• 19 hours ago
00:00this has gone so well that what's still missing if anything or what concerns do
00:09you have and the only thing we were talking about this earlier the only
00:12thing that kind of pops to my mind is too much optimism and here's what I
00:18mean by that because actually don't believe in the idea of too much
00:22optimism right I think that that's a wonderful thing to have in life I have
00:27as much of it as you can possibly take eat it like a bowl of cereal over the
00:32sink late at night like just heaping amounts of optimism but somewhere in my
00:39mind right now I blend it with also like forgetfulness which is that the Warriors
00:44have won so many games and they've flown into the six seed which two weeks ago
00:49we were like I wonder if they get to the succeed right and then there's succeed
00:53and the second they got to the succeed we acted like there was a brick wall
00:57behind the Warriors meaning that once they got to the succeed they're not
01:01allowed to go backwards anymore but they are and I think the play in tournament
01:06based on what has happened with this team now you know if you'd said to me
01:11three weeks ago how about the seven seed I'd be like I'll take it yeah give it to
01:14me but not now for multiple reasons one it's frightening and it hasn't gone well
01:20for the Warriors in the past but two if these old dudes are gonna hit the gas
01:25this hard and there are a lot of games still to go there's 17 more games to go
01:30and if they're gonna hold the pedal to the metal this hard to where they're
01:34like we have to win every game every night back-to-backs doesn't matter we're
01:37doing it if they're gonna do this this hard for this long then they're gonna
01:44need a week off when the regular season ends they have got to have a week
01:49off when the regular season ends that means no play in tournament Minnesota
01:55has also won five in a row they're a half game behind you yeah there is some
01:59sort of mental discord right now with warrior fans where we're like well we're
02:04at least the six right right you could lose Thursday night and be the seven
02:10that quickly and so that's that's that's my thing and I think it's mostly among
02:17the fans maybe not the players but you got old dudes that need to play so hard
02:23every single night the rest of the way to keep their positioning or try to move
02:27up and that's gonna be really really hard there's no rest for the weary right
02:31now no rest and you make a great point because your last game of the year is
02:35Sunday April 13th against the Clippers and let's just pretend that you need
02:39that to get the six well then the playoffs actually start on Saturday
02:44there are four games Saturday and four games Sunday knowing what you and I know
02:48about the NBA the TV package and the way they do this the Warriors no matter who
02:55they're going to play are gonna be in that Sunday marquee spot 1230 matinee on
03:00the road at fill-in-the-blank or at the very least they're gonna play Sunday in
03:05the later game and the Lakers would be in that marquee spot I don't think that
03:09the Warriors would play on the Saturday and even if they did that would still be
03:12six days off to your point about they need a week off and I think that you're
03:17right and that's why I was saying before like could they possibly clinch early
03:21and get nine days off and like if you were locked in on the six and you didn't
03:26have to play the last two games and you had I don't know 11 days off I don't
03:32think these guys would get rusty and it might be a nice little break that is
03:36gonna help them get to where they need to be sorry my face just did a little
03:40follow to see what you're doing DeAndre Hopkins just signed with the Ravens one
03:45year six million dollars that's kind of the type of guy yeah now I don't know
03:49about him I don't know what he's got left that was kind of a weird deal there
03:52he did some good things with the Chiefs and he disappeared for a game then he
03:55come back and have eight catches and then either one I'm not kind of sure
03:58really what DeAndre Hopkins has got left but that's the kind of receiver I do
04:02expect the 49ers to get involved in at some point but not him he'll be playing
04:07for the Baltimore Ravens next year as you were yeah no that's where I was was
04:12talking about your point about this older group needing a week off so it is
04:16tantamount to avoid the play-in because if you're in the play-in even if you're
04:22in the seven seed then you don't have to play in that 9-10 game you do have to
04:26play the 7-8 game and if you win you're in and if you lose the 7-8 now you have
04:31one more game to play and even make it in and then you're the eight and then
04:36you have to play OKC and then you don't have a rest against the younger team
04:40right right and when you start to stack the positives and the negatives getting
04:45the six seed is everything no play-in rest and the three seed looks like it
04:51might be the softest of the landing well I mean nobody could be the Lakers it
04:55could be I guess the four or five would be bad I would love I would love to get
04:58to the five it's getting hard because Houston's winning games again yeah
05:01Grandy what do you what do you got on this well you're talking about how how
05:04much optimism there is warrior fans feel like what were the six now this is
05:07the worst that we're going to be I sent out a tweet and I'm always very careful
05:11to equate what happens on social media reality but I sent out a tweet on
05:15Friday night saying and I'll just read it to you a bad night in the West for
05:19the Warriors because the Grizzlies Timberwolves Clippers and Kings all won
05:22the Grizzlies of course ahead of the Warriors but the T Wolves Clippers and
05:26Kings are all chasing the Warriors and I got countless responses from warrior
05:30fans saying what do you mean bad night we're better than all those teams we're
05:33just gonna keep winning all of our games we have to worry about anybody
05:37else people telling me a team that was a half game behind the Warriors winning
05:41was not a bad thing this is what I'm saying makes no sense to me this is what
05:45I'm saying hubris of the fans is you know crap about anybody well can I ask
05:50like this is a stupid question do y'all think they're just gonna win every night
05:55for the rest of the year yes mark like is that the way you think this is gonna
05:59go the Warriors gonna end the season 22 game winning streak is that on it has
06:06gone I know but that's my point when I say too much optimism we're peacocking a
06:13little too much right now a little bit for me oh for sure my taste like check
06:19it they beat Detroit the other night that was big it was also really tight
06:24like Draymond damn green hit a three-pointer and if he doesn't hit it
06:28probably not gonna win that basketball game lead changes in the fourth quarter
06:32so that could have gone either way and that's the level when you want to look
06:36right now at net rating in the NBA since the trade deadline both the Warriors and
06:40Pistons are both in the top five so that's a good measuring stick of top of
06:46the league right now and they want it so that's wonderful but is that really is
06:51that what we're doing so Jonathan coming it comes back Thursday and y'all believe
06:55that the rest of the homestand is gonna go Sacramento New York Denver Milwaukee
07:00on a back-to-back followed by Toronto no problem we got this 5-0 at 4-1 I mean
07:07maybe maybe I've met Denver might get you but none of the rest of those bums
07:12can touch us right now and I say us because yeah we're feeling they hit the
07:17road to Atlanta that's kind of a you gotta be careful about games like that
07:21same thing with Miami a couple of nights later and that's the Jimmy Butler return
07:25game love it okay that's coming on March 25th New Orleans San Antonio okay
07:31but then it's at Memphis at the Lakers home to Denver home to Houston at Phoenix
07:37like I don't know there's it's a gauntlet right they're going to lose
07:41some games unfortunately yeah you're probably right my prediction yeah you're
07:47not gonna go undefeated the rest of the way and this happens remember we talked
07:52about this a few weeks ago you get to the end of the year and the playoff team
07:56start winning a lot more a lot more at a really high rate because why a they're
08:03playing with urgency and they're often playing a team that's either tanking or
08:06hurt right go play San Antonio right now go play Dallas Phoenix go play New
08:12Orleans they don't give a rip what happens on the scoreboard in that game
08:17they don't care so this is gonna be hard and and that's my thing I I think
08:25we've just forgotten completely about the play in tournament yeah and it I
08:30mean hopefully you get to that stretch that you just laid out which is Memphis
08:34LA Denver Houston all four of those teams are currently ahead of you in the
08:38Western Conference and two of those are on the road and you've got a back-to-back
08:43at LA and then home to Denver but you go at Memphis at LA home to Denver home to
08:48Houston four straight games against four teams that to your point are going to be
08:54trying and they're going to be trying to keep you at bay so yes stack the wins
08:58now and I heard Buddy Heald say that last night keep stacking keep stacking
09:02that way when you get you know you got Sacramento and you got Toronto and
09:05you've got New Orleans still left to go you got another Portland you got a
09:10Phoenix which man have they waved the white flag so there are games out there
09:14that you should be able to stack but there's also tough opponents that are
09:18gonna be focused on exactly the same thing that you are no doubt and
09:22Minnesota by the way the whole thing about the Warriors having the easiest
09:24schedule Minnesota have the second easiest schedule so they're gonna have a
09:27lot of bunnies out there too