• 2 days ago
00:00The game against Denver, I think first quarter. I think if you're a champion mental mentality person and obviously these guys are
00:09They don't do what we just did
00:12Do you notice what I think most fans do? Oh
00:15Well, you screwed up on Monday, but
00:19It came back and surprised us on Tuesday
00:23So it's all good. Yeah, we're back in even Stephen. We're back in
00:28I think the championship mindset is I
00:32Still can't believe we blew Monday
00:34There's no reason for us to perform that way
00:39Like I'm not saying they don't forgive themselves
00:42You know you go out there. Sometimes you don't have your stuff you make bad decisions and all of that but
00:49Going into last night's game. They're on
00:55But I didn't see it that way. I know the Warriors are better than the Bucs. I know this
01:01I know this if you watch the Bucs a lot over the last month
01:05The Warriors are a better basketball team than the Bucs and they had them on their home floor
01:10And I understand that Steph Curry's out and so that's a piece of the puzzle, but good lord
01:15You're telling me that between Jimmy Butler
01:18Draymond green
01:20Jonathan cominga and
01:22The rest of these role players we've come to know so well that if they hit some shots like pods and buddy
01:29He'll did you telling me they can't win that basketball game. Well of course they can they did I
01:34Expected them to and I'm sure that they expected themselves to so I wonder I don't I don't you're right
01:41I'm not saying Steve's gonna be in fine mood. I would imagine. I don't speak for his mood
01:45No, but I I don't think he's sitting here like hopping mad
01:50But I also don't think that they sit there in the tape room and go okay
01:54Everything's all better now because you won the next night. You still had a really bad performance Monday, and it hurt you
02:02It absolutely hurt you you you you would have breathing room on Minnesota and the Clippers that you don't have
02:09Right, but you also look at it from the bigger picture of what you've done since Jimmy's come and you've been amazing
02:16So you you know absolutely I do think your your greater point is the fact that
02:21Fans we rise and fall with every loss every miss every quarter
02:25and if you're Steve Kerr and you're now the all-time winningest coach in warrior history and you've got four titles and as I mentioned you've
02:32won nine of the last 28 in some way shape or form you understand that nights like
02:38Monday is gonna happen and nights like last night are also gonna happen where yeah, it's a make-or-miss league
02:44I get that and last night it got a little bit shaky at times
02:48but you had a couple of big shots down the stretch and we just talked to Brandon Podjemski and he had a couple of
02:53Them and Jimmy Butler held it down without Steph Curry, and you got the win so if Monday against Denver was a bogey or
03:02Maybe he was even a double bogey because they didn't have yo get your Murray well last night was a birdie
03:06So you're on to the next hole, and you know you get a game tomorrow
03:10Yes, it's a game that you should win have to win well, I mean you don't have to win it
03:16Yes, you know well if you I mean if again
03:20For the last 48 hours is tucked into the idea of
03:24You have to do X dot dot dot if you want to seriously
03:29Give yourselves a shot at doing what you say you want to do I?
03:34I don't think there's room right now to to to blow one against a bad team
03:40Well, you you shouldn't I mean there is room depending on what other teams also do so you don't know what room there is
03:46but when you take on Toronto at home a Toronto team that is
03:50Five and a half out of the ten seed and they're basically in shut it down mode
03:56And I would imagine that the spread tomorrow is gonna be eight and a half or nine if Steph plays you should absolutely
04:02Win that game and that's kind of the point for me about the last two games where?
04:07Denver was a bogey and last night was a birdie where you were underdog on your home floor without your best player and you still
04:14Went out and won. Yeah, I just didn't think this should have been an underdog
04:18And they were a small dog. There's a small anyway
04:20Yeah, and and you and I prior to the homestand I had sort of said like par is four and one well now
04:28They're three and one and they've got a game against the Raptors tomorrow night
04:31That in theory they should win and they will go for one and and that works out well
04:37Except it doesn't feel as good because of the nature of the Denver loss number one and number two
04:43These other teams are really heating up in some sort of crazy way like that for me as
04:51Significant as what the Warriors did last night was what the Clippers did that confirmed for me
04:56Do you remember this conversation briefly came up on the crossover two or three days ago?
05:03I think it was Stiney asked you would you rather?
05:09Go into the play-in tournament as
05:11The seven and therefore you're likely gonna get the seven and you end up getting to play
05:18Houston or Memphis or would you rather secure the six?
05:22But you're gonna have to play Denver or LA and I like you and I answered that differently
05:28I will take the six. Yeah, because I do not I
05:32Know I guess the premise of the idea is that you get the seven and then you win the game, but dude
05:38Warriors versus Clippers on night one of the play-in tournament is
05:43Disgusting stuff. I want no part of that basketball game
05:49none under any
05:51Circumstances, you could combine the Lakers and the Nuggets and I'd rather play that team if I can have the six
05:58well, the Clippers do present a lot of things that you have trouble with absolutely like
06:05For one yes and Zubat's last night 28 and 20 to your point about you know
06:10they're win over Cleveland Zubat's is a handful and
06:14You have Kawhi and James Harden who are both very difficult covers and James Harden does a lot of the things that you know
06:21you hate as a warrior fan with the head snap and he gets to the foul line and
06:26Kawhi Leonard is
06:27Probably pretty rested. The dude hasn't played a lot of basketball this year nominal last night was awesome
06:33I was phenomenal last night. He's right
06:36He is one of the toughest players to guard because he can score at all three levels. Yeah, absolutely
06:40Let's go to Fred in Richmond Steve Kerr joins us in less than 20 minutes. Hi Fred. Thanks for calling
06:50Yeah, thanks for calling
06:55And I was saying five and two would be amazing and six and one would be greedy
07:00So I'm looking at pretty good right now hoping that we can just get greedy and get Toronto tomorrow
07:07Just like you were saying earlier that Toronto is really
07:11shut down first about time that the Warriors start stacking and wins like Jimmy said and
07:17Let's see what they do for the rest of the season. I'm hoping we can get that five
07:22But uh, if we stuck in a six bring on Denver, I think that was a
07:27Lapse when they played Denver on Monday once they knew yoke age and Murray wasn't playing
07:34They lost a mental edge, but they got it right back
07:39Put itself back in a conversation for defensive player of the year
07:43Let's go finish this
07:45Season off and start the playoffs. Thanks for having me on guys Fred. Appreciate it
07:49I was looking at it last night, and I know we did this with, Minnesota already
07:53I think that somewhere along the line when the Warriors were losing a good handful of games in December in January
08:00We lost sight of something that Steve Kerr said to us early in the year
08:05He said I think this is a 50-win team and obviously if they end up with 49
08:09That's like, you know that fits into the nature of what he's saying, but I I don't think we were thinking
08:15That 50 wins was was still possible
08:17They've got 13 games to go and it's not just that I think it's possible that they do get 50
08:24They might need it. I
08:26Honestly, they get the six it might be about like that
08:31That might be about what they need if they actually want the six, Minnesota already has 40 wins
08:38Also, it just happened at this moment have one more loss than the Warriors
08:42But they get back-to-back games against New Orleans
08:45Starting tonight and if you look at the rest of the way with the worst schedule
08:49And I don't want to play win-loss. I don't want to do that
08:52I have no idea if they're all gonna play all the games if they're gonna be healthy or whatnot
08:56But you look like how many games left would you say have a high level of a degree of difficulty to them?
09:04Okay, Toronto tomorrow night is a no do you add Atlanta?
09:08Is that got a high degree of difficulty to it? No, no at Miami Tuesday
09:14I know that's Jimmy's return to Miami, but they are awful right now. Yeah, shut it down
09:19But you do have a couple of nights off
09:21And so that means you're gonna be in Miami for a couple of days that one could be sticky. I could handle that
09:27That's what they just saying, you know that certain cities are more difficult than others
09:32Atlanta is one and then it's at the front end of the trip, but so you get to Atlanta
09:37You don't have time to get down to Buckhead. Well, but you
09:41On Friday though. Yeah, I'll go out there on Friday. You know
09:46You do but you get that extra night in Miami
09:49So that becomes a little tougher and I do think that the heat is gonna get up for Jimmy Butler. Okay, maybe I'm not sure
09:55They will obviously it's a national TNT game and everybody's gonna be looking at it
10:00Then you've got a couple nights off and you go to New Orleans and then another night off and you go to San Antonio
10:05I don't see a whole lot of crap coming at you
10:08That's exciting. Yep
10:10Okay, so that's the full next week. You don't play any high-level opponents. I'm not saying there aren't
10:17You know potholes out there sure, but no high-level opponents then
10:22It's Tuesday April 1st in Memphis Thursday, April 3rd in LA
10:27Turn right around the next night and come back here for Denver then get a night off and
10:34Houston so to me all four all four qualify as high level of difficulty and then
10:43You're at Phoenix. You're home to San Antonio. You're at Portland again
10:47Not saying that you couldn't have a hiccup in there, but not high level of difficulty
10:52When you finish with the Clippers
10:54Right here on the last day of the season, which might end up meaning something
10:58It might be who goes to the play in right or it might be a play in preview game or play out
11:04Call it a play out play out of the play in
11:06Minnesota's the six at that point and you guys are seven and eight
11:09It might be the game to decide who hosts the the first line and guess, you know, fine it is
11:14But anyway, I would look at this as you've got 13 games left and at least five of them are high level of difficulty
11:22So to go ten and three is gonna be real real hard. It's gonna be really really hard
11:28I'm not saying the Warriors can't win hard games
11:30They just won one last night so they can do it a lot of them are at home, but they might need to
11:35I'm just looking at the lay of the land in the West and if you want to secure six it might take that might take
11:4150 wins it might but you also look at Memphis a team that's been struggling of late and Memphis is a team that might you
11:48Continue to come back to you and they've only won five of their last ten
11:51You've picked up three games on Memphis
11:53And so that's a team that might continue to slide down the standings as Minnesota rises and the Warriors rise
12:00Memphis could be a team that's also kind of playing for the sixth seed as well
12:05They're all in this everybody. Everybody is in this, you know, even pauses
12:09I know that two nights ago we gave up on the whole like Denver
12:13I mean Steve had said it if we lose tonight, we're not gonna catch Denver because now we don't have to have the tiebreaker and
12:20You know, they're they're gonna be three and a half ahead instead of two and a half or whatever
12:24Pod still sounded very interested to sit down and and watch watch Lakers nuggets tonight on national TV
12:32Yeah, and I mean you're three back of the Lakers
12:34You're four back at Denver four back at Houston with 13 to go
12:38That feels like a bit of a stretch even if you go 10 and 3 and you win 50 you would need
12:45Well, you have the tiebreaker over Houston. So you would need them to go
12:496 and 7 over their next 13 probably to tie them probably and that becomes tough and you know
12:55Denver the same record and the Lakers actually the Lakers have 15 more games. So yeah, their schedule
13:01One of them is against you. Yep. One of them is against you. So
13:068 8 9 5 7 9 5 70 Steve Kerr in about 12 minutes. Mr. D in the city. What up, mr. D. What are you doing?
13:19Okay, how's it sounding
13:23It's great it was a
13:26house house paid
13:28Maintenance and everything is good. Okay, we're a new car better be good. Okay, don't jinx it
13:39This thing
13:41Looking in the rearview mirror. I mean that's good for the fans and while I agree the age of our team
13:50We need that week off. So it'd be nice to get the six feet, but I don't think
13:55Champions really look in the rearview mirror like that
13:59they play who's ever in front of them and
14:02They let the chips fall where they may so that's what a fan's looking in the river
14:06What are we got 13 games? Oh, we need to win. I don't think they look at all that
14:11Here's what I mean by by that. Mr. D and and I appreciate your your response, but
14:18everybody I've ever known who is a
14:21Championship winning athlete will tell you they remember the losses a hell of a lot more than they remember the wins
14:29Like and I just think it's the way they're wired, you know what I mean? Like if Kobe Bryant were
14:35Were to come down from the heavens and join us on the show today and you asked him like what sticks with you more
14:43When you look back on your life, is it any of those championship rings?
14:48Or is it when Detroit beat you in five or when Boston when Boston embarrassed you?
14:55Yeah in the NBA Finals
14:57Mr. D. I think I know what we what he would say don't don't you?
15:13Yeah, I think
15:15The warriors they they need to get they they need to get that week off
15:21Because just because of their age so they can have that reset
15:25But say it say it. These are facts. I agree with you. Mr. D
15:30Yeah, they need that reset. But as far as who they're gonna play they can beat anybody
15:36They can be anybody but they have to be fresh. I'm telling you a stealth
15:41He hasn't been right since that game when the women called it. He hasn't been right and
15:47I hope he didn't tweak his back that night
15:49but I know I saw him grimace and I know I saw him go out and
15:54Nobody said what it was about but I know he hasn't been right since that game. There's been four or five games
15:59He hasn't been right and that kind of dates back to what what happened that night
16:05Yeah, mr. D. Appreciate it. I I sort of look we're just guessing here
16:10The Warriors have publicly stated and and so has Steph that he is quote fine that he is fine physically
16:17This was about a mental reset that was necessary
16:20Steve thinks that when you see him make bad decisions, that means there's an emotional wellness kind of a thing going on
16:26Needs to just chill for a second and take a game off. Okay, that's fine
16:32but if I were to guess
16:35There are some physical aspects to this as well
16:38I mean Steph also said yeah backs been bothering me a little bit and then you've brought up
16:43That if you go back on the timing of what's been going on with his knee
16:48Yeah, and and whether whatever they did just sort of put a band-aid on that a number of weeks ago
16:54Probably more than a band-aid. Yeah, but you get what I'm saying
16:56I do probably time for for for another one. Yeah, you know what? I mean DJ Khaled. Okay another one
17:04Yeah, it's time. No doubt
17:06and I mean you get to that point in the year where you get down the stretch and sure no matter what is ailing you
17:12You get to mid-march late March and you're in a fight for a playoff seed
17:17you're gonna do whatever you can to get right and part of that might be taking a game off and so last night was a
17:23game where
17:25Rick celebrating the doctor probably thought that it was best that he he rest and so that's it Steph
17:31You don't get to play and I wonder about Thursday. We'll ask Steve Kerr coming up here in about 10 minutes about
17:36Steph Curry, how's he doing? I mean, do you think that he is trending toward playing?
17:42How's the back was it rest?
17:44I mean we can ask it a number of different ways and he's gonna answer it the same way, which is questionable
17:50Well, yeah, you know, we have to see how he is when we get back tomorrow and you know stay
17:54I'm happy to have him on the bench yesterday and it was kind of fun to watch Steve and Steph during timeouts like
18:01having conversations about what's going on and you know, Steph obviously was offering input and just to see Steph as a
18:09Coach in that that mode. It was kind of fun to see. Yeah, I mean in the streets. Sure, but like I mean
18:16The way Steve said it after the game again. I don't think he's gonna break any news here on the show
18:22Maybe he will but the way he said it after the game
18:26Leads us down the road that Steph should be back tomorrow night. Yeah, you would figure this should be Steph's fine
18:31Steph needed a mental
18:34Reset got it. I think it'd be weird for the Warriors to come out and say doing it again doing it again against Toronto
18:41Well, then it would have to be an actual injury, you know
18:45And it was listed as rest and part of it was listed as his back
18:48But you know, you can't list somebody with a rest ailment two times in a row. Yeah, I don't like that
18:55Yeah, no, they'll find you. Yeah