• last year
Duy Beni - Episode 19 (English Subtitles) HEAR ME
00:01:00Listen, kendini bul, kan bekar
00:01:04Bir sarıl ve bul beni
00:01:10Bul beni
00:01:30Bul beni
00:01:36Bul beni
00:01:42Bul beni
00:01:48Bul beni
00:01:54Bul beni
00:01:58Bul beni
00:02:04Bul beni
00:02:10Bul beni
00:02:16Bul beni
00:02:22Kırgın, öfkeli, hesap soran aklın mı?
00:02:27Yoksa hala deli gibi özleyen ağrı kalbin mi?
00:02:32Hiçbirim, ben sadece merak ediyorum
00:02:37Neden gittin, neden geldin şimdi?
00:02:40Ya gayem, gerçekten bu konuyu kapatalım
00:02:44Ve herkes kendi yoluna devam etsin
00:02:46Yüzüme bakar mısın?
00:02:54Gözlerime bakarak dinlemeni istiyorum
00:03:00Seninle burada buluşacağımız gün
00:03:02Yurt dışından iş teklifi almıştım ben
00:03:05O kadar heyecanlıydım, o kadar mutluydum ki
00:03:08En çok istediğim iş, yepyeni bir ülke, sen
00:03:13Tararımı vermiştim, seninle gidecektim
00:03:16Ve senin de bu teklifi geri çevirmeyeceğini biliyordun
00:03:20Ya önümüzde çok güzel bir gelecek, çok güzel günlerimizi geri çeviremezdin
00:03:25Çünkü çok aşıktım, değil mi?
00:03:29Ne istersen yapardım
00:03:31Öyle, ben de sana aşıktım
00:03:35Ya bana aşıksan o zaman neden çekip gittin?
00:03:46Kanat, korktum çünkü
00:03:48Bir anda aldığım rüyadan uyandım ve ne kadar bencilce davrandığımı fark ettim
00:03:52Kendi hayatımı kurmaya çalışırken seninkini yıkacaktım az kalsın
00:03:56Ya okulunu, aileni geride bırakmana izin veremezdim
00:04:00Daha yeni basketbol takımına seçilmiştin
00:04:03Önünde çok güzel günlerin bir geleceğin vardı
00:04:09Beni düşündün yani
00:04:11Benim adıma kararlar verdin
00:04:13Ne kadar incesin sen ya
00:04:16Ben ne yaşadım biliyor musun sen?
00:04:19Alt üst oldum lan ben
00:04:21Hiçbir şeye sığdıramadım, hiçbir şeye dolduramadım
00:04:24Senin aşkın bu mu?
00:04:26Acı çektirmek mi?
00:04:46Ne var? Telefon icat edilmedi mi? Niye camımı taşlıyorsun?
00:05:01Şimdi mi görmüştüm yani? Romantiklik olsun diye yaptım azaladım, fena mı yaptım yani?
00:05:05Sen söyle uyuyacağım gidip
00:05:09Bunu görmek istersin diye düşündüm
00:05:12Ne ki o veresiyen mi birikmiş bakkalda?
00:05:17Bilmem, hadi gel bakalım beraber
00:05:29Bunu bana akşam meselesinde mi verdiler?
00:05:31Yani buraya kadar çok dikkatimi çekmemiştim ama ne yaptın yine derslere mi girmedin?
00:05:35Yok, burada öyle bir şey yazmıyor
00:05:37Ne yazıyor orijinal söyle çıldırtma hadi
00:05:39Işığa mı gitsem? Yani görsem, okusam falan
00:05:45Burada şey yazıyor, bitirme sınıfına girmeye hak kazandınız yazıyor
00:05:50Yani bir sınıf daha geçersem sınıfı geçiyorum
00:05:54Saçmalama gerçekten
00:05:56Ben biliyordum, ben inanıyordum sana gurur duyuyorum
00:06:00Sana gurur duyuyorum
00:06:02Sen olmasan başaramazdın
00:06:04Yani o zaman şimdi biz baya böyle üniversite sınıfına birlikte hazırlanacağız, birlikte gireceğiz
00:06:16Tabi kızım ne sandın
00:06:18Bu arada ben karar verdim, veteriner olacağım
00:06:22Hem hayvanları da seviyorum
00:06:24Sen benim doktorluk hayalimi çalıyorsun
00:06:26Ne alaka kızım sen insanlara ben hayvanlara
00:06:30Hem şey diyorum, bakarsın yetkililerle ilgilenen çocuklarımız falan
00:06:36Yavaş orijinal yavaş, ben biliyordum senden böyle bir şey geleceğini ama
00:06:40Çok konuşma anneciğim
00:06:42Fazla konuşma sarıl yani
00:06:51Ekim, ne yapıyorsun sen orada?
00:06:55Çok güzel gözüküyordunuz ben de sizi izlemek istedim
00:07:01Sen niye dışarıdasın bu saatte benim niye haberim yok ekim bir şey mi oldu
00:07:05Ne oluyor iyi misin?
00:07:06Evet iyiyim, bir dolandım geldim sadece
00:07:10Tebrikler bu arada orijinal
00:07:12Eyvallah, ya şey diyorum şu bizim kolejli bacanağı çağır da bir kutlayalım
00:07:17Orijinal ay ayı konuşma ne bacanağı ya
00:07:20Ne dedik kızım
00:07:22Ben eve gideyim
00:07:26Bir şey olursa ara beni ekim
00:07:41Ben de çok acı çektim Kanat
00:07:43Ben de çok özledim, çok ağladım
00:07:47Ama beklemeliydim
00:07:50Senin okulun bittikten sonra ben seni çağıracaktım
00:07:54Hala benimle olmak istiyorsan kendi kararınla gelecektin
00:08:00Ama hiçbir şey tahmin ettiğim gibi olmadı
00:08:15Sana söylemiştim ya
00:08:20Bir adamla evlendim
00:08:26Çok büyük bir hataydı
00:08:30Çok zor zamanlar geçiriyordum
00:08:34Ama adamın bedelini fazlasıyla ödedim
00:08:41Hayatımın kabusunu yaşattım
00:08:49Hayatım boyunca unutamayacağım
00:08:51İzler bıraktı beni
00:08:57Tamam gayrı
00:09:01Bir şey yaptım mı sana?
00:09:03Canını yaktım mı?
00:09:13Kanat ne olur sarıl bana
00:09:16Kanat ne olur sarıl bana
00:09:19Kanat ne olur biraz sev beni
00:09:21Bir gram sev beni ne olur
00:09:23Ne olur sarıl bana Kanat ne olur
00:09:25Kanat ne olur sarıl bana ne olur
00:09:27Kanat ne olur sarıl bana
00:09:36Ben Ekmek'e çok aşığım
00:09:38Ona da bunu yapamam
00:09:40Ya hayır Kanat öyle sanıyorsun
00:09:42Ekmek'e aşıksın zannediyorsun ama değilsin
00:09:46Sen sadece beni cezalandırmaya çalışıyorsun
00:09:54Özür dilerim
00:09:56Özür dilerim
00:09:58Gece böyle olmasaydı
00:10:00Gece ayrılmasaydı
00:10:02Ben benim olmaktan korktum
00:10:04Geleceğine zarar vermek istemedim
00:10:06Kararı sana bırakmak istedim
00:10:08Özür dilerim ne olur
00:10:10Tamam tamam özür dilemene gerek yok
00:10:14Sen doğru olanı yaptın
00:10:16Artık ne istediğimi çok iyi biliyorum
00:11:24Dünden beri neredesin sen?
00:11:26Arıyorum arıyorum ulaşamıyorum
00:11:28Babam seni
00:11:30Gizli göreve falan mı atadı?
00:11:32Dünden beri başımda
00:11:34Bekçi gibi böyle
00:11:36Melisa ilaçları kullanmayı bıraktım
00:11:38Diyen sensin
00:11:40Gittin o gerizekalının motoruna bindin
00:11:42Bir yerlere kayboldunuz
00:11:44Her şey kontrolüm altında sakin ol
00:11:46Dün çok acayip şeyler yaşadık
00:11:48Anlatıyorum hazır mısın?
00:11:50Bunu çaldık
00:11:52Sen ne diyorsun?
00:11:54Ne çalması kimle çaldınız?
00:11:56Bak Melisa
00:11:58Babana gitmeme şu kadar kaldı haberin olsun
00:12:00Ya sen ne kadar böyle sıkıcı bir
00:12:02İnsan haline dönüştün ya
00:12:04Günaydın kraliçem
00:12:08Birazcık konuşabilir miyiz?
00:12:10Bir anlaşma yapmamız lazım
00:12:12Allah Allah
00:12:14Ne anlaşmasıymış bu?
00:12:18Bildiklerimi unutmam karşılığında
00:12:20Bana bazı ufak imtiyazlar vereceksiniz
00:12:22Ay ben
00:12:24Çok korkuyorum şu an
00:12:28Tamam olur
00:12:34Dokuzuncu sınıfların düşesliğini veriyorum
00:12:36Tamam yani birazcık böyle
00:12:38Başlangıç için uzak bir beylik
00:12:40Ama idare edersin bence
00:12:46Biri ölümüne sebep olmuş biri için
00:12:48Sen biraz fazla rahat değil misin?
00:12:52Ben kimsenin ölümüne falan sebep olmadım
00:12:54Buna sebep olan sendin
00:12:58Kendini çok yüksek bir yerden atmana rağmen
00:13:00Ölmeyi bile beceremedin
00:13:02Ve güzelim
00:13:04Bugünlerde öyle bir mustayım ki
00:13:06Önüme gelen herkesi parçalama potansiyeline sahibim
00:13:08Sende bence bunlardan birisi olma
00:13:10Tamam mı?
00:13:12Bu kaçtı?
00:13:18Peki Melisa
00:13:20Sen bilirsin
00:13:22Sonra işte sabaha kadar mesajlaştık
00:13:24Çok sevindim orijinal adına
00:13:26Orijinal adına mı sevindin?
00:13:28Orijinal adına mı sevindin?
00:13:30Ya Hazal sana bir şey soracağım
00:13:32Sen bu çocukla bir gelecek düşünüyor musun?
00:13:38Şu an düşünmüyorum tabi ama
00:13:40Her şey bu kadar güzel giderken
00:13:42Bir anlamı var mı yani şimdiden düşünmenin?
00:13:44E yok tabi de yani bak
00:13:46Sonradan sıkıntı çıkmasın
00:13:48Ya bak orijinali ben tanıyorum
00:13:50Çocukluğumdan beri beraber büyüdük
00:13:52Ve orijinal hassas bir çocuk yani
00:13:54Demek ki
00:13:56Ha evet
00:13:58Senin neyin var?
00:14:00Sen akşamla mı gariptin?
00:14:02Büyük eskimizin
00:14:04Büyük büyük problemleri
00:14:06Ne olsun
00:14:08Yine bir suç işlemiş belli
00:14:12Hadi size kolay gelsin
00:14:26Günaydın aşkım
00:14:34Günaydın aşkım
00:14:38Sen dün neredeydin?
00:14:40Ya sorma
00:14:42Dün bir arkadaşımızın çok özel bir sorunu varmış da
00:14:46Ona yardımcı olmak için gittik
00:14:48Telefonları da açamadım kusura bakma
00:14:50Nereye gittiniz?
00:14:54Beykoz'a gittik
00:14:56Yol uzun ya konuşurken falan
00:14:58Zaman geçmiş öyle
00:15:00Bozabildiniz mi meseleyi?
00:15:02Çözdük çözdük
00:15:04Hallettik yani
00:15:06Şu an herkes iyi durumda yani normal hayatımıza geri dönebiliriz
00:15:18Bu neydi şimdi?
00:15:20Bil bakalım neydi o
00:15:22Gözümün içine baka baka yalan söylüyorsun ya
00:15:26Ben de dün oradaydım
00:15:28Ağva'daydım ben de otelin önündeydim
00:15:32Ee anlat dinliyorum seni arkadaşım
00:15:34Beykoz bilmem ne söyle hadi dinliyorum seni
00:15:36Ekim bak düşündüğün gibi bir şey
00:15:38Ne düşündüğün gibi değil ya
00:15:40Eski sevgilisi olman gibi mi?
00:15:42Ekim dursana
00:15:44Ne dursana? Ağva'da kızla otelde
00:15:46Baş başa bir gece geçirmen gibi mi?
00:15:48Ekim bak anlatmama izin versene bir
00:15:50Neyi anlatacaksın sen bana?
00:15:52Sen bana neyi anlatacaksın?
00:15:54Ya daha bir gün oldu ya bir gün oldu sevgili olalı
00:15:56Bin tane yalan söyledin
00:15:58Ekim bak inan aramızda hiçbir şey olmadı bizim
00:16:00Neye inanayım ya ben sana nasıl inanayım?
00:16:02Nasıl inanayım ben sana?
00:16:04Ekim bak çok büyük hata yapıyorsun
00:16:06Lütfen sakinleşme yine
00:16:08Sus ben hatayı dün seninle sevgili olarak yaptım zaten
00:16:16Uzak dur benden
00:16:20Ateş merhaba
00:16:22Ateş merhaba
00:16:48Ya biraz konuşalım mı?
00:16:50Bak bana ağlamaya geldiysen hiç başlama
00:16:52Dur ya ağlamaya değil
00:16:54Ya bir itirafta bulunacağım
00:17:00Ablanın başına gelenleri bilmen lazım
00:17:08Hadi tamam konuşalım
00:17:10Burada olmaz değil mi?
00:17:12Şöyle geçelim mi?
00:17:30A a
00:17:32Dün gece beni ıssız bir otelde yalnız bırakalım
00:17:34İçidamsız bir adama benzettim sizi
00:17:36Buraya gelmem hataydı
00:17:38Beni çağırman da iyi bir fikir değildi
00:17:42Yarım kalan bir şeyleri tamamlamış olsaydık
00:17:44Güzel bir fikir olabilirdi
00:17:46En azından yarım kalan şeyleri yarım bırakmayı tercih ettin
00:17:48Çünkü bazı şeyler yarım kalmadı
00:17:52Çünkü zaman aynı zaman değil
00:17:54Kişiler aynı kişiler değil
00:17:56Bugün hala sendeyim
00:17:58Zaman benim çok işleniyor
00:18:04Benim senden bir isteğim var
00:18:08Dinlenmeden tamamlıyorum
00:18:12Hekim dün olanları görmüş
00:18:16Kanat ne yani? Otele mi gelmiş?
00:18:20Bana inanmıyor
00:18:22Ona aramızda bir şeyler olmadığını söyler misin?
00:18:26Sana inanmıyor bana mı inanacak?
00:18:28En azından deneyelim
00:18:30Başka bir çarem yok çünkü
00:18:32Hekimi ikna etmek zorundayım lütfen
00:18:34Rica ediyorum
00:18:36Ben buraya senin için geldim
00:18:38Senin o inişle çıkışla ilişkine oyuncak etme beni
00:18:40Gayem bak
00:18:42Sen gelene kadar her şey yolundaydı
00:18:46Her şeyi durdurmama yardımcı ol
00:18:54Ben şey yapacağım bunu
00:18:56Ama şunu unutma
00:18:58Sen o kızla sadece kendini kandırıyorsun
00:19:00Beni mutlu edecek olan tek kişi benim
00:19:04Gerçekten yanılıyorsun Gayem
00:19:08Kimin yanıldığını size ben göstereceğim
00:19:24Bekir hanım
00:19:28Merhaba Mevlüt abi
00:19:30Bu arada bana ismimi hitap edebilirsin
00:19:32Aşağıda bir tartışma yaşadığını gördüm de
00:19:34İyi misin diye sorayım dedim
00:19:36İyiyim iyiyim önemli bir şey değil
00:19:38Bu arada anlattıklarım baya iyi geldi
00:19:44Arkadaşlar buraya bakın
00:19:46Okulumuzdan bir kupa çalınmıştır
00:19:48Testere girmeden önce
00:19:50Herkesin dolaplarını açmasını istiyorum
00:20:14Bu ne ya
00:20:26Bundan sonra böyle ahlaksızlıklara müsaade etmeyeceğimi söyledim
00:20:28Bunu yapanı bulup ona en büyük cezayı vereceğim
00:20:40Şuraya da bakın
00:20:44Şuraya da
00:21:04Şuraya da şuraya
00:21:14Şuraya da
00:21:36Müdür bey
00:21:40Biri çöpe atmış
00:21:46Çöpe mi atmış
00:21:50Bir hasar var mı peki
00:21:52Yok müdürüm
00:21:58Güvenlik kameralarını inceleyip bunu yapanı hemen buluyorsunuz bana
00:22:00Tamam mı
00:22:02Emredersiniz efendim
00:22:04Çocuklar dolaplarınızı kapatıp derslerinize dönebilirsiniz
00:22:10Biz ne yaşadık az önce ya
00:22:12Bilmiyorum ama
00:22:14Bir problem kalmadı artık
00:22:16Teşekkür ederim
00:22:18O kamera meselesini de kafana takma sen
00:22:20Ben hepsini hallederim
00:22:24Kim bana bunu neden yaptı
00:22:26Ben anlamadım
00:22:28Baksana herkes yapmış olabilir
00:22:30Okul kaosu yeri gibi
00:22:36Valla sen sağlam bir arkadaşmışsın ya
00:22:42Bir şeyler ısmarlayayım sana
00:22:46Seninle biraz konuşabilir miyiz
00:22:48Tabi tabi
00:22:50Ben de seni arıyordum
00:22:52Sen gelmeseydin ben gelecektim
00:22:56O zaman gidelim
00:22:58Sonra haberiz
00:23:10Sonra birden merdivenlerden düşmeye başladı
00:23:14İnanmıyorum ya
00:23:18Bu kadar basit mi yani
00:23:20Ya ben özür dilerim
00:23:22Çok özür dilerim yemin ederim
00:23:24Ama nereden bilebilirdim ki
00:23:28İşte bu yüzden ölmek istedim
00:23:30Ama asıl suçlu ben değilim
00:23:32Kim o zaman
00:23:36Ozan ve Melisa
00:23:40Niye onlar yapıyorlar sonra da örtbas ediyorlar
00:23:44Melisa mı
00:23:48Ya aslında
00:23:50Şöyle oldu yani
00:23:52Ben oraya Bahar hocayla konuşmak için gitmiştim
00:23:54Tamam mı
00:23:56Çünkü Bahar hoca her şeyi biliyordu tamam mı
00:23:58Bahar hoca her şeyi biliyordu
00:24:00Ben onunla konuşacaktım
00:24:02Babama zarar vermek isteyecektim
00:24:04Babama zarar vermek isteyecektim
00:24:06Ben o büyüttü desem yeridir
00:24:08Hem ablalık
00:24:10Hem annelik
00:24:12Hem babalık yaptım
00:24:14Babama zarar vermek isteyecektim
00:24:16Ben yaşayamadım
00:24:18Bu sorunun bana ayığı kaydı
00:24:20Onun ayığı kaydı
00:24:22Hep dotlar bırakırdı bana
00:24:24Yemeğini soğutma
00:24:26Bunlardan bin milyon tane falan vardır herhalde İzmir'deki evde
00:24:28Gömleklerin ütülü
00:24:30Senin sevdiğin bunu
00:24:32Nasıl unuturum ki
00:24:34Çok şanslıymışsın
00:24:36Bir daha geri gelmeyecek o
00:24:40Ne yazık ki
00:24:46Ben ne yapacağımı bilemedim
00:24:48Korktum korktum çok korktum
00:24:50Yemin ederim çok korktum
00:24:52Yemin ederim çok korktum
00:24:54Sonra o telefonun içinde kanıtlar vardı tamam mı
00:24:56O kanıtlar telefonun içinde olduğu için
00:24:58Ben oradan telefonu aldım
00:25:00Telefonu aldım ve kaçtım
00:25:02Ozan görmüş
00:25:04Ozan gördüğünde benim
00:25:06Kavga etmeye başladık boğuşmaya başladık
00:25:08Boğuşmaya başladık
00:25:10Sonra beni giderken arkamdan yakaladım
00:25:12Kapımın arkasında bir şeyde vurdum
00:25:14Ben o anda bayıldım
00:25:16Yemin ederim
00:25:18Sonra beni bir odaya kapattılar
00:25:20Odaya kapattılar ben ne yapacağımı bilemedim
00:25:22Kapattılar konuşmamdan
00:25:24Korktular çok korktular
00:25:26Yemin ederim ben seni çok korktum
00:25:28Konuşmak istedim ama yapamadım
00:25:30Yapamadım konuşamadım
00:25:36Bunlardan emin misin sen?
00:25:40Bak yemin ederim eminim
00:25:42Vicdani yüküne dayanamayıp
00:25:44İntihara teşebbüs edecek kadar eminim
00:25:48Bu kadarı senin için yeterli oldu mu?
00:25:54Öğreneceklerimi öğrendim ben
00:25:56Demek ki
00:25:58Üç kişinin hesabı kesilecek
00:26:00Biri tabi ki sensin
00:26:02Biri Ozan
00:26:06Biri de Melisa
00:26:08Bak Ateş
00:26:10Ben kendi cezamı kendim zaten kestim
00:26:14Artık biraz da bedel ödeme sırası onlarda
00:26:22Bir şey koyulalım o zaman
00:26:26Çekme kahraman
00:26:58Senin gibiler nasıl diyordu?
00:27:00Neyi cepleyeceksin?
00:27:02Az önce Emine ile konuştum
00:27:04Bana her şeyi anlattı
00:27:06Ne anlattı? Ne anlatabilir ki sana?
00:27:08Neden bahsettiğimi çok iyi biliyorsun
00:27:12Saçmalama Ateş
00:27:14Artık debelenme
00:27:18Sen kendine düşman istiyorsun
00:27:22Ben seve seve düşman olurum sana
00:27:44Ne yapıyorsunuz?
00:28:02İyi bir kahraman konuşması oldu mu?
00:28:16Burada konuştuklarımızı hiç kimseye
00:28:18Senden şahalık biriymişsin ya
00:28:20Sen bana arkadaş gibi yaklaşıp
00:28:22Kanat hakkında bilgi mi topluyordun?
00:28:24Hayır bak ben sadece
00:28:26Bir de utanmadan adamı almışsın
00:28:28Götürmüşsün ağladığın otele
00:28:30Hiç utanmıyor musun sen?
00:28:32Senin ne biçim karakterin var ya?
00:28:34Bu tonda devam etmeyelim bence
00:28:36Benim hakkımda ne düşündüğüm
00:28:38Umurumda bile değil
00:28:40Ben sadece duygularımın peşinden gittim
00:28:42Öyle mi? Gerçekten mi ya?
00:28:44Ne güzel herkes duygularının peşinden
00:28:46Girince müvah mı oluyor yaptığınız şeyler
00:28:48Ben şimdi seni buradan aşağı atmak istiyorum
00:28:50Duygularının peşinden gideyim mi?
00:28:54Biz kanatla eski sevgiliyiz tamam mı?
00:28:56Yani sen ortalıkta yokken
00:28:58Ben varım
00:29:00Bir gün onu bırakıp gittim
00:29:02Haber vermedim ve bunun onda açabileceği yaraları düşünerek
00:29:04Gerçekten mi ya?
00:29:06Şimdi sen kanata yanaşmayı
00:29:08Onun yaralarını sarmak olduğunu mu söylüyorsun?
00:29:10Ben de bunu inanacak olan
00:29:12Salak mı oluyorum?
00:29:18Ama ben buraya senden fırça yemeye gelmedim küçük hanım
00:29:20Beden benim, kafa benim
00:29:22Özgür bir insanım ben
00:29:24Kimseye verecek bir hesabım da yok
00:29:26Derdin neyse gidip kanatla konuş
00:29:28Bu bir
00:29:32Ben buraya sırf kanat istediği için
00:29:34O gece aramızda bir şey olmadığını söylemeye geldim
00:29:36Ama sen
00:29:38Bu çarpık düşüncelerinden başka
00:29:40Hiçbir şeye, hiç kimseye inanmadığın için
00:29:42Böyle saçma sapan tavırlarınla
00:29:44İlişkini mahvetmeye devam edeceksin
00:29:46Benim çevremde tavsiye alabilecek de
00:29:48Güvenebileceğim insanlar da çok
00:29:50Aşk senin sandığın gibi bir oyun değil
00:29:56Her gün yeniden yaşanması
00:29:58Yeniden güncellenmesi gereken zor bir iştir
00:30:00Ama sen
00:30:02Kendine güven fetiş izniyle
00:30:04Aramızda hiçbir yalan olmasın
00:30:06Aşkın saplantısıyla devam edersen
00:30:08Er ya da geç duvara toslarsın
00:30:14Sen bunu çok güzel başardın
00:30:18Sen ne dersen de ne düşünürsen düşün
00:30:20Hayatta yalan da vardır yanlış da
00:30:22Bir ilişki iki insan arasında yaşanır
00:30:24Ve insan kusurludur
00:30:26Önemli olan
00:30:28Bunu kusurlarıyla sevebilmektir
00:30:30Bunu eksikleriyle kabul edebilmektir
00:30:32Artık bence bunu anla
00:30:34Ve biraz büyü
00:30:56Babaannenin hayat nasıl gidiyor?
00:30:58Özlüyor musun mesaj günlerini?
00:31:02Hiç özlemiyorum biliyor musun?
00:31:04Böyle evde
00:31:06İşte kitap, battaniye
00:31:08Ihlamur arasında gidip geliyorum ama keyfim çok yerinde
00:31:12Çok güzel
00:31:14Ne okuyorsun?
00:31:16Bu ara edebiyat
00:31:18Sabahattin Ali okuyorum
00:31:20Keyfime göre
00:31:22Ben bu ara biraz ağır kitaplar okuyamıyorum
00:31:24O yüzden böyle oyunlara merak sağlıyım
00:31:26Kendi hikayemi kendim yazıyorum
00:31:28Öyle mi?
00:31:30Bir şeyden de kendine pay çıkarma zaten
00:31:36Son bir kez daha kendime pay çıkarmak istiyorum
00:31:38İzin var mı?
00:31:44Babaannene benden bahsettin mi?
00:31:54Kitaplara gömüldün gene
00:31:56Yüzünü göremiyorum evde
00:31:58Ne yapayım valla babaanne
00:32:00Aşırı heyecanlıydı elimden bırakamadım bütün gün
00:32:04Benim güzel yavrum
00:32:06Ne oldu babaanne?
00:32:10Sen heyecan deyince
00:32:14Böyle bir daldım gittim
00:32:16Acaba dedim en son
00:32:18Ne zaman duydum ben bu heyecanı
00:32:22Ne zaman?
00:32:24Sen doğduğunda
00:32:28Şimdi yani heyecan derken
00:32:30Nasıl heyecanlardan bahsettiğimi
00:32:32İkimizde anladık bence
00:32:36Rahmetli dedenle ilk karşılaştığımda
00:32:40Ah ah
00:32:46O günler çok gerilerde kaldı
00:32:48Bırak şimdi bunu da
00:32:50Söyle bakalım
00:32:52Konuştuğun bir oğlan var mı?
00:32:54Nereden çıktı şimdi?
00:32:58Ben okuyorum duyuyorum
00:33:00Diyorlar ki
00:33:02Çocuklarınızla böyle yakın iletişim kurun
00:33:06Hadi hadi bırak bunları da sen benim soruma cevap ver
00:33:16Konuştuğun biri
00:33:22Ah yavrum
00:33:24Benim güzel balım
00:33:26Çok dikkatli ol benim yavrum
00:33:28Merak etme
00:33:30Olacağım mutluyum
00:33:32Tamam balım
00:33:40Balım benim balım
00:33:48Peki bir arkadaşın sorsaydı bunu
00:33:50O zaman ne derdin?
00:33:54Bir arkadaşım sorsaydı muhtemelen geçiştirirdim
00:33:58Çünkü ben zor bir dönemin içinden çıktım
00:34:02Aşık meseleler yani
00:34:08Ben sorsam
00:34:12Sevgilin olup olmadı mı?
00:34:18Sen sorsaydın
00:34:20Muhtemelen henüz çok ciddi bir
00:34:22Çıkma teklifi almadığım için yok derdim
00:34:28Ya da ilişki durumum karışık
00:34:32Hazırsan soruyorum
00:34:36Sevgilim olur musun Leyla Ertener?
00:34:40Yani böyle yapay zekaya komut verir gibi değil de
00:34:44Biraz daha duygusal bir yerden sormuş olsaydın
00:34:46Belki olurdum
00:34:48Nasıl yani?
00:34:50Söyle yani elinin altında internet var
00:34:52Ve internette bir sürü yaratıcı çıkma teklifi var
00:34:54Araştırıp bul
00:35:00Çalışır mısın?
00:35:06Önemli böyle şeyler
00:35:34Seni gördüğüm çok iyi oldu
00:35:36Büyük bir problem var
00:35:38Neymiş o?
00:35:40Ben dün geceden beri uyuyamıyorum
00:35:42Böyle içimde bitmek bilmeyen bir enerji var
00:35:44Yani ne bileyim
00:35:46Düşünceler de birbirine karışmaya başladı
00:35:48Sanırım ben hiç iyi değilim
00:35:50Öyle mi?
00:35:52Geçmiş olsun
00:35:54Özür dilerim
00:35:56Ama yükselince ne yaptığımı bilmiyorum
00:35:58Sanki içimden bir canavar çıkıyor
00:36:00Ve bu sanırım ilk defa başına gelmiyor
00:36:02Yani daha önce de böyle bir şey yaşadın sen
00:36:08Bir saniye sen ne ima ediyorsun bana?
00:36:10Hiç ima etmiyorum
00:36:12Senin için ne yapabilirim Melisa?
00:36:16Bak şöyle
00:36:18Bana hangi ilaçların iyi geldiğini biliyorum
00:36:20Ama onları temin etmem için
00:36:22İlk önce benim doktora gitmem gerekiyor
00:36:24Yani babama söylersem fırsat bu fırsat
00:36:26Ya beni bir yere tıkacak ya da beni ilaçlarla uyutmaya çalışacak
00:36:32Bu ilaçları diyorum
00:36:34Piyasadan bulmalıyım
00:36:38El altıda mı demek istiyorsun sen?
00:36:42Hani böyle gizli ecza depoları var ya
00:36:44Böyle bir yer olduğunu duymuştum daha önce
00:36:46Gerçekten mi biliyordun yapacağını?
00:36:50Bundan önce bana söylemek istediğin bir şey var mı Melisa?
00:36:52Ne gibi?
00:36:54Geçmişle ilgili
00:36:58Geçmişle ilgili ben sana ne söyleyeyim ya
00:37:00Biz daha yeni tanışıyoruz
00:37:04Peki o zaman
00:37:06Birazdan kul önünü bulsun
00:37:10Çantamı alıp geliyorum
00:37:20Telefon çalıyor
00:37:34Rıza Bey
00:37:36Oğlum sen neredesin sabahtan beri seni arıyorum
00:37:40Dün gece kupayı yerleştirdim kızın dolabına efendim
00:37:42Eee ne oldu sonra bugün ne oldu?
00:37:44Bugün dolaplarda arama yapıldı ama
00:37:46Ya taksit taksit anlatma söyle ne oldu?
00:37:48Ben yakalanmasına engel oldum efendim
00:37:52Oğlum sen benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun?
00:37:54Ya hemen sinirlenmeyin
00:37:56Aslında şunu düşündüm
00:37:58O kupa işinden bir şey çıkmaz
00:38:00Üstünde parmak izi falan olmadığı için
00:38:02Kimse onu suçlayamaz
00:38:04Ama ben onu kurtarırsam bana güven diyor
00:38:06Hayatına daha kolay girebilirim
00:38:10Hayatının içine mi girersin?
00:38:12Oğlum sen bu kızı nikahına mı alacaksın?
00:38:14Aşık mı oldun sen buna Mevlüt?
00:38:16Yok efendim olur mu öyle şey
00:38:18Sen bunun ne kadar tehlikeli bir şey olduğunu anlamadın mı sen?
00:38:22Senin için değil kız için
00:38:26Oğlum sen aşkı dolu dolu yaşıyorsun
00:38:28Hapislere girecek kadar
00:38:30Dikkat et oğlum
00:38:32Hem kendine hem de kıza
00:38:34Rıza Bey siz hiç merak etmeyin ben takitliyim
00:38:36Bir gün gün rapor vereceğim
00:38:38Aferin tamam
00:38:44Hedefe kilitlenmiş roket gibi
00:38:46Daha ne isteyeyim?
00:38:52Şimdi de kendi kaynaklarımıza bir baksak
00:38:58Abi selam
00:39:00Biz yarım saate senin yanındayız
00:39:02Eti senin kemiği benim
00:39:04Hadi kolay gelsin
00:39:08Sana çok teşekkür ederim
00:39:10Özellikle sana yaptıklarımdan sorma
00:39:14Öyle yapmana gerek yok
00:39:16Ben her şeyi kendi isteğimle yapıyorum
00:39:18Gidelim o zaman
00:39:58Bir adamla telefonla konuştum seni bekliyorlar
00:40:02Sen gelmeyecek misin?
00:40:04Ben gelemem ki
00:40:06İki kişi kabul etmiyorlarmış
00:40:08Ama seni şu yakınlarda bir yerde bekleyeceğim merak etme
00:40:10Tabii ki
00:40:16Görüşürüz o zaman
00:40:42Deneyim seni iyileştirecek Melisa
00:40:44İlaç milaç hiçbir şeye ihtiyacın kalmayacak
00:40:48Bana şükret
00:41:30Beni Ateş gönderdi de
00:41:32Hoş geldin geç içeri buyur
00:41:34Şöyle şey ikram ederim
00:41:36Benim biraz acelem var da
00:41:40Yok öyle
00:41:42Alışveriş yapmak için önce abimle görüşeceksin
00:42:02Geç şöyle otur
00:42:04Otur otur
00:42:06Çayımızı iç gel
00:42:48Güzel bir sürpriz oldu
00:42:50Hoş geldiniz
00:42:52Sefa getirdiniz
00:42:56Sağ olun
00:43:00Benim birazcık acelem var aslında
00:43:04Nasıl bir acele
00:43:08Şöyle bir acele
00:43:10Benim bir rahatsızlığım var
00:43:12İyileşmek için de böyle
00:43:14Uyarıcı ve dengeleyici
00:43:16I need to take medicine.
00:43:18The doctor says I need to take medicine, but I can't because I didn't go to the doctor.
00:43:24I thought this place was like a junkyard, but...
00:43:29You were right.
00:43:31This is a junkyard.
00:43:33We have all the medicines you need.
00:43:40You can rest assured about that.
00:43:47But first, we need to trust each other, right?
00:44:04You will pay for what you did to my sister.
00:44:07The first thing I will do to you.
00:44:16I came to the wrong place.
00:44:17No, it's not like that.
00:44:19Lady, let's do our shopping.
00:44:22Let's be on the same page.
00:44:24So that you don't report us the next day.
00:44:26So that there are no cases like not giving a job.
00:44:31No, I won't do that.
00:44:34I won't tell anyone I came here.
00:44:36You can really trust me.
00:44:38Sit down.
00:44:39Sit down.
00:44:41Sit down.
00:44:47Calm down.
00:44:48Open your account.
00:44:53Let's see how much money we have in our account.
00:44:57Let's see what kind of medicine we can provide you.
00:45:02Then you go your way and I'll go mine.
00:45:06That's it.
00:45:08Look, look.
00:45:09Look at the account.
00:45:18Come here, I'm in trouble.
00:45:24What's in the account?
00:45:30That's all.
00:45:32My father gives me money once a week.
00:45:38You can't keep a taxi with this.
00:45:41Don't you have any other accounts?
00:45:44I found Azulay.
00:45:47Sit down.
00:45:49It's gold, it's euros, it's something.
00:45:53These are life-threatening.
00:45:55I think it's time to turn these golds and euros into liquid.
00:45:59Take this now.
00:46:01Take it.
00:46:02Take it.
00:46:03Now I'm giving you my money.
00:46:05You transfer the money to my account.
00:46:09You get the medicine you want.
00:46:11You're safe, I'm safe.
00:46:17Transfer, transfer.
00:46:35This is a very rich newspaper.
00:46:37Most of our young people are in their mother's womb.
00:46:41But they discover a lot of things with their new friends.
00:46:45A real child is a good opportunity for young people to have some fun.
00:46:54Were you waiting for someone?
00:47:02Zehra, don't open the door.
00:47:03One minute, one minute.
00:47:06Don't let it be my father.
00:47:12Kanat, stop, son.
00:47:13Please don't open the door.
00:47:15Mom, okay, don't be afraid.
00:47:17Let it be my father, the key is already inside.
00:47:32Are you okay?
00:47:33Kanat, what happened?
00:47:35Sister Zehra, can you take the suitcase?
00:47:42Are you okay?
00:47:43Gaye, what happened to you?
00:47:45You look so bad.
00:47:47Come on, come on.
00:47:49Come, come, come.
00:47:50Come on, come, come.
00:47:53I'm sorry I'm like this at this hour.
00:47:56I didn't know where to go.
00:47:58Okay, Zehra, bring a glass of water to my daughter.
00:48:06He came to Istanbul.
00:48:09You can't run away from me.
00:48:12I won't leave you alone, sister.
00:48:16He's going to kill me.
00:48:20Okay, calm down, drink it.
00:48:36I married a man.
00:48:38At first, everything was very normal.
00:48:41It was good.
00:48:44But then he turned into someone else.
00:48:50It hurt me a lot, auntie.
00:48:58I can't stand it, he came after me a few times.
00:49:01Okay, okay, calm down.
00:49:03He can't do anything to you.
00:49:04Look, we're here.
00:49:07I wish you'd go to the police.
00:49:10After all, what do we have?
00:49:16You're right.
00:49:20I couldn't think of that.
00:49:23I didn't want to be alone.
00:49:25I'm sorry I bothered you.
00:49:27No, no, wait, wait.
00:49:29What bother?
00:49:30Where are you going at this hour?
00:49:32I'll drop you off at a safe hotel.
00:49:34You can go to the police station in the morning.
00:49:35No way.
00:49:36You'll stay here tonight, okay?
00:49:39We'll think about what to do tomorrow, okay?
00:49:42Thank you very much, but...
00:49:44Samer, that's over.
00:49:46That's over.
00:49:47Zeliha, I'll make you a cup of tea while you're in bed.
00:49:50It'll be great.
00:49:51Okay, honey.
00:49:53I'm going to bed.
00:49:55Good night.
00:49:59Come on, let's go.
00:50:01Come on, come on, come on.
00:50:03Take care of yourself.
00:50:23It's good.
00:50:24It's good.
00:50:25You're not going to eat, are you?
00:50:27No, I'm not hungry.
00:50:30It's Zeliha's turn.
00:50:31I'll eat it all.
00:50:35I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but...
00:50:38...my friends are trying to find the best material for you.
00:50:42So, don't get me wrong.
00:50:49Where have you been?
00:50:51We kept you waiting for a long time for free.
00:50:53You told me to do something complicated.
00:50:55I told you so, didn't I?
00:50:58What are you doing?
00:51:01We took your money.
00:51:03And we gave you your right, Miss Melis.
00:51:05Do you understand?
00:51:06By the way, all of these are promotional products.
00:51:09So, you can test them here.
00:51:13Back then, I didn't even take money from you.
00:51:16I don't take money.
00:51:20Look, I...
00:51:22...don't want anything from you.
00:51:24And I...
00:51:25...don't want to take these either.
00:51:27I just want to go.
00:51:31I said no going without completing the deal.
00:51:35Don't make me angry.
00:51:37Seyfo, close the door.
00:51:39Okay, brother.
00:51:47...let's be nice, right?
00:51:49Let's be a little more sincere, right?
00:51:53How are we going to find another beautiful lady like you?
00:52:00We really can't.
00:52:02Would you like something to drink?
00:52:05What's going on?
00:52:06Someone is forcing the door.
00:52:08Open the door.
00:52:23Yes, brother?
00:52:24Yes, brother.
00:52:26What's up?
00:52:27What's up?
00:52:28What's up?
00:52:30What are you doing here?
00:52:32My father gave birth at home.
00:52:33The whole police station is looking for you.
00:52:34Are you aware of that?
00:52:35Police station?
00:52:36What police station?
00:52:38I'm Ozan Balcı.
00:52:39I'm the son of Ali Balcı, the head of the district police department.
00:52:43I see.
00:52:46You may have seen him in the newspapers.
00:52:49But if you don't remember, I can refresh you.
00:52:56Of course, Ozan.
00:52:57Thank you.
00:53:03I know.
00:53:04I saw.
00:53:06So, he's refreshed.
00:53:08What's the deal?
00:53:10I didn't understand that, Ozan.
00:53:12You'll understand now.
00:53:14Of course.
00:53:15Can I ask you why you're keeping my sister here?
00:53:17We're not keeping your sister here.
00:53:19Your sister was looking for the orphanage, brother.
00:53:23But it was very bad.
00:53:24She asked us, too.
00:53:25She was in a bad mood.
00:53:26We told her to sit down.
00:53:27We gave her some water.
00:53:29We also told her to eat.
00:53:30But she didn't eat.
00:53:31I guess she was very hungry.
00:53:33And then you came.
00:53:35Isn't that right, ma'am?
00:53:37Isn't that right?
00:53:39Isn't that right?
00:53:41Yes, yes.
00:53:42That's right.
00:53:43Is that right?
00:53:46Why are you talking about this?
00:53:48Does this place belong to our family?
00:53:50You're the top of our family.
00:53:51Come here.
00:53:54It's a family matter.
00:53:55Let's not get involved.
00:53:59What were you doing here?
00:54:01I'll tell you because of Ateş.
00:54:05I knew you'd do something like this.
00:54:07Yasin, where have you been?
00:54:09I've been waiting for you since morning.
00:54:11This is what happens if I give you a 25-meter option.
00:54:13I've been all over the neighborhood.
00:54:15What was that picture?
00:54:17You know, my uncle is a cop.
00:54:20I took a picture because I needed it.
00:54:23But I didn't need it that much.
00:54:27I think you saved my life today.
00:54:32Come on.
00:54:34Come on, come on.
00:54:46Are you okay?
00:55:05I was going to say good night.
00:55:08Of course, as good a night as it can be.
00:55:11Same to you.
00:55:16I want to ask you something.
00:55:18Don't you smell like a bad drama?
00:55:21What do you mean?
00:55:22I mean...
00:55:25A sudden husband.
00:55:27Violence, threats.
00:55:29And leaving everything behind and taking refuge in old lovers.
00:55:33This is not a game, Aziz.
00:55:36Didn't you see how scared the girl was?
00:55:38I saw.
00:55:42Anyway, maybe you're right.
00:55:45Maybe I'm being heartless.
00:55:47But if Ekim Gaye finds out you're here tonight...
00:55:50She won't.
00:55:52Kanat, you're saying I'm not smart, aren't you?
00:55:58Then tell her what you didn't tell her.
00:56:01What can I do, Aziz?
00:56:03The thing you have to do is very simple.
00:56:05You can ask her to leave, for example.
00:56:07I can't do that.
00:56:08She knows I won't do that.
00:56:10Look, give up playing this good guy, Kanat.
00:56:13Because you can't be good to everyone at the same time.
00:56:16You have to give up being a good guy and being loved by everyone.
00:56:21Otherwise, you'll really lose the people who love you.
00:56:24Aziz, let's talk about my character later.
00:56:28I need to think about it.
00:56:32Then I'll leave you alone with your thoughts.
00:56:35I hope you find the right way out.
00:57:02Why didn't she tell me?
00:57:04Why did she hide it?
00:57:06She lied to me.
00:57:08And not just once.
00:57:09A lot of times in the same day.
00:57:12So why do you think she lied, Ekim?
00:57:17There are two reasons for that.
00:57:19Either she had an affair with a girl or she doesn't trust me.
00:57:21Of course, if I find out about her ex, I'll be mad at her, I'll call the police, I'll scream.
00:57:25That's what I'm afraid of.
00:57:27Is she wrong?
00:57:31It's not the same.
00:57:32If I knew before that girl came into our lives.
00:57:34What difference would it make?
00:57:37It's all in the past.
00:57:39Everyone has their own secrets and stories.
00:57:42And do you tell her about your childhood love?
00:57:45Did you tell her about the diaries you filled with those hearts, the letters you wrote?
00:57:50Mom, is that the same thing?
00:57:52I was in middle school.
00:57:53I was a kid, it's over.
00:57:56I think you're afraid of something else, girl.
00:58:00You react very strongly because of the confusion of the wings.
00:58:06Not at all.
00:58:07Can you look me in the eye and tell me?
00:58:11Maybe I'm afraid she's in love with him.
00:58:15I'm afraid she's confused.
00:58:17Maybe she hasn't forgotten him.
00:58:20Did you ask her that?
00:58:22No, of course I didn't.
00:58:25It's obvious, isn't it?
00:58:26She'll say, I love you, there's nothing like that.
00:58:28And you're not going to believe her because you don't trust the wings.
00:58:31No, I trust.
00:58:33Okay, I don't know.
00:58:35Okay, ask me something.
00:58:36I'm so confused.
00:58:37I don't think this is about the wings or the purpose.
00:58:41This is about what you feel inside, Ekim.
00:58:44You have to get help from the wings for this.
00:58:48You have to ask her.
00:58:49And you have to ask by looking into her eyes.
00:58:53The answer is there.
00:58:55I don't know.
00:58:56If you want to tell me, maybe I'll listen.
00:58:59So maybe.
00:59:01Maybe she's in love with him.
00:59:03You know that, right?
00:59:04Okay, mom.
00:59:05Let's close this subject.
00:59:08And you suddenly became a defender of wings.
00:59:12What happened?
00:59:13I'm a fan.
00:59:15You want what you want.
00:59:17And what you want is very clear.
00:59:20I don't know, mom.
00:59:25Would you like some tea?
00:59:26It would be great.
00:59:27Put some of those black leaves in it.
00:59:30Okay, I will.
01:00:00Can I come in, wings?
01:00:07Did something happen, Gaye?
01:00:08Can we talk?
01:00:11It's late, Gaye.
01:00:12We'll talk in the morning.
01:00:16Look, I can't believe you're still in this house...
01:00:19...even though I told you all the problems we had with Ekim.
01:00:21Wings, I had no other choice.
01:00:23Don't look at me like that, like an enemy.
01:00:25I just thought that something would be different.
01:00:28I thought we'd get together again.
01:00:30Gaye, we talked about this.
01:00:32Yes, I know.
01:00:33You're in love with Ekim.
01:00:36It's hard enough for me to accept this.
01:00:42But I love you very much.
01:00:45And I want you to be happy.
01:00:46I'm glad you know that.
01:00:47I'm also very confused these days.
01:00:49You know, the marriage issue, the decisions I have to make.
01:00:53I can only talk to you.
01:00:55Please, let me go to your room.
01:00:57Let's talk.
01:01:00Good night, Gaye.
01:01:03Good night, wings.
01:01:25Good night.
01:01:40Are you okay?
01:01:41I experienced a lot of strange things today.
01:01:44And I got out of it in a very strange way.
01:01:48Anyway, I'm not going to think about it now.
01:01:50Think about it like this.
01:01:52At least it's a memory I'll tell you as I go.
01:01:54Thanks to you.
01:01:58I made tea.
01:02:00It's a past tense.
01:02:03Thank you.
01:02:06Whenever I'm out of luck, you're always with me.
01:02:09It's always going to be like that from now on.
01:02:13You rest a little now.
01:02:15About Ateş.
01:02:18My conscience is never comfortable.
01:02:20Not now.
01:02:21They'll come to us later, of course.
01:02:24Whatever happens to us from now on, it will come together.
01:02:27So there's no problem.
01:02:31You rest a little now, I'm going downstairs.
01:02:33Call me if anything happens.
01:02:42Don't go, please stay with me for a while.
01:02:46I don't want to be alone.
01:02:47I love you.
01:02:50I love you.
01:03:17I love you.
01:03:28You're the only one I can trust in this life.
01:03:31You never left me on the road.
01:03:36I'm so tired now, Ozan.
01:03:39Every moment is a feeling of flying, falling, living without fear.
01:03:45I don't even know.
01:03:48Am I going to get better?
01:03:50You don't have to get better alone.
01:03:52I'm getting depressed after the manic.
01:03:54It's like a dark, bottomless well.
01:03:58It's scary.
01:04:03You'll be treated first.
01:04:08I'll take care of the rest.
01:04:10Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
01:04:12I'll take care of it.
01:04:16Is there anything we can't solve together?
01:04:27It'll all pass.
01:04:31Don't cry.
01:04:32Don't cry.
01:04:42Don't cry.
01:04:51Good morning.
01:04:52Good morning.
01:04:53No one got up?
01:04:56I got up, Aunt Suna.
01:05:00Did you prepare these?
01:05:02Someone must have had more important plans than sleep, right?
01:05:06I made you my grandmother's dairy bread.
01:05:08You've never tried anything like this.
01:05:10Thank you, but why did you bother?
01:05:12Zeyla was preparing something.
01:05:15I felt it.
01:05:16And Kanat liked it very much.
01:05:18He must have missed it.
01:05:19Kanat doesn't have much to do with breakfast.
01:05:22Let it be.
01:05:23He'll eat later.
01:05:25Come on, let's start.
01:05:28So, what's your plan for today?
01:05:31I don't have a plan.
01:05:33I mean, I'm going to school.
01:05:35Shall we go together?
01:05:37I don't think Kanat will take it very seriously.
01:05:40Besides, can you be safe at school?
01:05:43What if my ex-husband finds you?
01:05:50I mean, he doesn't know I work there.
01:05:54Besides, it's Istanbul.
01:05:56How will he find me there?
01:05:58You didn't say that last night.
01:06:02Actually, you're right, you know?
01:06:04There's no place safe for me.
01:06:07I'm sorry.
01:06:21Hello, who is this?
01:06:23My son.
01:06:24My dear son.
01:06:28Who are you?
01:06:30Wrong number, I guess.
01:06:32Good morning.
01:06:34Good morning.
01:06:35I was just about to wake you up.
01:06:38Good morning.
01:06:41Shall we go, Aziz?
01:06:44Okay, let's go, but...
01:06:46Gaye was going to come with us, too.
01:06:48She said something like that.
01:06:50Gaye, I guess I didn't explain my problem to you well.
01:06:53Look, Gaye shouldn't stay in this house, okay?
01:06:56This information won't get out of this house.
01:06:59Okay, Kanat.
01:07:01You're not my wife.
01:07:05Come on, Aziz.
01:07:06Come on.
01:07:18I'm going to ask you something.
01:07:20Your husband is looking for me, I hid, I took refuge in you story.
01:07:23Is it true?
01:07:27Don't do this, girl.
01:07:29You can't get to such a place.
01:07:31I can't stop myself, Aunt Suna.
01:07:33It's like there's a curtain in front of you...
01:07:36...and if that curtain is opened, it feels like you'll see the truth.
01:07:39Maybe that curtain is in front of your eyes.
01:07:41The boy is in love with Ekim.
01:07:43Isn't it obvious?
01:07:44You've already missed that train.
01:07:46What have you been up to, Aunt Suna?
01:07:49You were cooperating with me against Ekim yesterday.
01:07:52My dear.
01:07:54Gaye, you misunderstood me.
01:07:56I have no problem with Ekim.
01:07:58I just thought that my son would prevent him from going abroad...
01:08:00...and affect him in a ridiculous way.
01:08:02I still think so.
01:08:04Look, they don't get along with each other anyway.
01:08:06I mean, love that starts with a flower and a bug...
01:08:09...ends with a big rock.
01:08:11And they already come from different behaviors, different habits.
01:08:15When you marry that girl one day, that girl will kick you out.
01:08:19And not just that girl, she will kick you out with her family.
01:08:23My dear.
01:08:25It's still early to think about marriage.
01:08:27The wing will find the right way, don't worry.
01:08:28You think too much, Aunt Suna.
01:08:31They used to say that we would get married and go abroad.
01:08:34Look, this is neither your nor my job.
01:08:38If what you said about your husband is true...
01:08:41...I won't tell this to the wing.
01:08:43But I want you to do what you have to do.
01:08:46Like what?
01:08:47Like leaving the house.
01:08:49Look, dear.
01:08:51Don't hurt yourself or hurt the wing, okay?
01:08:54He already had a lot of problems with his father.
01:08:56Let's not add more problems to it.
01:09:03Okay, Aunt Suna.
01:09:05I will do whatever is necessary.
01:09:26I love you.
01:09:57I love you.
01:09:59I love you.
01:10:01I love you.
01:10:03I love you.
01:10:05I love you.
01:10:07I love you.
01:10:09I love you.
01:10:11I love you.
01:10:13I love you.
01:10:15I love you.
01:10:17I love you.
01:10:19I love you.
01:10:21I love you.
01:10:23I love you.
01:10:24I love you.
01:10:26I love you.
01:10:28I love you.
01:10:30I love you.
01:10:32I love you.
01:10:34I love you.
01:10:36I love you.
01:10:38I love you.
01:10:40I love you.
01:10:42I love you.
01:10:44I love you.
01:10:46I love you.
01:10:48I love you.
01:10:50I love you.
01:10:52I love you.
01:10:54I love you.
01:10:56I love you.
01:10:58I love you.
01:11:00I love you.
01:11:02I love you.
01:11:04I love you.
01:11:06I love you.
01:11:08I love you.
01:11:10I love you.
01:11:12I love you.
01:11:14I love you.
01:11:16I love you.
01:11:18I love you.
01:11:20I love you.
01:11:22I love you.
01:11:24If I knew...
01:11:25What would have changed?
01:11:27You would have covered up the mess again.
01:11:30But it's over.
01:11:33And you will be kicked out of this school.
01:11:36They don't deserve the food my sister gave to this school.
01:11:43I couldn't do what you said.
01:11:46I couldn't play with the future of two children.
01:11:51You know.
01:11:55Then everyone will know what kind of monster you call children.
01:12:02Anger and revenge are useless to anyone, son.
01:12:08You're right.
01:12:09What they did is horrible.
01:12:11It's unacceptable.
01:12:14But they're already paying the price.
01:12:19Look, Ateş.
01:12:20Melisa's health is not good.
01:12:22You can't handle such a thing.
01:12:26You know what it means to lose your loved one.
01:12:30I can't lose my daughter.
01:12:41He will pay for this.
01:12:44You will kick him out of this school.
01:12:53I will kick him out of this school.
01:13:01I don't understand this problem.
01:13:04If you leave it to the last day, you will get stuck.
01:13:06It doesn't matter.
01:13:08I will memorize a lot of detailed information.
01:13:12What does it say here?
01:13:14The stones used in the construction of this building...
01:13:17...that make the bird's eye view look like a eagle...
01:13:19...were brought from Marsilla.
01:13:21What am I going to do with this information?
01:13:22This is a school.
01:13:24Only those who don't come from the internet know right from wrong.
01:13:29Red church.
01:13:36When you look at the bird's eye view, it looks like an eagle.
01:13:39In fact, these red granites and bricks were brought from Marsilla.
01:13:46Red granites and bricks.
01:13:49Red granites.
01:13:50Where were they brought from?
01:13:55What are you doing?
01:13:58After all, we have to prove that we came here, right?
01:14:03Why are you laughing, Ekin?
01:14:07You don't know me, do you?
01:14:10I was born that way.
01:14:13Let's go to class.
01:14:15Let's go.
01:14:20You're still upset.
01:14:22It's obvious. You're not telling me anything.
01:14:25I have nothing to tell you.
01:14:27Don't tell me, Ekin.
01:14:28You don't tell me, he doesn't tell me.
01:14:30No one should tell anyone anything.
01:14:32Don't talk. Just look at me.
01:14:34Maybe he has something to tell you.
01:14:37Try not to talk.
01:14:43Okay, then.
01:14:51Don't look at me like that, like a stranger.
01:14:57I'm lost, yes.
01:14:59But my heart...
01:15:01...is in your palms.
01:15:03Don't you hear my voice?
01:15:09It says that I...
01:15:12...am lost.
01:15:14I am lost.
01:15:16I am lost.
01:15:17It says that I...
01:15:19...missed you a lot.
01:15:23A lot.
01:15:28So, what happened now?
01:15:30Nothing. There's nothing to talk about.
01:15:32I just listened.
01:15:52My son.
01:15:53My dear son.
01:16:03I knew you'd call, my dear son.
01:16:06Why are you still calling me?
01:16:08Isn't what you did enough?
01:16:09Look, I know I made unforgivable mistakes.
01:16:12But I need to talk to you.
01:16:15I want you to come to me.
01:16:16There's nothing to talk about.
01:16:17Don't call me again.
01:16:18Stop, stop, stop.
01:16:19Don't hang up, son.
01:16:21Don't hang up.
01:16:23I'm leaving, son.
01:16:25I'm leaving.
01:16:26I want to see you one last time.
01:16:27Then I'll get out of your lives.
01:16:30Please don't break me.
01:16:33What are you going to do when you see me?
01:16:34I don't know.
01:16:35I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:16:36Maybe I'll feel bad.
01:16:37Maybe I'll apologize.
01:16:39...I'll beg you.
01:16:40Or I'll kneel down and ask for forgiveness.
01:16:43Aziz will forgive you.
01:16:44He'll forgive you.
01:16:45Then everything will pass as if nothing happened, right?
01:16:48I never forgive my father, Aziz.
01:16:50I don't want that from you either.
01:16:53...I want to hug you like a real father for the last time.
01:16:56My father didn't do this to me.
01:16:58If he did, maybe I could be someone else.
01:17:01What would happen to me and him if he did?
01:17:05I had so much luck to be your father.
01:17:08I wish you hadn't called me.
01:17:10I'll wait for you.
01:17:11I'll text you the address.
01:17:14I hope you'll do the right thing for yourself.
01:17:18My dear.
01:17:29Where have you been?
01:17:31I've been looking for you everywhere.
01:17:34I miss you.
01:17:39I haven't been anywhere.
01:17:41I was here.
01:17:42Were you talking to someone who was going to bore you?
01:17:44You seemed a little upset to me.
01:17:47I talked to my psychologist.
01:17:49We have an appointment for tonight.
01:17:51Wasn't your appointment three days later, Aziz?
01:17:53It was.
01:17:55But when there was a gap tonight, we decided to postpone it.
01:17:58Is it bad?
01:18:02I was wondering if we could do something tonight.
01:18:06Why don't we do it tomorrow night?
01:18:09Come on, let's go. You'll get cold.
01:18:12Come on.
01:18:20Everything you've done is growing behind us.
01:18:26But it's my fault.
01:18:28I should have known that this would happen from the beginning.
01:18:30Every father would do what you did.
01:18:33You just wanted to protect Melisa.
01:18:35But I couldn't.
01:18:37I can't do anything anymore, Ozan.
01:18:40As a father, I want this for the sake of my daughter's well-being.
01:18:44Otherwise, Ateş won't leave you alone, Melisa.
01:18:47And a new school will be good for you.
01:18:50I don't care about the school.
01:18:53I just want Melisa to be fine.
01:18:58Please don't be aware of this.
01:19:00Tell me you've made your own decision.
01:19:02How is she?
01:19:04She didn't come to school today.
01:19:06It's okay.
01:19:09She wanted to stay at home, so I stayed with her.
01:19:11Well done, son.
01:19:15I have to go back to school now.
01:19:18Uncle Süleyman.
01:19:21We talked to Melisa.
01:19:25She agreed to see the doctor.
01:19:27Are you serious, Ozan?
01:19:28This is great news.
01:19:30Yes, but...
01:19:32...a very difficult process awaits her.
01:19:35Don't leave her alone, okay?
01:19:37Look, son.
01:19:38We'll be together.
01:19:40My daughter will be fine.
01:19:42Thank you.
01:20:05Thank you.
01:20:36I love you.
01:20:38I love you.
01:20:40I love you.
01:20:42I love you.
01:20:44I love you.
01:20:46I love you.
01:20:48I love you.
01:20:50I love you.
01:20:52I love you.
01:20:54I love you.
01:20:56I love you.
01:20:58I love you.
01:21:00I love you.
01:21:02I love you.
01:21:04I love you.
01:21:05I love you.
01:21:11You're great at combing my hair, mother.
01:21:16Without getting upset.
01:21:26I'm cold.
01:21:29Umm, do you mind?
01:21:33You're going to get cold now.
01:21:55Mom, where are you going?
01:22:00Mom, where are you going?
01:22:02Mom, where are you going?
01:22:08Mom, where are you?
01:22:12Mom, where are you?
01:22:20My daughter?
01:22:22Dad, my mom is gone.
01:22:24What am I going to do, dad?
01:22:26I'm glad you're here.
01:22:28I'm glad you're with me.
01:22:30Did you take your medicine?
01:22:32I have some work to do.
01:22:34Don't take your medicine, okay?
01:22:36The medicine is good.
01:22:38Don't forget.
01:22:40I have a lot of work to do now.
01:22:42Take your medicine.
01:22:44Take your medicine.
01:22:46Take your medicine.
01:22:50Take your medicine.
01:22:58What's going on?
01:23:00Melissa, I'm here.
01:23:06My love.
01:23:08I knew you wouldn't leave me.
01:23:10I knew you wouldn't leave me.
01:23:14I'm a doctor.
01:23:16My love is a doctor.
01:23:20Your love is mine.
01:23:24You won't leave me.
01:23:26Your love is mine.
01:23:28You won't leave me.
01:23:30I love her very much.
01:23:32Kanat, please don't go.
01:23:34I will never leave her.
01:23:38Kanat, please don't go.
01:23:42Melissa, I'm here.
01:23:46I did it because I thought of you.
01:23:48Take your medicine.
01:23:50Is the medicine good?
01:23:52I'm a doctor.
01:23:54I'm a doctor.
01:24:10You saw me.
01:24:12I was always here.
01:24:14I was with you.
01:24:16But you noticed me for the first time.
01:24:18I'm so sorry.
01:24:20I love you.
01:24:22I'm sorry.
01:24:24I finally found you.
01:24:26Please don't go.
01:24:42It's too late, Melissa.
01:24:44It's time.
01:24:46It's too late.
01:24:52Ozan, don't go.
01:24:58Please don't go.
01:25:02Please don't go.
01:25:12Please don't go.
01:25:20Are you okay?
01:25:24Ozan, I had a nightmare.
01:25:26Everyone was leaving.
01:25:28You were leaving, too.
01:25:30It's okay.
01:25:32It's over.
01:25:34It was just a dream.
01:25:38You won't leave me, will you?
01:25:44I don't think it has anything to do with me.
01:25:48You're just afraid of being alone.
01:25:54Why don't you want me to go?
01:26:00Because what?
01:26:02I don't know, Ozan. I'm confused.
01:26:04Okay, don't be afraid.
01:26:06You're not alone.
01:26:08There are a lot of people who love you.
01:26:10Is that so?
01:26:14Come on.
01:26:16Let's find something to wear.
01:26:20Are you going to wear it?
01:26:26Don't make me wait.
01:26:28I love you.
01:26:44You say the break-up is still going on.
01:26:46Is that so?
01:26:48Really, doctor.
01:26:50Didn't you extend it anymore?
01:26:52They didn't give it to you for nothing, did they?
01:26:54You're a poet.
01:26:58I really don't understand these women.
01:27:00Continuous dissatisfaction, unhappiness.
01:27:02You don't understand what you feel.
01:27:04You can't perceive it.
01:27:06It's a little weird.
01:27:08I think they need a guide.
01:27:10Let's open it up and read it.
01:27:12You can't understand.
01:27:14Sometimes you have to rub it in.
01:27:16Right, doctor?
01:27:18Look, doctor.
01:27:20You need to make an emergency agreement.
01:27:22You're a bad example to the people.
01:27:24Okay, okay.
01:27:26Don't we have anything else to talk about?
01:27:28I'm going.
01:27:30I'll go alone.
01:27:38Have a nice trip.
01:27:44What kind of friendship is this?
01:27:46How can you be friends?
01:27:48You can't be friends.
01:27:50He'll know when to talk and when not to talk.
01:27:52What nonsense is this?
01:27:56I'm sick of it.
01:28:00You're the one who's sick of it.
01:28:02You stopped and now you're gone.
01:28:04Okay, great.
01:28:06Are you talking to the bag?
01:28:08Yes, because I'm crazy.
01:28:10I understand crazy people.
01:28:12But I don't think you're one of them.
01:28:14You just need to calm down a little.
01:28:16I don't know how to calm down right now.
01:28:18I know.
01:28:20You need to make someone happy.
01:28:22You need to care about people.
01:28:26Don't talk like you don't know.
01:28:28What are you saying?
01:28:30You love animals, don't you?
01:28:34Okay, then.
01:28:36I know what will be good for you.
01:28:38Come on.
01:28:44Come on.
01:28:50Come on.
01:29:00I'll be there.
01:29:20Come on.
01:29:30Come on.
01:29:50Come on.
01:30:12Come in.
01:30:20Come in.
01:30:34It's not a house you're used to, is it?
01:30:36I couldn't get used to it either.
01:30:38Anyway, I'm not going to stay too long.
01:30:42I'll ask you to drink something, but there's nothing but tea.
01:30:44I don't drink, thanks.
01:30:46Sit down.
01:30:50Sit down.
01:30:52Why didn't you love me, dad?
01:31:02I loved you, son.
01:31:04I love you.
01:31:06Like Mahir loves Rıza?
01:31:08I don't know any other way.
01:31:12So we're both the victims of our fathers.
01:31:20I made you live my own destiny.
01:31:24I'm sorry.
01:31:26For everything...
01:31:28Get up.
01:31:30Dad, get up.
01:31:50Get up.
01:31:54How much longer are you going to run?
01:31:56I don't know.
01:31:58I can't stay here long.
01:32:00I have to go abroad.
01:32:02You can't.
01:32:04I can't.
01:32:06I can't.
01:32:08I can't get into the hospital.
01:32:10I'll be worse there.
01:32:12I need help.
01:32:14I can't be wet there.
01:32:16I have to get better.
01:32:18I want you to promise me something.
01:32:20That you won't give up.
01:32:22That you won't be the old Rıza.
01:32:26Can you promise me that?
01:32:28I want it more than anyone else.
01:32:32But I'm a fugitive now.
01:32:36I don't have a penny.
01:32:44But there was going to be a load of money in the safe at home.
01:32:46Maybe if you bring it to me...
01:32:50Why did you steal it?
01:32:54You got it wrong.
01:32:56I didn't mean that.
01:32:58I didn't say it in the right order.
01:33:00I want you to come with me.
01:33:02Come with me.
01:33:04Let's go abroad.
01:33:06Let's go together.
01:33:08Let's start a new life.
01:33:10Do you really want this?
01:33:14I really want it.
01:33:16Let's go together.
01:33:18Let's work together.
01:33:20Let's help each other.
01:33:22Let's get better together.
01:33:24Let's leave the past behind.
01:33:28Do you have it?
01:33:38My dear son.
01:33:40Then you're buying a ticket now.
01:33:42But it's not even a plane ticket.
01:33:48Then you text me.
01:33:50We'll meet there.
01:33:54I'll take care of it.
01:33:56My dear son.
01:34:02My dear son.
01:34:12My dear son.
01:34:18Thank you.
01:34:20Where have you been?
01:34:22I haven't been here for a long time.
01:34:24I brought my friend.
01:34:26Can we go to the garden?
01:34:28Of course.
01:34:30It's so beautiful here.
01:34:36Do you always come here?
01:34:38I used to come more often.
01:34:40But they are busy.
01:34:42So I come here more often.
01:34:44I want animals according to my budget.
01:34:46I think it's best to do something for someone.
01:34:48Of course.
01:34:54Thank you.
01:34:56Do you have fresh tea?
01:34:58Give me two.
01:35:02Come here.
01:35:10Come here.
01:35:14Come here.
01:35:16I love you.
01:35:18You're so handsome.
01:35:20I'm getting old.
01:35:22How old are we?
01:35:24You can call me uncle.
01:35:26I'm used to it.
01:35:28That's what I said.
01:35:30Don't say that anymore.
01:35:42Yes, Ozan.
01:35:46You have to come to the fair.
01:35:48Don't make fun of me.
01:35:52Nothing happened.
01:35:54I have something to tell you in the evening.
01:35:58I'll be right there.
01:36:06Come here.
01:36:08Come here.
01:36:10Look at you.
01:36:14Let's go.
01:36:16What's going on?
01:36:18Are you following me?
01:36:20Yes, I'm following you.
01:36:22No, I'm not coming anywhere.
01:36:24Come on.
01:36:26He said he didn't want to come.
01:36:28Didn't you hear?
01:36:30Melissa is not well.
01:36:32Ozan called.
01:36:34He said come right away.
01:36:36What's going on?
01:36:38I don't know.
01:36:40We'll find out if we can go.
01:36:44See you.
01:36:46Thank you.
01:36:48Let me go.
01:36:50Come here.
01:36:56Let go of my arm.
01:36:58I can walk.
01:37:02By the way,
01:37:04What are you talking about?
01:37:06It's been less than a week since we broke up.
01:37:08Let's say so.
01:37:10What does it matter to you?
01:37:12I don't know.
01:37:14It's a little weird.
01:37:16Love doesn't end in two days.
01:37:18Is that so?
01:37:20It takes years for you, doesn't it?
01:37:22Then it comes back.
01:37:24It happens again.
01:37:26Get in.
01:37:28Take your hand off.
01:37:30I'll open it myself.
01:37:32Let's get in.
01:37:48Put your belt on.
01:37:50You put it on.
01:37:52What are you laughing at?
01:37:54Wait a minute.
01:38:12Are you okay?
01:38:14What's going on?
01:38:16When you called me,
01:38:18I didn't know what to do.
01:38:20When you called me,
01:38:22I panicked. Are you okay?
01:38:28What's going on to you?
01:38:30What's going on to you?
01:38:32I don't understand.
01:38:34I called the clinic.
01:38:38I don't have an appointment.
01:38:40Where were you?
01:38:46You went to your father again, didn't you?
01:38:48How could you?
01:38:50After all he's done to me,
01:38:52how could you?
01:38:54Because he's my father, Leyla.
01:38:56He's not your father.
01:38:58He's not your father.
01:39:00He's just a monster who does horrible things to girls.
01:39:02I know.
01:39:04But I needed it.
01:39:06You were going to be treated.
01:39:08We were going to get better together.
01:39:10You weren't going to let him affect you anymore.
01:39:14We were going to be treated.
01:39:16I know.
01:39:18No matter what happens,
01:39:20if I have to be with him,
01:39:24I'll be with my father again, Leyla.
01:39:32You can't choose.
01:39:34It's not like that.
01:39:36What are you doing?
01:39:38Please calm down.
01:39:40Get out!
01:39:52I'm telling you I'm fine.
01:39:56I may have been a little silly
01:39:58because I didn't take my medicine last week,
01:40:00but I'm fine.
01:40:02I don't know.
01:40:04When Kanat said that,
01:40:06Ozan told me.
01:40:08I didn't tell you anything like that.
01:40:10I just said I was going to talk to you about something important.
01:40:12If you're used to lying,
01:40:14of course.
01:40:18So, Ozan,
01:40:20what is this important topic?
01:40:32I made a decision.
01:40:38I wanted you to hear this.
01:40:42I'm quitting school.
01:40:50If it's a joke,
01:40:52it's not funny at all.
01:40:56I'm serious.
01:40:58This process
01:41:00was very bad for all of us.
01:41:02It will be good for me
01:41:04to move away a little.
01:41:06Where did this come from all of a sudden?
01:41:08You quit school in the middle of the period?
01:41:10I mean,
01:41:12you get a report,
01:41:14you can continue when you feel better.
01:41:16Don't waste your breath, Kanat.
01:41:18I've already made my decision.
01:41:22You promised you wouldn't leave me alone.
01:41:28Melisa, you're not alone.
01:41:30You have your father.
01:41:32You have Kanat.
01:41:36After all,
01:41:38you've been together for a long time.
01:41:40I know how much he values you.
01:41:46You're a wonderful woman.
01:41:48Do you know
01:41:50what I sometimes think?
01:41:52If it wasn't for this guy,
01:41:54you two would definitely be best friends.
01:41:56You even are.
01:42:00I mean, I won't be left behind.
01:42:04You can't go anywhere.
01:42:06I trusted you.
01:42:12Don't do this, please.
01:42:14You're doing this to punish me.
01:42:18You're doing this because I upset you,
01:42:20because I didn't face you,
01:42:22because I didn't suffer.
01:42:24But I...
01:42:26God damn it.
01:42:30Okay, I'll take care of it.
01:42:34Come, sit down.
01:42:44God damn it.
01:42:54Melisa, when are you going to stop this?
01:42:56When are you going to stop doing this?
01:43:00When are you going to stop running away from yourself?
01:43:02When are you going to stop being afraid?
01:43:04I'm not afraid of anything, Ekim.
01:43:06I'm just upset because he's leaving.
01:43:10You're afraid of being loved.
01:43:12Because you don't deserve him.
01:43:14Not just him.
01:43:16You're afraid that Ozan
01:43:18will hurt you sooner or later.
01:43:20Let him.
01:43:22Let him hurt you.
01:43:24What's going to happen?
01:43:26Ekim, this Ozan...
01:43:28Do you understand? Ozan is not someone else.
01:43:30This is Ozan.
01:43:32Whoever he is.
01:43:34Are you in love with Ozan?
01:43:40I've been feeling weird lately.
01:43:42I don't know.
01:43:44I think yes, I'm in love.
01:43:52Then the rest doesn't matter.
01:43:54Love doesn't disappear when you stay away from it.
01:43:56The more you stay away,
01:43:58the more aggressive it gets.
01:44:00I know.
01:44:02I know it myself.
01:44:04Ekim, I can't do what you're doing.
01:44:06We're not like you and Kanat.
01:44:08You can be better.
01:44:12You're friends.
01:44:14We're not like that.
01:44:16Besides, everything between us is over.
01:44:20What does that mean?
01:44:22What does that mean?
01:44:24How is it over?
01:44:32Nothing is over.
01:44:34It can't be over.
01:44:36Because Kanat really loves you.
01:44:40Did you hear me?
01:44:44I want to believe it, but it doesn't work.
01:44:46There's always an obstacle.
01:44:48I can't do anything.
01:44:50We can't do anything.
01:44:56I listened to you.
01:44:58Now you listen to me.
01:45:00Look, I've known Kanat for years.
01:45:04Whatever happened so far,
01:45:06he just fought to win.
01:45:10Except you.
01:45:14Neither his ego, nor his desire to win.
01:45:16But he...
01:45:18He's really happy with you.
01:45:22Believe me.
01:45:46You're not going on your own, are you?
01:45:52I'm going on my own.
01:45:56You can't stay away from me.
01:45:58There's something else going on.
01:46:00Tell me, so I can help.
01:46:04This is not something anyone can help.
01:46:06It's not like that.
01:46:12I'm sorry.
01:46:20Tell me.
01:46:22You'll ease your mind.
01:46:24You'll clear your head.
01:46:26My family is forcing you.
01:46:32It's not something I don't know, Kanat.
01:46:40I'm so hurt.
01:46:54I'll always be a rock on her back.
01:46:58I'll never find the man she loves.
01:47:08Maybe what I'm going to say will sound silly to you,
01:47:12Melissa never looked at me with love.
01:47:16She didn't like me.
01:47:18She liked our idea of being together.
01:47:22We were the most popular,
01:47:24the coolest,
01:47:26the most suitable,
01:47:28I don't know what kind of couple we were.
01:47:30But we weren't even a couple.
01:47:32We weren't.
01:47:36I realized that when I saw the doctor.
01:47:40I realized that when I saw the doctor.
01:47:46Despite all the obstacles,
01:47:50true love,
01:47:56being able to share,
01:47:58I got to know her.
01:48:02I didn't know you felt that way about Melissa.
01:48:06How would you know?
01:48:10We were both masters at giving color.
01:48:12Of course, she's more of a master.
01:48:16Especially when it comes to you.
01:48:20Aren't you aware of that?
01:48:22She's always running away from you.
01:48:24After her mother,
01:48:26she's afraid she'll lose you.
01:48:28It's not like that.
01:48:30I can't stand it anymore, Kanat.
01:48:34I'm tired of hitting the walls she's built.
01:48:36This is the only way
01:48:38I can escape this damn thing.
01:48:40Don't you see?
01:48:46I think she'll get over it eventually.
01:48:48Hang in there a little longer.
01:48:50You're almost there, Ozan.
01:48:52You're almost there.
01:48:54I hope so.
01:48:56I hope so.
01:49:06Did you make this yogurt?
01:49:08Yes, I made it.
01:49:10It's good.
01:49:12Thank you.
01:49:14You're welcome.
01:49:16You don't eat at all.
01:49:18I made these because you like them.
01:49:20I'll get bored.
01:49:22It's delicious.
01:49:24But I don't feel like eating tonight.
01:49:28you're not well, are you?
01:49:30No, Şükran.
01:49:32I don't expect anything anymore.
01:49:34It's not going to happen.
01:49:36We've been together for so long.
01:49:38We have the right to eat, drink, and share.
01:49:42that's enough.
01:49:44Okay, let's leave it.
01:49:46I'll tell you something.
01:49:48I didn't even look at him the first day he came.
01:49:52That's why you prepared a special dinner
01:49:54for Halil.
01:49:58this is a joke, right?
01:50:00It's a joke.
01:50:02Enjoy your meal.
01:50:04I made it last night.
01:50:06It's milk.
01:50:08It's soft.
01:50:10Thank you.
01:50:12How is my daughter Hazal?
01:50:14It must have been hard for her, too.
01:50:16Hazal is fine.
01:50:18She's a strong girl.
01:50:20You know that, Şükran.
01:50:22She's used to her father's absence.
01:50:24She'll get better.
01:50:26Thank God.
01:50:28That's right.
01:50:30Life goes on.
01:50:32I know.
01:50:36I wish we knew
01:50:38the value of what we have.
01:50:44Excuse me.
01:50:46I have to go.
01:50:48I'm not really hungry.
01:50:50And I'm a little tired.
01:50:52I'm sorry.
01:50:54Enjoy your meal.
01:50:56Please don't worry.
01:50:58Good night.
01:51:00Good night.
01:51:04Thank you so much.
01:51:06Thank you, sister.
01:51:08God bless you.
01:51:10The beans are delicious.
01:51:14I feel so happy.
01:51:16What did I say?
01:51:20Did I say something bad, Şükran?
01:51:22What did I say?
01:51:24Come on, eat something.
01:51:26I already ate.
01:51:28I ate before you came.
01:51:40I'll go by myself.
01:51:44Why don't you believe me?
01:51:46Didn't I tell you everything last time?
01:51:48You had to tell me something
01:51:50to make me believe you.
01:51:52You didn't have to hide it.
01:51:54I didn't hide it.
01:51:56This is valid for you, too, right?
01:51:58I don't understand.
01:52:00Don't you have anything you're hiding from me?
01:52:02You always said, trust, trust, trust.
01:52:04Trust is a two-sided thing.
01:52:08Are you talking about trust to me right now?
01:52:10What are you implying?
01:52:12Okay, we'll get to the point.
01:52:16What were you doing with that guy?
01:52:20I don't believe you.
01:52:22Are you still there?
01:52:24Yes, I'm there.
01:52:26Do you think there's something going on between me and that guy?
01:52:30What were you doing with that guy outside?
01:52:32That guy is my friend.
01:52:34Someone I can almost call my brother.
01:52:36We were hanging out like that.
01:52:38But it's normal for you to think like that.
01:52:40Everything is normal for you.
01:52:42What am I explaining to you right now?
01:52:44Why am I explaining?
01:52:46Shame on you.
01:52:48Did you choose such a path to save yourself?
01:52:50There's no need for me to save myself.
01:52:52Because it's obvious.
01:52:54Is that so?
01:52:56You have nothing to explain to me.
01:53:02Then I don't want such a relationship.
01:53:46I won't take long and I'll ask you something.
01:53:48Ozan is leaving the school.
01:53:50Do you have a hand in this?
01:53:52Yes, I do.
01:53:54What were you waiting for?
01:53:56But didn't we talk to you?
01:53:58Do you think this will end like this?
01:54:00It will end after everyone gets the punishment they deserve.
01:54:04Also, just so you know.
01:54:06I didn't send Ozan from school.
01:54:08I just told the necessary people what happened.
01:54:14Emine did the right thing.
01:54:16Even if it was a little late.
01:54:18This punishment is nothing compared to what they did to us.
01:54:22What are you going to do now?
01:54:24Are you going to hurt the people you love?
01:54:26If I can, yes.
01:54:28Of course, I promised Süleyman that I wouldn't do anything else.
01:54:30But I can't stand it the more I think about my sister.
01:54:32Do you understand?
01:54:34I can't control myself.
01:54:36That's why...
01:54:38Okay, that's why you're going to break your promise, right?
01:54:42I have an advice for you.
01:54:44This happened to me...
01:54:46...in everything I planned and couldn't do until today.
01:54:50It just happened.
01:54:52Just like Melisa did, right?
01:54:58I didn't do anything to Melisa.
01:55:00Look, guys.
01:55:02I'm telling you from a friend and a person who really cares about you.
01:55:04Don't lose your mind. I understand.
01:55:06But this job...
01:55:08...won't put an end to this fire.
01:55:10Do you understand?
01:55:12Don't give up.
01:55:14Don't be defeated by your hatred, please.
01:56:36You're just in time.
01:56:38You're just in time.
01:56:40If I had planned it, it would have been this much. Come on.
01:56:42What have you done?
01:56:44Of course.
01:56:46Do you remember the first pancake we made when we were kids?
01:56:50How can I forget?
01:56:52I guess it was the worst thing I've ever eaten.
01:56:54I almost burned my hand because of you.
01:56:56Don't blame me.
01:56:58If you had been looking at the pan instead of the recipe, you wouldn't have burned.
01:57:00I don't think you look at it now.
01:57:08I couldn't prepare breakfast.
01:57:10You're lucky.
01:57:34You were with me in every moment of my life.
01:57:38You still are.
01:57:48You were always right, Ozan.
01:57:54I thought about it today and decided to end this war inside me.
01:57:58So I surrendered.
01:58:04Since I couldn't tie my shoes,
01:58:08I fell in love with you.
01:58:12I fell in love with you.
01:58:20Since the first day we ran away from school and were caught,
01:58:26I've been in love with you since the day we tied our hands to the same pudding.
01:58:38I love you.
01:58:48You're saying this because I'm not going.
01:58:54You're saying this because you're afraid of being alone.
01:58:58No, I'm telling you what's really in me for the first time.
01:59:00I'm telling you.
01:59:06I love you so much.
01:59:10I love you too, Melisa.
01:59:16You don't have to tell me that.
01:59:22But if I ever experience something like this again, I can't stand it.
01:59:26I can't do it.
01:59:30Please understand me.
01:59:34It will be better for both of us if you don't go.
01:59:42I won't go?
01:59:46Okay, then go.
01:59:52Look at me.
01:59:54Melisa, please don't do this.
01:59:56Please don't do this.
01:59:58Let's not talk like this.
02:00:02What are you talking about?
02:00:06Do I need something like this?
02:00:08Do I need you?
02:00:10I woke up in the morning and did everything for you.
02:00:12Don't you see?
02:00:16Get out of here.
02:00:18I'm telling you to go.
02:00:38What's going on?
02:00:56My daughter.
02:00:58Are you okay?
02:01:16Mr. Mevlüt.
02:01:20Do you know what time it is?
02:01:22I'm sorry, ma'am.
02:01:24There was a lot of traffic.
02:01:26You know, we're coming from afar.
02:01:28By the way, there is confusion at the entrance and exit times.
02:01:30Let's be careful, please.
02:01:32Okay, don't worry.
02:01:34I see you didn't come to school empty-handed.
02:01:38I love angels very much.
02:01:40I wanted it to stay in my club.
02:01:42That's why I brought it.
02:01:44I understand.
02:01:46Anyway, I hope you got my message.
02:01:48Come on, change your clothes and go to the club, please.
02:01:50Have a nice day.
02:01:52Thank you.
02:01:56There's something wrong with Ekim and Kanat.
02:01:58Come on, Melisa.
02:02:00Guys, don't you understand?
02:02:02That's their routine.
02:02:04I mean, some couples like to do things like that.
02:02:06I don't think you should take it personally.
02:02:08I mean, let them take care of themselves.
02:02:10Of course, honey.
02:02:12There's no such thing as a power couple like us.
02:02:16I mean, it can be taken care of.
02:02:18It can be taken care of, but...
02:02:20I'm afraid of your thoughts.
02:02:38Good morning.
02:02:40Who are these flowers for?
02:02:42Good morning to you.
02:02:44To me?
02:02:46Are these for me?
02:02:48These are for Melek.
02:02:50Hope for the hopeless.
02:02:52Give results to those who expect hope.
02:02:54I see.
02:02:56I understand very well, but...
02:02:58I mean...
02:03:00I don't understand why you bought it for me.
02:03:02I don't know.
02:03:04Maybe both of you need good results.
02:03:06Are you okay, girl?
02:03:14Are you okay?
02:03:22I'm not seeing it wrong, am I?
02:03:24I mean...
02:03:26Is the heart of security thrown at Ekim?
02:03:28No way.
02:03:30My stomach can't take it anymore.
02:03:32Okay, you guys stay.
02:03:34I don't think anything will happen.
02:03:38Thank you very much.
02:03:40But I can't accept this.
02:03:56You misunderstood me.
02:03:58We're friends.
02:04:00I'm giving it to you so that our wishes come true.
02:04:04I'm giving it to you so that our wishes come true.
02:04:14Okay, I'll accept it.
02:04:16Thank you.
02:04:30What's up?
02:04:48Can you believe it?
02:04:50I mean, really.
02:04:52Can you believe he did this to me?
02:04:58You're going to be mad, but...
02:05:00You're going to be mad.
02:05:06Of course.
02:05:08It's unforgivable for you.
02:05:10But you can't expect a person who's been terrorized all his life to get better all of a sudden.
02:05:16You don't understand.
02:05:18You really don't understand me.
02:05:20Nobody understands me right now.
02:05:22Everything I've heard and seen about that guy is triggering me.
02:05:28I'm telling you, I can't do anything.
02:05:30Okay, you're right.
02:05:34You're right.
02:05:38The one who did this...
02:05:40The man I love.
02:05:44But whatever happens, he's his son.
02:05:46Don't forget that.
02:05:50Don't forget that.
02:05:52I want to forget, Ayşe.
02:05:54I don't want to remember anything anymore.
02:05:56That's all that matters right now.
02:05:58I'll never forgive him again.
02:06:00This is over.
02:06:02I'll never forgive him again.
02:06:14I wish you hadn't left so early.
02:06:16I wish you hadn't left so early.
02:06:24I wish you had told me that you were my silly brother.
02:06:26I wish you had told me that you were my silly brother.
02:06:38That's why I'm having such a hard time.
02:06:46You were the only person in this world who would stand by me no matter what.
02:06:58I'm afraid of myself, sister.
02:07:02I'm afraid of what I want to do.
02:07:10The monster inside me is taking over me.
02:07:16Even if the monsters find their punishment somehow,
02:07:18Even if the monsters find their punishment somehow,
02:07:20it's not enough for me.
02:07:22It's not enough for me.
02:07:24It's not enough for me.
02:07:44Forgive me.
02:07:46Forgive me.
02:07:48I let you down, sister.
02:07:50I let you down.
02:07:52Instead of chasing those who put you here,
02:07:54Instead of chasing those who put you here,
02:07:56I went after my stupid heart.
02:08:04I don't deserve you.
02:08:10That's why I can't stand seeing this.
02:08:20That's why I can't stand seeing this.
02:08:32I got your message, sister.
02:08:50I got your message, sister.
02:09:06Give me a kiss.
02:09:10What is he doing with Ekrem?
02:09:14The guy at the door.
02:09:16Are you really crazy?
02:09:18What will he do?
02:09:20What was that flower?
02:09:22I'm looking at you and I can't see anything.
02:09:24I'm looking at you and I can't see anything.
02:09:26It's a gift for a friend.
02:09:30You are really stupid.
02:09:32You are really stupid.
02:09:34She's sleeping with you.
02:09:36You see her as a little girl.
02:09:38You see her as a little girl.
02:09:40You're trying to get ahead of her.
02:09:42You're the one at fault.
02:09:44You're the one at fault.
02:09:46I have nothing to do with it.
02:09:48She didn't come here and she didn't stay.
02:09:50Wait a minute.
02:09:54Gaye is staying.
02:09:56It's not what you think.
02:09:58She's in a bad situation.
02:10:00She's running away from her husband.
02:10:02My mom took pity on her and took her home.
02:10:04I'm sure you have nothing to do with Gaye coming to you, staying with you, and coming to this school.
02:10:06I'm sure you have nothing to do with Gaye coming to you, staying with you, and coming to this school.
02:10:08You are aware that Ekrem is not against you, right?
02:10:10Look, you have a cousin who is against you.
02:10:12Look, you have a cousin who is against you.
02:10:14Do you feel anything for this woman?
02:10:16No, Hazal, no.
02:10:18I hope you're not fooling yourself, Nurgan.
02:10:20Think about it before you do anything.
02:10:44I know you hurt yourself a lot.
02:11:08But you don't have to be afraid of me anymore.
02:11:12Or look behind you when you walk.
02:11:15Your heart has flown to someone else.
02:11:19Now he's the only one in your life.
02:11:25And who is he?
02:11:31I'm freeing you forever.
02:12:03You've warmed up enough to open the door, by the way.
02:12:07If you're here to see someone, there's no one right now.
02:12:10No, I'm here to see you.
02:12:12My home?
02:12:14Don't make me a role, Ganya.
02:12:17I know what you're after.
02:12:19What are you after?
02:12:22Maybe money, maybe wings, maybe starting a new life.
02:12:30But I wouldn't be too hopeful if I were you.
02:12:34I'll come as soon as I hear everyone's happy for Eli.
02:12:37Have a nice day.
02:12:41I think you open your ears and listen to me.
02:12:44There's no one but Ekim in Kanat's life.
02:12:47Do you understand?
02:12:49I'm not going to let you hurt my friends, my friends, or my family.
02:12:54You're going to leave.
02:12:57Don't worry.
02:12:59I'm going to take all the steps I can.
02:13:01I hope so.
02:13:03Otherwise, I'm not responsible for what's going to happen.
02:13:40Isn't my mom and Aziz here?
02:13:42I don't know Aziz, but your mom went to summer camp.
02:13:45It's just the two of us.
02:13:47Come on.
02:13:49I'm not hungry.
02:13:51What's going on, Kanat?
02:13:54Are we back to square one?
02:13:57Look, Ganya.
02:13:59I felt sorry for you.
02:14:01I couldn't say anything to my mom, but...
02:14:05You don't have to leave here anymore.
02:14:09Is it because of Ekim?
02:14:13I'm in love with Ekim.
02:14:16And nothing can happen to us.
02:14:21I'm glad we have the same idea.
02:14:26Why are you surprised?
02:14:28I just want you to be happy, not what you think.
02:14:32Whatever happens to Ekim, happens to Mars.
02:14:38Thank you.
02:14:41That was the purpose of this table.
02:14:44I wanted to say goodbye to each other for the last time.
02:14:48I'm leaving early tomorrow morning.
02:14:55I don't want to disrespect the table you prepared.
02:14:59I'm going to change.
02:15:25I knew you wouldn't let me down.
02:15:30Do you know what I did when I first hugged you when you were born?
02:15:36You looked into my eyes.
02:15:40But deep down,
02:15:42you didn't say anything.
02:15:45You didn't say anything.
02:15:48You didn't say anything.
02:15:50You didn't say anything.
02:15:52But deep down,
02:15:54you took my soul.
02:15:59you put your finger in my little hand.
02:16:04You accepted me as I am.
02:16:07I think it's because we're both the same person.
02:16:15You know what?
02:16:17I always felt like I was next to you.
02:16:20That's why I'm so impatient.
02:16:27Because we're going to open a page together.
02:16:34I've thought about it a lot.
02:16:36From now on, you're going to live your life as a fugitive.
02:16:40You have a very long life ahead of you.
02:16:44I don't have the right to do this.
02:16:48We have to separate our paths.
02:16:51Am I wrong?
02:16:55You're right, dad.
02:17:10Don't run!
02:17:12Don't run!
02:17:14Put your arms away!
02:17:19As I said,
02:17:21unfortunately, we're the same person.
02:17:23But there's a difference between us.
02:17:27I'm free now.
02:17:29From you,
02:17:31and from the dark worlds.
02:17:33You won't even see the sun.
02:17:37We finally met, Mr. Rıza.
02:17:40Take him.
02:17:52You did a very difficult job, Aziz.
02:17:55Not everyone could do it.
02:17:57Thank you.
02:18:07Come on, slowly.
02:18:09My beautiful wife.
02:18:11My doctor.
02:18:13Come here.
02:18:15I really like my doctor.
02:18:17Do you know that?
02:18:19I love my doctor.
02:18:21He misunderstood me.
02:18:26I didn't...
02:18:28I didn't do anything to him.
02:18:31I'm so sorry.
02:18:33I didn't do anything to him.
02:18:35I love him so much.
02:18:38I love him so much.
02:18:40I'm in love with him.
02:18:42I won't do anything to him.
02:18:45My doctor.
02:18:47My beautiful wife.
02:18:51I love you so much, doctor.
02:18:54I love you so much.
02:19:03I love you so much.
02:19:34Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
02:19:36we have some important news for you.
02:19:39Rıza Günay, who has been accused of molesting and torturing young girls for a while,
02:19:44was caught in the operation that was carried out today.
02:19:48Leyla, talk to me.
02:19:50It was said that Rıza Günay was caught thanks to the cooperation he made with his son Aziz Günay.
02:19:56Yes, Rıza Günay will be taken to the police station to be interrogated by the police.
02:20:03He is currently being taken to the police car.
02:20:06Rıza Günay, my cameraman friend, is carrying the footage to your screens.
02:20:10Yes, as you can see, he is being taken to the police station to be interrogated.
02:20:17I'm here.
02:20:22Thank God.
02:20:26Thank God.
02:20:56Thank God.
02:21:27Thank God.
02:22:22Melissa, what is this?
02:22:27We were late alone
02:22:33Did the winds stop?
02:22:37Was this life so difficult?
02:22:42At the end of a sentence
02:22:46Always with a sigh
02:22:49Days passed
02:22:52You are not with me
02:22:57You should believe in such little things
02:23:04Those roads should run for you
02:23:07But sometimes you just have to stop
02:23:12You should believe in such little things
02:23:19Those roads should run for you
02:23:22But sometimes you just have to stop
02:23:49You should believe in such little things
02:23:54Those roads should run for you
02:23:58But sometimes you just have to stop
02:24:03You should believe in such little things
02:24:08Those roads should run for you
02:24:13But sometimes you just have to stop
02:24:18You should believe in such little things
02:24:26Those roads should run for you
02:24:29But sometimes you just have to stop
02:24:35You should believe in such little things
02:24:40Those roads should run for you
02:24:43But sometimes you just have to stop
02:24:48You should believe in such little things
02:24:55Those roads should run for you
02:24:58But sometimes you just have to stop
02:25:02You should believe in such little things
02:25:07Those roads should run for you
02:25:10But sometimes you just have to stop
02:25:13But sometimes you just have to stop
02:25:18Why is it so hard to deal with you? Why is nothing easy?
02:25:49Why is it so hard to deal with you?
02:25:56Why is it so hard to deal with you?
02:26:18Why is it so hard to deal with you?
02:26:28Why is nothing easy?
02:26:34Why is nothing easy?
02:26:39Why is nothing easy?
02:26:44You can call me a poor person who desperately wanders around looking for hope.
02:26:52Obviously, I am. Because the only people Kanat loves are you and him.
02:26:59One last advice for you. Trust is a choice.
02:27:04You trust your heart, not your mind. Don't forget.
02:27:08Take good care of him. I hope you will be very happy.
02:27:14I love you.
02:27:44I love you.
02:28:14I love you.
02:28:44I love you.
02:28:46I love you.
02:28:48I love you.
02:28:50I love you.
02:28:52I love you.
02:28:54I love you.
02:28:56I love you.
02:28:58I love you.
02:29:00I love you.
02:29:02I love you.
02:29:04I love you.
02:29:06I love you.
02:29:08I love you.
02:29:10I love you.
02:29:12I love you.
02:29:14I love you.
02:29:16I love you.
02:29:18I love you.
02:29:20I love you.
02:29:22I love you.
02:29:24I love you.
02:29:26I love you.
02:29:28I love you.
02:29:30I love you.
02:29:32I love you.
02:29:34I love you.
02:29:36I love you.
02:29:38I love you.
02:29:40I love you.
02:29:42I love you.
02:29:44I love you.
02:29:46I love you.
02:29:48I love you.
02:29:50I love you.
02:29:52I love you.
02:29:54I love you.
02:29:56I love you.
02:29:58I love you.
02:30:00I love you.
02:30:02I love you.
02:30:04I love you.
02:30:06I love you.
02:30:08I love you.
02:30:10I love you.
02:30:12I love you.
02:30:14I love you.
02:30:16I love you.
