Old Age in the Golden Age - DJ

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00:00Imagine a world without war, a world free from crime and hate, no more poverty, where
00:16everyone has a home, a world where natural disasters are non-existent.
00:22Imagine a world without injustice and divisiveness.
00:29Imagine a life without worry or fear.
00:35Such a time is coming, when the world will know perfect harmony.
00:41One day you will not have to endure hardship, but can live a life of perfect peace and joy.
00:49And that one day could start sooner than you think.
00:54This is the millennium, the coming golden age.
00:59Today, Dr. David Jeremiah presents a glimpse into the millennium in his message, Old Age
01:07in the Golden Age.
01:09That's coming up in just a few minutes, today on Turning Point.
01:18The millennium, it's the most important thousand years on earth.
01:23But you likely know almost nothing about it.
01:27In the coming golden age, 31 ways to be kingdom ready, Dr. David Jeremiah takes you on a fascinating
01:32tour of this prophetic period, set to arrive after the rapture and tribulation, where Christ
01:38rules the earth for 1,000 years.
01:41Throughout 31 short, easy to read chapters, Dr. Jeremiah reveals how God promises a world
01:46without war, illness, and aging, and a world with perfect peace, prosperity, and equality.
01:53The best part, the millennium could be closer than you think, and what you do today will
01:57affect your experience during that time, as well as right now.
02:01Prepare yourself to be kingdom ready with The Coming Golden Age by Dr. Jeremiah when
02:06you give a gift of any amount in support of this program.
02:09And if you give $75 or more, you'll receive The Coming Golden Age set containing Dr. Jeremiah's
02:15new book, his new teaching series on CD or DVD, and a correlating study guide, plus
02:21the Imagine bookmark.
02:23Discover the glorious future God has ahead for you in The Coming Golden Age book and
02:28study set by Dr. Jeremiah.
02:31Request your resources today.
02:36Thank you for watching Turning Point.
02:39In appreciation of your viewership, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you the Imagine bookmark,
02:45which will remind you of ten promises of the future that await you in the millennium.
02:50It's yours absolutely free just by contacting Turning Point today.
02:55And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message, Old Age in the Golden Age.
03:04Two groups of people will go into the millennium, the thousand-year period.
03:09Those of us who have been raptured or resurrected will be there with Jesus.
03:14We'll dwell with him for a thousand years, then we'll make a transition into the new
03:20heavens and the new earth, and we'll be with him forever.
03:24No more death for us, nor sickness or sin, no more pain, no pining away.
03:30If you've accepted Christ, the only thing you're gonna know about that's what's left
03:34of this world and our existence here.
03:37Once you get into eternity and you go to heaven, that's all history.
03:44And when you get to the millennium, you will live for 1,000 years in the millennium, and
03:51then go to heaven.
03:52How's that?
03:54The other group who goes into the millennium are those who were saved during the tribulation
03:59period or survived the tribulation, and the people who will be born to those families
04:04in the tribulation, these people will experience the kind of longevity reminiscent of the early
04:09days of Genesis.
04:10I'm gonna discuss that with you in a moment.
04:13That's the focus of this message.
04:16Some of these tribulation survivors will die during the millennium, but death will be very
04:22rare and people's lifespans will extend for centuries.
04:28Let me show you.
04:30When God created the human race, he had eternity in mind.
04:36Death was no part of God's original creation.
04:41Death is the result of sin.
04:43Death is the result of disobedience.
04:46But God has placed eternity in our hearts.
04:50And even after the fall, after Adam and Eve sinned, humans lived for vast periods of time.
04:59The oldest man in the Genesis record is Methuselah.
05:03He lived to the ripe old age of 969, almost a full millennium.
05:11But he wasn't the only example of long life.
05:15He wasn't even an outlier.
05:17Adam lived for 930 years, and Seth lived for 912 years, and Jared, Adam's great-great-great-grandson,
05:28lived to be 962.
05:31How would you like to have a grandchild 962 years old?
05:36The father of Noah was 777 when he passed away.
05:41And this one kind of gets lost because of what happened.
05:44Noah was 600 years old when God flooded the earth.
05:49He lived for 350 years after the flood and died at 950 years of age.
05:58So what are we to make of these numbers?
06:01Are these exaggerations intended to show the stature of these great people?
06:08Are they the result of mishaps in the translation of the Bible?
06:11I know you've read those ages when you've read through the Bible, and you felt, what
06:15in the world, 900 years old?
06:17And some of you have said, who wants to live 900 years age?
06:22I don't think any of these explanations are true.
06:25When it comes to Scripture, it's always been my firm belief that we should take God at
06:29his Word, meaning that when the Bible speaks in plain language and offers a common-sense
06:36explanation for its claims, we should take it.
06:40And in this case, Genesis presents these extended ages as historical information, and we should
06:47accept them as such.
06:48Well, you say, but Dr. Jeremiah, how would it be possible for human beings to live so
06:55I can't say for sure, but here are some possible explanations.
07:00Perhaps the climate of the earth was so much different in those early days that it allowed
07:05for increased longevity.
07:08Many scholars believe there was a vapor barrier or a canopy around the earth that made our
07:13atmosphere more conducive to long life, something akin to the ozone layer.
07:20Maybe this canopy collapsed or dissipated during the flood.
07:24Maybe something completely different is responsible.
07:29Maybe the genetic pool was so young that people were more vigorous.
07:34Perhaps the grace of God was so fresh that his children lived for many centuries.
07:40What the book of Genesis does make clear is that something happened after Noah's flood.
07:48Not only was the physical structure of our planet altered in major ways, but the span
07:55of human lives decreased significantly.
07:59For instance, Shem, one of Noah's sons, lived for 600 years.
08:06But Shem's grandson, Selah, lived for 433 years.
08:12Terah, who was Abraham's father, lived for 205 years.
08:18In Genesis 6-3, God adjusted the human lifespan.
08:24Here's his adjusted statement.
08:26My spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh, yet his days shall
08:34be one hundred and twenty years.
08:39The cycles of human life continued to decline until Moses declared,
08:45The days of our lives are seventy years, and if by reason the strength they are eighty
08:51years, they boast only labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off and we fly away.
08:59The Bible says after seventy, life gets harder.
09:03Can I get a witness?
09:06From long lives of centuries, to shortened lives of approximately 120 years, to seventy
09:12and eighty years, that's the progression of God's providence over the lifespan of people
09:19on earth.
09:21From old age at the beginning, through shortened life in the here and now, to the ultimate
09:28long life in the millennium.
09:31We talk first about why life is reduced, but let's talk now about why there is a restoration
09:38of longevity.
09:40Praise the Lord, things will be different in the millennium.
09:43Here's some reasons why that's going to be true.
09:45We already have learned the devil will be bound.
09:49The earth will again become the healthiest environment we could imagine for human life.
09:55God will extend the lifespans of the men and women who come out of the tribulation and
10:00who produce children.
10:02People's lifespans will be extended again as they were in the early days of Genesis,
10:07so they can enjoy the good to come.
10:10Christ will be at the center of the millennial kingdom, ruling on the throne of his ancestor
10:18David in Jerusalem.
10:21His power and authority will radiate throughout that kingdom for the benefit of everybody
10:26who are citizens.
10:29On a spiritual level, that means the Lamb of God will repair the effects of sin and
10:34Satan in our world.
10:37He will restore what was lost and reclaim everything that was taken away in the original
10:45curse, and his intent for creation will be restored.
10:52On a practical level, that means our physical bodies will no longer reflect the consequences
10:58of sin.
11:00We won't deal with the kinds of physical problems that the world faces now.
11:06Isaiah 29, 18,
11:09In that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall
11:16see out of obscurity and out of darkness.
11:21Isaiah 35, 5, and 6,
11:24Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
11:30Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing.
11:36Jeremiah 30, 17 says, I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.
11:44During the thousand-year reign of Christ, sickness and death will not exist among the
11:50resurrected saints and among the survivors of the tribulation.
11:54It will be a very rare occurrence.
12:00So we've looked at the reduction of longevity and then the restoration of it.
12:05Here's the redemption of longevity.
12:09In the year 1900, the average expectancy of a United States citizen was 47 years of age.
12:19For more than a century, that number increased, reaching its peak in 2019, when the life expectancy
12:27for a U.S. citizen was 79 years of age.
12:33Quite an improvement, but that number dropped dramatically during and after COVID.
12:39As of 2021, the average expectancy is now 76.
12:47Despite the best efforts of our medical experts, there is little chance that any of us will
12:54become another Methuselah.
12:58But all that will change during the millennium.
13:01In that age, human longevity will return to pre-Flood levels.
13:07Even better, the lives of the redeemed who ruled this world with Christ will return to
13:12pre-Eden levels.
13:14We will once again live forever.
13:18It is as though history will come full circle.
13:21The quantity and quality of our years will once again reveal the goodness of our Creator
13:28and reflect His infallible design.
13:33This is how Isaiah describes it.
13:37Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who
13:44does not live out his years.
13:46And the one who dies at a hundred will be thought to be a mere child.
13:53The one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.
13:58Not only will people live much longer, but there will be a tremendous increase in the
14:03birth rate as children are born to those who survive the Tribulation.
14:09Jeremiah 30 says,
14:26The millennium is where we will begin to experience our true destiny, our true design.
14:34Through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and under the authority of His reign, our
14:39lives will stretch into the centuries with only the promise of paradise on the horizon.
14:47But the question is, so that's great, and that's going to happen someday, and praise
14:51God for His provision of the millennium, but what do we do until then?
14:58Someone told me some years ago that there are three options that we have as humans.
15:04We can wear out, we can rust out, or we can live out.
15:10Some folks wear out, and if we're not careful, that's what life will do to us.
15:15It is possible to wear out the human body before its time.
15:19I remember walking into the office of a chiropractor back in Fort Wayne, and on the wall was this
15:26If you wear out this body, then where will you live?
15:30Good question.
15:32Some people wear out, some people rust out.
15:36They don't wear out, they just don't do anything in there like an old car that's left out with
15:41no protection.
15:42They just rust out and vanish.
15:46And then there's some people who live out, and that's God's plan for us, to treasure
15:51this life He has given us.
15:53Yeah, it's not a thousand years, but life is good, and we should take every day as a
15:58gift from Him and be thankful for it, and we should be good stewards of life, work hard
16:03to correct all the issues we face, never give up, never say, okay, that's it, I quit.
16:10And we should do everything we can do for the glory of God and live as long as we can,
16:16and knowing that when life is over, it evens get better.
16:20That's the attitude we should have.
16:22Now, the Bible has some things in it that you may not be aware of, and while I've been
16:28aware of them, I was not aware of what I'm about to share with you.
16:34I know that in the Bible, here and there, it says, if you do this, you'll live long.
16:39But this week, I discovered there's well over 20 passages in the Bible that say that, over
16:50And these passages are found primarily in the book of Proverbs and in Psalms, and I
16:55need to explain to you, they are Proverbs, they're not promises.
17:00Do you know the difference between a proverb and a promise?
17:04If you don't, you'll get confused when you read the book of Proverbs.
17:07The book of Proverbs are the wise sayings of Solomon, and they are the sayings about
17:13life as it normally is.
17:16There are promises and there are proverbs.
17:19And these statements about long life are proverbs.
17:23They are important proverbs, and they give you clues about the quality of your life.
17:30So, just like you can go to a seminar and learn about how to do things to help your
17:37physical life, this is kind of a little short seminar on how to live your life and the characters
17:44that God will honor if you do.
17:47I'm not going to go through all 20 of them because I don't have time, so I picked my
17:52favorite 10.
17:54Are you ready?
17:55Here we go.
17:56Number one, keep God's commandments.
18:01First Kings 3.14, if you walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments, I will
18:09lengthen your days.
18:13Number two, tell the truth.
18:17That's an odd one for the world in which we live.
18:19Wipes out every news channel you can find right there.
18:25There are three long life principles packed into three verses in Psalm 34, and the first
18:31is to tell the truth.
18:32Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?
18:37Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies.
18:43People who tell lies run the risk of not living as long as they could.
18:49Number three, turn from evil.
18:51Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?
18:55Turn from evil and do good, Psalm 34.12 and 14.
19:01Search for peace.
19:02Here's a good one.
19:04Does anyone want to live the life that is long and prosperous?
19:08Search for peace and work to maintain it.
19:11Don't be a troublemaker, be a peacemaker.
19:14Now, I know you know some cantankerous old dude who's pushing 100, but he's an exception.
19:23Number five, I like this one, love the Lord.
19:27Psalm 91 says, because he has set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him and
19:34with long life I will satisfy him.
19:38When you love God, God wants to help you live long.
19:41Do you love God?
19:43You say, how do I know if I love God?
19:45Well, here's the answer to that question.
19:47Are you serving him?
19:49Because you love God by serving God.
19:51I didn't make that up.
19:52That's in the Bible.
19:54Here's one of my favorite ones.
19:57Treasure God's wisdom.
20:01Proverbs 3.16 says, length of days is in wisdom's right hand and in her left hand riches and
20:09And Proverbs 4.10 says, hear my son and receive my sayings and the years of your life will
20:16be many.
20:18If you treasure God's wisdom, the years of your life will be many.
20:25What a wonderful truth that is.
20:29Number seven says, fear the Lord.
20:31The fear of the Lord prolongs days.
20:34Now, I know many people sort of take the teeth out of that promise and they say, the fear
20:40of the Lord is not being afraid of the Lord, it's being in awe of the Lord.
20:45And that is true.
20:46It also means being afraid of the Lord.
20:49You know, there needs to be someone in your life of whom you are afraid, in a good sense.
20:56And God wants us to fear him in awe and worship, but also to know he's not someone to be messed
21:07Can I put it that way?
21:08You don't mess with God.
21:12Number eight, this one is going to be hard for all of us, and we might want to put this
21:17at the bottom of our list.
21:20Control your tongue.
21:23Those who control their tongue will live a long life.
21:28Opening your mouth can ruin everything.
21:31That's what the Scripture says.
21:32Isn't that true?
21:34If you control your tongue, you got a chance at a long life.
21:37You keep opening your mouth in the wrong way, it'll ruin everything.
21:42Cultivate true humility.
21:45Proverbs 22, 4, true humility and the fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and a long
21:52Now, humility is such a misunderstood thing, and I'm always afraid to talk about it that
21:58you think, yeah, I know what it is or that I am that.
22:00As soon as you start talking about humility and trying to tell people what it is, you
22:04lose your own humility.
22:07You become like the guy who wrote a book called, The Ten Most Humble People in the World and
22:11How I Discovered the Other Nine.
22:16You know, you don't want that.
22:19But humility is something the Bible has a lot to say about, and one of the simplest
22:24thing I can say to you is this.
22:26Humility is not thinking less about yourself.
22:31It's just thinking about yourself less.
22:34A big difference between those two things.
22:38Number ten, honor your parents.
22:42That's the most famous one on the list, and they saved it till last.
22:46Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise that it may
22:51be well with you and you may live long on the earth.
22:56And it's not just about when you're growing up under their leadership.
23:00It's even after you get married.
23:02Honor your parents.
23:03Love your parents.
23:05Sometimes that's hard.
23:07Takes something out of you.
23:10But the Bible honors those who honor their parents.
23:14That's just what the Scripture says.
23:15Now, there's just ten things in the Bible.
23:17All of them have the same thing in the verse, and that is length of days or long life.
23:24The World Health Organization reports that 166,000 people die every day.
23:33The global leading cause of death is heart disease, followed by strokes, lung disease,
23:40neonatal disease, and Alzheimer's.
23:44There are all kinds of causes of death in all kinds of articles, but the real cause
23:48of death is sin.
23:50The Bible says the soul who sins shall die.
23:56And Romans 6.23 says the wages of sin is death.
24:01Only the great physician can give us everlasting healing of body, mind, and soul.
24:08And you cannot know the blessing of the millennium unless you deal with your sin.
24:15The way you get to be a forever person is to ask Jesus Christ into your heart.
24:21Tell him you're sorry for your sin and that you want to be a Christian.
24:25When you become a Christian, you get all the benefits of what a Christian is, all these
24:30things we've talked about today, and then heaven on top of it all.
24:36So my final question to you is this, are you a Christian?
24:41I don't mean not, do you go to a Christian church or did you grow up in a religious family?
24:46Are you a Christian?
24:48And if not, why not?
24:50The way you become a Christian is by praying a simple prayer and asking Jesus Christ to
24:55come and live in your heart, and meaning it from your heart, affirming it from your heart,
25:05understanding in your spirit that you're going to live for him from now on.
25:09You're going to do the things like we've talked about today and learn what it means to live
25:13the Christian life.
25:15So I'm here to tell you if you've never become a Christian, you can become one today.
25:20This could be your beginning of your journey to the millennium.
25:24It starts today.
25:26The golden age is on the horizon for you today, but it starts now when you accept Jesus.
25:35Thank you for joining us on Turning Point as Dr. Jeremiah shared how we can be kingdom
25:46ready, living expectantly for Christ's thousand year reign in the millennium.
25:52Your first step towards living in the millennium is knowing Jesus Christ in a personal way.
25:57And to help you, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you two resources.
26:02The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point, which will help you begin your
26:07relationship with Christ.
26:09And the second is our monthly devotional magazine, Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:14and inspiration throughout the year.
26:16These resources are yours completely free when you contact Turning Point today.
26:24Thank you for watching Turning Point.
26:25When you give a gift of any amount in support of this program, Dr. Jeremiah will send you
26:30in appreciation his new prophecy book, The Coming Golden Age, 31 Ways to be Kingdom Ready.
26:37And for a gift of $75 or more, Dr. Jeremiah will send you The Coming Golden Age study
26:42set, including his new book, teaching series, correlating study guide, and imagine bookmark.
26:50Thank you for your support of this program.
26:52Order The Coming Golden Age resources from Turning Point today.
26:59In addition, you can order Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work, The Jeremiah Study Bible, a beloved
27:04study Bible and the culmination of Dr. Jeremiah's decades of teaching, helping you to answer,
27:10what does the Bible say?
27:11What does it mean?
27:12And what does it mean for me?
27:15Available in multiple translations and formats, there is a Jeremiah Study Bible for everyone.
27:20Also available for children, Dr. Jeremiah's Airship Genesis Kid Study Bible.
27:25Order yours today.
27:30Next time on Turning Point.
27:32We will dissolve all of our implements of warfare into implements of agriculture.
27:38And for 1,000 years, we will live on this earth in peace with one another.
27:42No uprisings, no war.
27:47Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message, The End of War.
27:52Here on Turning Point.
28:01Prepare your heart for the Thanksgiving season with Season of Gratitude by Dr. David Jeremiah.
28:07Grow in gratitude with inspirational devotionals, readings, and scripture that will help you
28:12focus on God's blessings to you.
28:15Request yours for a gift of any amount.
28:18Plus, get a four-pack of Season of Gratitude or the complete Seasons Collection boxed set
28:24when you call or go online today.