The End - DJ

  • last week
00:00Imagine a world without war, a world free from crime and hate, no more poverty, where
00:16everyone has a home, a world where natural disasters are non-existent.
00:22Imagine a world without injustice and divisiveness.
00:29Imagine a life without worry or fear.
00:35Such a time is coming, when the world will know perfect harmony.
00:41One day you will not have to endure hardship, but can live a life of perfect peace and joy.
00:49And that one day could start sooner than you think.
00:54This is the millennium, the coming golden age.
00:59Today, Dr. David Jeremiah presents a glimpse into the millennium in his message, The End
01:07of War.
01:08That's coming up in just a few minutes, today on Turning Point.
01:18The millennium, it's the most important thousand years on earth, but you likely know
01:24almost nothing about it.
01:27In The Coming Golden Age, 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready, Dr. David Jeremiah takes you on a fascinating
01:32tour of this prophetic period, set to arrive after the rapture and tribulation, where Christ
01:38rules the earth for 1,000 years.
01:41Throughout 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, Dr. Jeremiah reveals how God promises a world
01:46without war, illness, and aging, and a world with perfect peace, prosperity, and equality.
01:53And for the best part, the millennium could be closer than you think, and what you do
01:57today will affect your experience during that time, as well as right now.
02:02Prepare yourself to be kingdom ready with The Coming Golden Age by Dr. Jeremiah when
02:06you give a gift of any amount in support of this program.
02:09And if you give $75 or more, you'll receive The Coming Golden Age set containing Dr. Jeremiah's
02:15new book, his new teaching series on CD or DVD, and a correlating study guide, plus the
02:21Imagine bookmark.
02:23Discover the glorious future God has ahead for you in The Coming Golden Age book and
02:28study set by Dr. Jeremiah.
02:31Request your resources today.
02:36Thank you for watching Turning Point.
02:39In appreciation of your viewership, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you the Imagine bookmark,
02:45which will remind you of ten promises of the future that await you in the millennium.
02:50It's yours absolutely free, just by contacting Turning Point today.
02:55And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message, The End of War.
03:03Sometimes people ask me, you think we'll ever have peace?
03:06Will there ever be a time of peace in this world?
03:10There's a study that's been done that's quite interesting.
03:12Has there ever been peace?
03:14So far, the odds are pretty bad.
03:18Over the last 3,400 years, there have been 260 years of peace, meaning far more than
03:2692% of human history, we have been forced to endure the specter of war.
03:33More recent history, things have become even worse.
03:37Even a peaceful nation like the United States, we've endured two world wars, a Cold War,
03:43the Korean War, the Vietnam War, two wars involving Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the
03:48war on terror, and what's going on right now all over the world.
03:52And people ask, why do we have to have war?
03:55What causes war?
03:56You know, the answer to that question is so very clearly presented in the book of James.
04:01Once you read this, you will never have to ask that question again.
04:04Here's what it says.
04:06Where do wars and fights come from among you?
04:10Do they not come from your desires for pleasure, that war and your members you lust and you
04:16do not have, you murder and covet and cannot obtain, and you fight and you war?
04:22The Bible says war comes from your heart.
04:25The fallen heart of humanity explains why we fail at peace.
04:30But will that always be true?
04:33Most of us feel like war is an interruption of life.
04:37But is war always harmful?
04:39Of course it is.
04:40War is always harmful.
04:42Is it destructive?
04:44Does war always involve a cost that feels too heavy to bear?
04:48It certainly does.
04:50But is war always wrong?
04:54I will never forget the first time I read the following statement from John Stuart Mill.
05:01He wrote, listen to this, war is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
05:08The decayed state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing is worth a war is worse.
05:15A man who has nothing which he cares about more than his own personal safety, that man is a
05:20miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless he's made free by those who are better
05:26than he is.
05:28When I think of that statement, I'm probably not too far away from your thinking when I say, is
05:34there enough personal courage to fight for the American dream?
05:40What if there were a war today that caused conscription instead of volunteers?
05:46When I grew up and went to college, I had to register.
05:50I didn't get drafted because I was a student in the biblical studies and they exempted us.
05:57But many of my friends went to war.
05:59Some of them didn't come back.
06:00And you all know what I'm talking about.
06:03There are many, many reasons why war can be necessary.
06:09They're all sad, but they're necessary.
06:13And I don't know if you've studied this in the Bible, but there's a lot in the Bible about war.
06:18I wrote a paper some years ago called, Is War Ever in the Will of God?
06:21And I was really shocked to find out how much the Bible has to say about war.
06:27Moses obeyed God's command to attack pagan kings and leaders.
06:32Here's what the Bible says in Deuteronomy.
06:34So the Lord, our God, delivered into our hands Og, king of Bashan, with all his people.
06:39And we attacked him until he had no survivors remaining.
06:43And we took all his cities.
06:44At that time, there was not a city which we did not take from them.
06:49When you go through the book of Joshua, Joshua was the great military leader of the Old Testament.
06:54And he stood on the basic shores of Canaan with the command from God to go in and conquer Canaan and take it.
07:02And God gave him very specific instructions.
07:04He said, take out all the survivors.
07:07Don't leave any of the survivors in the Canaanite camps.
07:10And people wonder why he would do that.
07:12If you study it, you discover that the Canaanites were the most wicked people that ever walked on this earth.
07:17And God was not about to take a chance of their wickedness, penetrating the Jewish bloodline and changing his purpose for them.
07:25But the sad thing is the soldiers didn't do what God told them to do.
07:30I remember reading, I think it's about the 15th chapter of Joshua, where it talks about what God said for them to do.
07:36Go and do this.
07:37And then the last part of the verse says, but they did not drive them out.
07:41Over and over again, maybe ten times, but they did not drive them out.
07:45It just goes overboard to tell us that what God told them to do, they didn't do.
07:49And you know what?
07:51For the rest of their life, the people they didn't drive out were a nemesis to them.
07:56If they had done what God had told them to do, they wouldn't have had all that anguish.
07:59But they didn't.
08:00You know who did?
08:01Only one guy, Caleb.
08:03Caleb took the hardest place and he drove out all the enemies.
08:05God blessed him because he was obedient.
08:09The book of Revelation describes the moment at the end of the tribulation when Jesus comes back as the great warrior.
08:17He leads the armies of heaven in a brutal war against all who defy his rightful reign.
08:23The book of Revelation says,
08:25And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army.
08:34And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh.
08:42Now, none of this is pretty and none of this is exciting, but it's a reality and war is with us.
08:50Instead of war, however, there's coming a time of peace.
08:55And that's what I want to tell you about.
08:57Someone has observed that in Washington, D.C., there are a huge assortment of peace monuments.
09:05And that's not because we value peace.
09:08That's because we build a new monument after every war.
09:11And you think back through the great leaders of history, you'll quickly make the connection that most of them became textbook worthy because of their participation in war.
09:21Many of the great leaders of our nation and of the world, the pharaohs were masters of war, including Ramses and Cyrus and Darius.
09:29Go through history and you'll find out that most of the people who did mighty things were people who were products of war.
09:36Napoleon, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, all of them used war as a tool to accomplish their aims.
09:44There's one leader who did not, and that was Jesus.
09:48Once the millennium is established, this period of time we're looking forward to, the kingdom of Christ will be on display and it will be a kingdom of peace.
09:57And the Bible says there won't be any more war.
10:00Think about that for just a moment, what it would be like if there were no more war.
10:05First of all, there's peace from God, as we've seen during that period of time.
10:09We've already seen this in one of our studies.
10:11There will be an absentee member of the universe and that person will be Satan.
10:16He will be locked away in the bottomless pit and he won't have any influence on the wars.
10:21He won't be able to make war worse than it already is.
10:24The psalmist describes the Lord as the one who makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth.
10:30And he breaks the bow and cast the spear in two.
10:33He burns the chariot in the fire.
10:36According to Scripture, when we get to this coming golden age, God will end every war.
10:45He doesn't end wars on just one or two continents.
10:48He stops them to the ends of the earth.
10:51He will break all the instruments of war and throw them into the fire and war will be history.
10:59Psalm 72 was written by Solomon on the occasion of his coronation.
11:05This psalm was to be prayed by God's people on behalf of their king.
11:09Here's what it says.
11:10In his days, the righteous shall flourish and abundance of peace until the moon is no more.
11:18During the coming golden age, peace will flourish.
11:23I don't know if you know this, but the millennium is the reverse of the curse.
11:28It's everything that God intended the world to be until man sinned.
11:32God will bring all of that back.
11:35And during the millennium, there will be a kind of perfection, though not total, and
11:40peace will be reigning where war now reigns.
11:44An abundance of peace.
11:45God is going to pour out peace on all of the nations.
11:48Isaiah described it this way.
11:51The work of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness, quietness and
11:57My people shall dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting
12:05So the effect of the reign of Jesus is going to be quietness and peace.
12:10And listen to this verse.
12:11God's peace, a great peace, will be passed on to our children.
12:16Don't we all want that?
12:17And all your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your
12:23I know one of the things that we talk about in my generation is, I think we're going to
12:27be okay.
12:28We'll get through this.
12:29We'll be out of here before this gets really bad.
12:32But we care about our children and our grandchildren.
12:35I've heard so many of you say, I really fear for my children and my grandchildren if we
12:40don't stop what we're doing right now.
12:42Well, the Bible says when we get to that point, you don't have to worry about your children
12:46anymore because great peace shall all your children have.
12:51What a joy that will be for everyone.
12:53So peace from God.
12:54And then Micah talks about peace among the nations.
12:58The prophet Micah was especially vivid in portraying the unprecedented peace of Jesus'
13:06He says,
13:07Now it shall come to pass in the latter days, many nations shall come and say, come and
13:11let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.
13:16He will teach us his ways and we shall walk in his paths.
13:19For out of Zion the law shall go forth and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
13:24The goal of King Jesus' teaching will be the direction of people's lives.
13:29So they will end up walking consistent with God.
13:32His powerful presence, his persuasive message will transform the thinking and the behavior
13:38of millions of people no longer looking for conquest, now looking for peace.
13:45Then Micah described the consequences of Jesus' reign.
13:49He wrote what has become one of the most famous prophecies about the millennium in
13:54the Bible.
13:55Here's what he wrote, Micah 4, 3.
13:59He shall judge between many peoples and rebuke strong nations afar off.
14:04Here we go.
14:05And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and nations
14:11shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
14:17In this powerful image, God sits as the ultimate judge of the world.
14:21He removes every reason for war.
14:24He rebukes those in the wrong and weapons of destruction are melted down and repurposed
14:30for agricultural use.
14:32During the millennium, life will be preserved and enhanced, not taken away and destroyed.
14:38The Bible is replete with prophecies of a coming age of peace and it will be a time,
14:44listen to this, when war will be utterly unknown.
14:48Not a single armament plant will be in operation.
14:52Not a soldier or a sailor will be in uniform.
14:56No military camps will exist and not one cent will be spent for armaments of war.
15:01There'll be no budget for the war, no budget for defense, no budget for offense.
15:06Can you imagine such an age when all nations shall be at perfect peace, all the resources
15:12that were spent there available for enjoyment and health, all industry engaged in the articles
15:20of a peaceful history?
15:21Is that possible?
15:23Not now, but there's coming a day when King Jesus, you remember one of his names?
15:29He's the Prince of Peace.
15:31He will sit upon the throne of David and he will reign and there will be true peace for
15:36a thousand years.
15:39And then there will be peace in nature.
15:41You shall go out with joy and be led out with peace and the mountains and the hills
15:45shall break forth into singing before you.
15:51And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
15:55Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree and instead of the briar shall come up
16:00the myrtle tree and it shall be to the Lord for a name and for an everlasting sign.
16:06Are the mountains going to sing and the trees clap?
16:09No, that's a symbol that's given to us by the prophet to help us understand that when
16:14peace reigns on the earth, it cannot but help affect even nature.
16:18I don't expect to hear the mountains singing or see the trees clapping, but in that particular
16:23time of peace, when Christ is on the throne, you're going to have a different vibe.
16:29You're going to have a different feeling.
16:31You will know that you're in a land protected by the one who loves you dearly and who died
16:37for you on the cross.
16:39The transformation of the world following the lifting of the curse is observable.
16:45This is a description of what's going to happen in the thousand-year reign of Christ.
16:52And the Bible says, I will open rivers in desolate heights.
16:55I will make fountains in the middle of the valleys.
16:58I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land spring of water.
17:03I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree and on and on.
17:08Isn't it interesting that when the Bible talks about peace during the millennium, it emphasizes
17:13green landscapes, lush gardens, pools of water.
17:18What an atmosphere of peace that is.
17:21Sounds like the place you want to go to on your vacation.
17:23And then there will be peace throughout Israel.
17:27One of the Bible's central texts on the coming golden age is found in Isaiah chapter 60.
17:33Here's what it says in verse 18.
17:36Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within
17:40your borders, but you shall call your walls salvation and your gates praise.
17:46For a land that has known so much violence and destruction in its history, what a relief
17:52this must bring.
17:54In the coming kingdom of the Messiah, bullying, assault, abuse, neglect, and murder will be
18:00unheard of within the borders of Israel.
18:04And not only that, there will also be a lot of singing in Israel.
18:09I don't know if you've noticed that.
18:10To enter Zion in that day, you will do so with a song of praise.
18:14So you should get practicing on that now.
18:18The Bible says when we get to the millennium, we're going to sing a lot.
18:22So don't give me this business about you don't have a good voice, you only can do a
18:26joyful noise.
18:27When you get there, I think you will be adjusted so that you can sing.
18:33I hope so for your wife's sake.
18:37But we're going to sing a lot in the millennium because we'll be in peace.
18:41We'll be filled with the joy of the Lord everywhere we go.
18:44The Bible says that when the Lord comes, his feet touch the Mount of Olives.
18:49The whole land of Israel is going to just totally change.
18:53And a mountain will come into Israel that will be the tallest mountain in the world.
18:57On top of this mountain, Ezekiel's millennial temple will be built on a 10-square mile.
19:04And the Bible says we will go up the highway of holiness to see God.
19:09We will have access to the throne of God through Jesus Christ and Prince David.
19:14And what a joy that will be.
19:17Maybe instead of going to the ocean on the weekend, we turn to one another and say, let's
19:21go to the mountain this week and see the Lord.
19:25And that's what we will do.
19:26And singing on our way, we will head up to the place where Jesus is on the throne.
19:33Isaiah recorded these words.
19:35He said, thus says the Lord, behold, I will extend peace to Israel like a river.
19:41Now, I've saved one of my favorite thoughts about this till last because this is almost
19:46beyond belief.
19:48This peace that Christ brings to the millennium is going to destroy enmity between nations.
19:55And there's a passage of Scripture that teaches that.
19:59And when you read it the first time, you can't believe it.
20:02Here it is.
20:03In that day, there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria.
20:09And the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria.
20:15And the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians.
20:19And in that day, Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria.
20:24A blessing in the midst of the land whom the Lord of hosts shall say, bless.
20:29Blessed is Egypt, says the Lord, my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel,
20:35my inheritance.
20:37These three former enemies, the Bible talks about them going up the highway together,
20:44joined together in doing the work that needs to be done.
20:48God's Word, which is divine truth and cannot be deceiving, tells us this.
20:53I remember reading in a book by W.A.
20:56Criswell his take on this particular verse, and here's what he said.
21:01Can you imagine such a thing as that?
21:03Think of the years of hatred ever since Ishmael and Isaac grew to despise one another.
21:09From that day until this, there has never been a time when there hasn't been war between
21:13Israel and the Arabs.
21:15But there's coming a time, says the Lord, when the Lord of hosts will bless them all,
21:21saying, blessed be Egypt, my people, and blessed be Assyria, the work of my hands, and blessed
21:28be Israel, my inheritance.
21:30All of us, save Jews and save Gentiles, are to be together in the glorious and ultimate
21:36kingdom of the Lord, and there will be no more enmity between these nations, and we
21:42shall study war no more.
21:44That's what the Scripture says.
21:46There's a man by the name of Hollis Godfrey who wrote an old science fiction novel called
21:52The Man Who Ended Wars.
21:55He published this in 1908, and the story follows a mad scientist of sorts who discovers a type
22:02of radiation that can dissolve metal in moments, and the only person possessing that technology,
22:09this scientist, demands that the whole world unilaterally disarm and dismantle all of their
22:14weapons of war.
22:16Here's the letter he sent to the leaders of every nation.
22:20To the United States of America and to all other nations, greetings.
22:24Whereas war has too long devastated the earth and the time has now come for peace, I, the
22:31man destined to stop all war, hereby declare unto you that you shall each and all disarm,
22:38that your troops shall be disbanded and your navy sunk or turned to peaceful ends, your
22:43fortifications dismantled.
22:46One year from this date I will allow for disarmament and no more.
22:50At the end of that time, if no heed has been paid to my injunction, I will destroy in rapid
22:55succession every battleship in the world, and by the happenings of the next two months
23:00you shall know that my words are the words of truth, given under my hand and sealed.
23:06Now, as novels go, that's a pretty interesting read.
23:10Of course, it's all fiction.
23:13He has no power to do that, even if he has some special invention.
23:18But it points up to one thing, there is coming a man who can do that, and that man is our
23:25Savior, our King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
23:29He is the man who will end all war.
23:31We will study war no more.
23:34We will dissolve all of our implements of warfare into implements of agriculture, and
23:40for 1,000 years we will live on this earth in peace with one another.
23:44No uprisings, no war.
23:49There's another kind of war that most of us are quite aware of.
23:53It's not the war in the world, it's the war that goes on in our hearts.
23:56The Bible has something to say about that.
23:58The Bible says that there are two energies going on in our hearts.
24:03There's the enemy called Satan who wants to take us into his kingdom, and there's Jesus
24:09Christ who wants us to come to be with him.
24:11Some of you have been fighting that war.
24:14You know you should be a Christian, but you just keep being pulled back into the world.
24:19God created you with a space in your heart that belongs to God alone.
24:25Until you allow him to have that place and occupy it, you will always be at war.
24:31But you don't have to.
24:32You can make peace with God.
24:33Have you ever heard people say that?
24:35Have you made your peace with God?
24:38You can make peace with God today, and that war can be over.
24:42And by the way, Christians, if you read Romans 7, you can also have war going on in your
24:47heart as a Christian because you got the old nature and the new nature.
24:52War is something that happens in our hearts.
24:55Until we place Jesus Christ on the throne of our hearts, we will always be at war with
25:01So, I want to ask you today, as I have been doing so faithfully over these last weeks,
25:07have you made that decision?
25:09Is Jesus Christ now on the throne of your life, or are you running the show?
25:16I can tell you what it's like if you're running the show.
25:18You don't want to go that way.
25:20Put Jesus Christ in control, and watch what he does to bring peace to you in your heart
25:25right now.
25:26You don't have to wait for peace of heart until the millennium.
25:29You can have it today if you put Christ, the Prince of Peace, on the throne of your
25:43Thank you for joining us on Turning Point as Dr. Jeremiah shared how we can be Kingdom
25:48Ready—living expectantly for Christ's thousand-year reign in the millennium.
25:54Your first step towards living in the millennium is knowing Jesus Christ in a personal way.
25:59And to help you, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you two resources.
26:04The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point, which will help you begin your
26:09relationship with Christ.
26:11And the second is our monthly devotional magazine, Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:16and inspiration throughout the year.
26:19These resources are yours completely free when you contact Turning Point today.
26:27Thank you for watching Turning Point.
26:28When you give a gift of any amount in support of this program, Dr. Jeremiah will send you,
26:33in appreciation, his new prophecy book, The Coming Golden Age—31 Ways to Be Kingdom
26:40And for a gift of $75 or more, Dr. Jeremiah will send you The Coming Golden Age study
26:44set, including his new book, teaching series, correlating study guide, and Imagine bookmark.
26:52Thank you for your support of this program.
26:54Order The Coming Golden Age resources from Turning Point today.
27:01David Jeremiah and Turning Point are making a global impact for the Kingdom of God.
27:06But we can't do it alone.
27:08That's where Bible Strong Partners come in.
27:10Bible Strong Partners form the foundation of Turning Point, allowing Dr. Jeremiah to
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27:31Next time on Turning Point.
27:34If the rapture came today, within seven years, you and I will be in the Millennium reigning
27:39on this beautiful new earth with Christ over a world that you cannot imagine how wonderful
27:44it will be for 1,000 years.
27:48Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message, Thy Kingdom Come, here on Turning Point.
28:01Prepare your heart for the Thanksgiving season with Season of Gratitude by Dr. David Jeremiah.
28:07Grow in gratitude with inspirational devotionals, readings, and scripture that will help you
28:12focus on God's blessings to you.
28:15Request yours for a gift of any amount.
28:18Plus, get a four-pack of Season of Gratitude or the complete Seasons Collection boxed set
28:24when you call or go online today.