Turn Down The Noise - JO

  • last week


00:00I want to talk to you today about turn down the noise
00:03We are living in the noisiest time in history
00:07There's more technology today than ever before
00:10We're undone dated with social media
00:1424-hour news hundreds of television channels
00:18Marketing experts are trained at how to get your attention
00:24exaggerated to see if you'll buy
00:26People can contact us today easier than ever phone text email direct message
00:32I hear my phone buzzing in my sleep
00:36The other night it was vibrating by my bed 3 in the morning. I'd usually
00:41Ignore it, but something said you better check it. That's important. I reached over and picked it up was a newsflash
00:47It says there's a storm coming to Taiwan. I
00:51Thought I don't need to know about a storm in Taiwan. I need to sleep
00:56But many people are suffering from information overload
01:00They've taken in so much news facts
01:03Opinions theories they wonder why they can't sleep why they're irritable don't enjoy their family
01:10They have too much noise in their life
01:13You can't listen to news for hours a day and stay peaceful
01:18You can't take in all the killings accidents wars and stay in faith. That's poisoning your spirit
01:25If you live on social media read all the gossip
01:30Arguing competing comparing you're not going to be your best
01:34You have to turn down the noise
01:37There are forces trying to get your attention to get you distracted
01:41Bring divisiveness cause you to be jealous
01:45Discontent afraid what if this happens? It's getting so bad
01:50God said in Isaiah, if you'll keep your mind stayed on me, I will keep you in perfect. Peace
01:57We wonder why we don't have peace our mind is stayed on the wrong things
02:03Now I'm not saying to never watch the news, but after a few minutes you have what you need
02:08Hearing the same thing for the next three hours. All that's going to do is get you stirred up and frustrated
02:16Noise is not only from technology
02:18But we have people in life that are noisy a co-worker doesn't like you talks behind your back that negative chatter
02:27Maybe a friend is noisy. They always have drama
02:31Something's wrong. They're calling you to fix it as you gain more influence
02:37God promotes you you manage the department you lead the team at school with that promotion comes more noise
02:45People will find fall be critical and jealous
02:48Here's the key. You can't stop the noise from coming, but you can turn the noise down
02:55Be selective in what you give your time and attention to
02:59Don't leave the news on at the house in the background all through the day
03:04Or even drive to and from work with that constantly going into you that's creating the wrong atmosphere
03:12How much noise are you allowing from what co-workers are saying about you
03:17Dwelling on the medical report worried about your finances
03:21All that noise is draining your energy taking your creativity and stealing your joy
03:28How much more peaceful would you be how much happier would you live if you start turning down the noise?
03:35Not eliminating it that's not possible
03:38You're never gonna stop people from talking about you. Just quit dwelling on it. They don't control your destiny
03:45What they say can't stop your purpose. God is your vindicator
03:49He's fighting your battles
03:52That noise is a distraction to try to get you off course live worried and upset
03:58One of the most important things you have is your time
04:03What you give your attention to is incredibly valuable if the enemy can keep you distracted
04:10Focused on things that don't matter
04:12Cluttered by the noise then he can keep you from your destiny
04:17The scripture says to be aware of the enemy's schemes and strategies
04:22The noise is a strategy to steal your time
04:25Get you worried
04:27Frustrated fighting battles that don't matter. No, you have a destiny to fulfill
04:33there's a calling on your life an assignment to accomplish and there's nothing more the enemy would love than for you to
04:41waste your time
04:42Being distracted by the noise
04:45Frustrated over things you can't change
04:48Responding to people that not a part of your destiny
04:51Letting the negative chatter keep you worried and upset
04:55Why don't you turn down the noise you have to keep your mind stayed on him not stayed on the news
05:02Not stayed on what your critics said stayed on social media stayed on that relatives drama
05:08Turn that noise down and you'll have the peace the joy the favor to become who you were created to be
05:17When I get in on the airplane, I have some noise canceling headphones that I always wear
05:23What's interesting is they don't stop the noise
05:27The rumble of the engine is still there the flight attendants on the loudspeaker
05:32other passengers
05:33Talking watching movies still loud and noisy
05:37These headphones simply turn down the noise in my mind. It's not as loud to me
05:44You need some imaginary noise cancelling headphones to go through life
05:49Because there's gonna be chatter
05:52Controversy people talking bad reports. You can't eliminate all that
05:58But when you have your mind stayed on him, it's like you have those noise cancelling headphones on
06:05Even though it's loud all around you. You're at peace. You know, God's in control
06:10You know, he's fighting your battles. So you're calm in the chaos. You're at rest even when it's noisy
06:18But the mistake we make often is we try to stop the noise
06:23Stop this person from saying things and stop this issue
06:27But you'll never be able to stop all the noise. You can't make people do what's right
06:32Correct every problem. You have to learn to turn the noise down
06:37Don't let that get in your spirit a good friend of mine's very positive and upbeat
06:43But several years ago I could tell he was starting to change like he's bothered by something
06:49He was more serious and seemed worried
06:52He told me later how he was so concerned about our country and things going on that he didn't like he became consumed
07:00watching the news
07:02responding on social media
07:04Debating with people he was so wrought up and distraught by it all he got to where he couldn't sleep at night
07:12Started having digestive problems
07:14His relationships were strained all that divisiveness and bitterness begin to poison him on the inside
07:22It's good to pray be passionate do what we can
07:26But he was trying to stop the noise get people to change their opinions
07:31He wasn't going to be happy unless everyone agreed with him
07:35You can't control what people do do your part and then turn it over to God
07:40He finally got so frustrated he made the decision to stop watching the news
07:46Within a few weeks. He started sleeping soundly again all that insomnia went away
07:52He'd been dealing with terrible anxiety and that went away, too
07:56Today, he's back to his normal self happy fun to be around
08:01It makes a difference what you're allowing in if you let noise clutter your mind
08:08Negative news worried divisiveness. It's not only going to take your joy, but it's going to affect you physically
08:18Frustration that's weakening our immune system where it doesn't fight off disease like it should
08:25Noise comes to us all in different ways
08:28Maybe people that are not for you worried about your finances something you're watching. That's not doing any good
08:35It's just things to get you stirred up
08:39controversy opinions
08:41That noise is keeping you from enjoying your family
08:45Pursuing your dreams if you're going to stay in peace, you have to be on the offensive
08:51It's not going to happen by accident
08:53We're living in a day where the noise has been turned up louder than ever
08:58It's never been a time where it's been so divisive so many distractions
09:04So much competing for our attention
09:07Since the noise has been turned up. We have to become experts at turning down the noise
09:14Tuning out the chatter not dwelling on the drama. You have the volume control
09:19You get to choose what you allow in your mind
09:24Sometimes I'll get a call on my cell phone and I look at the screen and it says potential spam. I
09:31Don't think twice. I don't need any more noise in my life
09:35I have enough people to take care of I have enough challenges to overcome enough dreams to accomplish
09:42Any chance I have I'm gonna turn down the noise. I value my time
09:48We should feel responsible for what God has given us each day is a gift
09:54We are told to make the most of our time
09:57You can't be your best with a bunch of noise cluttering your thinking
10:02Clouding your vision and some of the things we're allowing in our mind is like spam. It's serving no purpose
10:09It's a distraction that person trying to get you up said
10:14co-worker gossiping
10:16Listening to the news driving home making it irritable
10:19Lay it in bed worried about that child over and over that's noise
10:24Trying to get you anxious
10:26confused overwhelmed
10:29Like you do on your phone when you see that word spam you need to hit the in button
10:35No, thanks. I don't have time for noise. I don't have time to be distracted. I have a destiny to fulfill
10:42See so much is fighting for your attention today. It's because peace is power
10:49When you're in peace, you're more creative when you're peaceful you make better decisions
10:56When your mind is not cluttered you can hear from God
11:00Many times he's speaking, but it's so noisy
11:04So loud with news
11:06Drama and worry we can't hear him
11:09He speaks in a still small voice one translation says a whisper
11:15If you're gonna hear a whisper you have to get quiet
11:18You're gonna stay on the best path for your life. You have to clear out the things that are
11:24Distracting bring in frustration and worry
11:28It may mean spending less time with certain people
11:32Some people are peace dealers
11:35No offense, but they're noisy
11:37They always have a problem. There's some kind of drama. They'll try to draw you in
11:44You have enough drama in your own life. You don't need their drama
11:48Just because they call
11:50Doesn't mean you have to answer
11:53Sometimes it's not the right time. You don't have the emotional energy to deal with it. You have to protect your peace
12:01Keep yourself emotionally healthy
12:04Well Joel that wouldn't be right
12:07If I don't answer they may get upset
12:10Usually the noisiest people make the most withdrawals, but they make the least deposits
12:17They expect you to always come running keep them fixed solve their problem cheer them up
12:23But when you need something, they're not around
12:27Don't take on a false sense of responsibility
12:30You are not responsible for their happiness every person is responsible for their own happiness
12:37Be selective with whom you're spending time who you're allowing to get close to you. Are they adding value?
12:44Making you better or are they just adding noise?
12:50Confusion that's a distraction
12:52And always be kind be respectful, but don't let them control you
12:57Don't let them dump their problems
12:59Expect you to fix them. If you don't take charge all this noise will clutter your life and keep you from your purpose
13:08Well, if I don't answer their call if I don't do what they expect they may get irritated
13:13They may not be my friend anymore. God just answered your prayer
13:19How about the people
13:21How about the people at the office
13:24People you eat lunch with maybe some of them talking bad about the boss
13:29Don't like the company and how this new policy is not fair stirring up trouble
13:34so in discord
13:36Gossiping disgruntled the problem is that spirit can get off on you where you become disgruntled
13:44Complaining repeating negative things that's poisoning you. Why don't you find someplace else to eat lunch?
13:51Everyone else may be noisy, but that's not who you are. Keep your mind in peace. Keep your spirit in faith
13:59This is one of the main things that holds people back who they're spending time with
14:04If you're hanging out with noisy people, you're gonna get distracted start to compromise become jealous
14:12Don't let their noise keep you from your destiny
14:15If you'll make a change
14:17God will bring you friends that lift you up and not pull you down people that bring out the best in you and not the
14:26No one was more loving and caring than Jesus
14:29But he even knew that he couldn't meet all the needs and fulfill everyone's expectations
14:36He let some people down there were crowds all around him people needing healing people needing prayer needing encouragement
14:44But the scripture says he often
14:46Withdrew to a quiet place to be alone went up in the mountains. He was dealing with all kinds of noise
14:54demands negative chatter
14:57People that didn't understand him
14:59Religious leaders trying to trick him. He couldn't stop all the noise, but he did know how to turn it down
15:06Quiet his mind quiet his spirit live from a place of peace
15:12On a regular basis we need to take inventory of what's in our mind
15:17Pay attention to any clutter
15:19worry offense fear
15:22Do like Jesus make that decision to get quiet and turn all that down
15:27Come back to a place of peace
15:30Years ago. I used to get my hair cut by this lady and she's very nice very faithful
15:37But she was so negative
15:39Every time I went she told me how mistreated she was and how she couldn't pay her rent
15:45How she was dealing with health issues on and on and I went out of my way to help her
15:51Paid her rent some called her mom to encourage her and I was glad to do it
15:57but after about four years of hearing that same sad story of how unfair life was I
16:04Started dreading getting my hair cut. I didn't want to go see her, but I felt obligated. I'm too nice
16:11I didn't want to disappoint her and my man if I don't go what's she gonna think?
16:16One day I realized what I'm telling you that my peace is important that my time is valuable
16:23That I cannot fulfill my destiny
16:26If I'm living with unnecessary noise
16:30burdened down with problems that are not my
16:33Responsibility and I realized this lady didn't want to change. She was addicted to drama
16:40Comfortable in dysfunction living as a victim was all she had known
16:45And I believe in helping people go in the extra mile, but some people don't want to be helped
16:51They won't put forth the effort be disciplined in their thinking and willing to make changes
16:57The problem is if you don't make a change their noise will clutter your life
17:03Their drama will become your drama
17:06To turn down the noise. You may have to spend less time with certain people
17:12Here's the deal. You shouldn't feel guilty
17:15God has entrusted you with gifts with time and with purpose you have a
17:22Responsibility to use what he's given you wisely
17:25When we come to the end of life, we're not going to answer to people we're gonna answer to God
17:31He's gonna ask. What did you do with what I gave you?
17:35Were you a good steward of what I entrusted you with?
17:39If your mind is cluttered with noise and drama and news man
17:44I got to keep them happy and guilty from my mistakes worried about my future
17:49You won't step in to who you were created to be
17:53Why don't you do like Jesus get alone to a quiet place every day you have to turn down the noise
18:01negative chatter
18:02What people are saying the worry that tries to dominate the doom and gloom that might happen
18:09You have the volume control
18:12Stay in peace. That's where the power is
18:15When you're in peace God is fighting your battles when you're at rest
18:20Angels go to work things will happen that you couldn't make happen
18:25This is what Peter did in Acts chapter 12 King Herod had him arrested for sharing his faith
18:32He was put in the dungeon his hands and feet in chains
18:3616 guards outside his cell the Apostle James had been killed just a little earlier
18:43When Herod saw how this pleased the people he had Peter arrested
18:48The next day Peter was going on trial. He knew this could be the last night of his life
18:55You could imagine the noise in his mind
18:58How loud those thoughts were telling him you're done
19:02Man, it's over. There's no way out of this Peter all this worry fear panic
19:08But I love what it says about Peter while he was asleep that night an angel showed up to rescue him
19:16How could he be asleep you would think Peter would be pacing the floor
19:21stressed out
19:23Overcome with worry, but Peter knew this secret how to turn down the noise. I
19:29Can see him before he laid down that night father. My life is in your hands
19:33I know nothing can snatch me away if it's not my time to go. I'm not gonna go
19:40The scripture says those who have believed enter into rest
19:45One sign that you're believing is you're at peace
19:49You're not worried
19:50Stressed out wondering if you're gonna make it, you know, God is in control
19:56You've seen his faithfulness so you too can sleep in the storm
20:01You trust in the trouble you rest when you could be worried
20:06You may be in a storm now
20:08Negative voices are loud
20:10This sickness is gonna finish you off. This addiction will always limit you. You'll never see your family restored
20:17It says the enemy goes about as a roaring lion
20:22The thoughts the roars the threats that's what he specializes in being loud
20:29Overwhelming the good news is he's all bark and no bite. It's just a roar
20:36He's not a lion he's like a lion he doesn't control your destiny he can't stop what God has purpose for you
20:44Now the key is don't let the roar
20:47Intimidate you cause you to quit believing
20:51Give up on your dreams. You have the volume control turn down the noise
20:57When you hear those discouraging thoughts, just imagine looking at your phone and seeing the word spam
21:03That's all it is lies to get you worried
21:07Upset thinking it's never gonna work out. It's real simple hit the end button
21:12Don't give it the time of day turn down the negative chatter and turn up what God promised you
21:19No weapon formed against me will prosper. God is restoring health back into me as for me in my house
21:25We will serve the Lord
21:28The middle of the night an angel showed up in the prison this light shined so brightly like sunlight all this commotion
21:36But the scripture says Peter didn't wake up
21:39He was sleeping so soundly the angel had to go shake him to wake him up
21:45He was so at peace so at rest even though the next morning he could have lost his life
21:52That's what happens when you learn to turn down the noise
21:56You don't let the roars and threats dominate your thinking but you keep your mind stayed on him
22:03That means keep it stayed on what he says about you
22:07When that thought roars, you'll always have this illness. You saw the medical report
22:12Turn that down and turn up with long life. God will satisfy me. I will live and not die
22:19You'll always struggle in your finances. Your business isn't gonna make it turn that down turn up
22:25I will lend and not borrow. I live under the open windows of heaven
22:30Well, you'll never meet the right person. Look how long it's been
22:33No good thing will God withhold because I walk uprightly that divine connection is already in route
22:40Or maybe you haven't been able to have children all the reports say you can't conceive
22:47Medically speaking that may be true, but we serve a God who can do what medicine cannot do
22:53Turn down all the doubt and turn up the promises
22:57God you said in Psalms that you would make the barren woman a happy mother if children that my children are a
23:05Gift from God. So Lord. Thank you that my baby is on the way
23:10When you can sleep in the storm, you're showing God that you trust him
23:15When you're in peace when you should be upset
23:18You're up at rest when you could be worried afraid
23:22That's when supernatural things will happen
23:25Angels show up you can see that child your business takes off your health turns around
23:32Now don't let the noise talk you out of it. The noise is a test
23:37You can't get away from it, but you control the volume you can turn it down
23:42the angel
23:44Walked Peter out of the prison
23:46Doors opened of their own accord. The soldiers didn't see Peter leaving God made him invisible to the enemy
23:54See Herod thought he was going to stop Peter
23:57But the scripture says right after Peter got out Herod got sick and suddenly died
24:03Peter went on to fulfill his destiny
24:05The psalmist said the trap the enemy set for you. They will fall in themselves
24:11Don't believe all the noise
24:13The roars from the lion telling you it's never gonna work out what God started
24:19He will finish the enemy wouldn't be roaring if he didn't know amazing things were in your future
24:26Why don't you come back to a place of peace today?
24:29This is one reason we have digestive problems. Can't sleep how blood pressure our mind is never at rest
24:37There's so much noise
24:39We lay in bed at night. It's quiet in the room, but it's noisy in our mind
24:45Thoughts playing over and over. What if that angel doesn't show up your health doesn't improve and you don't meet anyone
24:53Your company has layoffs that noise won't go away on its own
24:57It's a decision you have to make that you're going to turn it down
25:02You're not going to keep dwelling on all the discouraging fearful thoughts
25:06You're gonna tune out the negative news and chatter that's poisoning your spirit
25:11You're not gonna hang around people that are constantly dumping their drama and distracting you from your purpose
25:18You're gonna keep your mind stayed on him
25:21How much more peace would you have if it wasn't stayed on the news stayed on the doubt stayed on the drama?
25:29Take inventory of what's playing in your mind
25:32Pay attention to what you're dwelling on life is too short to live it anxious worried and troubled
25:39Every morning you have to put on those noise cancelling headphones
25:43You can't stop all the negative chatter, but you can keep it turned down
25:48If you'll do this, I believe and declare like Peter you're gonna sleep in the storm
25:55supernatural peace
25:57Angels are going to show up and open right doors
26:00bring healing favor abundance the fullness of your destiny in Jesus name and if you receive it
26:08Can you say amen?
26:13Let's pray together if you have five minutes stick with me, we'll just seal it in prayer Lord
26:17Thank you for what we've heard today. I know it falls on great ground
26:22faithful people here at Lakewood Lord show us areas where
26:27We can do better where we need to turn down the noise
26:29Areas where we're letting unnecessary drama and news and turmoil into our spirits and Lord we make a commitment
26:37We're gonna go out of here in a greater sense of peace and Lord show us any friendships relationships any areas
26:44We need to change and father
26:46I think that we will be doers of the word that we will live in peace and Lord that we'll even be able to sleep
26:52Through the storms because our mind is stayed on you
26:57Lord bless your people as they go out this week protect them and their children
27:01Let it be a flourishing bountiful week for them in Jesus name
27:06With our heads bowed in prayer just a quick question
27:09Then we're done if your heart stopped beating in the next few minutes. Are you at peace with God?
27:16Do you know where you'd spend eternity?
27:19If not, I would love to pray with you. I'm not here to condemn anybody
27:25I'm here to help you find a new beginning
27:29Now, I know this comes from a personal relationship
27:32with Jesus Christ
27:34In just a moment if you're not at peace with the Lord or maybe you are a Christian, but you've grown cold toward God
27:42You know, you need to rededicate your life. You need a fresh new start if that's you in just a moment
27:49I'm gonna ask you to take a step of faith and
27:52Stand right where you are and we'll pray together
27:55I can't think of a better time to get on the road to victory than right now
28:01God is not mad at you
28:04Your sins have already been forgiven. All you have to do is accept the free gift of Christ's salvation
28:12Will you do it today?
28:14The enemy in your thoughts he'll whisper do it next week. Do it another time
28:19Listen the Bible says
28:21Today is the day of salvation
28:24You're not hearing this by accident
28:26Well, Joel, it's embarrassing to stand in front of everyone. I have people at the house
28:31Listen to what Jesus said if you won't be ashamed of me before people
28:36Then I won't be ashamed of you before my father in heaven
28:41I'm gonna give you a great opportunity to show God that you're not ashamed to him
28:46If you're not at peace with the Lord or you just need to rededicate your life
28:51You need a fresh new start a new beginning if that's you
28:55Would you be bold take that step of faith and stand right where you are and we'll pray together
29:00Would you do that? Come on Lakewood. Let's give them a hand as they stand all over the building
29:08Come on don't put it off
29:12Feel like that'll be a few more. Come on Lakewood. Let's cheer me and anybody else
29:17up top
29:19Watching listening anybody else don't be left out
29:24Well, God bless you
29:26Please remain standing if you don't mind, let me tell you how proud we are of you
29:30I know God is never going to be ashamed of you because you took this step of faith
29:36The Bible says that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Let me help you to call
29:42Do you mind all praying this with me if you would please Lord Jesus. I
29:48repent of my sins
29:50Come into my heart. I
29:53Make you my Lord and Savior
29:57Amen or remain standing one more moment. I want to tell you how much we love you
30:01We're gonna be praying for you
30:02I also want to give you a personal invitation and a challenge to come back and be with us on a regular basis
30:10We ask new believers. Give us the next year of your life
30:14Make a commitment just like you go to work that this is going to be a priority being here
30:19I'll make a promise to you before that year is over. Your life will never be the same for the better
30:25We're gonna help you grow and become who God's created you to be
30:30We'd love to have you get be a part of one of our team
30:33Some on our team got a lot of different departments areas that you can help meet some awesome
30:37People from Lakewood by getting plugged in. Hey right after the service
30:41There's a room over here called new beginnings
30:43If you need anything stop by how I'm gonna be about in the lobby. Do you have a minute? Can't do it today
30:49Stop by sometime
30:50I'd love to meet you and just get to know you but know this the moment you stood up God washed away all your sins
30:58Your mistakes your failures you are starting with a fresh clean slate
31:03Write it down in your Bible September 29th
31:062024 a new day of victory in your life in Jesus name. Amen
31:12Amen, well, let's all stand together if you would please
31:16Thanks so much for coming out today. How many of you going home better off than you were before? Amen
31:21Well, we love you guys. I want to speak a blessing
31:24Until we meet again
31:26May the Lord bless you and keep you
31:28May the Lord show you his favor and have mercy on you and may the Lord watch over you and give you his peace
31:35God bless you. Have a great week. We love you very much a favor filled week