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00:00Isaiah 5812 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations.
00:12You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
00:18Lighthouse Church faced the storm that left our house broken, our walls crumbled and our
00:23hearts heavy.
00:25But in the midst of the rubble, we found hope.
00:31God's promise to rebuild us is more powerful than the storm that tried to break us.
00:37He is restoring us, stronger and more united than ever before.
00:42Now we rise again as we build better and stronger.
00:47People from the north, south, east, and west, every surrounding area around our great city
00:52will come together in unity for the glory of God.
00:55Not only people just from the city of Houston, but people around the world will come together
01:00in unity to glorify God.
01:05So join us at Lakewood Church for an unforgettable experience of revival Sunday night at 7 p.m.
01:13Don't just meet us there, beat us there.
01:22Genesis chapter 8, verse number 1.
01:40The Bible says, and God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle
01:54that was with him in the ark.
01:58And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged are subsided.
02:09The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from
02:17heaven was restrained, and the waters returned from off the earth continually.
02:26And after the end of the 150 days, the waters were abated.
02:34Verse 4, and the ark rested in July, I mean in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day
02:50of the month, upon the mountains of Erat, and the waters decreased continually until
02:58I mean October, I mean the tenth month.
03:04Did Noah write our story?
03:06Did Moses write this for us?
03:12In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
03:20By the time we turn 15, the first Sunday in October, I declare we're going to see the
03:27tops of the mountains.
03:34And there are a lot of people who believe we're done.
03:44What's your name?
03:45Say, we've been here before.
03:51And by the time God finishes with us, and they come back to 6650 Rankin Road and see
04:01what God has done, God told me to tell you to tell them, blame it on the rain.
04:11That's what I'm going to talk about today.
04:14Blame it on the rain.
04:18You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
04:22Blame it.
04:25Don't be mad at me, just blame it.
04:29Blame it on the rain.
04:32If we're being honest, all of life is a battle.
04:41Raise your hand if you're in a fight right now.
04:47From the womb to the tomb.
04:51You got to fight to be born.
04:54You might have to fight to die.
04:59You got to fight to pay bills.
05:04You get in a relationship and didn't know you had to fight in it.
05:12Give birth to kids, didn't know you were going to have to fight with them.
05:18Some of y'all had to fight for a parking spot.
05:24Got to fight to pay your bills.
05:25You got to fight to be happy.
05:29You got to fight not to be depressed.
05:32You got to fight not to feel insecure.
05:36You got to fight to keep your past off you.
05:38You got to fight to keep your trauma from taking you out.
05:40It's a fight.
05:47All of life is a fight.
05:51And the quicker you understand that there is no escape from the battle,
05:56the quicker you will just settle in and recognize
05:58that this is a part of the journey.
06:03You don't get to write the script because you're not the producer.
06:08You are a hired actor in a script that was written before you
06:15were formed in your mother's womb.
06:19Hurricane Beryl was planned in eternity's past.
06:25We only experienced a storm that God had already seen.
06:30And he knew the path of the storm.
06:33And it is not his fault we built in its path.
06:36It was going that way whether our church was there or a tree was there.
06:43This is par for the course.
06:45This is how God does things.
06:47It rains on the just.
06:52It rains on the unjust.
06:54And all of life is a fight for territory.
06:56And the moment you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want
07:02starts to take over.
07:06Touch your neighbor and tell him, I'm in a fight.
07:08I'm in a fight.
07:12As opposed to trying to eliminate the grind,
07:15I want you to switch to a mentality that focuses on gaining ground.
07:24Zig Ziglar said that when most people face fearful situations,
07:29they forget everything and run.
07:33But then there are a few of us that face everything and rise.
07:43I am of the belief that no weapon formed against us
07:51will be able to prosper.
07:57Are you with me?
07:59Isaiah said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, then the Spirit of the Lord
08:09raises up a standard.
08:14That word standard doesn't mean what it means in our English vernacular
08:19in the original context.
08:22When the Bible says that God will raise up a standard,
08:25it's not saying that he will raise up a level or quality.
08:30When the Bible says that he will raise up a standard, he was making a reference
08:34to fighting in historical times that whenever a nation was ready for battle,
08:39they raised up a flag.
08:42If you look in the back of this building, there was a flag.
08:44Whenever the United States of America loses a soldier, it lowers a flag.
08:49And whenever it honors that soldier, it raises a flag because whenever you raise
08:53a flag or a standard, you're actually saying, I'm ready for battle.
08:58So when the Bible says that the enemy comes in like a flood and the Lord raises
09:03up a standard, it is God's way of saying that when the enemy comes after you,
09:08I'll join the fight with you.
09:13Now, I don't know about you, but I would tell all of my enemies,
09:16you don't want to fight me.
09:20But if you do, you might win.
09:21But if my God gets involved, anybody ever been in a battle with God,
09:30and it looked like you were losing, and it looked like you were atrophying,
09:34and it looked like the enemy was winning, and then God somehow showed up
09:38and let you know, no, no, I got this.
09:41Sometimes you got to be still and see the salvation of the Lord.
09:46Touch three people and say, be still.
09:50No, we're in a battle.
09:53We're in a battle.
09:54We're in a fight.
09:55And God says, I will enter the fight with you.
09:58I think that's what the songwriter meant when he said,
10:03with Jesus on my side, I can make it.
10:08With him, I know I can stand.
10:12No matter what comes my way, my life, y'all don't know that one,
10:19my life is in his hand.
10:21Just say this out loud so that you believe it.
10:25Just shout, we're going to make it.
10:28That was cute.
10:29That was cute.
10:30That was cute.
10:31And I see about 50% of y'all that didn't say it because you don't believe it.
10:34So the 50% of y'all who do believe it, I want you to say it
10:38until you irritate the people who don't believe it.
10:40Just shout, we're going to make it.
10:44Yeah, we're going to make it.
10:46I know what's wrong.
10:47I know what's wrong.
10:48Some of y'all hood like me say, we're going to make it.
10:51Yeah, this ain't the time to be proper.
10:53We're going to make it.
10:54We're going to make it.
10:55Ty Tribble said, we're going to be all right.
10:56Listen, we're going to make it.
10:58I need the hood folk in here to just touch somebody.
11:00We're going to make it, I promise you.
11:02And the reason I know we're going to make it is because if he did it before,
11:06he will.
11:13We're going to make it.
11:14We're going to make it.
11:15We're going to make it.
11:16It may not look like it, but we're going to make it.
11:19It may not feel like it, but we're going to make it.
11:23You may have never seen this done before, but it doesn't mean that God can't do it.
11:28We're going to make it.
11:29And when you have been tried by the fire, you shall come forth.
11:38It's pure gold.
11:39The Bible says, ha, God remembered Noah.
11:47I can see why.
11:49I mean, the man did build an ark before there had ever been rain.
11:56I would have remembered him, too.
12:00But if you go throughout history, you find out the Bible says God
12:03remembered Rachel.
12:05Well, I would have remembered Rachel, too.
12:08Rachel was the wife of Jacob, whose name would later be turned into Israel,
12:13and she did give birth to two of the best men the earth had ever seen,
12:17and two of the tribes of Israel, Joseph and Reuben.
12:19I would have remembered her, too.
12:23The thief on the cross says, remember me.
12:28Well, I would have remembered him, too, because him and Jesus
12:30were literally cellmates.
12:34I've met tens of thousands of people over my life.
12:38I can't tell you that I remember them all.
12:41So that means that when you are remembered, something must have happened.
12:48Come on, y'all.
12:50But that is not the part of the story that I love.
12:53The Bible says that God remembered Noah and everything with him.
12:59Now, it's one thing for you to bring me your family and introduce yourself to me.
13:05Anybody here like me, I can forget somebody's name five seconds after they
13:10just told me what it was.
13:11I mean, I could be looking at you and you can say, my name is John,
13:14and I can say, huh?
13:17You can say, John, again.
13:19I'll remember it.
13:19By the time I walk away, I won't remember it anymore.
13:22But it's like this whole section getting up and introducing themselves to me.
13:27And you stand up and say, hey, this is me and my clique.
13:32And you say all of their names.
13:34And somehow, I remember all of their names because they are with you.
13:39Are you missing what I'm saying?
13:41I need somebody to be the Noah on your row.
13:45And I need you to tell everybody to your left and right.
13:49I'm telling you, good things are about to happen for you.
13:52Because you with me, you with me, you with me.
13:56You on my row.
13:57And I know he going to remember me.
13:58And since he's going to remember me, he's going to remember us.
14:06I decree and declare everybody who's sitting within 50 feet of her,
14:10God's going to remember you.
14:13Mess around and get with the right group of people.
14:16Mess around and find the right church.
14:19Mess around and find the right leader.
14:21And God will remember you.
14:26Touch your neighbor and say, God, I'm going to remember you.
14:28You're not sitting by me by accident.
14:31I have a date with destiny.
14:32And everything that's sitting to my left and my right is about to be blessed.
14:37Everything behind me is about to be blessed.
14:39Everything in front of me is about to be blessed.
14:42Everything on the side of me is about to be blessed.
14:45If you with me, you better get ready for God to do something.
14:52God remembered.
14:58God remembered him.
15:00God remembered him.
15:02God says, I will not forget you.
15:05I have carved you on the palm of my hands.
15:10Don't get distracted.
15:11You only got a few minutes.
15:12The hand of God.
15:14See, the hand of God, extra biblically, is actually a synonym
15:19for the intervention of God.
15:22When God wanted to get between man and sin, he gave his hands to the nails.
15:27Because whenever God's hands gets involved, the trouble stops.
15:31Y'all are missing me.
15:34Touch your neighbor and say, God's got his hands on me.
15:37I know some of y'all don't believe it because you feel like you're being whooped
15:40by God right now.
15:41But let me show you the good thing about a parent.
15:44When they put their hands on you, it's because they love you.
15:48Can I tell you something?
15:50That if God is whooping you right now, you should still praise him.
15:54Because if you're getting a whooping, his hands are still the hands of God.
16:04When God's hands get involved, he's intervening.
16:08He will uphold you with his right hand.
16:12The Bible says that he measured the waters of the earth.
16:16That's how big he is.
16:17He measured the seven seas in the palms of his hands.
16:24Did you get what I just said?
16:26God is so big that he measured the earth's waters in the palms of his hand.
16:34Peter said, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God.
16:40I know it don't feel like it, but God's hand is in this.
16:46I'm going to prove it to you.
16:48I know it don't feel like it, but God's hand is in this.
16:51Somebody shout, his hand is in this.
16:54His hand is in this.
16:55Because God is about to do a big thing for us.
16:59And so, God is not a tease.
17:01Whenever he shows you big, it's because he's about to do big.
17:09See, whenever God takes you to the house of a person who has a big house,
17:13it's not for you to just walk in and be glad because they got one.
17:17It's God's way of saying, guess what?
17:20I'm about to give you one too.
17:24I don't know who I'm talking to, but God told me to tell you to get ready
17:29for expansion.
17:31Somebody shout, it's about to get big for me.
17:35It's about to get big for us.
17:44Now, I was supposed to be talking about the memory of God.
17:46I got carried away with the hand of God.
17:48God remembered Noah.
17:51God remembered Joshua.
17:54How do I know?
17:55He told him, as I was with Moses, so shall I be with you.
18:03He remembers how many hairs were or are.
18:12Anybody in the work click?
18:15How many hairs on your head?
18:20One day while eating with Pharisees at a house, a woman came in with some oil,
18:27and she broke that oil on the master's feet.
18:31And Jesus said, this woman will be remembered from this day going forward.
18:37I needed to find out how she got remembered.
18:41I needed to find out how did God remember her out of all of the women
18:46he ever met.
18:47He didn't say he would remember everybody he met, but there was something that this
18:51lady did that made him remember.
18:56I found out what it was.
18:58When she walked in the room, she brought some oil.
19:02The Bible says that the oil had a smell.
19:05It was a perfume.
19:07And when the oil broke, Jesus remembered her.
19:11Because when you are born, you are born with 10,000 scents already in your memory
19:17before you ever see.
19:18Because the nose is more complex than the eye and the ear.
19:22And Febreze told us that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.
19:32So whatever God smells, God remembers.
19:37And when she put the oil on his feet, the Bible said it was an act of worship.
19:42No wonder there are incense at the tabernacle, because worship has.
19:49So if you want God to remember you, unfold your arms.
19:57Oh, I wish I had a worshiper in here.
20:01Let the redeemed of the Lord.
20:05I can't hear nobody in here.
20:07I need you to open up your mouth and begin to give God a worship, because worship is
20:14the way to get God.
20:23If you're ever going to get God to remember what happened on 6650 Rankin Road, you're
20:30going to have to give him a familiar smell.
20:35You're going to have to let your praise rise.
20:38And you're going to have to allow your praise to get into the nostrils of God.
20:41I know, I know we got to move on, but I want to see if I can find my old church.
20:48I want to see if I can find the people who would break out into a shout no matter what.
20:57I'm looking for my crew.
20:59I'm looking for my people.
21:02Open up your mouth and begin to give God.
21:15Touch somebody and say, I feel like praising him.
21:16I feel like praising him.
21:18I feel like praising him.
21:19I feel like praising him.
21:21When praises go up, the blessing comes down.
21:25I feel like praising him.
21:26I'll worship him in good times and bad times.
21:29I'll worship him in our old church or in somebody else's church.
21:33I'll worship him in familiar or obscurity.
21:37Let everything that has breath.
21:48Somebody shout God remembers.
21:52He remembers worshipers.
21:55Not complainers, worshipers, not manipulators, worshipers, not fake tears, real tears.
22:08Anybody ever had to really cry and say, God, if you don't do something now, it just won't
22:14get done.
22:16Anybody ever soaked a pillow with tears?
22:19Anybody ever had to go to work with puffy eyes?
22:22Anybody ever had to cry in the closet and then come out and act like you wasn't crying?
22:26Well, my real worshipers, they that worship him must worship him in spirit.
22:40God remembers.
22:43God remembers.
22:44Not just those who worship him at church.
22:54I will shout at H-E-B if you play with me.
22:56No, no, y'all playing around.
23:01I have shouted in the car wash.
23:03I'm talking about real worshipers.
23:05Have you ever worshiped so hard you were sitting next to somebody and you could tell they was
23:09sick of it?
23:10They just ... Listen, tell them, normally I would shut up if I was getting on your nerve,
23:20but when I think of the goodness of Jesus and ... Listen, today I'm just going to have
23:26to get on your nerve.
23:28If you can't see, you just going to have to stand up because I'm trying to get God to
23:33remember me.
23:42Let me get out of here.
23:43Not only does God remember, but God repairs.
23:52Anybody know God repairs?
23:56God caused a wind to come up over the earth, and the Bible says, and the waters subsided.
24:08Moses first recorded the process of the water rising.
24:11Now he's revealing the remediation.
24:14Verse three says that the waters returned.
24:17In other words, the waters were falling back to their normal level.
24:24When I went over to the church and I was talking to some of the guys who were there when the
24:28storm happened to security, they said there was so much water in the building that when
24:32they opened the doors, the water went out like a river.
24:39If you see it now, you wouldn't even recognize it.
24:41There's no ceiling because it fell down.
24:44There's no carpet because it had to be torn up.
24:48The drywall is cut two to three feet above the ground all the way around because there
24:53was so much water, the mildew and the mold started to rise up against the walls.
24:58All of the furniture was destroyed.
25:00The light fixtures, the sound equipment, everything was destroyed.
25:04The chairs have mold on them.
25:06They have the dust from the sheetrock.
25:08When the ceiling fell, and thank God that the security who were in the building, they
25:12were not harmed.
25:13There was no person harmed.
25:21If you walked in your church right now, you wouldn't even recognize it.
25:23All 2,000 chairs pushed into a corner, stacked on each other with dust and mold and mildew
25:31and dirt, no carpet on the floor, pipes hanging out of the air.
25:38It looks like a bomb hit it.
25:46But when they called me and said, Pastor, we called the remediation company and they
25:50brought the fans in, I knew when the fans got there that things were turning because
26:00the wind was in the room.
26:08And when the wind came in the room, it reminded me that every time we saw wind, we saw change.
26:13Even on the day of Pentecost, when the church had fully come, there was the sound of a mighty
26:20Russian wind.
26:22You see, sometimes wind is the sign that God's about to flip the script.
26:28Anybody had a wind in your life?
26:31God says, I'm about to take you from wind to wind.
26:37When he took the locust out amongst the children of Israel in Egypt, the Bible says he sent
26:43a west wind to blow the locust out because God always uses wind.
26:48When he parted the Red Sea, the Bible says he sent a wind so that they could cross over
26:53on dry ground because whenever God sends a wind, it means a wind is on the way.
27:04Somebody say, a wind is coming, a wind is coming, a wind is coming, wind is coming.
27:08I know you got a wind in your life right now.
27:10When God got ready to create Adam, the Bible says he formed him out of the dirt.
27:19But Adam did not start living until God put wind in him.
27:31God is about to put wind in yourself.
27:40Sometimes the progress that God promises comes in the form of destruction.
27:51And you think God ain't in it because it's fallen.
27:57Sometimes God ain't in it because it's standing.
28:02How many people in here should have done bigger and better, but because you didn't have the
28:08faith to do what God said, he had to come and tear the whole thing down so he could
28:14get what he put in you.
28:20You are much bigger than you have been playing.
28:25You are much bigger than you have been living.
28:29And since you didn't have the faith, God had to send the storm.
28:37Because my love faith was talking about adding a couple of seats to a room because I knew
28:47we could do it.
28:49And God says, I did not ask you to do what you could do.
28:53I asked you to do what I, oh, you won't do it?
29:02Touch somebody and say, I feel a wind behind me.
29:05God says I'm about to blow you into your destiny.
29:08I'm about to blow you to the next level.
29:10I'm about to blow you into the next dimension.
29:13Come on, touch somebody and say, I feel a wind behind me.
29:16I feel God pushing me.
29:18God is about to push me because I'm close.
29:23God is about to push you into the next dimension.
29:38You're not even close to living up to your potential.
29:46You keep applying for jobs you can get.
29:54God says, I didn't ask you to apply for a job, I told you to start a company.
29:58You keep thinking you are unqualified.
30:06You keep looking at houses in your price bracket.
30:14I didn't tell you that I was going to give you a house like the one you had.
30:17I told you I was going to give you something pressed down, shaken together, and running
30:25I need all of the real people in here to find you a praise partner and tell them it's about
30:29to be big.
30:32You got the wrong person.
30:34You got the wrong person.
30:37You got the wrong person.
30:38Touch them and tell them it's about to be big.
30:43You still got the wrong person.
30:45Look at somebody who looks like they have the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ and tell
30:50them it's about to be big.
30:55Now if you believe it, I need to hear a big praise in this room.
31:02I can't hear nobody, I said I need to hear a big praise in this room.
31:10I need three people to tell them it's about to be big.
31:21I promise you it's about to be bigger than your eyes can see.
31:25Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard.
31:28You can't imagine what God.
31:39Let me tell you this, watch this.
31:41The Bible says God said that the water subsided.
31:49Here's what the Lord told me.
31:52God told me to tell you not to be discouraged because of the storm.
31:57God said the wind is a sign that things are about to return to order.
32:08Notice I didn't say normal.
32:15God says things are about to return to order.
32:18I don't know about you, but I will never have another normal day in my life.
32:26Everything in my life is about to fall in divine, somebody shout divine order, divine
32:36Divine order, divine order, divine order.
32:38I just need about 500 people to high five somebody and tell them divine order.
32:43God's about to blow your mind in this next season.
32:46God's about to do a big thing in this next season.
32:49God's about to stretch your territory in this next season.
32:52If you believe it, open up your mouth and shout it's about to be big.
32:58Everybody upstairs shout it's about to be big.
33:07I don't know what he's going to do on Ranky Road, but I ain't going back to what was.
33:15The next time we walk in that building, this is how they're going to look.
33:28How this happened.
33:30How much money they got.
33:33And I want you to get every person who asks you how we did it.
33:36I want you to look at them and tell them, blame it on the rain.
33:45It wasn't money.
33:47It was the storm.
33:49This is what people have to understand.
33:51You can't get my outcome if you can't handle my storm.
34:01There's so many people who want your anointing, but they're not willing to go through what
34:04you had to.
34:13God remembers, God repairs, and God uses rain.
34:21Every time you see rain in your life, it's because God's about to do something.
34:30When we purchased the building, closing was scheduled.
34:41We were seven days away from signing on the dotted line.
34:45My mother called me at five o'clock in the morning crying, said, Mama, what's wrong?
34:52Because everybody knows you don't want to get that call.
34:56I woke up.
34:57She called me at five o'clock in the morning, and she told me that my grandfather, who was
35:01actually my father, died.
35:05Daryl Sharp was in the room with me when I went.
35:07Jackie Williams was in the room with me when I went.
35:10We had to cancel closing because I had to go bury my father.
35:16They rescheduled closing for 30 days later.
35:20We closed 30 days later.
35:22I'm in there signing the papers.
35:24I look at Jackie's face.
35:26I had a lawyer at the time named Michael, and I looked at his face, and I looked at
35:30Daryl's face, and they were not excited, and I was wondering, how in the world did we just
35:38do this, and y'all not excited?
35:41What I didn't know is that my mom had just called Jackie to tell her that my uncle, who
35:46was my grandfather's oldest son, died while I was signing the papers.
35:52Three days from there, that uncle's oldest daughter, my cousin, died from a brain aneurysm.
36:00I knew then that something was about to happen, because whenever you see rain, I don't know
36:09who this is for, but God told me to tell you, I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.
36:18Touch three people and tell them, if you hear rain, God's about to do something.
36:24Tell them, if you hear rain, God's about to do something.
36:28The Bible says that in the seventh month, the ark rested on the peak of a mountain,
36:36Mount Erat, to be exact, 16,000 feet high.
36:41But there must have still been water, because a boat can't stay steady on the peak of a
36:48mountain, so there had to still be water for it to stay buoyant.
36:53Watch what Noah does.
36:56Noah has two types of birds on his boat.
37:01He has a raven and he has a dove.
37:05He sends the raven out.
37:09He said, raven, go see what's out there.
37:12The raven doesn't return.
37:15And let me tell you why.
37:17Because ravens are filthy animals, and they will settle for anything.
37:27You want to make sure, and I need to make sure, that as we take this next step into
37:33the next dimension, I don't have people who will settle for anything.
37:41Touch somebody and say, I'll never settle for normal again.
37:45I'll never settle for average again.
37:48I'll never settle for more than enough again.
37:52I'm looking for God to do big things.
37:58But then he sends out a dove.
38:02The dove comes back, sends him out again.
38:07The dove comes back.
38:10That means it ain't ready.
38:11Sends him out again.
38:12The third time, he came back with an olive branch in his mouth.
38:18That means the water had come down so low that he was able to rest and get a branch
38:25and bring it back home.
38:27Are y'all not here with me today?
38:29I don't know who this is for.
38:36Who said me?
38:38Go ahead, girl.
38:39Watch this.
38:41Where they settled, this is amazing.
38:44The Bible says where they settled was in Erat, which had access to a place called Mesopotamia.
38:51Asia Minor was on one side, Syria was on another, Arabia and Africa were on the south and southwest
38:58Asia was on the north and northeast side.
38:59You could get to Europe through Asia Minor, India through Mesopotamia.
39:04In other words, they had their first gathering in a centralized location.
39:17And where they settled, they repopulated.
39:23We're not at our southeast campus.
39:27We're not at our south campus.
39:29We're not at our north campus.
39:32You just so happen to be in the center of the city.
39:38Because God says this is where you're about to grow.
39:42Y'all didn't hear what I said.
39:43God says, I was tired of y'all turning people away on Rankin Road.
39:48I had to put you in the place that was big enough to show you what you
40:00could do if you get rid of your raven mentality.
40:08Get that building out of your head.
40:10It was not a building, it was a nest.
40:14Too small for the eagle we had become.
40:18God had to send us a place where we could—I brought you here so you could see excellence.
40:29I brought you here to see what we can build.
40:33I brought you here so that you could smell the aroma of greatness.
40:42I didn't take you any place we could settle.
40:46I didn't want to take you to a place you had been before.
40:48I didn't want to take you to a place where you knew we could get—I had to make it hard
40:53so you could find out that this is what God wants for us.
41:08Before Noah, before the flood, Noah was a protector.
41:13He built an ark to protect the people who got on it.
41:17Now, if you go back and read the story, you find out that Noah had told everybody, y'all
41:21better come on.
41:23They said, they said, no, Noah, we ain't—you ain't no architect, and you don't build boats
41:30for a living, so we ain't going.
41:33But when that water start rising, the Bible says they start knocking on the door, talking
41:38about, hey, Noah!
41:39Noah said, no, back then you didn't want me.
41:44Now I'm hot, you all on me.
41:45I don't know who I'm talking to, but God told me to tell you, close the door.
41:50They won't come now, they can't come later.
41:53Slap somebody and say, close the door.
42:00The problem with some of y'all is you let anybody in at any time.
42:04There has to be a last call.
42:17Close the door.
42:19Bishop, I found out something very interesting.
42:27We can't be here all—we got to go.
42:29We got to go.
42:33No, we got to be out by nine.
42:37Not finish at nine.
42:38You ain't hear what I had said before church started.
42:41We don't have 25 minutes.
42:42We really need to be going now, because by the time y'all finish talking to each other,
42:47it's amazing how many people want church to be over, but they don't want to leave.
42:52They want church over and then stay around and talk 20 minutes in the parking lot after
42:55church is over.
42:59Watch this.
43:00I never saw this in my whole life.
43:03The Bible says in Genesis chapter 9, and Noah became a farmer.
43:19This told me up.
43:23Because before the storm, he was a builder.
43:30After the storm, he's a farmer.
43:37Before the rain, he was just an ordinary man.
43:44After the rain, he became productive.
43:52Before the rain, he waited on the animals to come to him two by two.
43:58After the rain, he was sending the produce out two by two.
44:03Notice that he was not productive until after the rain stopped.
44:10Then the Lord spoke to me and said, Lighthouse, you haven't even been productive yet.
44:21What you did for the last 15 years was build a boat, but what you're going to do over the
44:32next 15 years, God says, I'm about to use you to multiply the earth.
44:42I don't know who this word is for, but get ready for houses you didn't build.
44:49Get ready for vineyards you didn't plant.
44:52Get ready for raises on the job you don't qualify for.
44:55Get ready for checks to come in the mail you did not expect.
44:59Get ready for God to use you to do big things and great things.
45:03And when they asked you how did it happen, tell them it was not because of my degree.
45:10You can blame this blessing on God.
45:25So don't be sad.
45:30Don't be despondent.
45:34Don't be dismayed.
45:37Don't be discouraged.
45:41Through the Lord's help, I promise you, I will not let you down.
45:55When they see us again, they will wish they were already in the boat because what God
46:05is about to do is going to be earth-shaking.
46:13It's going to be mind-boggling.
46:19You know, it's amazing how many people online will always say, it ain't His church.
46:28It's God's church.
46:29But when it blew down, all of a sudden it became my church.
46:45When God was blessing us and we were growing, they were quick online, it ain't His church.
46:49He just, it's God's church.
46:51But now it's on the ground, Henderson's church.
47:05And I'm not saying this to be political because I don't care what you believe, but I remember,
47:10and this is not me talking or endorsing anybody, but I just remember when President Biden said
47:16that he wasn't running and a couple of CNN pundits called me and asked me what I thought.
47:22I said, I don't, I don't know what, I don't know what to think because, because if you
47:27follow the polls, black women have never said that they liked the vice president, but don't
47:36act like you do.
47:37You see, just, just, just, just hold on because a month ago, two months ago, two years ago,
47:45I heard what you said.
47:51Now all of a sudden you were hurt and that's fine.
47:57But here's the lesson I learned, that when they are for you, don't be happy.
48:04And when they are against you, don't be sad because when God's hand gets involved, things
48:15can change.
48:16Because I remember telling them, I said, this is going to happen, this is going to happen.
48:20And then in eight hours, I was wrong because when God decides to do something, yesterday
48:28is history and tomorrow becomes a mystery.
48:35So I might hoop next week.
48:40I might sing.
48:41I don't know.
48:42But I needed you to hear my heart today.
48:50We going to be all right.
49:00I don't know what we're going to be in September, but I know what we're going to be is all right.
49:09And wherever I go and show up.
49:14If I go to the moon, tell your neighbor, if he go to the moon, I'm going to the moon too.
49:25Don't come here next week by yourself.
49:31Bring somebody with you.
49:33This is a revival.
49:37Come to your feet.
49:46I want you to be encouraged, be of good cheer.
49:58God has not forgotten us.
50:01Those of you who are watching us online, the same God that's in this room is in your house.
50:10My wife and I left on the 4th, the storm hit on the 8th, and vacation was over.
50:18We got four days.
50:21The rest of the 26 days, the staff will tell you, I woe them out and they woe me out.
50:28I did not have a vacation.
50:32I have not had a sabbatical.
50:33I have not had a time off.
50:35I got a book coming out on the 6th, on Tuesday.
50:38Is it Tuesday, Wednesday?
50:45I've been working my butt off even with that.
50:47I believe Wednesday morning I'll be on the radio with Steve Harvey and the day after
50:52that I'll be on with Kelly Clarkson.
50:54I've got places to go and things to do.
51:01I'm going to take some time off, but right now I got time on.
51:05I don't believe in taking breaks when you got work to do.
51:10By the way, I've already been to the church today and preached already today.
51:14I preached in that empty building today by myself.
51:18God's honest truth.
51:19I started the day at noon preaching, preaching to the walls, preaching to the seat, preaching
51:23to the ground, preaching to the air, asking the Spirit of God to just watch it until we
51:31get back.
51:35Be of good cheer.
51:39Hold on to your most holy faith.
51:43Don't let the media, social media, or haters change your mind because we got a lot of them.
51:53But the door is closed.
51:56And those of us who are on the boat, God's going to take to the next level.
52:00All of the ravens, let them settle where they want to.
52:05I'm speaking to my doves.
52:09How many doves in the room?
52:14Lift your hands.
52:15Open the floodgates of heaven.
52:16Let it rain.
