• last year
00:00There are more than 45,000 self-help books published each year, over 200,000
00:07podcasts in the personal development category. But what if I told you all pale
00:12in comparison to the spiritual development one small book can have on
00:16your life and faith? Just six chapters, 2,000 words and 20 minutes of your time.
00:22Yet its impact lasts a lifetime. It succinctly and powerfully explains what
00:29it means to believe and how to discover God's calling for you. How to find
00:34purpose, overcome obstacles, connect with others, claim a life you love, endure
00:40difficulty, experience the fullness of life, love without limits, and ultimately
00:46be the follower of Christ you've always wanted to be. Join me in God's Word as we
00:52find the proven way to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures. A
00:58belief that behaves. It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:06Coming up on Turning Point. You're in one body with all the other Christians. You've
01:12got one Holy Spirit living in your heart. You've got one hope that heaven is
01:15coming and you have one Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ who is, the Bible says, one
01:21day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the
01:26glory of God the Father. We have one Lord. Amen.
01:34Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices, and behaves in Dr. David
01:40Jeremiah's new book, Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians. In this rich study
01:45of Paul's beloved epistle, Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means to be a follower
01:49of Christ in practical terms and how we should act or behave as believers.
01:54Through 19 chapters, you'll discover God's how-to guide to the Christian life,
01:59including resolving conflict with others, successful marriage and parenting,
02:02finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks, and praying effectively.
02:07Ephesians has the power to change your life at home, at church, and at work.
02:12Request Belief That Behaves by Dr. Jeremiah when you give a gift of any
02:16amount in support of Turning Point. Or if you give a gift of $75 or more,
02:20Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation, the Belief That Behaves set,
02:24which contains his new book, his complete two-volume teaching series on your choice
02:28of CD or DVD, and two correlating study guides. From the first verse to the last,
02:33the truths contained in Ephesians will fill your heart with joy and strengthen
02:37your relationships with others. Request the Belief That Behaves book or study set,
02:42new from Dr. Jeremiah, when you contact Turning Point today.
02:46Thank you for watching Turning Point. And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
02:54The Oneness of Our Faith.
02:56On the night before his crucifixion, this was the prayer that Jesus prayed.
03:03I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one.
03:09As you are in me, Father, and I am in you.
03:12May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me
03:17and that you love them as much as you love me.
03:24That was Jesus' prayer on the night before he died on the cross.
03:30And Jesus wasn't the only one who was concerned about this.
03:33When Paul wrote his letters in the New Testament, some of the prison epistles
03:37and the other letters, if you go through these letters and you look for it,
03:40you will find some kind of unity message in almost every epistle.
03:45But the one that is the best commentary on unity in the whole Bible is the passage
03:49that is before us today in Ephesians.
03:52Notice Paul's plea for unity.
03:56In verse one of chapter four, he said,
03:59I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling
04:03with which you are called.
04:06The book of Ephesians, as you know, is a book that was written by Paul
04:09while he was a prisoner in the Roman prison.
04:12But look at the language he uses in verse one.
04:15He doesn't call himself a prisoner of Rome.
04:18He doesn't call himself a prisoner of Nero.
04:20He says, I'm a prisoner of the Lord.
04:23In other words, the Lord put me here.
04:25I am here under the direction of the Lord.
04:27I'm a prisoner of the Lord.
04:29And some people wonder why he would say that.
04:31I think he said it to give credibility to his own message that he's about to give.
04:35He is in chains, in prison, and his heart is burdened
04:39for the unity of the church.
04:41So he writes to the church in Ephesus with this powerful message.
04:46He says, I want you to be unified.
04:49And he goes on to talk about this.
04:51He says, I'm the prisoner of the Lord, and I beseech you that you walk worthy
04:55of your calling with which you are called.
04:58That's a really powerful statement.
05:00He said, Ephesian believers, you have been called by God to be a Christian.
05:05You're Christians, you have received the calling.
05:07That's what it means, you've become, you are now called to Christians
05:10because Christ came and invaded your life.
05:14Now, he says, listen, you're Christians, but learn how to walk worthy of who you are.
05:19You're a Christian.
05:21In other words, don't do things that are not Christian.
05:23Don't do things that violate who you are.
05:26Now, in case we don't know what that means, he's going to give us some points of unity.
05:31In fact, I don't know if you've noticed in this verse, there's a repetition of a word,
05:36and the word is one, O-N-E.
05:39It's in the passage of Ephesians 4, 4 through 6.
05:43It's in that passage seven times.
05:46Let me tell you something about Bible study.
05:47When you see something repeated, take note.
05:50This passage is about one, oneness, unity.
05:56The Bible says that you're to be unified because you're in one body.
06:01That's the first unity.
06:03What does that mean?
06:05Well, here's what it means.
06:06When you become a Christian, when you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,
06:09according to the Bible, you become part of everybody else who's a Christian
06:14throughout the whole wide world.
06:16That's called the universal church, sometimes referred to as the invisible church.
06:21That's the big church.
06:22Everybody who's a Christian, no matter where you come from, what your background is,
06:26if you've accepted Jesus Christ, you are a bonafide brother or sister
06:31with every other Christian in the world.
06:33You know what?
06:33That's why when you travel and you meet somebody and they have a distinctiveness
06:37about them, you just say, are you a Christian?
06:39And half the time they are.
06:41They have your DNA.
06:42They're part of your family.
06:44Paul said, one of the unities we have is that we are all in one body.
06:49And then he adds, and there is one spirit.
06:53He says there's not just one body, there's one spirit.
06:57Did you know there are not multiple versions of the Holy Spirit?
07:00There's no Holy Spirit for America, Holy Spirit for Africa,
07:03another Holy Spirit for Asia.
07:04There's only one Holy Spirit.
07:07If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit lives within you.
07:11Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12, for by one spirit, we were all baptized
07:16into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether slaves or free,
07:21and we have been made to drink into one spirit.
07:24The Holy Spirit, ladies and gentlemen, resides in every believer.
07:29A lot of things happen to you when you get saved, you're probably not aware of.
07:32But let me tell you, when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior,
07:36the Holy Spirit immediately comes to indwell your being.
07:39He lives within you.
07:40Where does the Holy Spirit live today?
07:42He lives in believers.
07:43He doesn't live out in space.
07:44You know what I know?
07:46When the rapture comes and all the church is taken away,
07:48the Holy Spirit exits this globe.
07:51That's one of the reasons all hell breaks loose in the tribulation.
07:53There's no restraining influence left.
07:55The Holy Spirit is gone.
07:57Because the Holy Spirit lives in us.
07:59When you become a Christian, you get the Holy Spirit.
08:01You are in one body made up of all believers.
08:04Celebrate that.
08:06You have one spirit living in you who lives in every other body.
08:09You have the DNA of the Holy Spirit.
08:13And then he says there's one hope.
08:14Now, this is not, I wish it were so, hope.
08:17This is, I know it is so, hope.
08:19Paul says that every one of us in the body of Christ
08:21who has one spirit living within us,
08:23we have one central hope.
08:25What is that hope?
08:26The return of Jesus Christ to receive us unto himself.
08:30The Bible says there are two things about this hope.
08:32One is the hope of the resurrection.
08:33The other is the hope of the return.
08:35The hope of the resurrection is for those of you
08:37who have loved ones who've already died
08:39and they're Christians.
08:40They're in their grave.
08:42And you know what the Bible says?
08:43When Jesus comes back, they're gonna go up first,
08:45and then the Bible says,
08:46and then we shall be joined together with them.
08:48That is the hope of every Christian.
08:50That's why when Christians die, there's always sadness,
08:53but there's not despair.
08:55We know that death is not the end.
08:57It's the beginning of a new existence
08:59and ultimately a glorious existence
09:02with the Lord Jesus Christ.
09:04So, here's what Paul is saying.
09:06Here's what I want you to know.
09:07He says, we're one.
09:09There's oneness in our faith.
09:10We have one body we're all in.
09:12We have one spirit who lives within us,
09:13and we're all looking for the same thing.
09:15We're either looking for the resurrection
09:17or we're looking for the rapture because we're Christians
09:20so we know that Jesus has promised that he is coming back.
09:25And then he says, there's one Lord.
09:27Now, I'm gonna pause here for just a moment
09:28and give this one a little extra time.
09:32One Lord, there's just one, not many, just one.
09:36I know some of you people hear folks say to you
09:38when you go to work, well, I have my God
09:40and you have your God.
09:40No, there's not many gods.
09:41There's one God and one Lord.
09:44He's not one among many, and I'm gonna prove it to you
09:46in a very interesting way.
09:48If you go to Rome today, one of the buildings
09:50that still is pretty much intact is the Pantheon.
09:55Now, let me take that apart.
09:56The word pan means all, and theos means God.
10:00The Pantheon is a place for all gods,
10:02and if you walked into that building,
10:04you would see shelves where the different pagan gods
10:06have been placed.
10:08And when the Romans would go
10:09and fight against another nation,
10:12they would bring back captives when they won,
10:14but they would also bring back all of their gods.
10:17Guess what they did with them?
10:18They put them in their Pantheon.
10:20The Romans had this deal.
10:21If you get enough gods, there's gonna be one there
10:23for everybody and for everything you're going through.
10:25Go find a god for this and god for that.
10:27The problem is there's only one God.
10:29Now, let me ask you this question.
10:31Do you know why the Christians were killed by the Romans?
10:34Romans weren't angry at Christians
10:36because they were Christians.
10:38In fact, the Romans were very accepting of other religions
10:41based upon their Pantheon.
10:43But the Romans came to the Christians
10:45who said, Jesus Christ is our Lord,
10:48and they wanted to put their Lord in the Pantheon,
10:50and the Christians said,
10:51we're not putting our God on the same shelf
10:54with Jupiter and Juno.
10:55No, he's one Lord.
10:57He's not among many lords.
10:59He's not going in the Pantheon.
11:00And they fed the Christians to the lions.
11:04They fed the Christians not because they were Christians,
11:07but because they said there is one Lord.
11:09I need to tell you, that's a hard saying today.
11:12Everybody wants to be, you know, kind
11:14and let's all get along and all that,
11:16and your God is as good as my.
11:18No, I mean, I hate to say this,
11:20but the Bible doesn't teach that.
11:21The Bible says that there's one Lord, one Lord.
11:25That's it.
11:26The Bible says there's one man between God and us,
11:30and that man is Christ Jesus.
11:33And Jesus himself said this.
11:34He said, I am the way, Jesus talking,
11:38I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.
11:43Now, in case you don't understand that,
11:44he added another sentence.
11:46No man comes to the Father except through me.
11:50You say, isn't that kind of hard line?
11:53Well, I just want to be what the Bible says I should be.
11:56The Bible says that's true.
11:57There are not many religions that lead to the same place.
12:00If you want to go to heaven, you have to find Jesus Christ
12:03and accept him as your Savior.
12:05He is the only way to heaven.
12:08And the Bible says when you're a Christian
12:09and you come to grips with that,
12:11now you can celebrate the fact that you're in one body
12:13with all the other Christians.
12:15You've got one Holy Spirit living in your heart.
12:17You've got one hope that heaven is coming,
12:19and you have one Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ,
12:22who is, the Bible says, one day every knee will bow
12:26and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
12:29to the glory of God the Father.
12:31We have one Lord, amen?
12:33So, then he says, we have one faith.
12:37Oh, you say, Pastor, there are many faiths.
12:39No, that's not what he's talking about.
12:40He's saying, as Christians, we have one faith.
12:43What is our faith?
12:44We have this book that instructs us to do what we need to do.
12:48This book will tell you how to get to heaven,
12:50and it will also tell you how to get along on your way to heaven.
12:54This is God's book of instruction.
12:56You want to know how to live the Christian life,
12:58you've got to read this book.
13:00You want to know how to be successful and prosperous
13:01as a Christian businessman, you've got to read this book.
13:04You want to be a good, godly Christian parent,
13:06you'll find some great things in this book.
13:08All the things you need to be a Christian is in your book,
13:12the Bible, and that's your faith.
13:13And Jude tells us that our faith has been once for all
13:16delivered to the saints.
13:18What does that mean?
13:19We have everything God wants us to know.
13:21If somebody comes along and says to you,
13:22I know this is not in the Bible, Pastor.
13:24Whoa, that's not what I'm talking about.
13:28Pastor, whoa, if it's new, it's not true
13:32when it comes to your faith,
13:34because God has said everything he's going to say
13:36about our faith in between the two covers of this book
13:40we call the Bible.
13:41And there's one baptism, and boy, I'm going to stop here
13:44and talk to you for a minute.
13:47You're probably thinking there's many kinds of baptisms.
13:49Maybe you come from a different tradition.
13:50You know, I know of several kinds of baptisms.
13:54Some people get sprinkled, and some people get poured.
13:57They actually pour water on them,
13:59and some people are dunked.
14:01That's what they call our baptism.
14:03And you know what?
14:04Back in the Midwest, there are some churches
14:06that practice this doctrine, triune immersion.
14:10You know what that is?
14:11Triune means three.
14:13When you get baptized once for the Father,
14:15once for the Son, and once for the Holy Spirit,
14:18you come out dried as a prune, but you get baptized.
14:21Now, baptism is a very important thing,
14:24and I'm not making light of it at all.
14:27Baptism is so important in the Bible
14:29because it's the first command that is given
14:32to every person who becomes a Christian.
14:34It is also commanded when you preach,
14:36go into all the world and preach the gospel,
14:38baptizing those who believe.
14:40That's what the Scripture says.
14:42He says there's one body, one spirit, one hope,
14:44one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
14:46and the final of the seven is one God.
14:49We are monotheists, not polytheists.
14:52We're monotheists.
14:53That means we believe in one God.
14:56Paul started his seven points with this statement.
14:59There's a body of Christ, and he ends his statement
15:02by saying because there's a body of Christ,
15:04there's one God.
15:06Have you ever noticed, as you study these lists of unity,
15:08what's not there?
15:11There's nothing in here about our worship style.
15:13There's nothing in here about the kind of seats we sit in.
15:17There's nothing in here about the color of carpet
15:19in the auditorium.
15:21There's nothing in here about the ethnicity
15:23of the pastor who's preaching.
15:24Here's the one I love.
15:26There's nothing in here about the age you have to be
15:28when you quit preaching.
15:29There's nothing in here about that.
15:32All of these things are incidental.
15:34We aren't gonna agree about all of these things,
15:36but Paul says, here's what you need to agree about.
15:38Listen to me.
15:39You need to agree that there's one body, one spirit,
15:41one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God.
15:45Stay unified on those things.
15:48Disagree about everything else if you want to,
15:50but never disagree about the things
15:53which are the unity of the body of Christ,
15:56the points of unity.
15:57Now, let me give you some practical things
16:00that Paul wants us to know.
16:02You say, well, Pastor Jeremiah, I know we're supposed
16:03to be unified, but man, man, I went to this church
16:06and that church, and we...
16:08Let me tell you how you maintain unity.
16:10Here it is.
16:11I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,
16:12beseech you to walk worthy of the calling
16:14with which you were called, and how do you do that?
16:16Watch this.
16:17With all lowliness and gentleness and longsuffering,
16:21bearing with one another in love,
16:23endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit
16:25in the bond of peace.
16:27Now, Paul gives us some really practical things
16:30to help us understand.
16:32If you want to have unity in a body,
16:33or if you want to have unity with your staff
16:35where you work, even in the secular environment,
16:38humility has to be a little bit a part of what you do.
16:41He says, do this with all lowliness.
16:43It's a phrase for humility.
16:46And the first thing we need to do to retain unity
16:48in the church is humble ourselves.
16:51Get over ourselves.
16:53Quit thinking we're the whole package.
16:56Unity starts with humility.
16:59We can't be filled with ourselves and maintain unity.
17:02We can't be puffed up.
17:03We can't think of ourselves as better than others
17:06without causing separation and discord.
17:10The Lord Jesus, we are told, humbled himself
17:12and became one of us so that he could be our leader
17:15and take us to heaven.
17:17We need to practice humility.
17:19Humility is necessary for unity in the church.
17:22And then he says meekness.
17:23What is meekness?
17:25Meekness is power under control.
17:29Meekness is having all the power,
17:32but not always feeling like you gotta demonstrate
17:34that you have all the power.
17:36Listen, somebody once told me this.
17:37If you have to keep telling everybody you're the leader,
17:40you're not.
17:42You have to be the leader by who you are
17:44and how you function.
17:46With humility and meekness,
17:48have this power from God and use it sparingly
17:51when the time comes.
17:53Humility with all lowliness.
17:56Patience is the next one with all longsuffering.
18:02If you've been a part of a church for any length of time,
18:04you know that it takes some patience
18:06because while we all believe on these things,
18:08we're all different.
18:09We come from every different background
18:11and we think about things differently,
18:13especially those ancillary things.
18:16We need to be patient with one another.
18:18Don't think, oh, I got this, and you jump off
18:20and tell everybody why they're wrong, and you're right.
18:24The one I like the best in this list is the last one,
18:28Forbearance is a word that means literally
18:31putting up with one another.
18:33Isn't that great?
18:34When you're in a body of church or organization,
18:37there has to be a certain amount of just being willing
18:39to put up with one another.
18:40I mean, some of y'all do some crazy things,
18:42but I put up with you.
18:44And I know that I say some crazy things,
18:46and you put up with me.
18:48We put up with each other because way beyond all of that
18:51are the oneness things of who we are in Christ.
18:54We are one.
18:58Now, somebody says,
19:03how hard is it to do this?
19:04Well, look at verse 3 in Ephesians 4.
19:07It says,
19:08endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit
19:11in the bond of peace.
19:12Unity is hard to maintain.
19:14Unity takes work on the part of leadership
19:16and people in the church.
19:17You have to endeavor to do it.
19:19Sometimes I've thought during periods of my time here
19:22that endeavoring to keep the unity
19:24was the hardest thing I was doing.
19:25It was the hardest work I did,
19:27but I'm so thankful I did it
19:29because to have unity, you have to work at it.
19:31You have to, it's just not gonna happen.
19:33How many of you know we don't just naturally
19:35get along with each other?
19:37We didn't wake up one day, we're Christians,
19:38and we just, oh, yes, we're all fine.
19:40No, unity takes effort on our part.
19:42We have to work at it.
19:44I usually read a lot of books when I'm on summer break,
19:47and this book was recommended to me.
19:49It was on the New York Times bestseller list.
19:52It's a secular book, but, man, was it ever a fun read.
19:56It's called, Boys in the Boat,
19:58and it's the story of the 1936
20:01University of Washington crew team.
20:04This crew team won a gold medal in the Olympics in 1936,
20:10and they were from the backwoods of Washington State.
20:16Author Daniel James Brown shows how the University
20:19of Washington built this team from kids
20:21who were raised on farms, logging towns, near shipyards,
20:26and when they started to work together,
20:28they blew away their California rivals,
20:31and they finally went and started to play
20:33the Ivy League schools, which really,
20:35they're known for their crew teams.
20:37One by one, they beat the Ivy League teams,
20:40and when they got to the Olympics,
20:42everybody laughed, wondered how that ever happened,
20:45and said they would never, ever win anything,
20:49but they won the Olympics in 1936,
20:51one of the most unusual things to ever happen,
20:53and the book is filled with chapters
20:55about what they had to do to do this,
20:57and the stories of the battles they fought
21:00to win this thing.
21:01Truly a motivational book.
21:03If you wanna read something, it's a good book,
21:06but Daniel Brown explained the secret to their success,
21:09and this is what he said.
21:11He said races are won by crews,
21:15and great crews are carefully balanced blends
21:17of both physical and personality types.
21:21A crew, he said, that is composed entirely
21:24of eight amped-up, overly aggressive oarsmen
21:27will often disintegrate into a dysfunctional brawl
21:29in the boat or exhaust itself before the first leg
21:32of the race has been accomplished.
21:35And he said, similarly, a boatload of quiet
21:37but strong introverts may never find the common core
21:40of fiery resolve that causes the boat
21:42to explode past its competitors when all seems lost.
21:47He said good crews are good blends of personalities,
21:51someone to lead the charge,
21:52someone to hold something in reserve,
21:54someone to pick a fight, someone to make peace,
21:57someone to think things through,
21:59someone to charge ahead without thinking.
22:01Somehow, all of this has to mesh,
22:03and that's the steepest challenge, he said.
22:06It's an exquisite thing when it all comes together
22:09in just the right way.
22:10You just might win the Olympics with a team like that.
22:15And that's a good illustration of biblical unity, isn't it?
22:18The Bible says we've all been given a gift.
22:20They're not the same.
22:21There's at least 19 different gifts mentioned
22:24in the Scripture that God gives to those of us
22:26who are Christians.
22:27Whatever your gift is, you bring it to the table.
22:29I bring mine to the table.
22:30We mesh these gifts together,
22:32and we come out with a glorious thing called the church.
22:35We know that I'm equipped to do this.
22:37We bring this, and he brings that,
22:39and she brings this, and I bring this.
22:41And we mesh them all together,
22:43and we have this incredible team
22:45that makes it possible for us
22:46to do the work of God with excellence.
22:50One more story to help you see how this fits together.
22:54The sequoia trees that are located in California
22:57are some of the biggest trees in the world.
23:00When I go to Hume Lake, I go to this grove up there
23:04where these trees grow, and I'm always just like,
23:06you just want to bow down.
23:07You want to get on your knees and worship.
23:09It's such an amazing thing, the sequoia trees.
23:13The largest one is 275 feet tall,
23:17and it is 25 feet in diameter.
23:20It's approximately 2,500 years old.
23:23And we put this up on the screen,
23:26and we measured it out, you guys.
23:28That is the exact size of the trunk of that tree,
23:31the Sherman tree.
23:33And probably some of you have seen these trees are so large
23:35they've gone through and carved holes in them
23:37and driven cars through the middle of the tree.
23:40I have some pictures of that.
23:42The sequoia tree is an unbelievable evidence of God.
23:47But you see, it's so different than what you think.
23:50You would think, you know, if this tree's gonna survive,
23:52they must have roots that are 40 feet in the ground
23:56holding it up.
23:57The interesting thing is they don't have roots
23:59that go down more than six feet.
24:03They withstand strong winds, earthquakes, fire,
24:05storms, prolonged flooding.
24:07How can something that weighs 500 tons,
24:11reaches 350 feet in the air,
24:14and lived for so many centuries,
24:16keep standing with roots that only go down six to 10 feet?
24:21Here's the secret.
24:23Beneath the surface of these humongous, tall,
24:26statuesque trees are roots like an army of men
24:30who have joined their arms and interlocked them together.
24:34They are preventing the adversary of life
24:35from knocking them down.
24:37They don't grow by themselves, they grow in groves.
24:40The roots of a sequoia tree doesn't go down deep at all,
24:43but they intertwine and connect with the roots
24:45of the other trees nearby.
24:47So working together, all these incredibly tall sequoia trees
24:51create a great system of strength and stability
24:54that allows individual trees to withstand the storms of life.
24:58They grow not alone, they grow in groves.
25:02And they join together in their root structure
25:06so that the trees are stable.
25:09I have to tell you, men and women,
25:10that's what the church is supposed to be.
25:12Bring our unity, put it in the center,
25:15get together as God's people, interlock our arms,
25:19say, bring it on, Satan, we're ready to meet the challenge,
25:22to beat the war that's coming at us.
25:26We better learn how to be strong for each other,
25:29to get our roots intertwined,
25:31and stand up for the unity that is ours in Jesus Christ.
25:34That is my prayer, amen.
25:48Thank you for watching Turning Point.
25:49When you give a gift of any amount
25:51in support of this program,
25:53Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation,
25:55his new book, Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
25:59And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
26:02Dr. Jeremiah will send you The Belief That Behaves set,
26:06which contains his new book,
26:07his complete two-volume teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:11and two correlating study guides.
26:13Thank you for your support.
26:15Request these resources
26:16when you contact Turning Point today.
26:21Thank you for joining us on Turning Point,
26:23as Dr. Jeremiah taught from the Book of Ephesians,
26:26and shared the many blessings
26:28that believers have through Christ.
26:30But if you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ before,
26:33Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you take your first steps
26:36by sending you two resources.
26:38The first is a booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:41which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:44And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:47Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:49and inspiration throughout the year.
26:52These resources are yours completely free
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27:10Plus, for the young ones in your life,
27:12the Airship Genesis Pathway to Jesus mobile game,
27:15an engaging narrative puzzle adventure game
27:18that explores the life of Jesus.
27:20Available now on the App Store.
27:26Next time on Turning Point.
27:29When the church functions as he has designed it to function,
27:32with everybody doing their part,
27:34with the pastors helping people be equipped
27:37to do their work, the result of that is
27:40everybody is getting to know, know God,
27:43know Jesus better than they would before.
27:46Thank you for being with us today.
27:48Join Dr. Jeremiah next time for his message,
27:52The Diversity of Unity, here on Turning Point.
28:00Dr. David Jeremiah is delivering
28:02the unchanging Word of God every month
28:04to more than half a million homes
28:06through Turning Point's magazine and devotional.
28:08Request your first issue now
28:10to read inspirational, in-depth articles
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