one palace
21:29He got to be right next to the king in the next room because whenever the king gets hungry
21:32He got to eat so he's in the Kings quarters. He got money. He got food watch this, but he still but he's still a slave
21:39Be careful when you're a comfortable slave
21:44Or preaching to something be careful when he paying all your bills, but you just a slave
21:49Cuz he got a wife y'all missed that praise God
21:51Can I talk to somebody who's in a situation that the devil can make you get comfortable, but you're just a comfortable slave
21:57Be careful house Negro still a slave, but don't know you a slave because you in the house, please
22:02You're still in bondage. The devil is alive. I don't want to be nobody's slave. God to pay my bills
22:07I ain't got to sleep with you to get my stuff done
22:09God to pay my stuff without me living with somebody who don't want me who don't love me be careful when you a comfortable slave
22:18Is is is is not just a comfortable slave Nehemiah could have said I hate that's happening in Jerusalem, but I'm good
22:27They should have got out like I did. Thank God. I got picked by the king. I'm good. My bills paid. I'm eating
22:33Well, I'm cooling the game. No, Nehemiah
22:35Nehemiah is
22:39Is hurting for his people y'all ready? Y'all taking those first of all, I want you to write down Nehemiah's pain and then
22:45Nehemiah's prayer, but then but then thirdly write down Nehemiah's position
22:49Nehemiah's position Nehemiah's position allowed him influence and access. Let me try this again
22:55I said at the nine o'clock a lot of entrepreneurs come to my nine o'clock service the early service a lot of entrepreneurs and business
23:01Persons come at the nine o'clock service
23:03So I preach it a little different and one of the things I was sharing with them want to share with you is that be careful
23:08to understand the power of influence
23:11That influence is better than money
23:15As a matter of fact influence will get you money
23:18Some people want money, but they have no influence and and people being scared of you. It's not influence. That's called fear and
23:25Fear fades away. You see you see you see I had Tina scared for years
23:31But he had no influence but one day when the fear ran out she said
23:38Okay, I'm sorry y'all just
23:41Y'all making me act real ghetto to prove this point
23:44I'm trying to show you the difference between fear and influence. My girl is not with me out of fear prayerfully
23:50She's with me because of influence when you lose your influence you have nothing
23:54If I lose my influence and I'm preaching to thousands of people and all of you are following your nails or looking at your phone
24:00While I'm talking that means I've lost my influence
24:03When you're in your own house speaking and nobody believes you you've lost your influence
24:08Lord, don't let me lose my influence because that's all I have. That's my credibility
24:11I need people to believe me when I talk I need people to trust that I want to give to them more than I want
24:16To take from them Lord. Don't let me lose my influence. Nehemiah has influence why he has access to the king
24:22I got a word
24:23This is not just shout run around the church series that this series is going to push some of you to become
24:28Entrepreneurs to value where you work. All right to do better in the marketplace is amazing
24:33Most preachers get up and talk about church. We spend two hours in church
24:37We spend the other six days in marketplace ministry, which means I got to teach you how to act in marketplace places
24:43Not just speaking tongues in church. We spend two hours here
24:46We spend six and a half days in marketplace place doing marketplace ministry
24:51So I gotta help you understand that God hears your shout is getting ready to position you in front of major people
24:59You didn't you didn't catch this
25:01God's been ready to shift you and promotion and
25:05people who may not even like you gonna watch you go above them without you even trying because God's gonna give you influence and
25:13God's gonna position you with the right people and what I want you to do is to be prepared when that moment comes
25:19I shall never forget when George Floyd don't don't don't don't forget George Floyd and the horrific
25:25Eight eight minutes with a knee in his neck and it sort of captured the conscious of America for the first time ever
25:32Whites and blacks marched together for the first time ever whites were just as appalled as blacks
25:38It never happened
25:39Even even even even some of the most horrific things that happened and our nation did not make people pause
25:45Like this did and one of the things that happened was even companies start giving to black causes
25:50And I'll never forget when the owner of the Cleveland Browns called me and said listen, I got your name
25:54I was told you've been to talk to I want to come and meet with you and we met in that office and from there
25:58We became friends lady Vernon. I went to dinner and now praise God we talked a lot, but I thought about something
26:04That he did that changed me forever
26:06He comes in my office and I'm thinking about what he owns his worst player make more than me
26:13Y'all just missed that praise God. Amen
26:16Couple with that all the different companies that he owns and it didn't dawn on me until our third or fourth meeting
26:21We talked and he's coming. I'll meet with him and then I noticed every time he meets with me. He never has his phone
26:29How much money is moving while we talking
26:33How much money is moving while we talking the man got companies the Browns his worst player his best player
26:39Please throw the ball today best best paid player best just throw the ball. That's all
26:44We just
26:50That's all we want you to just I love you man, I love you
26:59That taught me something what he's telling me
27:03Subconsciously is that I value your presence and that you don't have to talk to me. Dr
27:08Vernon and I want to learn something about social issues and how to be better and how to use my influence and it hit me
27:14How he got his phone in the car and I got mine and I'm broke. Y'all just missed that praise God
27:20Amen, I'm in comparison to him praise God that that told me something
27:25I went back and told our staff whenever we're in a meeting
27:27No one brings their cell phone with me not that I'm anybody but if I have any influence when I'm talking let my words matter
27:33That's not the time to be texting or Facebook or Instagram or answering anything from your family
27:39We pay you number one
27:40You're in the presence of something that can help you whenever God puts you in front of somebody that got more than you or no
27:45More than you take a note and listen
27:48Check your arrogance at the door because you'd be surprised what can come out of their mouth
27:52There's some of you that don't take audience seriously
27:56I'm learning at my age if I give you my presence and you don't value that
28:00I don't want to be back in your presence again, because you have to understand the power that Nehemiah's
28:07Nehemiah's position this one bless y'all y'all ready for this the Bible says early the following spring
28:12Come on
28:12Look at everybody chapter 2 verse 1 early the following spring watch this early
28:16The following spring in the month of Nisan during the 20th year of our Texas's reign
28:20I was serving the king his wine now four months went by this is so good
28:26Let me see who can appreciate this teaching four months went by
28:30between the time
28:32Nehemiah prayed and the moment came
28:35Let me try this again four months went by
28:38Nehemiah like my city in trouble Lord, please my people in trouble my family all messed up
28:44I need you to do something. I need you to open up a door for me
28:47I need you to give me access to the king and show me the right moment four months went by
28:54Before the moment came
28:56Some of you have no idea you're in a season of setup
29:00And the reason you frustrated is because you want it to happen now
29:05But you have no idea that God is setting up the person
29:08I said it five times and you didn't shout. So let me try the sixth time
29:14How come God not talking to me because he's talking to your answer
29:23He's not talking to you because he's preparing the bank to say yes
29:29He's preparing the realtor to give it to you. He's preparing your boss to promote you
29:34Y'all don't believe me. All you got to do is pray and be patient and when God gets ready
29:39He'll set a moment and when that moment comes you got to be ready. I'm coming to that. I'm coming to that
29:44I'm coming to that when the moment comes you got to be ready. God is setting you up for something
29:48You don't see coming. So this is your prayer time and not your season to be impatient or
29:54Rush it or make your move too soon
29:58Bathe it write it down get better at what you do get ready for audience
30:03So then when that audience comes you can handle the moment
30:06The Bible says between the time he prayed and between the time he got audience. It was four months
30:14It was four months. This is so good
30:16Y'all ready for this
30:18Can I do this?
30:20Okay, because Nehemiah chapter 2 verse 1 because says I had never before
30:26Appeared sad in his presence
30:31Okay, let me try this one more time I had never before
30:34Appeared sad in his presence. Y'all just missed him. Try one more time. I had never before
30:39Appeared sad in his presence. So he asked me verse 2
30:42Why the long face?
30:44Are you sick or something?
30:46You're depressed or something?
30:47That that made me all the more agitated did I tell you that we see Nehemiah's prayer
30:52We do we see Nehemiah's pain, but can I tell you something else? We see Nehemiah's professionalism
30:59Okay. Okay. This is not ABC Church. This is let's grow up church
31:03The Bible says mature and his work and grow in grace. Come on word church
31:06We 24 years old
31:07But my sermons are changing because I know we got new people there people been here 20 years and we got to mature together and
31:12Grow together. So the sermons will have more depth
31:14You got to stay with me because I want you to catch this entrepreneurs future entrepreneurs. The Bible says he's professional
31:19The Bible says something this is not like churchy stuff it's more
31:23It's more marketplace ministry stuff. I just told you we we teach people like we live at church
31:30When most of the time we're not at church
31:32so the teaching has prepared us for marketplace ministry, which means
31:36Where you at your job UPS wherever you at Amazon the company you own
31:41How do you carry yourself when you work for somebody and who do you look forward to hire?
31:46The Bible says I had never been sad in his presence
31:52Now come here thinking people look at teenagers looking at me. I love this. The Bible does not say I had never been sad
32:02The Bible says I had never been sad before in his presence
32:07Which means when I come to work, I check my emotions at the door
32:13Because they don't pay me to counsel me
32:19Can't be the employer the employee that needs prayer every week
32:25They're paying me to get stuff done and any boss. They got to keep fixing you is he basically gonna fire you
32:32This okay, can I can I talk to somebody which means I gotta fix my face
32:38Fix my face speaks to disposition
32:41Fix my face speaks to professionalism fix my face means nobody feels sorry for me except Jesus my mama and my past
32:48Fix my face means I gotta know who I am and what I'm trying to get done
32:52I got eight hours to get this done. Yes. I'm hurting. Yes. It's not perfect. Yes, my son's a trip
32:56Yes, my daughter's a mess, but they paid me to get stuff done
32:59So I gotta check that and do what I gotta do to get what I gotta get if nobody feels sorry for me
33:04And I can't be sad Sally every week
33:11Push your neighbor in the back and give him whiplash and say fix your face. Go ahead
33:26I need some thinking people
33:28To appreciate what I'm saying right now. I need some thinking people to appreciate what I'm saying
33:33I need some thinking people to appreciate what I'm saying because your Bible says I had never
33:38Been sad in his presence this blew my mind
33:40I had never you told me breakfast lunch dinner snacks in between stuff happening with your family stuff happening in your mind health issues
33:47Okay, emotional stuff loneliness Nehemiah. You telling me you had never been sad. That's not what I said. Dr.
33:52Vernon you telling me you had never been sad. That's not what I said. Dr.
33:55Vernon I said I had never been sad in his presence which meant whatever I was going through I knew how to take that
34:02Separated and say this is work. This is home. This is therapy. This is how I eat
34:07Come here. Talk to me somebody
34:09So much so it gets better so much so that the King said
34:19You must be sick
34:22Something going on are you depressed?
34:24Because this is not you
34:27Lord, please fix me in such a way where sadness is abnormal for me
34:38Lord please fix me in such a way
34:41That when I'm off everybody notice it because it's not my norm
34:46Don't let me be sad so much and always mean and always depressed and always with a dumb look on my face
34:52That people expect that for me when they see me
34:55Let me carry myself in such a way that when I'm off everybody say something going on
35:01Some must be going on that is not my mama that is not my mother must be something must have really happened
35:07I told the nine o'clock service the old folks said it's a sad dog
35:11Don't wag its own tail, and I am crazy about one of my longest tenured employees
35:17Elder Reno who's been with me now. We call him the people's elder over over 20 years
35:21I think he's my most senior employer employee and can I tell you or your employee you pay him not me your employee
35:27He works for the Word Church. Not me and can I tell you what I love about him?
35:30This is so important. I have never seen him in a bad mood. I know Rochelle get on his nerves sometime
35:36Uh, there's no perfect couple there's no perfect truth. He got a door. He got grandchildren
35:40He got a life, but when he comes to church when he comes to work
35:43He comes in with a disposition you call him eight hours a day 24 hours a day. He's gonna pick up and say grace and peace
35:50He blesses me every time I call him grace and peace. He's never said hello and 22 years grace and peace
35:56I said come on speak that over me. I call you what you want. Nothing. Just hear you say grace and peace. What's up, man?
36:00grace and peace
36:02Y'all miss that that said if he ever came in here after 20-something years and had a terrible look on his face
36:08I'm Irina. What's up?
36:10What's up, what you need?
36:12What you need pastor?
36:13Matter of fact don't even tell me how long you need off by
36:16If he came in and said I need to go out of town pastor
36:18I don't want to talk about I just need how much you need. We're getting the ticket for you. We're getting it
36:22What you need? Where you going? Yeah, where you headed to y'all got to catch this because he has carried himself in such a way
36:28That if I saw him off I would know something was going on
36:33Lord, please prepare me and change me so that my disposition is so pleasant
36:39Come on, talk to me somebody forget my issues from the past forget the family curses forget what I come from
36:44Forget my idiosyncratic tendencies Lord help me fix my faith
36:48Help me fix my disposition that I'm pleasant to be around. This is so good. Are y'all are y'all receiving this everybody?
36:55The king asked him y'all need to get ready to shout. So what do you want?
37:01Okay, it's on the screen. The king asked him. So what do you want? Y'all didn't shout
37:05Let me try this one more time the king asked him
37:07So what do you want if you knew what I said you would have hit your neighbor knocked her whole track out her weave
37:11the king asked him
37:13So what do you want? Y'all did y'all didn't say let me try this one more time the king asked him if God
37:18Let's me wake up tomorrow. I'm going to Charlotte, North Carolina
37:21Pastors I cover the Lord told me to lay my hands on every pastor in the country
37:25It's easier to get to Charlotte than it is to get to Cleveland. So pastor shimari white half-life Church
37:30I love you is hosting me all of my sons with two weeks notice are flying. They dropped everything
37:35I don't have anything for them except to lay my hands on them to get them ready for 2025
37:39So I'm taking George and Darrell my son Ray my whole team
37:43We're going because these pastors are flying and I'll be right back Monday and Tuesday
37:46Can you believe my sermon tomorrow night to pastors is what do you want?
37:51That's what I'm gonna ask them
37:53I'm say we're gonna meet in the morning
37:54I'll train on Tuesday to but sleep on this pastor so I can know how to minister to you in the hotel as we hang
38:00Out. What do you want? What what do you do? You even know what you want?
38:04What do you want?
38:06Let me grapple with every person in here. Let me push you to grapple with this. What do you want?
38:13Do you even know what you want?
38:16Do you know what you want? Are you so all over the place? You just want a little bit of everything but really nothing. Oh
38:24He says what do you want? The first thing that leaves out of this text?
38:27What's the write it down is Nehemiah not only watch this. Somebody said be prepared
38:30I gotta say this to you receive this by faith ten of you. Oh, sookie. Sookie. My time is gone
38:36Something good is getting ready to happen to you
38:39We see this pastor you talking to everybody
38:43That's plastic preaching, but I am talking to somebody
38:46To the somebody I'm talking to that's been trying to live right and preparing yourself and studying and educating yourself formally or informally
38:54Getting ready for the right moment. Here it is
38:57With the means to change your life is getting ready to come up to you
39:03Some bank some job some supervisor receive this
39:09Some family member is getting ready to ask you. How can I bless you?
39:14How can I find your vision?
39:19How can I finance your dream
39:22When that moment happens, you don't need to be ambiguous
39:27You don't need to be uncertain
39:31You don't need to be uncertain
39:34You need to know what you know in such a way that the business plan is written
39:39You understand what you're trying to get done
39:41Those of you that are artists or those of you like social media stuff those of you that are influencers when somebody asks you clearly
39:48What do you do? You should be able to articulate that quick. Listen, man. I flow. Listen, man. Here's what I do
39:52I do media. Can I show you my portfolio? I take pictures. You want to see them or I rap
39:57Can I rap right on the spot? My name is Pastor Vernon. I love to preach my sermons
40:00The reason I go to school so I can keep me get some learning. I don't know. I'm just freestyle. What else?
40:12She bring the best out of me it's her I am a good man. She bring the crazy out of me
40:20She get to doing that stuff make me
40:23Oh first lady's mother when you raise your hand buy you a hat baby raise your hand I need to open
40:31Okay, okay
40:35Somebody said be specific
40:37So near my is pain right near my his prayer, right? We saw that
40:43Near my preparation professionalism. Here it is near my his preparation near my his preparation. He was prepared. Are you prepared for your next moment?
40:52Are you prepared those who go to school that's called formal education those who read on your own watch YouTube do videos your self-taught
40:58That's called informal education both work
41:01Some of the richest people in this world have informal education Jay-z has no college degree
41:04Beyonce has no college degree
41:06All right, some of the greatest people in the world the owner of Facebook was at Harvard
41:09But he dropped out to pursue Facebook. So I'll push education. I think it's a good thing to have
41:13I'm never gonna stop but that said that's not the only people that can blow up. You can blow up because you're prepared
41:18All right, Eminem asked a question what if you had one shot
41:23Everybody get hyped to that song. What if you only had one shot? What if you only had one moment?
41:27He really was preaching what I'm preaching what Eminem was in the back moment came. Would you be ready?
41:32What is it that you do that you can do on the spot?
41:35Hand me a mic anywhere
41:38Anywhere anytime a day give me a mic and tell me to talk about Jesus. I don't need no preparation. It's what I do
41:43I want to speak to you and say to you
41:45What is it that you do the man said then I then I say it then I say it y'all ready
41:52Sookie Sookie
41:52Then I said if it pleased the King provide me with letters to the governor across the Euphrates that authorized my travel through Judah
41:59And then give me a letter address to ASAP the manager of the Kings for us instructing him to give me Timmy y'all missed it
42:04You should have been shouting as I was reading. I'm trying one more time
42:07The King said what you won't listen to his answer see if you can shout this time
42:10Okay, provide me with letters to the governors across the Euphrates authorized my travel through Jew
42:14Also, give me a letter address to ASAP the manager of the Kings for is instructing him to give me Tim
42:19Because I'm in some trees what I'm gonna do
42:20I'm gonna build the walls and he said what I'm history
42:21I would need to make beans for the gates of the temple for to the city walls for a house of myself y'all missed it
42:26Did nobody shout I'm preaching better than you responding
42:30Y'all miss that
42:32Because Nehemiah said oh you're gonna bless me
42:35So I'm about to ask for everything. I want y'all miss that not only be specific. Here. It is be bold
42:41The Bible says you have not
42:45I wish you would ask me how much money I need. I wish you would ask me what I need for the word church
42:50I got the whole thing in my head
42:52I know exactly what I need for the re burning Academy already burning ministries the burning foundation the word nation, baby
42:58I'm full of vision. God's gonna give me some money because you can't get some
43:02Provision till you get the vision. You can't get the provision till you get the vision
43:07You can't get the provision till you get the vision. You should know exactly how much it costs for your dream house
43:13You should know how much it costs to start your business
43:15You should know everything you need to know and can I tell you what happens when God's not answering your prayers watch this when God
43:20Start making ways out of no ways you get spiritually arrogant and start to ask for something don't make sense
43:24The man said not only do I want you to let me go. I
43:28Want you to help give me some passports
43:31Call every King all your boys across the world. So there's I come through they don't kill me
43:36Secondly, I need some trees
43:37So I need some people to cut down trees for me because to rebuild the wall see you next week
43:41See you next week the Nehemiah project. See you next week to rebuild the walls. I'm gonna need wood
43:46So I need you to hook me up with some trees
43:48Some passports some money some vacation time some off time and y'all missed it
43:58We'll shout next Sunday, can I talk to some thinking people today somebody wave at me
44:06You do know that looking sad in front of the king
44:11Was risky
44:13You do know to ask him for this
44:16Could have got him killed
44:18The king is Persian. He's a Jew. The king is the king is part. This is the Persian King. He's not some it's not David
44:25It's not Solomon. No, that's not this is a Persian King. Let me make this point. He took a risk
44:30I'm going when I tell y'all this. Thank you. He took a risk one of the things Bishop
44:35Joey told me years ago sometime love means taking a risk
44:39This is so good in other words what I'm trying to tell you sometimes there's something God's telling you to say to somebody your wife
44:45your husband, but they go to a hundred real fast or
44:49One of your children or friend or somebody and you got to say something to them, but you're thinking
44:57If this don't go right, they gonna cuss me out
45:00If this don't go right this could end our friendship
45:03If this don't go right this could go north real fast, are they worth the risk?
45:11Are they worth the risk that I'm willing for you to cuss me out because this needs to be saying
45:17so I'm gonna pray but I'm gonna take the risk and Nehemiah thought that Israel and
45:22Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the walls and saving his family was worth the risk
45:27What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to take a risk for this is so good
45:31He was bold. He said this is what I need. I'm done
45:34I'll pick it up next week
45:35Make sure you jam the church next week because I want to give you a scripture. The Bible says, okay
45:39Oh, we got to serve communion. So let's just shout verse verse 8 because says and the king granted these requests
45:48Because the gracious hand of God was on me
45:56And the king granted these requests
45:58Why cuz of me, uh-huh because God's hand
46:03Was on me. I'm gonna try one more time. I'll see y'all next week and the king granted the requests
46:08Because God's gracious hand was on me. Some of y'all are still sitting there and I gotta go
46:13Can I tell you that everything you need is getting ready to come your way not because you all of that
46:20But slap five people say God's hand is on me. Go ahead
46:25The wrong person can you push five people say his hand is on me
46:29Everything I touch is gonna turn to gold
46:31But God told me to tell you if you want it, the first thing you got to do is fix your face
46:38You gotta fix your disposition. You gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself
46:42You can't be the member that need prayer every Sunday
46:45You gotta be the person that God helps you get yourself together through his power
46:49Sometimes you gotta smile through your tears. Your kids tired of seeing you sad about they gone daddy
46:56Somebody needs to see you get yourself together. You 69 ma. I'm sick of hearing about that fix your face
47:01I don't want to hear about your father no more your daddy no more your ex no more
47:05They go you still here. They don't have that power
47:08Don't let your kids drive you crazy your mama drive you crazy your ex drive you crazy. I'm sorry
47:13Hit seven people say fix your face
47:25Got a scripture for you, and I'm gonna beat you. Goodbye you thought
47:31Proverbs 31
47:33Proverbs 31 one of my white
47:36Homiletic heroes. He's an expositional preach. You guys know I like exposition exposition means verse-by-verse talk about an expositional preacher
47:43White brother from another mother John Piper evangelical brother
47:47But we do agree on exposition one thing I like about John Piper
47:49He talked about the proper study one woman
47:51And he says everybody talks about you know pride is deceitful beauty is vain
47:55But a woman that feels low should be he talks about how everybody talks about how the woman got up early in the morning
47:59How she was an entrepreneur how her husband loved her how she took care of her children people work for her proverbs 31
48:05You've heard a hundred sermons about the proverbs 31 woman
48:08He said the most cold verse the most cold verse in that passage. I had never seen it 40 years of studying
48:13I had never seen it. He said it's verse 25 verse 25 says she dresses with strength and nobility and
48:21She smiles at the future I
48:25Thought the women would take off
48:27Let me read it from verse let me read verse 25 from the NLT. She is clothed with strength and dignity and
48:34She laughs without fear of the future y'all still missing
48:38No, no no no no I saw I saw a few of my daughters. I saw a few of my daughters
48:42You don't mean no harm still wearing tight stuff to church a woman who loves God should never wear tight stuff to church
48:48Honestly, I would never wear tight stuff to church if I was a woman of God honestly
48:51But sometimes they think that's what makes them look pretty they got to show their shape. They got a Q shape
48:56I get it. They want to be found. They want to be noticed, but the Bible says she dresses herself in dignity
49:01Y'all just missing child one more time
49:03Y'all just miss she know she dresses herself with strength and nobility
49:08So it's not eyelashes for her. It's not just cute hair
49:11It's not all this stuff that can go away and Lord knows particularly if you married want to be married
49:16You should look as cute as you can every Sunday
49:18I believe that two women that should look pretty those who got a man and those that want one
49:22Praise God. Amen. So I have nothing against looking pretty but the Bible says she dresses herself and strength and nobility
49:29You thought that was the show that wasn't a show the Bible says and because she got so much strength. She smiled at the future
49:36I'm gonna say this one more time
49:39She laughs at the future
49:42Some of y'all haven't heard my son Mike McClure's new song. Ha ha ha which of y'all here praise God
49:48He says I'm laughing at the devil y'all miss that ha ha ha Mike this for you
49:54Let's do it one more time. Everybody stay with me. Ha ha ha
49:57Once you hear this song, he says I'm laughing at the devil. He says this woman got so much strength and nobility
50:02She don't know what her kids gonna pull. She don't know what a husband gonna do
50:05She don't know what's gonna happen with her mama, but she got so much strength and dignity. She didn't fix her face
50:09And so she's not letting anything take her smile
50:12She's smiling at the future and she don't even know what's coming. But devil you can't have my joy
50:17Devil, you're not gonna mess up my face
50:19Devil, you're not gonna mess up my disposition. I'm a strong woman of God and whatever coming
50:24I may have to cry sometime, but you still not gonna take my smile
50:28I may have tears in my eyes, but I'm gonna keep my face right for the last time hungry people say fix your
51:08Curse generational curses
51:15I curse father pain
51:18I curse mama pain
51:21What's ever taking your disposition from you?
51:25God sent you to church today. This series is going a lot of places
51:29Next week. I'm talking about how Nehemiah
51:31Start building that wall and Sam Ballard and the boys start coming
51:36Yeah, well, you're gonna do something great some enemies are coming
51:40The Bible said they had to have their twos in one hand and their sword in the other
51:47Next week's sermon look at somebody say use both hands. Go ahead. Praise God
51:56Don't miss next week's sermon then I'm gonna close the sermon out because the Bible says Nehemiah up there working
52:01The walls almost finished
52:03Everybody's on the same page
52:04Things are going well
52:06Husband and I getting along kids in a good space and here comes somebody from the past trying to pull us back
52:12I'm getting along with my husband. I'm getting along with my wife and one of my parents say something stupid to me
52:18Try to get me to to come to where they are
52:21Things are flowing in my life. Somebody find me on Facebook trying to pull me back and some valid in the boys
52:27They gonna ask him why don't you come down and talk to us?
52:32Nehemiah says I'm doing a great work
52:35And I can't come down
52:38So I'm gonna close my sermon out two weeks from now. Look at somebody say don't go down there. Go ahead. Tell somebody crazy
52:46No, don't go down there
52:48You too blessed to go back down there. They try to bring don't go down there
52:51Don't go down there you up here now. I know he was good in the bed, but don't go down there
52:57I know he was good in the bed, but don't go down there. You pass that now
53:04Want to preach I want to preach I want to preach how many of you know, he'll give you a wonderful rest
53:09How many of you know Jesus can give you wonderful rest get your communion ready. Get your communion ready
53:14Hope sing it for him. Come on y'all get ready. Come on, you better. Thank God for rest. Come on
53:27He'll give you
54:41Haven't served communion in two months
54:43He came in late. I was on sabbatical and then we had come as you are weekend. I
54:48Sort of committed to God I would never squeeze or rush communion. It's too important
54:53So every first weekend we plan to serve communion that could change
54:57But if you miss every Sunday of the month always try to make it on first Sunday
55:01Because that's the Sunday unless something changes
55:04I reserve that right that I plan to serve the supper Jesus said as often as you do this
55:09You show forth my death
55:11Do this in remembrance of me?
55:15He said regarding the blood drink ye all of it
55:19When couples get married I make the groom take a sip and then I the bride takes a sip and then I make the groom
55:24Drink the rest of it because he said drink all of me
55:28And you're gonna need all the Jesus to stay married. Amen
55:32And so today as we take communion, it is more than a cracker and juice
55:36It symbolizes what Jesus did for you. I speak healing over your life. I
55:41Speak forgiveness
55:44Not just for your sins, but for you to forgive your enemies
55:48For you to forgive parents who did the best they could where they were
55:52So that you can fix your face
55:54Fix your disposition
55:57Cancer does not win in the word church
56:0225 years. I don't remember doing a cancer funeral
56:06And we know that's one of the hardest diseases in the world
56:09A lot of you lost family members, maybe one or two, but cancer has no authority in this house
56:15To all of my members pastor. How can you say that because if it has a name
56:21Then it has to bow to the name of Jesus
56:25So cancer high blood pressure herpes. Come on. Talk to me somebody
56:30Depression, whatever you're dealing with if it has a name
56:33It has to bow to the name of Jesus
56:37The Bible says that night in the upper room do what I do. Jesus took bread and he broke it
56:41This is the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us eat together
56:46The precious shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us drink together
56:58Gotta stop I'm out of time, but I'm certainly not on the series
57:02I'm going to continue this teaching next week called the Nia Maya project
57:06Would you send this to somebody who needs to fix their face?
57:10Fix their disposition fix their attitude that God still has a plan for you. No matter what you've been through
57:16This is for entrepreneurs that help people in the workplace and workspace to maintain professionalism
57:21No matter what's going on in your life. They don't pay you to fix you
57:23They don't pay you to fix you they pay you for you to produce something
57:27I'm just hyped about this series tell everybody, you know, they have to watch the Nia Maya project. See you next week
