• last year
00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:06Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
00:09into the millennium, a future era of 1,000 years of peace
00:12on earth, which could be closer than you think.
00:14Pre-order The Coming Golden Age before its worldwide launch
00:17on October 1st when you give a gift of any amount
00:19to Turning Point.
00:20Plus, you'll receive early digital access to Dr. Jeremiah's
00:23entire The Coming Golden Age teaching series.
00:26Pre-order The Coming Golden Age today.
00:30There are more than 45,000 self-help books published
00:34each year, over 200,000 podcasts in the personal
00:38development category.
00:40But what if I told you all pale in comparison
00:43to the spiritual development one small book can have
00:46on your life and faith?
00:48Just six chapters, 2,000 words, and 20 minutes of your time,
00:52yet its impact lasts a lifetime.
00:56It succinctly and powerfully explains what it means
00:59to believe and how to discover God's calling for you,
01:03how to find purpose, overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:07claim a life you love, endure difficulty, experience
01:12the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:20Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:24to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures,
01:28a belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39Your mind is important.
01:41My mind is important.
01:42I need to make sure that I fill my mind with the right sort
01:45of things so that evil has no place to exist
01:47when it knocks on the door.
01:49You don't get rid of evil in your mind by bucking up
01:52and saying, I will not let that happen to me.
01:54No, you take care of that by making sure
01:57you're constantly having an inflow of truth
02:00into your mind, and truth will dispense the evil for you.
02:06Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices,
02:09and behaves in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
02:12Belief That Behaves, the Book of Ephesians.
02:15In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:18Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower
02:20of Christ in practical terms and how we should act
02:23or behave as believers.
02:25Through 19 chapters, you'll discover God's how-to guide
02:28to the Christian life, including resolving conflict
02:31with others, successful marriage and parenting,
02:33finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
02:36and praying effectively.
02:38Ephesians has the power to change your life
02:40at home, at church, and at work.
02:43Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah
02:46when you give a gift of any amount
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02:49Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
02:51Dr. Jeremiah will send you in appreciation
02:54the Belief That Behaves set, which contains his new book,
02:57his complete two-volume teaching series
02:59on your choice of CD or DVD,
03:01and two correlating study guides.
03:03From the first verse to the last,
03:05the truths contained in Ephesians will fill your heart
03:07with joy and strengthen your relationships with others.
03:10Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
03:13new from Dr. Jeremiah,
03:15when you contact Turning Point today.
03:20Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:22And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
03:26Spiritual Warfare.
03:30The first thing we need to recognize
03:32as we look at this passage of Scripture
03:34is that spiritual warfare is real.
03:36It is real.
03:37It's not some figment of the pastor's imagination
03:40nor some drummed-up dramatic presentation.
03:43It says in Ephesians 6,
03:45Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord
03:48and in the power of his might.
03:50Put on the whole armor of God
03:52that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
03:56For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
03:58but against principalities and powers
04:01and the rulers of the darkness of this age,
04:04against spiritual hosts of wickedness
04:06in the heavenly places.
04:09Mark it down in your spiritual journal.
04:12We live in a spiritual war zone,
04:15and this war has been going on in your heart and in mine
04:19and continues to escalate
04:21as the times around us are changing.
04:24And this comes as a great surprise to a lot of people.
04:26Maybe it's a surprise to you.
04:28One New Testament scholar said,
04:30people vaguely recognize the presence of a struggle,
04:33but they don't give it much thought.
04:35I mean, they think it's difficult sometimes
04:37to practice our Christianity.
04:39We find it hard to forgive people and to pray regularly,
04:41to resist temptation, to learn more about our faith.
04:44We struggle.
04:46But as far as they're concerned,
04:48that's the end of it for so many people.
04:50It's just we have a struggle.
04:52They have never thought that their small struggles
04:55might be part of a larger campaign
04:57to ruin them and everybody around them.
05:00Your small struggles aren't just a human condition.
05:03You're Christians, you belong to the Lord,
05:05and you should be aware of the fact
05:07that once you become a Christian, you become a target.
05:09Satan's not going to mess around with you
05:11if you're in his house.
05:13But once you become a part of God
05:15and become a part of what God is doing,
05:17you have a little target on your back
05:19because he wants to destroy you,
05:21he wants to ruin you and your influence,
05:23and he wants to undercut your testimony
05:25so that the people who know you
05:27will be able to then blaspheme God.
05:29This war is satanic.
05:31People don't want to believe in the devil anymore.
05:33I've read all the statistics
05:35about even evangelical Christians
05:37who don't think that Satan is real.
05:39They think he is some sort of metaphor of evil
05:43or some sort of figment of evil.
05:45But I'm here to tell you that Satan is a real person.
05:49He has numerous names in the Bible.
05:51Did you know that?
05:53He's called the deceiver, the murderer,
05:55the tempter, the destroyer,
05:57the liar, the accuser of the brethren,
06:00and the evil one, just among many.
06:03And Peter says,
06:05Remember, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil,
06:08walks around like a roaring lion
06:10seeking whom he may devour.
06:12No, he's not a figment of your imagination.
06:14He's real.
06:16And we do not wrestle, says this Scripture,
06:18against flesh and blood,
06:20but we wrestle against principalities and powers
06:23and rulers of darkness
06:25and spiritual witness in high places.
06:28This is nothing less than Satan's organizational chart.
06:33Principalities are the head officers.
06:35Powers describe the staff.
06:37Rulers are divisional commanders,
06:39and spiritual hosts of wickedness
06:41are rank-and-file devils.
06:44Our enemies are not people.
06:47We need to get over that.
06:49You think your enemy's a person.
06:51No, your enemy's not a person.
06:53Your enemy is the evil behind that person.
06:55Your enemy is the one who makes that person
06:57do what they do that they shouldn't do.
07:00Satan uses people to persecute us
07:02and to lie to us and cheat us and hurt us,
07:04sometimes even kill us.
07:06Our real enemy lurks in the shadows of the unseen world,
07:10moving people as pawns on a chessboard of time.
07:13As long as we see people as enemies
07:15and wrestle against them,
07:17we will spend our life in vain.
07:19We're wasting our time.
07:21It's not that person that's driving you crazy.
07:24It's the force behind that person
07:26that's making your life miserable.
07:28It's the evil in that person.
07:30It's Satan having victory over that person's conduct.
07:34So, the war is satanic,
07:36but notice, secondly, it's strategic.
07:38The words in this text are also very important.
07:41Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able
07:43to stand against the wiles of the devil.
07:46What in the world are wiles?
07:49The word wiles means strategy, plans of war.
07:53In Greek, it is the word methodia.
07:56Satan has a well-developed strategy,
07:59a well-developed method,
08:01and he is implementing his strategy day by day,
08:04moment by moment.
08:06Paul said,
08:07lest Satan should take advantage of us,
08:10for we are not ignorant of his devices.
08:14Satan has a lot of devices
08:16to try to hurt you and to hurt me.
08:19It's interesting that in this text that we're reading today,
08:22many times in those verses,
08:24the word against Satan is against us.
08:28He's against us.
08:29He's not for us.
08:30He doesn't want us to succeed.
08:32He will tell you you're going to succeed
08:34only so that he can get you to fail.
08:37The Bible says that Satan's purpose
08:39is to hurt and discourage people who belong to God.
08:42He will stop at nothing to disturb the mind
08:45and deceive the heart and defeat the life.
08:47If you read your Bible carefully,
08:49you will see that what he is doing today,
08:51he has done from the beginning.
08:53It was Satan who led Lot into Sodom.
08:56It was Satan who got Peter to deny Christ.
08:59It was Satan who caused Ananias and Sapphira
09:01to lie to the church.
09:03It was Satan who even dared to attack
09:05the Lord Jesus in the wilderness.
09:08The devil has three primary goals, men and women.
09:10Here they are.
09:11To destroy the testimony of every Christian individual,
09:15to destroy the unity and purity of every Christian home,
09:19and to destroy the ministry of every Christian church.
09:22If he gets the individual, he's got a shot at the marriage.
09:25If he gets the marriage, he gets enough of them,
09:27he'll ruin the church.
09:29So, spiritual warfare is real,
09:32and spiritual weapons are required.
09:35God has wonderfully equipped us, if we'll pay attention,
09:39to fight against this enemy who's out to get us.
09:43Let me tell you, first of all,
09:45that Paul wrote to a Roman world,
09:47and so the language he's gonna use
09:49and the illustration he's gonna use was for his world
09:52but has application to ours as well.
09:54He's gonna use the Roman soldier's armament
09:57to help us understand what kind of armament
10:00we should have as believers.
10:02He starts, first of all, with the belt of truth.
10:05He says,
10:06"'Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth.'"
10:10Paul begins with truth because that is Satan's primary target.
10:15From the Garden of Eden to our current culture,
10:17Satan traffics in deception and lies.
10:20He is a liar from the beginning.
10:22Listen to what Jesus said about him.
10:24He was a murderer from the beginning
10:26and does not stand in the truth
10:28because there is no truth in him.
10:30When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources
10:33for he is a liar and the father of it.
10:36And Satan's whole mode of operation
10:39is built on deception and lying.
10:42And his target is the truth.
10:45And I don't know what you think
10:47about what's going on in our world today,
10:50but truth is under assault.
10:53Truth used to be something you could find
10:55if you looked for it.
10:56It was there, always being beaten around,
11:00but truth is almost lost.
11:02People can go on television and say whatever they wanna say
11:05in face of absolute clear evidence
11:08that what they're saying is wrong
11:10and they just keep on saying it and they keep on saying it
11:13and, first of all, saying it makes them feel better
11:15because their real truth is pretty bad.
11:19And they believe that if they say it often enough,
11:21people will believe them.
11:22And obviously, that's what happens
11:24because a lot of people get deceived.
11:26He comes after the truth.
11:28What is truth?
11:29The Word is truth.
11:30That's what the Bible says.
11:31Jesus said,
11:32I am the way, the truth, and the life,
11:34and the Word of God is the truth.
11:36So, what would you expect him to be doing today?
11:38Undermining the truth of the Word of God.
11:41Having leaders say that what they used to believe
11:44about the Word of God, they don't believe anymore.
11:46They've changed their understanding
11:48of the Word of God.
11:49They have lowered the standard of the Word of God
11:51to meet the lower standards of their congregation.
11:54And instead of standing up for the truth
11:56and bringing people up to the truth,
11:58they lower their concept of the truth
12:00and make everybody feel happy.
12:02Unfortunately, that is a disastrous thing to do
12:05and destroys people and destroys churches.
12:08And Satan wins if you let him do that.
12:11If somebody comes along and says,
12:13yeah, but I don't believe the Bible,
12:14let me tell you something.
12:15Just because somebody doesn't believe the Bible
12:17doesn't mean the Bible is not true.
12:19You cannot make the Bible untrue
12:21because you don't believe it.
12:22This is God's Word.
12:23This is God's truth.
12:24I better be careful as a pastor
12:26that I deliver this truth to you every week
12:29with all my heart
12:30because this is the best thing I can do
12:32to help you not be victimized
12:34by the error of Satan.
12:36You don't stop error by dealing with the error.
12:39You stop error by teaching the truth.
12:41And when you see the truth, error becomes apparent to you.
12:45But so often what's happening in our churches today,
12:47we push the Bible aside for positive motivational messages.
12:51We've shut down our attempt
12:52to try to teach people the Word of God.
12:54We don't memorize the Bible.
12:55We don't read the Bible.
12:56We don't study the Bible.
12:57And half the time when we come to church,
12:59we don't hear the Bible.
13:01And if that's gonna keep going on,
13:03Satan is just winning war after war after war
13:07against the people of God.
13:10Truth is everything.
13:12Truth holds it together.
13:13If you're losing it in your faith,
13:15it's because truth has gotten marginalized.
13:18Make sure you don't give up the truth
13:20because if you give up the truth,
13:21there's nothing left for you to fight for.
13:24And Satan says,
13:25I don't believe your truth.
13:27I have another truth.
13:29And we need to say,
13:30get you behind me, Satan,
13:32for I have this book and this is the truth.
13:35The next thing he tells us is
13:38you have to have the breastplate of righteousness.
13:41The Roman soldiers had a breastplate.
13:44It went from your neck to your waist,
13:46and it symbolizes Christ's righteousness,
13:49which is given to the believer at salvation,
13:51and it pictures our daily walk with God.
13:55This vest is God's protection of our heart,
13:58of all the vital organs of our spiritual being.
14:02And here's the beauty of this.
14:04Where do we get this breastplate of righteousness?
14:07We got it at the cross.
14:09We got it at the moment we were saved.
14:11When we were saved,
14:12God took our sin upon himself
14:14and gave us his righteousness,
14:15and his righteousness is our breastplate.
14:19It's what protects us.
14:20When Satan comes to accuse us,
14:22he can say whatever he wants to say,
14:24but here I am.
14:25I'm standing in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
14:27I know David Jeremiah fails, but Jesus Christ never does,
14:30so if you want to attack me, you gotta get through Jesus,
14:33and Jesus is my protection.
14:35And then he talks about the shoes of the gospel of peace.
14:39Roman soldiers wore sandals with hobnails in the soles
14:43to give them footing for the battle.
14:45If we're going to stand and withstand,
14:47then we need the shoes of the gospel.
14:49Now, let me just remind you of something.
14:51This is not a strategy for Christians
14:55to go after the devil.
14:57It's not that at all.
14:58We are not to get up every morning and say,
15:00okay, I'm gonna go get the devil.
15:01I hear people say this all the time.
15:03I'm gonna go make that devil,
15:04and they talk all about how they're gonna do it.
15:06No, we're not called to do that.
15:07We're not called to attack the devil.
15:09We're called to stand our ground
15:11that was given to us by the Lord Jesus.
15:13He gave us the ground we stand on.
15:15Now he says to you,
15:16stand the ground and don't let Satan
15:18come anywhere near who you are in Christ.
15:21When you're standing against somebody,
15:22you gotta have good traction.
15:23You gotta be able to put your feet down
15:25in the ground and hold.
15:26And so, Paul is using that to remind us
15:29that the thing that gives us the strategy
15:31for the incoming attacks of the enemy
15:34is the strength of the gospel.
15:36We are strong because we are a part of the gospel narrative.
15:41Christ has come, and he saved us.
15:43We stand in the strength of the gospel.
15:45We have our gospel shoes on,
15:46and they're sunk down deep into the ground,
15:48and Satan, you can't move us
15:50because we know who we are.
15:52We know what we were,
15:53and we know what the difference is.
15:55It's the gospel of Jesus Christ.
15:57He has made us who we are.
16:00The gospel of peace is the wonderful truth
16:02that in Christ we are no longer enemies with God.
16:05We stand in the confidence of God's love for us,
16:08and we stand in the power of the Lord,
16:10and we resist the evil one who comes after us.
16:13Can't get us because of who we were
16:15because the breast of righteousness is on us.
16:17Can't take us away from what we believe
16:19because the truth is around us.
16:21Can't take over our territory
16:23because we've sunk our feet down deep
16:25into the gospel soil and holding fast.
16:28And then he talks about the shield of faith.
16:31This may be my favorite piece of armor.
16:33Above all, taking the shield of faith
16:36by which you will be able to quench
16:38all of the fiery darts of the wicked one.
16:41Now, the Roman shield was usually about four feet of wood
16:44covered with tough leather,
16:46and the soldier held it before him.
16:48You've seen, sometimes you see police shows
16:50where they go in with these big shields.
16:52They're gonna go in and make a bust or something,
16:54and all of the soldiers have these big shields
16:56and they're walking behind them.
16:58That was kind of like what we're talking about here.
17:00They had these shields.
17:02They didn't have metal and deflecting material like we have,
17:04but they had strong leather.
17:06And oftentimes when people would come against these soldiers,
17:09they would do so by dipping the tip of their arrows
17:11into fluid and setting them on fire,
17:14and they would shoot these fiery arrows at the enemy.
17:17Well, the shield of faith was built to quench those darts
17:21so that they couldn't hurt you.
17:23Proverbs 30, verse 5 says,
17:25"'Every word of God is pure.
17:27He is a shield to those who put their trust in him.'"
17:31Psalm 1830 says,
17:33"'As for God, his way is perfect.
17:35The word of the Lord is proven.
17:37He is a shield to all who trust in him.'"
17:39We're gonna talk about this in just a moment,
17:41but God has given us the way
17:43that we don't ever have to be hurt
17:45by any of the enemy's fiery darts,
17:48any of the things he tries to shoot at us, to wound us.
17:52Before we get there, though,
17:54there's one other piece of armament we need to talk about,
17:56and that's the helmet of salvation.
17:58And take the helmet of salvation.
18:01The helmet of salvation in the Roman armament
18:04was to put on your head to protect you
18:06so that your brain would not be injured
18:09in any kind of incident,
18:11because your brain is the whole deal, right?
18:13Your brain goes, you're dead.
18:15And so the helmet of salvation
18:17was a picture of protecting your mind,
18:19protecting your brain.
18:21Satan is after your mind.
18:23He's after my mind.
18:25He wants to divert us from the simplicity
18:27of the gospel and the truth.
18:29When God controls the mind, Satan can't get to you
18:32because your mind is the entryway into your spirit.
18:36How do you get corrupted?
18:38You get corrupted, for instance, through pornography.
18:41Pornography comes into your mind,
18:43and then it corrupts your whole being.
18:45Your mind is so critical.
18:47And could I just say to you,
18:49take an inventory of how you're doing with your mind,
18:52what you're watching on the internet,
18:54what you're watching on television, what you're reading,
18:56what you're filling your mind with,
18:58because sooner or later, if you'll let your mind
19:00get corrupted, it'll corrupt the whole you,
19:02and you will be a ruined person.
19:04Your mind is worth protecting.
19:06Your mind is important. My mind is important.
19:09I need to make sure that I fill my mind
19:11with the right sort of things
19:13so that evil has no place to exist
19:15when it knocks on the door.
19:17You don't get rid of evil in your mind
19:19by bucking up and saying,
19:21I will not let that happen to me.
19:23No, you take care of that by making sure
19:25you're constantly having an inflow of truth
19:27into your mind,
19:29and truth will dispense the evil for you.
19:31But if you don't do that,
19:33you're gonna be looking back and wish you had.
19:35If you look at all these pieces of implementation
19:38in the Roman armor,
19:40all of them up to this point are defensive,
19:43things you put on to keep from something happening to you.
19:46But there is one offensive weapon,
19:49and it's my joy to be telling you about that
19:52because it's a really great tool.
19:54The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
19:58Oh, you say, Pastor, that must be the Bible.
20:00No, it's not the Bible.
20:02The sword of the Spirit are the sayings from the Bible
20:06that are directed to a specific target
20:09or something that's happening in your mind, in your heart.
20:12When you wield the sword of the Spirit,
20:15it's because you have learned some of the Scripture,
20:18and when these moments come when you're under attack,
20:21you know where to go to get the right sword,
20:23so you go into the arsenal, which is this book,
20:25and you pull out a sword,
20:27and you use that sword against the enemy.
20:30Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness
20:33to be tempted by the devil.
20:35And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterward,
20:38he was hungry.
20:40And when the tempter, Satan, came to him, he said,
20:42if you are the Son of God,
20:44command that these stones become bread.
20:47In other words, Jesus, I know you're hungry.
20:49You're the Creator.
20:51You don't have to go look for food.
20:53There's no 7-Elevens around here.
20:55Just say, stones become bread.
20:58And Jesus said, it is written.
21:01Here it is. It is written.
21:04Man shall not live by bread alone,
21:06but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.
21:09There, take that.
21:11So, Satan backs up.
21:13He doesn't give up. Did you know that?
21:15Satan is not a one-time accuser.
21:17He keeps after you, and he keeps after you.
21:19So, the story goes on.
21:21And the devil took him up to the holy city
21:23and put him on a pinnacle of the temple
21:25and said to him,
21:27if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down,
21:29for it is written,
21:31he shall give his angels charge over you.
21:33In other words, Jesus, put on a show.
21:36Put on a show for everybody.
21:38Jump off the top of the temple building,
21:40and when you land, you'll be safe,
21:42and everybody will say, oh, look at what a great person that is.
21:46And Jesus said, it is written.
21:50He just pulled out another sword.
21:53And Jesus said to him, it is written again,
21:55you shall not tempt the Lord your God.
21:58Every time Satan tempted Jesus, what did Jesus do?
22:03He pulled out a saying from the Bible.
22:05He didn't just throw the whole Bible at him.
22:07He knew where the sayings were
22:09that would be devastating to Satan's attack,
22:11and he kept pulling out these swords.
22:13And here's the amazing thing.
22:15This will kill you.
22:17All of these swords are from the book of Deuteronomy.
22:20Who reads Deuteronomy?
22:23Jesus read Deuteronomy.
22:26And do you know there's swords in Deuteronomy?
22:28There's swords in every book in this Bible.
22:30And when you read the Bible, you start getting swords,
22:33and once in a while, you'll be going along
22:35and something will come at you,
22:37and a verse of Scripture will flash into your mind.
22:39You haven't thought of it maybe in years,
22:41but it's a verse that's somehow in the back of your memory,
22:44and God uses that verse to help you overcome a temptation
22:47or to have the right answer to an accusation.
22:50The Bible says if you want to be strong
22:52in your attempt to overcome the enemy,
22:55you gotta be a good swordsman.
22:58You have to learn how to use the Word of God.
23:01Hebrews says the Word of God is living and powerful
23:04and sharper than any two-edged sword.
23:07It pierces even to the division of soul and spirit
23:10and joints and marrow,
23:12and it is a discerner of the thoughts
23:14and intents of the heart.
23:16This is God's Word,
23:19and in God's Word there are many swords.
23:22Do you know any of them?
23:24Have you built up your arsenal, your own personal?
23:26You know, you say, well, which one should I use?
23:29Don't ask me that question. You already know.
23:31You know how Satan comes after you.
23:33You do, don't you?
23:35What he does most often to discourage you,
23:38to threaten you, to belittle you,
23:41whatever it is he does in the sword arena,
23:45you will find something specifically for you.
23:49You don't have to look very hard,
23:51and you might even find one in Deuteronomy.
23:53You never know.
23:56So, what I want to say to you is this.
23:58You have within your power everything you need
24:02to be victorious against the enemy.
24:04You don't have to be a victim. You can be a victor.
24:07You don't have to be defeated.
24:09You can be victorious in your war,
24:11but it takes a little effort on your part,
24:13and you can't go along ignoring it like it's not there,
24:16saying, well, I don't happen to believe
24:18in that part of the Bible.
24:20Well, that's really sad.
24:22I remember hearing a story about Napoleon
24:24during his attempt to conquer
24:26every civilization in the known world.
24:28He was meeting one day with his various lieutenants,
24:31and he spread out a large map of the world,
24:33and he pointed to a single spot, and he said,
24:35sirs, if it were not for that red spot,
24:38I could conquer the world.
24:40And that red spot represented Great Britain,
24:42the same nation whose armies ultimately defeated Napoleon
24:45at the Battle of Waterloo.
24:47In a similar way, I can imagine Satan surrounded
24:50by his minions and talking about his plans
24:53for spiritual domination, and I can see our enemy
24:56pointing to the hilltop of Calvary
24:58where Jesus' blood was spilled, and I can hear him say,
25:00if it were not for that red spot, I could rule the world.
25:05That red spot is what has made all the difference
25:07in our spiritual struggle against evil.
25:10The truth is that we don't have to live in fear of Satan,
25:13our enemy, nor do we have to be afraid
25:15of the demons at his command,
25:17but we must take on serious attitudes
25:20about the armor of the believer.
25:23Oh, what a wonderful thing it is to be a warrior.
25:26More than ever before, I believe that what God has called me
25:29to do is to be a soldier.
25:31I'm a soldier in Jesus Christ, and I need to keep
25:33soldiering on and keep doing what God has called me to do,
25:36obey the orders, get up every day and go to war,
25:39and know that God is with you, and what he's called me to do,
25:41he's called you to do.
25:52Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:54When you give a gift of any amount in support
25:56of this program, Dr. Jeremiah will send you,
25:59in appreciation, his new book,
26:01Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
26:04And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
26:07Dr. Jeremiah will send you the Belief That Behaves set,
26:10which contains his new book,
26:12his complete two-volume teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:15and two correlating study guides.
26:18Thank you for your support.
26:20Request these resources when you contact Turning Point today.
26:26Thank you for joining us on Turning Point
26:28as Dr. Jeremiah taught from the Book of Ephesians
26:31and shared the many blessings that believers have through Christ.
26:34But if you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ before,
26:37Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you take your first steps
26:40by sending you two resources.
26:42The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:45which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:48And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:51Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:53and inspiration throughout the year.
26:55These resources are yours completely free
26:58when you contact Turning Point today.
27:00Turning Point Plus is a BibleStrong library
27:03of on-demand teaching from Dr. David Jeremiah.
27:06Over 40 years of BibleStrong teaching and more,
27:10available on all your favorite devices.
27:13Watch the Turning Point series you love at any time.
27:17Plus, discover new, never-before-seen collections today.
27:21Visit turningpointplus.org to get started.
27:31Next time on Turning Point...
27:35Anyone can pray, anytime, anywhere, for anything.
27:38We've learned that today.
27:40But you have to do it.
27:42You have to be willing not to get discouraged
27:44and give up on yourself and give up on prayer.
27:47Thank you for being with us today.
27:49Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:52All Prayer.
27:57Here on Turning Point.
28:01Thousands of Christians take cruises for their vacations.
28:04So why not take a cruise with Turning Point?
28:07Enjoy a Bible conference on the water.
28:09When you set sail with David and Donna Jeremiah,
28:11you'll experience exciting ports and activities,
28:14and uplifting daily times of worship,
28:16Bible teaching, and fellowship.
28:18More than just a getaway, it's a time to refresh,
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28:23Call or go online for more details.