00:00:00And now our text for today remains stand in 1st Samuel chapter number 17, perhaps one of the most known biblical narratives, especially in the Old Testament, but let's believe God's going to give us fresh insight on the scripture that you know so well.
00:00:211st Samuel chapter 17, I'm going to read verses 16 through 32, then hop down to verses 41 through 47.
00:00:28That's a whole lot of scripture, but you said you want to read more scripture this year, so you're welcome.
00:00:33You ready?
00:00:35It says for 40 days, the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand.
00:00:43Now, Jesse said to his son, David, take this ephah of roasted grain and these 10 loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp.
00:00:52Take along these 10 cheeses to the commander of their unit and see how your brothers are and bring back some assurance from them.
00:01:00They are with Saul and all the men of Israel in the, oh yeah, we're in a series called Lessons from the, oh, this is a good valley right here, the Valley of Elah fighting against the Philistines.
00:01:14Early in the morning, David left the flock in the care of a shepherd, loaded up and set out as Jesse had directed.
00:01:20He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry.
00:01:25Israel and the Philistines were drawing up their lines facing each other.
00:01:29David left his things with the keeper of the supplies, ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were.
00:01:36As he was talking with them, Goliath, it just so happened as he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance.
00:01:50And David heard it. Whenever the Israelites saw the man, they all fled from him in great fear.
00:01:55Now, the Israelites had been saying, do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel.
00:02:02The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him.
00:02:05He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.
00:02:13Lord, I wish there was a Goliath today. For real? No tax-free blessing? My Lord.
00:02:20David asked the man standing near him, what will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel?
00:02:28Who is this uncircumcised Philistine? That's Christian Cousin right there.
00:02:32Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?
00:02:39They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, this is what will be done for the man who kills him.
00:02:44Verse 28, when Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked him,
00:02:53why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep?
00:02:58Oh, his brother feels some type of way. You know, when you start quantifying what people have, that's when you feel some type of way.
00:03:03Come on, you've been there. You ever gotten into it where somebody said, nobody care about your little house.
00:03:09Nobody care about your little car. You let them borrow money. You need that little hundred dollars.
00:03:15Little, it wasn't little when you asked for it anyway.
00:03:19Who got those little sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is.
00:03:24You came down only to watch the battle. Y'all ain't even fighting. What you talking about?
00:03:30Now, what have I done, said David? Can I even speak? He then turned away to someone else and brought up the same matter.
00:03:36And the men answered him as before. What David said was overheard and reported to Saul and Saul sent for him.
00:03:42Verse 32, David said to Saul, let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine. Your servant will go and fight him.
00:03:49Verse 41, meanwhile, the Philistine with his shield bearer in front of him came closer to David.
00:03:54He looked David over and saw that he was little, more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome.
00:03:59Even your haters got to admit when you look good. And he despised him.
00:04:03And he said to David, am I a dog that you come at me with sticks? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
00:04:10Come here, he said, and I'll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals.
00:04:16And David said to the Philistine, who you come against me with sword and spear and javelin.
00:04:24But I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
00:04:33This day, the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I'll strike you down and cut off your head.
00:04:40This very day, I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals.
00:04:46And the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.
00:04:51All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves.
00:04:57For the battle is the Lord's and he will give all of you into our hands.
00:05:03I wish somebody knew how to respond to good scripture.
00:05:07That's good stuff. We can go home right there.
00:05:10Go home right there, but I want to tag a title to this text.
00:05:15And I want to preach just from this thought.
00:05:17Who you talking to?
00:05:20Who you talking to?
00:05:25Not who are you talking to?
00:05:27Who you talking to?
00:05:31Before you sit down, look at any neighbor you want.
00:05:33Get right in their face, get in their personal space.
00:05:35Say neighbor, I want to know.
00:05:38Who you talking to?
00:05:40Come on, find another neighbor.
00:05:42You didn't say it with confidence.
00:05:43Find another neighbor.
00:05:44Say other neighbor, I really want to know.
00:05:47Who you talking to?
00:05:50If you believe God's going to speak, give him some praise up in here.
00:05:54Father, speak to us today.
00:05:57You may be seated.
00:05:59Who you talking to?
00:06:08Before I really jump into this message today,
00:06:11I have to pause and give honor to where honor is due.
00:06:17I have to do this today because we have a speaker that is here today
00:06:22who is, in my opinion, one of the greatest communicators
00:06:27and one of the most influential speakers, I believe, of our lifetime.
00:06:32They're here.
00:06:33They didn't ask me to do this.
00:06:35They're probably going to be mad that I'm making them come out here today
00:06:39because sometimes when you're a communicator, you just want to sit and receive.
00:06:42I said, no, no, no.
00:06:43If you're here, you have to say something.
00:06:46I want to honor this influential communicator today.
00:06:50Some of you all are going to trip when they come out
00:06:53because as soon as you see them, you're going to know who they are.
00:06:56Would you stand to your feet?
00:06:57Would you stand to your feet?
00:06:58I know you just sat down, but even before they come out,
00:07:02I want you to do like we always do at Social Dallas.
00:07:05Let's honor this incredible, incredible communicator.
00:07:08Come on.
00:07:09Would you give God just some praise for them as they come out?
00:07:12Come on.
00:07:13Come on, Social.
00:07:14You can do better than that.
00:07:18Come on, y'all.
00:07:19Keep clapping.
00:07:27Keep clapping.
00:07:40You can sit down.
00:07:43Do you see you?
00:07:46I just want to make sure some of y'all are disappointed.
00:07:48You're like, ooh, who was it?
00:07:52Some of y'all think I play too much.
00:07:54But please don't let the comedy or even your disappointment
00:07:59that I wasn't somebody famous mitigate.
00:08:03Don't let any of that mitigate what I said in my fake introduction.
00:08:09I said, I want you to welcome a powerful speaker
00:08:14and one of the most influential communicators of our lifetime.
00:08:20And then I brought a mirror and made sure you could see you.
00:08:26Because I want to ask you today, who talks to you more than you?
00:08:33Who tells you where to go and where not to go more than you?
00:08:37Who tells you what to wear and what not to wear more than you?
00:08:41Who tells you what to post and what not to post more than you?
00:08:45Some of you are waiting for some famous preacher
00:08:47or some famous orator or some famous podcaster.
00:08:49But I came to tell you, you are the most influential voice that you ever hear.
00:08:57Oh, I came to tell you, watch this.
00:08:59You are a powerful communicator.
00:09:02You are the most influential voice, not that you've ever heard,
00:09:06but that you're always hearing.
00:09:08Have you noticed that you are always talking to yourself.
00:09:12You are always communicating to you.
00:09:15In fact, one of the tensions, one of the challenges of being a preacher of the gospel
00:09:19is that although I am standing here today,
00:09:21preaching the infallible, incorruptible, everlasting, eternal word of God,
00:09:26I'm aware of the fight that is happening as I'm speaking right now.
00:09:30Because as I am talking to you, it's not so much what I'm saying to you that's important.
00:09:35I'll tell you what's really important.
00:09:36It's important what you are saying about what I'm saying to you.
00:09:40Because if the voice in your head is saying something contradictory to what I'm saying to you,
00:09:45to the word of God that's being declared,
00:09:47you will never step into the fullness of what God has for you.
00:09:51Some of you, the thing that is bringing you down right now
00:09:54is what you are saying about what God has said about you.
00:09:58So I can be declaring that you're the head and not the tail.
00:10:01And that voice will go, no, you're not, you're the tail.
00:10:03You look like a tail to me.
00:10:05And I could be saying that God's going to do something great in your life this year.
00:10:08And that voice will go, well, you said that last year.
00:10:11Here we are, the year almost over.
00:10:12He should have done that in January.
00:10:14I could be telling you that God is about to open a big door for you.
00:10:17And you say, come on, man, we've been here before.
00:10:19He ain't opening no doors.
00:10:20You always going to be in this position.
00:10:22What is the voice that you are saying about what God is saying to you?
00:10:26Because that is the most influential voice.
00:10:30Who, who, who, who are you talking to?
00:10:37Some of you would slap somebody if they talk to you the way that you talk to you.
00:10:44And I want to ask you, what is that internal voice in your head saying about you?
00:10:51What is that voice that always seems to knock down the truth of God's word?
00:10:56What is that?
00:10:58It's the devil.
00:11:00It's a demon.
00:11:03But have you noticed the devil never sounds like the devil in your head?
00:11:08I've never heard a voice that's antithetical to the truth of God's word that sounds like,
00:11:12ugh, you evil person.
00:11:14No, no, no.
00:11:15Have you ever noticed the enemy always sounds like you in your head?
00:11:21And so the challenge and the fight of your life is to watch who you're talking to.
00:11:29I'll never forget seeing this professional fighter.
00:11:32He had won all these championships.
00:11:34I mean, knocked people out.
00:11:36And one day, after he had won a championship fight, they had just handed him the belt.
00:11:41He's a champion.
00:11:42And he just zones out as the person is interviewing him, and he shouts at the camera.
00:11:47You see, Dad?
00:11:49You see?
00:11:50I'm not a loser.
00:11:51I am somebody.
00:11:53And the interviewer was looking at him like, who are you talking to?
00:11:59And they started delving into his story and found out he grew up in an abusive home with
00:12:03a father who always talked down to him.
00:12:05So the fuel for every fight that he fought was to put the image of his father on his
00:12:10opponent, and he would knock them out.
00:12:13And in a moment that he should have been celebrating, he blacked out and started talking about what
00:12:20his father had said about him.
00:12:23Some of you, the voice that's in your head are the voices of people who have spoken things
00:12:26over you, even when you were a kid.
00:12:29And when they spoke those words, it planted a seed in your mind, and that seed has now
00:12:33grown as you rehearse it over and over again, watering it, and now the roots are down in
00:12:39your heart.
00:12:40And I want to know, who are you talking to?
00:12:43What are you saying about yourself?
00:12:46That is the voice that matters.
00:12:50Hear me, most of the battles in your life are about who you're talking to.
00:12:54And if you don't win those battles, you will never win the fight in the valley.
00:12:59The fight in the valley only will have success if you understand who you are talking to before
00:13:05you get in the valley.
00:13:07Who are you talking to?
00:13:10It's funny, when I first said it, I saw some of your faces, and it went back to like when
00:13:13you were a kid, and you actually had the nerve to say something back to your mama.
00:13:16You ever did that?
00:13:17Just said it under your breath real quick.
00:13:19Excuse me?
00:13:20Who are you talking to?
00:13:22I mean, if you answer that question right there and say you, that's going to be your
00:13:25last moment.
00:13:26I don't know how you were raised.
00:13:27That's going to be your last moment on the earth if you answer that question and say
00:13:33But let's think about that.
00:13:34When your mom looked at you and said, who are you talking to?
00:13:38She knows what you said.
00:13:40She's using that question, watch this, for you to gauge the disconnect in your brain
00:13:47that has now forgotten that she brought you in this world, and she will take you out.
00:13:52She's trying to figure out if you know what you said, because that statement is reflective
00:13:56of your negative pattern of thinking.
00:13:58That's what I'm talking about today.
00:14:00I want to know how are you thinking?
00:14:02How are you processing?
00:14:03Who are you talking to?
00:14:06Elbow the person next to you and say, who are you talking to?
00:14:09Oh, who are you talking to?
00:14:11Number two, which brings me to my text today, because every battle starts with who you're
00:14:16talking to.
00:14:17It brings me to my text in 1 Samuel chapter 17.
00:14:19We find a fight in the valley of Eli.
00:14:22And let's just address the homiletical elephant that's in the room today.
00:14:27Everybody has heard the story of David and Goliath.
00:14:30Can we just agree on that right there?
00:14:32I'm almost willing to bet everybody in this room watching online, you know about David
00:14:38and Goliath.
00:14:39I'm a preacher, and so I have a lot of conversations with people about the Bible.
00:14:42And it's amazing to me the things that come to me because of people's biblical illiteracy.
00:14:46And I've gotten all kinds of stuff.
00:14:47I'm talking about the book of Psalms.
00:14:48It's called the book of Palms.
00:14:49People have said that to me.
00:14:51I've had people come up to me and say, oh, I need a job.
00:14:53I saw there's a book of Job.
00:14:55Should I read that scripture?
00:14:56I'm like, that's not the book of Job.
00:14:58That's the book of Job.
00:14:59I mean, it's crazy the stuff that comes to you when you're a preacher that is not in
00:15:03the Bible.
00:15:04I've heard people go, oh, I love Joseph.
00:15:05It's crazy how his brothers threw him in the pit.
00:15:08You know what I'm saying?
00:15:09They threw him in the pit, but he rose again because, you know, he got married to Mary.
00:15:13And then, you know, they gave birth to Jesus.
00:15:17I'm like, that's two different Josephs, dog.
00:15:19But that's all right.
00:15:20That's all right.
00:15:21I mean, they'll come to me on the plane and say, hey, preacher, you know what I'm saying?
00:15:23I'm going through it right now.
00:15:24But you know what I'm saying?
00:15:25Man upstairs, it's like he's saying that good book.
00:15:27That's always a clue.
00:15:28It's like he say.
00:15:29It's like he say, he'll never put more on you than you can bear.
00:15:32That's not in the Bible, player.
00:15:34But it's funny that I've trolled our whole serve team during culture night.
00:15:38I told him, I say, y'all, we got to be flexible.
00:15:40We're a church that moves from venue to venue.
00:15:42I told him the Bible says, blessed are the flexible for they won't be bent out of shape.
00:15:46And eight serving leaders are like, that's good.
00:15:49That's good.
00:15:54So I've heard it all, but I ain't never heard anybody that doesn't know about David.
00:16:00And they're like, we know this story.
00:16:02We don't even have to read it today.
00:16:03And maybe that's the problem.
00:16:06Because it is our familiarity that actually robs us of revelation.
00:16:10And we don't understand the power that is in this battle that took place.
00:16:15Y'all, I have known this text my whole life.
00:16:18And I was this week old when I realized that David had some conversations that were critical in his life before he ever got in the fight in the valley.
00:16:28And the real fight was the fight that preceded the fight in the valley.
00:16:32See, I'm trying to tell you today, you cannot get resources to fight in the valley while you're in the valley.
00:16:38You got to have something in you before you get in the valley.
00:16:42Some of you wait until you're in the valley and now you're reaching for resources for the fight.
00:16:47David had something on the inside of him before he ever got in that valley to fight that assured that he would have the victory.
00:16:55I'll tell you when it started.
00:16:57It started when he was out there ostracized, alienated by his family who didn't invite him.
00:17:02But David knew who he was talking to.
00:17:05He was out there talking to God.
00:17:07And when he was talking to God, God was talking to him.
00:17:10And that's why he had confidence to roll up at the battle that day and say, I'm about to knock this giant down.
00:17:15How you got that confidence?
00:17:17Because of who I've been talking to.
00:17:19Please don't confuse my confidence with arrogance.
00:17:22I'm not arrogant.
00:17:23I just know who I've been talking to.
00:17:25I just know greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world.
00:17:29And you can tell by the way I hold my head up high and square my shoulders who I've been talking to.
00:17:38The whole battle in the valley was all about who they had been talking to.
00:17:48Y'all, it had nothing to do with the fight.
00:17:51It had everything to do with who David had been talking to.
00:17:55Come on, if you critically analyze 1 Samuel 17, the fight is the shortest part of the text.
00:18:02I mean, come on, you can analyze the fight in like four phrases.
00:18:05He hit Goliath with a rock.
00:18:07He fell down dead.
00:18:09He cut off his head.
00:18:11That's the fight right there.
00:18:13Why then are there 57 verses in 1 Samuel 17?
00:18:18It's all that talking.
00:18:20It's all kinds of conversations before David ever gets in the valley to fight.
00:18:24Even Goliath is proof positive that it matters who's talking to you.
00:18:29Do you notice what happened when David got to the battlefield?
00:18:31Goliath ain't killed nobody.
00:18:33For 40 days, all he's been doing is talking.
00:18:39Day and night, night and day.
00:18:41That's all he was doing.
00:18:42It's in the text.
00:18:43Morning and evening, running his mouth.
00:18:45He's doing what the enemy is doing to some of y'all right now.
00:18:48Just running his mouth, talking to you, trying to stop you before you ever get in the fight.
00:18:53But the devil messed up because you came to church today.
00:18:55And I have an anointing to declare over your life that you will knock down every giant that is in front of you.
00:19:02You will step into the fullness of your purpose.
00:19:05So, devil, keep on talking because I feel like preaching today.
00:19:09And I'm going to shout and yell and sweat till you hear me, till I drown out the noise of doubt and insecurity and discouragement and fear.
00:19:18And you get your confidence back.
00:19:22Who you talking to?
00:19:25Goliath ain't killed nobody.
00:19:27I can understand if he had been chopping off heads for 40 days.
00:19:30No, no, no.
00:19:31Just talking.
00:19:34It matters who you talk to.
00:19:38Today, oh, that was my intro.
00:19:41Today, oh, don't leave early.
00:19:43I want to give you five conversations, critical conversations that David had before he ever got in the valley.
00:19:51Each one of these conversations were not only critical to his destiny, but there is a truth connected to each one of these conversations that I think you can apply to your life.
00:20:00Not when you get in the valley, but before you get in the valley.
00:20:04How many conversations?
00:20:06How many?
00:20:09Five conversations.
00:20:10By the way, you know the story.
00:20:11How many rocks did he pick up?
00:20:16We always talk about the rocks.
00:20:18I want to talk about the five conversations.
00:20:21First conversation is with his father, Jesse.
00:20:26Let the church say Jesse.
00:20:28Say it one more time so I can get a drink of water.
00:20:29Say Jesse.
00:20:34He has a conversation with his father, Jesse.
00:20:35And I call this conversation the Uber Eats conversation.
00:20:41It's the Uber Eats conversation.
00:20:42Because his father, Jesse, calls him and says, hey, Dave, need you to do something.
00:20:48We read it.
00:20:49Take your brothers loaves of bread and some cheese and go check on them on the battlefield.
00:20:56Small assignment.
00:20:57Little bitty thing.
00:20:59It was a little thing, but it was a big thing.
00:21:02Understand that if he disobeys this assignment and this commandment, he's not positioned for destiny.
00:21:10It seems like it wasn't a big deal.
00:21:13An Uber Eats delivery.
00:21:14But it's a really big deal even though it's small.
00:21:16I have learned in my life that the things that look like they're a big deal never look like a big deal.
00:21:22They always look small.
00:21:24They always look hidden.
00:21:25That's why I love to watch how people do small things.
00:21:28Because how you do a small thing is how you do everything.
00:21:30I like to watch that.
00:21:31I like to watch how people, if we say, hey, can you just help set up a chair on one of the venues?
00:21:35And I know you've got an anointing to say.
00:21:36We know.
00:21:37You're the next whoever.
00:21:38But I want to know, can you set up a chair?
00:21:40Because how you do a small thing, how you set up that chair, is how you're going to grab the mic.
00:21:46It's a small thing.
00:21:48He said, just go deliver lunch to your brothers.
00:21:51Now, it doesn't seem like a big deal until you read 1 Samuel chapter 16.
00:21:56The chapter that preceded it.
00:21:58Samuel, the prophet, comes into town and is looking for the next king of Israel because Saul has been rejected.
00:22:05He goes to Jesse and says, bring me all your sons and let's see who the next king is.
00:22:11He brings all of his sons except for Dave.
00:22:14Seven sons are rejected to the point that the prophet has to ask Jesse a critical question.
00:22:21Are these all your kids?
00:22:24Somebody could ask you that question.
00:22:26Do you have another kid?
00:22:28I'm playing, unless it applies.
00:22:32Do you have another kid?
00:22:34And Jesse's like, oh, my bad.
00:22:35I guess I do.
00:22:37But you don't want him.
00:22:38He's out in the field with the sheep.
00:22:40And this is the most gangster move in the text.
00:22:42The prophet says, nobody sit down until he gets here.
00:22:48So I read the Bible.
00:22:49How long were they just standing in rejection?
00:22:53Like, come on, Dave.
00:22:55And here comes David from the field.
00:22:57Hey, guys.
00:22:58Oh, Samuel's here.
00:22:59Hey, I would have cleaned up.
00:23:02Did I miss something?
00:23:04The destiny moment happens.
00:23:07Samuel goes, this is the one.
00:23:10And anoints David in front of all of his brothers whose feet are hurting because they were standing, waiting for him to get there.
00:23:20Anoints him.
00:23:21And he goes back to the field, dripping with the anointing, knowing he's going to be the next king.
00:23:27And then after that, his dad says, hey, can you go take your brother's lunch?
00:23:34I would have been like, oh, excuse me, Jesse.
00:23:38Who are you talking to?
00:23:40I'm the next king.
00:23:41I don't do lunch.
00:23:43I don't do Uber Eats.
00:23:45I'm the next king of history.
00:23:46I got to go get my Gucci robe.
00:23:48Blair, what you talking about?
00:23:50Deliver meat and cheeses?
00:23:54But not David.
00:23:58He pulls a Chick-fil-A.
00:24:01My pleasure.
00:24:04My pleasure.
00:24:07You want me to deliver cheese, even though I'm the next king?
00:24:10No problem.
00:24:12Whatever my father asks of me, I'm going to do it.
00:24:15I'm going to do it.
00:24:16Whatever my father needs of me, I'm available to you.
00:24:19Oh, can I tell you what you learn from this conversation?
00:24:22You have to have a heart of humility.
00:24:25See, some of y'all will never get to Goliath because you can't knock down the giant of your pride.
00:24:31You think you're too wonderful.
00:24:33You think you're too beautiful.
00:24:35You think you're too good to go do something.
00:24:37But I'm trying to tell you that pride will always close the doors that God has for you, but humility will open up the window of heaven.
00:24:46Wherever there's an open heaven, there's always humility there.
00:24:49Come here, Jesus, who put on human skin and was baptized in the Jordan River, even though he came to take away the sin of the world.
00:24:57But he told John the Baptist, you got to baptize me.
00:25:00I got to fulfill all righteousness.
00:25:03I didn't come to be served.
00:25:04I came to serve.
00:25:06And the heavens opened up because humility was found in the water.
00:25:12That's why you got a closed heaven.
00:25:14You got too much pride.
00:25:16Your pride stops you from stepping into what God has for you.
00:25:21I can fix some of your relationship issues in one second right now.
00:25:24You ready?
00:25:25One second.
00:25:26Count it.
00:25:29You won't admit you're wrong.
00:25:31You won't say you're sorry.
00:25:33It's your pride.
00:25:36If you're going to win the fight in the valley, you got to have a heart of humility.
00:25:42David did not think it beneath him to say, you know what?
00:25:47If you want me to go deliver this bread, I'll do it.
00:25:52And look at him walking in humility, and the humility positioned him for his next level.
00:26:00Do you have a heart of humility?
00:26:02He gets to the battlefield.
00:26:04This is what I love, the sovereignty of the timing of God.
00:26:07I find it intriguing that at the exact moment that David delivers the cheese and the bread,
00:26:12I mean, right after he takes the picture and sends it to Jesse and says, order delivered.
00:26:21At that moment, Goliath comes out.
00:26:24And Goliath comes out and does what he's been doing for 40 days.
00:26:29He starts defying the God of Israel.
00:26:32Now, keep in mind, the soldiers have heard this for 40 days, and they have been paralyzed by fear.
00:26:40David hears it in one moment and says, oh, no, I'm about to fight.
00:26:44Where is my slingshot?
00:26:46For 40 days, they heard Goliath defying their God, and they got more afraid with each day.
00:26:53In one moment, David says, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:26:56Is there not a cause?
00:26:58We've got to do something about this.
00:27:00Why does David hear what Goliath says in a different tone, in a different frequency?
00:27:05Because David knew who he had been talking to, who you're talking to.
00:27:10He'd been talking to God.
00:27:12And when you've been talking to God, you hear things differently.
00:27:15Can I tell somebody in here today, there is a frequency to faith.
00:27:19When people are walking by sight, they will never understand the frequency of faith that you have,
00:27:24because faith hears things different.
00:27:26That's why faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
00:27:30So we can hear the same thing, but have two different perspectives and hear it differently,
00:27:35because I'm tuned in to the frequency of faith.
00:27:38So you heard we're not hiring, and now you think you ain't ever going to have a job.
00:27:42I heard, guess what, God got something better for me.
00:27:45That other job must have better benefits and better packages.
00:27:49Thank you, Jesus.
00:27:51You heard, I don't want to go out with you.
00:27:53You heard, they ghosted me as rejection.
00:27:55I heard it like, oh, thank you, Lord, I have to waste my time.
00:27:58I know who the one is for me.
00:28:00Thank God we didn't have to go to a cheesecake factory to figure it out.
00:28:04I know what God has.
00:28:07Are you tuned in to the frequency of faith?
00:28:13They heard the same thing, had different reactions.
00:28:19It reminds me, speaking of job, reminds me of some time ago,
00:28:23they were looking for some candidates for a job,
00:28:27and they told them, come for an interview for this job.
00:28:30And all these people showed up.
00:28:32It was like 300 people in line for this one job,
00:28:35and they're standing in line waiting to be interviewed for the position.
00:28:39And somebody in the back of the line skips everybody
00:28:43and goes straight to the door and walks into the interview.
00:28:45And everybody's doing like you do when somebody skips in line, like what?
00:28:49What's wrong with him?
00:28:51Here's the thing.
00:28:53The interview was requiring that the person understand Morse code.
00:28:59So all while they were standing in line,
00:29:04Morse code was going on.
00:29:08While they're standing in line.
00:29:11And the Morse code message was,
00:29:13if you can understand what this is saying,
00:29:23get out of the line and come straight to the door for the interview.
00:29:30And the one person that had an ear that was tuned in to the frequency of the Morse code
00:29:35said, why am I wasting my time in this line when there's already an open door?
00:29:40I came to tell somebody, if you would tune in your ear to the frequency of faith,
00:29:44you can skip the line and walk past discouragement and walk past disappointment.
00:29:49God says, I got an open door that's already there for you,
00:29:53but you better tune in your ear to the frequency of faith.
00:30:01David heard something different.
00:30:03And he said, y'all in fear, I'm about to fight.
00:30:08And so he goes from the conversation with Jesse.
00:30:10Heart of humility.
00:30:11I got to hurry.
00:30:12We got five conversations.
00:30:13Y'all bored?
00:30:16And then all of a sudden he looks at the soldiers.
00:30:19I love this conversation.
00:30:21He looks at the soldiers.
00:30:22Don't miss it.
00:30:23And goes, what will be given to the man that defeats him?
00:30:29You missed it.
00:30:31He looks at the soldiers and says, what will be given to the man that defeats him?
00:30:36Y'all missed it too.
00:30:39He looks at the soldiers.
00:30:41What will be given to the man who defeats him?
00:30:46David already has his mind set on victory.
00:30:53They have been forecasting failure.
00:30:56That's why the writer, that's why when you read about Goliath and all of his armor and it goes into great detail,
00:31:02you know why the writer is giving you all the detail about Goliath's armor?
00:31:05It's because he's letting you feel what the children of Israel are focusing on.
00:31:09They're focusing on how big his shield is, how big his helmet is.
00:31:13And whatever you focus on is what's going to grow in your life.
00:31:16David said, I don't got time to look at his shield.
00:31:19I don't care nothing about that helmet.
00:31:21I just know he's been defying the God of these armies.
00:31:25So I want to know what do you get for knocking him out?
00:31:28What does the man get?
00:31:29Because I am that man.
00:31:30You can't just have a heart of humility.
00:31:32You better have a vision of victory.
00:31:35You better see yourself winning before you ever win.
00:31:39David saw himself winning.
00:31:42Oh, I feel this.
00:31:43Are y'all recording this?
00:31:44I'm going to watch it later.
00:31:45It's blessing me.
00:31:46I'm telling you because when you are going through trials, you have got to have a vision of victory.
00:31:52If you don't see it before you see it, you will never ever ascertain it.
00:31:57You have got to have a vision of victory, especially when you are in a tough season.
00:32:02Vision of victory.
00:32:03Do you see yourself winning?
00:32:06Do you see that marriage being healed?
00:32:08Do you see that child being set free?
00:32:11If you don't have a vision of victory, you'll never step into it.
00:32:15Do you see it?
00:32:16Can I just be open and transparent with y'all?
00:32:18You know your boy is in school right now.
00:32:20Working on my master's.
00:32:21Turned in my first paper last week.
00:32:23Turned it in late.
00:32:25But the professor had grace.
00:32:26Thank you, Jesus.
00:32:28Got three papers due next week.
00:32:31I'm not even getting a Sunday afternoon nap today.
00:32:33I got to go start on this other paper that's due next week.
00:32:35And it is hard.
00:32:37It is the hardest thing I have ever done.
00:32:39Your boy has been tempted to get Chad GPT to write the whole paper.
00:32:43I'm telling you.
00:32:44But I got integrity.
00:32:45It is hard.
00:32:46And the site references, I haven't written a paper since 2006.
00:32:49It's hard.
00:32:51But you know what's keeping me?
00:32:52I got a vision of victory.
00:32:55I told you a couple Sundays ago.
00:32:56I see myself in 2026 walking across that stage with my diploma and that little hood.
00:33:02And the same year, I see us actually having a building and cutting the ribbon.
00:33:06I don't know where the building is.
00:33:08But I can see it.
00:33:10That's what sustains me going from venue to venue and setting up and tired.
00:33:15You know what sustains me?
00:33:16Is I see us having our own space to give God glory.
00:33:19If you don't see it, you'll never step into it.
00:33:24I see it.
00:33:26I'm taking more time in this service.
00:33:28I see myself in 2072.
00:33:3188 years old.
00:33:3288 and in great shape.
00:33:3588 and shredded.
00:33:36I see it.
00:33:37Me and PT just traveling all over the world.
00:33:40Still coming to social.
00:33:41I ain't preaching.
00:33:42But they're going to be like, who that old dude that keep hopping up every time.
00:33:44Talking about, come on.
00:33:45They said, that's the founder.
00:33:46That's the founder.
00:33:47Don't worry about him.
00:33:48He crazy.
00:33:49He crazy.
00:33:50I see it.
00:33:52If you don't have a vision of victory, you'll never step into the victory.
00:33:57David said, I don't got time to talk about the details of this dude's armor.
00:34:01What do you get for knocking him out?
00:34:03King's daughter and no taxes?
00:34:05I'm good.
00:34:06All right.
00:34:07He steps into the fight.
00:34:09But before that fight, there's another conversation.
00:34:14Oh, I'll take a drink of water for this conversation.
00:34:21We read it.
00:34:23You notice right after he asked, what do you get?
00:34:28His mind is already in the victory.
00:34:31His older brother Eliab comes to him.
00:34:36Bible uses strong language.
00:34:38He's burning with anger.
00:34:41He feels some type of way.
00:34:45And he says, what are you doing here?
00:34:47What are you doing here?
00:34:49He says, I know the arrogance that is in your heart.
00:34:52You come down here to see the battle.
00:34:54Where y'all little sheep?
00:34:58Why are you angry?
00:35:01Thank God for the Bible.
00:35:03It tells us.
00:35:04Remember when the prophet Samuel came to look for the next king?
00:35:08Guess who the first person that he was going to pick was?
00:35:14He was the first one rejected.
00:35:16Eliab, watch this, is the reason you have this verse in your Bible.
00:35:20Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.
00:35:24Eliab looked like a king and had to stand in the rejection of watching his younger,
00:35:31insignificant brother get positioned before him.
00:35:38The attack in your life before your destiny will always come from people
00:35:41closest to you.
00:35:47The very ones that should be a voice of support are generally the ones who say,
00:35:52what you doing here?
00:35:53Where your little sheep?
00:35:56And here's David, who if it was me, what I'm doing here, I'm bringing you food.
00:36:01And I'm about to fight the battle that you can't fight because you're scared.
00:36:04That's what I would have said.
00:36:07David does something better.
00:36:09David, watch this.
00:36:11Says, what is it now?
00:36:13Which means this ain't the first time he said something.
00:36:15What is it now?
00:36:17Can I just talk?
00:36:18And then he does this powerful move that you got to take with you today.
00:36:21Watch this.
00:36:22He turns around and no longer faces Eliab.
00:36:29That act of turning around proved that David, watch this, knew his real enemy.
00:36:39Oh God.
00:36:41Eliab, you are not my enemy.
00:36:44The giant behind you is my real enemy.
00:36:47And if I waste emotional energy and equity trying to fight with you,
00:36:52oh, I'm going to miss out on the real giant that I'm supposed to fight.
00:36:57I don't know who this is for, but you've been wasting energy trying to fight Eliab,
00:37:02and that is not your enemy.
00:37:04Meanwhile, your real enemy is behind you trying to defy your God.
00:37:09Stop getting in comment sections fighting with Eliab.
00:37:13Your brother is not your enemy.
00:37:15You have a real enemy.
00:37:18Can I just say, in this current climate in which we live,
00:37:22the body of Christ has been wasting time fighting our brothers and sisters,
00:37:27so much so that the enemy is just looking at us going,
00:37:29oh, well, y'all going to kill y'allself.
00:37:32Can you imagine if he would have put out a slingshot on Eliab
00:37:36and the Goliath would have still been there?
00:37:38I believe the enemy has a greater and singular vision than the church does sometimes.
00:37:43Because here we are fighting over black, white, tall, short, Democrat, Republican, Baptist, Presbyterian.
00:37:50We got all these places of distinction to fight.
00:37:53The enemy sees all of humanity as image bearers, that you just bear the image of God.
00:37:58So I'm just trying to kill, steal, and destroy whatever I can from every single person that is an image bearer.
00:38:04He has one vision, and here we are fighting over our distinctions.
00:38:09I wish God would raise up a church that understood the power of unity,
00:38:13that you are not my real enemy, but there is a real enemy that I've got to fight.
00:38:18That's why the devil's not afraid of a big church.
00:38:20He's afraid of a united church.
00:38:22Because if we ever got together, how many of you know, hell can't stop us?
00:38:29So I refuse to waste my energy in the comment section talking to Eliab.
00:38:36He turned his back.
00:38:37When he turned his back, it's what I do on the plane sometimes when the baby's crying.
00:38:40I just put on my noise-canceling headphones, bless God, so I don't hear.
00:38:47He puts on the headphones.
00:38:48He turns his back.
00:38:51Because he knows his real enemy.
00:38:53You're not my enemy, Eliab.
00:38:55Your brother and your sister in Christ is not your enemy.
00:38:59They might look like it, but we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities.
00:39:04Know your real enemy.
00:39:06He goes from Eliab, oh yeah, worship and enjoy me, to the next conversation with Saul.
00:39:14Yeah, he said, better call Saul.
00:39:16Well, Saul called him, so nevermind.
00:39:19And Saul, watch this, discourages him too.
00:39:24He says, David, you can't fight this dude.
00:39:27David came in with confidence, let no one lose heart.
00:39:30I will fight the giant.
00:39:32Saul should've celebrated.
00:39:34He said, David, come on now.
00:39:36You're just a youth.
00:39:37You're 17.
00:39:38He's been fighting since he was a youth.
00:39:40You can't destroy him.
00:39:43Come on now.
00:39:45Alcoholism has been in your family for generation after generation after generation.
00:39:48Come on now.
00:39:50Just go get a bottle.
00:39:51You can't defeat it.
00:39:54Infidelity has been breaking up families all throughout your generational line.
00:39:59Come on now.
00:40:01You can't do it.
00:40:02Have you ever had the enemy through another person tell you what's not possible?
00:40:09And David doesn't even allow himself to get discouraged.
00:40:13He rehearses his history.
00:40:15He said, well, I never killed a giant, but let me let you know.
00:40:19I killed a bear and I killed a lion.
00:40:23I didn't post it.
00:40:27Because it was in private.
00:40:32And there's some private victories that ought to give you confidence for the public victory.
00:40:37I wish people would just rent some private battles first.
00:40:47We're trying to post how you all that, but anyway.
00:40:50He said, I defeated the lion.
00:40:52I defeated the bear.
00:40:55Think the same God that got me through those battles will get me through this one.
00:40:59And Saul says, all right.
00:41:01May the Lord be with you.
00:41:04He says, oh, but before you go, come here.
00:41:08Takes his armor.
00:41:11David didn't ask for it.
00:41:13Puts it on David.
00:41:16Put yourself in the room, y'all.
00:41:18David's been out with sheep.
00:41:20He's in the palace.
00:41:22And the king just put his armor on him.
00:41:25Y'all, this is like being in the locker room and LeBron is like, hold on real quick.
00:41:29Put my jersey on.
00:41:33David puts it on.
00:41:36Maybe there was a mirror in the palace.
00:41:40And he tried it.
00:41:44He tried.
00:41:48But then he goes, this isn't me.
00:41:53Saul, this might work for you.
00:41:57But this ain't me.
00:41:59In other words, your conversation is teaching me.
00:42:02I gotta work with my weapon.
00:42:05I gotta work with what God has given me.
00:42:08I don't know who this is for today.
00:42:10I don't even want to shout it.
00:42:11I want to just tell you, would you work with your weapon?
00:42:15Do you know God has given you something that you're about to despise and throw away?
00:42:19Because it doesn't look like somebody else's.
00:42:21But God will not allow you to defeat your giant with somebody else's weaponry.
00:42:25You gotta work your weapon.
00:42:28He who God created and called you to be, work your weapon.
00:42:34Reminded me of a moment in my life, I'll never forget it.
00:42:37Getting ready to preach in Sydney, Australia.
00:42:4030,000 people in an arena.
00:42:45Biggest crowd I've ever spoken to.
00:42:47Y'all, you ever just peed on yourself before you got on the stage?
00:42:54I haven't.
00:42:5730,000 people.
00:43:00What made it worse that week?
00:43:02That week I had to sit there and listen to some of the greatest orators ever.
00:43:05I was closing the conference.
00:43:08And I was so nervous I got physically sick.
00:43:12And I'm praying.
00:43:14And I'll never forget God speaking to my heart.
00:43:18He said, I did not anoint you to be anybody else.
00:43:23He who I created you to be.
00:43:27Work your weapon.
00:43:30I know the platform is bigger.
00:43:32But you need to preach like that same Robert that would preach in junior high Sunday school class.
00:43:36And they only listen when you brought donuts.
00:43:38I need that same junior high Sunday class energy.
00:43:41Even though it's 30,000 people.
00:43:43So David, don't start trying to try new tricks.
00:43:45Just because it's a bigger audience or a bigger platform.
00:43:48Work your weapon.
00:43:50Who is this for today?
00:43:51I want to preach till insecurity falls off of you.
00:43:54And you stop trying to be like somebody else.
00:43:56You are the only one that God has ever created like you.
00:44:00Work your weapon.
00:44:02Slap your neighbor and say, work your weapon.
00:44:05Work your weapon.
00:44:09Don't get cutesy.
00:44:10Don't get demure now.
00:44:14Work your weapon.
00:44:19Watch this.
00:44:20Oh, I got to hurry.
00:44:22If you don't do what David did, this to me is the most courageous act.
00:44:27It wasn't the rock he threw.
00:44:29It's that he took off Saul's armor.
00:44:34If you don't take off other people's armor, you can't grab yours.
00:44:39Put my scripture up there.
00:44:40Show them, show them, show them, show them.
00:44:42Show them, show them in that scripture.
00:44:43Remember, I said I might use it.
00:44:45Put it up there.
00:44:47So he took them off.
00:44:48Trying to be like somebody else.
00:44:49What's them?
00:44:50Trying to be like your sister.
00:44:51What's them?
00:44:52Trying to be like your brother.
00:44:53What's them?
00:44:54Trying to be like the person that was in the position before you got the job.
00:44:56He took that off.
00:44:57And when he took that off, then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the stream.
00:45:02Put them in the pouch of his shepherd's bag.
00:45:04And with the sling in his hand, he approached the Philistine.
00:45:07I can't step into what God has for me until I take off who I've been trying to be.
00:45:12Work your weapon.
00:45:14Forget all that sword and get your slingshot.
00:45:17Work your weapon.
00:45:21Work it.
00:45:22Work it.
00:45:25I got to hurry.
00:45:26Is the weapon enough?
00:45:28Is the weapon enough?
00:45:30It ain't.
00:45:32Work it.
00:45:33But the power ain't in the weapon.
00:45:36He goes to the battlefield.
00:45:38Goliath starts mocking him.
00:45:41Am I a dog?
00:45:43Did you come at me with sticks?
00:45:46He starts mocking him.
00:45:47Can I tell you, the enemy will always mock you.
00:45:51The enemy is a liar.
00:45:52All he does is he lies.
00:45:53That's his native tongue.
00:45:54But he has a second language.
00:45:55It's called mocking.
00:45:57Anytime you feel that mock, who you think you are?
00:45:59You're going to worship?
00:46:01After what you did last week?
00:46:02Oh, you're going to try to be interested.
00:46:04That mocking, it always comes from the enemy.
00:46:06He said, am I a dog?
00:46:08Did you come at me with sticks?
00:46:12Today, I'm going to feed your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.
00:46:17He does what the enemy does.
00:46:19He puts a threat over your destiny.
00:46:21He says, you're never going to be anybody.
00:46:23You'll never be anything.
00:46:24But what does David do?
00:46:27Takes that rock.
00:46:29You know the story.
00:46:30Throws it.
00:46:32Hits him in the head.
00:46:34He falls and he dies.
00:46:36But did he throw a rock?
00:46:40Believe me, scientists who study scripture actually doubt the validity and the veracity of this scripture, of this text.
00:46:49Because they don't believe that a rock could have actually killed a giant.
00:46:56Scientists have studied this and they wrote a whole report.
00:46:59I brought the report.
00:47:03They said there's no way this can happen.
00:47:05And here's what they say.
00:47:07The scientists.
00:47:09That David, with a rock the size of a baseball and with a slingshot, the fastest that he could have released it would have been with a trajectory of about 90 miles per hour.
00:47:18And if you take a projectile going 90 miles per hour and you use Newton's second law of motion and take into effect the coefficient of restitution,
00:47:25that a projectile at that size at 90 miles per hour would generate about 3,000 pounds of force as it was released.
00:47:33That is, if it was traveling the distance of a pitcher to the home plate, which is 60 feet and 6 inches.
00:47:39But since Goliath is at least twice that far, one also has to take into effect the drag of the distance of the ball that's working against the velocity of the force.
00:47:48Therefore, since he's further away, what was generated at 3,000 pounds has now reduced itself arguably to at least 1,000 pounds.
00:47:57That is, if David was throwing it straight.
00:47:59The problem is Goliath is taller than David, which means the angle of the projectile from which he launched it had to be at least 45 degrees,
00:48:06which means that now the ball is also working against the law of gravity, which has also reduced the force that the rock has been released.
00:48:12So what was 3,000 pounds of force has now been arguably reduced to about 500 pounds of force.
00:48:17But you must remember that there's an armor bearer who stands in front of Goliath,
00:48:21who would have lifted up his shield to take the projectile off course,
00:48:24which would have reduced the force to at least 50 pounds and taken an off course of the direction headed towards Goliath's head.
00:48:30But if David could throw it and it did work against the drag and if it did counter the weight,
00:48:35if it did go against the coefficient of restitution, if it was not off course and still aimed at Goliath's head,
00:48:41Goliath was wearing a helmet and a projectile that started with 3,000 pounds of force and ended at 50,
00:48:48hitting a bronze helmet would not have been enough to kill Goliath.
00:48:51So how can a young boy with one rock working against gravity, working against Newton's law of motion,
00:48:57working against the coefficient of restitution, working against the drag, being deflected by an armor bearer,
00:49:03hitting a bronze helmet, how could he kill a giant?
00:49:06Scientists, I agree with you. He didn't just throw a rock. He threw a name.
00:49:15He said, you come at me with sword and spear, but I'm not just coming with a slingshot.
00:49:20I come at you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
00:49:27I don't know what giant you're facing, but you better throw a name.
00:49:32Somebody give that name the best praise that you got in here today.
00:49:37I know I ain't got enough.
00:49:42I know the science don't make sense on paper, but I'm not just throwing a rock.
00:49:50I'm throwing a name. I'm throwing the name that's above every single name.
00:49:55I'm throwing the name that makes demons tremble. I'm throwing a name that makes cancer run away.
00:50:01I'm throwing a name that provides deliverance and healing and power and joy and life and peace.
00:50:08At the mention of that name, I wish somebody would help me praise him in here today.
00:50:15At the mention of the name, at the mention of his name, everything can change.
00:50:32Everything can change.
00:50:38Watch it. Throw the name.
00:50:45You come at me with sword and spear and javelin.
00:50:50The logical response to that is I come at you with slingshot.
00:50:56He never said that.
00:50:59Who are you talking to? You come at me with sword and spear.
00:51:03I come at you in the name of the Lord.
00:51:10Oh, hear me. Oh, thank you, Lord.
00:51:17God is not obligated to defend your name.
00:51:26I know you all about your reputation.
00:51:29God is not obligated to defend your reputation.
00:51:32But when his name is on the line, fire will come down on Mount Carmel when Elijah says, let it.
00:51:41Red seas will split when Pharaoh doesn't know that God can speak to the water because when his name is on the line.
00:51:50Miracles happen.
00:51:55Throw the name.
00:51:58I know the giant's big and some of you all like that paper.
00:52:02You got a whole analytical report.
00:52:05Could you tune your ear into the frequency of faith?
00:52:09Could you have a heart of humility?
00:52:13Maybe you haven't stepped into the big thing because you don't have humility to do the small thing.
00:52:18Can you get a vision of victory?
00:52:22I'm not discrediting the pain you've been through, but don't let it take your hope.
00:52:27Your vision of victory.
00:52:29Can you stop fighting with your brother and wasting energy on somebody that's not the real enemy?
00:52:38Would you be happy to be who God created you to be and work your weapon?
00:52:47And then will you throw the name at that giant and trust that that name is greater than Newton's law of motion?
00:52:57I'm going to pick Jesus over Newton any day.
00:53:04He throws a rock.
00:53:07He hits the ground.
00:53:09Cuts off his head.
00:53:11Takes the head and his weapons.
00:53:15I'll give you this. I ain't give the first everything.
00:53:18It's funny because he killed him with the rock. He killed him.
00:53:22Bible's clear. The rock did it. Killed him.
00:53:26But he didn't have no sword.
00:53:28So he took Goliath's sword.
00:53:31Then cut off his head.
00:53:34He killed him.
00:53:35Took Goliath's sword.
00:53:41Then cut off his head.
00:53:43He killed him.
00:53:44Took Goliath's sword.
00:53:46My mama told me when you take something that's not yours, that's...
00:53:50So he killed him.
00:53:51He stole from him.
00:53:52Then he cut off his head.
00:53:55And destroyed him.
00:53:57The enemy wants to kill, steal, and destroy from you.
00:53:59But here's what I love about God.
00:54:01Whatever the enemy's trying to do to you, God said if you'll throw my name, I'll do it.
00:54:07I'll do it right back to him.
00:54:09Just somebody would shout for every weapon that the enemy tried to throw at you.
00:54:15God said, I'm about to reverse that thing and throw it right back at him.
00:54:25Takes the head.
00:54:27Takes the head to his tent to keep it.
00:54:31There's a reason for that.
00:54:33Remember what his daddy told him?
00:54:35He said, take him to cheese.
00:54:38He said, and bring me back some assurance that they're good.
00:54:41I think a head will do it.
00:54:46At the very end of the verse, this is for the social girls in the room.
00:54:50Any social girls in here today?
00:54:56PT let me be her closing speaker, so I had to give y'all something special.
00:55:01At the end of first Samuel 17, Saul asked a question that nobody ever talks about.
00:55:08Goliath is dead.
00:55:10Head cut off.
00:55:12And Saul elbows Abner, his assistant, is like, yo, whose son is that?
00:55:19What an interesting question.
00:55:22Whose son is that?
00:55:23Abner goes, I don't know.
00:55:25So then Saul asked David, whose son are you?
00:55:30Fighting like that.
00:55:32David goes, I'm the son of Jesse.
00:55:37The one that didn't even deem me worthy to be invited when Samuel was looking for a king.
00:55:45Watch this.
00:55:47He's not just the son of Jesse.
00:55:49I ain't never met anybody just born by a man.
00:55:54Your neighbor said David had a mama.
00:55:57What was David's mama's name?
00:56:02We all know.
00:56:03Some of y'all got nervous.
00:56:04You don't want to answer no Bible questions now.
00:56:07We don't know.
00:56:08It's not in scripture.
00:56:10But I was this week old when I stumbled on Psalm 86, verse 16, which is a prayer of King David.
00:56:20He says, turn to me and have mercy on me.
00:56:24Show your strength in behalf of your servant.
00:56:28Save me because I serve you just as my mother did.
00:56:36Oh, I wish the social girls would give God praise in this place today.
00:56:42See, a man can kill a giant.
00:56:45A woman can kill a giant.
00:56:47But women, you're the only one that can give birth to a giant killer.
00:56:52Oh, we don't know her name.
00:56:54But we know that she served the Lord and David was watching.
00:56:57Come on, mama.
00:56:58I'm trying to give you some strength.
00:57:00You're not just making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
00:57:03You're not just folding laundry.
00:57:05You're not just in the school pickup line.
00:57:07You are raising a giant killer that's going to throw a name.
00:57:12Anyone able to point to fear and conquer despair?
00:57:18The light of Judah, who conquered the grave.
00:57:24He must save the truth and the life of God.
00:57:28Who has touched the flame?
00:57:31It's his mercy.
00:57:34It's his mercy.
00:57:37How about blessing and honor and glory?
00:57:42It is worthy of this.
00:58:01I'm going to ask every head be bowed, eyes be closed today.
00:58:08Who are you talking to?
00:58:15Who are you talking to?
00:58:22Are you talking to a God who is able to go before you?
00:58:29Are you allowing the words of the enemy to keep you paralyzed in fear?
00:58:36Who are you talking to?
00:58:39David, while he was out there in Green Pastures, was talking to a God who was talking back to him.
00:58:46I believe he's talking to people today.
00:58:49He's giving you the confidence and the courage to know that giant can come down.
00:58:54No, it must come down.
00:59:01Before you ever get in the valley to fight the giant, what conversations are you having?
00:59:08Heads are bowed, eyes are closed in here today.
00:59:12I'm wondering which one of those five conversations spoke to you.
00:59:18For somebody, you need to knock down the giant of pride.
00:59:23It's the pride in your life that's stopping you from receiving what God has for you.
00:59:30It's the pride of not responding to a Savior who is calling you back home.
00:59:37He will bring you to the end of yourself, to where all of your pride is gone.
00:59:43You say, Lord, I need you. I can't do this on my own.
00:59:48For some of you, it's your vision.
00:59:52Keep forecasting failure. You need a vision of victory.
00:59:58For some of you, you've been wasting energy fighting Eliab. Know your enemy.
01:00:05It is possible to not have an opinion and not respond.
01:00:09It's possible to actually not get offended, to know the trick of the enemy, to make you bitter.
01:00:15Don't waste your energy on Eliab when you have a bigger giant to fight. Know your real enemy.
01:00:22For some of you, it's walking out of here, understanding the beautiful uniqueness with which God has created you,
01:00:29so much so that nobody has your fingerprint.
01:00:33Since you have that fingerprint, work your weapon and throw that name.
01:00:42Heads are bowed, eyes are closed, but if any one of those speaks to you today,
01:00:45would you just lift up your hand today as a sign to say, Lord, I hear you.
01:00:51Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Hands going up all over this place today. Thank you, Jesus.
01:00:55Thank you, God.
01:00:58You can put it right back down. I want to be real specific.
01:01:00How many of you in here today have never surrendered your life to Jesus?
01:01:06Can I tell you?
01:01:09I don't care what some church person said to you, how they made you feel.
01:01:13You have a Savior that loves you.
01:01:19I know some people have tried to project character that is not like him on that name,
01:01:23but hear me, he is a good father.
01:01:26He has plans to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future.
01:01:30So if you're here today and you say, hey, PR, I've never surrendered my life to Jesus,
01:01:34or maybe there was a season you were going after the things of God,
01:01:37but your heart's gotten cold and you sense his presence calling you home today.
01:01:41If that's you, would you just lift up your hand high enough and long enough to where I can see it?
01:01:45Say, I need to give him my life today. Can I see your hand? Thank you, Jesus.
01:01:49Yeah, yeah. Thank you, Lord.
01:01:52Even up in the balcony.
01:01:55Hear me, know the heart of this church is not to embarrass you,
01:01:58but I do think there are destiny moments.
01:02:03David had to walk from that field into that room,
01:02:09irrespective of how he felt.
01:02:12He was anointed as the next king.
01:02:14It was a long walk, but it was a walk that was worth it.
01:02:17Changed his life forever.
01:02:19I believe that this moment is here.
01:02:21If you lifted up your hand that second time saying, Lord, I need to give you my life.
01:02:25I need to come home.
01:02:27I'm going to ask you to be so bold and so brave.
01:02:29When I count to three, I don't care if you're at that very top balcony.
01:02:32I want you to find your way right down here,
01:02:35because I'm believing that this is your destiny moment.
01:02:39The old you is going to be in your seat.
01:02:41The new you is stepping into what God has for you.
01:02:44You will never forget this day.
01:02:46Mark it on your calendar at the Winspear Opera House.
01:02:49You responded to a name that loves you.
01:02:52You responded to a name that saw you.
01:02:55Elroy, the guy that sees me.
01:02:57Come on, they're already coming before I count.
01:02:59One, two, three.
01:03:02Come on, would you come? Would you come?
01:03:05And church, don't stop clapping until people stop coming.
01:03:08Come on.
01:03:11Come all the way up here.
01:03:15Come on, come on, come on.
01:03:18This is your moment. This is your moment.
01:03:21Come on, David. Come on, David.
01:03:26You got a giant to kill.
01:03:30You got a destiny to preserve.
01:03:33You got strongholds to break.
01:03:36You got a generational curse that's been trying to kill your family,
01:03:40that you gotta be the one to take it down.
01:03:42Nobody else. It's you.
01:03:44Come on, come on. They're still coming. I'm gonna wait.
01:03:46Come on, come on.
01:03:52Thank you, Jesus. Come on, come on.
01:04:04Come on, if you need to come, I want you to come. This is your moment.
01:04:18Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.
01:04:34Thank you. Anybody else? Anybody else?
01:04:37Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.
01:04:40Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.
01:04:44Thank you, Lord. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, come on.
01:04:49Come on.
01:04:52Yeah, come on, come on, come on.
01:04:55Hold on, just one second. Just one second. I want to do something.
01:04:59I want to do something.
01:05:03Yeah, come on, come on.
01:05:09Yeah, come on, come on.
01:05:13Thank you, Jesus.
01:05:15I want to do one more thing in this moment.
01:05:17Yeah, come on.
01:05:19Come on.
01:05:22I promise it's worth the walk. I promise it's worth the walk.
01:05:26It's worth it. It's worth it.
01:05:28It's worth the walk.
01:05:30It's worth the walk. Thank you, God.
01:05:32Thank you, Father. Thank you, Lord.
01:05:35Thank you, God.
01:05:37Thank you, Lord.
01:05:40Thank you for the call.
01:05:42Thank you for the purpose on this life.
01:05:46Thank you for your son that responded today.
01:05:50Thank you for the tears that flow.
01:05:54Thank you for the healing taking place even now, Jesus.
01:05:57Thank you, God.
01:05:58Thank you, Lord.
01:06:03The tragedy of Eliab, his brother,
01:06:09who was so angry with him,
01:06:12is Eliab didn't even realize your brother has your victory.
01:06:18How could you be jealous
01:06:21of somebody that God is going to use to help you step into a level of freedom?
01:06:29Some of you have incurred the greatest hurt from people who are close to you and from family,
01:06:33but I am believing that the body of Christ, the church,
01:06:38not perfect,
01:06:41but if you'll fight for it and fight for community,
01:06:43God can give you people
01:06:48that will call out the giant killer on the inside of you.
01:06:51I'm a living witness.
01:06:53Have I had people in the church hurt me? Absolutely.
01:06:56But I've also had people in the church call out the very purpose I'm walking in right now.
01:07:00Don't throw away the church just because somebody hurt you.
01:07:03If you will fight for it and fight for community,
01:07:05God has the right people for you.
01:07:12He has the right people for you.
01:07:15Anybody else?
01:07:17Thank you, Jesus.
01:07:18Thank you, God.
01:07:19Thank you, Lord.
01:07:21Thank you, Lord.
01:07:24I want us to pray this prayer.
01:07:25We're all going to pray it as one big family,
01:07:27but especially those of you who are here at the front,
01:07:29and we have some prayer team that's already moved in,
01:07:32and they'll pray with you personally,
01:07:33but I just want us to pray all together as one family today,
01:07:38one united family.
01:07:40I'm going to give you the words, but you say it from your heart today.
01:07:43Would you say this?
01:07:44In fact, if you feel comfortable,
01:07:45would you just lift up your hands just like this all over this place?
01:07:47I just love this.
01:07:50This is the international sign of surrender.
01:07:53It's like I give up.
01:07:55Would you say this?
01:07:56Say Jesus.
01:07:58Jesus, thank you for the power, for the salvation,
01:08:08for the healing, for the sufficiency that is in your name.
01:08:16My hands are lifted because you're my only hope.
01:08:21I know your name can change everything.
01:08:26So, Lord, today I invite you into my life.
01:08:32Thank you for living the life I was supposed to live,
01:08:38for dying the death that I was supposed to die.
01:08:43You took my place.
01:08:46So, my response is to give you everything.
01:08:52From this moment forward, I'm walking with you.
01:08:57I'm throwing your name at every giant that I face.
01:09:04In Jesus' name, amen.