• l’année dernière
God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,


00:00:00Oh right here in this room and and at our echo location would you do me a
00:00:05favor look at the person next to you and just get in their face get in their
00:00:09personal space and just say neighbor anything can happen today come on find
00:00:16another neighbor in case that neighbor didn't have any faith come on find
00:00:19another neighbor even at echo tell them neighbor I'm telling you anything can
00:00:25happen today anybody got that kind of expectation no I'm for real that anything
00:00:32can happen the healing in your body can happen today one phone call after
00:00:38service right now could change your life that child you've been praying for
00:00:46today this is our God
00:00:55father have your way do whatever you want to do God we lift
00:01:01you up we magnify you Lord we need your power Lord we need your strength can't
00:01:10do it on our own our hope is in you Jesus mighty matchless name everybody
00:01:18said echo location everybody said everybody watching on pando come on
00:01:25welcome all our brothers and sisters that are watching on pando welcome our
00:01:29social global family
00:01:34oh it's gonna be a good day it's gonna be a good good day remain standing right
00:01:39here and at echo we're gonna do what we do every single Sunday and that is read
00:01:44our verse of the year this is our year to be unshakable to be unshakable we've
00:01:50been saying that a shaky world needs an unshakable church can I shout out my son
00:01:55my man child Robert Medu the third who killed it last week
00:02:00it was a moment he was side of stage with me before he came up and he looked
00:02:06back he said daddy are you gonna go with me I said no bro you got it he said okay
00:02:11walked up with that swag I said that's my boy come on let's read it together
00:02:16Hebrews chapter number 12 verse 28 and 29 come on echo I want to hear you too
00:02:22right here at Fair Park let's go do you see what we've got an unshakable kingdom
00:02:29and do you see how thankful we must be not only thankful but brimming with
00:02:35worship deeply reverent before God for God is not an indifferent bystander he
00:02:42is actively cleaning house torching all that needs to burn and he won't quit
00:02:48until it's all cleansed God him is fire y'all sound good y'all sound good
00:02:58so good remain standing remain standing our verse that we're gonna look at today
00:03:05is in the gospel according to John chapter number 2 I want to look at
00:03:10verses 1 through 11 John chapter 2 started verse number 1 and we'll land
00:03:17at verse number 7 and it says on the third day a wedding took place at Cana
00:03:24in Galilee Jesus mother was there and Jesus and his disciples had also been
00:03:30invited to the wedding when the wine was gone Jesus mother said to him they
00:03:36have no more wine woman why do you involve me Jesus replied it's a bold
00:03:45move that's a bold move to look at your mama and say woman come on anybody got a
00:03:52black mom you know that would have been the last words that you ever uttered he
00:03:57said my hour has not yet come his mother said to the servants do whatever
00:04:06he tells you nearby stood six stone water jars the kind used by the Jews for
00:04:13ceremonial washing each holding from 20 to 30 gallons and Jesus said to the
00:04:19servants fill the jars with water so they filled them to the brim then he
00:04:25told them now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet they did so
00:04:32and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine he
00:04:38did not realize where it had come from though the servants who had drawn the
00:04:42water knew then he called the bridegroom aside and said everyone brings out the
00:04:47choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much
00:04:51to drink but you have saved the best till now what Jesus did here in Cana of
00:04:59Galilee was the first everybody say the first of the signs through which he
00:05:05revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him can you say amen the
00:05:12first sign the first miracle if you will is Jesus turning the molecular
00:05:23structure of h2o into pinot noir and I know some of you have read that passage
00:05:32and you immediately thought this this this is cause for me to pour it up I
00:05:38might talk about that later in the text but that's not my title today it's not
00:05:43it's not pour it up I want to talk to you from this thought pour it out pour
00:05:51it out on Pentecost Sunday that's what I want to preach pour it out I only want
00:05:59you to look at your neighbor right here and at echo when I count to three can
00:06:03you just shout pour it out with everything that you got come on one two
00:06:08three yeah Lord would you do that today have your way amen you may be seated in
00:06:18the presence of the Lord one more time somebody say pour it out social fam I
00:06:30once heard it said that when you are in your 20s you are worried about what
00:06:38other people think about you by the time you get to your 40s you don't care what
00:06:45other people think about you and then by the time you get to your 60s you realize
00:06:50what nobody thinking about you anyway social fam I am four weeks away from
00:06:57being 40 years old no put my cash app on the screen I'm kidding I'm kidding so
00:07:06I'm four weeks away four weeks away from entering the season if that quote is
00:07:10right of not caring what other people think about me that's the season of life
00:07:16that I'm in and I wish it was totally true let's be honest I care to a degree
00:07:20so much so that I brush my teeth and put on deodorant today but but I think I'm
00:07:24more leaned into this reality that I know who I am I know what my strengths
00:07:30are I know what my weaknesses are I know what I'm good at and I'm not afraid or
00:07:36ashamed to admit what I am NOT good at I know my issues and my idiosyncrasies
00:07:40like I know I know what I'm not good at y'all I know I know I'm not a runner I
00:07:45know this now at 40 I know I am NOT a runner I'm not about that life it's
00:07:50something I like hold up pastor didn't you say you're running a full marathon
00:07:53before you turn 40 yeah it's changed to a half marathon okay I was gonna do the
00:07:58full but my knee said go ahead and do this half and to be honest is this
00:08:02Saturday I might just do half of the half and go to brunch and I don't care
00:08:05what you think about it okay I'm not a runner I'm not a runner I'm cool with
00:08:10that I'm cool with that I know things about me like I am NOT a mathematician
00:08:14I'm not good at math that is not my strong suit the day that I've dreaded my
00:08:19entire life has finally come to roost okay it's finally come my children are
00:08:24bringing home math problems whoo that I can't help them with true story true
00:08:29story my kids were asking me the other day can you help me with this math can
00:08:32you help me with this math daddy please and I just reversed what they do to me I
00:08:35just kept watching TV and act like I didn't even hear like daddy can you help
00:08:39me I'm like no you gotta figure this out yourself I'm not good at math and then
00:08:44there's another one that I'm fully aware that I'm not good at and this is the one
00:08:47that I actually want to work on y'all I am NOT a good cook matter of fact I'll
00:08:55say this I can't cook I cannot cook at all I know some of y'all are shocked by
00:09:00that I've never turned on the oven in our house once I am NOT a good cook I
00:09:05make reservations okay I'm NOT a good cook and this is the one that I might
00:09:10try to work at cuz it frustrates me that I can't cook it frustrates me doing my
00:09:14kids are at home with just me and Pastor Taylor is gone they already know
00:09:17Chick-fil-a I'm like yeah Chick-fil-a so I want to get better at this because you
00:09:23would think you would think I would be able to cook anybody really should be
00:09:27able to cook because I started thinking about this in essence cooking primarily
00:09:32comes down to two things instructions and ingredients that's really all cooking
00:09:38is if you got the right instructions and you got all the ingredients you should
00:09:43be able to cook it's instructions and ingredients that is how you cook so you
00:09:49should be able to cook how come then whenever I have the instructions and I
00:09:54have the ingredients there is no way I'm gonna be able to make anything that is
00:09:59palatable that you can taste even when I have the instructions and even when I
00:10:03have the ingredients there's still something that is going to be missing I
00:10:07promise you you can throw me in the kitchen give me all the instructions
00:10:11give me the ingredients I'm still not gonna be able to do it you know why
00:10:15because I need something else I need help I actually need not just the
00:10:20instructions and the ingredients I need an instructor I need somebody's gonna be
00:10:25in the kitchen in there with me and telling me this isn't just how you mix
00:10:28it this is when you mix it and this is how you turn it and I know it says put
00:10:33in the oven that long but let me show you how to really know when to pull it
00:10:36I need somebody that is actually gonna personify the recipe and help me cook it
00:10:42don't just throw me in the kitchen with the instructions and the ingredients I
00:10:46need an instructor somebody's gonna show me how to do it can I tell you something
00:10:51this is what I love about what our Savior did for us when he came from
00:10:56heaven and he came to earth and put on human skin to feel what we feel how many
00:11:02know we had the instructions we had the law and it seemed like we had the
00:11:07ingredients to fulfill the law but we weren't able to do it and that's why
00:11:12Jesus had to come from heaven to earth because we needed somebody to show us
00:11:16how to love our enemies we needed somebody to show us how to forgive
00:11:21people when they've been wrong to you we needed somebody to show us how to walk
00:11:25out this life of faith and pay the debt that was owed for sin we needed Jesus to
00:11:33live the life that we were supposed to live and die the death that we were
00:11:37supposed to die and when he came from heaven to earth through 42 generations
00:11:41he was in essence the instructor that was showing us this is how you do it
00:11:46this is how you walk on the earth in power and many of us stop our shout at
00:11:51the fact that he came he died and he got up from the grave but help me know
00:11:57that is not the totality of the gospel everybody shouts at Christmas hallelujah
00:12:03he came all of us shout at Easter oh he got up but that is not the totality of
00:12:09the gospel the totality of the gospel is the fact that our God came from heaven
00:12:14to earth he died on a cross he got up from that grave and then he ascended to
00:12:22heaven and after he ascended he told some disciples to go in the upper room
00:12:27and wait for the gift that my father is gonna give you the gift of the Holy
00:12:32Spirit in other words you need some power to live this life and I'm not
00:12:37gonna leave you in these streets by yourself to do it you actually gotta
00:12:40have the power to walk out this thing called Christianity you know what I
00:12:46think a lot of us are doing I think a lot of us are trying to walk out this
00:12:50thing called faith without the power of the Holy Spirit some of us are walking
00:12:57out faith like me in the kitchen trying to look at the Word of God and says okay
00:13:03bless them that curse me yeah and then they curse you on your Instagram page
00:13:12from a private profile you're like nah fam let me go and tell them what I think
00:13:17in all caps we're trying to walk this thing out without the power of the Holy
00:13:24Spirit I'm telling you there is another experience that you have to have
00:13:28otherwise there's no way you can be a witness to the world around you there's
00:13:33no way that your life can look different if you don't have the ingredient of the
00:13:38Holy Spirit hear me who is the instructor who will guide you into all
00:13:44truth it's not enough to have the recipe if you don't have relationship with the
00:13:49Holy Spirit for the recipe as a matter of fact trying to fulfill the recipe
00:13:54without relationship to me as religion this is what the Pharisees did the
00:13:59Pharisees were trying to fulfill the recipe of the law void of relationship
00:14:04with Jesus and all of a sudden they were frustrated and wondered why it wasn't
00:14:08working because you will always be frustrated if you're trying to do the
00:14:11instructions without the instructor without the Holy Spirit that guides you
00:14:16into all truth thank God for our Savior who came from heaven to earth who
00:14:24lived the life that we were supposed to live died the death that we were
00:14:26supposed to die then he ascended and how many know what goes up hmm must come
00:14:33down and the power came down in the upper room that day and that's Acts
00:14:39chapter 2 it's so funny they got so filled the people thought they were
00:14:43drunk and I almost started to preach from Acts chapter 2 today but for
00:14:48whatever reason I was led to John chapter 2 John chapter 2 is significant
00:14:53because in John chapter 2 we see the first miracle of Jesus we see the first
00:14:58sign where he reveals his glory it's interesting to me because this does not
00:15:03happen it doesn't happen in the synagogue it doesn't happen somewhere in
00:15:08the temple it happens at a wedding happens at a wedding this is where Jesus
00:15:12chooses to reveal his glory for the very first time it happens at a wedding the
00:15:18Bible doesn't tell us who the couple was this unnamed couple had enough sense
00:15:24to invite Jesus to their wedding they didn't have enough sense to order
00:15:30enough wine but they had enough sense to put Jesus on the guest list they didn't
00:15:36have enough budget to order the wine but they had enough sense to make sure Jesus
00:15:41was on the guest list can I tell you something I would rather not have enough
00:15:46wine and have Jesus on the guest list than to have plenty of wine and forget
00:15:51to put Jesus on the guest list oh can I give some free premarital counseling to
00:15:57somebody who's engaged and you already got your hashtag and you already got
00:16:00your wedding venue and you already got your pictures and you gonna kill him
00:16:03when you come down the aisle can I give you some encouragement you better invite
00:16:06Jesus into that marriage you better invite Jesus into that relationship
00:16:10because Jesus is the one that will make up the gap for everything else that you
00:16:14lack I want to shout out this unnamed couple that said yeah we skip the wine
00:16:19but at least we put Jesus on the list this is what he does he will fill in the
00:16:24gap for the things that you miss because if Jesus is on the list it don't matter
00:16:28what I don't have enough of how many you know he will make sure that I have
00:16:31everything that I need that ought to be good news for somebody that feels like
00:16:35you don't got enough a resume that you don't have enough pedigree that you
00:16:39don't have enough friends and high places to get a position how many know
00:16:42as long as you got Jesus you'll have every single thing that you need and
00:16:46shout out to this couple forgot to get enough wine oh but they put Jesus on the
00:16:55guest list and Jesus accepted the invitation and pulled up to the wedding
00:17:01can you see Jesus at the wedding I can because I did my due diligence and I
00:17:07studied Jewish weddings y'all this ain't your regular wedding okay we talk about
00:17:11a seven-day ceremony with all kinds of festivities and with all kinds of
00:17:17dancing so my question is to you is how do you see Jesus at this wedding how do
00:17:23you see him I know some of y'all cuz you super safe and your face lets me know
00:17:28how much fun you have some of you your face right now lets me know so I know
00:17:32you see Jesus at the wedding you see him at the wedding up on the wall arms
00:17:37crossed going we really should be in the synagogue reading the Torah right
00:17:42now but since they dance and I guess I'll just give a little I'll give a
00:17:51little Yahweh shoulder shrug no that's how some people you see Jesus standing
00:17:57on the sideline oh but that's not the Savior I see no no no no no the Savior I
00:18:02see is on the dance floor turning all the way up with his disciples I'm
00:18:08talking about getting it in from day one to day seven just dancing on the dance
00:18:13floor having a good time living a life of joy even though he's only got three
00:18:20years left put yourself in the sandals of your Savior if I'm on planet earth
00:18:30and I know I only got three years to live and they gonna put me on a cross
00:18:37whip me and beat me for something I didn't do ain't no way I'm gonna be on
00:18:45the dance floor come out let's go let's go I'm gonna be on the corner with my
00:18:52arms crossed you talk about some anxiety you know from three year in three years
00:18:56you're gonna be crucified but even though our Savior knew that his death
00:19:01was pending he did not let that stop him from experiencing the joy of right now
00:19:07he said you know what if they invited me to this wedding I'm gonna have a good
00:19:10time I don't know who this is for but some of you the fruit of you being
00:19:14filled with the Spirit ain't just you speaking in tongues you need to get your
00:19:19joy back you need a smile again you need a laugh again yes you've been through
00:19:25some stuff but you're still here and you're still standing the enemy wanted
00:19:30you to be out last year and look at you still standing that ought to be enough
00:19:34for you to get your joy again it ought to be enough for you to lift up your
00:19:37hands even if you don't feel it you ought to praise them when you don't
00:19:41feel it and that's when the joy really comes in look at Jesus he's still
00:19:49dancing even though he knows the cross is coming he's still having a good time
00:19:57I'm praying that the Holy Spirit wrecks you not just so you can speak in tongues
00:20:01and that's just so your face can look like you got hit by a hurricane I want
00:20:05you sorry I'll get that later I want you to get your joy back I want you to get
00:20:13your joy back joy is not a byproduct of my circumstance it is a fruit of the
00:20:21Spirit get your joy back look at Jesus yes the cross is coming but he's still
00:20:29dancing and while he's dancing I don't know if it was day five or day seven
00:20:34probably close to the day seven as he's on the dance floor he looks across the
00:20:40floor and his mama looks at him and she pulls out her finger and goes and Jesus
00:20:50like oh man and this probably when he had like what I call a Christological
00:20:56conundrum because you understand this is the gospel of John John is trying to let
00:21:00us know that Jesus is God in flesh that he's fully God fully man not 50% God 50%
00:21:09man 100% God 100% man the super theological people know this is called
00:21:15the hypostatic Union he is fully God and fully man so when Mary his mama says
00:21:22come here I can see the tension that he has probably within himself because
00:21:27there's got to be who the God in him going for real you don't do me like this
00:21:35I created that finger I am the preeminent pre-existent all-seeing
00:21:41all-knowing omniscient all-powerful God matter of fact I brought you in this
00:21:45world I could take you out if I wanted you to but because he's fully man and he
00:21:52is humble and he submitted he walks up to his mama to see what she wants now
00:21:59before I really start going into this text I want us to consider a couple of
00:22:03things you said it when we read it earlier this is which miracle which one
00:22:10the first miracle that Jesus ever did y'all this blows my mind that the first
00:22:18miracle that Christ does is not healing a blind eye it's not raising the dead I
00:22:23would have picked that one first I would have started with Lazarus day one would
00:22:30started with raising somebody from the dead his first miracle is not healing
00:22:34the lame or casting out a demon your first miracle is to turn water into wine
00:22:43what is the threat what is the threat of this couple not having enough wine what
00:22:52is he trying to teach us with this first miracle I believe he's teaching us the
00:22:57power of the reality that God cares about the little things see I know some
00:23:04of y'all don't even know how to clap for that because you think God only does the
00:23:07big stuff heals of cancer sets people free but I came to tell you if it
00:23:13matters to you it matters to God his first miracle was simply saving this
00:23:23couple from being embarrassed and talked about in the town his first
00:23:28miracle was simply saving them from the humiliation of the whole city going
00:23:33through they had enough money to get enough wine can you believe he said no
00:23:37no I'm a save you from that this shows us the character of God don't you tell
00:23:41me he doesn't care about the details of your life he's showing it in the first
00:23:46miracle that he did God is not just great because nothing's too big for him
00:23:51God is also great because nothing is too small for him he does little things
00:23:58so that blesses me to know that his first miracle was something as simple as
00:24:04saving this unnamed couple from being embarrassed and not only that this
00:24:10miracle was instigated it wasn't like Jesus noticed they were out of wine he
00:24:18was still doing the electric slide it was instigated by his mama she's the one
00:24:25that started this miracle Jesus didn't start the miracle this miracle was
00:24:31instigated by somebody else oh this gonna mess some of y'all up there are
00:24:37some miracles in your life that will not come to pass unless you get the nerve
00:24:43the audacity and the ridiculous faith to ask God if he will do it and some of
00:24:50you have been so disappointed by things that haven't happened in your life that
00:24:54you've even lost the nerve to ask God to do it you've lost the nerve to ask God
00:25:01to do the impossible but I want to take a note from his mama Mary I want to be a
00:25:06person that asked God to do the impossible I want to be a person that
00:25:10God to do something that would just blow my mind I don't need to even have
00:25:15evidence that you've done it before I just believe you got the power to do it
00:25:19this miracle was instigated by Mary and some of us need to start asking God for
00:25:26some things that he will not do until you ask did you give us some more
00:25:33scriptural proof for that pastor Robert yes I can do you remember a centurion a
00:25:38centurion who stopped Jesus and said hey my servant is at the house and he's sick
00:25:44and he said I understand one thing Jesus I'm a man in authority and under
00:25:49authority he said Jesus when I tell one of my soldiers to go do something I
00:25:54don't follow them to see if they did it I understand authority I just tell them
00:25:59to do it and I know they're gonna carry it through so let me see if this works
00:26:03with you I don't need you to come to my house Jesus just speak the word over my
00:26:08servant and if you speak the word he'll be healed and for the first time Jesus
00:26:14does a lifetime miracle and somebody got the healing without even being in the
00:26:18proximity of Jesus and they didn't know we had the power to do it until that
00:26:22centurion had the faith to ask for it I wish somebody that was asking God for
00:26:29some ridiculous things would give God a praise right now I wish you would praise
00:26:34them like the stuff you asked him for your neighbor would think you had lost
00:26:37your mind if you asked him for it oh I'm asking him for crazy stuff that don't
00:26:46even make sense just send the word and my servant will be healed can you
00:26:54imagine the woman with the issue of blood when she heard about that I had
00:26:59to press through the crime I could have stayed at the house there's some things
00:27:06you won't know until you actually have the faith to ask so Mary's teaching us a
00:27:15principle you got to have the courage to ask him to do it she took that finger
00:27:22and said come here and she goes up to him and I'm wondering since this is the
00:27:28first miracle if this is actually setting the precedent and it could in
00:27:33some ways be a prototype of all kinds of miracles that Mary the mother of Jesus
00:27:39is actually teaching us something and how to approach God if there's something
00:27:44you've been believing God for and something you've been wanting him to do
00:27:48can we analyze the steps of this first miracle just for a moment and then we
00:27:53can go get some brunch the first thing I noticed that Mary does in her
00:28:01instigating the miracle I noticed that she hear me could see the problem she
00:28:09could see the problem hear me you cannot have a miracle until you first have a
00:28:15problem in it funny everybody wants to see miracles but nobody wants a problem
00:28:22everybody wants a breakthrough but that says no I also want a comfortable life
00:28:26and that's why you don't have a story to tell anybody but the stories in your
00:28:32Bible all started with people who had problems had issues so the first step to
00:28:38every miracle is can you see the problem this seems simplistic but think about it
00:28:44of all the people that were at that wedding the couple didn't see it they
00:28:49were on the dance floor too the mother of the bride didn't see it the father of
00:28:55the bride didn't see it nobody in the wedding party saw it the
00:28:58caterer didn't see it but look at Mary full of grace she's the only one that
00:29:07could see the problem she's the only one they could see oh all of them are
00:29:11enamored with this party and they dancing they don't even see the wine is
00:29:16running low they don't even see that they're running out this is the first
00:29:21step to every miracle is can you perceive what is the problem now I've
00:29:26probably lost about 75% of y'all right now because some of y'all like pastor go
00:29:31on to the next point because I can see the problem I see the problem I have a
00:29:37clarity on what the problem is and I know what the miracle I need Jesus to do
00:29:41is so can you go on to the next point and I want to say that's your problem
00:29:47most of our problems is we don't know the real problem you think you know the
00:29:53problem but I have found that often we are reaching for God to fix the fruit of
00:29:58the issue instead of getting down to the root of the issue so I want to really
00:30:07know do you know what your problem is do you even know where the miracle needs
00:30:12to be appropriated some of you think that the miracle you need is financial
00:30:18God if you God if you could just do it I just need 15,000 more a year we'd be
00:30:23straight God I just I just need a job just get you you think that's the
00:30:29problem but I dare say is that the problem I wonder if the problem is
00:30:34actually stewardship I wonder if the problem is you have not learned to
00:30:40budget I wonder if the problem is you have even taken the first step to trust
00:30:44God with the tithe that says God this first 10% belongs to you and before I
00:30:49spend anything else I'm giving you this 10% so I want the rest of it to be
00:30:54blessed could that be but I wonder if it's not even a financial problem I
00:30:58wonder if it's a contentment problem that the real healing that needs to take
00:31:03place is not in your bank account but in your mentality to know that your
00:31:07value is not in the car that you drive or the house that you have I wonder if
00:31:12that's the problem if you would just realize that you need to stop spending
00:31:16money you don't have on things you don't need to impress people you don't even
00:31:19like and if God could just get you so content in your soul that you knew that
00:31:24whether I got on Old Navy or Gucci I'm still valuable whether I'm in a BMW 5
00:31:28series or whether I'm in a Honda Civic I'm still the apple of God's eye I don't
00:31:33need likes and I don't need hand claps for you to validate who I am I am a
00:31:37child of the Most High God I was bought with a price I'm fearfully and a
00:31:42wonderfully mad we got that type of swag got that type of confidence he'll change
00:31:51a whole lot I wonder can you see the real problem Mary he's the only one that
00:31:59could perceive they're running out of wine if I had time I could take you
00:32:03throughout the Bible and show you instances where Jesus showed up to fix
00:32:09the real problem the real problem remember the guy in Mark chapter 2 who
00:32:15was lame remember his friends were crazy they cut a hole in the roof
00:32:18remember him read when you get to the crib Mark chapter 2 have four friends
00:32:21cut a hole in a roof to drop him at the feet of Jesus and as soon as they dropped
00:32:26him they looked at Jesus like do you remember the first words out of Jesus
00:32:34mouth read it when you get to crib the first words were not get up and walk the
00:32:39first words were your sins are forgiven what good is it for me to heal your legs
00:32:45if there's no healing in your soul if I heal your legs but I never take care of
00:32:55your soul you're just as bad as somebody who has their legs so the real healing
00:33:02that needs to take place is internally before it's ever externally I gotta heal
00:33:08your soul cuz what good is it for you to be walking and still be broken so I'm
00:33:15gonna get to your legs but let's first go deeper and heal your soul so that
00:33:20your legs can be evidence of the inner work that I did first can you see the
00:33:28problem so why everybody's dancing everybody's having a good time Mary
00:33:34pauses and goes they're running out of wine and what does she do after she
00:33:40notices the problem she does not go to Costco there is no doordash she goes
00:33:48straight to Jesus which lets me know she not only could see the problem but
00:33:55number two she knew the power she knew the power she knew where the power was
00:34:03she went straight to Jesus and said hey they have run out of wine she went
00:34:12straight to where the power is I want to know when you are faced with an issue
00:34:17who's the first person you run to where do you go to first your friend girl what
00:34:24you think who do you go to is your first response God I need you to step in this
00:34:32situation right now look at Mary she knew where the power was she goes
00:34:38straight to Jesus and watch this here's how much confidence she had she knew
00:34:44that he was the only one that had the power to produce wine on this short of a
00:34:52time notice how many know wine take takes time no wine takes time this bless
00:35:04me I just found this out recently because our church just celebrated three
00:35:07years three years okay we are three years old you're sitting in and three
00:35:12your own miracle now study one day I found out that if you are going to plant
00:35:18a vineyard if you're going to plant a vineyard hear me it takes three years
00:35:24before you ever see a single grape three it takes three years just to establish
00:35:32the root system of a vineyard three years if you are going to plant a vineyard
00:35:37and you want some wine in year three please get in another field because it
00:35:42takes three years before you ever see a single grape three years for the root
00:35:48system to be established you know why that blessed me because we've been going
00:35:52three years y'all this ain't the movie this the preview God is actually just
00:35:57establishing the root system of social Dallas can I just prophesy eyes have not
00:36:02seen ears have not heard neither has it entered to the heart of men the things
00:36:07God is gonna do in this church and through this church we ain't got a
00:36:10building yet still putting in the offer but how many people God is still giving
00:36:15us territory with every venue every place we set up and tear down it's a
00:36:20place where our feet are putting the stake in the ground saying God we know
00:36:24what you're doing three years three years before you ever see a grape and
00:36:30watch this another five years before you even have grapes that you can get wine
00:36:36in so every person that plants of vineyards knows I got an eight-year
00:36:41commitment before I ever get wine eight years before you ever get wine cuz wine
00:36:49takes time but Mary knew there's only one person that has the power to do in a
00:36:58moment what it takes eight years to do there's only one person that has the
00:37:06power to expedite an eight-year process into a single moment and the only person
00:37:13that has that power is Jesus I wish there was somebody in here that needs
00:37:17God to do something and needs God to do something big and you feel like you lost
00:37:22time can I tell you he's the only one that can redeem time he's the only one
00:37:26that can restore the years to you that you thought the enemy took away only
00:37:31Jesus can do in one moment Oh what it takes eight years to accomplish Mary
00:37:41knew only one person for this job right here is Jesus it's not enough to see the
00:37:47problem we live in a culture where everybody knows the problem everybody
00:37:49can talk about the problem we got political pundits that can talk about
00:37:51the problem diagnose the problem but do you know where the power is to fix the
00:37:56problem and she goes straight to him and she goes to him and what did she say
00:38:01to him she says Jesus they've run out of wine and Jesus replied to her woman what
00:38:15does that have to do with me it is not my time she said they've run out of wine
00:38:27his reply is it's not my what does time have to do with why I know that wine
00:38:41takes time but Jesus you are tripping what does your time have to do with why
00:38:50oh he's fully God and he's fully man you understand that the fact that this
00:38:58couple ran out of wine is proof positive watch this that the bridegroom made a
00:39:08mistake this wasn't on the bride this is on the bridegroom it was the
00:39:16bridegroom's responsibility to make sure there was enough wine for everybody so
00:39:23what is subliminal in this text is that sister girl married a dude who dropped
00:39:29the ball because it was his responsibility to make sure there was
00:39:35enough wine for everybody it's always on the bridegroom to produce the wine
00:39:41the bride doesn't produce the wine it is the bridegroom that produces the wine
00:39:46what in the world could have triggered Jesus who is fully God and fully man
00:39:52when she said why he said it's not my time it must be a savior that
00:39:57understands that the Church of the Living God is his bride and that he is
00:40:02the bridegroom and that wine is not just wine come on we did communion today it
00:40:07is a picture of his blood that was gonna be shed on the cross and he knew that
00:40:12that blood had to be enough the blood couldn't run out come on somebody it had
00:40:17to be enough blood to cover your sin my sin your neighbor's sin the sins of the
00:40:23entire world so when she said they're out of wine it triggered him and he
00:40:27remembered that it was gonna be his blood that was gonna be shed on the
00:40:31cross and he said it's not my time yet oh but when it is my time there will be
00:40:37enough wine there will be enough blood to cover the sins of the world oh I'm
00:40:45getting excited off my own sermon are y'all recording this I'm gonna watch you
00:40:48later he said it's not my time I know you talking about wine but hold on girl
00:40:56this year one year three I will die on the cross right now it's not my time but
00:41:06watch what Mary does are y'all bored yet watch what she does
00:41:11this trips me out she goes yeah you can play real soft make it sound real
00:41:16spiritual she goes watch this she goes from Jesus to the servants at the
00:41:28wedding party watch this says hey do whatever he tells you to do oh y'all
00:41:39couldn't have been in the Bible because if Jesus would look at some of y'all and
00:41:42said it's not my time you would've been offended gone home gone on your
00:41:47Instagram page and said oh my goodness can I just talk about my church hurt I
00:41:52asked Jesus he just simply produced more wine and you won't believe what he said
00:41:59to me said it wasn't his time huh thought he was compassionate guess not
00:42:06look at Mary I didn't necessarily get the answer I wanted but I still got
00:42:14faith you can do it I know you said it's not your time you do that often you
00:42:22fully God fully man I get it but she goes from the supernatural to the
00:42:31practical she tells the servants do whatever he tells you to do only Mary
00:42:40would know that if he's going to do a miracle he's gonna do it through somebody
00:42:50you know what the power of Pentecost is it's what Mary did she went from seeing
00:42:57the problem to going to the power to now going to the partners the servants
00:43:06at the party who are going to partner in the miracle that hadn't even happened
00:43:11yet the power of Pentecost is not a Savior that does stuff for you it's a
00:43:18Savior that does stuff through you this is why he said I have to go away if I
00:43:27don't leave your instructor won't come you need the Holy Spirit to do things
00:43:34through you and only Mary the one who birthed him had an awareness that if
00:43:44he's gonna do the miracle he's gonna do it through somebody and it will be a
00:43:50divine partnership he said come here are y'all servants come here whatever he
00:43:55tells you to do do it somebody came all the way to church to get that word right
00:44:01there whatever God is telling you to do do it I know you wanted something deeper
00:44:07than that but whatever he's telling you to do do it she tells him do whatever he
00:44:15tells you to do and in the next verse he goes up to him this is what I want you
00:44:22to do I want you to go fill those six water stones with water huh we had a
00:44:36wine shouldn't I fill them with wine no do what you can and I'll do what I can
00:44:43do what you have the power to do and then trust me to do what I have the
00:44:48power to do stop waiting for the miracle to turn out the way you want it to turn
00:44:53out and just trust me and be obedient and do what I told you to do oh see you
00:44:58don't like that right there some of y'all wanted him to produce the wine
00:45:01right there and you won't feel the water jugs with water and that's why you won't
00:45:05ever see the breakthrough you gotta do what he tells you to do how do you know
00:45:09if you do the practical he'll do the supernatural if you do what you can God
00:45:14will be faithful and do what he can
00:45:18do you see those servants walking over to those water stones go on Lord I just
00:45:28got this job but she said do whatever he tells me to do they fill the water
00:45:38stones with water then come back to get more direction and this is where Jesus
00:45:47takes it up a notch he says go scoop some out and then pour it to the master
00:45:55of the party excuse me go scoop some of the water out and pour it do whatever he
00:46:07tells you to do they go over they scoop some out now here is where the real test
00:46:19of faith is the test of faith is once you filled the water pot with water and
00:46:29once you scooped out the water do you trust his word enough to keep walking to
00:46:39the cup to pour it out it takes a little bit of faith to fill the stones
00:46:49with water it takes a little bit more faith to get the pitcher full of water
00:46:53but if you want to see real ridiculous radical I lost my mind faith is can you
00:47:00keep on walking when the water is not changing can you keep walking in the
00:47:06obedience when you don't even see evidence of the obedience can you keep
00:47:10trusting him when he hadn't even given you a sign to trust him can you keep
00:47:14getting in the word even when you feel depressed but you know that his word if
00:47:18you hide it in your heart you won't sin against him can you still time and trust
00:47:24him with your finances even when you haven't even got the financial break can
00:47:28you keep walking when there is no change in the water this is what faith looks
00:47:36like and I can see them I can see them go and I can I can still it's that we
00:47:46don't know when the water turned into wine but I know it had to be after the
00:47:54fact because if it had happened before they would have started shouting as soon
00:47:58as they got it and would have gone excited to pour it out but the text is
00:48:03clear it went to after he took a sip of it that he realized it was wine
00:48:08God says I'm looking for some believers who got enough faith to pour it out and
00:48:13it still looks like water and can you pour it out and walk away and think
00:48:19that you lost your job and think that you look ridiculous only to turn around
00:48:23and see that his word was faithful I know you want him to turn it before you
00:48:29pour it but he ain't gonna turn it until you pour it out I need somebody to get
00:48:35up on your feet in this room in an echo and just shout pour it out come on
00:48:41somebody declare pour it out I'm gonna keep pouring it out and I'm a trust God
00:48:45to do the rest I'm gonna keep pouring it out and I'm a trust God to do the
00:48:55pour it out do you know how many people are stuck in
00:49:03in the would-be miracle because they won't fill the water pots with water
00:49:11because he hasn't turned it into wine while you were walking now you want to
00:49:16walk away because the miracle didn't happen on your timetable and on your
00:49:22time schedule and it's not according to your 10-year plan you want to walk away
00:49:27how many you know God never called us to have him follow us he wants us to
00:49:32follow him and you got to do whatever he tells you the test of your faith is can
00:49:42you pour it out can you see the servants after it was poured out only to hear the
00:49:54master of the wedding say come here come here they're like oh my goodness oh my
00:49:58goodness they gonna know it's water huh that's the best wine I've ever tasted in
00:50:05my life most people did the cheap stuff last but you saved the best for last oh
00:50:13come on you know this is a picture of our God how many know God always saves
00:50:16the best for last if you still breathing you ain't seen the best yet God wants to
00:50:22do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask think or imagine
00:50:31but it starts when a you can see the problem when you go to him because you
00:50:40know he has the power when you understand he wants to partner with you
00:50:47and then you trust him and pour it out pour it out pour it out when it doesn't
00:50:56make sense pour it out when you look ridiculous doing it here's the thing
00:51:04some of y'all are waiting for him to pour something out on you but God says
00:51:09I'm waiting for you to pour it out this is the principle of the kingdom if
00:51:16you'll start pouring out love to other people watch how he starts pouring out
00:51:20on you if you start pouring out forgiveness to other people watch how he
00:51:25starts pouring out to you if you start pouring out encouragement to other
00:51:29people watch how you get encouraged yourself you can't wait for him to pour
00:51:35it on you can you trust him and pour it out I'm gonna ask every head be bowed
00:51:41and eyes be closed in this room and that echo
00:51:48I don't know what stage in the process of the miracle you're in maybe you're in
00:51:55the stage where God needs to open up your eyes to see the real problem you
00:52:02think you know the problem but the problem is you don't know the problem
00:52:06and God says let me show you not where the fruit of the issue is but where the
00:52:12root of the issue is maybe you're in the process where you've ran to everybody
00:52:18else and God's saying come to me I'm the only one that has the power to do in a
00:52:25moment what it would take eight years to accomplish
00:52:31maybe you're in the process we're here man God wants to partner with you he
00:52:39wants to do something through you you want to know what it means to be
00:52:44unshakable to be unshakable means to be mature and to be mature means you
00:52:48graduate in your faith to not just looking for a miracle but saying God let
00:52:52me be the conduit to which you do the miracle through use my hands use my feet
00:53:00work through me then trust him to pour out even when it doesn't look like what
00:53:08he said is working heads about eyes are closed today but if you're in any part
00:53:14of that process would you just lift up your hand as a sign today hearing it
00:53:19echo to say what I know what part of the process I'm in maybe he's revealing the
00:53:25real problem to you maybe you need strength and faith to pour out even when
00:53:31you don't see it father I thank you for all these hands that are lifted
00:53:37Lord today use us as willing vessels God thank you that you are still partnering
00:53:45with people on the earth for your purposes to come to pass and Lord we
00:53:52need your strength God we need a fresh in feeling of your spirit and I pray
00:53:59even right now you would give it to my brother and to my sister come on even
00:54:02right now right here in that echo would you just ask him for a fresh in feeling
00:54:07of his spirit I believe he wants to give it to you right now without anybody even
00:54:11laying hands on you right where you are just receive right now a fresh in
00:54:16feeling of the Holy Spirit Lord I pray you would fill us up till we overflow
00:54:20God I'm praying for the person whose soul has been so thirsty and so dry God
00:54:25I thank you that you are the living water God I thank you that you can fill
00:54:30us up to what we never thirst again so Holy Spirit we receive today a fresh in
00:54:38feeling and a fresh touch from you the power of your spirit today thank you
00:54:46thank you father thank you father thank you father we need you we need you we
00:54:50need you we need you we need you thank you God thank you God thank you God I'm
00:54:57gonna go ahead and dismiss our echolocation pastor Josh I'm gonna give
00:55:01it to you but if you're in here today and you say I just need a fresh in
00:55:05feeling of the power and the presence of God I want you to do what somebody has
00:55:10already done in this room I just want you to get out of your seat and come up
00:55:13here to the altar and I want the worship team to join me and we're just gonna let
00:55:18this place be a flood of living water come on if you need a fresh in feeling a
00:55:23fresh touch from God I want you to just get out of your seat come up here to the
00:55:27front come up here to the front father thank you God that you're still filling
00:55:31people today come on if you've never surrendered your life to Jesus and you
00:55:35know he's been calling you and calling you even this moment I want you to come
00:55:39I want you to come come on come on come on and come with your hands lifted
00:55:44thank you father thank you father come on come on
00:55:49thank you Jesus
00:55:53I'm talking to some of you your soul has been so thirsty you've been so dry
00:56:01you need a fresh touch come on come on
00:56:09come on get as close to this altar as you can if you need to come come on
00:56:16thank you God
00:56:19thank you Jesus thank you father
00:56:24thank you father
00:56:28come on lift up your hands to him today father fill us fresh again
00:56:35God we're a desperate people God
00:56:39thank you God we need your strength we need your power God we can't do it
00:56:45without your spirit God we can't accomplish our call without your spirit
00:56:51God thank you Jesus
00:57:05thank you God
00:57:47come on all over this place can you lift up your hands come on God we're ready to
00:57:52receive God we need more of you God fill us up
00:57:56till we overflow today God thank you Jesus
00:58:15fill us till we overflow pour it out on us today God
00:58:20pour out your spirit on us today Jesus
00:59:44thank you father
00:59:49thank you Holy Spirit
00:59:54thank you Holy Spirit fill us up again Lord fill us up again God
01:00:02restore our joy God rekindle the flame and the passion God stir up the gift on
01:00:12the inside of us God Lord I pray right now for every complacent soul Lord every
01:00:18thirsty soul God that's been going through the motions God today would you
01:00:22rekindle the flame Holy Spirit would you breathe a fresh wind on all of us God
01:00:28that you would wake us up till our desires become your desires till our
01:00:37thoughts become your thoughts Lord till our ways become your ways God we
01:00:41surrender all that we are to you God fill us up till we overflow God you said
01:00:46in your word that out of our belly will flow rivers of a living water so right
01:00:50now we come to you the living water say and fill us a fresh
01:00:56thank you God
01:01:12father we wait for you
01:01:23thank you Jesus
01:01:32thank you father thank you Jesus
01:01:47father make us more comfortable in your presence God just like in the upper room
01:01:56they were willing to wait father thank you that we are your people we're
01:02:04willing to wait so easy to rush on to the next thing but father we wait on you
01:02:12we thank you for your presence God
01:02:21Oh God
01:02:24Oh fill our thirsty souls God
01:02:30God we're tired of running to other cisterns and dry wells they can't
01:02:35fulfill us God we come to you the fountain of living water God fill us
01:02:40till we never thirst again fill us till we overflow God
01:03:24Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, fill the room, fill the room, fill the room, fill the room
01:03:41Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
01:03:48We're here for you, here for you, here for you, here for you
01:03:56Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
01:04:03We're here for you, here for you, here for you, here for you
01:04:11Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
01:04:18We're here for you, here for you, here for you, here for you
01:04:26Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
01:04:34Come and move, come and move, come and move, come and move
01:04:42Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
01:04:49Come and move, come and move, come and move, come and move
01:04:57Holy Spirit, Holy, would you come and move?
01:05:06Come and move, come and move, come and move, come and move
01:05:12Holy Spirit, would you come and move?
01:05:22I'm coming home
01:05:27Holy Spirit
01:05:32Sing we're here for you
01:05:35We're here for you
01:05:42Holy Spirit
01:05:46Holy Spirit
01:05:50We're here for you
01:05:54We're here for you
01:05:58Holy Spirit
01:06:03Thank you Father
01:06:06Thank you Holy Spirit
01:06:11God thank you that you're still filling people today
01:06:14Fill us again
01:06:17God thank you that we never graduate from your presence
01:06:20There's always more, there's a deeper glory
01:06:23There's more that you want to do in us and through us
01:06:26Come on, come on, tell them I want more
01:06:29Find the people that's hungry
01:06:32You said if we thirst for righteousness we shall be filled
01:06:35If we hunger and thirst
01:06:38So we thirst for you
01:06:41Fill us fresh
01:06:47In the name of Jesus
01:06:50Just send so strongly there's some of you who have been striving
01:06:53To do something in your flesh
01:06:56That God says if you'll let me do it through the Spirit
01:06:59It'll happen quicker
01:07:02That's the power of that miracle
01:07:05He did in a moment what it would have taken
01:07:08Eight years to accomplish in a vineyard
01:07:11And some of you have been so trying and striving
01:07:14To do something and to open up a door in your own flesh
01:07:17And God said if you would just yield to me
01:07:20And give yourself fully to me
01:07:23What you've been trying to do in the flesh that's been taking years
01:07:26Can happen in a moment in the Spirit
01:07:29If you would just surrender to me
01:07:32So Father let our posture be
01:07:35Of those servants
01:07:38And whatever you tell us to do we will do it
01:07:42No matter how crazy it seems
01:07:45We'll do it
01:07:48In accordance to your word God we will obey
01:07:53In Jesus' name
