An Introduction To 1 & 2 Thessalonians

  • 2 months ago
Sharing some important information about these two Epistles written by the Apostle Paul.
00:00Hey, Shalom brothers and sisters, welcome back, I thank you again for joining me.
00:05Today, I want to do an introduction on the books of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.
00:12I just want to give you an overview of the book, and I encourage you to read these books,
00:17study them up, you know, that's what they're there for, for edification and enlightenment.
00:23So I'm going to start out with the 1st Thessalonians, I'm going to read this to you, a little information.
00:301st Thessalonians was compiled between 50 and 52 CE.
00:36It's agreed from both the narrative and early witnesses that Paul wrote this book,
00:42except for perhaps Galatians, this may be Paul's earliest epistle.
00:48Now the background, this book is written to the assembly of Thessalonica, the city was located
00:54in Macedonia on the Thermaic Gulf, well the Gulf of, oops, the Thermaic Gulf south of Philippi.
01:04Its original name was Therma or Thermae, but was renamed by Cassander in honor of his wife,
01:14Thessalonica, daughter of Philip II and stepsister of Alexander the Great.
01:20Under Rome, this city gained importance in 167 BCE, it was selected as a capital
01:29of the 2nd district of Macedonia and in 148 BCE became an official part of the Roman province.
01:40At the time of Paul's ministry, it had a population of about 200,000.
01:45It was no small size, it was no, this was no small size for the city in the ancient world.
01:51From biblical evidence, the assembly of Thessalonica included both Jewish and Gentile
01:55converts, you can find that in the book of Acts chapter 17 verses 2 through 4, shows Paul visiting
02:02the synagogue there for three consecutive sadness and convincing many of Yeshua the Messiah.
02:09From chapter 1 verse 9, it is also evident that the assembly included many Gentiles also
02:16meeting on the Sabbath, not just the Jewish, it was the Gentiles. Paul's message in both
02:241st and 2nd Thessalonians is largely prophetic regarding the second coming of Messiah. Each
02:30chapter in this first letter ends with the theme of Yeshua's return. He also focuses on the
02:37righteous living and remaining productive in daily life. Chapter 4 verses 11 through 12, three times
02:44in these two letters, Paul is concerned that the believer be counted worthy of the kingdom.
02:50One of the most frequently quoted passages is chapter 4 verse 16 through 18, where Paul
02:58describes the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. This is not to be confused with the
03:03doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture, yeah the rapture, which lacks biblical support. Paul
03:10reveals there that when Yeshua returns, he will raise the elect first the dead and Messiah followed
03:17by the righteous still living at his return. So that was the first book of Thessalonians.
03:28Let's go to the second letter. 2nd Thessalonians is compiled between 51 and 53 CE. It is agreed
03:37that both the narrative and the early witnesses that Paul wrote this book, it is one of Paul's
03:42earliest epistles. This epistle was written to the assembly of Thessalonica. The city was in
03:49Macedonia on the Theramegolf. Its original name was Therma or Thermi, but was renamed by Cassander.
03:57Yes, basically saying the same thing here. From biblical evidence, the assembly of Thessalonica
04:03included both Jewish and Gentile converts. It shows that again, but here's a significance of
04:10it. Paul's description of the lawless one, the anti-messiah, and the second chapter is one of
04:16the most significant in scriptures. He provides several important characteristics, including the
04:22fact that he will exalt himself above all that is called Elohim or the mighty one. He will sit
04:29in a restored temple or place of worship, and he will be consumed by the brightness or manifestation
04:36of the messiah at his second coming. Without this key passage, less would be known about
04:43this ominous future tyrant. In addition to the prophecies of Daniel, Revelation, and Yeshua's
04:49Olivet prophecy, Mark 24 and Matthew 13, Luke 21, this passage by the Apostle Paul should be
04:57closely studied by all those with an interest in end-time events. So, just like
05:06you said, Daniel and Revelations and the Olivet prophecies, this second one discusses end-time
05:15events, and this beast-man tyrant who's going to be coming. And the Bible reeks with prophecy,
05:22it does, the Old Testament and the New. But I encourage you guys to please study these letters,
05:30you know, the first and second Thessalonians. It's a matter of importance, it's just our
05:35salvation on the line right now. But that's all I wanted to say to that, and just give you an
05:40introduction. And I thank you again for joining me, and you know, please comment below and watch
05:47my other videos, and hit the like button, subscribe, and pound that notification bell.
05:53And anyways, until we meet again, I thank you again. Peace out, and Shalom.