• last year
Frasier Season 11 Episode 6 I Am Listening


00:00Good morning, good morning, I'd like a bagel, too, and schmiritz with cream cheese, thank you.
00:13Excuse me!
00:15It'll occur to you that some of us might still be trying to sleep.
00:18Oh, lighten up, Frej. Ronnie was just showing me how she can change the lyrics to any song to suit the occasion.
00:24Yes, very impressive. Does she take requests?
00:27Stop it.
00:31You know what you need, Grumpy? A nice hot breakfast.
00:34Marty, why don't you get Grumpy here some breakfast?
00:36I don't want any breakfast, and please stop calling me that.
00:40Got me some ham and some cakes on the griddle.
00:44Woo! Thank God he's a grumpy boy.
00:51See what she just did?
00:52Yes, it's mind-boggling.
00:54Listen, Dad, do you mind giving me a ride to work today? My car is in the shop.
01:01Well, see, my seat warmer is stuck on high, so I tried to offset it by blasting the air conditioner, which resulted in sort of a fog bank on my dashboard.
01:12I can give you a ride, Frej. I mean, it's just an old Caddy, so there's nothing fancy like butt warmers or seat belts.
01:23Fine. Let me just make sure my will is in order, and I'll be back in a minute.
01:30Well, I'm gonna go take a shower.
01:32Don't use all the hot water.
01:34I know. Gotta leave enough for me lady's tub.
01:37Oh, that's okay. I can take a shower, too.
01:40I wasn't talking about you.
01:45Oh, Richard. Hi.
01:48Listen, this really isn't a good time. I was just heading into a yoga class.
01:53Yeah. I would love to have dinner.
01:58That sounds fun.
02:01Okay. I'll see you then, sweetie.
02:05You know, I got two steps in my room, realized I'd forgotten. Ah, there it is.
02:12There it is. Frasier's coffee cup.
02:19You are a national treasure.
02:36Thanks. Thank God you're here. Listen, there's something I need to discuss with you.
02:40Oh, wait, wait, wait. I'm in the middle of composing a plea to Alfred Anton in the meter of Dr. Seuss.
02:48Theodor Geisel, the children's author. You know, I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam.
02:53Yes, I know who Dr. Seuss is, you dimwit. Who's the other guy?
02:57Oh, oh, Alfred Anton. He's Seattle's premier scenic painter specializing in children's rooms.
03:04His billowing clouds can be seen scutting across the ceilings of the finest nurseries in town.
03:09But he's book solid, so I thought if I wrote this... Oh, you've lost interest, haven't you?
03:16I was feigning interest to begin with. Niles, I need your advice on something.
03:23This morning, I heard Ronnie on the phone make a date with another man.
03:32Are you sure?
03:34Well, she was talking to a man, yes, and in honeyed tones.
03:39Here's my predicament. I don't want to meddle, but I also don't want to see Dad get hurt.
03:46So, how do you suggest we tell him?
03:54We? Yes, we.
03:56Don't drag me into this. I don't know a thing about it. You know, as much as I do, I just briefed you.
04:00But I didn't want to be briefed.
04:02Well, then you should have said something. Now you're in as deep as I am.
04:05You can't unscramble an egg, Niles.
04:07What are you talking about?
04:09Oh, boys, boys, boys, I'm glad I caught you.
04:12You see this?
04:16Doo-wop or loser?
04:18Yeah, one night only. All the greats of doo-wop.
04:22The coasters, the platters, and that guy from the teenagers is back from his hip replacement.
04:28Oh, yes.
04:30Oh, I know you guys aren't interested in modern music, but Ronnie would really love it.
04:36I was hoping maybe you could use your connections to maybe score us a couple of seats.
04:41Well, I'm afraid I'm not very well connected in the doo-wop world, Dad.
04:46If there's ever a mallard palooza, I'm your man.
04:51I'll ask around.
04:55I'm off to try and win the heart and mind of A. Anton.
05:00I'll go and meet him with my Daphne and hope that things don't go kerfaffney.
05:12Hey, Face, sorry to get him up this morning, you know, me and Ronnie waking you up.
05:16We were just having a little fun.
05:18It's great to have a fling once in a while, isn't it?
05:20Hey, hey, let me tell you something.
05:22You don't go to a doo-wop palooza with a fling.
05:27I see.
05:31You got something you want to say, son?
05:35Well, all right, if you insist on dragging it out of me.
05:40Something happened this morning, Dad.
05:43Well, I was walking down the hall to retrieve my coffee, and Ronnie was on the phone.
05:50And I didn't want to interrupt, so I waited, and I heard her make a...
05:57a date with another man.
06:04So Eve's dropped, huh?
06:07Well, the person's having a private conversation, you stop and listen, that's Eve's drop.
06:10Dad, it was completely by accident.
06:12I understand why you'd be upset, but please don't shoot the messenger.
06:16Well, the messenger's got it coming if he's a dirty little eavesdropper.
06:22You walk into a private conversation, you make your presence known by some subtle way.
06:27You can clear your throat.
06:29You can make a noise.
06:31Dad, please.
06:33You know, just because people call in for your precious pearls of wisdom on the radio,
06:37doesn't give you a free pass to get into everybody's business.
06:41Now I know why you're always saying I'm listening.
06:44Because you always are.
06:53Well, I'm glad the two of you found that so amusing, but as you've just heard,
06:57it's rude to listen in on other people's conversations.
07:23Oh, no.
07:25Come on in.
07:26How did you manage to drop off these doo-wop-a-looser tickets for Dad?
07:28Oh, well, that's good luck.
07:30How did you manage it?
07:31Well, actually, Alfred Anton and his wife are big doo-wop fans,
07:35and the couple that was going with them cancelled, so they let me have the tickets.
07:46What are we looking for?
07:47Well, my money, Cliff.
07:48Have you seen it?
07:55I've misplaced it, and it's distracting me no end.
07:59Well, anyway, Dad was thrilled when I told him I found the tickets.
08:02Oh, well.
08:03I'm glad to hear that.
08:04He was just a bit vexed when he left me earlier this morning.
08:08Over what?
08:11You told him about Ronnie's date.
08:13As we agreed.
08:18Yes, we.
08:19There's no we.
08:20There's never been a we.
08:21Oh, give it up, Niles.
08:23There's blood on both our hands.
08:26Oh, gosh.
08:27That reminds me.
08:28I'd better go eat something.
08:29I've got my reading in 20 minutes.
08:34I'm presiding Annabel Lee for the Poe Society this evening.
08:39I don't mind telling you I'm just a bit nervous.
08:41Well, don't worry.
08:42Poe folk don't speck much.
08:49I had to say that.
08:51Well, I'm off.
09:08It's this amazing doo-wop show.
09:11All the greats.
09:12One night only.
09:13This Sunday.
09:16I'm sorry.
09:17I made plans.
09:18Oh, plans.
09:19What kind of plans?
09:20Look, Marty.
09:21I like you too much to lie to you.
09:22I have a date.
09:25That's no problem.
09:26You want a drink?
09:27Oh, no.
09:28I better not.
09:29I'm working.
09:30Just a beer.
09:50You're not upset, are you?
09:51I mean, you know we never really talked about not seeing other people.
09:57Oh, no.
09:59That's fine.
10:02I'm seeing other people, too.
10:03Maybe I'll ask um, Sheila.
10:05She'll be all over this one.
10:06So, um how about another night?
10:09Yeah, sure.
10:11how about another night yeah sure uh what about tuesday great great
10:19wow i had no idea it was this late so i'll call you back tuesday great
10:24what are you doing
10:45i didn't know you two were home uh i was just uh cleaning the oven i must have dozed off
10:55oh well i gotta run now you two yeah
11:02you have a disease
11:07i'm sorry i'm sorry let me explain all right there's nothing to explain i told
11:12you not to eavesdrop and you did it again you are a very sick person
11:17i tried to announce myself but i had a mouthful of apple rendering me speechless
11:23oh i was a cop you think i haven't heard that one before
11:29you're just angry because i heard you lying to ronnie
11:32you really expect to win ronnie's heart by inventing fictitious girlfriends
11:36sheila indeed it's none of your business and you weren't supposed to hear it yeah i did hear it no
11:44you overheard it it's like an illegal wiretap it's inadmissible dad you cannot build a
11:53relationship online inadmissible dad inadmissible
12:14why can't your father just go to the concert by himself because alfred angin will be offended
12:23if we don't use his tickets then he won't paint our nursery don't you want to be the
12:28one to go with him forget it niles we flipped a coin and you were the doo wop a loser
12:32oh dear god is it a dance am i going to have to move about
12:46no you don't have to but you're gonna want to
12:50stephanie i'm pregnant what does that have to do with it it's my blanket excuse until
12:55the baby is born after that it'll be i can't leave the baby get used to it
13:03oh marty hi hey oh uh this is richard uh martin daphne niles oh richard hi hello
13:19so how do you all know each other well uh ronnie was my babysitter
13:29i was a little monster
13:34and you uh oh sheila where have you been
13:48this is my date sheila got stuck at work huh uh yeah yeah
13:56sheila's a model she does all those big auto and rv shows
14:07point to something
14:14wow impressive nice meeting you let's get ours to go oh but i thought roll with the punches dick
14:23uh what are you doing i'm trying to make her jealous just go with him but i'm meeting my
14:33own date here dad the concert starts in 15 minutes and alfred anton will be very angry
14:37if we're late well i can't leave unless sheila comes with me hello sheila has a date
14:44all right all right that's it right here you and i are going oh do we have to
14:51do we really need clouds on the ceiling can we just push the crib closer to the window
15:00why even use a crib let's just put him in a pizza box
15:02oh you work with me here okay
15:25larry hi this is my dad
15:30how you doing oh you brought your dad on our date oh of course not he was just leaving aren't you
15:37dad yeah but not until i finish my coffee you don't have any coffee uh get them on would you
15:43worry what are you doing here hey ross uh hello hi is your brother joining us too
15:51he's not my brother oh now that's no way to be
15:57i'm still waiting on that coffee you are
16:02okay what the hell's going on nothing oh hi frasier oh hi ronnie to you marty
16:09sheila take care bye
16:18so you've been pressed in the service of sheila pressed his right nearly bit my lip off
16:26there you go mr doyle nice come on larry we're leaving it's nice meeting you mr doyle and you
16:33can owe me on that coffee it was 375 and i flipped a quarter in the tip jar
16:40i'll be home early dad
16:47dad when are you gonna stop playing games and tell her how you feel it's too soon we're gonna
16:52been seeing each other a few weeks i don't want to scare her off how do you know you're gonna scare
16:57her off well look at her phrase she's young she's got all these guys after her and lucky she even
17:05gave me a second glance i don't want to blow it by looking like some desperate old guy with no
17:11options it's not desperate to tell somebody how you feel about them what if she doesn't feel the
17:17same way what if she does and you never find out dad just give her a call and tell her you want to
17:28talk to her is that a leave me alone grunt or are you bested me again son with your unassailable
17:41logic grunt i thought so
17:54hey dad what's watching sports wrap-up sports wrap-up that sounds like fun
18:02oh gosh that's not very sportsmanlike
18:05i called her okay not that it's any of your business so
18:11i left a message glad she wasn't there i don't know what else to say she calls back well you
18:17did the right thing dad i am proud of you i don't know the whole thing's making me nervous
18:24you know i know why she's not calling me back she just doesn't know how to tell me she's dropping
18:28doesn't know how to tell me she's dropping me for richard
18:33who said anything about dropping you no one apparently or you would have overheard it
18:46oh hi ronnie hi frasier hey didn't expect to see you tonight well i got your message and i was in
18:53the neighborhood so what's up oh uh i was just heading out
19:05i never thought you were such a night owl oh yeah yeah i love clubbing
19:15i i thought you'd just call well you know i was going to but it sounded like maybe we needed to
19:20talk face to face yeah marty is this about that woman i saw you with tonight well kind of yeah
19:35look whatever it is why don't you just come out and say it
19:41yeah all right well um i'm not the kind of guy who
19:51you want a beer oh boy do i need one i think we could both use one
19:57would you get that please you probably forgot his key yeah sure
20:08oh sheila i kind of thought your date was over well maybe it is
20:20maybe it isn't
20:28gotcha uh just tell marty message received okay
20:37hey ross what are you doing here i found fraser's money clip is he home
20:41no who's ronnie oh don't worry sheila showed ronnie the door
20:51what what the hell did you do that for hey i have no control over what sheila does
21:01oh good now you're back how was the concert well you're the one who wanted that cloud mural
21:07i'm sure pope julius had to jump through similar hoops to get michelangelo to paint his ceiling
21:12dear god i think i've just realized where i must have dropped my money clip
21:17ronnie's car she gave me a ride in it the day i lost it well that's irresponsible lover
21:24she's left it open excuse me oh yes of course there we are
21:31yeah thank you anyway i thought i'd swing by and take us both out for a nightcap
21:39all right great by the way niles i spoke with dad and he has taken our advice about talking
21:46things over with ronnie mine and yours that's what i mean by our i'll take some responsibility
21:54for what's in your life man could have at least warned me that sheila was on her way up
22:00ronnie it's all a misunderstanding i really don't want to hear it well you're gonna hear
22:04it because i'm not leaving fine just get in the car if you want to
22:10we're just gonna sit right here until you hear it all
22:16okay go ahead but you better make it good because i have a finely tuned crapometer
22:23there is no sheila her name's raj she's fraser's secretary i just pretended we were together
22:29forget it marty i know how this sounds but it's true why would you do that because i'd
22:36gotten these concert tickets to impress you and then when you said you had a date i got
22:43well i got jealous so i said i was getting a date too and then there you were in nervosa and
22:51when ross came in i made her sheila
22:53do you believe me
23:01you know it's actually a little hot
23:14look ronnie uh maybe i'm old-fashioned but i know when something feels right
23:22i don't want to see anybody else i want to be exclusive go steady whatever they call it now
23:33well that's my story
23:37what about you
23:38well god it's freezing in here i had a blanket
23:56okay since we're being honest
24:00uh well i've done my share of dating and i haven't always made the best choices
24:11i've dated the bad guys the guys who can't commit
24:15the guys who won't grow up the creeps with the nice suit a pathological okay i got it
24:24anyway and then i started dating this really good guy
24:34and i guess i i just wanted to keep my options open with richard because i wasn't sure how you
24:39felt about me but now i am
25:00now would be the time to put your class ring on a chain around my neck
25:09well i got one upstairs i'll come get it
25:23wait wait i've got a better idea i know this secluded page that's miles away from anything
25:32you want to go there and steam up the windows oh yeah
25:56oh my
25:58and maybe i seem a bit confused well maybe but i got you pegged
26:07but i don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs
26:13they're calling again good night seattle we love you
