• 4 months ago
00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:05Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years
00:12of peace on earth, which could be closer than you think.
00:14Pre-order The Coming Golden Age before its worldwide launch
00:17on October 1st when you give a gift of any amount
00:19to Turning Point.
00:21Plus, you'll receive early digital access
00:23to Dr. Jeremiah's entire The Coming Golden Age
00:25teaching series.
00:26Pre-order The Coming Golden Age today.
00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books
00:33published each year, over 200,000 podcasts
00:37in the personal development category.
00:40But what if I told you all pale in comparison
00:43to the spiritual development one small book can
00:46have on your life and faith?
00:48Just six chapters, 2,000 words, and 20 minutes of your time,
00:53yet its impact lasts a lifetime.
00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains
00:59what it means to believe and how to discover
01:01God's calling for you, how to find purpose,
01:05overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:08claim a life you love, endure difficulty,
01:11experience the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately, be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:21Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:23to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures.
01:28A belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39Don't play games with God.
01:41He's not out there as one of your options.
01:44He's your only option if you want to know the will of God.
01:47And you have to come to him like that and say,
01:49Lord, here I am.
01:50Tell me what to do.
01:51Lord, here's my will on a piece of paper.
01:53There's nothing written in.
01:54I've signed the bottom.
01:55You fill in the top.
01:59Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves
02:03in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
02:05Belief That Behaves, the Book of Ephesians.
02:08In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:11Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means
02:12to be a follower of Christ in practical terms
02:15and how we should act or behave as believers.
02:18Through 19 chapters, you'll discover
02:20God's how-to guide to the Christian life,
02:23including resolving conflict with others,
02:25successful marriage and parenting,
02:27finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
02:29and praying effectively.
02:31Ephesians has the power to change your life
02:34at home, at church, and at work.
02:36Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah
02:39when you give a gift of any amount
02:40in support of Turning Point.
02:42Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
02:44Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation
02:46the Belief That Behaves set, which contains his new book,
02:50his complete two-volume teaching series
02:52on your choice of CD or DVD,
02:54and two correlating study guides.
02:56From the first verse to the last,
02:58the truths contained in Ephesians
02:59will fill your heart with joy
03:01and strengthen your relationships with others.
03:03Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
03:06new from Dr. Jeremiah,
03:07when you contact Turning Point today.
03:12Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:15And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
03:19Walking in Wisdom.
03:23So far in Ephesians, we've been talking about imitating God
03:26by walking in love and walking in light.
03:29Here's the third walk, walking in wisdom.
03:33And the Scripture begins in the 15th verse.
03:36That's our new section for today.
03:39And we're going to talk, first of all,
03:40about the wise walk being a diligent walk.
03:44Verse 15 says,
03:45"'See then that you walk circumspectly,
03:49not as fools, but as wise.'"
03:53Now, the word circumspectly is the key to all of this,
03:56and it's a really interesting word.
03:58It's made up of two Greek words.
04:00One of them is the word circum, which means circle.
04:03The other word is spectacle,
04:05and that's the word we use for seeing.
04:07And so, when we put on our glasses,
04:09we put on our spectacles.
04:12So, if you put circum and spectacle together,
04:15what you have is looking around.
04:19And Paul says, walk in wisdom, looking around,
04:23and making sure you don't fall into the trap
04:25that Satan has set for you.
04:28In other words, if you're a Christian,
04:30you can't walk with your head down.
04:33You have to always be looking, always be on the alert,
04:35always be watching what's going on.
04:37You hear what's happening in culture,
04:39and you ask God to help you know what to do.
04:41But if you don't know what's going on in culture,
04:43you haven't got a clue.
04:44You just stumble along.
04:45And so many Christians are like that.
04:47They're saved, they know they're going to heaven,
04:49and from then on, they just sort of stumble through life.
04:53And Paul says, if you're gonna walk in wisdom,
04:54you have to walk circumspectly.
04:57If you don't do that, you will do foolish things.
05:02Now, there are three reasons why you need to walk circumspectly,
05:05because, first of all, walking diligently
05:07will keep you from defection.
05:10In the Bible, the word fool is found several times
05:14and, in fact, the most famous passage, of course,
05:16is Psalm 14, 1.
05:18The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
05:22I remember hearing about a guy who was one of these people
05:25that wore a sandwich board, and he was a Christian,
05:29and he was trying to make his point.
05:31And on the front of the board, it said,
05:34I am a fool for Christ's sake.
05:37But when he walked by on the back of the board,
05:39it said, whose fool are you?
05:42The Bible says if we don't walk in wisdom,
05:44we can walk foolishly, we can do foolish things.
05:48See that you walk circumspectly, says Paul,
05:52because if you don't do that, you have a tendency to defect.
05:56When you become a Christian, you move out of foolishness
05:59and you begin to walk in the wisdom of God.
06:01That's just what happens.
06:03And just as you move from lust to love
06:06and you start walking in love,
06:08and you move from darkness to light,
06:10and you start walking in the light,
06:12when you become a Christian, you move from foolishness
06:15to wisdom, and you start walking in wisdom.
06:18You have your head on straight, you stand up straight,
06:20you see what's happening.
06:22Things are different, you have a clarity in your mind
06:24that you didn't have before.
06:27But Paul says if you're not careful
06:29when you become a Christian and you start to walk in wisdom,
06:33you can defect, you can go back to the old way.
06:36You get lazy, you stop reading your Bible,
06:39you stop coming to church like you should.
06:41I've talked to pastors all over the country
06:43and it's an incredible problem.
06:45Some pastors I know are stopping their internet service
06:49because people are staying home and watching it on the internet
06:52and not coming to church.
06:54Seems to me that penalizes the older people
06:56who depend on that and don't have any church.
06:58But for younger people to use that as an excuse
07:01for not going to church, that is foolish.
07:04That's what happens when you become a Christian,
07:06you start walking in wisdom,
07:07and then that trap comes along.
07:10It makes it easier for you not to walk in wisdom,
07:12easier for you to be lazy about your Christian faith.
07:15And when you get lazy about your Christian faith,
07:18you're about to fall in the hole.
07:19You're about to make a step
07:21that will take you in the wrong direction.
07:23So, I didn't mean to say all that, but I'm saying it.
07:27Walking diligently keeps you from disobedience.
07:31Paul called the Galatians foolish.
07:33Let me tell you their story.
07:36The Galatian believers had come out of Judaism
07:38and they'd become Christians.
07:39They had accepted Christ as their Savior.
07:41They'd been baptized.
07:43They had joined the little Galatians church.
07:45But some Judaizers, some Jewish teachers,
07:48had come from Jerusalem to Galatia
07:51and started telling these new believers,
07:53you can't be a real Christian
07:54unless you also adopt all of the regulations of the law.
07:59And they brought in all of the Jewish and said,
08:01so, to be a real Christian, they would say,
08:03you have to be a Jewish Christian.
08:06And some of the believers in Galatia
08:07who had grown up in the Jewish faith,
08:09in the Jewish traditions,
08:11they started to go back to all of those ways.
08:13Now, you can't have it both ways.
08:15You're either saved by faith
08:16or you're trying to be saved by the law,
08:18but you can't have both.
08:19And Paul really was upset with them.
08:21Listen to what he said.
08:23Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you
08:27that you should not obey the truth
08:28before whose eyes Jesus Christ
08:30was clearly portrayed among you as crucified.
08:34Having begun in the Spirit,
08:36are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
08:39In other words, having become a Christian,
08:41are you now going back to incorporate the law
08:43in your faith?
08:45Don't do that.
08:46That's foolish, says Paul.
08:47If you don't walk in wisdom, you fall for tricks like that
08:51that the enemy comes along with.
08:53Paul spares no words in his rebuke of their tendency.
08:57So, walking diligently keeps you from defection,
09:00keeps you from disobedience,
09:03and it keeps you from destruction.
09:05Do you know it's possible to self-destruct as a Christian?
09:09It's not God doing that, that's you.
09:11You stop living as a Christian for very long
09:13and pretty soon, here's what I know.
09:16The longer you miss out coming to church,
09:18the easier it is not to come to church.
09:21The longer you miss reading your Bible,
09:23the easier it is for you not to read your Bible.
09:26You got it?
09:28The longer it goes, it's kind of opposite
09:30of the physical realm.
09:32When you don't eat physically, the longer you go,
09:34the more hungry you get.
09:36But in the spiritual realm, the longer you go
09:38without being fed, the more apt you are to lose your appetite
09:42and the less you want.
09:44So, Paul is saying, walk circumspectly,
09:47walk diligently, walk with your eyes wide open.
09:50Make sure you're always on the alert for things
09:53the enemy wants to do to destroy you in your Christian faith.
09:58Any Christian can be tempted, and if he yields
10:00to that temptation, he can find himself sidetracked.
10:04And maybe you thought, oh, this is just gonna be
10:06a little detour, and before you know it,
10:08you've been on that detour for two years.
10:11Satan is a mastermind at getting you off your walk,
10:15and that's why Paul is instructing
10:17the Ephesian believers and all of us.
10:20Wide open, keep your eyes wide open.
10:22Walk circumspectly.
10:24The wise walk is a diligent walk.
10:27And then Paul says that the wise walk is a disciplined walk.
10:30The older I get, the more important verse 16 is to me.
10:34Redeeming the time because the days are evil.
10:38Oh, my goodness, time.
10:41Just what does this mean?
10:42Well, let me explain to you that in the Greek language,
10:44there are two words for time.
10:46One is the word chronos.
10:48Chronos is the days and the minutes and the hours,
10:52the ongoing calculation of time.
10:54But the word in the text here is not the word chronos.
10:57It's the word kairos.
10:59Kairos is a set period of time.
11:02Kairos is your time, bookended by your birth and your death.
11:07And so Paul says, walk in wisdom, redeeming your time,
11:13making sure you take advantage of the time
11:17that God has given to you.
11:20Psalm 90, 10 says,
11:22the days of our lives are 70 years,
11:25and if by reason of strength they are 80 years,
11:29yet their boast is only labor and sorrow,
11:31for it is soon cut off and we fly away.
11:33And I thought, what a depressing passage of Scripture that is.
11:39But it's a true passage, isn't it, in general?
11:43And I don't wanna risk losing any of the years
11:45that are between my birth and my death.
11:48I don't wanna mess up those years
11:50so I lose the opportunity God has given me.
11:52Our lives are bounded by birth and death,
11:55and God wants us to redeem our life as a whole.
11:58Psalm 90, 12 says,
12:00teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
12:06My friend Todd Durkin, who I see several times a week,
12:10has a podcast, and he was telling me this week
12:12about his guest this week on his podcast.
12:15It was a guy who was a professional
12:17time management guy.
12:19The most important thing he said on his podcast was,
12:22and this has really grabbed hold of me,
12:25that the use of time is not doing everything today
12:30and controlling your time so that today will be better,
12:32but doing everything today with the use of your time
12:35so that tomorrow will be better.
12:39And if you do that, pretty soon you'll start putting
12:41a lot of tomorrows together, one after the other,
12:44and your tomorrows will be your todays,
12:45and you will realize you've made
12:47some pretty good decisions about time.
12:50Walk wisely and redeem your time.
12:54Make the most of your living and make your living for God.
13:00And then he says, a wise walk is a directed walk.
13:04Verse 17 says, therefore, do not be unwise,
13:09but understand what the will of the Lord is.
13:11In other words, wisdom is understanding
13:14what God's will is.
13:16Since we only have so many days, we need to make sure
13:19that we don't take too many detours along the way.
13:23If we don't understand what the will of the Lord
13:24is for our lives, we can lose many years
13:27wandering around like the Israelites
13:29did in the wilderness.
13:31Paul tells us now that we need to make sure
13:33that we have a clear understanding
13:35of the will of the Lord,
13:37or we will spend our lives foolishly.
13:40So, the question then is,
13:41how do I know what the will of the Lord is?
13:44And that's one of the most often asked questions
13:46of pastors in all of evangelicalism,
13:48how to know the will of the Lord.
13:51Most of them mean,
13:53how do I know the will of the Lord for my life?
13:56And that's a good question,
13:57but maybe it's not the right question.
13:59I've studied all the books and articles
14:01that have been written about this whole issue,
14:03and let me tell you what I've come to understand.
14:06You need to be more concerned about the will of the Lord
14:08for you today, and when you put the will of the Lord
14:11for you today with enough todays in a row,
14:13you'll end up where the will of the Lord is.
14:17If you get caught up in what God wants me to do
14:20for the rest of my life, you might not ever get there,
14:23because God jerks you day by day.
14:26Here's something I think is really important.
14:27You say, well, what if I can't understand it?
14:30I'm gonna take that off your list.
14:32You ready?
14:34John 7, 17.
14:36This is really powerful.
14:38If anyone wills to do his will,
14:42he will know concerning the doctrine.
14:44What does that mean?
14:46The Bible says if you wanna know God's will,
14:48if you will to do it, you will know it.
14:51The reason you don't know it is because
14:53you're holding your options open.
14:55Some of you wanna know the will of God
14:57so you can decide whether you wanna do it.
14:58That doesn't work.
15:00If you want to know the will of God,
15:02you have to commit yourself to do the will of God
15:04before you will ever know the will of God.
15:07I am just as confident as I can be
15:09that there's not one person who calls themself a Christian
15:12who cannot know the will of God for their life
15:15if they really want to know it.
15:17But don't play games with God.
15:19He's not out there as one of your options.
15:22He's your only option if you wanna know the will of God.
15:25And you have to come to him like that and say,
15:27Lord, here I am, tell me what to do.
15:29Lord, here's my will on a piece of paper.
15:31There's nothing written in.
15:32I've signed the bottom.
15:33You fill in the top.
15:35It's just like that.
15:37I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.
15:41I will guide you with my eye.
15:43Do not be like the horse or like the mule,
15:46which have no understanding and have to be harnessed
15:49with bit and bridle, or they will not come near you.
15:52Now, I don't wanna translate that
15:54into the way it should be said, but don't be a dumb animal.
15:57That's what it's saying.
16:00Animals have to be led around
16:02because they don't have any personal GPS.
16:05But you're a Christian.
16:06You got the Holy Spirit.
16:08You've got God.
16:09Trust him with your life and watch what he does.
16:13The wise walk is a dynamic walk.
16:16Here we come to this key verse in verse 18 where we read,
16:19"'Be not drunk with wine, in which is dissipation,
16:22but be filled with the Spirit.'"
16:25How can I do that?
16:26What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
16:28Well, being filled is not being empty like a glass.
16:32Being filled means to be controlled by.
16:34If I said to you, you are filled with fear,
16:37what does that mean?
16:39It means fear is controlling your life.
16:41The Bible says, be filled with the Spirit.
16:43Let the Spirit of God control your life.
16:46Let him sit on the throne of your life
16:48and tell you what to do
16:49and walk with you through every experience.
16:51Some of you may have some critical issues even this week.
16:54You don't have to do those things alone.
16:56The Holy Spirit is in you.
16:58Almighty God wants to be with you.
17:00Ask for his help and you will get it.
17:02What do you need?
17:03You probably need wisdom.
17:04That's what we all need right now.
17:06A whole bunch of us, we need wisdom.
17:09Paul compares being filled with the Spirit
17:11to being filled with alcohol.
17:13What a strange comparison, and yet not strange at all.
17:18When you're filled with alcohol,
17:19it begins to control you from the inside.
17:22When you're filled with the Spirit,
17:23he controls you from the inside.
17:26And when you're filled with the Spirit,
17:27you begin to do things you couldn't do before
17:29because now you're not a natural person,
17:31you're a spiritual person.
17:33Now, you're doing things you never thought possible
17:35because it's not you, it's him.
17:37It's his Holy Spirit controlling you.
17:39The command to be filled with the Spirit.
17:41Here's what happens when you are filled with the Spirit.
17:43This is interesting.
17:45A lot of people think, well, if I'm filled with the Spirit,
17:47I'll start speaking in tongues.
17:49No, that's not what it says.
17:51I'm not saying you won't, but I'm saying
17:52that's not what this says.
17:55Here's what the Bible says.
17:56When you are filled with the Spirit,
17:58the first thing that happens to you,
17:59you will start speaking to one another in psalms and hymns
18:02and spiritual songs.
18:04In other words, your conversation will change.
18:07You'll talk to others in godly ways,
18:09in sweet ways, in loving ways.
18:12Speaking is a word that defines what happens
18:14when we're filled with the Holy Spirit.
18:16It's an outward-directed word.
18:17It describes how we begin to touch others around us
18:20through our love and our fellowship and our care
18:22and our concern.
18:24When you're filled with the Spirit,
18:25it affects your relationships.
18:27Number two, you will have a dynamic way of singing.
18:31Singing with making melody in your heart to the Lord.
18:35Listen to me.
18:37When you're filled with the Holy Spirit,
18:38you will be praising God and you will be worshiping him.
18:42There will be a new quality of joy in your life
18:45and it will be supernatural.
18:47Kent Hughes says that Spirit-filled people
18:49overflow in song.
18:52This has been attested again and again throughout history.
18:55This is the way it was in the awakening under St. Francis,
18:59in the Reformation, Martin Luther brought him singing
19:02back to the church.
19:04Charles Wesley wrote 6,000 hymns
19:06during the Wesleyan revivals.
19:09Think of the music that came out of D.L. Moody and Ira Sankey.
19:13Think of the music that came out of the 60s
19:15when the Jesus people got together.
19:18Think of the music that was in the Asbury revival
19:21that you watched on television.
19:23It wasn't just reading Scripture,
19:24it was a lot of worship.
19:26When the Holy Spirit comes to live within you,
19:29he brings with him music.
19:32It's almost like music is born again in you
19:35when you're born again in Jesus.
19:37And all of a sudden, you want to lift up your voice.
19:39And you say, well, pastor, I don't have the gift of music.
19:43The Holy Spirit can even overcome that.
19:46He will help you, maybe just to make a joyful noise
19:49to the Lord, but music comes when the Holy Spirit comes.
19:53Here's the third thing.
19:55You will have a dynamic way of saying thank you.
19:59Giving thanks always for all things, says Paul.
20:03You know, you can't be filled with the Spirit and be grumpy.
20:06You can't be filled with the Spirit and be unthankful.
20:10When the Holy Spirit's in control of your life,
20:12he brings joy, he brings gratitude,
20:16he brings compliments, he brings love, he brings affirmation.
20:21The Holy Spirit is totally out of sync with criticism
20:27and all of the stuff that so often occupies the lives
20:31of people who say they're Christians.
20:34If you're filled with the Spirit, you won't do that.
20:37And then, if you're filled with the Spirit,
20:39there'll be a dynamic way of submitting.
20:42Now, I know that that word is an ugly word to a lot of people,
20:45but what happens is we make that really awful,
20:48but it's not awful because we're to submit to one another.
20:51Submission is just not being all about yourself,
20:54not always having to be number one,
20:56not always having to be the one that gets the credit.
20:58When it says submitting to one another,
21:00it means having a gracious attitude and spirit
21:03about doing things together.
21:04Who cares who gets the credit?
21:06Someone once told me there is no limit to what God can do
21:09in your life if you don't care who gets the credit.
21:13Submitting means living your life like that,
21:15and that's one of the results of being filled with the Spirit.
21:19You'll have a different way of speaking.
21:22You'll have a different way of singing.
21:25You'll be saying thank you more than you ever had in your life,
21:28and you will be submitting one to another.
21:30A person who is filled with the Spirit is not someone
21:33who's always looking to be first.
21:38What a joy it is to be around people like that.
21:40It's such a joy to be around people.
21:42When you're around some people like this,
21:43you know they're filled with the Spirit,
21:44and it's just wonderful to be in their company.
21:48Now, this walking in wisdom and being filled with the Spirit
21:52is way outside of our potential.
21:55This is a God thing.
21:56God has to do this.
21:57We can't do it.
21:59We're not capable of it.
22:00So, let me just walk you through some steps.
22:04You say, Pastor Jeremiah, I really wanna be filled
22:06with the Spirit.
22:07I wanna be controlled by the Spirit.
22:08What do I do?
22:09Number one, desire to be filled.
22:12James says, you have not.
22:15Because you ask not.
22:16You wanna be filled with the Spirit.
22:18Have you ever asked God to fill you with the Spirit?
22:21You have to come to God and say,
22:22Lord God, I've lived my life as a Christian on my own
22:26for all these years, and I'm tired of always doing it.
22:29I made a lot of bad decisions.
22:30I'm gonna give my life to you.
22:32Please, Holy Spirit, I put you on the throne of my life.
22:36You be the boss.
22:37I'll follow you wherever you tell me to go.
22:41I've always loved what Jesus said
22:42in the Sermon on the Mount.
22:43He said,
22:44"'Blessed are those who hunger
22:46and thirst after righteousness.'"
22:49I've always thought about how wonderful it is
22:51he didn't say,
22:52"'Blessed are those who are righteous.'"
22:54That would be true, but that's not what he said.
22:56He said, no, the blessing comes to those of you
22:59who thirst for more.
23:00And so, what that means is if you're sitting here today,
23:01you've been a Christian, some of you for a short time,
23:03some of you for a long time,
23:05and in your heart there's this sense
23:07there's something more to walking with God than I know,
23:10and I wanna know what that is.
23:11And that thirst comes for you to be controlled
23:13by the Spirit of God.
23:16You have to denounce sin in your life.
23:19You wanna be controlled by the Holy Spirit,
23:20you gotta deal with your sin.
23:22You gotta come to the Lord and say,
23:23Lord, I know this is wrong.
23:25I shouldn't be doing this.
23:26Shouldn't have allowed this in my life in the first place.
23:28I denounce it.
23:29I confess my sin according to 1 John 1, 9,
23:32that if we confess our sins,
23:34he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins
23:36and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
23:39You denounce your sin.
23:40The third thing is you dedicate yourself fully to Christ.
23:44You say, Lord, I'm yours.
23:47I present my body, a living sacrifice,
23:50holy and acceptable unto you.
23:52I belong to you, Lord.
23:53Now, you have me.
23:55I'm under your command, under your control.
23:57You tell me what to do, and I'm on it.
24:01I'm on it.
24:03And finally, you depend on the Holy Spirit every day.
24:06Once you are filled with the Spirit of God
24:08and he's controlling your life,
24:10it's not a once-for-all thing.
24:11You might have to ask him to fill you
24:13more than once in your life, but you walk every day
24:16and you say, Lord, help me through this day.
24:18Holy Spirit, give me direction.
24:20Help me to know what to do in those decisions
24:22where there's no precedent, where there's nothing in the past
24:26that would help me do the right thing.
24:27And have you ever watched what God does when you do that?
24:29I have seen him do that in this last week even,
24:33where we had some issues we had to deal with
24:35and we trusted the Holy Spirit to give us direction,
24:38and he did, and it's been long enough now
24:40for us to see it was the right thing,
24:42and it was something we would never have done in the flesh.
24:47It was a God thing, a Spirit thing.
24:51Leave you with this verse from the book of James.
24:54Here's what James said,
24:56if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,
25:00who gives to all men liberally
25:02and never scolds you for coming.
25:06Have you ever felt this way?
25:08God, it's me again.
25:12Lord, I was just here yesterday, and it's, and God says,
25:16I never get tired of my children coming to me.
25:20I never do.
25:22Go to him often.
25:25Love him greatly.
25:27Do what he tells you to do, and you are in for an adventure
25:31that will take you from this point in your life
25:35all the way to glory.
25:37It's my prayer for you.
25:39It's my prayer for me.
25:49Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:51When you give a gift of any amount
25:53in support of this program,
25:54Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation his new book,
25:58Belief That Behaves, the book of Ephesians.
26:01And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
26:04Dr. Jeremiah will send you the Belief That Behaves set,
26:07which contains his new book, his complete two-volume
26:10teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:12and two correlating study guides.
26:15Thank you for your support.
26:17Request these resources when you contact Turning Point today.
26:23Thank you for joining us on Turning Point
26:25as Dr. Jeremiah taught from the book of Ephesians
26:28and shared the many blessings that believers
26:30have through Christ.
26:31But if you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ before,
26:34Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you
26:36take your first steps by sending you two resources.
26:40The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:43which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:46And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:48Turning Points, to give you encouragement and inspiration
26:52throughout the year.
26:53These resources are yours completely free when you
26:56contact Turning Point today.
27:01Connect with Turning Point on the go, anytime, anywhere.
27:05Download the Turning Point app to listen to Turning Point
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27:12Plus, for the young ones in your life,
27:13the Airship Genesis Pathway to Jesus mobile game,
27:17an engaging narrative puzzle adventure game
27:19that explores the life of Jesus.
27:21Available now on the App Store.
27:27Next time on Turning Point.
27:30By the grace of God, I'm going to be the person in marriage
27:34that God has called me to be, and trust him
27:37to deal with my partner.
27:38If you do that, you have a better chance
27:41than anything I can tell you for your marriage to be whole.
27:47Thank you for being with us today.
27:49Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:52Marriage, here on Turning Point.
27:57Dr. David Jeremiah is delivering the unchanging word
27:59of God every month to more than half a million homes
28:02through Turning Point's magazine and devotional.
28:04Request your first issue now to read inspirational,
28:07in-depth articles and quick, clear,
28:09and creative devotionals from Dr. Jeremiah each month
28:12that will encourage, challenge, and strengthen
28:14your walk with the Lord.
28:15Request your first three issues of Turning Point's
28:17completely free, or give a gift of any amount
28:20to receive an annual subscription.
28:22Contact Dr. Jeremiah today to receive
28:24an annual subscription.
28:26Contact Turning Point today.