An Introduction To The Book Of Deuteronomy (Elleh Haddevarim)

  • 2 months ago
The back story about this awe inspired book of the Holy Bible.
00:00Hey, shalom brothers and sisters. Welcome back. Thank you again for joining me. Today
00:05I want to give an introduction to the book of Deuteronomy, and I encourage you to read
00:09that. It's a good book, you know. I mean, it's not just history. There's things in there
00:16that you can take home, you know. Here, I just want to start out with it. The composition
00:22date of it was around 1450 to 1400 BCE, before the common era. This author is attributed
00:32to Moses as documented in Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 9, except for chapter 34, which documents
00:40his death. Of course, you know, he couldn't write about his death. I mean, you know, after
00:45he passes away and is buried, you know. This is typically attributed to Joshua, the son
00:52of Nun. Joshua ben Nun, you know, the book of Joshua, you know, the hero, the leader
00:58after Moses. The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible and concludes the
01:08Torah, or the first five books of Moses. The English title for this is derived from
01:18the Greek Deuteronomy, meaning second law. Deuteronomy marks the final months of Moses'
01:28life and the end of Israel's travels in the wilderness. It begins with Israel at the plains
01:34of Moab and ends with the death of Moses, Israel's lawgiver, prophet and spiritual leader.
01:41The book looks backward in the first 11 chapters and then forward in the remaining chapters.
01:50The book of Deuteronomy is one of the most treasured of all books of the Torah, providing
01:54a natural completion to the first five books. The Greek name conveys the significance of
02:00this book. After Moses broke the first set of the law tablets as a show of Israel's rejection
02:08of Yahweh's laws through their idolatry, Deuteronomy offers a renewed opportunity for Israel's
02:15redemption through the second giving of the law, representing Yahweh's covenant with
02:20his people. Being similar to Leviticus, Deuteronomy's overarching emphasizes its obedience to Yahweh
02:30with blessings for obedience and curses for law-breaking. It includes a broad spectrum
02:36of Yahweh's laws addressing proper worship, including the relisting of the Ten Commandments
02:43and personal relations, good hygiene, clean food laws, tithing, and warnings about false
02:50prophets. Taken together, the first five books of the Bible, in a nutshell, Genesis, is about
02:57man's downfall through sin, Exodus reveals redemption through the blood and divine power,
03:03Leviticus shows communion by atonement, Numbers teaches proper direction through Yahweh's
03:10guidance, and Deuteronomy points to the ultimate destination through the faithfulness of Yahweh.
03:17Each Torah book also discloses a key aspect of the nature of Yahweh, which respectively
03:24are His sovereignty, power, holiness, goodness, severity, and faithfulness.
03:31So, like I said, in a nutshell, that's what the book of Deuteronomy is about, and I encourage
03:38you guys to check up and study that book. Some people might think it's old, the Old
03:44Testament and even the five books of Torah is not worth it. It's been done away with.
03:49Don't believe that. The Old Testament is just as important as the New Testament. The Old
03:54Testament complements the New Testament, and vice versa. They complement each other.
03:59They go together. That's what it is. But yeah, just please read up on that, and I thank you
04:05again for stopping by, and please give me some big likes and hit that notification bell.
04:11I'd appreciate it if you subscribed to my channel, watched my other videos. I have more
04:16planned to come out, and that's all I really need to say right now. Until we meet again,
04:23peace out, and shalom.
