Frasier Season 10 Episode 24 A New Position For Roz

  • 2 months ago
Frasier Season 10 Episode 24 A New Position For Roz


00:00It's not amateur hour. My show is already suffering enough just losing Roz. I will not let you replace her with a complete novice.
00:08Come on. Don't you remember when you were a young whippersnapper with nothing but a pant load of talent and a head full of dreams?
00:18Are we still talking about Noel?
00:21Five seconds to launch Dr. Crane.
00:31Good afternoon, Seattle. This is Dr. Frasier Crane.
00:33Before we get to our first call, I'd like to remind you that we are losing our beloved producer, Roz Doyle, in a couple of weeks to another career opportunity.
00:43That's KVXY, the mighty pixie. Seattle's more exciting talk. Woo-hoo!
00:48In the meantime, we have with us today Noel Shamsky, a KACL employee whose sole qualification for this job seems to be that he has never taken a sick day.
01:04Good afternoon, listeners near and stars away.
01:11Our first query comes from a Class M planet we call Earth and appears to be personal in nature.
01:20Oh, and his name is Glenn.
01:28Go ahead, Glenn. I'm listening.
01:30Okay, Noel, that was good, but you need to tell Frasier the name of the caller, the town they're calling from, and why they're calling.
01:39Okay. You know, maybe I would learn more if you sat down behind me and guided my hands like they did in Ghost.
01:53Oh, hi, Julia.
01:55Do you mind? I'm trying to show Noel what I do.
01:59Is that why he's on his knees?
02:05Get up.
02:07Let me give you some pointers on call screening.
02:11Your first priority are your leapers and jumpers.
02:15Next up, angry people.
02:17They're great energy and a welcome change from our largest group, the sad sacks.
02:23The trick of it is you want to arrange all these calls so that each segment is can't miss radio.
02:29But I thought it was just about Frasier doing good work.
02:33Please. It's all about ratings.
02:36If the station had its way, every call would end in an autoerotic suicide.
02:42Thank you, Roz.
02:44Now that Seattle knows how we do things around here, perhaps you could...
02:49Let Noel know to keep his elbow off the mic button.
02:59Oh, Roz. Do you realize this is the last time we'll do paperwork together?
03:04Yeah, it's really sad.
03:08What exactly is the new job, Roz?
03:11Program director.
03:13Now that's a job.
03:16Let me give you a little piece of advice.
03:19Less smart and more older people shows.
03:23Yeah, I know, Martin, but that's not exactly what they're going for.
03:26Well, why not? You could have a show about owning dogs.
03:31Or how about this? A show where people just call in with jokes they've heard.
03:35That'd be a riot.
03:37I think they're looking for a wider audience than just you, Dad.
03:42Lots of people would be interested in that sort of thing.
03:45Yeah, but the advertisers are looking for the young dollars.
03:49What's wrong with my money?
03:51You don't spend it all on fast food and beer.
03:53Yes, I do.
03:57You know, I'm tired of society blowing me off just because I'm a senior citizen.
04:02You know, one day we're gonna rise and take this country back from you, young smart Alex.
04:07And it won't be pretty, either.
04:10I could mention the joke idea to my boss.
04:14You just bought yourself a little more time.
04:19Well, here it is, Ross, the final parking requisition form.
04:25The end of an era.
04:28Listen, I know that Kenny is giving you a going-away party,
04:32but I wanted to have a little celebratory dinner, just the two of us, all right?
04:36Any night, you're free.
04:38Well, Niles and Daphne are watching Alice. How about tonight?
04:41Well, actually, I'm meeting Julia later.
04:45Why would you want to do that?
04:47Well, we've sort of been seeing each other lately.
04:53You and Julia?
04:55She's a total bitch.
04:59Now, Ross, if you took the time to get to know her,
05:02you'd see that she's really not such a bad person.
05:05Like get to know her naked, you mean?
05:10I think she's been misjudged.
05:13Sure, she has a lot of walls up,
05:15but, I mean, there must be something good inside if it needs that much protection.
05:19Yeah, well, there are walls around prisons, too.
05:22Yes, fine.
05:24Your opinion has been noted.
05:26There are walls around insane asylums, cholera wards...
05:29Thank you, Ross.
05:30...nuclear facilities, gator farms...
05:32All right, shut up.
05:37Got you!
05:40Now you chase me!
05:44Now I think it's Daphne's turn.
05:46Oh, no, I just had four turns in a row.
05:50But you know who does want a turn?
05:52The TV!
05:54There you go.
05:56Your video's all queued up.
06:02Should we really be flopping her in front of the tube?
06:04It's an educational tape.
06:06Did you want to read her more young for youngsters?
06:11She doesn't seem to respond to it.
06:13Perhaps that's a treat we'll save for our own child.
06:16When will that be? When are we going to have a child of our own?
06:19Oh, I don't know. When we're ready.
06:22Yes, we always say that, but how will we know when we're ready?
06:25I mean, if it were just me, I'm ready right now.
06:30I just don't feel like we're quite there yet.
06:33What has to change?
06:37What's this little brat doing here?
06:41I've made sure it don't make any noise.
06:44I'm resting.
06:48Maybe it's my biorhythms.
06:51Daphne, might it have something to do with your mother living with us?
06:57Well, I've always thought in the back of my head
07:00that we'd start a family after she left.
07:03Well, but that doesn't have to stop us from getting pregnant.
07:06And once we are, we've got nine months to get her out of the house.
07:09Are you kidding?
07:11If she found out there was a grandchild on the way, she'd never leave.
07:15I don't think I can take mum and morning sickness at the same time.
07:19Well, on the other hand,
07:22a grandmother can be a wonderful influence on a child.
07:27Alice, you help Auntie Gert find her cigarettes
07:32and you can have fun.
07:46I think now would be a good time if anyone wants to stand up,
07:50say a few words to Roz.
07:53I know I'll miss her, which is why I'm proud to present her
07:56with this picture of the two of us at the last company picnic.
08:03Won't that baby look nice in a frame?
08:05Yeah. Enjoy.
08:10I'm next.
08:18Sweetest Roz, you are my ship when I'm at sea,
08:23my fairest rose, my fantasy.
08:26With each sunrise, my thanks I send
08:29for you, my love, my true best friend.
08:37That was beautiful, you son of a bee.
08:40Okay, everyone, sit down.
08:43Sit down.
08:45Okay, everybody, Bulldog to the rescue.
08:47Now, I don't want to say Roz has had a lot of sex,
08:52but she's spent more time on her back than King Tut.
09:00Did you hear the story about the guy at KACL
09:03who didn't have sex with Roz?
09:05Me neither.
09:08But seriously,
09:10what's the difference between Roz and a dog in heat?
09:14No, really, I'm asking.
09:18You people suck!
09:20It's not a roast, Bulldog.
09:24It's not?
09:26I paid a guy at the Chuckle Factory 50 bucks
09:28to write jokes for me.
09:30When's he getting here?
09:33Okay, okay.
09:35You want a speech?
09:37Best of luck in your new job, Roz.
09:39If you ever need a sports guy, I'm your man.
09:42And I wouldn't have any problem with you being my boss.
09:46After all, I know what it feels like to be underneath you.
09:49Am I right?
09:52What would you say about it?
09:57Noah, Noah, come on.
09:59Walk it off, Noah. Walk it off.
10:03Careful, gents.
10:05Really, the way you two are always carrying on,
10:08people are going to start talking.
10:10Hello, all.
10:14Gil Chesterton here
10:16with a toast to Roz Doyle.
10:19Here, here.
10:20A wonderful co-worker and a good friend.
10:23Here, here.
10:25Of course, I too noticed Roz's sex appeal immediately.
10:30She had the same effect on all of us stallions
10:33in the KACL corral.
10:38She made us want to pour the ground
10:40and rise up on our powerful haunches.
10:44Fetlocks glistening.
10:48Smoky, misty storm away.
10:59Okay, bars closed.
11:05Julia, your turn.
11:10Well, I've only known Roz a short time,
11:13but I can see that she's a valuable member of this team
11:17and I'm sure you'll be missed.
11:20Good luck.
11:22Well said, well said.
11:30I celebrate your new adventure with you,
11:34but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say
11:37that this is a big loss for me.
11:40I had my first day at KACL
11:43and you took me under your wing.
11:46It's crowded under there.
11:50I will kill you.
12:02I don't think I'll ever grow accustomed
12:04to seeing somebody else in your booth
12:06Certainly no one else can ever take your place in our hearts.
12:11And while we welcome new friends,
12:18we are sad to say goodbye to old ones.
12:24Good luck, Roz.
12:26Yeah! Speech! Come on, Roz!
12:29Speech! Speech!
12:31There we go.
12:36Thanks, you guys.
12:40I just love you all for doing this for me.
12:44We really are like a family, aren't we?
12:49You know, this job at KPXY is a really great, great opportunity,
12:55but it'll never be like this.
12:59Which is why I'm changing my mind.
13:02I can't leave KACL. I'm staying.
13:21Thank you very much.
13:23Oh, Mrs. Moon, we'd like to get two double lattes to go, please.
13:28For an extra dollar, I can add a nip of brandy.
13:32Is that on the menu?
13:34It's on the secret menu.
13:39I'll pass. Thank you.
13:43You know, Fraser, I feel so invigorated to get back to my old job.
13:48Oh, Roz.
13:49In fact, I'd really like to record some promos tonight if you're available.
13:52Oh, I can't. I'm taking Julia to the movies.
13:55One of my favorites, Knock Einandstuhl.
13:58Knock Einandstuhl?
14:00Yes, it's the story of a 19th century Austrian family
14:03as told from the point of view of an old fireside armchair.
14:10I'm sorry I dozed off. What were you saying?
14:14You know what? I've got to get an alternative newspaper to check showtimes.
14:18I'll be right back.
14:20Here we are.
14:26Your phone's ringing.
14:28Oh, it's not mine. It's Fraser's.
14:33It's Julia.
14:35Who's that?
14:36This witch. She's trying to get her hooks into Fraser.
14:39I hate her.
14:42I'll fix her.
14:44Wait, what are you doing?
14:49Oh, I'm sorry. Fraser's in no position to talk if you get my number.
14:56Who's this then?
14:59Hold on.
15:01Sweetheart, do you want to talk to a Julia?
15:07Fraser put me down.
15:13Sorry, he's not here after all. Bye now.
15:18Problem solved.
15:20You know, you probably ruined their entire evening.
15:24How can I thank you?
15:27Only one showing of No Kind in Stool tonight.
15:30I've got to go by the box office and pick up the tickets.
15:32Yes, I bet they're going fast.
15:36Oh, I'm sorry. Wish we could join you guys.
15:38I'm going to get tickets for No Kind in Stool.
15:41Cutting it a little close, aren't you?
15:46Hey, Mum. When you've finished your shift, we'll drive you home.
15:52Are you sure it wouldn't give you more pleasure to see me walk home on my bloody stumps?
15:58Well, it would, but we're in a hurry.
16:01We'll be here when you're ready.
16:06Oh, Niles.
16:08Just think, one day we'll have one of those.
16:11Yes, just one awkward chore to get out of the way.
16:17Well, that's romantic.
16:21I meant asking your mother to move out.
16:23We're not asking her, Niles. We're telling her.
16:25No, I know.
16:26You have to be firm.
16:28This is a woman who came for a week and stayed for a year and a half.
16:30Yes, I know. I just think that...
16:32It's not like she's got no place to go. She's got seven other children.
16:36Plus a home and friends in England.
16:38Many friends, yes. I just...
16:41I just don't know how to break it to her.
16:44Well, the sooner we do, the sooner we can start our own family.
16:48You're right.
16:50Do you realise, this time next year, we could be sitting here with our own baby?
17:00What's this, then?
17:02We'll talk about it later.
17:04I want to talk about it now. What's going on?
17:07Well, I was going to wait until later, but if you really want to know...
17:11Wait, Daphne. Daphne.
17:13We've decided to start trying to get pregnant.
17:17Well, I'm glad you think you can.
17:22I was beginning to think there might be something wrong with your equipment, Niles.
17:27Oh, were you? Well, here's more news.
17:29You're out of the house, so pack your bags and find another subject.
17:35Uh, excuse me. Could I get some service over here?
17:39Keep your knickers on.
17:41Don't move. We're not done hashing this through.
18:01Say that again.
18:08Now say,
18:10Fraser's in no position to talk, if you get my meaning.
18:15Now, that was all Roz's idea.
18:19I had no choice. I'm not a well woman.
18:34Hello, Roz.
18:38I just talked to that waitress over at Nervosa.
18:41The one that answered Fraser's phone.
18:44She gave you up immediately.
18:46Relax. It was just a joke.
18:51So, what's going on?
18:53Do you have some sort of problem with me seeing Fraser?
18:56As long as you're asking.
18:59I think you're all wrong for him.
19:02That's not your call.
19:05I think I know Fraser a little better than you.
19:26He deserves someone better.
19:29Someone who'll appreciate him.
19:31Oh, really?
19:34I mean, Fraser's a good guy.
19:36He's smart and sweet and way too good for you.
19:38He's got a nice sleeve. Nobody here likes you anyway.
19:41Fraser seems to.
19:43Well, he's an idiot.
19:49Are you trying to save Fraser from me or are you trying to save him for yourself?
19:53Are you out of your mind?
19:56You in love with him?
19:58Go to hell, Julia.
19:59I would explain why you turned down that great job.
20:02That is not true.
20:04Then stay out of my way.
20:06Or what?
20:07You want to find out?
20:08What? Are you going to hit me or something?
20:10Don't think I won't.
20:12Well, you're sure taking your time.
20:23Stay away from him.
20:25Got it.
20:30Get out of here!
20:37Well, I guess this is goodbye.
20:40I just want you to know I love you both very much.
20:44And I'm looking forward to standing on my own two feet again.
20:49Thank you for the ticket and the luggage and the clothes and the spending money.
20:57I'm sorry. This is just so sad.
21:02Gertrude, are you sure you're OK?
21:05Goodbye, Mum. Have a nice trip. Say hello to everyone in Manchester for me.
21:11Right then.
21:15Goodbye, Niles.
21:20I know you'll be a wonderful father to my grandchild.
21:25I hope you'll find time to send me a picture.
21:31Can't we all just talk?
21:32We have your address.
21:36I'm off.
21:44Oh, Daphne, you were wonderful. I don't know how you did it.
21:51Oh, Niles.
21:56Hang on. Hang on.
22:05Come here. Come here.
22:09Would you be willing to stay in Seattle if, say, you had your own apartment?
22:14Oh, Niles, do you really mean it? I mean, I don't want to intrude.
22:19Well, of course I mean it. And we'd even help with the rent.
22:23Define help.
22:27We'll talk.
22:28Well, then it's settled. I'll just go tell the taxi I'm not going.
22:32No, no, no, you're going. Just tell them to take you to the Four Seasons.
22:37I'll go ahead and call and book you a room.
22:39Oh, you've made me so happy, I think I'm going to cry.
22:48Niles, I... I don't know how to thank you.
23:00I do.
23:07Hey, Martin.
23:08Hi, Roz.
23:09Is Frazier here? I really need to talk to him.
23:11No, he went out for dinner.
23:13Oh, let me guess. Julia.
23:17Wow, not a fan, huh?
23:19I can't stand her, actually.
23:21Really? Well, I just met her this evening, but she seemed nice to me.
23:25Well, that's because she's got you snowed.
23:28She's a mean, snooty, tight-ass who thinks she's better than everybody else,
23:32and Frazier's making a giant mistake, and somebody's got to do something about it.
23:37Well, good luck. When Frazier's heart takes over, his brain shuts down.
23:41That's why we have to do something now, before this relationship gets any closer.
23:47Can you help me?
23:50Well, Roz, if you feel that strongly about it, sure, I'll back you up.
23:58Oh, hi, guys. Hi, Roz.
24:01Hello, Roz. Nice to see you.
24:05I brought you some cake from the restaurant.
24:08Restaurant cake?
24:15It's chocolate. Why don't I cut you a slice and pour you some milk?
24:22New plan.
24:25I'll distract her while you talk to Frazier.
24:31What's going on, Roz? I didn't expect to see you tonight.
24:33Well, um, I have something really important to talk to you about, and I really need you to listen to me.
24:38Well, absolutely. That's what I do.
24:42I really, really, really think you should stop seeing Julia.
24:48Look, I know you two have your difficulties.
24:51No, it's not that. She's all wrong for you.
24:57I think I see what's going on here.
24:59You and I have a close relationship.
25:01A new woman comes to the radio station, she and I form a close relationship, and you feel threatened.
25:09No. She's evil.
25:14It's not your fault. You can't see it because she puts on an act around you.
25:18Did it ever occur to you that maybe she's putting on an act for everybody else and that maybe I see her as she really is?
25:23She's got you totally brainwashed.
25:26Roz, you have no right to come over here and run her down to me. It's really none of your business.
25:32This is my business.
25:33And why?
25:36We're friends.
25:39I can't believe you're turning on me like this.
25:42I gave up a job that was ten times better to stay on your show.
25:46Yes, and frankly, I don't understand that. Why exactly did you turn down that job?
25:51Out of loyalty to you.
25:53Loyalty to me? Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't just fear?
25:56Are you sure you're not just using me as an excuse not to grow and move on?
26:00Who wants restaurant cake?
26:02Who wants restaurant cake?
26:07You're gonna have to choose, Frasier.
26:11You will not put me in this position, Roz. We will discuss it later.
26:16Tell me!
26:17It's her or me!
26:20Tell me now or I swear to God I will walk out of here and I will not come back!
26:32Thank you, Julia. I think I will have some cake.
26:57And this will be your office, Miss Doyle. Make yourself at home.
27:01Thank you, Mr. Wiswell.
27:05There's no chance you'll change your mind again, is there?
27:09No. KACL is ancient history.
27:33And maybe I seem a bit confused. Well, maybe.
27:37But I got you pegged.
27:42But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
27:49They're calling again.