• last month
00:00Let's start right here, Steve Kerr after practice yesterday.
00:04I want everyone to not just listen to this, but listen to it closely, because we're not
00:08just listening to words, we're listening to tone.
00:13What's going on behind the words?
00:15Because this is, if you really want to whittle it down, all of the Jimmy Butler excitement,
00:22I think you can whittle it down to this.
00:25You're worried about age and all the things that are going on.
00:28The Warriors have a 22-year-old rising, fill in that blank, I don't know if you want to
00:35use the word star, rising player, okay, they have a 22-year-old rising player who practiced
00:41with the team today for the second consecutive day.
00:45He has not been cleared for takeoff, he will not play tomorrow, but it's coming and it's
00:50coming soon.
00:52And if Jonathan Kaminga and Jimmy Butler can coexist and make good music together,
00:58it legitimizes to a degree what the likes of Draymond Green and Jimmy Butler have been
01:03saying lately.
01:05If they can't, then this is all a bunch of hooey.
01:10So listen closely to this answer from Steve Kerr, Kaminga and Butler together on the floor.
01:20Steve, what do you think?
01:22I think, you know, the obvious question is the spacing because neither one of them is
01:29a five.
01:30They're, you know, we're really looking at them as a three and a four.
01:35And so, you know, can we space the floor well enough with the two of them on the court together?
01:44We should be able to defend at a high level.
01:49You know, it'd be great to have that kind of size and athleticism on the wings.
01:54There's a lot to like.
01:56And then, you know, we just have to sort through the offensive execution.
02:03You know, can we put a group around them that makes sense, that we can, you know, kind of
02:10rely on a two way offense and defense dynamic?
02:15And that remains to be seen.
02:18I mean, he worked his way all the way through it and he got to the end, which is, it remains
02:25to be seen.
02:26Is it me or did Steve not sound like he just walked in to a party?
02:33You walk into a party on a Friday night, you acquire one of the best players in the NBA.
02:39You should be like that gif that's all over when that guy comes dancing into the room.
02:44You're walking in like, it is go time.
02:49That sounded to me like a student who, when you go and take a test and it's an essay test
02:54and you get to number three and you get to number three, it's like, I don't know the
02:57first thing about this answer.
02:59And so you just start writing words and, you know, you try to use some of the keywords
03:03in the question and, you know, it's like a 200 word minimum.
03:07And so you write 200 words and it's basically, and I don't want to say gibberish because
03:12that was better than gibberish, but Steve was just kind of like, well, you know, there's
03:16this and then there's that and there's that and then there's this and it could be this
03:19and it could be that.
03:20And you know what?
03:21It, it remains to be seen.
03:23Brandy, will you cut this off after the first four seconds?
03:26I'm going to play it again.
03:28That's 54 seconds long.
03:29I only want the first four.
03:33Just listen again.
03:34Hey Steve, what do you think about Jonathan and Jimmy playing together?
03:39I think, you know, the, the obvious question is, I think, well, and then he goes into
03:48the obvious question, which is, is there enough spacing?
03:51Is there enough shooting?
03:52Cause we see them as a three and a four.
03:54So if they're the three and the four and then Draymond's the five and let me think about
03:59So if they're the three and the four and Draymond's the five, well, what I really want to say
04:02is God, no, I can't play the three of them together.
04:06And I just looked at Jimmy's number for his career and he's now in his 14th year and he's
04:12shooting 33% from three.
04:15It's not what he does.
04:16And he takes only for his career, two and a half threes a game.
04:21So he doesn't shoot the three because he doesn't make the three and Draymond doesn't shoot
04:25the three and Kaminga can shoot the three, the corner three.
04:30And that's about it.
04:31So yeah, Draymond, Jimmy and Kaminga together, that's going to be a no from me dog is what
04:38the answer should have been.
04:39I mean, literally Steve sounds like someone, you know, we were joking earlier about when
04:44my son got home last night, he's 18, he can do whatever the hell he wants.
04:48I mean, like there's no curfew, he doesn't have school today.
04:52So whatever.
04:53But like, that's what I would have expected him to sound like if I had barged into his
04:58room and said, dude, what were you doing?
05:01Well, so I think, okay, the obvious thing is dad, that's how Steve just started.
05:09The obvious question is what wasn't I doing?
05:12What were you doing dad?
05:17So, um, look, I got to grab a little four second bite of somebody sort of struggling
05:23to find a word and make a big deal out of it.
05:26But I will say this, I will say this, it is very important that the golden state warriors
05:35for the rest of this regular season, here's my new phrase and there won't be t-shirts.
05:42They won't accept this, but this is my phrase, remove the ego.
05:49This is the only way you're going to do it.
05:52It's literally the only way we're going to do it.
05:54You cannot function now with multiple stars and a 22 year old who wants a contract.
06:02If you're all are out there worrying about who starts, Jonathan Kaminga should not start.
06:12And the only reason anybody would want him to start is ego.
06:18And I quite frankly think it's the only reason that coming has reportedly wanted to start.
06:24I've never understood that when someone plays 30 minutes a game, who cares which minutes?
06:2930 minutes a game.
06:30That's 30 out of 48 minutes.
06:32That's a high percentage.
06:34You are playing most of the minutes.
06:36All of the minutes count.
06:37In fact, I could argue that the first six minutes of the game matter the least.
06:43Those are the easiest ones from which to recover.
06:46So why are we so worried about, if you are, about whether or not Jonathan Kaminga starts?
06:53And Jonathan, if you're worried about it, why are you worried about it?
06:59What you need, Jonathan, is for the Warriors to play well.
07:03And what Steve is saying without saying here is if that Steph Curry goes out onto the court
07:09to start basketball games with Draymond Green, Jonathan Kaminga, Jimmy Butler, and Brandon
07:15Pajemski, you have five people who can shoot a three, but only one of them is a three-point shooter.
07:21You are not surrounded by enough shooting.
07:24Quite frankly, you are already participating in wearing Draymond Green down because you're
07:28starting him at the five.
07:30And Steve wants to play him more at the five, but Draymond has admitted, that's going to
07:36wear me down if you do it too much.
07:38So I think it's very, very important that the Warriors remove the ego.
07:44And I heard Stiney talking about this, and Stiney's right.
07:48Buddy Heald, I know, I know, Buddy Heald needs to stay in the starting lineup.
07:55You need that three-point shooter in the lineup, and you need Jonathan Kaminga to anchor the
08:00second unit and still get his 28 to 32 minutes a night.
08:04I think that's the way you have to play it.
08:07If I'm Steve, that's the way I'm starting it once Jonathan is ready to roll, especially
08:11since he's coming back from a lengthy injury.
08:14Not to remove that ego.
08:15And that's one thing we can ask Steve later today, is not only about starting Kaminga,
08:21but how did Kaminga come out of yesterday's practice, because he got back to practice
08:24for the first time, according to Warriors PR.
08:27So how is Kaminga feeling after that, and what does he think is the new timeline for
08:32Kaminga to continue to get ready and ramp up and get back out there on the floor?
08:38But Steve told you, without saying it in the answer, that those guys can't all play together.
08:44And you can't play Kaminga and Butler and Draymond together for very long unless you
08:48have Steph and another real three-point shooter.
08:52The other part of that is, if you don't want to play Draymond a lot at five, and I know
08:56that he probably doesn't want to play a lot at five, what do you do?
08:59You play Kavon Looney at five, and congrats to Kavon who got engaged over All-Star weekend,
09:06which is awesome, but if you have Kavon and Jimmy and Kaminga, then you have the same
09:11exact problem.
09:12You've got another guy who doesn't really shoot the three, so it's going to be really
09:16tough for Steve to figure out how and when to play Kaminga and Jimmy together, because
09:21neither one of them is a three-point threat.
09:24By the way, I know there are a lot of you out there that went, hold on, Buddy healed,
09:28because he got real popular over the last week, and in fact, we did a whole show where
09:31I was like, Buddy needs fewer minutes, you've got to sit him down, and then they did the
09:35very next night, and it worked, and the Warriors went out and they beat Houston, and so I use
09:40Buddy as an example.
09:41It doesn't have to be Buddy.
09:43It doesn't have to be Buddy.
09:44It can be Moses.
09:46You can do whatever, like there are different things that you can do out there right now
09:51if you're the Warriors as far as figuring this whole lineup out, but you heard it right
09:58there in his voice.
10:00There's hesitation.
10:02There's absolute hesitation in the midst of all of this excitement of Jimmy Butler being
10:07on the team.
10:08There appears to be some hesitation from Steve Kerr with regard to the idea of Jimmy and
10:14Jonathan together and what that lineup looks like around them.
10:18They're going to share the floor sometimes.
10:19Yeah, they have to.
10:20But I certainly wouldn't do it to start.
10:25My bet is that's not the way that this is going to play out.
10:28You're probably right, and ultimately, it doesn't really matter who starts unless the
10:31player himself, in this case, Jonathan Kaminga, unless he's really affected by the fact that
10:37he's not starting.
10:38He's only started 10 games this year, and in those games, the Warriors are 4 and 6 in
10:43his 10 starts.
10:44Now, it's a really small sample, and I don't know how many of those games didn't involve
10:48Draymond or Steph, and so it's hard to really look at it as a measure of how the team has
10:53done, but if I look at this team and I think about the best way to use Jonathan Kaminga,
10:58it would be to bring him in for Jimmy Butler at about the six-minute mark.
11:02So Jimmy plays six, you bring in Kaminga, and now Kaminga plays alongside Steph for
11:08four to six minutes, and then Steph goes out, and then Jimmy comes back in, and maybe you
11:12have Kaminga and Jimmy for two minutes to start the second quarter, and then Kaminga
11:17goes out and you bring in somebody else.