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Erkenci Kus HD - Episode 30 (English Subtitles) EARLY BIRD
00:01:00Buddha para la aina shimmy bism yinee
00:01:03Mimkin's a da parlak fikirleri ihtiyacımız var ve mümkünse derhal ihtiyacımız var
00:01:09Can be a shall be here. Şimdi çocuk pijamalarıyla kapının önünde kalmış atör
00:01:18Düşünmüş evet ve
00:01:21Bir yardım eli uzanıyor çocuğa
00:01:24Evet ve
00:01:26O yardım elinde işte çanta efendi söyleyeyim kaz tüyü mont falan dağ malzemeleri kamp malzemeleri var
00:01:34Arkadaşlar lütfen sunumdayım arayayım mı ben seni sonra
00:01:37Müzik altı böyle müzik yükseliyor ve çocuk daha tırmanmaya başladı anne kapıyı açtı ama çok geç çocuk tırmanmaya başladı bile
00:01:44Yükselişi başlamıştı çocuğun
00:01:46Tırmanıyor tırmanıyor bir an düşecek gibi olacağım ve gibi hani sanki o bir korku adrenalin geliyor ama
00:01:52Kamp malzemelerimiz onu tutuyor hayatta evet zirveye geldiğinde ise şöyle bir dönüp bakıyor bu malzemeler çok güzel
00:02:03Yankılanıyor çünkü daha siz bilirsiniz can beceri saçmalama
00:02:07Yankılanıyor seni arayayım mı sonra şu anda sunumdayım
00:02:10O yankıyla birlikte kartallar
00:02:13işte kargalar
00:02:16Gibi havalanıyorlar
00:02:18dönüyor dönüyor dönüyor derken çocuğun alnına
00:02:21Bizim markamız cida böyle geliyor ve onda cida diye düşündüm o el ise kimin eli çıkıyor biliyorum sürpriz sonu düşündüm
00:02:29Cc baydın ama gerçekten susmuyorsun da yani idare edeyim diyorum şurada
00:02:36Arkadaşlar bu muhteşem fikir teatisine katılmak isteyen var mı yok mu
00:02:46Outdoor doğa sporları oluyor aynen
00:02:50Yani bu zamana kadar
00:02:52Hep erkekler oynamış reklamlarda dağ çıkmışlar keçi gibi koşmuşlar. Evet erkekler oynuyor hep
00:03:01Sanki sanki bu sporları erkeklerden başka hiç kimse yapamazmış gibi bir algı var yani
00:03:07Kadınları da içine dahil edebileceğimiz bir fikir bulsak
00:03:11Öyle bir fikir
00:03:14Bulsak tam olarak ben de onu diyorum bir fikir bulsak bir fikir bulalım diye buradayız ya zaten bir fikir bulsak bir zahmet
00:03:21Bulsak çok güzel olur
00:03:23Ne iyi olur mükemmel olur
00:03:30Ben outdoor spor yapmadım ben bulamam bu fikri
00:03:35Bu işte budur tam olarak ne bu bu işte buradan yürüyeceğiz
00:03:39Nereye yürüyoruz işte bu fikirden yola çıkarak yarın yola çıkacağız doğal ortamında gözlemleyeceğiz deneyimleyeceğiz falan filan kamp yapacağız
00:03:49Bravo yarın kamptayız
00:03:53Organizasyon sende
00:03:57Arkadaşlar bugünler için var
00:04:03Hay haydır babacığım kaydır Allah Allah muzaffer kaydır kaydır kaydır gözüm yukarı çıktı ya ben bir şey göremiyorum ki anlamıyorum ki
00:04:10Ben görüyorum şu anda bakıyorum sana göre iş yok sen biraz kaydır kaydır ya kaydır
00:04:18Muzaffer ben de seni arayacaktım çocuk Allah razı olsun anacığım çünkü öz anam senin kadar aramadı
00:04:24Ne yaptın verdin mi Recan Bey'e
00:04:26Bayıldı bayılır bayılır tabii tamam hayatım ben sana da yapacağım
00:04:30Hadi muzaffer gidiyorsun ne oldu hayırdır nereye gidiyorsunuz can bey dernekle ilgili bir fikirler verdi inanamazsın şimdi icata geçeceğiz
00:04:38Hadi çocuğum yürü can mı bey mi fikir mi vermiş vallaha mı ya fikir mi aldınız benden alsaydınız
00:04:44Bende de var fikir bende de beyin bedava bu adam iri olduğu için mi oluyor bunlar yavrum tamam senden de fikir alacağız hadi çocuğum
00:04:51Al muzaffer'e görüşürüz
00:04:54Senin niye böyle saçın başın üstün dağın o dağın ya hadi buyur insanlar kendini dağıtıp tarz olur beni gören
00:05:00Ütüyle kovalıyor böyle bir şey olabilir mi bu da tarz kendi tarzım bu benim ayrıca o can divid boynuna çan asıyor çan
00:05:06Atmalı var ya mal yok mu onu asıyor
00:05:13Bir sürü işim var bir de kahve yapıyorum afiyet olsun ben stajyer metin yazarı oldum ama
00:05:20Sanem hanım
00:05:24Fabri bey hoş geldiniz
00:05:26Hoş bulduk ben kokuyla ilgili konuşmak için gelmiştim eğer müsaitseniz hafta sonu bu çalışmalara bir başlasak mı acaba hem ajansla da ilgili bazı şeyleri engellememiş olursunuz
00:05:41Hafta sonu olmaz biz ajans olarak kampa gidiyoruz yeni müşteri için
00:05:45Kampa ha çok güzel peki o zaman bugün yapalım
00:05:50Şey benim bir can beye sormam lazım
00:05:53Tabi tabi soralım eminim anlayış gösterecektir zaten
00:05:57Tamam o zaman ben sorayım
00:05:59Sanem hanım bir de şey daha önce olan olaylar için ben bir kez daha özür dilemek istiyorum emin olun bir daha olmaz
00:06:09Peki teşekkür ederim
00:06:12İyiyiz değil mi?
00:06:15Güzel buyurun
00:06:23Girebilir miyim?
00:06:29Seni orta abi bugün görmeyi beklemiyordum sizi
00:06:32Aslında Sanem hanımla görüşmek için gelmiştim ama
00:06:35Fabri bey parfüm üzerine ne zaman çalışabiliriz diye sordu da ben hafta sonu müsait olmadığımı söyledim
00:06:41Durmaz mısınız?
00:06:44Biz de bugün öğleden sonra çalışalım dedik tabi sizin için uygunsa
00:06:48Bugün öğleden sonra olmaz Sanem'in işi var bayağı işi var kampanyayla ilgili bir takım notlar hazırladım da ben
00:06:55Tamam o zaman Sanem hanımın işi bitince çalışırız biz de o zaman
00:07:00O iş olmaz burası bir iş yeri ya o yüzden
00:07:05Tabi iş yeri burası o zaman biz de Sanem hanımla akşam çalışırız tamamen işi bittiği zaman
00:07:12Tabi siz ne dersiniz Sanem hanım?
00:07:15Akşam akşam diyorsunuz yani
00:07:17Evet tabi sizin için bir sakıncası yoksa
00:07:22Efendim Gamze
00:07:25İyiyim iyiyim senden ne haber?
00:07:28Akşam akşam bir işim var mı diye hatırlamaya çalışıyorum da şu an özür dilerim
00:07:34Akşam akşam diyorsun tamam görüşelim müsait mi tabi tamam
00:07:38Tamam ben işten çıkınca arayacağım seni
00:07:40Okey görüşürüz bye bye
00:07:42Sanem hanım
00:07:43Evet ne karar verdiniz?
00:07:47Şimdi düşündüm de müsaitim akşam akşam çalışabiliriz
00:07:53Magnifico güzel
00:07:57O zaman akşam görüşürüz
00:08:02Ben çay falan ikram etseydim size
00:08:05Çay akşam rahat rahat içeriz diyorum görüşürüz
00:08:10O şekilde diyorsunuz
00:08:16Bir saniye bekle bir saniye
00:08:28Ofisi mi taşıyoruz Cem bey?
00:08:32Evet kampanya benzer örnekleri
00:08:35Bir tek tek incelemen lazım hepsini
00:08:39Size de biraz iş kalsaydı keşke
00:08:52Efendim Leyla
00:08:53Eme bey merhaba ben şimdi size gelen zarfları topluyordum da
00:08:57Bu hani geçen hafta bana bahsettiğiniz bir lansman vardı ya davetiyesi gelince mutlaka haber ver demiştiniz
00:09:01O gelmiş
00:09:03Öyle mi tamam o zaman
00:09:05Tamam o zaman ben bunu gönderiyorum size
00:09:07Yok göndermene gerek yok
00:09:09Bu akşam buluşalım ben senden direkt alayım hem ajansa da uğramayayım
00:09:13Bu akşam mı?
00:09:14Evet eğer müsaitsen yemek yiyelim
00:09:17Müsaitim müsaitim tabi tamam olur o zaman ben davetiyeyi yanıma alıyorum
00:09:22Akşam görüşüyoruz nerede buluşalım peki Emre bey?
00:09:24Bir yere gelmene gerek yok ben seni alırım
00:09:27Tamam olur tabi ki
00:09:40Hadi ben çıkıyorum
00:09:42Beni evden alacak
00:09:49Ay ama böyleydi ya böyle mi alsın evden yok ben eve gideyim eve gideyim hazırlanayım rahat rahat
00:09:59Abla buna bakman gerekiyormuş
00:10:02Sanem ben ona sor bakarım ablacım şimdi benim çıkmam gerekiyor çünkü
00:10:06Dışarıda bir işim vardı onu halledeceğim
00:10:08Nereye gidiyorsun ne işin var?
00:10:10Ya Emre bey ile buluşmam lazım şu davetiyeyi ona vereceğim
00:10:17Teşekkür ederim ablacım anlayışın için
00:10:27Ah abla ya
00:10:31Doktorun da evden geldi
00:10:34Doktorun terzinin esnafın kimin numarası varsa sende işte
00:10:39Rehber yapıyorsun kız mahalle rehberi yapıyorsun
00:10:42Kimi ararsak mesela gece gündüz bulacağız bundan
00:10:47Tamam hadi iyi günler tamam tamam hadi şey etme hadi
00:10:52Hah bitti mi kimdi bu?
00:10:53Bodur Berna
00:10:54Bodur Berna tamam
00:10:56B harfi bitti anacım sırada C harfi var dur bakayım
00:11:00Cavidan terzi
00:11:03Var mı numarası bende?
00:11:04Var olmaz mı ya en gerekli insan
00:11:12Bitirdin yani o kadar dosyayı
00:11:15Fotoğraf da olsa tabi
00:11:18Yaptırdım bu arada alarm sistemini ilgilendim
00:11:21Halloldu yani
00:11:24Bütün işi bana yüklediniz çünkü
00:11:26Lütfen siz buyurun lütfen
00:11:28Benden buyurun
00:11:29Bir de düşünceli düşünceli hareketler
00:11:33Yok kendim kendime size demiyorum
00:11:37Bas istersen ben karışmıyorum
00:11:38Yok ben öyle bir sorumlu kalmam sonra şey oluyor
00:11:41Beraber o zaman
00:11:50Nasıl diyor Cemal Süreyya ne güneşle diysek yarı yarı yarıya
00:11:53Sevdan sözlerinde
00:11:57İlgilenmiyorum bilmiyorum yani
00:11:59Artık sen bu şiirleri bana bir okursun
00:12:03Siz bu gece Gamze hanımla beraber mi olacaksınız?
00:12:07Sen akşam fabriyle mi çalışmaya gideceksin?
00:12:11Evet çalışacağız birlikte beraber ikimiz baş başa
00:12:15Baş başa ben ilk onu duydum zaten baş başa ilk o
00:12:19Dikkatimi çekti o kelime
00:12:20Sonra da belki
00:12:22Sonrası da var
00:12:23Bilmem sizin var mı yani ben bir Gamze hanımla
00:12:26İşte Gamze de bana gelecek ne yapsın
00:12:28Baş başa olacaksın
00:12:29Baş başa olacaksın
00:12:30Sonra da
00:12:33Sonra belki fabri beyle bir mekana gidip bir şeyler falan içerim ben de
00:12:40Nasıl olmaz ne olmaz
00:12:43Olmazsa olmaz
00:12:45İçin için tabi için
00:12:47Bizde film seyrederken muhtemelen bir şeyler içeriz diye düşünüyorum artık
00:12:51Yani Gamze de eşek değil eli boş gelmez herhalde
00:12:55Yanına yakışsın oylar senin
00:12:58Muarı diyorum
00:13:02Ne tür bir film izleyeceksiniz peki?
00:13:05Bilmem romantik diye düşünüyorum ya
00:13:07Yani genelde o şekilde seviyor çünkü Gamze
00:13:10Daha önce baş başa filmler izlenmiş yani
00:13:13Ben aksiyon sever diye düşünüyorum ben
00:13:15Yok yok aksine çok romantik bir ruhu vardır onun Bambi'nin
00:13:22Benimde fabri beyle öyle bir mekana falan gidesim yok ama
00:13:25Biz zaten ne gerek var bence hiç gerek yok gitmenize
00:13:28Belki bizde film izleriz sinemaya falan gideriz bilmem
00:13:32Sinemaya diyorsun
00:13:34Geç olur be
00:13:36Geç mi olur?
00:13:37Yani arkadaşın olarak söylüyorum yanlış anlama sakın kusura bakma
00:13:41Yani sabah erkenden kamp olduğu için geçe kalmasam mı acaba?
00:13:45Arkadaşlıkla ilgili yani
00:13:47Sizde film izleyeceksiniz öyle geç uyumayın çünkü kamp var yarın erken kamp
00:14:17İyi eğlenceler o zaman arkadaşım
00:14:19Sana da arkadaşım
00:14:20İyi eğlenceler
00:14:25Kolay gelsin
00:14:45İşte konuşulamıyor değil mi bu?
00:14:47Günler torbaya girdi çünkü
00:14:48İlla akşam illa akşam
00:14:50Anneciğim anlattım ama sana
00:14:52Emre Bey ile Can Bey'in arası bozuk
00:14:55Emre Bey şirkete gelemiyor yani
00:14:57Allah Allah ben de olmasam adamın işte hiçbir bağlantısı kalmayacak
00:15:00Aman çocuğum iyi ki varsın valla sen olmasan şirket batacak taş taş üstünde kalmayacak valla bak
00:15:06Anne ya
00:15:07Cevap verme bana
00:15:18Efendim Osman
00:15:20Leyla selam eve geldin mi hazır mısın?
00:15:23Neye hazır mıyım Osman?
00:15:25Ya akşam yemek yiyecektik yani plan bende merak etme
00:15:29Ay ben onu tamamen unuttum
00:15:31Ay çok özür dilerim Osman biz bu akşam Emre Bey ile buluşacağız işle ilgili bir şey konuşacaktık da
00:15:36Ben onun haberini vermeyi unuttum sana
00:15:40Tamam tamam önemli değil ya ben zaten hani Sanem ile aranızı düzelteyim diye öyle şey ettim
00:15:45Ha biz Sanem ile konuştuk barıştık yani aramız daha iyi
00:15:50Anladım yani çok sevindim oldu o zaman görüşürüz
00:15:55Görüşürüz Osman ya tekrar kusura bakma
00:15:57Hayır yok önemli değil
00:16:02Hay Allah ya
00:16:03Allah Allah
00:16:13Efendim Emre Bey
00:16:15Tamam hemen geliyorum
00:16:23Ben çıktım anne
00:16:24Tamam geç kalma
00:16:32Allah Allah nerede bekliyor ki acaba
00:16:39Ay bir telefon mu etsem ya
00:16:48Ay Emre Bey ben de size bakıyordum arabayı göremeyince
00:16:51Evet evet benim arabayı servise bıraktım da yeni geçici bunu verdiler
00:16:56Fuları takmışsın
00:16:59Evet kıyafetimi oyunca taktım bugün
00:17:02İyi yapmışsın
00:17:04Hadi gel
00:17:22Alo Bay Fabri
00:17:24Evet evet çıktım
00:17:26Ya ben bu akşam müsaitim demiştim size ama
00:17:30Çalışmasak olur mu acaba
00:17:33Sanem Hanım hasta mısınız çünkü sesiniz biraz kötü geliyor da
00:17:37Yo yo hasta falan değilim yorgunum sadece biraz ajansta çok çalıştım da
00:17:42Bir de dün gece benim için çok yorucu geçtim
00:17:45Yarın sabahta kamp var çok erken kalkılacak
00:17:48Kusura bakmazsanız eğer
00:17:49Kusura bakmazsanız eğer
00:17:51Tabi tabi sıkıntı yok siz iyi olun da
00:17:54O zaman haftaya çalışmaya başlarız olur mu
00:17:57Tamam anlaştık haftaya görüşmek üzere o zaman
00:18:00Tamam görüşürüz hoşçakalın
00:18:01Kendinize iyi bakın
00:18:06Dur bir tahmin edeyim yine buluşamayacaksınız değil mi
00:18:11Ya Fab Senem acaba kokuyu sana vermemek için oyalıyor olabilir mi?
00:18:15Sorun Sanem'de değil sorunu Can'da
00:18:19Birlikte iş yapacak olmamızı bir türlü kabullenemiyor kendisi
00:18:24Bunu engellemek için de elinden ne gelirse yapıyor tabi
00:18:27Bence konu birlikte iş yapmanız değil
00:18:30Can Bey Senem'e karşı hala bir şeyler hissediyor
00:18:33O yüzden de seni kıskanıyor ve yan yana gelmenizi istemiyor
00:18:37Aynen öyle aynen öyle
00:18:40Ama bu durumun beni daha da hırslandırdığının farkında bile değil
00:18:46O yüzden
00:18:48Kampa ben de yarın gidiyorum
00:18:49Kamp mı?
00:18:50Aa ciddi misin sen?
00:18:52Aslında daha çok hava çıkıyor mu diyebilirim
00:18:55Ay lütfen sana bu çapkın erkek halleri hiç yakışmıyor
00:18:59Yine beni yanlış anladın ben
00:19:02Ben Sanem'i değil
00:19:04Senior Can'ı avlamaya gidiyorum
00:19:06Can? Nasıl yani?
00:19:08Şöyle anlatayım
00:19:10Senior Can birisine bağlanabilecek birisi değil
00:19:13Hatta bence şirkette de babasının hatırına çalışıyor
00:19:18Sanem'le de bence biraz gönülle eğleniyor onun duygularıyla oynuyor
00:19:23Yani aslında tam bir donhan
00:19:26Ama maalesef saf Sanem bunu bir türlü göremiyor
00:19:30İşte ben de bunu ona göstermeye gideceğim
00:19:44Alo Gamze naber?
00:19:47Ya şimdi geldim eve de ben oturuyorum öyle çok yorulmuşum
00:19:51Bugün biraz ekstra yoğun geçti ajans
00:19:55Yarın da sizin iş için kampa gideceğiz
00:19:57Ben bugünlük bir dinlensem mi evde bir gün?
00:20:13İyi güzel sen beni affetsen he
00:20:16Aynen tamam tamam çok güzel işin çok sağ ol teşekkür ederim
00:20:21Ha kampa mı geleyim diyorsun?
00:20:24İyi okey gel tabii gel
00:20:25Yok canım ne sakınca sulacak tabii ki
00:20:29Ben yer ve saat bilgilerini gönderiyorum o zaman sana hemen
00:20:32Okey tamam görüşürüz o zaman
00:20:34Bye bye
00:20:44Mesaj mı atsam acaba?
00:20:47Çaldırıp kapatsam? Video göndersem? Ses kaydı? Ses kaydı olmaz
00:20:52Ne yapıyorsun? Sen kafayı yedin iyice
00:20:54Ya sen karışmasana benim kafamı karıştırma ya meraktan çatlıyorum ben burada
00:20:59Ne diyeceksin orayı? Olmaz sakın arama
00:21:04Merak etme hiç çaktırmayacağım izle ve gör
00:21:26Sanem baya bir ses geliyor arkadan duyulmuyor baya bir gürültülü
00:21:30Sessiz bir yere mi geçsen ne yapsan bir anlamıyorum
00:21:52Can yanlışlıkla ben seni mi aradım?
00:21:55Hayır yanlışlıkla bir de
00:22:00Müzikli bir yerdeyim ben
00:22:02Fabri Bey ile yemeğe geldik eğer duyamıyorsam o yüzdendir müzikli bir yerdeyim evet
00:22:08Siz hani çalışacaktınız beraber
00:22:10Ben sizi beraber çalışacaktınız zannediyorum siz yemeğe mi gittiniz?
00:22:15Hem de müzikli bir yere mi gittiniz?
00:22:19Çalışırken biraz karnım acıktı da öyle oldu evet
00:22:22Anladım anladım
00:22:26Gamze yok sen durdurma ya Gamze ben geliyorum hemen
00:22:29Ya sararız geri hiç problem değil
00:22:31Sararız sararız durdurma sen devam et
00:22:34Rahatsız da olma sen zaten
00:22:36Uzan uzan sen uzan
00:22:38Geç ben geliyorum geliyorum hemen
00:22:42Rahatsız olma
00:22:44Film izliyorsunuz herhalde rahat bir şekilde ben o şekilde anladım
00:22:47Evet ya koyduk bir film koyduk izliyoruz
00:22:50Uzan falan da dedim çünkü
00:22:52Rahat rahat izliyorsun
00:23:03Fabri Bey Fabri Bey
00:23:05Şampanya mı Fabri Bey
00:23:08Fabri Bey gerçekten inanılmazsınız
00:23:11Yani biraz daha şampanya bana fazla gelebilir
00:23:14Gerçekten hiç gerek yok
00:23:17Öyle mi diyorsunuz?
00:23:18Bir tane daha
00:23:20Bilemedim ki şimdi
00:23:22Ya Gamze sen o şişeyi açma bak İspanyol şarabı var
00:23:25Onu içelim onu içelim
00:23:28Çünkü ben onu özel günler için saklamıştım onu içelim
00:23:31Onu bırak
00:23:34İspanyol şarabı mı?
00:23:37Gamze Hanım çay sevmiyor mu?
00:23:40Ben o şekilde hatırlıyorum
00:23:41Çünkü çok çay getirip götürdüm ona
00:23:43Öyle hafızamda kalmış benim
00:23:49Ay Fabri Bey
00:23:51Fabri Bey ne dansı
00:23:53Gerçekten inanamıyorum
00:23:55Sizdeki bu enerji peki nasıl olacak?
00:23:59Tamam tamam tamam edebiliriz
00:24:02Bilemiyorum ki ben pek beceremem aslında ama
00:24:04Dans diyorsun yani bir de
00:24:07Çok enteresan
00:24:08Sabahlar olmasın diyor Fabri Bey
00:24:10Ne yapacağımı bilemiyorum
00:24:15Çocuğum kıssana şu müziğin sesini
00:24:17Kıssana duyamıyoruz birbirimizi sana sesleniyoruz
00:24:19Duymuyorsun hadi kapat Allah Allah
00:24:36Senin annenle baban mı orada?
00:24:41Müziğin sesi biraz fazla burada
00:24:45Konuşamıyoruz da isterseniz ben rahatsız etmeyeyim
00:24:48Kapatayım ben
00:24:51Öyledir öyledir
00:24:52Ben anladım Sanem senin evde olduğunu
00:24:55Yani bence hiç uzatmana gerek yok yani
00:24:57Anladım ben seni
00:24:58Evde olduğunu
00:25:01Anladım yani
00:25:05Nasıl anladın?
00:25:11Şaka yaptım
00:25:12Şakada mı yapılmayacak?
00:25:14Değil mi?
00:25:15Arkadaş değil miyiz sonuçta birbirimize şaka yapamayacak mıyız biz?
00:25:20Filminizi böldüm ben sizin
00:25:23Rahatsızlık hiç vermeyeyim
00:25:25Sana güzel şaka yapılabiliyor ama
00:25:27Yani sen hiç anlamıyorsun
00:25:30Nasıl yani şaka?
00:25:33Sizde mi şaka yaptınız?
00:25:36Gamze hanım orada değil mi?
00:25:37Film izlemiyor musunuz?
00:25:40İspanyol şarabı yok mu?
00:25:44Ne diyorsun?
00:25:49Süper derken
00:25:50Yarın kamp var
00:25:52Yani erkenden yatarsınız diye düşünmüştüm
00:25:55Çünkü arkadaşlar bugünler içindir
00:25:57Yani yorgun falan gelmenizi hiç istemem çünkü işe
00:26:00Değil mi?
00:26:01Arkadaşlar birbirini düşünmeli
00:26:03Anladım arkadaşım anladım
00:26:05E tamam
00:26:07Ben rahatsız etmeyeyim seni hiç
00:26:11Görüşürüz o zaman yarın sabah
00:26:15İyi geceler arkadaşım
00:26:17Tamam bay bay
00:26:28Gerçekten de hiç yaktırmadı
00:26:31Çok iyiyim
00:26:34Asla anlaşılmadı
00:26:42Nasıl? Beğendin mi memeyi?
00:26:44Çok lezzetli Emre Bey
00:26:46Çok güzelmiş burası zaten
00:26:48Çok huzurlu çok şık bir yer
00:26:50Ben de severim
00:26:51Sevindim beğenmene
00:26:57Buyurun önce siz
00:26:58Hayır hayır sen
00:26:59Lütfen siz söyleyin önce
00:27:00Leyla sen
00:27:01Emre Bey ben şey diyecektim
00:27:03Hiç Can Bey ile konuşabildiniz mi?
00:27:05Bir gelişme var mı?
00:27:09Yani daha güzel şeylerden bahsetsek
00:27:12Mesela senden
00:27:14Benden mi?
00:27:15Hep sen beni dinliyorsun
00:27:16Biraz da ben seni dinleyeyim
00:27:19Anlat hayat nasıl gidiyor?
00:27:20İyi misin? Yolunda mı her şey?
00:27:23İyi gibi Emre Bey
00:27:24Yani Senem ile aramız daha iyi en azından
00:27:26Ona seviniyorum
00:27:29Yoluna girecek her şey
00:27:30Ne güzel haber bu
00:27:38Bu ara evdeki gündemimiz annemin başkanlığı
00:27:40Annem mahalleye başkan seçildi de
00:27:42Ne diyorsun?
00:27:43Evet evet
00:27:44O nasıl oluyor?
00:27:45Ya bunlar böyle bir inatlaşmayla başlamışlar
00:27:47Ta annemin başkanı olana kadar gitti yani bu süreç
00:27:50Bizim bir mahalle derneğimiz var
00:27:53Onun başkanı adam ani bir şekilde öldü
00:28:00Ya kızım bayıldım ya aldığı hediyeye
00:28:03Ne kadar güzel ne kadar anlamlı bir hediye
00:28:06Var ya bence Can sana
00:28:08Yani benim düşündüğümden daha da aşık
00:28:16Söyledim ya biz Can ile artık arkadaşız
00:28:19Ya ne şimdiliği Ayhan ya
00:28:21Ben sana bir daha güvenemem dedi
00:28:23Bence bu konuda çok haklı
00:28:25Sana anlattım gördüğüm kabusu
00:28:27Aklımdan çıkaramıyorum hala
00:28:30Ben de hala aklımdan çıkaramıyorum ama
00:28:32Sizin birlikte uyumanızı
00:28:37Of yani ona bu kadar yakınken
00:28:39Uzak durmaya çalışmak çok zor
00:28:42Ben tutamıyorum hiç kendimi
00:28:44Ama en kötüsü ne biliyor musun?
00:28:48Bir daha Can ile asla sevgili olamayacağız
00:28:51Aşkta asla asla yoktur kardeşim
00:28:54Bence senin birazcık daha sabırlı olman gerekiyor
00:28:57Ben başka çarem yok ki
00:28:59Biz de Ceycey ile arkadaş olmaya karar verdik biliyor musun?
00:29:02Böyle şey dedik birbirimizi yavaş yavaş tanıyalım
00:29:05Böyle yavaş yavaş aşık olalım birbirimize dedik
00:29:08Ama yani bir türlü buluşamıyoruz ki
00:29:10Doğru düzgün program da yapamadık
00:29:15Ayhan sen de bizle kampa gelsene
00:29:18Gerçekten mi?
00:29:19Nasıl yani gelebilir miyim ki?
00:29:21Evet gelirsiniz zaten şirkette
00:29:23Arkadaşlarınızı çağırabilirsiniz dediler
00:29:25Senden başka arkadaşım yok ki
00:29:27Ya kardeşim
00:29:29Ne oluyor?
00:29:31Kardeşim çok teşekkür ederim
00:29:33Bir de Can
00:29:35O zaten kampa geliyor
00:29:37Ceycey ile baş başa kalırız belki
00:29:39Ben de Can ile arkadaş kalırım
00:29:41Biz de arkadaşız zaten
00:29:43Ayhan biz de arkadaşız
00:29:45Onlarla da arkadaşız
00:29:51Geline gideceğime bakalım
00:29:53Hadi arkadaşım
00:29:57Şu mesela harika
00:29:59Bir dakika bir dakika
00:30:01Sonra bulamadılar mı kimi yaptığımı?
00:30:03Hayır bulamadılar Emre Bey ama ben de kendimi çok iyi kamufle etmiştim
00:30:05Bir de yani küçücük çocuğum 5 yaşında bir kızım
00:30:07Hiç kimse benim yapabileceğime ihtimal de vermiyor
00:30:09Ama ben tabi bunu bilmiyorum
00:30:11Benim yaptığımı anlayacaklar zannediyorum
00:30:13Nasıl korkuyorum nasıl korkuyorum
00:30:15Korktukça iyice kaskatı kesildim buz gibi oldum
00:30:17Neyse böyle somurttum
00:30:19Kimseyle muhatap olmadım
00:30:21Ben öyle olunca da kimse benim yanıma yanaşmadı
00:30:23İşi tavırla kurtardım yani
00:30:25Bir ay gözümün önüne geldi mi?
00:30:27Bizim Ayhan var
00:30:29Sanem'in arkadaşı
00:30:31Bana buzlar kraliçesi der
00:30:33Aslında kız haklıymış yani
00:30:35Ben ona kızıyorum ama hatta çocukluğumdan belliymiş bu ismin hakkını vereceğim
00:30:37Niye buzlar kraliçesi diyor sana?
00:30:39Bilmem soğuk görünüyorum galiba
00:30:41Hayır canım ben buna katılmıyorum
00:30:43Yani aksine
00:30:45Çok sıcak kalmışsın
00:30:49Sağ olun Emre Bey
00:30:53Ay ben sizin davetiyenizi vermeyi unutmadım neredeyse
00:30:57Buyurun davetiyeniz ve size gelen diğer şeyler
00:30:59Hmm epey birikmiş ha
00:31:01Çok teşekkür ederim Leyla
00:31:03Aslında ben teşekkür ederim Emre Bey
00:31:05Çok güzel bir geceydi
00:31:07Rica ederim
00:31:09Eee ajansa işler nasıl?
00:31:11Yani sizsiz pek tadı yok Emre Bey
00:31:13İşte yarın bir kampa gidecekler
00:31:15Cem Bey bir kamp düzenlemiş o yüzden ben izinliyim
00:31:17Ne kampı?
00:31:19Ya bu Kompas Sports diye bir marka vardı ya
00:31:21İşte o markanın kampanyası için böyle bir kamp düzenliyorlar
00:31:25Hem markayı
00:31:27Yani hem ürünleri deniyorlar
00:31:29Hem işte fikirler üretiyorlar falan
00:31:31Onun gibi bir şey bir aktivite yani
00:31:35Eee kolay gelsin numara
00:31:37Bir tane daha içer misin yoksa kalkalım mı?
00:31:39Emre Bey ben bundan sonra içmeyeyim
00:31:41Son olsun yani
00:31:43Çok da geçe kalmadan kalkalım biz
00:31:45İyi tamam
00:31:47Eee hesabı alalım mı?
00:32:11Efendim anneciğim hayırdır?
00:32:15Ya tabi sana da günaydın da
00:32:17Böyle erken arayınca bir şey oldu zannettim
00:32:23Küstük de sen bilimlerden biliyorsun
00:32:27Halim mi söyledi?
00:32:31Artık ajansa da gitmiyorum
00:32:33Evet beni oda istinamıyor
00:32:35Evet yani ajansın başına gelenlerde de
00:32:37Bildiğim suçum yok ama
00:32:39İnanmıyor işte
00:32:41Ne yapayım anne kavga mı edeyim gerginlik mi çıksın?
00:32:43Babam da yönetim hakkını ona devretti
00:32:45Benim pürüzsüz hakkım kalmadı
00:32:47O da bana bunu kullanıyor işte
00:32:53Nasıl yani?
00:32:55Emin misin?
00:32:57Çok harika bir fikir de
00:33:01Tamam ben de o bahaneyle abimin aramını düzeltirim o zaman
00:33:03Annem sen üzülme tamam mı?
00:33:07Seni seviyorum
00:33:13Ne oldu?
00:33:17Hisselerin yönetim hakkını
00:33:19Bana devrediyor
00:33:23Böylelikle ajansa tekrar söz sahibi oluyorsun
00:33:25Ben biliyordum zaten
00:33:27Annen böyle bir haksızlığa göz yummazdı yani
00:33:31Ama kadın üzülüyor tabi yani
00:33:33Abimin aramızın böyle olmasına
00:33:35Boşver bence çok iyi oldu
00:33:37Bir de seni düşünmüyorum diye kızıyordu
00:33:39Neyse hadi ajansa gitme
00:33:41Neyse hadi ajansa git
00:33:43Hemen cana bu haberi ver
00:33:45Ajansa girer kampta
00:33:47Nasıl ne kampa?
00:33:49Konkur'a katılıyorlarmış
00:33:53Abini kaçırmak istemeyeceği kadar büyük bir iş
00:33:59Sen de kampa gidersin daha iyi
00:34:03Nasıl gitmeyeceğim?
00:34:05Emrecim o ajanda senin artık söz hakkın var
00:34:07Hatta daha çok senin söz hakkın var
00:34:09Bu aktiviteye gitmen lazım bence
00:34:11Bunu bir düşün
00:34:23Arkadaşlar komple sport markasının
00:34:25Mümkün olduğu kadar fazla ürününü
00:34:27Bizzat deneyip
00:34:29Tecrübelerimizi not edeceğiz
00:34:31Daha sonra bilahare reklam kampanyası üzerinde
00:34:33Oturup tekrar çalışacağız
00:34:35Ben bu şekilde süreci bizzat deneyimleyerek
00:34:37Çok daha iyi fikirler elde edeceğimize inanıyorum
00:34:39En iyi fikri ve sloganı
00:34:41Bulan kişi benimle birlikte
00:34:43Projenin başında olacak
00:34:45Ve sürpriz bir de hediyenin sahibi olacak
00:34:51Hep beraber çalışmak
00:34:55Yani ben stajyer metin yazarı olduğum için
00:34:57Benim için büyük bir şans
00:34:59Bence de öyle de şu konsantrasyonunu
00:35:01Senin için imkansız gibi bir şey
00:35:03Size de hak veriyorum tabi
00:35:23Ayhan, what are you doing here?
00:35:35I trust you.
00:35:36I mean, you can give practical messages to the consumer.
00:35:39If you concentrate on the product and the camp,
00:35:42there's nothing you can't do.
00:35:44I mean, I can do this outdoor thing.
00:35:47I can do it.
00:35:49Is that what you're saying?
00:35:50Also, if there's a topic you're obsessed with,
00:35:52don't be arrogant.
00:35:54You can ask me without hesitation.
00:35:55The products are so practical and simple.
00:35:57I won't ask you anything. You can be sure.
00:36:00First of all, you can join the tent team.
00:36:02Like that.
00:36:04Start by setting up a practical tent.
00:36:10Gamze is here.
00:36:13Gamze, welcome.
00:36:15Good morning.
00:36:16What is she doing here?
00:36:17But what is this woman?
00:36:18We almost made similar sentences to each other, Ms. Deren.
00:36:21That's right.
00:36:24Good morning.
00:36:25Good morning.
00:36:26Good morning.
00:36:27Ms. Gamze, it's a surprise.
00:36:28We weren't expecting you.
00:36:29I wanted to be a housewife while trying our products.
00:36:32And maybe you have questions to ask.
00:36:35You thought about it very well.
00:36:37Then let me take you to the team.
00:36:40There were things in the car.
00:36:41I'll take them and...
00:36:42I'll take care of it.
00:36:45Here you go.
00:36:46See you on the road.
00:36:49How did you know that Ms. Gamze would be here?
00:36:54I told her on the phone yesterday.
00:36:57On the phone?
00:37:01Did she say anything?
00:37:03I didn't say anything.
00:37:04I mean, we're running an advertising campaign now.
00:37:06Wouldn't it be a problem if one of the advertising companies was here?
00:37:11I mean, wouldn't the other agencies say unfair competition?
00:37:14I think we should take Ms. Gamze on a trip like this.
00:37:18Every agency can try the products.
00:37:20If they have the right, they can try the products.
00:37:23And they can ask something about the products.
00:37:25Compel Sport is helping the agencies.
00:37:27At an equal distance.
00:37:28Since Gamze is my friend, I don't think it's a problem for her to spend a day with us.
00:37:32At least that's what I think.
00:37:34You're right.
00:37:35What do I care?
00:37:36I'm telling you because I think about you.
00:37:38So that there's no problem.
00:37:40So you're following me, right?
00:37:42Well, I don't want them to say they're doing unfair competition.
00:37:47No, they won't.
00:37:48Don't worry.
00:37:49There's no such thing.
00:37:50Because Gamze is not in the team to make that decision.
00:37:53She's not in the team to make that decision.
00:38:01We weren't expecting you.
00:38:03Am I not your partner again?
00:38:07That's right.
00:38:09I want to follow our employees' work and new projects more closely from now on.
00:38:16It won't be difficult.
00:38:17The natural conditions are not very similar to urban life.
00:38:19Don't worry, Mr. Senior.
00:38:22I have quite a few outdoor experiences.
00:38:24Come on.
00:38:25I even did mountaineering in the Alps in college years.
00:38:29Occasionally I go parasailing.
00:38:31And I have a few medals in windsurfing.
00:38:34Is that enough for you?
00:38:38These are very important equipment.
00:38:39I mean, I think we're going to need you a lot here.
00:38:42I think a group in the AB status, that is, a consumer group, is in need.
00:38:50Absolutely right.
00:38:53Then let me show you the materials.
00:38:55Let me introduce you to the products.
00:38:57Of course.
00:39:07Well, Brother Nihat, our job is not for you.
00:39:09This traffic in Istanbul makes people sick with blood pressure and diabetes.
00:39:13Okay, Selahattin.
00:39:14I have all of them.
00:39:15Don't worry.
00:39:16There is blood pressure, there is diabetes.
00:39:18Hunger is 160, thirst is 400.
00:39:20Let it pass.
00:39:21I think you should sit in the grocery store.
00:39:23You say good, Selahattin.
00:39:25I need money.
00:39:26I need extra work.
00:39:27But if you say nothing, then I'll get up.
00:39:31And the shop is empty.
00:39:32I'll go.
00:39:33Good luck.
00:39:34See you.
00:39:35Brother Selahattin, I have an appointment at night.
00:39:37His wife is pregnant.
00:39:38He doesn't have a ride.
00:39:39If you want, tell your brother.
00:39:40Brother Nihat.
00:39:41Come on, come on.
00:39:42What happened?
00:39:43Can you go to work at night, brother?
00:39:45Traffic is terrible.
00:39:46I'll get out.
00:39:47Why don't I get out?
00:39:48Of course I'll get out.
00:39:49Then I'll take care of it.
00:39:50Oh, Selahattin.
00:39:51I'm waiting for your news.
00:39:53Okay, brother.
00:39:54Okay, brother.
00:39:55Good luck.
00:39:56It's good.
00:40:06Oh, my God.
00:40:07What am I going to do?
00:40:08Cevcev had panic attacks again.
00:40:09We talked about this friendship thing.
00:40:10Since then, his head has been like soup.
00:40:11All men's heads are like soup anyway, right?
00:40:12This is not a special situation for Cevcev.
00:40:13I'll ask you something.
00:40:14Who was your friend next to your friend?
00:40:17Can's friend.
00:40:18You say Bambi.
00:40:19Why did he come?
00:40:20He called.
00:40:21He invited him.
00:40:22He said he was coming.
00:40:23He said he was coming.
00:40:24He said he was coming.
00:40:25He said he was coming.
00:40:26He said he was coming.
00:40:27He said he was coming.
00:40:28He said he was coming.
00:40:29He said he was coming.
00:40:30He said he was coming.
00:40:31He said he was coming.
00:40:32You say Bambi.
00:40:33Why did he come?
00:40:34He called.
00:40:35He invited him.
00:40:36He is interested, I guess.
00:40:37I mean, I can't intervene because we're friends, but...
00:40:38She's a beautiful girl, right?
00:40:39No, she's not beautiful.
00:40:40You know what's next to you?
00:40:41Even her name is not readable.
00:40:42No, Mr. Ceyhan Can, are you going to look at her while you're here?
00:40:43Did you feel that way?
00:40:44I felt that way.
00:40:45I don't think the girl has any interest in Can.
00:40:46My sixth sense is strong, sister.
00:40:47I feel that way, too.
00:40:48I'm not going to look at her.
00:40:49I'm not going to look at her.
00:40:50I'm not going to look at her.
00:40:51I'm not going to look at her.
00:40:52I'm not going to look at her.
00:40:53I'm not going there.
00:40:54I'm not going there.
00:40:55I'm not going there, either.
00:40:56I'm going to look in the bush.
00:40:57I'm going to look in the bush.
00:40:58I'm not going to look in the bush.
00:40:59Come on, honey.
00:41:00What do you see?
00:41:01You have no interest in her.
00:41:02My sixth sense is strong, sister.
00:41:03I feel that way too.
00:41:04It's nice at the make-up.
00:41:05Come on, let's take a closer look.
00:41:06You'll do it at home in the evening.
00:41:07What do you say?
00:41:08I'm saying let's take a look at the weave.
00:41:09Are we going to look at the weave?
00:41:10Let's go.
00:41:11Come on.
00:41:12I'm looking at you, you're staring a lot more intimately with the sports.
00:41:13It looks internal.
00:41:14I'm looking at you. You seem to be quite intimate with nature sports, huh?
00:41:22You meant to say intimate and extrovert.
00:41:24Intimate and extrovert.
00:41:26Yes, you seem to be intimate and extrovert, bravo.
00:41:28I learned something today as well.
00:41:29Yes, intimate and extrovert.
00:41:31Actually, I didn't have much interest before I met Can.
00:41:34I didn't even like the camping environment.
00:41:38There's someone against Can.
00:41:40Shh, they'll hear.
00:41:41But Can was very popular in our environment.
00:41:44I had to think of something to meet him.
00:41:47So I went and read books about camping.
00:41:50I took off with the information I learned from there.
00:41:53I pretended to be a camper.
00:41:55He thought I was a yearling.
00:41:57Smart girl, huh?
00:41:59That's how we became friends.
00:42:02So he's a liar.
00:42:04She's a liar.
00:42:06Then she has nothing to do with camping.
00:42:09Look, sister.
00:42:11Do you see the liar?
00:42:13Look, she's a real friend.
00:42:15If I'm not mistaken, camping is a lie.
00:42:17She's the only real Can.
00:42:20Don't make me angry right now.
00:42:22Look, it's in the forest area.
00:42:24Something's wrong with my brain.
00:42:26Open it.
00:42:27It's from the past.
00:42:28It's from the past.
00:42:29That's why I couldn't feel it.
00:42:31Sit down.
00:42:34I was dying to get around Can.
00:42:37I liked him because he was my closest friend.
00:42:40I loved camping with them so much that I became a professional mountaineer.
00:42:44I did it as a sport and got my license.
00:42:47I also started doing natural sports and training.
00:42:57But of course, this is a secret between us.
00:43:00It's a secret.
00:43:02It's a secret.
00:43:03It's a secret.
00:43:04Okay, don't worry.
00:43:07Gamze, can you take a look?
00:43:08I'm coming.
00:43:14Oh, man.
00:43:16What are you talking about?
00:43:19It's nothing.
00:43:21I guess your star didn't make up with you.
00:43:28I think it will.
00:43:33Don't look at me like that.
00:43:34I liked it.
00:43:35He has a different charisma.
00:43:38You say different?
00:43:40I think you should learn Italian.
00:43:43Don't spoil the Turkish thing.
00:43:48Calm down, brother.
00:43:49You can't shout that he's a liar.
00:43:51How are you going to prove it?
00:43:56Where am I going to hold this?
00:43:58Open it.
00:43:59Open it.
00:44:01Pull it.
00:44:17Hold it.
00:44:18Hold it.
00:44:22Where is it?
00:44:23Look at Bambi.
00:44:27Is it a tent?
00:44:35It's not as easy as it looks to set up a tent.
00:44:40No, it's very easy.
00:44:42It's even over.
00:44:47Why are you trying so hard?
00:44:48Find something for your teeth.
00:44:50Isn't it too practical and easy for you?
00:44:52No, I wasn't setting it up.
00:44:54I was showing it to Sanem.
00:44:55Even low-level users can have a hard time with this.
00:44:58That's why we need to do a good job.
00:45:01I was surprised.
00:45:02I thought Gamze wouldn't be able to set up a tent.
00:45:06But it's very simple, isn't it?
00:45:08Did you set it up, Sanem?
00:45:09I asked Ayhan and Ceycey.
00:45:11Because I'm observing low-level tents.
00:45:15I'm 100% sure you'll set it up easily.
00:45:18My real expectation is new questions.
00:45:22I'll go and check the tents.
00:45:25Ceycey, Ayhan.
00:45:26Ayhan, it's very simple.
00:45:27It's very simple.
00:45:29I'll show you.
00:45:32Put it there.
00:45:33I need to go inside and leave it there.
00:45:37Shall we have coffee?
00:45:53Did you set it up?
00:45:54And later.
00:45:55Wait a minute.
00:45:57Did you remove it from inside?
00:46:03I'm telling you to remove it.
00:46:09I'm telling you to remove it.
00:46:11It looks crooked here.
00:46:13We need to fix it somehow.
00:46:22What are you doing?
00:46:25I think it's done.
00:46:26There's just a few things missing.
00:46:29I didn't take it like that anyway.
00:46:31Do you need help?
00:46:32It's okay.
00:46:33There's not much left.
00:46:34We almost finished it.
00:46:36Shall I take you like this?
00:46:37Of course.
00:46:39Thank you.
00:46:40Ceycey, I couldn't get out.
00:46:41Like this.
00:46:42No, look here.
00:46:43It says in the instructions.
00:46:44If you get out today, we'll finish it.
00:46:45Come on.
00:46:46We're out.
00:46:48Can you handle it?
00:46:49A little.
00:46:50I've done a few, of course.
00:46:53First the stick.
00:46:54First the stick.
00:46:55The stick is very important.
00:47:15Yes, exactly there, Mr. Sabri.
00:47:20I set up the tent very well.
00:47:22I mean, you helped a lot.
00:47:24Thank you very much.
00:47:26I feel like you're doing everything you can.
00:47:30You're already doing your job.
00:47:35Ms. Ganca and Mr. Can are very sincere.
00:47:39Is that so?
00:47:40I didn't notice.
00:47:41You didn't notice.
00:47:45Mr. Can.
00:47:47Of course.
00:47:49He's both successful and talented.
00:47:52He's also very extraordinary.
00:47:55And of course, he has a lot of women around him.
00:48:00What happened?
00:48:01Are you jealous?
00:48:03Why would I be jealous?
00:48:05I mean, you can't be jealous of your friend.
00:48:09Oh, friendship.
00:48:12That's the hardest part.
00:48:15Because friendship is open to all kinds of possibilities.
00:48:21Both for you and for your friends.
00:48:28Yes, let's set up the other tents.
00:48:31Emre, what are you waiting for?
00:48:32Why are you insisting? I don't understand.
00:48:35You can't have anything as long as you drag yourself like this.
00:48:37Go and stand in front of the camp.
00:48:39Let me be humiliated.
00:48:41Let him fire me.
00:48:43This time, you're not going as his little brother.
00:48:46This time, you're going as a partner of the company's 40% shareholder.
00:48:51Yes, you're right.
00:48:54I didn't know.
00:48:56Emre, Can may not need you.
00:48:59But that company needs you.
00:49:01You promised your mother.
00:49:03You have to keep it.
00:49:04So don't crush yourself anymore.
00:49:06Go and take care of what you have.
00:49:11You're right.
00:49:12What are you going to do? Are you going?
00:49:15I'm going.
00:49:18Then I'll change my mind.
00:49:22Okay, I think you made the right decision.
00:49:36I can't do it. Nobody helps me.
00:49:38And Gamze is in trouble.
00:49:43Can I help you?
00:49:45What happened?
00:49:46I can't set up this hammock.
00:49:49You can do it if you want.
00:49:50But you're negative about it.
00:49:53So you can't do it.
00:49:56First you tie it like this.
00:49:58Then you tie it there.
00:50:00I wonder if you could be with me.
00:50:02Because I don't have any experience in the camp.
00:50:04As far as I can see, Gamze doesn't need you.
00:50:07If the client sees me, she can't even set up a hammock.
00:50:10How will she manage our campaign?
00:50:12I'm already here.
00:50:14I'm with you in case you need me.
00:50:18Let's tie this.
00:50:21Can I ask you something?
00:50:23Let's not create an agent atmosphere in the forest.
00:50:28We're here to try the products.
00:50:30So don't be like business.
00:50:32I'm so bored.
00:50:33I don't like the camp.
00:52:03Ms. Aylin.
00:52:08What's your name?
00:52:13Look, Ferdi.
00:52:14Partnerships are established in the business environment.
00:52:16Partnerships are broken.
00:52:18But this doesn't affect our relationship with Can.
00:52:20Do you understand?
00:52:22I left a file inside.
00:52:24I know where it is.
00:52:25I'll take it right away.
00:52:27Do you understand?
00:52:29But Mr. Can.
00:52:30Mr. Can.
00:52:31Mr. Can is in the camp.
00:52:33And he's not answering his phone.
00:52:35Let's not tire each other out.
00:52:38What do you say?
00:52:43See you in five minutes.
00:53:30I don't want this shit.
00:54:01Hello, friends.
00:54:04Our new product is a mobile GPS, friends.
00:54:07Our product has a technology that can make voice commands.
00:54:10We added a game to this product.
00:54:12By using our device,
00:54:14the person who collects the flags we have placed on the paths in the forest
00:54:19and goes to the finish point as soon as possible will win the race.
00:54:22Very nice.
00:54:25The locations of the flags are recorded in our algorithms.
00:54:28No map will be used.
00:54:29I'll give you the start when you're ready.
00:54:32Who will participate?
00:54:36Shall we take it?
00:54:40I'll take it.
00:54:46This is my head.
00:54:47This is my head.
00:54:48Take this.
00:54:49This is not my technology.
00:54:53Wait a minute.
00:54:56You don't have to try that GPS device.
00:54:58You can try the camera and note your ideas.
00:55:02Why are you saying such a thing?
00:55:04What are you trying to tell me?
00:55:06What am I going to tell you, Sanem?
00:55:13Those who don't know how to use these GPS devices
00:55:16can be quite misleading.
00:55:18So, be aware of that.
00:55:20I understand.
00:55:21Although I'm not used to camping in the mountains,
00:55:24I'm not like that.
00:55:27Don't go alone.
00:55:29Do you hear me?
00:55:30I want to ask you something.
00:55:31I'm already wearing the wrong watch.
00:55:33Let me start this.
00:55:35Because I'll be the first.
00:55:36Let me help you.
00:55:37Wait a second.
00:55:38Show me the barometer.
00:55:41The one you lost.
00:55:42If there's a problem, I can help you.
00:55:44I thought it was Ms. Aylin.
00:55:46Is there anything else?
00:55:48Because it makes me nervous.
00:55:50I feel like I'm going to be nervous.
00:55:52No, it can't be adjusted.
00:55:55Anyway, there's nothing I can do.
00:55:57This watch made me nervous.
00:55:59So, I'm going to use this technology.
00:56:02The barometer of the places you lost.
00:56:04This is the right watch.
00:56:08This is the left watch.
00:56:09Thank you.
00:56:10You're welcome.
00:56:11Let's go.
00:56:14It's going to be great. Don't worry.
00:56:16Don't be greedy.
00:56:18Focus on your goal.
00:56:21Listen to your inner voice.
00:56:24Come on.
00:56:25Come on.
00:56:26I imitated someone's voice.
00:56:28Sanem, where are you going?
00:56:30I'm going to be the first one.
00:56:31Where are you going?
00:56:32Wait for us.
00:56:42Senor Cano.
00:56:43Aren't you going to take part in the race?
00:56:47Did you give up because you heard I was going to take part in the race?
00:56:51Yes, I gave up.
00:56:53I have to be the first one you see as a rival to take part in a race.
00:56:57Don't underestimate me.
00:56:59I can compete with you in everything.
00:57:07Let's see.
00:57:12Guys, listen to me.
00:57:13I'm starting the clock.
00:57:14I started it.
00:57:23How many letters would you have if you were all pink?
00:57:26You, rich baby.
00:57:28Go north-west.
00:57:32Which way is north-west?
00:57:34I think...
00:57:37I don't think it's that way.
00:57:39This way.
00:57:41I think this way.
00:57:43Because there is something called İşgüdü.
00:57:47You, apartment baby.
00:57:49No, I went to the mountain club.
00:57:51I went to the mountain club.
00:57:53No, I went to the diving club.
00:57:55What are you?
00:57:57It's not good to read in books.
00:57:59You, apartment baby.
00:58:01I was playing hide-and-seek in the fields.
00:58:05Let's see.
00:58:07You, apartment baby.
00:58:09You are moving away from the target.
00:58:14Go south-west.
00:58:22Which way is south-west?
00:58:24Turn right.
00:58:26Turn right.
00:58:27There is no road on the right.
00:58:29Turn right.
00:58:31No, no, there is no road on the right.
00:58:33You are moving away from the target.
00:58:35He definitely wants to say left.
00:58:37Turn right.
00:58:39I felt it.
00:58:43Is that a snake?
00:59:32North-eastern direction.
00:59:35They are still saying the same thing.
00:59:37You are saying the same thing for three times.
00:59:39If you give us the information,
00:59:41if you send us the northeastern direction...
00:59:43Actually, if we find the north,
00:59:45I think we can find the rest.
00:59:47Ayhan, if I could find the north right now,
00:59:49How are we going to do the same thing everywhere?
00:59:51Ah, Ceycey!
00:59:53I have to tell you something. You know the sides of these trees?
00:59:56He was showing something.
00:59:58He was showing something.
01:00:00What were they showing?
01:00:02What were they showing? They show humidity.
01:00:05They show moisture. They show romanticism.
01:00:07They show the family doctor. What were they showing?
01:00:09No, no. They were teaching at primary school.
01:00:12What were they showing?
01:00:15They are coming to me again.
01:00:17I'm starting to panic. It's getting late. What are we going to do, Ayhan?
01:00:19It's getting late. What are we going to do in the morning?
01:00:24Calm down. We're next to each other.
01:00:28I mean, I'm next to you.
01:00:31I'm 200 meters away from you.
01:00:35Ma'am, if you'd be quiet, we were talking about something.
01:00:39Let me turn you off for a while.
01:00:42You don't have to panic.
01:00:44You have to be calm in nature.
01:00:46You know, I used to sleep in the forest in nature.
01:00:50Do you remember? Nature whispers to me.
01:00:52We have a good deal with nature.
01:00:54Yes, of course. It whispers to me.
01:00:56It's important to be calm.
01:00:57Ceycey, you maniac! I swear to God!
01:01:05Where am I?
01:01:06Where am I?
01:01:12Talk to me! Where am I?
01:01:13You've gone too far.
01:01:16You're so smart. We get it.
01:01:18Tell me where I have to go.
01:01:20I'm lost for sure.
01:01:31Isn't anyone here?
01:01:34Isn't anyone here?
01:01:36Is anyone here?
01:01:38I'm lost.
01:01:45What's that?
01:01:51What is that?
01:01:53What's going on?
01:02:09How many did you collect?
01:02:13How many did you find?
01:02:15One. Two.
01:02:18I have one.
01:02:20One and one.
01:02:21I have one.
01:02:23I'm so happy.
01:02:24I'm so happy.
01:02:30Guys, listen to me.
01:02:32Mr. Can, who came in sixth in the relay race, won the race.
01:02:45Guys, is anyone hungry?
01:02:46It's a shame.
01:02:47Guys, hold on a second.
01:02:51Where's Sanem? Hasn't she arrived yet?
01:02:54One second.
01:03:01I can't reach her.
01:03:03No signal either.
01:03:05Guys, cut to the chase.
01:03:08Let's split up. We'll look for Sanem.
01:03:11Let's not split up. Let's take control.
01:03:13Let's split up and not look for each other.
01:03:16If we can't find Sanem in an hour, we'll come back here.
01:03:19We'll set up a more professional search team, okay?
01:03:35No, where did she go?
01:03:41Where is she?
01:03:46This won't work. Let's split up. I'll look over there.
01:03:49Mr. Favri, this won't work. Let's split up.
01:03:53You go that way.
01:03:56Come on.
01:03:57Where is this girl?
01:03:59I don't know, but we shouldn't panic.
01:04:01Panic is our biggest enemy in nature.
01:04:04What if something happens to her?
01:04:06Nothing will happen to her. What will happen in the forest?
01:04:08There are trees, leaves, little branches.
01:04:11It could be a snake.
01:04:12A wolf.
01:04:13She could be down here. There could be a wolf.
01:04:16A wolf.
01:04:47Did you lose your voice?
01:04:49I'll yell.
01:04:50My voice is gone. Sanem!
01:04:55Where are you, Sanem?
01:06:26Salim, are you okay?
01:06:30I found Salim!
01:06:48I need rope!
01:07:35Are you okay?
01:07:37I'm fine.
01:07:39Okay, you're fine.
01:07:41Don't panic, okay?
01:07:43We'll get out of here in 5-10 minutes, okay?
01:07:46Calm down, don't panic.
01:07:48Can you straighten up?
01:07:59Are you okay?
01:08:01I'm fine.
01:08:02Sit here for a while.
01:08:04I have something to do.
01:08:06Then I'll pick you up and we'll get out of here, okay?
01:08:08Of course.
01:08:35Calm down, okay?
01:08:36We'll get out of here.
01:08:37You have to hold me tight.
01:08:39Can you hold me?
01:08:41I'm holding you.
01:08:43We'll get out of the steps one by one, okay?
01:08:47Put your arms around my neck.
01:08:51Sit on my legs.
01:09:07I'm fine.
01:09:09I'm fine. I'm so scared.
01:09:11Okay, it's over.
01:09:25Are you okay?
01:09:27I'm fine.
01:09:29I'm fine.
01:09:31I'm fine.
01:09:33I'm fine.
01:09:35Are you okay?
01:09:37I'm fine.
01:09:53I don't understand.
01:09:55You don't have to understand. I'll understand.
01:09:57Give it to me.
01:10:05Of course, we spent a lot of time in Italy, on the mountains.
01:10:07Of course, we spent a lot of time in Italy, on the mountains.
01:10:09I love it, too.
01:10:11I love it, too.
01:10:13Are you okay?
01:10:15I'm fine.
01:10:17You scared us all.
01:10:19You scared us all.
01:10:21I was so worried.
01:10:23I was so scared, too.
01:10:25I won't let you go out of my sight again.
01:10:27I won't let you go out of my sight again.
01:10:31It's not like that at all.
01:10:33Especially in forested areas like this, never.
01:10:38I understand.
01:10:51After a tiring day, coffee is very good.
01:10:56For me, tea is very good.
01:10:58Of course, you Turks like tea, we like coffee.
01:11:02Yes, but this time thyme tea.
01:11:07It's very relaxing, you should try it too.
01:11:11Okay, I'll try it next time.
01:11:20I mean, what was that hole doing in the forest, I didn't understand that.
01:11:24It's not a hole, it's a Grand Canyon.
01:11:25I mean, how did you fall without seeing it, that's a question mark.
01:11:29But I won't ask, never mind.
01:11:32Hunters must have opened it to hunt bears or pigs.
01:11:36They were about to see you.
01:11:38If my mother saw me, she wouldn't be surprised.
01:11:40I mean, I'm always in trouble.
01:11:45Would you like some tea?
01:11:55Thank you.
01:12:26Is your arm okay?
01:12:28You support me from below.
01:12:31I'll hold your arm like this.
01:12:33Okay, I'll hold it too.
01:12:35Let's be rich.
01:12:42Mr. Emre is coming, Mr. Emre is coming.
01:12:49Can you hold it for a while? I'll be right there.
01:12:53Wait here.
01:12:55Emre, what are you doing here?
01:13:01Hello to you too, brother.
01:13:04Emre, what are you doing here?
01:13:06If you don't mind, let's talk in the office.
01:13:08Emre, I have nothing to talk to you.
01:13:10Is that so? I have something to talk to you, but I brought you some news.
01:13:15I'm not interested, Emre. I'm not interested in anything you're going to say.
01:13:18We have nothing in common with you. It's not going to happen.
01:13:21Our mother.
01:13:23But our mother is a partner.
01:13:25What happened to our mother? What does she have to do with it?
01:13:27She knows what's going on between us.
01:13:29What for?
01:13:30She knows what's going on in the agency.
01:13:31What for?
01:13:32She transferred the shares to me.
01:13:37So you won't be able to fire me anymore.
01:13:40I mean, at least I have a right in the company as much as you do.
01:13:44Emre, get lost.
01:13:45I don't think you understand, do you?
01:13:48I'm telling you, you can't fire me.
01:13:50Whether you want it or not, I'm in the agency.
01:13:57I need more than those shares for you to be able to return to this company, Emre.
01:14:01This job is not that easy.
01:14:02Get out of here before I get into an accident.
01:14:07You're going to regret it.
01:14:09A lot.
01:14:20I'm sorry.
01:14:50Friends, what a beautiful camping evening, isn't it?
01:14:56Stars are shining in the sky.
01:14:58We feel the clean air.
01:15:00We are happy.
01:15:02We are peaceful.
01:15:05You don't look like that at all.
01:15:07But why did we come here, friends?
01:15:10To find great ideas.
01:15:12You're nervous, I understand that.
01:15:14But we came here to find great ideas.
01:15:16But we came here to find great ideas.
01:15:18You're nervous, I understand that.
01:15:20But I have a miraculous thing that will motivate you.
01:15:24Get the glasses.
01:15:26Bring the glasses to all of you.
01:15:28Let's bring our glasses.
01:15:32Brother, how happy I am to come to a night like this.
01:15:36Don't ask.
01:15:37It was very bad for Emre to come.
01:15:38He won't come.
01:15:40Bon appetit.
01:15:42Bon appetit.
01:15:44Bon appetit.
01:15:45Is that a drink?
01:15:47I put a little alcohol in it, of course.
01:15:49I can't drink, I'm sleepy.
01:15:51I need to sleep.
01:15:52Why? Does it touch you?
01:15:54It touches a little.
01:15:56I think I'll go to bed late when I get to the camp.
01:16:01Who should I give this to?
01:16:05Oh, my head.
01:16:08Can you please calm down?
01:16:10Can't you see, Gamze?
01:16:12I don't want to see her.
01:16:15And he took my mother's shares.
01:16:19Can, okay. Take a deep breath, calm down.
01:16:23We camped in İğneada, remember?
01:16:26You know, I learned that my boyfriend cheated on me.
01:16:29He came without being ashamed and tried to apologize to me.
01:16:32You remember, right?
01:16:34What did you tell me there?
01:16:37We are in nature.
01:16:39We are under the stars.
01:16:40We are under the stars.
01:16:43I won't let that bastard ruin this beautiful night.
01:16:46That's the most important thing.
01:16:49And I listened to you.
01:16:51I mean, I didn't have anything else to do at that moment.
01:16:54But then when you told me that, everything was much easier for me with that energy.
01:16:59Now the same thing applies to you.
01:17:02I mean, I don't know what happened to your brother.
01:17:05But this is not the place you're going to solve, Can.
01:17:07I mean, you're the brother who's going to be solved.
01:17:10But look, we're camping here again after years.
01:17:14We're away from the plazas, the city, that chaos.
01:17:17Enjoy it.
01:17:25You're right, this is not the place.
01:17:30How are you?
01:17:33I'm fine, thank you.
01:17:38It's obvious that they always get along well with Senior Can in critical times.
01:17:46We get along very well as a team.
01:17:51I'm talking about Senior Can and Ms. Gamze.
01:17:55They are very compatible.
01:17:57Look how she calmed Senior Can down.
01:18:02Is that so?
01:18:04It never occurred to me.
01:18:05Are you sure? Take a look.
01:18:11Sanem, you couldn't drink anything, I feel sorry for you.
01:18:15I prepared fruit juice for you.
01:18:19Then I'll give you a tabure. Here you go.
01:18:21Thank you very much. Let's drink.
01:18:23Come on, enjoy it.
01:18:25Thank you.
01:18:27I'm burning inside.
01:18:29Drink it all.
01:18:36I'm going to drink something. Do you want?
01:18:39No, I'm fine. Thank you. Enjoy it.
01:18:42Okay, see you later.
01:18:44It tastes interesting.
01:18:47It's organic fruits. We forgot their taste in the city.
01:18:51Finish it all.
01:18:53I can't finish it.
01:18:55Finish it.
01:18:57I'm finishing it.
01:19:00Finish it all, okay?
01:19:02Finish it all, okay?
01:19:04Drink it all.
01:19:08What are you doing?
01:19:10I'm going for a walk.
01:19:12We should have gone together.
01:19:14It didn't happen again.
01:19:16It's so bad to waste time.
01:19:32What's going on? Am I sleepy?
01:19:36I shouldn't sleep.
01:19:40There's a wolf and a lamb.
01:19:43Don't sleep, Sanem.
01:19:46There's a wolf.
01:19:48There's a lamb.
01:19:52I'll go for a walk.
01:19:54I'll go for a walk.
01:19:56I'll go for a walk.
01:19:58I'll go for a walk.
01:19:59I'll go for a walk.
01:20:01I'll get some fresh air.
01:20:06Come on.
01:20:10Emre, what are you doing?
01:20:12What are you doing?
01:20:14Emre, Emre, Emre.
01:20:16Emre, Emre, Emre.
01:20:18What are you doing?
01:20:20I miss you so much.
01:20:22I miss you so much.
01:20:29Mr. Selen, you can't fire me anymore.
01:20:34At least I'm as smart as you are.
01:20:38What do you mean?
01:20:40You don't understand, do you?
01:20:42I'm telling you, you can't fire me.
01:20:48Mrs. Selen put interesting fruits in it.
01:20:54But it's not bad.
01:20:56People get used to it after a few years.
01:20:58People get used to it after a few years.
01:21:01They go into the forest and stay alone.
01:21:04Don't they get scared?
01:21:09My brave.
01:21:19Is this a fox?
01:21:24Is this a fox?
01:21:27The fox is in the camp normally.
01:21:31Did the fox come?
01:21:33Is this a snake?
01:21:56Mr. Can.
01:21:59What are you doing here?
01:22:03I'm walking around.
01:22:05I'm walking around in Mrs. Doğan's arms and arms.
01:22:09Did we drink a little?
01:22:11Fruit juice.
01:22:12You say fruit juice.
01:22:14Are we sure it's fruit juice?
01:22:16Yes, it's fruit juice.
01:22:18Mrs. Deren especially squeezed it for me.
01:22:21Besides, it's none of your business, boss.
01:22:22Mr. Can.
01:22:24I don't think it's going to concern you at all.
01:22:29Besides, why did you go so far away from the camps?
01:22:32Why do you leave your friends alone?
01:22:34Mamlu Gamze.
01:22:36That's like a nickname.
01:22:40I mean, why did you leave them alone?
01:22:44Does it suit you?
01:22:52I don't know.
01:23:22Besides, I couldn't understand why you didn't see each other for a long time.
01:23:26Because you get along very well.
01:23:28I think...
01:23:30You get along very well.
01:23:32I feel like you get together in a short time.
01:23:35I feel like you get closer.
01:23:53Come on, let's go back to the camp.
01:23:55Is that so?
01:23:56My friend is there.
01:23:57Don't worry about me.
01:23:58I'll be right there.
01:24:00But you're right.
01:24:02No, I'm going to sleep for a moment.
01:24:04I'm going.
01:24:05Come on, you need to sleep.
01:24:06Can, yes.
01:24:09Sleep, sleep, sleep.
01:24:10Look, this is a very important word.
01:24:12I can't understand.
01:24:13What is this sleep, sleep, sleep?
01:24:15What sleep, what enemy?
01:24:17Whatever you drank, you drank a little too much.
01:24:19I think.
01:24:20If you don't understand, let me tell you.
01:24:25You are mine.
01:24:28That's it.
