• l’année dernière


00:00:00 Hey lighthouse nation, listen, I wanted to come on personally and apologize to you for the
00:00:04 Technical difficulties we had today. I mean the service
00:00:08 Was nothing short of amazing so I know why the enemy didn't want you to see it
00:00:14 but if you didn't get a chance to give because of
00:00:16 The internet dropping I want to give you an opportunity to give listen. We are in a vision season
00:00:23 We're building new things for people
00:00:25 I want to tell you that we blessed a young lady with a seed in service today
00:00:31 We you can watch it on channel 26
00:00:34 I believe how we just blessed a family
00:00:37 With the new lawn and and an 80 year old couple that doesn't have to worry about their grass
00:00:42 or the family whose rent we just paid for the rest of the year and
00:00:46 the free haircuts were going to give to their sons for the rest of the year or the
00:00:50 Large down donation that we just gave to a foundation to help boys and girls go to summer camp
00:00:56 We're doing the work of the Lord, but we can't do it without you
00:00:59 So they're gonna put giving instructions in the caption on the screen
00:01:03 however
00:01:03 they're going to do it and you can go to our website LH Houston church and so your seed or
00:01:08 Through our app or whatever means give the fire you do it, but we need your help because there's a lot of work to be done
00:01:14 and
00:01:15 We don't have much time to do it
00:01:17 There is more vision to come and your faithfulness is going to help us to accomplish the goals that God has given us
00:01:24 So please register your gift give your ties give your offering watch the entire service 5 p.m. Central Standard Time today
00:01:31 Monday at 7 p.m. And I'll see you online. I love you and God bless you
00:01:36 Second Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 11 says so that
00:01:42 We may not be exploited by Satan
00:01:46 For we are not ignorant of his schemes
00:01:50 Now when I arrived in Troas to proclaim the gospel of Christ
00:01:57 Even though the Lord had opened a door of opportunity for me. I
00:02:03 Had no relief in my spirit because I did not find my brother Titus there
00:02:11 Watch this so even though the Lord opened the door and and and he didn't get what he expected
00:02:16 He did what some of us would do when we get to a door that God opened
00:02:22 But we are not satisfied with what's on the other side of the door
00:02:26 The Bible says I said goodbye to them and went where I wanted to go
00:02:30 Come on church. I said goodbye and I went and I set out for Macedonia
00:02:38 But here is my verse
00:02:41 But thanks be to God
00:02:43 Who always leads us in triumphant and
00:02:49 triumphal
00:02:51 processions in Christ and
00:02:54 Who makes known?
00:02:56 through us the fragrance that
00:02:59 consists of the knowledge of him in
00:03:04 Every place how many of you know God is in every place?
00:03:08 Paul went to a door that God opened
00:03:14 But because what he expected to happen didn't happen
00:03:22 He left and went to a place where he was comfortable
00:03:29 How many of you've ever?
00:03:31 How many of you've ever been exhausted?
00:03:34 By expecting things to be
00:03:39 The way you plan for them to be come on talk to me
00:03:42 And I'm gonna encourage you this morning, but I want to talk to people
00:03:47 Who are exhausted because of expectations?
00:03:52 Exhausted
00:04:01 Because of expectations how many of you all are exhausted because you expect it if you were good to them. So you expect it
00:04:08 When you when you were doing well
00:04:14 They were doing well. Now you need a little help and you can't even rely on the people you used to help
00:04:21 The entire relationship you've been the one saying you've been sorry the whole time
00:04:30 Now now now you need to hear it you can't even get it back it's it's it's exhausting
00:04:38 To have expectations, but by the time we finish this message today you will be encouraged
00:04:46 Because no matter what the enemy has planned for you
00:04:51 God will turn it around and make it work for
00:04:59 Your good if you believe it give your neighbor a high-five on your way down to your seat and tell them everything is gonna be alright
00:05:05 Exhausted
00:05:10 Because of expectations
00:05:13 How many Bible readers do I have in here
00:05:19 Good time I read the Bible and man God be confusing sometime
00:05:28 I've ever read the Bible and saw something to say, huh?
00:05:31 I'm be honest with you. I read the Bible every day, but when I get to those names
00:05:40 I'm like God. Do I really need to know them? I can't even really pronounce it like that
00:05:49 but
00:05:52 The Bible is full of these
00:05:55 huh moments
00:05:57 that
00:05:58 Is to say in my own estimation that there are times when I search the scriptures and I am rendered
00:06:05 clueless as to the purpose of
00:06:09 What God was actually trying to do and and and I cannot let's just level the playing field
00:06:15 I got I'm up here y'all down there. That's cool. I've been called to do this
00:06:18 But but that don't mean that I always know what God talking about
00:06:24 I don't have no superpower. I don't you know, I got a well, I got a closet that I pray in
00:06:30 I don't know if I got a prayer closet
00:06:32 No, I mean, I know I know I do have a direct line of God
00:06:36 He speaks to me and and I speak to him but at the end of the day, I'm just like you
00:06:41 I'm I'm I'm I'm praying and fasting to hear clearly from him and sometimes I'm like bro. What are you saying?
00:06:49 What do you want me to do like what you want me to do next and why I gotta say sorry I ain't do nothing wrong
00:06:54 Why I gotta be the bigger person why I got to turn the other cheek
00:06:58 Why can't I throw these hands like I say all that stuff
00:07:00 And then and then he lets me know that the battle is not mine
00:07:07 That it belongs to him and that
00:07:11 Me getting involved in the matter that he's already handled is to circumvent the process
00:07:17 But every once in a while God will say something to me and I'm like, huh?
00:07:21 What do you what are you really asking of?
00:07:25 Me what what what will thou have me?
00:07:29 To do
00:07:33 Recently when I read this text
00:07:35 the Bible says and we just read it when he came with your ass to preach the gospel and I
00:07:40 Got to this part and I said hum because if you read it like I read it
00:07:45 it says that God brought him to a door of opportunity and
00:07:50 Because the opportunity did not meet his expectations
00:07:54 he turned around and left and
00:07:57 Went to Macedonia. I just want to see if I can get and back me
00:08:01 I'm gonna have to help me too because y'all y'all a little further than they are up here. But how many of y'all ever
00:08:06 came to church and
00:08:09 And the parking lot was a little full or you know
00:08:13 It didn't look like and get in and he was like, well, you know what it must not meant for me to be here today
00:08:18 I'm just going
00:08:20 How many of y'all ever how many of y'all ever used inconvenience as a way of leaving the place you didn't want to go to
00:08:26 anyway
00:08:27 I'm gonna raise your hand
00:08:29 It must not meant to be because if it was meant for me to be would have been the place. I
00:08:33 Mean it just literally when I read this text I was like hump because Paul
00:08:41 Paul wasn't just a nearby. He wasn't a novice. Paul was a learned man. He was an educated man
00:08:47 Paul speaks multiple languages. He speaks Hebrew. He speaks Greek. He speaks all these different languages
00:08:51 he was an entrepreneur because the because the
00:08:53 Josephus lets us know that he was a tent maker. So he actually made money. So when God met him, he wasn't broke
00:08:59 He made ten he had to leave something behind
00:09:04 In order to serve God and I want to talk to people who think that ministry is why you were born
00:09:11 It is why you were born, but you need to be caught doing something before God calls you up
00:09:15 You can't just sit around and do nothing say I've been called to ministry
00:09:20 Peter was called away from fishing Paul was called away from tent making
00:09:24 Some of the other disciples were called away from tax collecting because you need to be doing something to do something
00:09:30 God is not looking for lazy Christians to to stir up
00:09:34 He wants to stir up the gift in you
00:09:37 But you have to already be doing something touch three people say do something do something
00:09:40 I don't care if you start a cupcake company. I don't care if you bake cookies and burn them
00:09:45 I don't care if you do extensions and can't get them to stay in I don't care but do something
00:09:49 I'll do something start a nail business
00:09:52 Even if you don't know how to buff them do something do something because when God finds you he needs to find you doing
00:09:59 Something because he's gonna take that energy that you're pouring into something
00:10:03 and
00:10:05 Use it for his glory. He said Paul
00:10:07 He called him and where did he call Paul?
00:10:10 He called him on the road to Damascus
00:10:12 What was Paul on his way to do?
00:10:15 murder Christians
00:10:17 So even on the road to the wrong thing God still called him
00:10:21 Don't don't let people make you think that God is looking for people who just do right all the time
00:10:25 Let me just see if I can find is there at least a hundred people in this room and say I do not do
00:10:31 Right all the time
00:10:34 Just me and Marina I guess just us. All right, I don't do right all the time, but I'm still gonna be used now
00:10:40 I'm still I'm still about the business of God. I'm still I'm still called
00:10:44 I still have an anointing on my life Paul was on his way
00:10:48 God says oh no Paul. We've got to change all of this and he blinds him
00:10:52 Bible says that scales came over his eyes. He fell down to the ground
00:10:57 He couldn't see for three days and men led him to his next place. See the problem wasn't being blind
00:11:03 The problem isn't that you can't see the problem is you don't have anybody around you who will help you see
00:11:07 The problem isn't that you're blind now is that you didn't pick well when you have sight talk to me somebody
00:11:14 So if you pick well when you have sight you'll get to the destination when you lose sight
00:11:20 I just want to see if you're sitting next to somebody who will help you praise them if you go blind
00:11:24 Just tell him would you help me?
00:11:26 Would you help me if I go blind? Would you help me if I get discouraged doing the message?
00:11:31 Would you help me if I get in my feelings in the next 20 minutes? Would you help me?
00:11:35 I don't need a lot of help just a little bit. Would you help me if I couldn't find my way?
00:11:40 Come on Paul
00:11:45 With your felony and your record and all them bodies and
00:11:50 I'm gonna call you
00:11:54 to the next level
00:11:56 Jesus I who me the murderer. No. Yes you
00:12:01 Cuz once I finish cleaning you up
00:12:03 Once I finish straightening you up
00:12:07 I don't want anybody to doubt that it was me that had my hand on you the entire time
00:12:13 Listen, I ain't got time to play with y'all today. I want to find at least 300 people
00:12:18 Who will just repeat these words if it had not been?
00:12:22 You finish the sentence for the Lord
00:12:26 You
00:12:28 Don't you don't want to know me without Jesus come on you don't want to I ain't that good with him
00:12:37 You don't want to know me
00:12:39 Without Jesus if it had not been for the Lord on my side
00:12:42 JJ I don't know where I
00:12:48 Don't know why I do know I
00:12:51 Do know I do know where I would be. I hate to think about where I would be. I know exactly
00:12:56 Where I'd be I'd be on my way to hell
00:12:58 I'd be on my way somewhere to lift up my eyes because in me dwelleth no good thing
00:13:03 Paul said of all sinners. I am the chief sinner, but it is the righteousness of God
00:13:08 That makes us whiter
00:13:13 Than snow
00:13:15 We know for a fact. I don't think anybody he could doubt we know Lewis
00:13:19 We know he was we know Paul was committed to the gospel. We know that right?
00:13:23 You've been preaching a long time. You know this I know you know this he's he's been committed to the gospel
00:13:28 He once he stopped killing people
00:13:30 Paul was sold out like all of the churches you read about the church at
00:13:34 Ephesus the church had Rome the church at Corinth all of these books on the Bible Paul started those churches
00:13:40 Are either through a surrogate start of the churches half of the New Testament was written by a murderer
00:13:50 Okay, so so so we know he was committed to the gospel and and he kept
00:13:55 Preaching no matter what I I got I got a clip that that that somebody told me to post
00:14:02 Last week and I gave it to our team. I've been saying all week about stay with it
00:14:07 Because cuz Paul Paul was on his way
00:14:10 To Damascus to kill Christians and God called him to preach and he went blind
00:14:16 But but that ain't even the beginning of his story when Paul starts telling us everything that he went through in order to do his
00:14:22 job, I promise you
00:14:24 99% of this room would quit
00:14:28 If you have to go through what Paul went through I
00:14:32 Promise you you will quit I can hear you saying no. I'm a G cuz I won't quit
00:14:37 Okay, the Bible says five times. They took a whip and beat me on my back 39 times now
00:14:43 I guarantee you after the first hit they would have read about you in the newspaper talking about
00:14:49 Christian kills couple on the corner by Kmart. I already know you would and I even know more Kmart's left
00:14:56 39 times
00:15:01 Because it said 40 minus 1 I was beat on the back with lashes
00:15:05 That's the picture of Christ being crucified who took 39 lashes prior to his crucifixion
00:15:13 Five times Jesus went through it once he went through it five times
00:15:16 Five times you're not getting me lashes cat of nine tails
00:15:20 claws
00:15:22 Metal glass hit in his back ripping skin away five times
00:15:27 You seen 12 years a slave
00:15:32 39
00:15:35 Lashes to the back five times he said but I showed up to church the next morning
00:15:40 He says three times. I was beaten with the rod and then I went to church
00:15:45 He says listen. I want to tell you I was shipwrecked three times and one night
00:15:53 I stayed out on the ocean all night and day floating on
00:15:57 broken pieces
00:15:59 He said he says I almost drowned in a river. I had epsom epilepsy. I couldn't sleep. I was hungry
00:16:05 I was thirsty. I had a thorn placed in my flesh
00:16:08 Let's not be exalted above measure and every time I went through one of those things I showed up and did my job
00:16:14 You don't have an excuse not to worship because you stressed out
00:16:17 You don't have an excuse not to come to church because you had a bad breakup
00:16:21 You don't have an excuse not to worship God because you don't get enough money on the job
00:16:25 I will bless the Lord at all times and it's praise
00:16:35 Paul went through hell and high water, but he stayed with it
00:16:38 Paul
00:16:42 praise God
00:16:44 No matter what he was going through how many of y'all will admit you let your life determine how good you gonna shout
00:16:52 Yeah, you do you come to church and you walk in I need prayer church
00:16:57 Somebody pray for me David said I was glad when they said unto me
00:17:03 Let us go into the house of
00:17:05 The Lord have you ever gotten an argument and couldn't praise God because you was rehearsing the argument the whole time in church
00:17:11 You the whole time in church was praying Lord release me from this anger. I don't want to be mad Lord
00:17:17 Lord help me to forgive listen
00:17:19 I don't know who you mad at but when you come in here, it don't matter when you walk in this sanctuary
00:17:23 You lift your hands you lift your voice you lift your heart you you you you give him a new song
00:17:31 Paul says I still showed up and I did my job. I was sleepy, but I did my job
00:17:36 I was thirsty, but I did my job. I was hungry and I did my job
00:17:40 I don't know who I'm talking to but just touch somebody say do your job
00:17:43 Whatever vision you have you're gonna have to do it thirsty
00:17:46 Whatever vision you have you're gonna have to do it hungry
00:17:49 Whatever vision you have you're gonna have to do it
00:17:51 If you got a boo or you got an ex whatever you're going to you're gonna have to do your job
00:17:56 Don't let no breakup make you forget your vision. Don't let no depression make you forget why you were born
00:18:01 Don't let a divorce make you crawl up in a hole and want to die
00:18:04 Don't let losing a job make you feel like you are worthless. You are still God's man
00:18:09 You are still God's woman and come hell or high water. You got to do your job
00:18:14 You still got to open the business. You still got to open the company. You still got to raise the child
00:18:21 You still gotta go to work slap somebody and say do it anyway
00:18:26 I
00:18:28 Am I talking to I know I'm talking to somebody don't you let that devil make you quit because the I
00:18:34 Because of your expectations. I know you thought that by now you'd be married. I know you thought by now you have children
00:18:41 I know you thought by now you have enough money for all of your bills
00:18:45 But the truth is you're still single you're still broke and you're still confused do your job anyway
00:18:52 Do
00:18:54 Your job anyway, I'm looking for somebody if I don't say nothing else I came to tell you do your job anyway
00:19:02 Do your job anyway show up. Anyway, high-five somebody who look like they got God in them and tell them show up anyway
00:19:08 When you made the reservations
00:19:12 Yes
00:19:13 You put plus one and you wrote Earl's name on it and now you got to show up cuz early you ain't together no more
00:19:19 But go in there and when they ask you where Earl let tell him in his skin minding his business
00:19:25 But I'm here now. Do you want me here or do you want Earl here? I'm here
00:19:30 Stop letting people make you feel insecure because your circumstances ain't the same. I thought I was in love
00:19:42 I don't like him no more, but I'm here
00:19:47 Yeah, I brought him to church and I told you we were getting married I called it off but I still am here to get my
00:19:53 job done I
00:19:55 Didn't go through the marriage and I didn't go through it because I realized I was going through it because y'all thought I should go
00:20:06 Through it. I called it off because the Holy Spirit told me not to settle and yes, I'm single again
00:20:11 And yes, I dated somebody again. That ain't your business. I'm here to do my job
00:20:17 I wish everybody just minding business. That's what I'm trying to say
00:20:21 Look at it as she go again should dating somebody else shut your mouth
00:20:29 You ain't no different than her you just date in the dark. You ain't no different than her
00:20:45 I'm you stop cuz I almost got attitude Lonnie. I don't like when people be in other people business all of their business
00:20:51 Ain't none of yours
00:20:53 That's why you can't handle yours because you were there
00:21:00 Look at all the nosy people can't say nothing just
00:21:07 I'm still gonna be I'm still gonna do it
00:21:11 I don't care what he said
00:21:13 Touch three people say mind your business
00:21:35 That's why you can't see that the door is open cuz you've got your face and your attention in a direction
00:21:41 That has nothing to do to you. Paul said that was a wide door that was open unto me
00:21:47 Okay, not just a door see have you ever bought furniture
00:21:55 Have you ever bought furniture, but you didn't do the measurements
00:22:05 And be like, oh I need this couch
00:22:07 Yeah, deliver tomorrow six o'clock six o'clock come they kind of bring it in up mail
00:22:12 Can we take the dough off the hinges
00:22:17 Yeah, have you ever you gotta flip it sideways and you gotta bag it in and you gotta lift it up
00:22:22 Because sometimes the thing you get is bigger than the door you have
00:22:28 You better make sure that your door is wide enough
00:22:35 Somebody
00:22:37 Just shout for five seconds say God give me double doors
00:22:41 Give me double door give me wide doors
00:22:44 Give me the kind of door when I don't have to measure to see if I can receive the gift
00:22:49 Why doors Paul said that was a wide door?
00:22:52 That was a there was a that was a there was a wide door this is first Corinthians 1689
00:22:59 He says there was there was there was there was a wide door watch what he says
00:23:03 He says I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost for a wide door for effective work has opened to me
00:23:12 see if you stop at the opportunity because
00:23:17 You are exhausted because of what happened before
00:23:25 If you get depressed because people don't pop confetti every time you walk into the room
00:23:30 If you stop dating because the last loser you had made you feel like all people are bad oh
00:23:39 Y'all ain't gotta say nothing
00:23:43 If you stop trusting everybody cuz somebody broke your trust
00:23:48 If you stop going to church because you got church hurt at a church
00:23:55 You're gonna miss the door because all doors worth going into are in front of you. I've never seen anybody back
00:24:01 Into a door Paul said I press
00:24:06 Toward the door the mark I need you to go forward stop always going backwards because you recognize
00:24:14 What's behind you old things are passed away?
00:24:17 Behold all things become new
00:24:21 God
00:24:23 Has opened a wide door for you
00:24:26 He's opened a wide door, but all you keep doing is looking back at the hurt
00:24:34 Lord I want to be married, but I hate him
00:24:42 I
00:24:44 Know you calling me to ministry, but I got so much church hurts because last time I was at church
00:24:59 If you hate your pain we sure can't tell
00:25:11 Cuz
00:25:13 Most of y'all talk about what you've been through and you don't even have a conversation for what you're going to
00:25:18 Just listen to most people I've been through so much I've
00:25:24 Been through so much. Oh, you don't know how much I've been through
00:25:31 It's another option I
00:25:35 Have survived so many things
00:25:39 You don't even know what the devil tried to do to keep me from making it but after all I've been through I'm still
00:25:46 I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to praise God if you're still here. Oh
00:25:52 My god, I need everybody who's still here find you somebody who got the joy of the Lord and
00:26:02 Smack their hand like you trying to smack it off and tell them baby. I'm still here after all the hell
00:26:09 I've been through I'm still here after what the devil tried to do to me. I'm still here and guess what?
00:26:16 I'm going nowhere
00:26:20 I
00:26:22 Okay
00:26:34 What is your name ma'am? Cuz you've been preaching with me all day. Can you tell me your name?
00:26:37 Lashonda let's preach this thing girl. Listen, the Bible says that Paul says
00:26:43 That what who?
00:26:48 I promise you you ain't got a hutch. Talk to me baby. Look he says I went to a wide door
00:26:55 Watch what he says
00:26:59 But with the door came an adversary
00:27:02 And this is why most people
00:27:12 Never walk through the door
00:27:15 It's because they get scared by
00:27:17 I'm getting married this year first argument on that. Mm-hmm. God ain't no worth my peace. I want to be happy
00:27:31 I
00:27:33 Because trauma
00:27:49 Will put a force field at an open door and make you bag off of your opportunity because you've been through something before
00:27:57 Somebody
00:27:59 Hurt your feelings and you'll never show up like that again
00:28:06 Somebody didn't accept it the way you wanted it. Somebody didn't just they didn't just praise you the way you expected it after
00:28:13 I ain't doing nothing for nobody else because the one time I did try to do it
00:28:17 Maybelle didn't accept it the way I wanted it
00:28:20 I
00:28:22 So what you do you just
00:28:31 Bagging away from the door God. Give me the door
00:28:34 But you bagging Oh God open the opportunity God. I want to be a supervisor
00:28:39 But every time somebody got a complaint you want to quit. Well, how you gonna run something if you can't take complaints?
00:28:49 Here you are you want to be a supervisor, but you don't like people
00:28:52 Because really you just want to pay you don't want the responsibility
00:28:58 Asking God for big things, but God don't give big things to little people
00:29:06 I'm just bagging out
00:29:10 I've been through so much and I don't want to go through no much again, but God give me everything I'm praying for but I
00:29:16 don't want to
00:29:19 I think old song writer said two steps forward
00:29:22 Three steps
00:29:27 Back
00:29:29 Every door comes with an adversary
00:29:33 David was anointed King door saw adversary
00:29:45 Joseph second-in-command over Pharaoh's house door
00:29:49 jealous brothers
00:29:52 Adversary because every door comes with a lock
00:29:58 Every door comes with an adversary
00:30:04 You have to get to the place where you understand and expect that every time you go up
00:30:12 I
00:30:14 Was sitting this week with one of the most
00:30:25 amazing prolific
00:30:29 wealthiest
00:30:31 smartest people on the planet I
00:30:34 felt
00:30:37 So small in his presence I
00:30:41 Mean he was just I was looking at
00:30:43 the
00:30:45 The way in which his organization was running and I I'm learning because I don't go nowhere without taking notes
00:30:52 So I walk up to the individual and
00:30:59 Other individual introduces me to the person and I go up to shake the gentleman's hand
00:31:09 because I feel
00:31:11 Small and I go to shake his hand and he starts to cry
00:31:17 And he says I wouldn't have made it without you
00:31:23 He said
00:31:34 He said you don't even know how many dark corners you've talked me out of
00:31:39 He said I got billionaire friends that called me say who this little pastor Keon dude not that language, but I'm just it's the church
00:31:49 Because all my life being humble I just
00:32:00 Bagging off my anointing not really realizing that God was doing something with me because
00:32:05 The devil wanted me to feel small
00:32:08 But in that moment and God is getting ready to do it for you when he said that to me
00:32:12 I felt scales coming off of my body
00:32:14 I felt my posture starts to stand up not in arrogance
00:32:19 But I began to say he who has began this good work in me. It's gonna establish it into the day
00:32:24 I want somebody here to square your shoulders and lift your back up because no matter what you think about yourself
00:32:30 God is using you to do a mighty thing and I don't need you
00:32:34 Exhausted because of what you went to because God is about to take you to a level where eyes have not seen it
00:32:42 Is have not heard you can't even imagine what God is doing with your life
00:32:47 Touch your neighbor say I feel small but I ain't
00:32:53 (laughter)
00:32:55 He said you got you got billionaires watching you on Sunday morning
00:33:09 So what and when he started to name the people who he was talking to I was like
00:33:21 (silence)
00:33:23 Who am I that thou
00:33:26 Are mindful of me
00:33:31 But you can't be too exhausted to see that you're making a difference
00:33:38 and
00:33:40 forget the fact about
00:33:42 Billionaires and millionaires and celebrities and all that can you make that impact at your address?
00:33:50 (applause)
00:33:52 Can your son look at you and say pop
00:33:55 If it wasn't for you, I never would have made it. Can your daughter look at you and say mama?
00:33:59 I know you've been through trauma, but you never took me through it with you. I'm talking about being effective on your own level
00:34:08 Stop shrinking
00:34:19 (laughter)
00:34:21 The Bible says in Daniel chapter 3 this ain't even in my sermon
00:34:26 That when Nebuchadnezzar said I'm gonna turn the fire up seven times hotter
00:34:34 Or I'm gonna throw you in it. The Hebrew boy said do whatever you got to do
00:34:40 The Lord just gave me at this moment he said tell the people to stop bowing at standing up time
00:34:48 (applause)
00:34:50 I think some of y'all missed what I just said
00:34:54 Because bowing would have saved their life bowing would have kept them out of the fire bowing would have kept them from being tied up
00:35:02 But they stood up at bowing time and
00:35:08 Because they refused to bow at standing up time
00:35:12 When they threw him in the fire
00:35:15 the Bible says
00:35:18 That they came out not even smelling like smoke
00:35:22 Because the truth is is if you do what I'm telling you you're not gonna look like what you've been through
00:35:29 High five three people say I don't look like I
00:35:33 Don't look like what I've been through you have no idea am I talking anybody upstairs. I don't look like what I've
00:35:41 Somebody in the back of the hall at your boy
00:35:44 (applause)
00:35:46 I gotta I
00:35:51 Got I got to get out of here. I got to stop. I feel so sad
00:35:55 This is one of those moments. I feel some starting to take over me. I don't know what to do. I
00:35:58 Used to I used to I remember I bought my first little house it was $86,000
00:36:07 My mortgage was $547 a month
00:36:12 I
00:36:14 Was happy to have me two little bedrooms rooms ago had that mug laid out
00:36:19 Still remember it had me some cream furniture y'all remember because I came from the house you had cream furniture
00:36:26 But could nobody walk on the carpet. Oh, yeah
00:36:29 I know I know things that change and gentle parenting, but I know at our day you have to take your shoes off
00:36:34 At that front door and put your feet on my mama couch and see if you make it to see Jesus early
00:36:41 You'd be there tomorrow
00:36:43 Lady next door lady next door had a little dog. I couldn't stand that little dog. I
00:36:50 Ain't like him and he ain't like me
00:36:53 Every time I came home, he got the barking at me. But see I realized she had a little collar on them and
00:37:00 And he couldn't get to me, you know, cuz cuz the electric
00:37:04 Electric fence, you know y'all seen them callers. I know you I know the dog
00:37:09 Listen, I didn't do it. So don't write me. Okay, you know if it was her if she shocked the dog, she shocked the dog
00:37:16 I didn't do it. She had a little dog and come every time you see me come
00:37:19 Cuz he knew
00:37:23 One more step it was gonna be a hot dog
00:37:29 Oh
00:37:55 One day there was a storm this is when I was in Fort Wayne, Indiana was a storm knocked all the power out
00:38:01 So
00:38:04 It was you heard the transformer. Oh everybody starts walking out of our little houses and we start
00:38:11 You know, this is this is the home owners look
00:38:13 How many people got you on your house I'm tell everybody who own the house this how you look when you get outside
00:38:24 you
00:38:26 So we all go outside we start looking I ain't really realize it here come the dog
00:38:42 Pitch black dog got to that line said
00:38:48 And I start to realize
00:38:54 The dog could have gone further if it wanted to
00:38:57 Because there was no power
00:39:01 But because the past has created a fence
00:39:06 That even when the circumstances changed
00:39:12 The dog did not cross the line
00:39:16 Because it allowed its past
00:39:19 To determine what it could do in its future
00:39:23 God told me to tell you that the door is about to be opened and
00:39:28 You better get over the shock
00:39:31 You better run through the finish line
00:39:35 You better get over your insecurity
00:39:38 This time you better run until God stops you. Stop somebody say you can go farther this time
00:39:47 I
00:39:49 When you start running this time don't stop because of your limits stop when you can't go no further
00:40:01 Because what if the limit you had is gone
00:40:11 Will you swim in the pattern of the fishbowl even though you've been poured into the ocean
00:40:18 This is true my sister Ebony is sitting right here right now. She don't want me to tell you
00:40:25 She got a dog named LeBron. I
00:40:27 Don't know why she named him that I
00:40:29 Know why
00:40:33 She named the dog LeBron and I remember one day we were over my sister Danielle's house
00:40:39 She brought LeBron over to Danielle's house
00:40:41 Danielle had a patio on the back her and her husband Shannon and and LeBron was back there and and and the gate was
00:40:49 Big enough for him to run through because he wanted him
00:40:52 Yorkies
00:40:55 And
00:41:00 LeBron think he is a human
00:41:03 He think he deserves everything everybody else deserving and so she put the little thing around him and
00:41:09 And I went back there to mess with him. So I
00:41:12 lifted the fence up
00:41:15 From LeBron and
00:41:18 For the next hour that boy ran in the same circle as the fence even though he had the whole backyard available to it
00:41:25 Because what you don't understand is that there is a fence
00:41:30 That
00:41:32 Is around your mind and
00:41:36 You keep running in circles right in front of the door
00:41:40 You could get out if you wanted to but you still
00:41:43 Who am I talking to you? God is saying leave go fly stop the business go
00:41:49 But did nobody love me when I was a kid and they called me dark-skinned and and you still are in the fence
00:41:58 And
00:42:00 He has set before you a wide door the wide doors do nothing for narrow minds
00:42:09 Get out now
00:42:16 Get out
00:42:21 You're so exhausted
00:42:26 By your expectations
00:42:28 My daddy didn't raise me, but you made it
00:42:33 Everybody I give myself to they take advantage of me and yet you're still here
00:42:45 Let me tell you something
00:42:49 Anybody
00:42:52 Who has not recognized your value
00:42:55 It is not your problem
00:42:57 It is theirs and what I can promise you is even though they won't admit it
00:43:08 They have regrets about not valuing you in real time
00:43:15 And when you become
00:43:23 What you're actually supposed to become
00:43:25 You will realize that God did you a favor
00:43:28 Because you would have never been able to fit all of you
00:43:33 Most people won't move because of what happened last time
00:43:45 Raise your hand if I'm talking you that last time will get you on it
00:43:50 Paul said I went to Troas by leaving he shuts the door that God opened for him
00:43:53 He left y'all still good y'all got a few minutes
00:43:59 What could possibly make you walk away from something God gave you
00:44:04 What could possibly make you walk away from something God gave you
00:44:07 What could possibly make you walk away from something God gave you
00:44:14 What could possibly make you walk away from something God gave you
00:44:17 And don't before you say nothing
00:44:22 Trauma will make you do it
00:44:28 Pain will make you do it
00:44:33 Fatigue will make you do it a
00:44:37 Lack of understanding can contribute to it
00:44:41 You just you'll just wake up one day and you'll just say
00:44:45 I'm done. I
00:44:49 Just need some real people
00:44:54 Sorry, I already know everybody ain't gonna be honest you just wake up one day and you'd be like
00:45:00 That's it
00:45:04 Enough
00:45:07 And whatever they gotta say about it they gonna say
00:45:10 But I'm not doing this
00:45:12 No more
00:45:16 Paul said I got to the door
00:45:19 And I was expecting something to be there, let me fix it I was expecting someone
00:45:28 Who was he looking for he was looking preach that thing Katie he was looking for his brother Titus
00:45:37 He was looking for his homeboy to be there and and as he was there waiting on him
00:45:42 I was says he got there and and he didn't see Titus and and mr
00:45:47 Bond when he said thank you for your service to thank you for everything you do. He says he says I
00:45:53 Was expecting Titus to be here Titus ain't here. I
00:45:58 Ain't going then I started realizing how many doors we don't walk through because the people
00:46:06 Who we were expecting?
00:46:08 To be there
00:46:11 For us when we arrived
00:46:13 Don't when you expected somebody to do something for you, especially when you've been walking with them
00:46:20 Sir I walked to the door and I expect Titus to be there and he ain't there. I'm leaving now. I'm mad at Titus and God
00:46:27 So so now I go to Macedonia because at least when I get to Macedonia
00:46:34 I'll feel secure because it's where I want to be
00:46:37 But but God told you to go
00:46:40 to Troyes and
00:46:43 He got there and the person he expected to be there was not there. So
00:46:49 He left he had no idea what God was doing and that's that's the truth
00:46:55 You don't even know Keon what his name is Keon - by the way
00:46:58 You have no idea what God is doing you think he's closing the door
00:47:04 All right, he went to
00:47:06 Macedonia Macedonia
00:47:09 Bolivia to the north
00:47:11 Greece to the south he's landlocked
00:47:14 Troyes is a port city
00:47:16 That has no borders
00:47:19 But trauma will make you landlock yourself because you're used to small things
00:47:28 You keep going into places that have no exits and are all corners and they're all tragic but because you feel comfortable there
00:47:35 God's trying to send you to Troyes Troyes has no boundaries. It has no borders
00:47:41 It is the city on the ocean that has ports now
00:47:45 I don't know if y'all know money like that, but let me tell you something a port city
00:47:49 Okay, let me tell you something Houston right now. This is what people in Houston always say. Oh, it's stink over there by the ship channel
00:47:57 Raise your hand if you ever said that oh, it's stink over there. It's so dirty over there
00:48:01 But let me tell you something the Houston port
00:48:04 generates
00:48:07 950 billion dollars a year a trillion dollars in stink
00:48:13 Because ports allow for stuff to get in and
00:48:19 Stuff to get out Paul you don't understand that what you desire is a landlocked opportunity
00:48:27 I'm trying to give you an opportunity
00:48:29 What blessings can come in from the north the south the east and the west?
00:48:35 What am I telling you?
00:48:38 God is about to send you to a port opportunity and
00:48:43 You're going to see watch the words that are coming out of my mouth
00:48:47 You are getting ready to walk into head swimming blessings
00:48:51 They don't come from everywhere and it's gonna be because God actually sent you to a place
00:48:58 That was bigger than the plan you had for yourself
00:49:02 You even know
00:49:08 That the plan you had for you was smaller than the one God had for you Paul
00:49:14 You're going to Macedonia great city, but I'm sending you to Troas Troas
00:49:21 Troas 10 miles from the city of Troy
00:49:24 My historians in here will know that there is something amazing about the city of Troy
00:49:30 The city of Troy is the place where the Greeks were battling the Romans and they built something called a Trojan horse
00:49:38 How many of y'all ever heard of that the Trojan horse the Trojan horse this huge wooden horse where the Greeks says all right?
00:49:46 We say to the Romans
00:49:48 We call a truce
00:49:50 We no longer want to fight and here is this wooden horse created by one of our best artists
00:49:56 We give it to you as a way of saying the war is over
00:50:02 Not realizing that the Greeks had hidden soldiers inside of the horse
00:50:07 and when they brought the gift inside of the gates
00:50:10 The people inside of the horse got out of the horse and opened the gates and let the rest of the enemy in here's what I'm
00:50:17 Telling you don't let no gift make you bring your guard down
00:50:20 in this season
00:50:23 You tell everybody who ain't God I don't want it. I'm waiting on God to do it
00:50:30 I'm waiting on God to open the door and after he opens the door
00:50:34 Once they get in they open the doors they come in they take over watch this Bible lets us know that they're inside
00:50:45 Paul says I
00:50:47 Don't I don't want to go where you want me to go God. I want to go
00:50:51 Where I have expectations, I'm tired of getting my heart broken
00:50:55 Tired I'm tired. I'm tired of showing up everybody ain't nobody showing up for me. I'm tired. I'm tired
00:51:02 I'm just gonna go where I know I'm appreciated
00:51:04 And you're gonna landlock yourself because every wide door has an adversary
00:51:15 And if there is no struggle there will never be any progress
00:51:18 Okay God
00:51:28 This what you want I'll suffer through it
00:51:35 And I realize every time I read the Bible and me and God ain't on the same page it ain't him it's me
00:51:42 I
00:51:44 Know that if adjustment has to be made it ain't with God cuz he changes not it gotta be with Keon I I
00:51:53 Gotta be this I have to be the one that's wrong. Oh
00:51:57 I didn't even realize it God. That's what you were saying in John 10. It's not a door. It's you behold. I am the door
00:52:11 I'm not trying to get you in an opportunity. I'm trying to get you in me
00:52:15 It is in him that we live it is in him that we move it is in him that we have
00:52:29 Our being I'm I'm not confused that there are some tired people in this room
00:52:39 You're exhausted
00:52:41 Truth is you've had enough and one more person
00:52:50 Say something to you on the wrong day
00:52:56 But God is not a door
00:53:06 But God told me to tell you if you have been hitting dead ends
00:53:12 He's about to open a wide door for you
00:53:16 Can I tell you one more thing
00:53:26 Titus
00:53:30 Hmm this is amazing
00:53:35 If it was anybody else, I don't know if I would have been this excited about it, but Titus I am excited about because Titus
00:53:41 Was the man that when he got to the Jews?
00:53:46 They demanded Paul get him circumcised
00:53:50 So that he could be in accordance to the law and the Bible says
00:53:54 That he did not
00:53:58 yield to the request
00:54:01 Because now we circumcise
00:54:04 For different reasons than they did they did it for religion. We do it for cleanliness
00:54:11 He says I'm not doing it because I'm a Christian and I don't have to do it
00:54:18 They pressured him to do it now I realize
00:54:23 That Titus represents grace
00:54:30 That
00:54:32 Changes the game
00:54:37 Because Paul was operating under the law and
00:54:41 Now God sends him grace and the Lord told me to tell you
00:54:47 That he is about to send you a relationship
00:54:51 That will prove the grace on your life
00:54:57 And there is somebody who is coming listen to me
00:55:01 There is somebody who is coming into your life
00:55:05 That is about to make the the listen the huh is about to go to aha
00:55:11 Somebody's getting ready to walk in your life and you're gonna be like, that's what all of this was for
00:55:22 When that person walks into your life a grace is going to start pouring in your life
00:55:27 You're gonna walk through doors that no man can shut
00:55:31 God is gonna open doors that men have already tried to shut
00:55:35 There is a relationship coming in your life and it is going to be the proof that the grace of God is on your life
00:55:42 Please be not weary in your well-doing
00:55:44 For you are about to reap the harvest of not quitting
00:55:49 I speak to every exhausted person in the room get your second wind back lift your head up. I
00:55:57 Don't care what you got to do, but you got to get your second wind because the journey to your next season has just
00:56:05 started and you cannot walk in exhausted and
00:56:09 frustrated and mad and angry and disgruntled and bitter
00:56:14 There's a grace on your life
00:56:16 Truth is you should have been dead a long time ago
00:56:20 Truth is you should be somewhere in a straitjacket in the room. Come on
00:56:26 Truth is you have mental health issues that have not been diagnosed
00:56:31 But you're starting to realize that things are not working like they used to
00:56:35 God says I'm gonna be a good man. I'm gonna be a good man. I'm gonna be a good man
00:56:42 God says I'm about to bring the grace on your life
00:56:45 And I know the grace isn't through the door you wanted it to be behind
00:56:53 But if you'll go where I said go
00:56:56 I'm gonna bless you with the relationship and you're gonna start to see the favor and the grace of God to start to pour over
00:57:03 your life
00:57:05 And I say this with no hesitation you about to get money
00:57:11 You about to get money
00:57:13 Touch three people and say you about to get money. You about to get paid
00:57:15 You about to get paid
00:57:24 You about to get paid I say you about to get paid
00:57:29 You about to get paid you bout to you bout to you bout to get paid
00:57:36 You bout to get paid. I'm telling you right now. You about to get paid
00:57:40 God bout to put you right in the center of money. He bout to put you right in the center money
00:57:44 It's gonna happen all around you. He bout to put you in the center of money
00:57:48 And when you get money don't be talking about well, I can't get to the church because the last church I gave to
00:57:58 So you gonna get to that door and then you gonna go back to that behavior
00:58:09 God don't do things the way you think he should do it stand on your feet
00:58:12 I'm done. The rest of this is ministry. God don't do things the way you think he should
00:58:15 There's a story about a little girl
00:58:18 who was in a
00:58:21 spelling class
00:58:23 They were spelling three-letter words cow
00:58:25 Tie
00:58:28 spelling little words and
00:58:30 Teacher said let's move it up. Let's move it up to four letters
00:58:34 She said
00:58:39 A little Mariah, how do you spell love?
00:58:41 So I'm telling you God God's love don't look like nobody else's
00:58:47 So Mariah, how do you spell love?
00:58:53 Little girl was sitting in her seat
00:58:57 She said can you repeat yourself teacher?
00:59:01 She said Mariah, let me ask you again, how do you spell
00:59:07 love
00:59:09 Story says she got up out of her seat
00:59:12 She walked over her teacher to her teacher
00:59:15 And she threw her arms around her teacher and said that's how we spell love in my house
00:59:22 God ain't gonna do it like they did it when you grew up
00:59:31 God ain't gonna do it like you saw it on TV. He ain't gonna do it like you see it on Instagram
00:59:37 He's about to do a new thing in you
00:59:39 And you may spell it different than everybody else you may do it differently than everybody else
00:59:46 You may say it differently than everybody else. But when you do it, it will be no doubt that God commissioned you to do it. I
00:59:54 Came to talk to the tired
01:00:05 I
01:00:07 Came to talk to those who are weary and heavy laden to the exhausted
01:00:15 Because of your expectations who is this word for today?
01:00:24 There's an old
01:00:34 Story about a man who
01:00:36 Lives in Italy
01:00:39 His name is Andrea Mascani and
01:00:43 He has a job at
01:00:46 The museum it's a true story in Italy and his job every morning is to go down to the museum
01:00:54 Where they have these six or seven violins that were made over 300 years ago and it is his job every morning
01:01:02 To go down and to play the violins
01:01:04 For six to seven minutes every morning before the museum opens up
01:01:10 He plays three violins by the great maker of Mastis two by
01:01:22 Guarneris and another one by
01:01:28 Stradivarian
01:01:32 He goes and plays them six to seven minutes every morning and he starts off with simple simple music but
01:01:41 He eventually
01:01:45 Gets to more complicated musical arrangements and
01:01:52 According to the fable
01:02:01 Once he gets to Bach and
01:02:03 Szymaszki and Bartok and he plays these complicated arrangements
01:02:08 They asked him why would he play
01:02:13 Antique that needs to be left alone six or seven minutes a day. Aren't you afraid you're going to break it?
01:02:18 He says you misunderstand violins
01:02:21 In order for violins to work. They have to be played
01:02:28 Listen he says because if you don't play a violin
01:02:32 The wood gets tired
01:02:35 If you don't
01:02:48 You don't save a violin by not using it you extend its life
01:02:56 By using it because the violin gets tired the wood collapses with no activity
01:03:03 God says tell the people online and in the room
01:03:07 That's why he keeps using you
01:03:11 That's why
01:03:19 He keeps taking you through things
01:03:22 Because
01:03:25 without usage
01:03:27 You're useless
01:03:30 So God is going to continue
01:03:34 To play the strings of your life
01:03:37 At your expense
01:03:41 With tears in your eyes and
01:03:44 Quit in your spirit and
01:03:48 fatigue on your back
01:03:51 God says one more note
01:03:55 God
01:03:57 You don't have any idea about what it's like to suffer on earth
01:04:03 Who are you talking to if it be not thy will let this bitter cup pass me by nevertheless not my will
01:04:10 But that will be done even God wouldn't let Jesus quit when he had enough
01:04:23 It ain't over
01:04:25 Until it is finished and
01:04:28 Until it is finished he's gonna pluck you one more time
01:04:33 Adjust you one more time tune you one more season because he's trying to get a sound out of you
01:04:43 Y'all you not young miss
01:04:47 I'm only got a few people who got it. We almost done
01:04:50 You're gonna keep getting fired
01:04:53 And you're gonna keep losing relationships and you're gonna keep getting betrayed until you make the right
01:04:59 Say it again
01:05:04 They're gonna keep over
01:05:05 Overlooking you for opportunities and people who don't have the degree that you have are going to get the job and people who are not as
01:05:11 Talented as you are going to be picked until you make the right
01:05:21 He's looking for a sound I need somebody to make a joyful noise he's looking for a sound he's looking for a sound
01:05:27 He's looking for a sound he's looking for a sound. He's looking for a sound
01:05:33 Not an outfit but a sound not a hairstyle but a sound not an outfit but a sound
01:05:42 Somebody make a joyful noise
01:05:44 And he's gonna keep tightening your strings
01:05:47 And he's gonna keep tightening your strings
01:06:00 Until you recognize that you work at the pleasure of the Almighty One
01:06:05 I will bless him at all times
01:06:12 And his praise shall continuously be in my mouth come on somebody give him glory
01:06:16 Somebody give him glory
01:06:19 Somebody give him glory
01:06:22 Somebody give him glory
01:06:24 Somebody give him glory
01:06:27 (whooshing)
01:06:29 [BLANK_AUDIO]
