No Devil - DJ

  • 2 days ago
00:00Imagine a world without war, a world free from crime and hate, no more poverty, where
00:16everyone has a home, a world where natural disasters are non-existent.
00:22Imagine a world without injustice and divisiveness.
00:29Imagine a life without worry or fear.
00:35Such a time is coming, when the world will know perfect harmony.
00:41One day you will not have to endure hardship, but can live a life of perfect peace and joy.
00:49And that one day could start sooner than you think.
00:54This is the millennium, the coming golden age.
00:59Today, Dr. David Jeremiah presents a glimpse into the millennium in his message, No Devil.
01:08That's coming up in just a few minutes, today on Turning Point.
01:18The millennium, it's the most important thousand years on earth, but you likely know
01:24almost nothing about it.
01:27In the coming golden age, 31 ways to be kingdom ready, Dr. David Jeremiah takes you on a fascinating
01:32tour of this prophetic period, set to arrive after the rapture and tribulation, where Christ
01:38rules the earth for 1,000 years.
01:41Throughout 31 short, easy to read chapters, Dr. Jeremiah reveals how God promises a world
01:46without war, illness, and aging, and a world with perfect peace, prosperity, and equality.
01:53For the best part, the millennium could be closer than you think, and what you do today
01:57will affect your experience during that time, as well as right now.
02:02Prepare yourself to be kingdom ready with The Coming Golden Age by Dr. Jeremiah when
02:06you give a gift of any amount in support of this program.
02:09And if you give $75 or more, you'll receive The Coming Golden Age set containing Dr. Jeremiah's
02:15new book, his new teaching series on CD or DVD, and a correlating study guide, plus the
02:21Imagine bookmark.
02:23Discover the glorious future God has ahead for you in The Coming Golden Age book and
02:28study set by Dr. Jeremiah.
02:31Request your resources today.
02:36Thank you for watching Turning Point.
02:39In appreciation of your viewership, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you the Imagine bookmark,
02:45which will remind you of 10 promises of the future that await you in the millennium.
02:50It's yours absolutely free just by contacting Turning Point today.
02:55And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
02:58No Devil.
03:03Sitting on 37 acres of land southwest of Colorado Springs is a place called ADX Florence.
03:10It's the most secure prison in America.
03:15If you could walk its corridors, you'd pass a who's who of criminals, including Zacharias
03:22Massawi, who masterminded the 9-11 attacks, Terry Nichols, who helped plan the 1995 Oklahoma
03:30City bombing, James Marcello, the notorious Chicago crime boss, El Chapo, the Mexican
03:39drug kingpin, and until recently, Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, who was found dead
03:45in his cell in 2023.
03:48Super spy Robert Hanson also died in his cell.
03:51In fact, if you go to that prison, you don't usually come out of there.
03:55You usually die there.
03:57Their prison sentences are very long.
03:59Each prisoner is kept in solitary confinement with little or no time outside their cells.
04:06The units, as you can see on the screen, are 7 by 12 with a stool and a desk made of
04:12poured concrete, a concrete bed with a foam pad, and a toilet with a sink at its top.
04:19The cells are soundproof.
04:21Multiple cameras monitor each prisoner 24 hours a day.
04:26There's a narrow slit of window that lets in the light, and the slits are designed so
04:30the prisoners do not know where they are in the complex.
04:34And here's the interesting thing.
04:36There has never been an escape from ADX Florence.
04:41I only know of one other penitentiary more secure than America's Supermax.
04:49Designed by Almighty God for the worst of the evil agents in the universe, that prison
04:56is known as the bottomless pit or the abyss.
05:01According to Revelation 20, an angel will come from heaven, and John describes him having
05:08the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
05:14He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound
05:20him for a thousand years.
05:22And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so that
05:27he should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years were finished.
05:34One of the most significant facts about this coming age of peace, this coming millennium,
05:41this coming golden age, is the total absence of Satan throughout the entire time.
05:49The world will be free of Satan for 365,250 days, a thousand devil-less years.
06:00Can we get a witness for that?
06:05When Satan is sealed in the abyss, his influence on earth will not be lessened.
06:11It will be nonexistent.
06:13Imagine a world in which Satan can no longer manipulate leaders and tempt sinners and take
06:18advantage of the weak and corrupt the strong.
06:22I want you to know three things about these opening verses in Revelation 20.
06:27Let's note, first of all, the person of the devil.
06:32You will not find a phrase in the Bible with more accurate description of the devil than
06:37this phrase, the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, Revelation 20,
06:44verse 2.
06:46Here are four names, not of four different people, but four names of the same person.
06:53It is a list of names that carries a sense of authority, like you were going to announce
06:59them before they were thrown into jail.
07:02What's behind these four names?
07:04Very interesting.
07:05First of all, Satan is called the dragon.
07:08John referred to the devil as a dragon.
07:11This occurs earlier in Revelation 12.
07:14If you read Revelation 12, John sees a great, fiery red dragon who sought to kill the Messiah
07:21at the time of our Lord's first coming.
07:24And he will dominate the events around his second coming as well.
07:28Here in Revelation 20, John identifies the ultimate version of the dragon.
07:35He says the dragon is Satan.
07:38The devil is the dragon.
07:41And then the Bible calls him the serpent of old.
07:45The serpent of old.
07:46This takes us all the way back to Genesis chapter 3, when the serpent appeared in the
07:52Garden of Eden to tempt Eve and Adam into doubting and disobeying God.
07:58Satan deceives, you see, by misquoting the Bible.
08:02He used that on Eve in the garden, and he tried to use it on our Lord in the desert,
08:07recorded in Matthew chapter 4.
08:09Satan uses this subtle method of Scripture, taken out of context, to deceive many.
08:16Satan usually does not deny the Scripture.
08:19He deceives with the use of the Scripture, adding and subtracting his own words.
08:25He takes the Scripture out of context.
08:28He uses it the way it was never intended to be used.
08:32Unfortunately, Satan knows the Scripture better than most of us, and he's not afraid to use
08:39He used it on Adam and Eve.
08:40He used it on the Lord Jesus in the desert.
08:43He hasn't changed one of his strategies, but he keeps using them over and over and over.
08:49John gives us the third title for this evil person, the dragon, that serpent of old who
08:55is the devil.
08:58Our English word for devil comes from the Latin word diabolus, and the root meaning
09:03is one who accuses or slanders.
09:08The Bible tells us that the devil is our accuser.
09:12He comes before the Father, and he says something like this.
09:16Did you see David Jeremiah down on earth this week, how he lost his cool, how he got upset,
09:22how he did this or that?
09:24He slandered us.
09:26He tries to make us something before God that God does not accept, and then, of course,
09:31we have our own advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is there making intercession
09:36for us, so we don't have to worry about that, but I want you to know that's Satan's purpose.
09:41He's a slanderer.
09:43In Genesis 3, he slandered God in front of Adam and Eve, and he said, he said, God knows
09:50you won't really die.
09:52God knows that in the day you eat it, your eyes would be open, and you will be like God,
09:57knowing good and evil.
09:59With cunning, the devil spun a tale about God with the intention of tarnishing God's
10:05reputation and portraying the Lord as someone who is stingy instead of someone who is generous.
10:12And all the centuries from that day until now, Satan has delighted in accusing God's
10:18children before the throne, pointing out our faults, making accusations against us.
10:24He did it with Job.
10:25He did it with Joshua.
10:27He did it with the entire family of believers in Revelation 12.
10:31He is always at us, but he is running a futile scam because we're covered with the blood
10:39of Jesus, we're under the blood, we're under the protection of Christ, and he keeps trying
10:46even though he can't succeed.
10:49He's the dragon.
10:50He's the serpent of old.
10:52He's the devil.
10:53And the final word for him is his more famous title.
10:57He is Satan.
10:59And he laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the devil, and Satan.
11:03Now, that term comes straight from the Greek word satanos, which means adversary.
11:11Look up, everybody.
11:12Satan's not your friend.
11:14He's not trying to help you get better.
11:16He's trying to destroy you.
11:18He wants you to die.
11:20His ultimate goal for you is your death.
11:23He is your adversary, and that's what the word Satan means.
11:27It means adversary, and it occurs more than 30 times in the New Testament.
11:34Satan tempts us.
11:36He takes advantage of us.
11:38He hinders us.
11:39He provokes us to lie.
11:41He deceives us.
11:43He tries to steal the Word of God from our hearts.
11:46All of these are right from the Scripture.
11:49We can safely say that Satan's goals are to reclaim and neutralize God's people.
11:56If you are a Christian, Satan will do everything he can to cause you to stumble, to keep you
12:02from living the Christian life.
12:04He's out to destroy the church.
12:07That's why there's so many churches with division and strife.
12:11He wants to manipulate your marriage because he knows that the home is the building block
12:16of culture, and that if he can destroy your marriage, he's neutralized your children.
12:22He is here to try to displace God.
12:25If he gets his way, he will do what the Antichrist does at the very end of time, where he sets
12:30himself up as God in the temple and demands that people worship him.
12:35Where did Satan begin?
12:36He began with that very ploy.
12:38He wanted to be worshiped.
12:39He wanted to be God.
12:41He wanted God's worship to be directed to him.
12:44Today, Satan continues his strategy of division.
12:48He injects the poison of suspicion and intolerance and hatred and jealousy.
12:54So, the first part of this text is, who is the devil?
12:58And we now know who he is.
13:00But the second part is the prison into which he is cast.
13:04The Bible says,
13:05"'I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit, and
13:10a great chain in his hand.
13:12And he laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who was the devil and Satan, and bound
13:17him for a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up.'"
13:24The term, bottomless pit, you can clap for that.
13:27That's a good thing.
13:31The bottomless pit is a phrase that means a very deep place.
13:37And this is God's supermax.
13:40And I want you to know no one will ever escape from this prison either.
13:44It isn't hell.
13:46Hell is the devil's final destination.
13:50But for a thousand years, he will be banished from earth and imprisoned in this mysterious
13:58The book of Jude says,
13:59"'And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority, but abandoned their proper dwelling,
14:06these angels he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment of the
14:12great day.'
14:14When the angels followed Satan in his rebellion, many of them were cast into the abyss.
14:20Some of them are free and help Satan carry on his activities.
14:25For reasons only God knows, he's allowed the devil and some of his evil spirits to travel
14:30around earth's atmosphere.
14:33But he's imprisoned many of them, and they are in prison as I speak."
14:38Do you remember when Jesus cast the demons out of the man in Luke 8?
14:44And those demons came out, and they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into
14:50the abyss.
14:52It was a place they dreaded.
14:54And during the trumpet judgments of Revelation 9, there's an angel who will open the shaft
15:00leading to the abyss and release these malignant and heinous demons.
15:06And during the tribulation, they will be set free.
15:09One of the reasons the tribulation will be such an awful place is that demonic activity
15:14will be at its all-time high.
15:17The demons of hell will be released to bring along with them the judgment and hate and
15:22death that's a part of that seven-year period.
15:25So, John tells us in Revelation 20 that the devil will be bound with chains and that he
15:32cannot escape and that he will consign to a prison he cannot avoid, and he will be there
15:39for every single day of the millennium.
15:42That's why it's called the Golden Age, no devil, hallelujah.
15:47And now, let's notice not just the person of the devil and the prison of the demons.
15:53Let's notice the period of deliverance.
15:56During this time, John said Satan will deceive the nations no more till the thousand years
16:03are finished.
16:05Did you know that during the millennial reign of Christ, during the Golden Age, we who live
16:09and govern with Christ on earth will be delivered from Satan's tyranny?
16:16What change shall take place when the tempter is no longer able to seduce the nations?
16:21That will be better than it was in Eden.
16:24For in Eden, Satan was allowed to tempt our first parents.
16:28Nothing like that could ever happen in the millennium.
16:31Doesn't mean there won't be sin on earth.
16:34Listen carefully.
16:36Those with mortal bodies will still battle their fallen nature, and the blessed eternal
16:42state of the new heavens and new earth are yet to come.
16:46But think of this.
16:47Today, you and I have three enemies as Christians.
16:51Those enemies are the world, the flesh, and the devil.
16:56Consider how different it will be when one of those three is gone and we will not be
17:01bedeviled by our enemy.
17:04Paul said the devil is the god of this age, and during the coming Golden Age, he will
17:09lose his power.
17:12Gone will be his ability to amplify sexual temptation and marital infidelity.
17:18While we may be tempted, we will not have to confront the enticements of Satan.
17:24We'll not have to contend with being sifted as wheat by his evil designs, nor will he
17:29fill our hearts to lie to one another as he did Ananias in Acts chapter 5.
17:35We'll be able to forgive one another because we'll be free from Satan's devices.
17:41He will not swoop down on us in unexpecting moments, snatch the word out of our hearts
17:47while we're walking out of church on Sunday.
17:50He won't hinder the workers of God as he did in 1 Thessalonians 2.
17:56Gone will be his ability to plague us with demonically caused natural disasters.
18:02We'll be freed from his ability to hinder the work of the Lord on this planet.
18:08No longer will he create agitation among the nations.
18:11The Bible says that in the age that is to come, we will study war no more.
18:17War will be ended.
18:19Satan won't be causing wars.
18:22And the Bible says he will no longer trouble the nations.
18:26He will be unable to do that.
18:27He will be consigned to the bottomless pit.
18:31The Bible tells us that Satan was a murderer from the beginning.
18:37When he's gone, we should expect that murder will be virtually non-existent during the
18:43Golden Age.
18:44He has sinned from the beginning, so we would expect the Golden Age to be a little more
18:50righteous and exhibit character that we haven't seen in a long time.
18:55Satan is puffed up with pride.
18:58Suppose that when he's gone, we might be a little more humble.
19:03Today, the devil makes many people take leave of their senses and do his will.
19:09The coming Golden Age will be a time of wisdom and sensibility.
19:14The devil delights in throwing God's children into prison and persecuting them in all manner
19:20of ways.
19:21I want to tell you something I learned again this week.
19:24If you don't want to have any trouble, don't preach on the devil.
19:28It's amazing that he still has the kind of power that he has.
19:32What he can do to us, even when we're getting ready to warn people about who he is.
19:38Someone once asked me, why do people not think they can understand the book of Revelation,
19:43and why don't they read it?
19:45Satan keeps them from doing it because, well, let me ask you this question.
19:50If somebody wrote a book about your terrible ending in life, would you want somebody to
19:53read your book?
19:55He doesn't want anybody to read that book.
19:57It tells the story of his future.
20:00This is all a very interesting study to me for a couple of reasons.
20:04First of all, have you noticed Satanism is on the rise?
20:10Newsweek magazine published a major article entitled,
20:14Satan is Getting Hot as Hell in American Pop Culture.
20:20The writer covers cultural trends for Newsweek and wrote,
20:25The devil is front and center in movies, in TV shows,
20:29in podcasts, and even children's books.
20:33You see, what's happening is attendance in our churches is waning.
20:38Spirituality is not moving forward.
20:42We had a little blip upward during COVID, and as soon as COVID's dangers passed,
20:47we went back not to the same level of attendance before COVID happened,
20:52but to lower levels.
20:53We lost a lot of churchgoers in COVID who found out you can go to church on the
20:57internet, and they'll never come back to church.
21:01What's happened is, in this void that's been created by the lack of Christianity
21:08moving in the right direction, that void is being filled with some of these
21:13satanic things.
21:14So, if you watch carefully, you will notice it.
21:17If you look around when you're traveling, there are Satanist churches,
21:21and they advertise in front of their church that they are a Satanist church.
21:26As frightening as that is, remember, we may be only seven years from the moment
21:31when God will throw Satan into the abyss and slam the door on him,
21:35and the knowledge of that future should comfort us today.
21:39So, you know, we shouldn't become overly conscious of the devil,
21:47but we shouldn't let him ever get out of our sight.
21:52We don't think Satan's defeat is just a future event.
21:56He's already defeated, just waiting for the sentence to be carried out.
22:01In the meantime, he's very active.
22:03Why is he active?
22:04Because he knows his time is short.
22:07His judgment is coming.
22:09Satan has been defeated, but he's not yet banished and consigned to the abyss.
22:15So, stay alert.
22:16Watch out for your great enemy, the devil,
22:19for he prowls around like a roaring lion,
22:22seeking for someone to devour.
22:24Satan wants to devour you.
22:27He wants to devour me.
22:29He most of all wants to devour your influence,
22:32take you out of the game so that you can't be an active participant anymore,
22:37and he is doing it over and over and over again,
22:42almost on a weekly basis.
22:45Then, don't just do that.
22:46Stay confident in the Lord.
22:48Remember, the Bible says,
22:49greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.
22:54In other words, the one who lives within you is greater than Satan.
22:58In fact, let me tell you something, friends.
23:01Satan isn't even in God's universe.
23:07He doesn't belong in the same sentence with God.
23:10He is no match for God.
23:13God is overwhelmingly greater than Satan.
23:16Satan may be powerful, but his power is nothing,
23:20and when God deems it necessary for him to be gone,
23:24he'll be gone for a thousand years in one shot,
23:28and then when the thousand years are over,
23:31he'll be cast into the lake of fire,
23:33and his doom will be final.
23:35There was a physician who wrote a book called,
23:38Your God is Too Small, and one writer said,
23:42there needs to be a new book written
23:43called, Your Devil's Too Big.
23:46While I am telling you to watch out for him,
23:48he's no threat to your salvation.
23:50He's no threat to your God.
23:52When you put the devil in his place,
23:55you put on the whole armor of God, Ephesians 6.
23:59You stand your ground.
24:00You have nothing to worry about.
24:03Satan is nothing but a counterfeiter.
24:06That's all he is, friends.
24:09Satan doesn't have his original plan.
24:12Jesus is the light of the world,
24:14so Satan wants to be an angel of light.
24:18Jesus is the king of kings,
24:19so Satan is king over the children of pride.
24:23Jesus is the prince of peace.
24:25Satan is the prince of the world,
24:27the prince of the power of the air.
24:30Jesus is the Lord my God.
24:33Satan is the god of this age.
24:36Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah.
24:39Satan is a roaring lion going about
24:41seeking whom he may devour.
24:43I say this with all deference to Satan.
24:47He hadn't had an original thought since Genesis 3.
24:51He just keeps coming back with the same testing
24:54of the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes
24:57and the pride of life.
24:59It's what he did to Adam and Eve.
25:00It's what he did to Jesus in the desert,
25:02and it's the way he's coming after us.
25:05So, the Bible says we're not to be ignorant
25:08of Satan's strategies.
25:10That's why I'm preaching this message.
25:12Be alert, stand against him,
25:15put on the whole armor of God,
25:17use the Word of God to defeat him,
25:20and don't be afraid.
25:23You don't have to be afraid.
25:25The God you serve is the creator of the universe.
25:29I think he can handle Satan.
25:36Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:38When you give a gift of any amount
25:40in support of this program,
25:41Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation,
25:44his new prophecy book, The Coming Golden Age,
25:4731 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready.
25:49And for a gift of $75 or more,
25:52Dr. Jeremiah will send you
25:53The Coming Golden Age study set,
25:55including his new book, teaching series,
25:58correlating study guide, and imagine bookmark.
26:02Thank you for your support of this program.
26:04Order The Coming Golden Age resources
26:06from Turning Point today.
26:07Thank you for joining us on Turning Point,
26:14as Dr. Jeremiah shared how we can be kingdom ready,
26:18living expectantly for Christ's
26:20thousand year reign in the millennium.
26:22Your first step towards living in the millennium
26:25is knowing Jesus Christ in a personal way.
26:28And to help you, Dr. Jeremiah would like to send you
26:31two resources.
26:32The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:36which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:39And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:42Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:45and inspiration throughout the year.
26:47These resources are yours completely free
26:50when you contact Turning Point today.
26:55David Jeremiah and Turning Point
26:56are making a global impact for the kingdom of God.
26:59But we can't do it alone.
27:01That's where Bible Strong Partners come in.
27:03Bible Strong Partners form the foundation of Turning Point,
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27:24Next time on Turning Point,
27:27In that age, human longevity will return to pre-Flood levels.
27:32Even better, the lives of the redeemed
27:34who rule this world with Christ will return to pre-Eden levels.
27:39We will once again live forever.
27:42Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:46Old Age in the Golden Age, here on Turning Point.
27:51Prepare your heart for the Thanksgiving season
27:54with Season of Gratitude by Dr. David Jeremiah.
27:58Grow in gratitude with inspirational devotionals,
28:00readings, and scripture
28:02that will help you focus on God's blessings to you.
28:06Request yours for a gift of any amount.
28:09Plus, get a four-pack of Season of Gratitude
28:12from Dr. David Jeremiah.
28:14And don't forget,
28:15we're here to help you prepare for the season of gratitude.
28:18Plus, get a four-pack of Season of Gratitude
28:21or the complete Seasons Collection boxed set
28:24when you call or go online today.