• 2 months ago
A simple study on this O.T. inspired book.
00:00hey shalom brothers and sisters today I want to go to the book of Proverbs I
00:05want to talk about the benefits of wisdom and what what Proverbs has to say
00:09about it so this is sort of another devotional I just want to read this to
00:15you you guys could if you have your Bibles you know you could read along you
00:19can look a lot you know look at it and or even do it later but just you know
00:23keep a keep this in mind you know it's chapter 3 of Proverbs I'm gonna read it
00:29okay here we go my son forget not the law but let thy heart to keep thy
00:38commandments for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee
00:44let not mercy and truth forsake thee bind them about thy neck write them
00:50upon the table of thine heart so shalt thou find favor and good understanding
00:56in the sight of Elohim and man trust in Yahweh with all thine heart and lean not
01:03unto thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct
01:09thy paths be not wise in thine own eyes fear Yahweh and depart from evil it
01:16shall be health to thine evil and morrow of thy bones honor Yahweh with thy
01:23substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be
01:29filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine my son despise
01:36not the chastising of Yahweh neither be wary of his correction for whom Yahweh
01:42loveth he corrects even as a father the son and whom he delighteth happy is the
01:50man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding for the
01:55merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain
02:00thereof a fine gold she is more precious than rubies and all the things that
02:07thou can't desire are not to be compared unto her length of days is in her right
02:16hand and in her left hand riches and honor her ways are ways of pleasantness
02:22and her paths are peace she is a tree of life and then that lay hold upon her and
02:29happy is everyone that retaineth her Yahweh by the wisdom hath founded the
02:35earth by understanding has she established the heavens by his
02:41knowledge the depths are broken up and the clouds drop down the dew my son let
02:47not them depart from thine eyes keep sound wisdom and discretion so that they
02:53be loved so they shut so shall they be life unto soul and grace to thy neck and
03:00shout that walk in their way safely and out foot shall not stumble when thou
03:05lies down that shall not be afraid yeah that shall lie down and I sleep shall
03:11be sweet be not afraid of sudden fear neither of the dissolution of the wicked
03:18when it cometh for Yahweh shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from
03:24being taken withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in the
03:31power of thine hand to do it say not unto the neighbor go and come again and
03:38to tomorrow I will give I will give when thou has it by thee devise not evil
03:46against thy neighbor seeing he dwells securely by thee strive not with a man
03:51without cause if he he has done thee no harm envy thou not the oppressor and
03:59choose none of his ways for the fraud is abomination to Yahweh but his secret is
04:06with the righteous the curse of Yahweh is in the house of the wicked but he
04:12blesses the habitation of the just surely he scorneth the scorners but he
04:18giveth grace unto the lowly the wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be
04:25the promotion of the fools so I just wanted to give you that give you that uh give you
04:35that chapter that verse there's something something for you to consider and read
04:39like I said it's just a devotional here and and um something just uh food for thought
04:45and um you know you comment below talk about it see you know how much does that affect you
04:50you know I mean has it touched you things like that I thank you again if you like my videos
04:56please you know hit the like button subscribe hit the notification bells and uh share this video
05:02with other people and uh sorry it's so short but I just you know just wanted to give a devotional
05:09so with that said shalom peace out thank you again