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00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:06Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years of peace
00:12on earth, which could be closer than you think.
00:14Pre-order The Coming Golden Age before its worldwide launch
00:17on October 1st when you give a gift of any amount
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00:20Plus, you'll receive early digital access to Dr. Jeremiah's
00:23entire The Coming Golden Age teaching series.
00:26Pre-order The Coming Golden Age today.
00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books published
00:34each year, over 200,000 podcasts in the personal
00:38development category.
00:40But what if I told you all pale in comparison
00:43to the spiritual development one small book can have
00:46on your life and faith?
00:48Just six chapters, 2,000 words, and 20 minutes of your time,
00:52yet its impact lasts a lifetime.
00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains what it means
00:59to believe and how to discover God's calling for you,
01:03how to find purpose, overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:07claim a life you love, endure difficulty, experience
01:12the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:20Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:24to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures,
01:28a belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point...
01:39Be the same you wherever you are.
01:43Don't be who you are on Sunday and somebody else
01:45during the week.
01:47Be you in Christ, walking in the light all the time.
01:52Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves
01:57in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
01:59Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
02:02In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:04Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower of Christ
02:07in practical terms and how we should act or behave as believers.
02:12Through 19 chapters, you'll discover God's how-to guide
02:15to the Christian life, including resolving conflict with others,
02:18successful marriage and parenting, finding purpose,
02:21overcoming spiritual attacks, and praying effectively.
02:24Ephesians has the power to change your life,
02:27at home, at church, and at work.
02:29Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah
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02:35Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
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02:40the Belief That Behaves set, which contains his new book,
02:43his complete two-volume teaching series on your choice of CD or DVD,
02:47and two correlating study guides.
02:49From the first verse to the last,
02:51the truths contained in Ephesians will fill your heart with joy
02:54and strengthen your relationships with others.
02:57Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
03:00new from Dr. Jeremiah, when you contact Turning Point today.
03:06Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:08And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
03:12Leave the Light On.
03:17Ephesians 5-8 says,
03:19walk as children of light.
03:22When Paul says that we're to walk as children of light,
03:24he is reminding us that this light isn't our light.
03:28It's the light that comes from Almighty God.
03:30God is the true light.
03:32And we are to reflect that light to others.
03:34That's our responsibility as believers,
03:37to walk in the light of the God we love and the Christ we serve.
03:41Psalm 27-1 says,
03:43the Lord is my light and my salvation.
03:46Whom shall I fear?
03:48In John 8-12, we know Jesus spoke to them again,
03:51saying, I am the light of the world.
03:53He who follows me shall not walk in darkness.
03:57And 1 John 1-5 says,
03:59this is the message that we have from him
04:01and declare to you that God is light,
04:04and in him there is no darkness at all.
04:09The new description that we have from Ephesians 5
04:13is that we were once darkness, but now we are light.
04:18I remember taking a course in Bible study
04:21where we were taught to notice
04:23the interesting words in one given verse,
04:26and here's a verse that illustrates that.
04:29Note the contrast in this little verse.
04:31Once and now, were and are.
04:37We once were this, we now are this.
04:41Paul is telling us that we are different than we used to be.
04:45There's a contrast in our lives
04:47because we have become Christians.
04:49And Ephesians 2-1-3 says,
04:51you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins,
04:55in which you were walking according to the course
04:58of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air,
05:01the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
05:04among whom also we all once conducted ourselves
05:07in the lusts of our flesh,
05:09fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
05:12and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
05:16Paul wants us to know that it's worthy to go back
05:19and remember what you once were.
05:22You know, the way you give a testimony is like this.
05:25You tell people what you once were,
05:28you tell them what you now are,
05:30and then you tell them how you got from what you once were
05:33to what you now are.
05:35All of us know that we have come out of something
05:38to become Christians.
05:40You say, well, I grew up in a Christian home.
05:42I didn't do any really terrible things.
05:44I suppose I could say that, but I also know
05:47you don't have to be doing terrible things
05:50to have a black heart, to have a sinful soul.
05:53And so, the Bible says you need to look back
05:55and think about what you once were and what you now are.
05:59That's a good exercise.
06:01What I once was and what God has done for me,
06:04how he has given me this new life.
06:07Paul says, you were once darkness.
06:09He uses the word darkness to describe
06:11the life of an unbeliever.
06:13I always have been intrigued by the word darkness
06:15because darkness isn't really a thing.
06:18There's no such thing as darkness.
06:21Darkness is just the word that is used
06:23to describe the absence of light.
06:25There's no such thing as a quantity of darkness.
06:29Darkness just describes what happens when the lights go out.
06:32Now, here are four ways the Bible tells us
06:35that before we became Christians, we were dark.
06:38Darkness, first of all, is a person.
06:41Ephesians 6, 12 says,
06:43for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
06:46but against principalities and against powers,
06:49against the rulers of darkness,
06:51against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.
06:55When the Bible speaks of darkness,
06:57it is often referring to Satan and his minions.
07:01Satan's kingdom is the kingdom of darkness,
07:04and under his control are very real personalities.
07:08In this verse, we read of powers and rulers
07:11and spiritual hosts of wickedness.
07:13If you imagine the whole world being shrouded in darkness
07:16like a pitch-black night
07:18and Christians appearing as dots of light all over the world,
07:22you'll have a good idea of how darkness
07:24is the person of Satan.
07:26Isn't it interesting that most crimes
07:28are committed after dark?
07:30That the nighttime, the shroud of darkness,
07:33covers the evil things people wanna do.
07:36And the Bible says the difference between you
07:39as a Christian, as you now are,
07:42as opposed to what you once were,
07:44is the difference between dark and light.
07:47Darkness is not only a person, but it's a power.
07:50Notice Colossians 1, 13 says,
07:53He has delivered us from the power of darkness.
07:57Darkness has an actual power
07:59over those who live under its dominion.
08:02It is really overwhelming when you stop to think about this,
08:06how darkness can take over a person's life
08:10to the point where they do things that are unimaginable.
08:14Darkness is a person.
08:16Darkness is a power.
08:18Here's one that really is almost hard to comprehend.
08:21Darkness is a preference.
08:24John says,
08:25And this is the condemnation,
08:27that the light has come into the world,
08:29and men loved darkness rather than light,
08:33because their deeds were evil.
08:35For everyone practicing evil hates the light
08:38and does not come to the light,
08:39lest his deeds should be exposed.
08:41But he who does the truth comes to the light
08:44that his deeds may be clearly seen
08:46that they have been done in God.
08:48That's a profound verse.
08:50That verse says that the reason men love darkness
08:53is not because they're just into darkness.
08:56It's because their deeds are evil.
08:59In Ephesians 5, 11, Paul refers to the practices of evil
09:03as the unfruitful works of darkness,
09:07which people prefer to do when they're on their own.
09:10Sin prefers darkness.
09:12Darkness is a picture of man's unwillingness
09:15to allow God's light to shine in his life
09:18so that he can be renewed.
09:20Remember now, Paul is telling us what we once were
09:24so that we can appreciate in a moment what we now are.
09:28Darkness is a person and a power and a preference,
09:32and darkness, believe it or not, is a place.
09:36Matthew 8, 12, Jesus said,
09:38But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness,
09:43and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
09:48Can you imagine living in total darkness for eternity,
09:52never seeing any light?
09:54If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Savior
09:57and you die without salvation, the Bible says,
10:00you spend eternity in darkness.
10:04Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know Jesus Christ,
10:07if you don't accept him as your Savior,
10:09when you die, you will go into outer darkness
10:12and you won't ever get any relief from it
10:14because it's forever and ever and ever.
10:17Darkness is a place.
10:20Enough with the darkness.
10:23Let's talk about some light.
10:26The Bible says we were once darkness,
10:28but now we are light.
10:30What Paul is telling us is that darkness
10:32is a thing of the past for the true believer.
10:35Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun,
10:37so we are to reflect the light of our son, Jesus Christ.
10:42We're to walk in that light.
10:44Matthew 5, 14 says,
10:46"'You are the light of the world,
10:48and a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.'"
10:52The apostle Peter described the believers this way.
10:55He said, "'You are a chosen generation,
10:57a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
11:00his own special people,
11:02that you may proclaim the praises of him
11:04who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.'"
11:09We have been called out of darkness
11:11into his marvelous light.
11:13Once again, we once were darkness.
11:15We now are light.
11:18Have you noticed that the word gray
11:20isn't in any of these discussions?
11:24I mean, it's either darkness or light.
11:26There isn't any middle ground.
11:28Too often I see a desire to find gray,
11:30a middle ground that is not so demanding,
11:33an area where we can be mostly in the light
11:35and still dabble in the darkness.
11:38But that is not biblical.
11:40You are either in the darkness
11:41or called out of the darkness into the light.
11:44There's no middle ground of compromise.
11:47So, our new description is,
11:49we once were darkness, but now we're light.
11:53Here's our new direction in verses 8 and 9.
11:56Those who have been called out of darkness
11:57are not just allowed to sit and soak and sour in the light.
12:01We are called in order to pursue a new direction in life.
12:06Verses 8 and 9,
12:07walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit
12:10is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.
12:14Paul says that you don't just go sit and never do anything.
12:18A lot of Christians are like that.
12:20They are very passive about their faith.
12:23But the Bible here gives us some direction,
12:25and I wanna just walk through these three words with you
12:27because they're really interesting.
12:29Paul's parentheses of this verse is better translated,
12:32for the fruit of the light
12:33is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.
12:36In other words, if we're in the light,
12:38there's a certain fruit that should be forthcoming.
12:41How do you know if you're in the light?
12:42Well, Paul says, here you go.
12:44Here's some things you can check on.
12:45First of all, our relationship with others is goodness.
12:49We believe that we are not saved by being good,
12:52so if we're not careful, we think that after we're saved,
12:54we don't ever do any good.
12:56I know people like that.
12:57They don't believe in good works before or after salvation.
13:01And it's sad because the Bible doesn't give us that option.
13:04Every place you will find a verse that says
13:06you're not saved by your works, if you keep looking,
13:09you'll find another verse in the same context that says,
13:12for we are created unto good works,
13:15which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
13:19So, good works should be the characteristic of Christians.
13:23Primarily, our goodness is manifested
13:25in our relationships with other people.
13:28While we may retain relationships with people,
13:30we know when we're in the darkness,
13:32and we don't use relationships for dark purposes.
13:34We walk in the light, and we do good things for others.
13:39It says in 1 Thessalonians 5,
13:41see that no one renders evil for evil to anyone,
13:44but always pursue what is good, both for yourselves and for all.
13:50I don't think we should ever stop talking about good, do you?
13:53I think it's all right to be good.
13:55We wanna be good people.
13:56I want this to be a good church.
13:59I want the people that work here to be good people.
14:02Paul goes on to say that in our relationship with others
14:05we should be good, but in our relationship with God
14:08we should be righteous.
14:09Righteousness has to do with our relationship to God.
14:12It means to live in a way that reflects his character
14:15and his desire.
14:16It's not hard to know what righteousness means, is it?
14:19Righteousness means to do right.
14:22If we're righteous, that means we're trying to do right
14:25in what is right.
14:26If God is the truth, he is the right,
14:28we try to do what God does.
14:29We try to be like God.
14:31What would God do?
14:32What would Jesus do?
14:33The righteous person does what is just or right
14:36according to the Word of God.
14:38And Paul writes to Timothy about some who have strayed
14:41from the faith because of their love for money,
14:44and he tells Timothy to flee these things
14:47and pursue righteousness.
14:50What does it mean to pursue righteousness?
14:52It does not mean to take a passive approach
14:54to being honest and having integrity.
14:57It means to chase after righteousness,
14:59to hunt it down.
15:01What is right and godly, go after it.
15:05Pursue it.
15:06It means to swim against the stream of darkness
15:09in this world and pursue that which is not
15:11within easy grasp.
15:13That's the challenge, isn't it?
15:15We every day get up, and the tide that comes against us
15:19as Christians start rolling at about 630 in the morning.
15:23You go get your coffee, and if you're not careful,
15:25you're gonna run into it, and it's gonna run into you.
15:27And the Bible says the way you deal with that
15:29is you run after righteousness.
15:31You pursue good.
15:32You do the things that God's called you to do,
15:34not passively, not quietly, not almost,
15:38but totally altogether.
15:40Pursue righteousness.
15:42First Chronicles 28.9 says,
15:43"'If you seek him, he will be found by you.
15:47But if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.'"
15:51And John said,
15:52"'If you know that he is righteous,
15:54you know that everyone who practices righteousness
15:57is born of him.'"
15:59And then Paul says,
16:00"'It's goodness, righteousness, and truth,'
16:03and that's a relationship with ourselves.
16:06The fruit of the light is truth.
16:08This has to do with honesty and reliability
16:10and trustworthiness and integrity.
16:12This is the light as opposed to the deceit
16:15and hypocrisy of darkness.
16:17When you walk in the light, you walk in the truth.
16:20When you walk in the light,
16:21you let the light shine on what really is.
16:24If we're walking in the light,
16:25we will be people whose word is true,
16:28whose word is our bond.
16:29What we say will match up in how we live.
16:32There will be no conflict between our outward
16:35and inward persons."
16:37The Bible says you need to have integrity,
16:39and you know what integrity means?
16:41The word integrity means one.
16:42What it means is be the same you wherever you are.
16:47Don't be who you are on Sunday
16:48and somebody else during the week.
16:50Be you in Christ walking in the light all the time.
16:55Don't have another life.
16:57Oh, my goodness, so many Christians find out
16:59you have another life.
17:01They come to church, they sing the songs,
17:03they listen to the message,
17:04and if you knew only that, you would say,
17:07they are really walking in the light,
17:08but if you knew the rest of their life,
17:10they're not walking in the light.
17:12Maybe I'm speaking to you today.
17:13I didn't read your mail, so I don't know
17:15what's going on in your life.
17:17But the Holy Spirit uses his Word sometimes
17:20to convict us that maybe there's a part of our life
17:23we are walking in the light, but we're protecting
17:26a little part of darkness over here.
17:28And the Bible says you can't do that.
17:30You've got to either be in the light
17:31or you're in the darkness.
17:32The little part of darkness over here
17:34will take over your life.
17:36So, we have a new description.
17:38We're not what we once were.
17:40We are what we now are.
17:42We have a new direction.
17:43We're walking in the light,
17:45and we have a new desire.
17:47Here it says in verse 10,
17:48finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
17:52Now, this has to do with our continued growth in the light.
17:55The Bible says when you're walking,
17:57you should be learning.
17:58What are you learning?
17:59You're learning what is acceptable to the Lord.
18:03The more you know God, the more you know what God likes.
18:06The more you read his Word, the more you want to be
18:09the way he wants you to be.
18:11And so, the Bible says while you're walking,
18:13find out what's acceptable to the Lord.
18:16When Paul wrote to the Philippians,
18:18he expressed this desire for them.
18:20I memorized this passage one time,
18:22and I love this passage.
18:23And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more
18:27in knowledge and all discernment.
18:29Now, watch this.
18:30That you may approve the things that are excellent.
18:34Paul said, I pray for you that you will walk in such a way
18:37that you'll be able to approve the things that are excellent.
18:40Now, he didn't say the things that are good.
18:42Interesting to me, as you walk along in your Christian life,
18:45you are moving in this direction that you have to make decisions
18:48between what is good and what is excellent.
18:50Isn't that true?
18:51As you walk with the Lord, he starts to give you this
18:54intuitive understanding that these are both good,
18:57but that's excellent.
18:59So, I follow the excellent.
19:01Let me ask you something this morning.
19:03Are you trying to discover the will of God for your life?
19:06So many I meet are trying to find the least common
19:09denominator of the Christian experience.
19:12What can I get by with instead of seeking diligently to know
19:16what the Lord really wants me to do so I can just jump in
19:19and do it with all my heart?
19:22Criterion for judging what is to be permitted in our lives
19:26is whether or not the conduct is acceptable to the Lord.
19:30So, a new description, I'm not what I once was,
19:33but I am what I now am.
19:35New direction, walking in the light.
19:37A new desire to find out what God wants me to do,
19:40and a new distinction, and have no fellowship
19:43with the unfruitful works of darkness.
19:46The word for fellowship is a word in the Greek language
19:49that's pronounced sun koionaneo.
19:52It means to become a partaker together with other people.
19:56Here's what Paul is saying.
19:57When you're walking in the light,
19:59don't get caught up in working together with those
20:02who are walking in the darkness.
20:04That's a bad formula.
20:06I'm walking in the light, and then I decide to get involved
20:09in working together with those who are in darkness.
20:12It is impossible to be a Christian
20:14and not be in the world.
20:15Let's face that.
20:16But here we are reminded that while we are in the world,
20:19we are not to be of the world.
20:21We cannot help it that people around us are wrapped up
20:24in the things of this world and the darkness,
20:26and we must still love them and minister to them,
20:29but we cannot become partakers with them.
20:32That is the meaning of this admonition.
20:34We are to have a distinction as believers from other people.
20:39In our attempt to identify with the people
20:41we are trying to reach with the gospel,
20:43we must never cross over the line
20:45and become partakers with them
20:47of the unfruitful works of darkness.
20:49The Bible says when you become a Christian,
20:51there's a distinction you have to make,
20:53and when it comes to those who profess to be followers
20:55of Christ and are practicing the works of darkness,
20:58Paul tells us in no uncertain terms
21:01what our attitude should be.
21:03This is 1 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 9 through 11.
21:07Paul's writing to the Corinthian believers,
21:09and this is what he says.
21:11I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company
21:13with sexually immoral people, yet I certainly did not mean
21:17with the sexually immoral people of this world
21:20or with the covetous or extortioners or idolaters,
21:23since if you did that, you'd have to go out of the world.
21:26But now I have written to you not to keep company
21:29with anyone named a brother who is sexually immoral
21:32or covetous or an idolater or a reviler
21:35or a drunkard or an extortioner,
21:37not even to eat with such a person.
21:41Now, let me break that down for you.
21:44I grew up in a Baptist church.
21:47My father was a Baptist preacher,
21:49and we had this thing called separation.
21:52And I always thought separation meant you don't hang out
21:55with the people who are bad on the other side of the wall
21:58who are not Christians.
22:00That's how it was usually taught.
22:02Are you a separate Christian?
22:04What does that mean?
22:05You're walking the straight and narrow,
22:07and you're not talking to none of those bad people out there
22:09who aren't in the church.
22:10But Paul sets this straight.
22:12He says, no, I'm not telling you not to have interaction
22:15with them.
22:16I'm saying if people claim to be Christians
22:18and they're in the church and they're living like that,
22:21don't interact with them.
22:23Don't even eat with them.
22:25You say, whoa, why?
22:28Because when somebody claims to be a Christian
22:30and lives like a non-Christian,
22:32your so-called fellowship with them not only approves
22:35of what they're doing but puts you in a position
22:37of being influenced by them in a way
22:39that will drive you in the same direction.
22:42This is pretty serious.
22:43We don't have to be weird or contentious
22:45when it comes to this.
22:47Some Christians think it's their job to act super spiritual
22:50when turning down invitations from their old friends
22:53to join them in previously shared activities.
22:57You don't have to do that,
22:58but you can graciously share your testimony
23:00of what Christ has done in your life
23:02and why you need to excuse yourself
23:04from some activities that you used to do.
23:07We're to serve those in darkness
23:09but not participate in their deeds.
23:11And you can have good friends like that,
23:13and you know what I've discovered?
23:15Many unbelievers respect that.
23:17Paul's primary concern is Christians
23:19who bring the deeds of darkness into the church,
23:22failing to draw a line after becoming Christians
23:24and putting those things behind them.
23:26And he wants us to know that we can be in this world
23:29without being of the world.
23:31And there's a new duty.
23:32Ephesians 5 says,
23:33"'Rather expose them.'"
23:36The people walking in darkness in the church.
23:38"'For it is shameful even to speak of the things
23:41which are done by them in secret.
23:42But all things that are exposed are made manifest
23:45by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.'"
23:49Paul says,
23:50when you see people who claim to be followers of Christ
23:53but are practicing the works of darkness,
23:55expose them.
23:56How do you expose them?
23:57You walk in the light,
23:58and the light will illuminate the darkness.
24:01Have you ever thrown open the shutters of a room
24:04on a bright, sunny day,
24:05revealing all the dust and cobwebs
24:07that have been collecting?
24:08Maybe you've been away for a week,
24:09and you come home, you open the door,
24:11and you pull up the shades,
24:12and all of a sudden, where did it all come from?
24:14The Christian who's willing to walk as a child of light
24:17has the same effect on the works of the devil.
24:20Our passage ends with this invitation.
24:23Therefore, he says,
24:24"'Awake, you who are asleep, and arise from the dead,
24:28and Christ will give you light.'"
24:32This is thought by many to be an Easter hymn
24:34of the early church.
24:35It's based on a passage in Isaiah.
24:37Isaiah 61 sounds a lot like Ephesians 5, 14.
24:41"'Arise, shine, for your light has come,
24:44and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.'"
24:47The Bible says if we are children of light,
24:50if we're no longer what we once were,
24:53then the obvious deduction from that is,
24:56let's start walking as children of light.
24:59Let's get the darkness out of our life.
25:01Some of you have some darkness in your life.
25:03You're Christians, you love Jesus,
25:04but you have a lot of darkness to get in your life.
25:07Get out of the darkness.
25:08Get the darkness out of your life.
25:10I don't know what that means,
25:11because I don't know what the darkness is, but you do.
25:13I'm just going to tell you, you are a Christian.
25:16The Holy Spirit lives within your heart.
25:18He is the Holy Spirit.
25:20He's the Spirit of light,
25:21and he will show you the darkness.
25:23And let me tell you something,
25:24you get that darkness out and let the light
25:27take over in its place,
25:28it's almost like being born again, again.
25:40Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:42When you give a gift of any amount
25:44in support of this program,
25:46Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation,
25:48his new book, Belief That Behaves,
25:51the Book of Ephesians.
25:52And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
25:55Dr. Jeremiah will send you the Belief That Behaves set,
25:58which contains his new book,
26:00his complete two-volume teaching series
26:02on CD or DVD,
26:04and two correlating study guides.
26:06Thank you for your support.
26:08Request these resources
26:09when you contact Turning Point today.
26:13Thank you for joining us on Turning Point
26:15as Dr. Jeremiah taught from the Book of Ephesians
26:18and shared the many blessings
26:19that believers have through Christ.
26:21But if you have never put your faith
26:23in Jesus Christ before,
26:24Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you
26:26take your first steps by sending you two resources.
26:29The first is a booklet called
26:31Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:32which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:35And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:38Turning Points,
26:39to give you encouragement and inspiration
26:41throughout the year.
26:42These resources are yours completely free
26:45when you contact Turning Point today.
26:51In addition, you can order Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work,
26:54The Jeremiah Study Bible,
26:56a beloved study Bible,
26:57and the culmination of Dr. Jeremiah's decades of teaching,
27:00helping you to answer,
27:01What does the Bible say?
27:03What does it mean?
27:04And what does it mean for me?
27:06Available in multiple translations and formats,
27:08there is a Jeremiah Study Bible for everyone.
27:11Also available for children,
27:13Dr. Jeremiah's Airship Genesis Kid Study Bible.
27:16Order yours today.
27:21Next time on Turning Point.
27:23Don't play games with God.
27:25He's not out there as one of your options.
27:28He's your only option
27:29if you want to know the will of God.
27:31And you have to come to Him.
27:34And you have to come to Him like that and say,
27:36Lord, here I am.
27:37Tell me what to do.
27:38Lord, here's my will on a piece of paper.
27:40There's nothing written in.
27:41I've signed the bottom.
27:42You fill in the top.
27:45Thank you for being with us today.
27:47Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:50Walking in Wisdom.
27:54Here on Turning Point.
27:59Dr. David Jeremiah is delivering
28:00the unchanging Word of God every month
28:02to more than half a million homes
28:04through Turning Point's magazine and devotional.
28:06Request your first issue now
28:08to read inspirational, in-depth articles
28:10and quick, clear, and creative devotionals
28:12from Dr. Jeremiah each month
28:14that will encourage, challenge,
28:15and strengthen your walk with the Lord.
28:17Request your first three issues
28:18of Turning Point's completely free
28:20or give a gift of any amount
28:22to receive an annual subscription.
28:24Contact Turning Point today.