A.B. Traina: A Biography

  • 2 days ago
Here is a very interesting story about a true researcher of Scriptures. His Translation of the Bible is legendary.


00:00Hey, shalom brothers and sisters. Welcome back. I thank you again for joining me today.
00:04Hey, today I want to talk about a man, another 20th century religious pioneer. His name was
00:12Angelo Trena. Of course, I talked about him days back when I was doing Andrew Duggar,
00:20of course, and then before that it was Clarence O'Dodd, I mentioned him, and I want to do
00:25a little biography on him, just in case you probably never heard of him, but you're going
00:32to after I read this and show you what I've got here that he contributed to. He also goes
00:41by A.B. Trena, he did. Angelo Benedito Trena was born January 22nd, 1889, and he passed
00:53away November 4th, 1971. He was a biblical scholar best known for his emphasis on what
01:01he called restoring Semitic proper names to their Aramaic and Hebrew forms. Trena was
01:09born in Sicily into a Catholic family. They later moved to New York City, where he left
01:17home at the age of 13, ending up in Buffalo, New York. Part of a group of drinking and
01:25gambling use, he was part of a conspiracy to disrupt a revival meeting, but instead
01:33converted joining a Protestant church. He later worked for Amy Semple McPherson. I should
01:41do a video about her, she was an interesting character too. Let me know if you've heard
01:46about her, comment below let me know if you've heard about her, and if I should do a video
01:50about her. Anyways, Trena credited the Millerite movement, a group that stressed Sabbath keeping
01:58as an influence in his life. His biblical studies resulted in placing a special emphasis
02:05on the Hebrew form of Yahweh, your God's name. This led him to translating the sacred name
02:15New Testament in 1950, with Clarence O'Dodd of course, the first example of a sacred name
02:22Bible. He went on to translate the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures also. So basically
02:29is the whole Bible. It's called the Holy Name Bible, and it's containing the Holy Name version
02:36of the Old Testament and the New Testament. That was 1963. His translation was based on
02:43the King James Version, but with special emphasis on the use of Yahweh for the Father
02:49and Yeshua for our Savior. A fifth edition was published in 1989 by the Scripture Research
02:59Association based in New Jersey and founded by him. He was the first Bible translator
03:07to deliberately transliterate Hebrew forms of divine names. A number of others have followed
03:15his example in this, including Jacob O'Meara, which I'm going to do a video in a few days
03:19on him. Jacob O'Meara producing the Sacred Scriptures, Scriptures Bethel Edition. And
03:26then you also had like Yahweh's Restoration Ministry did theirs, and some of the other
03:32assemblies did that, did a translation. And also you had the Scriptures, was it the ISR,
03:39and you had the Hallelujah Scriptures. And there's a couple others out there. He believed
03:46that the Hebrew form of the names of God were vital for believers of all times. He believed
03:56that most of the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, then later translated into
04:02Greek, which is, you know, quite frankly, which is slowly being proven to be accurate. He thought
04:11that the Greek copies available have erred in their translation of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton
04:18by Greek. It's a Kupiok. It's like a K-U-P-I-O-C. That's a Greek word. Also, he rejected the Greek
04:29spelling, which is the basis for the English form, Jesus, using a Hebrew based form, Yeshua.
04:36Y'all saves. Trane also wrote many pamphlets and articles, many of which were published in
04:44The Faith Magazine, which was Clarence O'Dodd's magazine. Trane was one of the early foundational
04:51figures in the Sacred Names Movement, having been a featured speaker at the 1938 Feast of
04:58Tabernacles camp meeting near Warrior, Alabama, an event which is seen by some as the launching
05:07of the movement, a movement that has spread from the U.S. to other countries such as Indonesia,
05:15Kenya, and the Philippines, just to name a couple. Following Trane's lead, many Sacred Name Bible
05:24translations have been produced, like I said before. In 2011, there was at least 20 such
05:30English translations that presented at least part of the Bible using Hebrew based forms of
05:37Sacred Names. Trane's innovative work has spawned the translation of Sacred Name Bibles
05:46in other places. The idea of Sacred Name Bible translations, spawned by Angelo Trane, has been
05:55attacked by some. Of course, of course, they'd be attacked by some. But anyways, I got a copy of one
06:01of his, well his copy of his Bible here, and it's a little one like this. It has that, you know, it's
06:07just regular. And here's, you know, I would say it's okay, but there's one thing that I take a
06:18little issue with, and I'm going to read, I'm going to read Deuteronomy if I can find it.
06:23It's the Shema, Deuteronomy 6, and it's going to be verse 4, and I'm going to do verse 5.
06:35His translation is, Hear O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is Yahweh a unity, and thou shalt love
06:45Yahweh thy Elohim with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
06:51Now, the issue I take is, he says at the end of chapter, verse 4, he replaces one with unity,
07:00and he just, that's what, you know, I can, and Yeshua, and Mark, he's talking about
07:09when he's arguing with, you know, the religious leaders of the time, he would be,
07:15so he said, he quotes the Shema, but in this translation, again, it says unity, and it's
07:20basically one, you know, it says basically Yahweh is one, Elohim, he's one, but Traynor just
07:29believed that he should put in unity, like, I don't know, but any, any, any faithful devoted
07:37Jewish person will tell you that's not, that's not accurate. Anyways, also another thing, I mean,
07:42I'm not saying this is a problem here, but when it comes to chapters and verses, it kind of
07:47switches, like the King James version here, okay, here's a sacred name, sacred name thing, Genesis
07:55chapter, chapter 1, verses 32, and it says, if you go over and look on a regular King James version,
08:06it's Genesis 2, 1 and 2 and 25, down here it says Daniel, and the holy names, it says 5 and 6,
08:16and over here it says Daniel 7 and 8, so they're not, if I read this, if I read this something,
08:23something in here, a verse to you, you might have a King James Bible, and you won't be able to find
08:29it, you say, hey, you're wrong, I don't say that, because it's placed somewhere else close by,
08:34but besides that, I've studied, looked through this Bible, and
08:40I don't have any real, any other problems with it, I mean, it is pretty, pretty good,
08:47and it has an intro, an introduction, a preface on, on this, talks about how the Bible, you know,
08:56the development of the Bible, the evolution, the progression of it, and stuff like that,
09:01but yeah, it's interesting, if you're a Bible collector, go ahead and pick one of these up,
09:06you can find them online, I found this online, it's a brand new one, go ahead and look it up,
09:10and everything, and add it to your Bible collection, so it's interesting, but anyways,
09:15that's all I have to say, and anyways, tomorrow, I'm going to, or in a couple days, I'm going to do
09:22Jacob Omeyer, a little biography on him, and how, and don't miss it, just keep your ears out,
09:28and when it comes, just, just look at it, listen to it, and you might learn something,
09:34and let me know if, let me know if you know anything about Jacob Omeyer, or his telecast,
09:39the Sacred Names, the Sacred Names telecast is currently on YouTube, I mean, he passed away,
09:46and, but they still air it, and everything, the videos are still on,
09:49anyways, that's all I have to say right now, and I thank you guys again for joining me,
09:54please give me a big thumbs up, hit that notification bell, and also subscribe,
09:57I'd really appreciate that, I thank you again for joining me,
10:01till we meet again, brothers and sisters, peace out, and Shalom!
