Bandai Namco Anime Heroes Chainsaw Man Figure

  • 5 months ago
Bandai Namco Anime Heroes Chainsaw Man Figure
00:00 Then you befriends Pochita and become something more. Here's a look at the
00:04 brand-new Bandai Namco anime heroes Chainsaw Man.
00:10 Bandai is revving up and expanding its popular anime hero action line with the
00:22 addition of fan favorite anti-hero Chainsaw Man. The Chainsaw Man figure
00:26 stands at 6.5 inches tall with 20 plus points of articulation and his
00:30 exceptional details makes for an uncanny resemblance to both the anime and manga.
00:35 Most notably with the iconic transformation of his parts into
00:38 chainsaws. Finally a figure we can sink our teeth into before of course we get a
00:43 closer look at the new anime heroes Chainsaw Man. I'd like to thank the folks
00:46 over at Bandai Namco that provided this sample we could have a look at. The tape
00:50 measure is telling us that Chainsaw Man isn't quite six and a half inches in
00:53 height. He's just a little less than that but we'll round him up to about six and a
00:57 half or the figures about 17 centimeters tall. The anime heroes don't tend to come
01:02 with much in the way of accessories but that means then poor Denji has to
01:05 sacrifice first of all an alternate head portrait but more importantly I feel he
01:09 also doesn't come in clue with the chainsaw devil comrade Pochita. I think
01:13 at the very least Bandai should have come include just a tiny little statue
01:16 of Pochita. Something could be displayed along with Chainsaw Man. Despite not
01:20 having those two things it's a decent looking figure. I was surprised to see
01:23 how much articulation this guy actually does possess. Picking him up right now
01:26 obviously now that he's transformed completely into Chainsaw Man, gone away
01:30 is his human face in favor of a much more menacing looking chainsaw head with
01:34 visible teeth down below here. The teeth have been nicely painted as well as
01:37 little slots on the side are well painted as well. Of course you got some
01:40 nice detailing on the back of the chainsaw hand as well which would have
01:43 normally the handle on the top and there on the bottom and then of course
01:45 protruding out the front the very large chainsaw with the teeth on the sides.
01:49 This by the way is all done by using softer plastic. Something I really wasn't
01:53 expecting. I thought if anything the teeth on the chainsaw at the top as well
01:57 as the the actual chainsaw blades that he's got sticking out from his forearms
02:00 would all be done using harder plastic. That's not the case at all. Not that it
02:04 does bother me that they're using softer plastic. At the very least at least it
02:08 prevents that these would not break especially if you're also bending these
02:11 back and forth. Plus as well I kind of find it's fun just to flick these back
02:14 and forth. Unfortunately also while this being a retail release it means that
02:18 Chainsaw Man doesn't have the gorier effects of having blood splatter across
02:22 any of the teeth of the chainsaws. I'm sure you probably could just easily go
02:25 in there with a little bit of red paint and just flick it across the chainsaws.
02:28 You could also do that as well in the front of his shirt and make this guy a
02:31 lot gorier than what he actually is. Really nice looking figure though.
02:35 Unfortunately we'll talk more about this more when we talk about the figure's
02:38 articulation because of course now he has the chainsaw sticking out from his
02:40 forearms. It means though that the figure also has no articulation here in the
02:44 wrist but he certainly has it in other places as well. Nice thing to also note
02:48 as well getting this figure out of the packaging finally is that this whole
02:51 section of his torso I just also assumed like the chainsaw - I really got to stop
02:55 assuming - that this also would have been harder plastic. The tie is hard plastic
02:59 sure but the actual shirt itself you may already see it by the way I'm squeezing
03:03 this it's all a very soft piece that they put over top of a plastic
03:06 articulated body. It means not only does it give us a nice seamless look to his
03:10 shirt but it also means it hides underneath it some additional waist
03:14 articulation - additional torso articulation which is also a really nice
03:18 thing to see. It doesn't always work so well though. I mean it works really well
03:22 if you want to have this guy arched backwards. The only thing I did notice
03:25 though is with the articulation in his abdomen. If you try to move it forward
03:28 sometimes it tends to spring back up so you really want to make sure you go for
03:32 that full bend on the torso when you want to display this guy. But again like
03:36 some really decent articulation on him. Down below of course they've painted off
03:40 the belt here nicely in brown while the majority of his slacks are all more kind
03:43 of a dark very dark gray not quite black more kind of just to the very end of
03:48 gray just before we get into the territory of black. The only other thing
03:51 about this figure too is he also is wearing his sneakers. The sneakers are
03:54 very small though so he has very small feet. He doesn't have pegs on the bottoms of
03:57 his feet either and also too while they're nicely painted trimming it out
04:01 with the additional red because there's no there's articulation but I don't feel
04:05 like there's nearly enough. Although you can move it back and forth this way.
04:09 By lacking the articulation here in the ankles it means that you can't get this
04:13 guy quite in the amount of dynamic poses as you think you probably could. For the
04:17 figure's articulation by the way his head's gonna be in two points of ball
04:20 joint right here right where actually like this neck attaches to the head. So
04:25 right away you can already rotate the head all the way around while holding
04:27 on to the neck. It looks down it looks up and also you can move it back and forth.
04:31 But if you let go and you actually a little further down underneath the collar
04:34 of the shirt there's actually a secondary ball joint. So really between
04:37 the two you get a wide range of motion when it comes to Chainsaw Man. We already
04:42 sort of discussed the idea of his torso but he has not only a seems to be a
04:46 ball joint right here where it connects to the waist so there's already movement
04:49 there but also as well like I already mentioned there's an abdomen crunch
04:53 right here. It seems to be very flexible in the sense that you can move it back
04:57 and forth you can move it forward and you can also move it back. But again like
05:00 the mileage for how much you can actually bend this may vary. You get so
05:04 far in the back hinge and then you'll see it kind of snaps forward. You bring
05:07 it really close forward like this and you'll see sometimes it snaps back. I
05:11 mean the only other thing that they probably could have done is they could
05:14 have just completely done away with using the softer plastic here and just
05:18 given us a very obvious cut right here with the top of the torso where I feel
05:21 like the freedom would definitely be more there. It though would mean that it
05:25 would sacrifice some of the seamless look to the shirt. So you know it's
05:28 to trade in one thing to get another thing instead. And honestly I
05:32 think really between the two, yes I would have preferred a little bit more of a
05:35 range of motion when it comes to an actual abdomen joint where I didn't have
05:38 to worry as much this is always gonna be snapping forward. But I will say I think
05:41 I like the cleaner look of the shirt rather than how they actually cut this
05:44 up and show these sectional sections where this guy could actually move. For
05:48 his arms they do rotate all the way around. I did also want to mention
05:51 obviously the fact that this is using softer plastic. This is the harder
05:54 plastic of his arms but you'll notice that the plastic coloring is
05:58 pretty close. I mean obviously you can look at this and see right away that
06:01 this is the section that's painted or molded in plastic. This is the part is
06:04 basically just a softer appliance Pete put over top of his articulated body. But
06:08 like the colors are pretty close enough that it's not bothering me too much. The
06:11 arms again rotate all the way around. You can hinge them out 90 degrees. He has
06:14 only just a single hinge in his elbow but at least you can rotate his arms
06:17 back and forth. And again already mentioned because of course he has a
06:20 chainsaw starts way back here and goes all the way out the front of his forearm.
06:24 It means also again he has no articulation here for his wrist. For his
06:27 legs they split out. You can see there's probably the ball joint on the inside
06:31 cavity of his thigh. He has a swivel in his waist or swivel in his thigh. You can
06:35 also as well drop these thighs. So normally they would start like this. You
06:38 can kind of just bring them down a little bit to give him a little bit more
06:40 range but honestly having even the legs up as high as they are when you start
06:44 getting this guy the packaging, you can still get as much of that range of
06:47 motion. Legs do split out also as well. Again there's a little bit of swivel on
06:51 the top of the thigh. Double hinge on the knee and again the articulation for the
06:54 foot I just wish was better. Unfortunately the thing about this is
06:58 that other than maybe just making the peg a little bit longer and dropping the
07:02 foot down a little bit more, sure yes he has the ankle pivot back and forth this
07:06 way but by lacking a little bit more of it this way it means that you can't
07:10 quite always get this guy in a dynamic pose. Sure yes if you wanted to get
07:13 everything else on this guy posed he unfortunately just comes up a little bit
07:16 short with his ankle so like you have to have like the foot kind of angled this
07:19 way but if you wanted to have the leg straight out like this you can't quite
07:24 get as much going here if you want to ankle pivot it this way and I don't
07:28 really think I don't know what else I could really have done with this I mean
07:30 obviously they would have to have dropped the foot a little bit lower they
07:33 would had to have made the peg a little bit longer to accommodate that hinge
07:36 back and forth. It's the only thing unfortunately that sacrifices on this
07:39 figure when it comes to his articulation because everything else everything else
07:42 is really good on him. The only other thing that he probably could have also
07:45 had is even if they didn't include like for example the display stand at the
07:49 very least if they built peg holes on the bottoms of his feet you could then
07:52 use a display stand from another figure company if you wanted to get this guy in
07:55 in any other more interesting poses than having him standing straight. I did put
07:59 him in somewhat of an interesting pose at the beginning of this review I'll try
08:02 to kind of match something like that similarly at the end of this review as
08:04 well but just not by having the proper ankle articulation where you can hinge
08:08 the ankles this way it's one thing unfortunately does suffer when it comes
08:12 to trying to pose Chainsaw Man in your shelf. If you are a fan of Chainsaw Man I
08:16 think you're really gonna dig the one we get here from Anime Heroes and Bandai
08:18 Namco for a smaller size version of Denji. I think he possesses all the things that
08:22 you would need for the figure maybe lacking some of the higher end details
08:26 like some of the gore effects that's something I'm sure you can easily go in
08:29 there and add yourself. Yes while the figure does have pretty decent
08:32 articulation the only one mentioned point that he lacks a little bit in is
08:36 the ankle pivot. Sure he has it forward and back but not having it on the sides
08:39 means that even anytime you try to get this guy in a dynamic pose you're never
08:44 gonna have the feet completely flush to the shelf. There's always gonna be one
08:47 foot like you're seeing right now that's gonna be kind of sticking off to the
08:50 side like he can't actually properly bend his ankle because he can't. The
08:53 figure though while not having also possessed a pochita, something I do
08:57 really wish that the figure could have also had, he doesn't also have sadly any
09:00 pegs on the undersides of his feet. I don't expect them necessarily to include
09:04 a display stand but by at least including pegs on the bottoms of the
09:07 figures feet you can then use a display stand from another figure company
09:10 instead. What do you guys think of Denji? More importantly what do you guys think
09:14 of Chainsaw Man? Is this a figure you guys could see yourselves picking up? Let
09:17 me know down below in the comment section and if you're a big fan of the
09:20 Chainsaw Man anime series. Big thank you once again to the folks over at Bandai
09:24 that did provide the sample of the brand new anime heroes Chainsaw Man that we
09:28 had the chance to have a look at in this review. If you guys did enjoy this video
09:30 and want to throw it a like, why not? It's here, you enjoyed it, I'd like to think
09:34 that you now walked away with a full stomach. Throw it a like and also as well
09:37 certainly if you guys did want to stick around for more and you haven't already
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09:44 and step 3) make sure of course you're coming back here on a regular basis
09:47 we may have wrapped up things right now for Chainsaw Man but there's always
09:50 definitely more videos coming your way. As always guys thanks for watching, see
09:53 you guys next time!
09:56 you
09:59 you
10:01 (whooshing)
