• last month
00:00I'm gonna ask you about what's going on in the nation's capital Sacramento now back to Stiney and guru on 95 7th a game
00:09Enjoying these bouts of rain and cold we've been experiencing I know I have
00:14But the weather isn't the only thing to worry about
00:16It's also ant and rodent season if these pests have made their way into your home looking for shelter from the rain and cold
00:23Atco pest control has
00:26Comprehensive solutions from effective ant treatments to rodent eradication and exclusion work
00:32Atco can take care of what's bugging you call atco pest control or fill out a service request online at
00:40ATCO pest control
00:43Dot-com let's welcome in Willard and our guys but before we do but before we do
00:49Don't forget you can win two tickets to
00:53All-star Friday night the rising stars game and then Saturday practice so when you hear this John Sally
01:00Call the contest line at 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2 caller number 7
01:07Is going getting those tickets all right all right exhausted. Yeah, it's good
01:12I mean, that's what it takes to be a real host and congrats. You're there now, but good dibs took you to all
01:21Can I ask you a quick question here we go why in this business when you're making air is
01:26Highlighted and everybody laughs. You know it's fine. We would do an interview. I said the next I'm at the state capitol
01:33But we come back to it. Why don't we got to just keep bringing it back?
01:36We're coastal elites, so we think we're the center of the world in Sacramento's the capital of the country now
01:41That's why no you know what's funny is actually they do teach you in broadcasting that when you make a mistake
01:48You're not supposed to call attention to it keep going because actually people are listening passively and I bet now
01:56I noticed I was listening
01:58And I know it's all started. I just kind of I chuckled. It was funny right and your guest
02:04I forget his name, but he didn't point it out. He just rolled. He kept going
02:08Oh, you're not supposed to point it out, but that's the culture inside the building
02:14We're gonna bring it back so we can make sure that everybody has to feel as much embarrassment as possible at all times
02:20Think about the sounder that he just is going to play for the contest giveaway boy based off the back of a mistake
02:27Maybe not
02:28But he introduced John Sally a big one to John Sal your mistake was a small one the John
02:36That's about is that's about as embarrassing as it can get
02:40And it lives on and the way this granny handled it was such a plum
02:45With a B the B is silent makes it so that we can poke fun and we've all made these mistakes
02:50And so, you know when you call Sacramento the nation's capital, it's absolute gold
02:56We all embrace it and that's why you are Steph
03:00Stop it. My hands not hurt. We'll hey, let me uh, I thought of this question late in the show
03:06I should have thought of it all or a boy show
03:10How would you define and when would you define like how much time you given it?
03:16Before you say this trade worked or this trade didn't work. What is work? What is this trade?
03:22We're we've given our hands look like and I'm gonna put make it harder short term and long term. Mm-hmm. Okay
03:31In this moment, and I'm actually literally gonna answer your question by pulling up the schedule
03:38I would argue next Wednesday
03:41No, I'm gonna say
03:44I'm gonna say probably around the end of February
03:48Which might not even be fair because the all-star break that's only one two, three, four, five six seven. There's only eight games
03:54Okay, that's only eight games. That's probably not fair. So maybe like extended into the first week of March
04:00I'll give it one month. All right one month if this thing isn't trending toward playoffs
04:05It's gonna feel a little little little bust ish
04:09Yeah, that feels a little disingenuous to why because you were willing to give Dennis Schroeder a lot of leash to you know
04:15Get to know how to play warrior basketball yet. You're only giving Jimmy Butler like ten games
04:20Yeah, these are different roles and the cost is different Dennis Schroeder came in for next to nothing
04:25So he's not asked to be the centerpiece or a centerpiece of your team
04:30Jimmy Butler cost you Andrew Wiggins in a two-year extension for sixty million dollars a year
04:35You better come in and have a damn effect right away. Well, there is that's why I said
04:40Well, like it takes time for a guy to get a new system and they don't have the time
04:45Yeah, it's not all his fault. They're wrecked. They're under 500. They do not have time
04:50Yeah, they do not have time that is not on their side. And then your your questions tiny about the larger view
04:55Whether it's good or bad might the first thing that my head to was Jonathan coming is
05:01extension if it exists
05:03Like if if this calls that right like yeah, you you got Jimmy Butler and everyone went
05:07I had a lot of people go and they kept coming up right did they I don't know. Yeah, they did for this year
05:13There it is. That's a goose. I'm focused on this where to come in guy said maybe they did
05:19What the market will determine he's worth and you know
05:22If all the reports that we've gotten and the people we've talked to if they're saying it's between 20 and 25 a year
05:28Keep him and he might not be thrilled about that
05:31but if that's what the market bears and you are restricted then you either take that or you
05:38What go playing Europe and make one point six you play it out to be like a euchre purty playing it out
05:44Like you well, this is him playing it out at the end of this year. He needs a new deal or you've got nothing, right?
05:50So they need him is 20 if it's 22 point five year mid-level. Well, you know what?
05:57I'm gonna take the middle. I'm not I don't laugh at that anymore. I know people think I'm out of my gourd, but
06:05There's only two teams with money, right?
06:08And I don't think Washington's gonna right now where they're at right now. They're not gonna say Jonathan coming
06:15You're our corner. I don't think Brooklyn will even I don't either and I think that's the breath of warriors are made
06:20I believe that is too. I think they think they can get in maybe for 15 or 20
06:24I like the Warriors have the leverage. Yeah, the Warriors have all the love Wow. I mean he is restricted
06:30Yeah, not only is restricted but like there's no Nassau
06:34There are two teams and if they don't offer, yeah, I got you like where you going. You just said it
06:39Well, I mean, I think that it's gonna be probably 20 or 25 15 to me seems really aggressively low
06:45But where they are now with Jimmy making 60 and Steph making 60 and dream on on the hook for 28
06:51They may not have 25 to give him and so if you're the Warriors
06:55You sit back and you wait and you wait and see if another team whether it's Washington or Brooklyn or whoever else has money
07:02If anyone else comes in with a big-time offer for big money, then okay, you can't afford him
07:08He's gone. If not, you wait and then you lowball. Oh, we're also talking about this without the hopefully two more months of
07:15Jonathan Kaminga's regular season and what that brings
07:19How does he play with these other stars who are now going to be here for two more seasons?
07:24Is he a starter is he off the bench?
07:25Is he averaging 20 or is he only averaging 14 like that's gonna that's gonna affect that number and I think that
07:33For example, this is worst-case scenario. You'd bring Jimmy Butler in here and you don't make the playoffs
07:41Okay, now I read somewhere where right now the Warriors are 19 million under the tax the luxury tax
07:48But and they have Kaminga waiting and but they've got to fill their roster out to with other stuff
07:54So, how do you go into the tax if you've missed the playoffs two straight years?
07:59Like that's what every owner says, you know
08:01if we got a shot at it, we'll go into the tax and Joe Lacob has he's gone into the tax. Mm-hmm, but
08:07Can you go into the tax if you finish 39 and 43 absolutely because you gave Jimmy 60
08:13So you gave him 60 thinking that it's not gonna be this year or else you gave him 60 thinking
08:19All right. We got two and a half years to try to make this work
08:22So even if you wind up 39 and 43 or let's say you wind up 41 and 41 and that's the 11 seed
08:28Okay, then you've already signed him for two more years
08:31So for me, it makes no sense to then, you know turtle up and decide well
08:37We're not gonna go in the tax. You just gave Jimmy Butler 60
08:40You're telling everyone that you think that your new big three is good enough with help to be a thing
08:47So you're going in the tax no matter what is that what they're telling everyone? That's what I hear
08:52Well, or did they simply say as we've heard the 49ers or those who cover them say?
08:58This is the cost of doing business. We had to make a move
09:02We could not make a move without the extension. So we did the extension. I don't know which you could be right
09:08Yeah, but it's one of those two, but they didn't have to trade for him and give him an extension
09:12They didn't have to do any of this. I think they did have to make a move
09:15I think they felt like they had to make a move
09:16Well, I think they made a move thinking that it would lead to something maybe not this year
09:21But something in the next year or two
09:24I don't think they made this move thinking we just want to be exciting and fun
09:28And you know what if we can get Draymond and Jimmy to fight in practice, that's good for business
09:32I don't think that but I do I
09:35Wonder if there isn't a little bit more of the word hoping rather than thinking that's what it is
09:39Like I don't I don't know if strategically you're sitting there going. This is the perfect move
09:43I can't honestly I can't even see that. I can't even see that Stiney
09:48I was with you what you guys started the show off with and you both did and unfortunately get out of the car before we
09:53Heard your answer, but you guys both did the whole like we went to bed and then we woke up
09:58With the perspective being a little bit different than it was when we went to bed
10:01I kind of feel the same way and maybe I'm being sort of affected by what we watched the Warriors do last night
10:09But like I'm I'm even more skeptical after a night's sleep and after watching this team. They're not a player away
10:17And and if you do go into the next two and a half years at any point
10:22If one of your top players is not available, which is gonna happen a lot
10:27That's your team that you watched last night. That's them and I'm sorry
10:32I go back that's glass half full and half empty like Stiney was well
10:36I put it this way like and it's now that now that we sit here today
10:40And I'm sorry if this is a little bit in the weeds for
10:44Someone who only watches the NBA a couple of nights a week or whatever because I know he's not a huge name
10:50But you gave up one first-round draft pick already for Jimmy Butler. Gotcha. What if you gave up just one more?
10:56And you got someone in their 20s and you kept Andrew Wiggins because to me
11:00That's who Cam Johnson was and I still think I'd rather done that deal was he available?
11:05I don't know. Yeah, I mean he had been said to have been available
11:07You know Jimmy Butler was a little available, but they had to be he had to be available
11:12Cam Johnson was available for the right price. I think Warriors didn't want to meet it
11:16I get it, but most predicted that he would go he didn't go
11:20I think you could have gotten him for a certain price and that price would have been instead of Wiggins another pick
11:26I think I would have done that
11:28Well, I mean again, it's a hypothetical that he was available because you know, it had been talked about all year sure, but he didn't move
11:39For something great
11:40Didn't move but was available if you want to hit the price. It's available. Sure. Sure
11:46So, I mean, that's all I mean go buy a house in Woodside for 3.8 million. It's available
11:51I'm just saying like with the if we're gonna go by the reports, which we all have for two weeks
11:56If we're gonna go by that, you know, we all spent a week saying that though
12:00Oh Steve Kerr and Steph Curry, they're worried about Jimmy in that locker room
12:04Well, were they Brian Wynhorse said they were I don't I don't know
12:08What is just leverage plays and trying to get people to do this that or the other but Cam Johnson has been
12:15Reported by those in the business as potentially available for six months. So I think that you could have had him for a price
12:24You're listening to 95 7 the game kgm zfm and hd1 san francisco always live on the free odyssey app twitch and youtube
12:31Powered by first NorCal Credit Union John Sally. All right
12:35There it is
12:36now's your chance to win a pair of tickets to both the NBA rising stars game at chase on Friday and
12:43The all-star practice in Oakland caller number 7 to 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2
12:51You're gonna get two tickets to the rising stars game and the NBA all-star practice
12:57Caller number 7 to 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2 and to get in on all
13:03the NBA all-star action in the Bay Area head to NBA events calm or the NBA events app and purchase tickets for
13:11Fan events like NBA crossover the rising stars game NBA all-star practice and the NBA
13:19HBCU classic caller number 7. Mm-hmm. Oh
13:23Hold your horses. Oh, wait, what happened? Oh
13:27I read that what's bugging you already, right? You read it too early. That's right. I read it too early
13:33Well, then before I get to what's bugging me, which might be that I'll tell you what's distracting you early
13:38Can I tell you what's distracting me? What guru's physique and I'm looking at you goo and you got that peach shirt on
13:4615 you got the gun show flaring and I'm thinking about abundant life weight loss and I'm thinking man
13:51I lost 25 and it stayed off, but I might need to lose an extra 10 because right now you're looking damn good, brother
13:58The whole goal is to get to 30. So I got 15 more
14:01So I haven't been on it as long as you so I'm fired up and I'm doing my day in and day out
14:07Just following the secret to losing one pound of fat with abundant life weight loss and now Willard
14:13I got people in my life saying how are you doing it? And I'm telling them to call abundant life weight loss calm
14:20Visit the website. Yep, and I'm still going it's nine to five eight five four fifty one forty
14:26and I do want to put this to you because you and I can't do a weight loss challenge because
14:30You I mean you're gonna lose another 15 or 20 your size
14:33And I only we could do percentages or whatever
14:35But I want to challenge you to see who can get more
14:39People to call the number and get on board with the program because I go two to six you go ten to two the crossover
14:45Has been a nice fertile ground for us to accept that
14:49You don't want a piece of me
14:51I've been in sales before and I know people and they've been to compliment me
14:55Oh, let's do it
14:56Door-to-door and I had more doors shut in my face in the Northridge area than you ever even knocked on with your vacuum business
15:03And I did am way I was an amway. So is this still part of it? What is?
15:10Can you not like listen and get the context clues do I give you a script
15:20Of all the times you've laid out and like tuned out this entire segment you chose now to
15:27Blurt in yes, tiny. This is a part of it three two, and one. I'll tell you what guru. I accept that challenge
15:34On guru versus dibs who can get more people to call nine to five eight five four
15:40Let's go t140 or go to abundant life weight loss
15:43Calm now with more nonsense and a guy who's barely paying attention. Here's Matt Steinmetz. I mean
15:49Stein is jumping in and not me
15:52Like underdog
15:58All right, it is time for what's bugging you sponsored by atco pest control it is a Friday that means atco pest control
16:09The sponsor of this segment. All right, you want to go faster again if you wanted it's you want to do it
16:17Hand it to me. I'll do it. Gosh
16:19Hard actually, I should have done it cuz I have my gripe on the other side. Yeah, you do
16:24Oh, don't give up your gripe who's enjoying these bouts of rain and cold weather
16:27We've been experiencing main the weather isn't the only thing to worry about its ant and rodent season
16:33if these pests have made their way into your home looking for shelter from the rain and cold atco pest control has
16:38Comprehensive solutions for effective ant treatments to rodent eradication, which mark, you know what that would be an eradication sensation
16:46That's a buck and exclusion work atco can take care of what's bugging you call atco pest control or fill out a service request online
16:55ATCO pest control calm Stein. Why don't you start?
16:59Okay, thank you. Did you appreciate you doing that job? Well, all right, what's bugging me?
17:06We got a late start on this. That's not what's bugging me. You're staying late now. What's bugging me is out on this
17:14The company and the boss, oh
17:17No, what's honey? And oh, wow, they can be turned toward you name checks in a row odyssey and and he
17:25So there were the company for a while when you do this
17:28So last night guru and I made an appearance old strategy got tipsy putt and all-new Bay Street, Emeryville
17:34I had a great time and
17:37I realized something
17:39They're not furnishing
17:41guru or myself
17:43with a company credit card I
17:48Go in there with my own
17:51personal credit card
17:53Now I know what you're all thinking
17:56Steini wants to drink and eat on the company. That's not the case. I
18:02Want a company credit card for these events so that we can buy Ernie Chavez a beer
18:10That we can buy all meta a drink speak on hey that we can you know
18:16Pass around the good cheer for our p1's who make the effort
18:21Just give me the company credit card and let's move on
18:26That's what's bugging me what's but last night and other people
18:31You know, it's not payday tomorrow. So I'm running a little light and there's a there's Ernie and
18:37And I can't help him last night I
18:40Can't help
18:42Well, we got it off your chest and all the people who do have company credit cards happened to be with us last night
18:48Yeah, Wow
18:49Great video you posted. Well, I
18:52Appreciate it except for I left something out because I didn't even know it was there yet, which is what they got they got
18:59Simulators, they got golf simulators. Oh boy. We were hitting golf balls. We were hit me out there next
19:07200 yard 5-iron Wow
19:10Like we were doing it and those TVs were like the casino
19:15Beautiful and for those of you don't know what I'm talking about
19:17Splash down there at at Chase Center and the Thrive City Plaza
19:22By the way, we got a chance in the end to try so many different of the food items
19:27Who like really really good really good and I'm saying this not because I'm ready
19:33From the heart now this place not cuz it was all for free. No, not that at all
19:37It was the the vibe was good. The place was packed. The drinks were good
19:41I even had multiple, you know takes for me to do that rare multiple drinks last night. Yep
19:46It was a really really good time, but it also led to what's bugging me
19:51Oh, wow, and I'm gonna leave all names out of this
19:54But what's bugging me because when I get into an environment like that, which is not my normal environment
20:00I'm spoken for and my plus one was there with me. Okay, so we're lovely Chris the lovely Chris
20:05So we're just having a night
20:07but there's also other people in our sphere who are with us and
20:10it quickly leads down the road because some of these people were single and you're in what is known as a target rich environment and
20:18I am bugged by the way today's single ladies
20:23Feel in terms of how hard it is to find a good single man
20:28I am to be told that they do not exist
20:32Certainly not in the San Francisco Bay Area and then when I sit back and I watch the way some of these men
20:38approach or don't approach
20:41The the the young ladies in the room or vice versa, by the way step your game up. It's just clunky
20:47It's clunky. You got the wrong people saying the wrong thing
20:52Saying the wrong thing
20:54People saying no things at all like signs are being sent to people who are six feet away
20:59And they're not getting them and I'm over here. Like I'm trying to hold up some neons like let's go
21:06People game to change
21:09That's not that hard
21:11Where's your confidence?
21:13Come on, take your hat off and go talk to her. It's social media is what it is
21:19Younger people are so conditioned to
21:22Clickety-clack and swipe left and swipe right when you actually get there in the trenches and study you asked me
21:28I can't remember if it was on the air off the air about action. There was action. That's where I was
21:36Splashin. Yeah, there was some serious
21:46Was gonna try to like strike up a combo so that I could like just you know, like let me help you out dog
21:53Yeah, but he went to the bathroom. I'm not gonna follow him into the bathroom Wow. All right, I'm gonna go with mine
21:59That's what's bugging me. So you guys know I'm a sports romantic. I claim to be I don't like change
22:04I don't like the the oh, let's play 40-minute basketball games. I know it hasn't happened, but it's been talked about
22:11I hate the runner on second base and extra innings
22:14I hate all that if you ain't got time for the sport, then don't don't be a part and bill Belichick
22:20I love you and your new girlfriend, but I'm coming at you with this one. Don't rush me
22:25Yeah, that's a little distant. How dare you say the Lombardi Super Bowl trophy should be changed to the name of Tom
22:33Terrific who's got seven and here comes my home's already with three and by Monday he could have four
22:39I love you hoodie, but I didn't like that
22:42We don't need to change the name of the damn trophy to the Tom Brady trophy
22:47It's the Lombardi trophy for a reason and let's leave it as it I like that and I agree with
22:54No, you can go ahead and give him
22:57I think that's a perfect place to leave it
23:08Keep it up and I'll walk
23:20It would be much like Lindy Waters no longer being a warrior is what that would be
23:26Like an expiring contract
23:31Because what's bugging me should be bugging everyone and it's NBA stars and I'm looking at you Steph Curry
23:39Yeah, and I'm looking at you LeBron James
23:41You've got the all-star game in your arena and you're not gonna do the three-point shootout help me
23:47Don't tell me that they didn't ask him. You know, they asked you got Dame Lillard going for a third in a row
23:54You've got yourself you could have all the greatest shooters ever and you have a home game your arena
24:02It's your all-star game and you won't show up Steph. You won't show up for your own three-point shootout
24:08What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Tyler hero the big bad Tyler hero chef?
24:14Are you afraid of Dame from Oakland putting up number three in your arena on your head? What's wrong?
24:21What are you afraid of me you're the greatest shooter in the history of shooting like my partner says
24:28Shoot your shot. It's all you got
24:30You've had a terrible year
24:32So come on out and show out and I'm gonna add in LeBron James and the shame that it is
24:38Him never doing the slams dogs
24:40Never ever ever ever ever and you all want your 60 million a year and I get it and you're worth it
24:46Your product is dying your product had to change its all-star game because you all made it a mockery
24:55A joke, so while your product is going down the toilet and your all-star games become a joke
25:02You're not gonna show up to your own arena to shoot threes. I'll say it
25:07My name is Dan Dibley, and I'm ashamed Steph Curry shame on you Steph shame on you
25:12It hurt me that that had a bad thumb, yeah, but he's gonna play in the game
25:17bilateral tendonitis shoot left-handed and still make the semis or why is he not in he's afraid of
25:23I'm a little surprised that shocked me. I haven't read the people
25:27I hope I hope he gets asked tomorrow night in Chicago. Like I'm surprised was hurt
25:33I mean, I you know, you say he's playing in the game as well
25:36Well, that's actually even less contact than the three-point shooting contest now
25:40So maybe that's why but like if you're gonna pick one to be a part of be a part of the three-point shooting contest
25:46It's actually more fun to watch. It's easier to do. You've got a better chance to win it
25:50You'll be more remembered because of it in your own building. It's look. I don't think I don't know why I don't know
25:56Why he's tired from 32 shots last night. I bet my man was letting him go. That's all I
26:01Would like to know why yeah, there's probably a good reason. I'm sure there's a great reason
26:05Couldn't answer why I've never participated in a slam-dunk contest ever and Mike and Kobe and all the others have done it like
26:13Never did it. Yeah the dunk contest. That ain't his thing or never was in the dunk contest. Nobody was in three-point
26:19Those are that's not their
26:22Yeah bird dunk. Yeah, maybe once
26:26All right, gents. Well, we'll be listening bring it home today. And we got Super Bowl Sunday
26:32And KC everything is right here at your fingertips 95 7 again, thank you for your service