• 2 months ago
00:00I'm not going to say that Nikola Vucevic is no longer of interest because he had a bad
00:04game and Quentin Post had a good game.
00:07I'm not going to get on that yo-yo, you can't play with my yo-yo.
00:10But I will say this, I do wonder if what we saw last night is less about Post and Santos
00:18and a little bit more about the makeup of a current NBA roster.
00:23And the fact that what Steph Curry needs around him is not a number two or somebody to kick
00:32Steph to be the number two.
00:34What Steph needs around him is people who can shoot.
00:38That's it.
00:39An NBA roster now, I would argue, you could make the case, Dibs, that at all times, maybe
00:47even four people on the court need to be able to knock down a three.
00:52You can get away with one.
00:53I give you one, Looney, Okonkwo, or any person like that, any big guy, I give you one, you
01:02don't get two.
01:03The Warriors have on their roster five or six.
01:07When you want to talk about GP2 and Draymond and Kavon and TJD, they don't shoot the three,
01:15none of the four of them.
01:16And so, you're right, when you get into that spot, you can have one and you can really,
01:21I think you can have two non-shooters when you have the chef.
01:25If you've got Buddy and Dennis, if you've got Wiggins, who can shoot it?
01:30I mean, Pods can, Kaminga at times.
01:34I know that I'm starting to re-shear a little bit, but you don't have a team where you can
01:39put four out there.
01:41And if you want to put Quentin Post in as one of the four, and if you want to put Guy
01:469 for 11 for his career as one of the four, great, I'll allow it.
01:50But if you're playing Guy and Quentin, then you're not playing TJD or Kavon and maybe
01:56not Draymond.
01:58So you do have to play both ends of the floor.
02:00Well, I'd love to just ask everybody this, how does this make you feel?
02:06In the moment, okay?
02:08In the moment, and all the characteristics that we've discussed through the years.
02:13As you love to say, Steve Kerr hates young people.
02:18They've never developed anyone, even though you're all mad that Jordan Poole is not on
02:22the team anymore, and you think that Jonathan Kaminga is extension worthy, and now you're
02:27digging Guy Santos, and you're digging Quentin Post, but the Warriors have never developed
02:31a young player before.
02:33Okay, sarcasm over.
02:34Steve Kerr hates young people, and he wants to stick with the establishment and stick
02:40with the dynasty too long.
02:43And then you have what I would argue is one of the top five most fun nights of the year
02:48last night for Warrior fans, especially being in the building.
02:53It was a home game.
02:55I think that Klay's return and that performance by Steph, that's probably the best night of
03:00the year so far.
03:01There are others.
03:02They beat Boston.
03:03But last night got really fun.
03:05Not only did they blow someone off the floor, but there were just smiles everywhere all
03:09the time.
03:10You got 20-somethings knocking down threes in bunches, and the crowd was loving it, and
03:16the bench was loving it, and Steph looked like Steph.
03:19It's the happiest I've seen Steph look in weeks.
03:23So with all of that in the room, then minutes later, here comes the press conference.
03:29It's like, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, over here, over here.
03:33Are you caught up in the joy as well of Quentin Post and Guy Santos?
03:40And he says this.
03:41For Quentin and Guy, they've played well in the past two, three, maybe four games.
03:47And Guy, yeah.
03:48But for guys of their experience, how long does it take for them to earn your trust?
03:53They have my trust now.
03:55It's just a question of once we're healthy and JK and Draymond are back, are there minutes?
04:03So that's the question.
04:06I get your sigh, and happy birthday, by the way.
04:11I'm going to make sure I get that out as often as possible, because it is your day.
04:13It's a special day.
04:14You've turned 50 today.
04:17You sigh, yet we think about the 49ers, and Jordan Mason goes absolutely bananas, and
04:25then McCaffrey's cleared to play, and what happens?
04:28McCaffrey gets every carry.
04:29Jordan Mason gets a little sprinkle-sprink, a little sprink-sprink.
04:33He gets crumbs, and then McCaffrey gets hurt, and Mason's hurt, and so now it's Garendo.
04:39Now you get everything, and then Garendo gets a little bit dinged up, and then now it's
04:44Patrick Taylor, and it's whoever else came behind him.
04:48I can't even remember anymore.
04:50The season's been over so long.
04:51I think that was about it.
04:52This is what teams do, where you come in as a backup, you flash, the regular comes back,
04:59and you get shuttled to the bench.
05:01I would normally argue that that is the right thing to do, at least in most cases, but to
05:08me, it's not about Draymond's back, and now you have to sit those guys down, because they
05:15do different things.
05:18Christian McCaffrey can come back, and you're going to sit Mason, because they're both running
05:22backs, and they carry the football on a run play, and in fact—
05:27And McCaffrey does more.
05:28He catches it, too.
05:29Everything Jordan does and more, but this last night was not, for me, a representation
05:36of Guy Santos and Quentin Post.
05:38It was a representation of their skill set, and something that the Warriors have largely
05:44never had in the Steph Curry era, and as he gets older, I would argue it is something
05:51that has gone from a want to a need, and if he's ever had it before, it's come in the
05:59forms of auto porter, Mo Buckets, although Mo was mostly a mid-range, mid-range Mo for
06:06the most part, but the idea of a seven-footer who is going to pull the big defenders away
06:15from the basket, because if you don't, well, then the Warriors might beat you by 25, because
06:21he could get hot from out there, and he can do it over and over and over again, and even
06:24if you get to him, he might be able to shoot it right over your head.
06:27That weapon is something that Draymond Green can't offer.
06:32So the-
06:33Or Kavon, or TJD, right?
06:35Anyone, anyone, and so I'm not here to say, oh, Quentin Post forever, because I don't
06:42know what the guy's going to do night in and night out.
06:44He's played a small handful of games.
06:47He's intriguing.
06:48It's interesting.
06:49I love it when players get their moment, and they look like they're ready for it.
06:55It's all wonderful, but to me, this is representative of a skillset, and I do think there are more
07:01games to gather information, but my guess is going to be that as long as those two guys
07:08keep hitting outside shots, Steph is finally going to find the space he's been looking
07:13for, and the Warriors are going to be a better offensive team.
07:16As long as Steve keeps playing them, and this is where I do think the conversation comes
07:21in, 888-957-9570, what do you think about the future?
07:26Because when Slo Mo and Kaminga and Draymond all get healthy, we know that Steve loves
07:33veterans and the veterans love other veterans, and I know Kaminga's not a vet yet.
07:38He's four years in.
07:39He's 22, but he's earned his rotational spot, and Slo Mo's a guy that they love, 30-year-old
07:46glue guy, two-way player, and Draymond's a four-time champ.
07:49He's a Hall of Famer.
07:51He's a made man.
07:52So Draymond, when he gets healthy and he gets his win back, he's going to play.
07:57So as you start to look at who loses their minutes, I don't know what you do, because
08:02what Kavon Looney provides is not box score, but it is winning.
08:07He sets screens.
08:08He gets rebounds.
08:09He plays sturdy defense.
08:12He's a winning player.
08:13It's been proven.
08:14He's won championships playing the way that he plays.
08:17So as you start to go through the roster and you figure out, you know, and we're not
08:21going back, Mark, to the 12-man rotation.
08:24That thing was a lark.
08:25It was an early season, like, experiment, and I don't think that we're going to go back
08:30to that.
08:31So how do you find a way to get a guy in Gee who's been, beyond the 9 of 11, he's been
08:38a spark plug.
08:39Yes, he does other things.
08:40And Quentin Post is a stretch five.
08:42You got to respect him out there.
08:43You do.
08:44You do.
08:45And then, the good thing is, you don't have to make this decision tomorrow.
08:50You don't have to make this decision on, is it Tuesday?
08:52I think that their next game is after this, after tomorrow's game against the Lakers.
08:56That sounds right.
08:57Monday or Tuesday.
08:58Whatever it is.
08:59All I know is you're hot.
09:01You're four for four in the guess the result game.
09:07Lakers tomorrow.
09:08Jazz on Tuesday.
09:10And Mark has them both as wins.
09:11I got them as dubs.
09:13And then OKC in town on Wednesday.
09:14I got that as an L. Perfect.
09:15I'm four for four right now.
09:16That's OKC.
09:17I should just be betting these money line based on how hot you are.
09:20Don't fade the Willard.
09:22Don't do that.
09:23Fade the Dibber coming up.
09:24I hit three underdogs in a row too.
09:25I hope you've been listening to what I've been telling you.
09:29Although, now, yeah.
09:30I'm probably just jinxed that.
09:31Use the promo code Willard.
09:33Use the promo code Willard and we'll tell you all about that.
09:34Two I's, two L's.
09:35Although, I made it.
09:36And one big W.
09:37I made a pick tonight.
09:38You ever do this where you hit submit and then you look at the injury report?
09:43I think I picked somebody who's going to end up not playing.
09:47Jha wasn't at Shootaround today.
09:48Where is Jha?
09:49Where is Jha?
09:50It's a great job.
09:51Where's Julie?
09:52Well, she's in Concord.
09:53Dave McMenamin joins us in five minutes.
09:54Hi, Julie.
09:55Thanks for calling.
09:57Thanks for having me.
09:59I just wanted to say that, you know, these guys that are off the bench that are, you
10:00know, from the G League and I was telling the guy that answered the phone almost in
10:01the middle of the night.
10:02I was telling him, you know, I'm not going to play.
10:03I'm not going to play.
10:04I'm not going to play.
10:05I'm not going to play.
10:06I'm not going to play.
10:07I'm not going to play.
10:13I'm not going to play.
10:14I'm not going to play.
10:15I'm not going to play.
10:16I'm not going to play.
10:17I'm not going to play.
10:18I'm not going to play.
10:19I'm not going to play.
10:20I'm not going to play.
10:21I'm not going to play.
10:22I'm not going to play.
10:23I'm not going to play.
10:24I'm not going to play.
10:25I'm not going to play.
10:26I'm not going to play.
10:27I'm not going to play.
10:28I'm not going to play.
10:29I'm not going to play.
10:30I'm not going to play.
10:31I'm not going to play.
10:32I'm not going to play.
10:33I'm not going to play.
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11:16I'm not going to play.
11:17I'm not going to play.
11:18I'm not going to play.
11:19I'm not going to play.
11:20I'm not going to play.
11:21I'm not going to play.
11:22I'm not going to play.
11:23I'm not going to play.
11:24I'm not going to play.
11:27But you guys are running analytics on every single pairing in the league.
11:31I know this.
11:32We know this.
11:33And if it's not working, be ready.
11:37Be ready to do something essentially that you did to Klay Thompson last year.
11:42They still played him, though.
11:43They played Klay.
11:44But they benched him.
11:46But they still played him.
11:47His words.
11:49So you can...
11:50And I don't even know if it's benching Draymond, but you can shuffle the minutes a little bit.
11:53Lower the minutes.
11:54Maybe you've got to give players enough run to be productive.
11:58I don't think you can just give Draymond 18 minutes and say...
12:00I don't know.
12:01It might be a good thing for his body.
12:02We could talk this out.
