The Prophetic Times - DJ

  • 3 months ago
00:00Museums. Within the walls of these institutions, the signs of our history are preserved through
00:07collections of artistic, cultural, and scientific importance. Exhibits chronicle the people,
00:16places, and events that have shaped our world. There is coming a series of events so apocalyptic
00:26it will put a period behind the world as we know it, and not one museum will be left standing
00:33to memorialize its destruction. But what if we could visit such a place? A museum containing
00:43the signs of what is to come, exhibits and remnants of the end times. What could we learn?
00:52How would it change the way we live today? Though in truth, a museum of this kind will
01:00never be built, through the lens of God's Word, our imagination can catch a glimpse
01:05of not what has happened, but will happen. Come with me on a tour of Bible prophecy and
01:13we will discover the signs God has laid out in Scripture, signs that assure us God has
01:20a plan for the future and for eternity. On today's program, our tour begins as we consider
01:28how today's headlines and biblical prophecy intersect as the signs of the end times become
01:34the signs of our time. Stay tuned for today's edition of Turning Point, The Prophetic Times.
01:45From Memphis, Tennessee, this is Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah.
01:49There's no God like Jehovah. Come on everybody, let me hear you sing it.
01:53These are the days of Elijah, declaring the Word of the Lord.
02:01And these are the days of Yisra'el, Moses, righteousness being restored.
02:11And though these are days of great trials, of famine and darkness and storms,
02:20still we are the voice in the desert, crying, we bear you the way of the Lord.
02:28Before He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call,
02:37lift your voice, it's a year of jubilee, and out of Zion's hills salvation comes.
02:46Aren't you thankful salvation comes only through the Lord Jesus Christ?
02:50There is no God like Jehovah. Let me hear you sing this.
02:54There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
02:58Let me hear you.
02:59There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:03There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:08There's no God like Jehovah. You believe that tonight?
03:11Come on, sing it.
03:12There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:17There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:21There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:25There's no God like Jehovah. There's no God like Jehovah.
03:29Before He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call,
03:38lift your voice, it's a year of jubilee, and out of Zion's hills salvation comes.
03:56Coming up on Turning Point.
03:58The Bible says you don't have to be filled with anxiety.
04:01Let your heart be calm. It's all under control.
04:04Almighty God's still on the throne.
04:06He's got His plan all laid out, and He's coming back.
04:12A timeless classic from Dr. David Jeremiah.
04:15The Book of Signs, 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Living God.
04:20From Dr. David Jeremiah, The Book of Signs, 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse.
04:26Drawing from decades of experience as one of the world's most respected scholars of Bible prophecy,
04:31Dr. Jeremiah brings his signature wisdom, depth, and compassion
04:35to The Book of Signs, his masterwork on prophecy.
04:38You'll come to understand the profound implications of 31 major signs of the end times.
04:44And most importantly, you will walk away with hope and confidence for the future
04:48and a renewed sense of purpose for your faith today.
04:51A must-have volume for anyone interested in end times theology.
04:55The Book of Signs will be sent to you in appreciation when you support this program with a gift of any amount.
05:01Also available, The Signs Set, containing The Book of Signs,
05:05The 31 Message Signs CD Collection with three correlating study guides,
05:09and The Revelation Prophecy Chart, plus The Prophecy Interview DVD.
05:14Watch and learn as Sheila Walsh interviews Dr. Jeremiah about the series of events coming in the end times.
05:20The Signs Set is yours in appreciation of your generous gift of $135 or more,
05:26or three monthly payments of $45.
05:29The Book of Signs and The Signs Set, Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work on Bible prophecy.
05:35Contact Turning Point today.
05:38In appreciation of your viewership today, Dr. Jeremiah would like to give you The Revelation Prophecy Chart,
05:44a visually stunning fold-out chart that will walk you through the events found in the Book of Revelation,
05:49plus two informative prophecy-related articles from Dr. Jeremiah.
05:54Receive The Revelation Prophecy Chart completely free when you contact Turning Point today.
05:59Now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message, The Prophetic Times.
06:08I don't have to tell you that this has been about the strangest year we've ever had.
06:14Just about every way you can imagine, we have been reminded that life is uncertain.
06:21Serious people are asking everywhere you go,
06:26if these things are happening today,
06:30what will be the future for my children and my grandchildren?
06:35Well, there's only one reliable source of information about the future,
06:39only one that has an astounding record of accuracy,
06:43and that's the Bible.
06:45If you want to know about the future,
06:47there's only one place you can go and find any good information.
06:50Don't read the futurists. Read the prophets.
06:54The Bible is filled with information to help us navigate the uncertain course that is before us.
07:01People say, I don't believe in prophecy, but they do.
07:05It wasn't so long ago, was it,
07:07that you could hardly turn on your television,
07:09turn one channel to the next,
07:11and every time you turned the channel,
07:13here was some psychic person willing to tell you your future.
07:17They even had a network called the Psychic Network,
07:20and they went out of business.
07:23You would have thought they would have known.
07:27One pastor I know said that he doesn't ever preach on prophecy
07:31because he said prophecy distracts people from the present.
07:36An astute colleague definitely responded,
07:39well, then there's an awful lot of distractions in the Bible.
07:43There are 300 prophecies in the Bible
07:46concerning the first coming of Christ,
07:49but there are three times in the Bible
07:52concerning the first coming of Christ,
07:55but there are three times that many prophecies in the Bible
07:59concerning the second coming of Christ.
08:02If Almighty God prophesied his first coming over here
08:07and now time has passed and we can trace what happened
08:10and we say, you know everything he said, what happened, happened.
08:14And now he's prophesying another coming
08:18with the same kind of verbiage in the same prophets.
08:21What do you think he will do?
08:24I think he'll fulfill them, don't you?
08:26I think the things that he says will happen will happen.
08:30And, oh, my friends, how many truths there are in the Word of God
08:34about the days in which we are living
08:36and the time when it is yet to come.
08:39If you want to know what in the world is going on,
08:43you have to turn to the Bible for some answers.
08:47Have you ever asked yourself this question?
08:50Why am I on this earth at this particular time?
08:54Did you know that Almighty God could have dropped you down
08:57along the landscape of history any place he wanted?
09:00Well, he put you here.
09:02He put you here for now.
09:04God wants you here for now,
09:06so don't complain about not having lived at a different time
09:09or wish you could live in some future time.
09:11Embrace the fact that God has given you this time
09:15and then find out everything you can about how to live this time
09:18in the Holy Spirit power that he wants to give you.
09:22So where are we?
09:24What's happening?
09:26Well, let me just say, first of all,
09:28we're living in the generation
09:30of the rebirth of the nation of Israel.
09:33When I was seven years old,
09:36something happened in our world
09:38that has forever changed the landscape going forward.
09:42It almost happened off the radar screen
09:45as far as many people are concerned.
09:47It was 1948, so you do the math
09:50and you'll figure out how old I am.
09:53It was 1948, and the nation of Israel was born.
09:58And the significance of Israel's reemergence
10:01in her ancient homeland is critical to us
10:04because in order for all of the other end-time prophecies
10:08to happen, Israel has to be at home in her own land.
10:13And so now the beginning of the regathering
10:15of the nation of Israel has happened.
10:18Israel today is exhibit A
10:20in the lineup of convincing evidences
10:23that the Bible prophecies concerning the future
10:26are going to be fulfilled.
10:28Here, after all these years, is this little nation
10:31confounding everyone with their military ability
10:35and their commitment to survival.
10:38The little nation of Israel is 1 19th the size of California,
10:42not even as big as New Jersey,
10:44and yet here it is, God's special plan,
10:47God's special place, just as God said it would be,
10:50arising in the end time to be present
10:53so that all the prophecies that surround it could take place.
10:57Not only do you have the rebirth of Israel as a nation,
11:01but you have the redistribution of wealth
11:05through oil.
11:07After the 1948 refounding of the nation of Israel
11:11in her ancient homeland,
11:13even Bible-believing Christians often wondered
11:17what would draw the attention and animosity
11:19of the whole world to that little nation.
11:22I remember thinking, you know, I read the Bible,
11:24and the Bible says it's all going to end over there in Israel.
11:27I mean, it doesn't make any sense, this little tiny nation,
11:29and then all of a sudden everybody began to realize
11:32it's the oil.
11:34The Bible says God is going to put a hook
11:36in the jaws of the nations,
11:38and I believe that hook is the oil.
11:40Oil in the Middle East will be like a magnet
11:42drawing all of the nations to that focal point
11:45for the final war that will take place on this earth.
11:49So we have the rebirth of Israel in our lifetime.
11:53We have the redistribution of wealth in our lifetime.
11:59And then keep your eyes on Europe,
12:02the realignment of Europe as well.
12:05In Europe today, we are seeing the fulfillment
12:08of a prophecy that many folks don't even know about.
12:12Did you know that in the book of Daniel,
12:14in the second and in the ninth chapter,
12:16Daniel saw the opportunity to interpret a couple of dreams?
12:21These two dreams basically are about one thing.
12:24They're about the history of the world
12:27from Daniel's time until Almighty God
12:30sets up his kingdom on this earth.
12:33Literally what the prophecy is saying, men and women,
12:36is this, that what is happening in Europe today,
12:39this reorganization of Europe,
12:4127 nations now in the European coalition,
12:46their own coins called the Eurodollar,
12:52this reconnection of all the old nations
12:56of the Roman Empire are fulfilling
12:58the prophecies of Daniel.
13:00And pretty soon, they will have their own president.
13:04They already have their own constitution.
13:06They tell us that this is now the most powerful
13:10block of nations in the world,
13:12equaling almost the power and dominance
13:15of the United States.
13:17You say, Pastor Jeremiah,
13:19what is the significance of Europe?
13:21Why is that important?
13:22It's important for this reason.
13:24The Bible says that in the end time,
13:27there is going to be a ruler who comes upon this earth.
13:31He will rule the whole world.
13:35He will be the ruler of the whole world.
13:38I thought at one time that would be impossible.
13:41It's becoming more and more possible all the time,
13:43is it not?
13:44Through all of our technology,
13:46through all the things we're able to do,
13:48the Bible says he will abrogate power to himself
13:51and he will rule the whole world.
13:52Now, what the Scripture says is this.
13:54This world ruler will come out of
13:57the reunited European coalition.
13:59In other words, out of the old Roman Empire,
14:02revived in the last time,
14:04this ruler will emerge.
14:06He will come from there.
14:07He's not gonna come from the United States.
14:09The Bible says that the Antichrist will not be revealed
14:12until after the rapture.
14:13So if you think you know who he is,
14:15you've been left behind.
14:22The Bible says that all these things are happening
14:24and they're preparing the way for an event,
14:27listen to me now, that could happen tonight.
14:30The Bible speaks of a moment in time
14:33and it's called the rapture.
14:36The rapture is an event that is yet to happen on this earth
14:42and the Bible speaks of it in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.
14:53For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
14:57even so God will bring with him those that sleep in Jesus.
15:02For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
15:05that we who are alive and remain
15:06until the coming of the Lord
15:07will by no means precede those who are asleep.
15:10For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven
15:13with a shout, with the voice of an archangel
15:16and the trumpet of God
15:17and the dead in Christ will rise first
15:20and we who are alive and remain
15:21shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
15:24to meet the Lord in the air
15:26and thus we shall always be with the Lord.
15:29Therefore comfort, encourage one another with these words.
15:35Now Paul wrote this to a church in Thessalonica
15:38for one specific reason, listen carefully.
15:41Almost everybody who was there in the church at the time
15:45believed that Jesus was coming back.
15:47They had been taught that and they accepted it as true.
15:51But what they didn't understand was this.
15:54They had godly parents and grandparents
15:56and sisters and brothers and some of them children
15:59who also had trusted Christ
16:01but they had died and their bodies
16:03had been buried in the ground
16:05and the Thessalonians wanted to know,
16:07what about them?
16:08What happens to them?
16:10And so Paul begins his little verse by saying,
16:12I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,
16:15concerning those who have fallen asleep.
16:17You all know that fallen asleep means died.
16:20That's what you say about a Christian who dies.
16:22He falls asleep.
16:23Paul addresses this to the ignorant brethren.
16:26Somebody said that's the largest congregation
16:28in the whole world, the ignorant brethren.
16:30I don't know if that's true or not.
16:32But these brethren were a bit ignorant
16:34about what was going to happen to their loved ones.
16:36And so Paul wrote this letter and he said,
16:38let me set this all straight for you
16:40and he gave them a crystal clear outline.
16:42First he said, I want you to know that one day
16:44there's going to be a return.
16:46One day the Lord Jesus is going to come out of the skies
16:49and he's going to come into the heavens.
16:51And the Bible says he will come with a shout
16:54and the voice of an archangel and the trump of God.
16:57He's not going to send his angels.
16:59It won't be the Holy Spirit.
17:00It's not going to be John the Baptist.
17:02The Lord himself will return.
17:05And then Paul made this astounding statement.
17:07He said, you're worried about those who've already died?
17:10Don't worry about them.
17:11For he said, the dead in Christ.
17:13Once again, those are not the people
17:15sitting in the third row of your church, guys.
17:17I want you to know the dead in Christ
17:19are not the people that fall asleep on Sunday.
17:21The dead in Christ are the people who have died
17:23and are buried.
17:25And Paul says, now listen, the Lord is going to come back,
17:29but before he comes after you,
17:31he's going to get all of those who have already died
17:33and they're going to rise up from the ground
17:36and there's going to be a resurrection.
17:38And then he says, after the resurrection happens,
17:41after all those who have died in Christ
17:43have been raised up and go up to the heavens with the Lord,
17:46the Bible says, and then those of us
17:48who are alive and remain, in other words,
17:50we haven't died and the Lord has come back.
17:53We're going to be caught up together with them
17:55to be with the Lord and so shall we ever be with him.
17:59Listen to me, men and women, there's coming a day
18:01when there's going to be a shout
18:03and the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God
18:06and only believers will hear it.
18:08And the Bible says all of the graves
18:10that have been occupied by those who are Christians
18:13will be opened and their bodies will be resurrected
18:16and go up to meet the Lord.
18:18And on their way up, all of their bodies
18:20will be reformed and remain as a resurrection body.
18:24And as soon as that happens,
18:28all of us who are still walking around on planet Earth,
18:32and I plan to be here, the Lord willing,
18:35I think he's going to come that soon.
18:37I tell everybody, I'm not looking for the undertaker,
18:39I'm looking for the upper taker, amen?
18:41I too want to go up.
18:44Then we're going to be caught up to be with the Lord
18:46and then the Bible says together with our loved ones
18:49who died before we did, we're going to be ushered in
18:52to the presence of heaven and there we will be forever.
18:56That's what we have to look forward to.
18:59I hope that's what you have to look forward to
19:01if you know Jesus Christ.
19:03That's your future, plain and simple.
19:06One of these days, the Lord's coming back
19:08and if you know him,
19:11you will be taken to heaven to be with him.
19:15We say we believe this, but do we?
19:20If you knew Jesus was coming tomorrow night,
19:23what would your tomorrow look like?
19:26And people say, well, you know, the Bible says he's coming back.
19:29I don't know what to do.
19:31What should I do, pastor?
19:33Read the words of prophecy.
19:36First of all, the Bible says we're to stay centered on Christ.
19:40Over in Colossians, it says since we have been risen with Christ,
19:43we're to set our affection on things above,
19:45not on things below.
19:47As we wait for Jesus to come back,
19:49we're to set our affection upon him.
19:52And the Bible says we're to stay confident in God's word,
19:55committed to it with all of our hearts.
19:57We're to understand that the only thing we have
19:59that will help us in these difficult days
20:01and prepare us for the time to come is the word of God,
20:05the commitment to the word of God.
20:07Stay centered in Christ.
20:09Stay committed to the word.
20:11And here's what I want to talk about for just a moment.
20:14Stay compassionate toward other people.
20:17Men and women, these are difficult times.
20:19These are the times that were prophesied
20:21we would experience before the Lord's return.
20:23But here is the opportunity for us to shine
20:26like we have never shined before.
20:28You know what grieves me?
20:30When I come into a city like this city,
20:32and you don't have to be in a city very long
20:34before you start hearing a little bit of this
20:36and a little bit of that.
20:38Well, these people aren't getting along with these people.
20:40You know what?
20:42The time has come for us to put all that aside.
20:44We are Christians, and the body of Christ
20:46needs to come together.
20:48It really doesn't have anything to do
20:51with the color of our skin or ethnicity
20:53or where we came from or how we speak.
20:55It has to do with our faith in Jesus Christ.
20:57And the Bible tells us that in these days
21:00before Christ comes back,
21:02we need to reach out and join hands with other believers.
21:05And then we need to spread our hands out wide
21:07and help people who need our help.
21:09Let this be the finest hour for the church
21:12instead of the hour when people look at us
21:14as a bunch of stingy people
21:16who close everything around us
21:18and try to wait for the storm to pass.
21:21You know what?
21:23Almighty God has put us where we are
21:25at this particular time, as I said at the beginning,
21:28because he has called us to this time and to this place.
21:32And there are many other things that we're told to do.
21:35We're told to stay connected to the church.
21:37Did you know that?
21:39The Bible says,
21:41"...forsake not the assembling of yourselves together,
21:43as the manner of some is,
21:45but so much the more as you see the day approaching."
21:47What does that mean?
21:49It means as you realize Jesus is coming back,
21:51what I do know is the Bible says
21:53this is not a time for us to be scattering as God's people.
21:56This is a time for us to be gathering as God's people.
22:00Listen to me.
22:02There are only two times in the New Testament
22:04where this expression, gathering, is used.
22:07Once it's used for Christians gathering in the church,
22:10and once it's used for when we gather together
22:12with the Lord in his coming.
22:14And I'm convinced that both are equally important.
22:17God is looking forward to the time when we gather with him,
22:20but in the meantime, while we're waiting
22:22for the return of Christ,
22:24we need to be gathering with one another.
22:26Let me just give you one last one.
22:28I'd like to preach all of them, but I don't have time.
22:30The Bible says that as we're looking for the Lord's return,
22:32we should stay calm in our spirit.
22:35This is not a time for anxiety and panic.
22:38Did you know there was another time in the New Testament
22:40when the disciples were filled with anxiety?
22:43They began to hear the rumors
22:45that Jesus was going to leave them.
22:47Jesus was all they knew.
22:49He said he was going to leave and go to a place,
22:51and they didn't know where it was,
22:53and Jesus said, how could he tell them?
22:56And they were filled with fear and filled with anxiety,
22:59and then Jesus said these words to them.
23:01He said, let not your hearts be troubled.
23:04You believe in God, believe also in me.
23:08In my Father's house are many mansions,
23:10and if it weren't so, I would have told you, listen,
23:13I go to prepare a place for you,
23:15and if I go and prepare a place for you,
23:17I will come again and receive you unto myself,
23:19that where I am, there you may be also.
23:23The Bible says you don't have to be filled with anxiety.
23:26Let your heart be calm.
23:28It's all under control.
23:30Almighty God's still on the throne.
23:32He's got his plan all laid out, and he's coming back.
23:35And the best news in that passage of Scripture,
23:40my friends, is this.
23:42God loves you, and he wants you to be where he is.
23:46He is doing all of this for us.
23:48Listen to the verse again.
23:50Let not your heart be troubled.
23:52You believe in God, believe also in me.
23:54In my Father's house are many mansions.
23:56If it were not so, I would have told you,
23:58I go to prepare a place for you,
24:02and if I go and prepare a place for you,
24:05I will come again and receive you unto myself,
24:09that where I am, there you may be also.
24:12God is interested in you.
24:14He wants you in heaven,
24:16and that's why he's doing all of this.
24:20You say, well, pastor, I'm young,
24:22and I have lots of plans,
24:24and I got some things I want to do before this,
24:26and I've got plenty of time.
24:28No, you don't.
24:30You have no guarantee of a tomorrow.
24:33If you were to die tonight and stand before Almighty God
24:36and he were to say to you,
24:38why should I let you into my heaven,
24:40what would you say?
24:42You cannot say with certainty,
24:44Lord God, I come to your heaven tonight
24:46with the assurance that I belong here
24:48because I have trusted Jesus Christ,
24:50your Son, as my Savior.
24:52If you don't know that, do today
24:54what you're going to be thankful you've done
24:56when you stand before the Lord.
24:58Give your heart to Jesus Christ.
25:00You will look back upon this moment
25:02as the greatest moment in your life.
25:04It will change you from the inside
25:07and make you a new creature.
25:10Dr. Jeremiah will return to close today's program
25:13right after this.
25:18Thank you for watching today.
25:20Dr. Jeremiah would like to offer you
25:22The Book of Signs, his masterwork on Bible prophecy,
25:25a must-have volume for anyone interested
25:27in end-times theology.
25:29The Book of Signs will be sent to you
25:31in appreciation when you support this program
25:33with a gift of any amount.
25:35Also available, The Signs Set,
25:37containing The Book of Signs,
25:39The 31-Message Signs CD Collection
25:41with three correlating study guides,
25:43and The Revelation Prophecy Chart,
25:45plus The Prophecy Interview DVD,
25:47yours in appreciation of your generous gift
25:50of $135 or more,
25:52or three monthly payments of $45.
25:54The Book of Signs and The Signs Set,
25:57Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work on Bible prophecy.
26:00Contact Turning Point today.
26:03And now, with one last word for today's program,
26:06here is Dr. Jeremiah.
26:08At the end of my message, I listed five ways
26:11to defend yourself against the uncertainties of this world.
26:15Stay calm in your spirit,
26:17stay connected to your church,
26:20stay compassionate toward others,
26:22stay committed to God's Word,
26:24and most important of all,
26:26stay centered in Christ.
26:28Stay centered in Christ.
26:30But to live in Christ, you must first believe in Christ.
26:34To help you understand what it means to believe
26:37and live for Jesus Christ,
26:39please allow me to send you two free gifts from Turning Point.
26:43One is our booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:46and the other is our monthly devotional magazine
26:49called Turning Points.
26:51We will gladly send them both to you, free of charge,
26:55if you will contact us here at Turning Point today.
26:59David Jeremiah and Turning Point
27:01are making a global impact for the kingdom of God,
27:04but we can't do it alone.
27:06That's where Bible Strong Partners come in.
27:08Bible Strong Partners form the foundation of Turning Point,
27:11allowing Dr. Jeremiah to reach the world with the gospel
27:14and enabling you to share in the eternal impact of the ministry.
27:18In return, we want to support your faith
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27:22To become a Bible Strong Partner,
27:24go to slash BibleStrong today.
27:30Next time on Turning Point.
27:32And we have become indifferent to the fact
27:34that we have a real enemy.
27:36His name is Satan, and he is organized to the hilt,
27:39and his demons cover the earth with their presence.
27:44Thank you for being with us today.
27:46Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:49The Great Deceiver Who Seeks to Destroy,
27:52here on Turning Point.
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