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00:00Releasing this fall, The Coming Golden Age,
00:03a new prophecy book by Dr. David Jeremiah.
00:05Inside, he reveals 31 fascinating biblical insights
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01:01God's calling for you, how to find purpose,
01:05overcome obstacles, connect with others,
01:08claim a life you love, endure difficulty,
01:11experience the fullness of life, love without limits,
01:15and ultimately, be the follower of Christ
01:18you've always wanted to be.
01:21Join me in God's Word as we find the proven way
01:23to build a belief that thrives, impacts, and endures.
01:28A belief that behaves.
01:30It all starts with the book of Ephesians.
01:37Coming up on Turning Point.
01:39Anyone can pray, anytime, anywhere, for anything.
01:43We've learned that today.
01:44But you have to do it.
01:45You have to be willing not to get discouraged
01:48and give up on yourself and give up on prayer.
01:53Discover a belief that restores, relates, rejoices,
01:56and behaves in Dr. David Jeremiah's new book,
01:59Belief That Behaves, The Book of Ephesians.
02:02In this rich study of Paul's beloved epistle,
02:04Dr. Jeremiah explores what it means
02:06to be a follower of Christ in practical terms
02:09and how we should act or behave as believers.
02:12Through 19 chapters, you'll discover
02:14God's how-to guide to the Christian life,
02:16including resolving conflict with others,
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02:20finding purpose, overcoming spiritual attacks,
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02:25Ephesians has the power to change your life
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03:01when you contact Turning Point today.
03:06Thank you for watching Turning Point.
03:08And now, here is Dr. Jeremiah with his message,
03:12All Prayer.
03:16Let me just put everybody at ease.
03:18We're all in the same category.
03:20We all know we don't pray as much as we should.
03:23Everybody okay with that?
03:25And that's from the top down.
03:26So, let's don't make this a guilt thing.
03:28Let's make it, I wanna learn how I can do this better
03:31because it's so important.
03:33Let's join together in investigating this text
03:36and hopefully come out of it with a few pointers
03:38here and there that will sharpen us
03:41in our ministry of prayer.
03:44The one necessity of every good soldier of Jesus Christ
03:46is to keep in constant touch with the great commander.
03:50And if you study the wars of the Old Testament,
03:52you'll discover that when Israel fought in her own strength,
03:55she was always defeated.
03:58And when she cast herself upon God's mercy,
04:01she always won.
04:03Abraham took his trained servants,
04:05numbering only 318,
04:07and he conquered the coalition of kings
04:09that fought the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah.
04:12Gideon's army was reduced from 32,000 to 300.
04:16Joshua led Israel to a mighty conquest over Jericho
04:20by simply marching around the city.
04:23King Hezekiah conquered the Assyrians,
04:26and for all the victors who went before and after him,
04:28he wrote these words,
04:30"'With us is the Lord our God to help us
04:33and to fight our battles.'"
04:35When we pray, we engage God in the conflict.
04:39We should not be surprised then that when we have finished
04:41the militant New Testament passage of Scripture
04:44to read this verse about prayer at the end of the passage
04:48on, put on the whole armor of God,
04:51here is the statement, with all prayer,
04:54put on the helmet with all prayer,
04:56put on the breastplate with all prayer,
04:58carry the shield with all prayer.
05:00Don't forget prayer because it is the glue
05:04that holds all of this together.
05:06You can't fight spiritual battles without prayer.
05:11Pray in the Spirit on all occasions
05:14with all kinds of prayers and requests
05:17with this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying
05:21for all the Lord's people.
05:24Now, if you have any doubts about the importance of prayer,
05:28I want you to consider the high place it had
05:31in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
05:34S.D. Gordon described it this way.
05:36He said prayer was not only his regular habit,
05:39but his resort in every emergency,
05:41however slight or serious.
05:44When he was perplexed, Jesus prayed.
05:47When hard-pressed by work, he prayed.
05:49When hungry for fellowship, he found it in prayer.
05:52When he was choosing his associates
05:55and received his messages upon his knees,
05:58if tempted, he prayed.
06:00If criticized, he prayed.
06:01If fatigued in body or spirit,
06:03he had recourse to his one unfailing habit of prayer.
06:08Prayer brought Jesus unmeasured power at the beginning
06:12and kept the unbroken and undiminished power going.
06:16There was no emergency, no difficulty, no necessity,
06:19no temptation that would not yield to the prayer of Jesus
06:23how much prayer meant to our Lord.
06:27And I think about this.
06:28Jesus Christ was the Son of the living God.
06:31Almighty God is his Father.
06:32He's perfect.
06:34If the perfect Son of God was so dependent on prayer,
06:38how ought that to teach us about our dependence on prayer?
06:43So, as we come to this pregnant verse on prayer,
06:47we need to understand that it's going to teach us
06:49and remind us and affirm us in a lot of ways.
06:53First of all, Paul writes about the persistence of this prayer.
06:58He starts praying always.
07:01The first phrase says if you will pray,
07:05you need to pray always.
07:08In fact, you will note that the word all
07:10is in this verse three times.
07:12In fact, you might want to underline that in your Bible.
07:14Let me read the verse and emphasize it.
07:16Praying always with all prayer in supplication in the Spirit,
07:20being watchful to this end with all perseverance
07:23and supplication for all the saints.
07:26Paul was into all.
07:28In his letter to the Thessalonians,
07:30Paul told the believers in that city to pray without ceasing.
07:34Now, that doesn't mean you walk around
07:36mumbling prayers all day.
07:38It doesn't mean you're always saying a prayer,
07:41but it means that you're in a constant attitude of prayer
07:45and that you trust God at every moment.
07:47Thomas Kelly said there's a way of ordering our mental life
07:50on more than one level at once.
07:53On one level, we may be thinking and discussing and seeing
07:57and calculating and meeting all the demands
07:59of external affairs, and yet down inside,
08:02beneath the scenes, at a profounder level,
08:05we are also in prayer and adoration and song and worship.
08:08Have you ever noticed that?
08:10You can be doing things and yet still be in a spirit of prayer.
08:14You see, how can you pray always in your life today?
08:16One way is to look for triggers.
08:18Triggers prompt throughout your day and remind you to pray.
08:22I read of one man who prayed every morning
08:24while brushing his teeth,
08:26that God would give him wise words to say,
08:29and as he washed his face,
08:30he asked God for a cheerful countenance.
08:33There you go.
08:34Today, we also have smartphones,
08:36and they have prayer apps on them.
08:38You can use your phone to set up prayer reminders
08:40just as you do an alarm.
08:42In fact, any behavior, time, or event can prompt you to pray
08:46if you just make it your habit.
08:48The persistence of the warrior's prayer just means
08:51take advantage of the opportunities
08:52that God puts in your way
08:54to enforce what he's doing in your life and pray.
08:58Don't complain.
08:59If you're delayed, don't complain, pray.
09:02Use it for a purpose.
09:05Pray without ceasing.
09:08Secondly, notice the possibilities
09:10of the warrior's prayer.
09:12Praying with all prayer.
09:15Praying always, said Paul, with all prayer.
09:17Such a tiny little word.
09:20All has this expansive meaning.
09:22It means everything that can be placed in the basket.
09:24No limits, no exclusions.
09:26It means every kind of prayer you can think of.
09:29So, let me give you some ideas here.
09:31We're to pray on all occasions,
09:34whether you're sitting at a stoplight, waiting at school,
09:37seeing the doctor or the dentist,
09:39doing the laundry, mowing the lawn.
09:41Anytime you have a spare moment,
09:43keep the communication lines open
09:45between yourself and the throne of God.
09:47Think what a privilege it is
09:49for you to be able to talk to your Creator.
09:52If those occasions sound like they lack the reverence
09:54that should accompany prayer,
09:56consider when Scripture tells us to pray
09:59when we're thankful, when we need to confess a sin,
10:02when we're sick, when we're in danger, when we're tempted.
10:06We should pray at public occasions
10:08like church meetings and in prayer groups.
10:10We should pray at social and festival occasions
10:13such as weddings, parties, and dinners.
10:16We're to pray on all occasions.
10:18We're to pray in all places.
10:21Today, it's common for believers
10:23to pray around the dinner table,
10:25in Bible classes, at bedtime,
10:27while jogging or walking,
10:29and in our own personal devotionals.
10:31All are great times for prayer.
10:34In the New Testament, sometimes the Lord himself
10:37prayed in the following locations.
10:41In a solitary place, on a mountain, in the temple,
10:45on a housetop, in a house, in the church,
10:48at a riverside, on a ship, prison.
10:51Believers are encouraged to pray in their own rooms
10:54or, as the King James Version says, to pray in a closet.
10:58We have a lot more closets now than they had
11:00in the New Testament.
11:01We have huge closets.
11:02You can hold a whole prayer meeting in some of our closets.
11:06Pray on all occasions.
11:08Pray in all places.
11:10Pray at all times.
11:11Once again, the word all.
11:13In the New Testament, prayers were offered
11:15before daylight on the Sabbath day.
11:18They were offered when people were alone,
11:20when they were together at night, night and day,
11:23and continually were to pray in sickness and in health,
11:26in prosperity and in adversity at any hour.
11:29There is never a time when you cannot pray.
11:33And then pray for all things.
11:35Now, it'd be very difficult for me to make a list for you
11:38of all the New Testament objects for prayer,
11:43but to name a few, they prayed for safety,
11:46they prayed for forgiveness, they prayed for food,
11:50they prayed for faith, they prayed for other people,
11:53they prayed for healing, they prayed for spiritual wisdom,
11:56they prayed for relief from suffering,
11:58they prayed for rain, they prayed for children,
12:00they prayed for health and prosperity,
12:02and for spiritual strength.
12:04And that's just a sampling of the New Testament list.
12:08In other words, there are no limits.
12:10You should pray for personal things, and home things,
12:13and business things, and work things.
12:16Oh, you say, it's not spiritual,
12:17so I'm not gonna pray for that.
12:18No, we're to pray for all things that ever come to our mind,
12:22and there's nothing too insignificant for you to pray.
12:25You say, oh, I'm not gonna bother God with that.
12:27That is such a silly thing to say.
12:30One of my all-time favorite stories about prayer
12:33is about a mother who got a call one day from her school
12:37where her children went, and they told this mother
12:39that her little girl was very sick,
12:41and she needed to come and get her and bring her home.
12:44So, she went and got her daughter,
12:46and brought her home, and put her in bed,
12:48and called the doctor, and the doctor said,
12:50well, she's probably got what's going around.
12:52I can't see her right now.
12:53I could see her at 5 o'clock, but let me give you
12:55some medication and get her started on this medication.
12:58So, she took the prescription and took her little girl in bed
13:01and went down to the drugstore and got the medication,
13:05and she came back, and when she went to get in her car,
13:07she realized she had locked her keys in the car.
13:11Now, that is a crisis.
13:13Her little girl's at home sick.
13:14She's got the medicine.
13:15Her car's locked.
13:17So, the first thing she did was she called her daughter
13:20and told her what was going on.
13:21She said, Mom, he's done a silly thing.
13:23I've locked my keys in the car.
13:24Well, her little girl was street smart,
13:26and she said, Mom, get you a coat hanger,
13:27because if you get a coat hanger,
13:29I watched this on TV, you just put it inside the window,
13:32and you pull it, and the door opens.
13:34She said, you want me to get a hanger?
13:36She said, just go back in the drugstore and get a hanger.
13:38So, she didn't have anything else to do.
13:40She went and she talked the druggist out of a wire hanger,
13:43and she brought it back out, and she was standing on the curb
13:45with this hanger, and she felt so stupid.
13:48So, she prayed.
13:49She said, Lord, my little girl's home sick.
13:53I got her prescription.
13:55My keys are locked in the car, and I'm standing here
13:57with this stupid hanger, and I don't know what to do with it.
13:59Lord, send me somebody to help me.
14:02And just then a car pulled up, and a guy gets out of the car.
14:05And she said, oh, thank you,
14:06and he didn't know what was going on.
14:07He said, lady, what's wrong?
14:09He said, I've locked my keys in the car.
14:10He said, where's your car?
14:12And he took the hanger, and he twisted it around a little bit,
14:14and he stuck it down the window and jerked it,
14:15and the door came open.
14:16The woman was overwhelmed.
14:19She hugged the man, and she said, oh, thank you, thank you.
14:21You're such a good man.
14:23He said, I'm no good man.
14:24I just got out of prison this morning.
14:29And then she said, thank you, Lord.
14:31You sent me a professional.
14:32There you go.
14:34So, there you go.
14:35You can pray for anything.
14:39Even when you lock your keys in the car.
14:42Now, don't forget, pray on all occasions,
14:45pray in all places, pray at all times, pray for all things.
14:49And then Paul says, here's the petition of the prayer,
14:53praying with supplication.
14:57The word supplication just means to ask.
14:59It means to ask God for what you need.
15:01Surely, we come with worship and thanksgiving.
15:04We're taught to do that in the Lord's Prayer.
15:06Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.
15:08We should start all of our prayers that way.
15:12But the Bible says we're to tell the Lord what we need.
15:16James 4 too says you do not have because you do not ask.
15:20How many of you know that it's so easy to think
15:24we can't ask God for this?
15:26I've just been so overwhelmed over the years as a pastor
15:29when people would come and ask me to pray for something.
15:33I'm always honored to do that, but I've gone over the years
15:36asking them, have you prayed for it?
15:38And a lot of times you'll say, no, that's why we're asking you
15:40to pray for it.
15:41Like, my prayers have more efficacy for the God
15:43than theirs.
15:44Listen, my prayers don't get ahead of anybody's.
15:47You have the same audience with the Father that I have.
15:50You know why?
15:51Because it's not about you or me, it's about Jesus Christ.
15:53He's the entree in the prayer.
15:54We pray in Jesus' name.
15:58So don't think, well, if I could just get him to pray for it,
16:00and, you know, I'm happy to pray.
16:03But the question is, why aren't you asking?
16:07Why aren't you asking God for what you need?
16:10It's surprising how easy it is for us to go on striving
16:14for that which we have not yet asked about,
16:17seeking for that which we have not yet not.
16:20I read a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
16:22the great British preacher, and he said this,
16:25asking is the rule of the kingdom.
16:28It is a rule that never will be altered in anybody's case.
16:33If the royal and divine Son of God cannot be exempted
16:36from the rule of asking, you and I cannot expect to have
16:39that rule relaxed in our favor either.
16:41In other words, prayer works by asking.
16:46You have not because you ask not.
16:50When the Bible tells us that we're to pray always
16:52and in all prayer and supplication,
16:54it means that the things we have need of were to ask God for.
16:59That is why we have prayer lists,
17:02so we can remember what to say.
17:06Can you imagine your children coming to you
17:08and asking for something they need,
17:10and while you have the wherewithal to supply it,
17:13you deny them their request?
17:15There's not a father in this place who,
17:17if he knew his son or daughter had a need
17:19and he had the wherewithal to supply that need,
17:22that he would not give him what he needs.
17:26In Jesus' parable in Luke 11, a man answered a knock
17:30on the door late at night, and it was likely
17:32a common experience back then, so I'm told.
17:34For in the hot summer climate, most people would travel
17:39at night because it was much easier to travel.
17:43And this hungry guest had to be fed,
17:45but the host's cupboard was bare,
17:47so he ran to a friend's house, and he banged on the door,
17:50and he asked if he could borrow some bread.
17:52And his friend's family was asleep in their mats,
17:56and he said, go away, go away.
17:59Do you not realize what time it is?
18:00My door is locked, and we're all in bed,
18:02and we don't want to be bothered.
18:05And then Jesus brought his point home.
18:08In Luke 11, 8 through 10, he said,
18:10I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him
18:14because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence,
18:17he will rise and give him as much as he needs.
18:20So I say to you, listen to these words,
18:22ask, and it will be given to you.
18:24Seek, and you will find.
18:26Knock, and it will be opened to you.
18:29For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds,
18:33and to him who knocks it will be opened.
18:37Do you know what kind of imperatives
18:39Jesus uses in this passage?
18:41All three of his commands, ask, seek, knock,
18:46they're all in the imperative.
18:47That means they're commands.
18:48Jesus didn't say, if you feel like it, why don't you ask?
18:51No, he's saying, if you need something from God,
18:54here's how you go about it.
18:55You ask, and you seek, and you knock.
18:58And those three words keep getting
18:59more progressively intense.
19:01If you can't remember them, just look at this.
19:03It's a really amazing thing.
19:04Ask, seek, and knock.
19:06The first letter in each word spells the word ask.
19:10Ask, seek, knock.
19:14Notice number four, the power of the warrior's prayer.
19:18Praying in the Spirit.
19:20It is the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within you.
19:22What does that mean?
19:24That means that the Holy Spirit takes your prayers
19:26and brings them to the Lord.
19:27He's your advocate, he's your intercessor.
19:30The Holy Spirit helps you to pray.
19:31When you don't know what to say, he helps you to pray
19:33if you come with your heart right.
19:36As I submit myself to the Holy Spirit,
19:38he directs me to the things which God has already promised
19:41in his Word, and I come to agreement with those things,
19:45and I pray for those things, and God gives me his answers.
19:48Romans 8 says,
19:49the Spirit helps in our weakness,
19:51for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought,
19:55but the Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings
19:58which cannot be uttered.
20:00Now, he who searches the hearts knows what the mind
20:02of the Spirit is because he makes intercession
20:06for the saints according to the will of God.
20:09Notice the precision of the warrior's prayer.
20:12Be watchful to this end.
20:15The word watch means to be awake or vigilant.
20:17It means to look for what God is going to do.
20:21When you pray, you should be looking for the answer, right?
20:23You should be expecting it.
20:25You should be thinking, when is God going to do this?
20:28It means to pray correctly.
20:30One must be mentally alert and vigilant when he prays.
20:33There are three places where Jesus told his followers
20:36to watch.
20:38Watch and pray, and you will win over the world.
20:40Watch and pray, and you will win over temptation.
20:44Watch and pray, and you will win over persecution.
20:48Do you remember Nehemiah in the Old Testament?
20:51He illustrates this perfectly.
20:53He'd been through all of the stress that had come along
20:56with his building project and being attacked
20:58by all of his neighbors, and finally, he defeated the enemy
21:02by watching and praying.
21:03Watch this.
21:05We made our prayer to God, and because of them,
21:07we set a watch against them day and night.
21:10He didn't just pray to God to protect him from his enemies
21:12and go take a nap.
21:13No, he set up a watch.
21:15You watch and you pray.
21:17You ask God for what you need, and you watch what God is doing,
21:20and you be alert, and you're ready to do whatever he tells
21:23you to do.
21:24Colossians says, continue earnestly in prayer,
21:28being vigilant in it.
21:30Oh, what an instruction that is.
21:33Number six in my list from this one verse is the perseverance
21:37of the warrior's prayer, praying with all perseverance.
21:43The early church was dedicated to praying with perseverance.
21:46They lived in stressful times.
21:49When it comes to praying, we need to hold on and hold out.
21:52We don't need to faint or quit or yield to the discouragement.
21:55When you stop doing it for a little while,
21:57start doing it again as soon as you can.
22:00Some of you are discouraged here today about your prayer life.
22:03As you hear me preaching about this,
22:05you're kind of doing a little personal inventory,
22:07and it doesn't make you feel so good
22:09because maybe you haven't been praying that much.
22:11It's easy to go through life and have periods
22:13when you don't pray, but when you go through that time,
22:16don't let the enemy come and say,
22:17well, that's it, it's over for you.
22:19You stop praying, you're never gonna pray again.
22:21No, as soon as you realize you're not praying,
22:23start praying again.
22:25God is so gracious in allowing us to come back
22:28and start where we left off.
22:31Don't get lost in your defeats of the past.
22:33Get caught up in your victories of the future.
22:36Anyone can pray, anytime, anywhere, for anything.
22:39We've learned that today, but you have to do it.
22:42You have to be willing not to get discouraged
22:44and give up on yourself and give up on prayer.
22:48Just pray.
22:50If you did not pray yesterday, pray today.
22:53If you did not pray last week, pray this week.
22:58And then the purpose of the warrior's prayer
23:00is praying for all the saints.
23:02Oh, how wonderful that is.
23:04Did you know that the beautiful dynamic of the church
23:06is you're praying for me, I'm praying for you,
23:09somebody's praying for him.
23:10Everybody's getting prayed for if everybody prays.
23:13Did you ever stop and think that if you're not praying
23:15for somebody, you're holding out on their blessing?
23:17The whole issue of prayer is not just on ourselves.
23:20We're not to consume prayer on ourselves.
23:22The end of this whole thing is praying for all the saints.
23:25In fact, Paul goes a little further than that
23:28at the very end and tail end of the Scripture,
23:30and he says, and pray for me.
23:33Paul requests them to pray for him.
23:35I have no problem telling you, pray for me.
23:39Paul was always praying for the churches he visited.
23:43He always made mention of them in prayer.
23:45If you read the book of Philippians, for instance,
23:47he says, always with all prayer, praying for you.
23:51I've always been interested in the fact that when Job went
23:54through his terrible times in the Old Testament,
23:56the Bible says the Lord restored Job's losses
24:01when he prayed for his friends.
24:03Who were his friends?
24:04All the counselors who came and told him what a bad guy he was.
24:08When Job forgave his friends and prayed for his friends,
24:11the Bible says God restored him.
24:14When we pray for one another, everybody in the army
24:17is praying for everybody else in the army.
24:21I may not be praying for myself, I'm praying for you,
24:23but I don't have to worry because you're praying for me.
24:26We've had a little prayer clinic today.
24:28We've talked very honestly about it.
24:31I think all of us know that one of the things we can do
24:34is we can kind of work on our prayer life a little bit,
24:37be a little more sensitive to it, get some triggers,
24:40find some places where whenever I see that, I'm gonna pray.
24:43It doesn't have to be a long prayer.
24:44Stay in touch with the Lord.
24:46You know, in this world in which we live, we have to do that
24:48because everything is so unprecedented.
24:51We don't know what's gonna happen the next day.
24:53We don't know what we're gonna run into,
24:54so we gotta constantly be in touch.
24:56He knows we don't.
24:58We have to stay in touch so he can help us.
25:02I don't know what your need is today,
25:04but you don't have to be a super saint to pray.
25:07You don't have to have been a Christian for 10 years to ask.
25:10You may have just become a Christian this week.
25:13Please start your journey by asking.
25:15God is the giver of every good gift.
25:18Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down
25:21from the Father of lights,
25:23with whom there is no shadow of turning.
25:25God is welcoming you to his throne.
25:29Come with your requests.
25:32And if you've never trusted Christ as your Savior,
25:34that ought to be your first request.
25:36Lord God, I'm a sinner.
25:37I need to be saved.
25:40Please give me the gift of eternal life,
25:42and it'll be the best gift you've ever gotten.
25:45It will follow you all the way to eternity
25:48and your fellowship with the Lord God forever and ever.
25:56If you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ before,
25:59Dr. Jeremiah would like to help you take your first steps
26:02by sending you two resources.
26:04The first is a booklet called,
26:06Your Greatest Turning Point,
26:08which will help you begin your relationship with Christ.
26:11And the second is our monthly devotional magazine,
26:13Turning Points, to give you encouragement
26:15and inspiration throughout the year.
26:18These resources are yours completely free
26:20when you contact Turning Point today.
26:26Thank you for watching Turning Point.
26:28When you give a gift of any amount
26:30in support of this program,
26:31Dr. Jeremiah will send you, in appreciation,
26:34his new book, Belief That Behaves,
26:37The Book of Ephesians.
26:38And if you give a gift of $75 or more,
26:41Dr. Jeremiah will send you, The Belief That Behaves Set,
26:44which contains his new book,
26:46his complete two-volume teaching series on CD or DVD,
26:50and two correlating study guides.
26:52Thank you for your support.
26:54Request these resources
26:55when you contact Turning Point today.
27:00In addition, you can order Dr. Jeremiah's legacy work,
27:03The Jeremiah Study Bible,
27:05a beloved study Bible,
27:07and the culmination of Dr. Jeremiah's decades of teaching,
27:10helping you to answer,
27:11What does the Bible say?
27:13What does it mean?
27:14And what does it mean for me?
27:16Available in multiple translations and formats,
27:19there is a Jeremiah Study Bible for everyone.
27:22Also available for children,
27:23Dr. Jeremiah's Airship Genesis Kid's Study Bible.
27:27Order yours today.
27:32Next time on Turning Point.
27:34We have a message and a hope
27:36the world does not have and they desperately need now
27:39because they're looking everywhere.
27:41There are no answers, but we know the answer.
27:44The answer is Jesus Christ who overcame the grave.
27:49Join us next time for Dr. Jeremiah's series,
27:51Overcomer, here on Turning Point.
28:00Dr. David Jeremiah is delivering
28:02the unchanging Word of God every month
28:04to more than half a million homes
28:05through Turning Point's magazine and devotional.
28:08Request your first issue now
28:09to read inspirational, in-depth articles
28:12and quick, clear, and creative devotionals
28:14from Dr. Jeremiah each month
28:15that will encourage, challenge,
28:17and strengthen your walk with the Lord.
28:19Request your first three issues
28:20of Turning Point's completely free
28:22or give a gift of any amount
28:23to receive an annual subscription.
28:26Contact Turning Point today.