• last month
00:00As the Warriors do indeed make a big deal, yes, you and I had about 10 minutes, maybe 11 minutes
00:05to talk it out on Warriors Live last night before the game got going, but a wild scene.
00:11I saw Om Youngmasuk, ESPN's NBA and Warriors reporter, who was on with us yesterday prior
00:17to the deal. He went on TV today and said he was there in Utah watching all this unfold,
00:23and this is the craziest thing he's ever seen happen in all of his years as an NBA reporter.
00:29Watching Steve Kerr pull everybody off of the floor and then the looks on everyone's faces
00:35as they emerged. This was an emotional thing. I know everybody felt like it sort of something
00:41needed to happen. I certainly feel that way. I got mixed feelings about this deal, and we want
00:47to hear what you think about it as well. We are completely wide open for you today. It is
00:52Reaction Day for all of our listeners, 888-957-9570, and the best way I can say it,
01:00I don't love the deal, but I understand it. Right. I'm kind of with you as far as that.
01:05I do understand the deal, and I also don't necessarily love it. I'm thinking about
01:11yesterday, Mark, and what the actual mechanics of what happened would be. Anytime you do a move
01:18like this, you want to tell somebody face-to-face. You had Dennis Schroeder, you had Kyle Anderson,
01:25you had Andrew Wiggins, and Lindy Waters. You had four different guys that you had to
01:29talk to one-on-one about what was going to happen, yet you don't really have the luxury
01:34of time to do that. He pulls everyone off the court, and you go in the locker room,
01:39and he probably has to do it en masse. He has to do it with the group and say,
01:44guys, there's been a move, and you're gone, and you're gone, and you're gone, and you're not
01:48playing and whatnot. I did read a report yesterday about Steve Kerr in the tunnel with Lindy Waters,
01:55and maybe it came to Steve later that Lindy was a part of it, because the deal, as we knew it,
02:01was Jimmy in, Schroeder and Kyle and Wiggins out, but we didn't know where they were going
02:09until after our show was over. They still don't. Schroeder changed teams again today.
02:15He was in Utah, which was appropriate. Now he ended up in Detroit, and he's going to stay
02:19with the Pistons. The whole thing got complex as it all does. The whole thing got crazy,
02:23and so I just wonder in the moment, and when Steve actually came back out on the court,
02:27and we can ask him this next week when we talk to him, but Steve clearly was a little bit shaken,
02:32and Steph, when he came back out, was shaken, and everybody is shaken. In real time, unfortunately,
02:39in the social media era, you have to do this all quickly, because the news is going to get out
02:44before you have a chance to tell the people. I actually think Steve Kerr had a point yesterday
02:48of why isn't the deadline more aligned with All-Star weekend, so that situations like last
02:54night don't end up happening, because the Warriors go out there, first of all, down four players,
03:00and then second of all, with heavy hearts. Should they be able to beat Utah anyway? Yes,
03:05and did they have them? Yes, so this is not an excuse, but just what a weird situation
03:11that unfolded last night, but let's get to it. 8-8, 9-5-7, 9-5-70, grade the deal. Let's talk
03:21this out on how you as a Warrior fan feel today, because I really do, it's a conflicted feeling,
03:29I think, for a lot of Warrior fans. There's no way that you can, at least I don't think,
03:34you're going to come out and say this is a perfect deal. That's the guy we want,
03:38that's the age we want, that's the attitude we want, and that's the skill set we want.
03:42It's not any of those things, but what I acknowledge is it's something, it's an aggressive
03:48swing, and it does make the Warriors in this moment a more interesting watch. There is now
03:54renewed curiosity to see what they can do. That's fair, I don't think that they necessarily got
03:59better. I mean, if you look at Jimmy Butler versus Andrew Wiggins as far as a player versus player
04:05deal, then I do think that right now Jimmy Butler's probably a little bit better than
04:10Andrew Wiggins, and that's fine, but then you take out some of your depth and Schroeder
04:14and Slo Mo, and they're gone. Lindy Waters, whatever, he wasn't playing that much anyway
04:19for the most part, but I look at what it's made you this year, and I don't think that you're
04:24necessarily that much quote-unquote better, but you go into next year, and then Jimmy Butler,
04:30he got a new extension for $60 million a year. I didn't see that coming. I mean,
04:35that's where I got to take the L. I said all week, get Jimmy Butler just as a rental,
04:40and then maybe the price is much, much cheaper. Maybe you do that for just expiring contracts or
04:47what have you. When that report came out earlier in the week where they're like,
04:50Jimmy doesn't want to sign an extension, you heard me say it a bunch of times. I'm like, good,
04:54the Warriors don't want to sign you to an extension either, but then they did, and this does risk
05:00Jonathan Kaminga. You didn't give him up, but you're a little bit out in the middle of the
05:07street without your cell phone right now, because if Brooklyn wants to offer Jonathan Kaminga $33
05:13million a year next year, the Warriors might, I don't know what kind of spending ownership
05:19will want to do, but the Warriors might have to just let him go.
05:23Well, even if it's 30, and I don't know where the breaking point is on a per
05:28annual basis, and I guess Jonathan Kaminga could sign a deal that is more backloaded.
05:34You could sign for five, and let's just say 150, which is 30 per, and it could be 20, 20,
05:42and then 30, 40, 40, and that might, and I don't know the total math of it. I'm just kind of doing
05:47it off the top of my head, but you could do it backloaded, kind of like an NFL contract.
05:52This is guaranteed, so he would get his money, but you could make it so he's keepable until
05:58Jimmy and Steph are gone, and then he goes to a bigger number.
06:01You can do that, and yes, I know there's a lot of you. In fact, thank you for those of us who are,
06:07however you're listening, whether it's on the app, the radio, whether you're on YouTube,
06:11and it was Jeremy Wong who just said, Joe Lincoln's not going to let Kaminga walk. You're
06:15insane. It's not just about letting him walk. It's about can you even match the number?
06:22Do you want to go into the second apron where every dollar becomes $10? You can do that.
06:28You're allowed to, but the Warriors have long said that this is not their goal. That is not
06:33the way that they want to run their business, especially when they're hanging around in the
06:36play-in tournament every year, and so you have put yourself in a spot where there's only so
06:43much money. It's a soft cap league, but there's only so much money. You got to fit everybody.
06:49You have to have enough players on the team. All of them have to at least be making a minimum
06:54salary. If Brooklyn offers Jonathan Kaminga some of the numbers that we've bandied about,
06:59$35-40 million a year, I don't think the Warriors can do that. It's not about want to. It's about
07:06can they? Well, I don't think it's going to come down to me about have to, and I don't think that
07:10they're going to have to, and it's not only because he's missed six weeks due to injury.
07:14I do think it's because the market, you mentioned it off the air, you and I in the green room,
07:20about what do the teams have the money to give him $35 million a year, and the answer is not
07:25that many. There aren't that many teams that have $35 million to give him per year, so I do think
07:30that Kaminga's value is going to be suppressed, not by how he's played, but by market forces.
07:37Yeah, absolutely.
07:38Market forces.
07:38Market forces and his injury. This is terrible timing for him. It's why his face has that look
07:43on it over there on the bench every day, because he's watching. He's watching his price go down,
07:49and by the way, you know what else might suppress him a little bit? Jimmy Butler's here.
07:53Jimmy Butler.
07:53How many shots does Jonathan have on this floor right now? Steph and Jimmy are here, so
08:00how many shots do you have? Andrew Wiggins was passive and would be like, here, you.
08:06That's Andrew.
08:06You need some money. How about some shots?
08:09But if you're Kaminga-
08:09Jimmy Butler ain't doing that.
08:11But you're playing for a contract, and this is where I worry about Kaminga when he comes back,
08:16because he's seen all this, and he knows that Jimmy Butler's getting $60 million, and he knows
08:20that his money is tied to other teams and what they have, and also the Warriors and what they
08:25have, so if I'm Kaminga and I see all this, I'm coming out firing, trying to get me mine.
08:32I tell you what, sure, but now you have people, sort of like the way you just laid that out,
08:39people are pushing in opposite directions. I don't want any Warrior coming out firing,
08:43looking for mine. I want read and react system, play good basketball, win basketball games.
08:49You don't want five people with five different goals out there on the court at the same time.
08:54So let's talk to you all about this, okay? Jimmy Buckets is a Warrior. I think we,
08:59at least the two of us, agree something needed to happen. This is an aggressive swing. The Warriors
09:05are more exciting, that's all true, but I am very hesitant to say this is a great deal.
09:11This is the one big swing they could take, and he's not a perfect star. He is 35,
09:18he is not a great outside shooter, and his attitude can get away from him sometimes.
09:24Yeah, you think? And I cannot wait to see he and Draymond together, and if things go a little bit
09:30sour over the course of a game or a week. Jimmy Butler's a tough personality, a strong one,
09:37and I was listening to the morning roast this morning, and they were coming up with nicknames
09:40for Draymond and Jimmy Butler. Oh boy.
09:44And I think the winning nickname was the Suspendables. That's pretty good.
09:49I offered up to Joe Schaske, I just texted him the Thrash Brothers.
09:53Not bad, not bad. The Suspendables came from
09:57ChatGPT, so it almost doesn't count with the robots chiming in, right?
10:01Take it from a college professor, yes it does. There is no putting that toothpaste back in the
10:07tube. If you don't accept ChatGPT, you can head right over here to the 4 p.m. Hofbrau and take
10:13a nap because you're old. I wonder about you as a professor,
10:16do you try to suss that out? No.
10:19A lot of students will use that. No, no, because that's-
10:21You'll allow it? You have no choice.
10:24That is the future. You can fight what people are going to do, or you can work with it,
10:28so I try to work with it. What I try to do is make sure there's no plagiarism,
10:33but ChatGPT, there's no fighting that. Are you plagiarizing if you just take
10:39ChatGPT and use it as your answer? No, because that's an original piece.
10:42It's not really an original piece. It is, it's just not yours.
10:45It's just not yours, but hey. You're plagiarizing a robot.
10:48I cheated off someone else's paper before, it's no different.
10:50Not me. 888-957-9570,
10:54let's get going on you. Let's do Warrior Dave in Concord real quick.
10:59Hey Warrior Dave, what's up? Hey guys, hope you're having a great day.
11:04When the Warriors let go of four guys, they gave up 88 minutes and 39 points per game,
11:10realizing not all four guys played on the same night, but not counting Schroeder,
11:15they played 36 to 43 of the games. Where are they going to fill the games and the points?
11:21I'll take it offline. Thanks. Appreciate that, Dave.
11:24I mean, look, obviously that's the creativity that Steve Kerr is going to have to use.
11:30By the same token, those of us who have been barking about, oh, there's too much depth,
11:35we need minutes for this guy, we need minutes for that. Well, now here they are.
11:38I think you're going to get a lot more Moses Moody.
11:41Brandon Podjemski looks like his last year self again.
11:44This is who we're going to see in those minutes now.
11:46Yeah, and Quentin Post and Buddy Heald is going to play as well,
11:49and maybe a little bit more Pat Spencer than you would otherwise like, but when you trade
11:54four for one, you're asking your 10th, 11th, and 12th man to step up and do more.