• last month
00:00Check this out. Yeah, this is fresh Twitter right here. We got some fresh tweets got fresh Twitter
00:05We got fresh warrior Twitter fresh X, okay
00:09And this is coming from somebody speaking of being out of your sound like a hater
00:13Kevin O'Connor of Yahoo has been the number one
00:17NBA media voice who's been like the Warriors are dust dude blow this thing up. This is stupid. He literally tweeted
00:25like two hours ago
00:28Kevin Durant is wise to not want to return to Golden State
00:32Steph and Draymond are on the decline their young players show little promise. They have limited assets. It's over
00:39I don't know the man and his reporting seems pretty solid, but his Twitter bugs me
00:44He'll needle now you go. We go poke you know and he did with that tweet, okay?
00:49Well also now he's got we got fresh O'Connor. We got fresh O'Connor, but it's of a very different tone
00:54you heard
00:58Reporters say they literally thought last night and Sam Amek said this
01:03they thought last night the Durant to the Warriors thing was about was about to land and
01:09Then it didn't
01:11Here's what Kevin O'Connor tweeted 10 minutes ago
01:14Jimmy Butler to Golden State is
01:17about as loud in NBA circles as
01:22Kevin Durant to Golden State was yesterday at this same time
01:27We'll see if the Warriors and heat can actually reach the finish line on this one though
01:33So many thought that Durant the Warriors was about to hit last night. It didn't
01:40Kevin O'Connor is saying that many believe that Jimmy Butler to Golden State is at that same first and goal right now
01:49Do not leave 95 7 the game
01:51I'm telling you this I'm not saying it'll land
01:55But it could land it could land in 60 seconds it could in while I'm reacting to that
01:59Why don't you refresh the warrior injury report to see if anybody has popped up as a good one probable questionable or even out?
02:07Because Grandy played the rejoin hi
02:10this is Andrew Wiggins, and I do think that he would have to be the centerpiece of a deal and
02:15Grandy and this news and this fresh tweet made me go back to the trade machine and
02:21Wiggins Schroeder and GP to for Jimmy Butler it works in the NBA trade machine from a salary standpoint
02:28fresh injury report
02:31Continues to keep Draymond and Andrew Wiggins as probable, but we are told they are available tonight
02:38So they will play Andrew Wiggins and Draymond Green are available for the Warriors tonight in Utah tip time six o'clock Pacific Standard
02:45so we've got another hour and minutes if something happens between now and then all of a sudden Andrew Wiggins or Draymond theoretically would
02:53pop up as out or
02:55heck it could even be a
02:57DNP coach's decision it would be really awkward if you know Wiggins got subbed out of the game and
03:03Kerr brought him over and put his arm around him and just said
03:07Locker room street clothes. Yeah, you go. I don't you know what I'll tell you why I don't think that
03:12That's even a thing in this one
03:14Obviously, yes, Miami would want Andrew Wiggins to play
03:19But this particular case
03:21I would not think that even an ankle sprain would be preventative to this kind of a deal
03:27Miami has got to get rid of Jimmy Butler
03:31Like that to me from two months now
03:34That's been something that is already like decided they can't keep him and I know you've said it in and I agree with you
03:42Like yes, they're allowed to yeah, they could play that but I don't think that that card makes any sense for them at all
03:50It doesn't but so you're talking about Pat Riley and a guy who you're right. He's not used to
03:57Taking losses of this magnitude and this is one where they've already suspended him three times
04:01So I do believe if this trade happens
04:04It's gonna happen not out of Miami's desperation or out of their consternation
04:10It's gonna be because Miami thinks it's getting a good deal. Well, maybe but again like I'm with you
04:17Pat Riley is gonna drive a hard bargain and he could be very stubborn in all of this
04:21But I also just don't think that that's the path they're going to choose
04:24It's not the best path for them
04:26And so Andrew Wiggins is not an expiring contract if you want Andrew Wiggins
04:31You're still gonna want Andrew Wiggins even if he kind of tweaks an ankle tonight, that's fair
04:35Do you know what I mean?
04:36You're gonna want him for the next three seasons
04:38Potentially you got him for next year and then it's a player option for 30 million and as we've seen with Andrew Wiggins
04:44Last time around he signed a four-year 109 million dollar deal
04:48That's not a lot for a player of his ilk not at all
04:52That's twenty five point five average annual and it's a lot better than what you're getting right now out of your other wing
04:58Which is a big old heap and pile and nothing and a migraine headache for forty eight point eight million
05:04And he's got a player option for 50-plus that he says he won't exercise but I don't know I'm still out on it
05:11So so am I like let's go down that road for a second
05:14And then we'll go back to the phones at eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seventy you and I both said it
05:18I think we're in agreement. I am out on all things Jimmy Butler, but here's what I will say about it
05:23I do understand the thought process here. I
05:27Understand the thought process if and what was the deal you came up with you're talking Wiggins
05:32Schroeder Schroeder and GP GP to probably or loony. Let's say it's that yeah, okay, and that works and
05:41Jimmy is telling you I'm not signing an extension
05:44so would you do that deal even if Jimmy leaves in two and a half months and
05:49Here's to me. I think maybe would be the thought process of the Warriors is
05:54let's take that chance and
05:57Let's stir the pot this year see if that takes us somewhere
06:01And if it doesn't and we lose Jimmy at the end of the year you're essentially turning Andrew Wiggins into an expiring contract
06:09Which is not the worst thing in the world because you already know right now as much as you love Andrew. It's not working
06:16It's not working. You got a shuffle the deck so like holding on to Andrew Wiggins
06:22So that you can I don't know what later on in his contract is probably not that attractive everybody loves Andrew
06:28But it's not working. I don't think you can look at it not working and point to Andrew
06:33No, I've been probably your second best player all year. I don't mean to point it at him. I just mean this collection
06:39It's not enough so either
06:42Turn it into Jimmy and maybe that works and if it doesn't well you turn it into something else and instead you would have open
06:48Money in the offseason as opposed to and you're gonna have open money anyway because all these guys are coming off the books
06:54You have even more. It's a little bit more. It's instead of having
06:5840 million you'd have 48 with Jimmy assuming he opts out, and I'm not sold that he would opt out
07:04I'm just not I'm not interested in getting in the Jimmy Butler business
07:08And if you just stand Pat you have Schroeder at 13 coming off Gary Payton at 9
07:13Looney at 8 that's 30 million right there coming is 7 million comes off the books whether you sign them or not
07:19That's 37 million Lindy Waters at 2 you're at 40 million dollars coming off the books
07:25So you're gonna have room and if you want to trade
07:28Wiggins or if you want to have this not work you have pieces you can trade in the offseason
07:33I mean I listen again. I'm largely with you
07:37Yeah, but I if that's their thought process I can at least understand where they're coming from
07:42a year ago this time they were asking anybody to just take Andrew Wiggins and
07:48And here they are now where he's playing a whole lot better
07:51But I don't think that they're suddenly in the business of like that's our future
07:55Like it's it's not enough
07:57And so if you turn it into what would essentially be 28 more million dollars of free space next year
08:05That's not the worst thing that could happen. That's all I'm saying. It's not perfect
08:10yeah, and I don't think I think Jimmy Butler is not the answer, but I
08:16Get where they're coming from because what they've clearly told us for the last number of weeks is what we do know is that this doesn't
08:23Work this that we have right now does not work
08:26Yes, and ohm young misook who joined us earlier first time. I said I was trying to get it, right
08:32You were nailing it all interview
08:33He mentioned that Jimmy usually when he goes to a new team
08:37Crushes it for the first stint yeah, and then blows it up and call him Jimmy baller
08:41Yeah, which I thought was a great name and Jimmy buckets the unofficial
08:45But if he can come here and crush it for two months
08:48Maybe you do jump up to a seven or an eight seed and it has some impact
08:52But it just scares me bringing in a guy who has proved to be volatile before I totally get that also
08:59I I really do I I would not do this
09:03But in the current state of affairs the thought process is not completely lost on me
09:09That's the way I would say it JG in Sunnyvale next up on Willard and dibs. Thank you so much for the call JG. What's up?
09:17Fellas thanks for taking the call look check it out the doves are on the outside looking in for free agency
09:25Katie Jimmy Butler said they don't want to come here
09:28Whether it's Laker her frame on curry
09:32Relationships do matter especially what we saw with the Lakers Mavs trade
09:37look her seem to predict and tell does fans and all of us they may or may not make a move and
09:44You know we're gonna get J. Take JK back soon, and let's see what we got
09:48but doesn't seem to be like what's left out there in the free agent pool is
09:54Is gonna
09:55boost us up to a championship level team unless we're willing to give up way too much for the future and
10:02Or for the short term for this curry timeline right so to me
10:07Brandon Ingram VI is the next quote-unquote best option
10:12Depending on what the ask or return is but it just doesn't seem like if guys don't want to come here
10:18Let's not force the issue. Let's accept where we are at and
10:21Maybe we need to let go dream on, but I just want to know what y'all think thank you for taking the call
10:27Yeah, it's not goodbye. See you later. Okay. Good
10:31Talk to you later
10:32Look, I guess the only way I can try to answer that is is sort of like what we know about the warrior organization
10:39And this whole idea of hey if it's if guys don't want to come here
10:45Then you just got to sort of accept that and move forward. That's not Joe Lakem
10:51Joe Lakem does not strike me as the just accept it just accept that you're not the best
10:58That's just not his trait man, and and and I can I get that part of it, so
11:05I don't think he's gonna do that. I don't think he feels that way that this is not a good destination
11:10I don't think it's the destination that he thinks it is
11:14But he's running the show and then as far as the Brandon Ingram thing that to me
11:19That's the move that would reek of desperation not because I don't like Brandon Ingram
11:24But because I know the Warriors have never liked Brandon Ingram
11:28Like all we've heard for a year and a half is everyone thinks that's a bad fit
11:31So if they suddenly make that deal that feels to me like something that would just be to appease the fans, right?
11:37And I do think that his
11:39Contract is a lot bigger and a lot longer
11:41Is he expiring this year Brandon Ingram does he have one more year grand? He had one more. Yeah, I'll look it up
11:47But I got I mean
11:48It's it's a guy who's been so far off the radar that I've kind of tuned it out as far as you know
11:53What what it would take to get him because I do think that it's it's a bad fit in terms of
11:59Personality in the rest and now he is expiring. So they have 36 million firing
12:03So, you know in another way, maybe that's the other attractive if the Warriors do get in on Brandon Ingram
12:08Maybe that's part of it is again turning Wiggins and then
12:12Subsequently Brandon into being an expiring deal, right?
12:15And I mean if you can buy low and it turns out to just be Schroeder and Wiggins
12:19For Brandon Ingram see if that works and yeah, that one would work would work Warriors get 15 wins worse
12:26New Orleans gets 12 wins worse
12:28But I love the deals where everybody just a whole injure analysis and you know
12:33I think it's based on the the performance index that he comes up with but yeah, that's a lose-lose mark
12:38Yeah, I mean I would rather have Wiggins the name Ingram. Absolutely
12:43especially because you'd have
12:45Wiggins for another year and then a player option and you know, he fits Brandon Ingram probably more talented
12:52But this is what's interesting when you use that word though when you say we know Wiggins fits
12:57That's based on our love for him and based on the history
13:01We've seen with him and three years ago and all of that the Warriors might argue. How can you say he fits?
13:08You're asking him to be your second best player right now, and we kind of stink
13:14So does it fit?
13:16It's not enough right enough, but he fits. Well, you know that he plays the way that you need him to play
13:22Right. I don't know if Brandon Ingram plays the way you would want your you know, stretch three to play
13:28Yeah, well, I mean everybody has admitted the Warriors are in a tough spot. There's no perfect answer
13:32So that's kind of that's kind of what they're dealing with
13:35again, it's
13:37It's Kevin O'Connor who says that the Jimmy to the Warriors talk is at a very very loud pitch as we speak
13:45So keep it locked right here. Something could go down at any minute. There's also a warrior game in just over an hour
13:51Let's go to Dave and Fresno. Hi Dave, we appreciate your call
13:57Appreciate you guys doing me on I think a question that needs to be answered
14:02With all this trade talk with the Warriors is you know, there's that argument that you don't want to trade
14:09Assets and picks and you know players young players, but I think a question needs to be answered is
14:15With the coach that we have now and Steve Kerr
14:18Does he want to deal with those assets and those players and these you know, lottery picks that could could become
14:25I think with this track record
14:27I think he feels more comfortable with the veteran rosters similar to his protege Phil Jackson
14:33And I think with how they've handled Kaminga pause and Moody like I myself
14:39Have a little concern with that direction with him as the coach, which is not me questioning as a head coach
14:45I'm just saying with the track record. I don't know if that's what he wants to do
14:51I think the notion of getting a Jimmy Butler or KD that kind of fits what this mold wants to do
14:58And is he here just to be with Steph and Draymond or is he here? Hey, I'm here to go past that
15:05As an organization they need to figure out hey, well, we're gonna build for the future
15:09I think a question need to answer as well. Do we have that coach for that future?
15:14So but Dave what it what if I said to you?
15:18They know they do not feel Steve Kerr is the coach for the future
15:22they do feel that that Steve is just going to align with Steph and Draymond and
15:27That whether the fans agree or not, they're they're not thinking about the future. They're still trying to live the now with those three personalities
15:34What would you say to that?
15:37And that's I kind of
15:39That's what I see, too
15:41Yeah, but the thing is we can we cannot trade now and do the song and dance in the summer next year
15:46I mean if if we have nothing to offer, you know
15:50We kind of got a showcase these guys and we have a little bit doing that, you know, I think I think
15:56We yeah, we can wait to the summer
15:58But if nobody wants to come at some point you that might be your only option
16:02So again, that's the question I need to be answered
16:06I think having the rent made most sense with the situation they are in now or another veteran player
16:12So yeah, I I do think they need to make a trade with this current head coach and obviously with Steph Curry and Draymond
16:18I think having Draymond. I don't know if that plays a role. Maybe you know people are hesitant because he's still here
16:26But you know again, but to me that's something I need to be considered Dave. Thanks. Yeah, it's an
16:32Interesting call and I think part of the pickle that the that the Warriors are in right now
16:38It's all about timing and in many ways over the last couple years
16:41The timing is not all messed up, right?
16:44and the timing change when you want a title a few years ago because now you're chasing one for the thumb and
16:50The development of your young players was altered by the fact that Wiseman was dealt and pool got popped
16:56And so the two timelines kind of blew up and yet here you are not ready to totally turn the page
17:01You're still holding on to to the dream of making one last run with Steph