You Doing Too Much -- Dr. Dharius Daniels

  • avant-hier
00:00What's up YouTube family, Darius Daniels here, man, listen, you're about to, you're about
00:06to hear a message that's going to challenge you, but I think if you receive it, it'll
00:09change it.
00:10It's simply called you're doing too much.
00:12Here's what I want you to do.
00:13I want you to tap in and if it helps you, one request, hit that share button and send
00:18it to somebody else.
00:19Enjoy the message.
00:20In a series on the book of Proverbs, it's called, I'm too smart for this.
00:24And so I want us to look at the book of Proverbs chapter number 29, verse number 25.
00:29And I'm one 30.
00:30Let pastor talk to you.
00:32I've been tilling hard ground all day long.
00:40So I need those who know the worth of prayer to be praying for me as I teach this.
00:49And I need those who know how to talk back to the preacher to talk back because I didn't
00:55know how much deconstructing this sermon was doing.
01:01I don't, I don't feel like I've, I've been getting resistance all day, but I've get,
01:05I've been getting a lot of reflection.
01:08And so that's been really interesting and I wasn't expecting that.
01:12But so let's go to the book of Proverbs chapter 29, verse 25, it says the fear of man will
01:18prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
01:26I want to talk from this subject tag, this title to this text, you doing too much, clap
01:32your hands, one 30 help me.
01:37Holy ghost.
01:40As we leap into this lesson today, I want to expose an often unaddressed and undiagnosed
01:46emotional epidemic that is sweeping through our culture, sabotaging some success and stripping
01:54away our sense of self.
01:58This emotional crisis is causing many to offer their standards and their sanity on the altar
02:04of approval.
02:07It is an issue that if unaddressed leads to overwhelm, overextension, anxiety, and exhaustion.
02:14This issue I am speaking of is referred to by Dr. Harriet Breaker as the disease to please.
02:27She says the disease to please is a compulsive need to accommodate other people's wishes
02:33at the expense of one's personal wellbeing.
02:37It is an incessant need for external validation and approval that causes individuals to prioritize
02:44others expectations, opinions, and desires above their own wellbeing values and boundaries.
02:51Look at me.
02:52It is doing too much too often at your own expense.
03:00It is unconsciously assuming responsibility for that, which God has not given us responsibility
03:09We are responsible for our attitude and our actions, but we are not responsible for other
03:15people's emotions.
03:18And those who struggle with the disease to please have issues embracing and accepting
03:23this reality.
03:24And they operate with the illusion that they excel at making other people happy when the
03:30truth is they are experts at making themselves miserable.
03:35And this disease to please runs rampant in Christian context because as Christians we
03:45have been called and commissioned to live sacrificially.
03:49We've been called and commissioned to live with consideration of the other.
03:53We have been called and commissioned to live lives as those who serve God by serving other
04:04Yet at the same time, it is possible to apply a biblical truth in an unbiblical way.
04:13It's impossible to have the right intentions to do the right thing and end up doing the
04:18right thing with the right intentions the wrong way.
04:22Because the call to live sacrificially is not a call to self-destruction.
04:30Jesus said, love your neighbor as yourself, not at the expense of yourself.
04:39The command that Jesus gives to love is a command that is describing what God has done
04:47for us in and through Christ.
04:49This word love here, which makes it really complicated, right?
04:53When those of us who are in the Western part of the world and we use the English language
04:57because we're reading a book that was originally, the Bible, the New Testament at least, was
05:01originally written in Greek.
05:02And so the Greeks had different words for love.
05:05We got one word for love.
05:06I love my shoes and my mama, but we know I don't love my shoes like I love my mama, right?
05:11But it's the same word for love.
05:13But in the Greek language, when you're talking about your shoes, they use one word.
05:17And when you're talking about your mama, you use another word.
05:19If you're talking about brotherly love, they use like phileo.
05:22If you're talking about family love, they use like storge.
05:24If you're talking about erotic love, they use like, am I making sense, eros.
05:28But then Jesus doesn't use any of those words when he says love.
05:32He uses a word called agape.
05:34That's not a feeling.
05:35It's a decision.
05:41He never told us to feel something for your enemies.
05:44He said love them, but he wasn't saying feel.
05:47Because even if you try to feel, you're faking it.
05:49Well, let me go to, where's the real section?
05:53You don't like them like you like your mama.
05:54I don't care what you, let me go to this side.
05:57Agape, it's a decision.
06:01It's an unconquerable benevolence to be benevolent, a benevolence that will not be conquered by
06:06anger or by envy, a commitment that says, no matter how many knives you put in my back,
06:11I'm not putting one in yours.
06:16That I will always do what's in your best interest, regardless of what you do to me.
06:22And Jesus is saying, the way I intended for you to love people, you can't do that if you
06:26don't love yourself.
06:30And just because you call it love doesn't mean God does.
06:33No, I'm loving them, God's like, you're enabling.
06:41Come on.
06:42Did you hear what I just said?
06:43Just because we, because agape is doing what is in people's best interest.
06:47And sometimes doing what's best for them is not giving them what they want.
06:54I'm so glad Jesus didn't give Peter what he wanted.
06:59Because Peter didn't want him to go to the cross.
07:02But Jesus told Peter, get thee behind me.
07:04I love you enough to give you what you need, not what you want.
07:10I'm so glad he didn't give the disciples what they wanted when he talked about his imminent
07:14departure and they got sad and they got upset and they said, I don't want you to go away.
07:19And he said, it's good for me to go away.
07:21He said, if I don't go up, the comforter can't come down.
07:25He says, you have inaccurately assessed what you need.
07:32And so you're confusing what you need with what you want.
07:35You think you need me to be around, but you want me to be around.
07:39But you want me so bad to be around, you think it's a need.
07:42And I know what your real need is.
07:44I know this next season of your life requires me in spirit form.
07:48So I got to leave in bodily form so I can give you something in spirit form that will
07:55empower you to do more than watch me do what I did.
07:58It will empower you to do what I did and greater works than these shall you be able to do because
08:04of the spirit that's on the inside of you.
08:12So you can't confuse a scriptural command with your interpretation of it.
08:20The Bible is always right.
08:22Our interpretation isn't.
08:25And a lot of contention in Christian spaces is because people are conflating and confusing
08:31their interpretation with what the Bible actually says.
08:35I trust the book.
08:37That doesn't mean I have to trust your interpretation.
08:40Sisters, y'all should be saying amen to me right now because somebody's misinterpretation
08:49would have you not being able to say amen in church.
08:53Women keep silent.
08:54Y'all aren't talking to me.
09:06I'm talking about the disease to please.
09:12And some diseases have variants.
09:15And this disease to please has variants, expressions.
09:19One is a universal variant.
09:21This is a desire to please people, everyone, regardless of their significance in your life.
09:26This is when people are unnecessarily consumed, concerned, and controlled about the perspectives
09:32and opinions of people that don't know them enough to have an opinion.
09:39These are people who are making microscopic judgments from telescopic positions.
09:44A microscope is right on a thing.
09:46A telescope is far away from a thing.
09:49And how are people, some people are talking, they're not close enough to have that opinion.
09:58And then there is the selective variant, which is people not struggling with the disease
10:02to please with all people.
10:04They just struggle with some people, the same people.
10:15They good with some.
10:16They got hard boundaries with some people, but with other people.
10:23And no matter which variant we are dealing with, which vice comes from which variant,
10:28the vices are both equally lethal in their own way.
10:32They are spiritual satanic weapons of mass destruction.
10:36And this is an expression of a larger issue that King Solomon addresses in our foundational
10:42Harriet Breaker calls it the disease to please.
10:45But she is not the originator.
10:46She is not the original person who diagnosed the damaging and the detrimental impacts of
10:51this issue.
10:52But long before she was born, there was a king named Solomon who called it something
10:58He said it is the fear of man.
11:04And what Solomon says, I'm sorry, what Solomon says is, what Solomon says is the fear of
11:15man will prove to be a snare.
11:18Now when he says fear of man, he's not saying you're like afraid of people.
11:24The fear of man in a biblical sense does not refer to a phobia in the psychological sense
11:29of the word.
11:30It refers to an undue concern or anxiety about what others say, think, or do.
11:36Am I making sense here, family?
11:39It is the compulsive tendency to make people big and God small.
11:43It is valuing the opinion of people more than the opinion of God.
11:47It is living a life sentence in the prison of other people's opinions.
11:51It is the desire to keep a dysfunctional, toxic, unhealthy, unholy relationship with
11:54others at the expense of losing yourself.
12:00I'm not talking about a healthy desire to serve those that you're in relationship with.
12:05I'm not talking about a desire to please some people that you love.
12:08I'm talking about this unhealthy compulsive tendency that puts us in positions where we're
12:15behaving in ways at the expense of our own soul.
12:20Solomon says that's the fear of man and he says it will prove to be a snare.
12:29It will prove to be a snare, which means I don't always see the ramifications of this
12:35Sometimes it shows up eventually.
12:37It is the accumulation of this behavior.
12:40Am I making sense here?
12:42The Bible says will prove or will ultimately and inevitably end up being a snare.
12:48I think it's possible to underestimate the impact of this in our lives, family, because
12:58a snare is a trap that's hidden, designed to capture prey without immediately destroying
13:14Did you hear what I just said?
13:17A snare is a trap that's hidden.
13:23Hidden doesn't always mean invisible.
13:27Hidden can also mean indistinguishable.
13:32That you see something, but it don't look like what it is.
13:36You think it's one thing and then you find out it's a trap.
13:40Oh, this is a door and then you step through it and you say, this is a trap door.
13:50And so Solomon here is using an animalistic analogy to describe what this behavior ultimately
13:59does to us.
14:00He says it's a snare.
14:01And I want you to see some imagery here so that you got some imagery that's associated
14:05with what I'm articulating.
14:06See, this is an example of a snare.
14:08Now watch this.
14:09The snare itself doesn't take the life of an animal.
14:19The snare doesn't annihilate an animal.
14:23The snare immobilizes the animal.
14:28And so now because it's immobilized, it's vulnerable to annihilation.
14:36So if an animal is free, it has the mobility to get away from predators.
14:43But if it's ensnared, that which it would normally get away from now is able to get
14:51a hold of it.
14:56So it's not what the snare does to you.
15:01It's what the snare allows to be done to you.
15:06That becomes dangerous.
15:08So Pastor Darius, what does the snare allow?
15:17What is the danger associated with this disease to please?
15:24I got four things and I'm taking my seat.
15:28Do I have your permission to give them to you?
15:31Do you want me to give them to you?
15:34Do you want me to give them to you now?
15:37Do you want me to give them to you right now?
15:39All right.
15:40Well, since you asked, here's number one.
15:43The disease to please strips us of our strength spiritually.
15:49This is personified in a biblical character named Samson.
15:52Everybody say Samson.
15:54Come on, say it again.
15:55Say Samson.
15:56His story is found in the book of Judges and there's this individual named Samson who was
16:00what they were called back in those days, a Nazarite.
16:04And this means he was called to live with a unique degree of consecration.
16:09He was called to live with a unique degree of restriction because he experienced a unique
16:14degree of blessing.
16:16You cannot get one without the other.
16:18To whom much is given, much is required.
16:21More of anything means more of everything.
16:23Does that make sense?
16:24And so as a result of that, there are certain things that they shouldn't have done or weren't
16:28unable to do.
16:29They weren't supposed to touch carcasses for that matter.
16:32And Samson was blessed with unique superhuman, supernatural strength.
16:39So Israel's enemies, which was a group called the Philistines, could never attack Israel
16:44successfully as long as Samson was in the way.
16:49Boy, if I had time, Rick.
16:54As long as they had to deal with him, they couldn't get to them.
17:04So the enemy got together and contrived an all out assault against him.
17:12But the assault was against him, but it wasn't about him.
17:18He was the object of unique and intense spiritual warfare because he was standing in between
17:26what the devil wanted.
17:27I'm sorry.
17:28What the Philistines wanted, what the enemy wanted, and they couldn't get to.
17:35Might I suggest to you that it is possible that some of the unique, intense warfare you
17:41are dealing with is because the enemy knows who you are, but you don't.
17:48That the enemy knows you, the Samson in your family.
17:52That the enemy knows you, the Samson in your company.
17:55That the enemy knows you, the Samson on your job.
17:58Come on.
17:59That the enemy knows I can't get to them without getting through him or her.
18:07So here's what the enemy does.
18:08He's strategic.
18:09He says, okay, what I need to do, I'm strategic so I'm sequential.
18:14So I got to stop trying to attack him when he's strong because I can't win.
18:19So I need to figure out how to get to the source of his strength.
18:22So let me look at his life and let me find an area of weakness that I can exploit.
18:30And so the enemy looks at Samson's life and he says, okay, let me find, hmm, relationally,
18:40he got this thing for Philistine women, okay?
18:44His mom and daddy says, stay away from that one.
18:48He didn't.
18:49He tried to take her to the altar, it go real bad.
18:53So now he picks out of his trauma and then he ends up with a prostitute in Gaza.
19:00So if it was just the first one, it will be a problem.
19:04But now that there's a second one, it's a pattern.
19:07That's the area of weakness.
19:09So let me send him, I wish I could, I wish I could talk honest.
19:12You can't even talk honest in church, but I wish I could talk, he said, let me send
19:17him what he like.
19:21So he picked another Phili, y'all not talking to me.
19:24Y'all not talking to me.
19:27You're not tempted by what you don't want.
19:30Y'all are, the devil, he's like, he, he, I don't know what it is about them Philistine
19:39women, but he.
19:44So here's what happens.
19:45He sends Delilah.
19:48He's had traumatic to traumatic experiences in his relational life.
19:54And the damage has affected his discernment and he don't know it.
20:01So he's picking out of his pain.
20:04And when you pick out of your pain, you pick poorly because you choose what you think won't
20:12hurt you.
20:14Even if it's not what you really want.
20:20And so when you hurt, just not being hurt, feel good.
20:24And then when you get healed, you look up at what you pick.
20:32Y'all aren't talking to me.
20:35I need the 130 to help the Bishop teach the book.
20:50So he sees that pattern.
20:52So the Philistines hire a woman named Delilah to find the secret to his strength.
20:59And she, she would ask him, tell me the secret to your strength.
21:03She uses my love.
21:04She uses, I'm not going to bother this, but she uses love in a way that's similar to Jezebel.
21:12Because it's like, if you love me, you will tell me the secret to your strength.
21:27But because all he wants, he knows he hates being in pain.
21:32So he's fallen in love with the illusion of someone that makes him feel safe who ain't.
21:39If I had time.
21:43He thinks he's in love with an individual, but he's in love with what the individual,
21:49what he thinks the individual actually brings to his life.
21:53So his perception of her is she's an asset.
21:56But the truth is she's an assassin.
22:04So he's in love with who's been assigned to kill him.
22:11And if you read the story, she killing him softly.
22:28Tell me the secret to your strength.
22:30And then he tells us something that's not true.
22:33And then she tries to do it.
22:35But because he's in pain, it's affecting his perception.
22:38So he's explaining away a sign he should be paying attention to.
22:43Then he told us something else.
22:44She tried to do that too.
22:46Then as opposed to him, I want you to see her gaslighting.
22:52As opposed to him being upset with her after her trying to do that two times, she get upset
22:58with him because he not telling her the truth and he fall for it.
23:05He should have been like, why are you trying to kill me?
23:16Next week I'm preaching, you about to come out.
23:21No, I'm not.
23:22No, I'm not.
23:23No, I'm not.
23:24No, I'm not.
23:25That's not.
23:26No, I'm not.
23:27We're going to sit right here.
23:34We're going to sit here and think on this.
23:37We're going to sit here until we get free.
23:41This is change church.
23:43We're going to sit in it until we change.
23:47Until my mind change, my relationship change, my resources change.
23:52We don't play church over here.
23:55We about change.
24:00This is not a circus, this is a church.
24:06Here it is, here it is, here it is, listen.
24:15So he tells her the secret to his strength is his hair.
24:19You know what that woman do?
24:21When he fall asleep, she cut off the hair.
24:25And here's the way the enemy works.
24:27He's strategic, which means he's sequential.
24:30What's that mean pastor?
24:31It means he doesn't just know what to throw at us.
24:34He know when to throw it.
24:37So he sends Delilah to take the strength.
24:40Then when the strength is gone, he sends the Philistines because now he don't have fight
24:48So the enemy will send little things to wear you down.
24:52But the little things are set up for the big thing.
25:00And the Bible says, she says, Samson, wake up, the Philistines are coming.
25:06And he wakes up confident.
25:10And the Bible says he woke up and realized his strength is gone.
25:16He didn't feel himself losing strength, but he felt when he lost strength.
25:25Because sometimes you don't know you lost the thing until you need it and you reach
25:28for it and it's not there anymore.
25:33So don't see Delilah as a woman.
25:35This is why I try to preach this way.
25:37Because what happens is you miss the revelation.
25:40You got to see what she can represent.
25:43She can represent anything or anyone that you want to please to the point that you cut
25:47off what gives you strength spiritually.
25:50Does that make sense?
25:56This is why everybody single, listen to pastor, listen to pastor.
26:02I got one.
26:05This is why you got to trust God's timing.
26:11That phone being dry, that's God.
26:26Let me tell you why.
26:28Because some of you not at the place where you can be around and not get your hair cut.
26:36You in here every Sunday now.
26:41But the wrong person will have you walking around Atlantic station when you should be
26:45in the house of God.
26:47The wrong person will have you on the phone with them when you should be praying to him.
26:53The wrong person will have you in they face when you should be in his face.
26:58They cutting off that which gives you strength.
27:15But some of you, you know, when you get in a relationship, you do too much.
27:37Here's what's scary.
27:39The one he was pleasing that cost him his strength wasn't around when he needed his
27:49strength to fight the Philistines.
27:56So he ends up losing his strength and still lost Delilah.
28:05Now I can choose to stay stuck in the snare.
28:09Let's know if I do that, I'm choosing to be stripped of my strength spiritually.
28:15Number one, the disease to please strips me of my strength spiritually.
28:20Number two, the disease to please exhaust me emotionally.
28:31Somebody say I am not God.
28:34This means I do have limits.
28:38My limits are only removed in the area where they restrict God's intentions.
28:46But limitations are not for your restriction, they're for your protection.
28:53They are a human divine distinctive.
28:57You can't even steward something properly if you think you have unending access to it.
29:09And some of us are emotionally bankrupt because people pleasing depletes you emotionally.
29:19And so there's fruit of the spirit that should show up in the emotional realm of our life,
29:26joy and peace that keeps getting depleted because we are engaging in behavior similar
29:36to Pilate in John 19.
29:38Verse 12 says from then on Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jewish leaders kept
29:46shouting if you let this man go, you're no friend of Caesar.
29:52See how they're trying to use the fear of Caesar to manipulate Pilate's behavior.
29:58See this is the man that's making the decision whether or not Jesus is going to experience
30:02Roman capital punishment.
30:04The Roman equivalent of the electric chair was a cross.
30:07Now I don't have time to deal with that, but I would, I would.
30:14So in those days, if you were a cross around your neck, it'd be the equivalent of you wearing
30:18an electric chair around your neck now.
30:22So it's a, so when we were a cross, it's a revelation of redemption.
30:26Boy, I can't, I can't, I can't.
30:31God redeems the thing just because it meant something then doesn't mean it means the same
30:37thing now.
30:38And if you don't understand the, I don't want to say this cause I don't want to make it
30:41feel like I'm throwing up.
30:44But if you don't understand the revelation of redemption, there are certain people that
30:47won't allow you to do anything because they'll always tell you this came from that and that
30:52came from this and you shouldn't do this because well, the cross was not spiritual in its origin.
30:59It was Roman and, and thieves got put there.
31:05As a matter of fact, Jesus was crucified between two of them.
31:10But when God put his hand on the thing, I don't care what it meant before he put his
31:15hand on it.
31:17After he put his hand on it, it changes things and somebody ought to testify.
31:22He not only changes things, he changed me.
31:26I was one way, but then he put his hand on it and after he put his hand on me, pick me
31:34up, turn me around.
31:46I'm done.
31:52It exhausts.
31:53But give me, give me, give me, give me verse 16.
31:56Give me verse 16.
31:58verse sixteen says that verse
32:06handed him over to be charged.
32:08They just, they just kept
32:09shouting and emotionally, it
32:12wore him down to the point
32:14where he's emotionally
32:16exhausted. Yes, sir. So, he
32:17gives away what he should be
32:19keeping. and the disease, the
32:22pleas will have you given away
32:26what you should be keeping.
32:34Number three, the disease, the
32:35pleas. I'm done, Tario. The
32:36disease, the pleas warps us
32:38relationally. Yeah. To be warped
32:40means something is distorted.
32:43It's contorted in a way that
32:46makes it dysfunctional or
32:48unhealthy. We see this in the
32:52life of Peter. The Bible says
32:55in verse number eleven, the
32:56apostle Paul testifies. He
32:58said, when I came to Antioch,
33:01when Peter came to Antioch, I
33:03opposed him to his face. To
33:05his face. Because he stood
33:07condemned. He says, before
33:10certain men came from James,
33:11he used to eat with the
33:12Gentiles. But when other
33:15people arrived, he began to
33:16draw back and separate
33:17himself. Did y'all catch that?
33:20Yes, sir. So, when certain
33:21people weren't around, he was
33:22cool with certain people. He
33:25was cool with the Gentiles,
33:26right? Then all of a sudden,
33:27the Jews come around and they
33:28got this little thing with
33:29Gentiles and now he's acting
33:30funny. And Paul said, now,
33:31wait a minute. He says, you're
33:35a leader. And he says, you're
33:37doing this from the Gentiles
33:38because he was afraid of those
33:41for your man that belong to
33:44the circumcision group. And
33:45here's what's scary. And this
33:47is how dysfunction perpetuates
33:48itself in religious spaces.
33:51Because Peter is an incredibly
33:52gifted and anointed leader. Is
33:55this incident that happened in
33:57Galatians was after the day of
33:59Pentecost. So, he's preached
34:00and 5,000 people that got
34:01saved. Got me? Acts 3 has
34:06happened. The man at the gate
34:07called Beautiful, who was
34:09begging, who was lame, but
34:10begging for money. And Peter
34:12says, sit and go, have I none
34:13but such as I have, I give
34:14unto you in the name of Jesus,
34:15rise up and walk. That miracle
34:16had happened. But here, the
34:19body of Christ is being
34:20impacted, not because of the
34:23absence of gift, but because
34:25of unaddressed flaw in
34:26character. So, when the
34:29character issues aren't dealt
34:31with in the pulpit, they
34:36produce patterns in the pew.
34:37Because you teach what you
34:41know. You reproduce who you
34:42are. I got Bible. I got
34:45Bible. Verse 13, the other
34:49Jews joined him in his
34:52hypocrisy. The other Jews
34:55joined him in his hypocrisy.
34:57Is that the book? That by
35:00their hypocrisy, even
35:01Barnabas, even Barnabas was
35:05led astray. Barnabas was
35:08Paul's partner in ministry.
35:10Paul looking at Barnabas,
35:11what you doing, man? But it's
35:17easy to assume that because
35:18somebody is used greatly
35:20publicly, they're worth
35:21following privately. So,
35:28Barnabas is like, I mean,
35:29this man is preaching and
35:305,000 people are getting
35:31saved and people are getting
35:32healed through his ministry.
35:33Of course, I'm just going to
35:35do what he does. He says
35:41they were led astray by his
35:42hypocrisy. Hypocrisy. You
35:47know what that means? To be
35:48an actor. It is the absence
35:52of authenticity. So, people
35:56please in warps relationships
35:58because the real you never
35:59get to show up. Acting is
36:05exhausting. That's a warped
36:10relationship. Well, the real
36:14you, please stand up. I'm
36:23overtime. Number four, it
36:29derails our destiny. A few
36:32weeks ago, I talked to you
36:33about the difference between
36:34purpose and destiny. I want
36:35to use the life of a biblical
36:36character named Saul. Saul
36:39said to Samuel, I have sinned.
36:40I violated the Lord's command
36:42and your instructions. Listen
36:44to what he says. I was afraid
36:46of the men. So, I gave in to
36:49them. Fear man. So, y'all
36:56remember when David became
36:57king? The only reason he
36:58became king is because Saul
36:59derailed his destiny. And
37:01when you look at the moral
37:02character of both of those
37:03men from human standards,
37:05David was a much less moral
37:07man than Saul. David's sin
37:10was way more egregious than
37:12Saul. It was ridiculous. All
37:15Saul did was not kill all the
37:16people. God said, but David,
37:19geez. But God's like, yeah,
37:23I'm moving you Saul and I'm
37:24replacing you with David
37:26because I can use people that
37:27aren't perfect. I can't use
37:29people I can't trust. And the
37:32reason, the reason you can't
37:35go as far as I want you to go
37:37is because I can't trust what
37:39voice you're going to listen
37:40to. And I'm not going to
37:43compete for your obedience.
37:47Not in this seat. I got to
37:49have kings I can trust to do
37:52what I say. So, there was
38:00potential. He never got to
38:01argue. People pleasing makes
38:03us unpredictable when it
38:04comes to carrying out
38:05assignments. So, there was a
38:08seat that Saul was destined
38:09to occupy that he couldn't
38:11because he couldn't be trusted
38:12to obey the right master.
38:17You've been called to do too
38:18much, to attempt to do it
38:21being stripped of spiritual
38:22strength, emotionally
38:24exhausted, warped
38:27relationally, and derailed
38:29from destiny. And it comes
38:32from a snare we don't talk
38:35about frequently in church.
38:37It's almost like we keep
38:38talking about the same kind
38:40of bondage over and over and
38:42over. And there's other
38:44stuff that the enemy is using
38:46to undermine God's best for
38:48our life. Listen to me, I'm
38:50done. So, pastor, what do I
38:54do about this? The answer is
38:57in the text. The fear of man
38:58will prove to be a snare, but
39:00whoever trusts in the Lord is
39:01kept safe. The phrase to be
39:03kept safe or set on high
39:06means to be exalted, lifted
39:07up, or placed in a position
39:09of security. It evokes the
39:10imagery of being protected
39:11from danger or harm because
39:14you're out of reach. There's
39:17something wants to get to you
39:18but it can't because you're
39:20out of reach. Trusting God
39:24puts you out of reach. So,
39:29the question comes down to
39:30this, the antidote to the
39:31fear of man is trusting God.
39:33The question comes down to
39:34this, do I trust that God
39:37will keep me satisfied? Do I
39:40trust that God will keep me
39:42sane? Do I trust that God
39:46will keep me safe? And do I
39:49trust that God orchestrates
39:52my success? And everything
39:56that I've mentioned to you is
39:59seen in the life of our
40:00ultimate example, Jesus, my
40:03redeemer and my rabbi. He's
40:07an example of one who lived
40:09with this kind of trust, one
40:13who feared God the Father
40:16more than men. And Jesus
40:22didn't do it just to show us
40:24he could do it. He did it to
40:28show you you could. Father,
40:35I pray that the sword of the
40:39spirit, which is the word of
40:40God, cuts the rope of the
40:43snare of the fear of man. In
40:47this moment, we declare who
40:49we belong to. We belong to
40:52you. We live for an audience
40:57of one. We trust you to keep
41:02us satisfied, to keep us sane,
41:08to keep us safe, and to give
41:11us, according to Joshua 1,
41:14good success. In Jesus' name.
41:17Amen. You receive this?
41:27Listen, I told you this
41:31message was going to challenge
41:32you, but hopefully it changes
41:35you. If this added value to
41:36your life and you want to sow
41:38back into the field you're
41:38harvesting from, ways to give
41:40are here on the screen. And as
41:42always, if this helped you, do
41:44me one favor, send it to
41:45somebody else. Take care.
