• last month
00:00and there's no way in hell any of us thought that monday would look like this
00:04no chance
00:05and so my first observation is this
00:09what happened
00:10to all of you who were worried about the future
00:14where did you go
00:16by the way
00:18i am on team now
00:22not team future and you have been on team now absolutely and i've been on
00:25team future and i can honestly say
00:28i'm less uh... on board with team future
00:31i'm not saying f them pics and ship out kaminga
00:35but i'm less interested in
00:38incremental move and you guys did a four hour cam johnson and i was in and out
00:42doing my thing over the
00:43the past week where i had a lot of personal stuff to deal with but by
00:47friday was like okay
00:48i can clear my head i can tune in
00:51i heard your tease during the crossover
00:54grandi and i have our sights on the same guy grady had a powerpoint
00:58he had a powerpoint presentation it was powerful it was uh... and i actually
01:02missed the next segment but
01:03i caught up to it later and i was like you know what
01:06i can only imagine what that powerpoint presentation was and i know it was
01:10and solid because that's grandy
01:13here we are three days later
01:15and you can go ahead and take your powerpoint
01:17tuck it away
01:18and all your voodoo bitch and all your other incremental moves
01:22let's go big game my brother
01:24there's something in between big game and incremental i mean we're talking
01:27about players who average just around twenty points a game i don't want to
01:32re-adjudicate friday's show but
01:34what you're saying is true like
01:36after what happened with the kings and spurs and the lakers in dallas it feels
01:40now like
01:41more warrior fans than ever are saying
01:44f them pics yes let's do whatever we can to bring in
01:47fill in the blank welcome to the week of february third twenty twenty five
01:51there's no room for rational
01:54there's no room
01:55i'm sorry
01:56it's often the role that i try to play here it's gone there's no room for it
01:59this week
02:00we're not doing rational
02:02and i would actually support that in this particular case
02:06i think we've finally come to a head
02:08with the
02:09uh... quite frankly seasons long debate that warrior fans have been having
02:15two timelines now versus the future it's over all of the stuff
02:19that that that we've been talking about
02:22for months and months and months and months
02:24is is absolutely out the window
02:26and it should be
02:28and that doesn't mean i want to be irresponsible
02:30it doesn't mean
02:31just make trades at all costs all the things that everyone's been talking
02:34about but here's what it does mean
02:37franchises that constantly talk about the future are crappy franchises
02:42i've watched it in multiple sports it's all over the place
02:45san diego padres did this for thirty years
02:48they kept telling their organization and their fan base just wait
02:52wait till you see this dude that's coming
02:54and now unfortunately there's pieces of this happening
02:57across the parking lot from the warriors
02:59rice eldridge
03:00he's twenty
03:01wait till you see him
03:02well i did this for five years already and guess what marco luciano can't pick
03:07up a ball
03:07so i really don't want to do this again
03:10the bottom line is this
03:16if you are a good organization
03:19it's not about rational it's not about whether or not it'll be perfect in a
03:23little work in a little win a championship
03:25we're doing entertainment here
03:27this league for crying out loud has become a bigger deal in the off season
03:31than it does in the regular side he had a great line earlier where he's like
03:35man all this
03:36trade talk has been better than the game of course it is better than the game
03:40it's not even close how sad is that it's a blowout
03:44this is the nba's best weekend in three years and none of it had to do with a
03:51i had one person tweet me hey how's mark's ten game prediction going
03:55and i was like oh my god that actually is still going on it's going pretty good
03:59i'll look it up later but the record is correct i think we've
04:02missed two games one in each direction but the point is like the very fact that
04:06one person was like hey how about that on court product meanwhile
04:11it's like peer-to-peer trade machine in all these you know stars flying
04:15everywhere so i guess i'm asking you
04:18what do you think
04:19in this new landscape of
04:22the warriors and everything's going on like who you want them to go out and not
04:26be reckless for
04:27but is it
04:28is it just kd well uh... that's that's a nice one i'd like that i'm gonna resist
04:33the urge to answer that the way i think a lot of people will answer don't resist
04:37just dive in because i don't feel that way
04:40but i think the number one answer on the board of replying family feud
04:44when you said who do you want to go get
04:46most warrior fans today
04:48will do a mark grandy and they'll say
04:52just do something
04:54but i don't think that's it
04:55that doesn't do anything for me
04:57but i will
04:58at least say this
05:00they do have
05:01to do something
05:04to do something
05:05and that unfortunately for the warriors
05:07is a weak position
05:09that is a weak position to be in
05:11when the whole world knows that you have to do something it's why the luca thing
05:15was brilliant
05:16if they had gotten a better package
05:18because they went out and did this in the dark of night nobody knew that they
05:21had to do it they didn't have to do it but they did it
05:24that's a powerful position that's a leverage play
05:27the warriors are now like
05:28choms is sending things out that make the warriors sound like the guy at the
05:32bar at one fifty five a.m.
05:34the warriors have called every team who has a good player
05:37they call them all
05:39anybody want to come be a warrior that's a terrible look
05:43that's a terrible look if i'm lakob and dunleavy and crew i'm calling choms
05:47right now stop
05:49no i'm not well you can't stop the story if twenty nine of the gm's are like if
05:53choms calls a gm and says well yeah they've called but don't do that and you call all these gm's
05:57but don't call all the gm's well you have to call all the gm's you don't have to call all the gm's
06:01you could just sit tight and be forty one and forty one and be the eleventh seed and then
06:05off to the lottery for the second straight year i'm not saying sit tight i don't want to sit tight
06:10but don't just start
06:12hucking stuff like
06:13throwing a net out into the ocean and being like let's get some players
06:17let's see who we get whatever doesn't matter
06:20it's almost like video games right now where you like
06:23you know click on the little package that you won to see who you get you don't even
06:26know who you got
06:28like are we really doing that
06:30do you really want the answer to be anyone i don't
06:33kevin durant is a good answer
06:35jimmy butler is not
06:37i do not want jimmy butler
06:39i know if you can so you ask me who do i want
06:42i'd like i can
06:43give me the list i'll say yes or no durant that's a yes sure yanis that's a yes
06:48cam johnson that's a yes
06:50paul george no let's go with the big fish cam johnson sure and vucevic great
06:55i mean those to me are
06:56tier two
06:57probably not tier three i don't want to disrespect them in case they're future
07:00warriors but
07:01let's deal with the tier one guys
07:03who might be available we mentioned earlier
07:06jokic no
07:07gildas alexander no donovan mitchell no
07:10there's a certain number of guys who are
07:12no's like tyrese maxey i don't think that they would trade him
07:17as you go through the league
07:18there are probably
07:19in light of the luca bombshell
07:22you went from maybe twenty four untouchables down to about six or eight
07:26which is what makes this so dramatic but
07:28the big ones are
07:29jimmy butler paul george and kevin durant let's just start with those
07:33three kevin durant
07:35paul george is a no
07:37butler out
07:38bradley biel out
07:40uh... i mean who might who might miss a lot of the uh... i'm i'm again going to
07:44point to the fact that there might be a people available we don't know where
07:48available but i'm thinking about the big like the big big name if you want to
07:52call philadelphia and this will make you barf in your mouth a little bit
07:55if it if the deal is a no
07:58not for me it's not for joel andy let's go out come on i thought you just sat
08:02here and said well lucas gonna play now
08:05well maybe i mean what to
08:07yes for now
08:08but all i mean i think that he has a real injuries i believe that luca had a
08:13i don't want to be here anymore injury i don't know if we have the ability as
08:18nba fans anymore to worry about who's gonna play cuz none of them do
08:22there's nobody who doesn't have injury concerns yet
08:25anthony davis goes one way luca goes the other neither one of them were
08:30they were playing
08:31zach levine got traded he's not playing
08:34we're getting notifications on our phone every five minutes right now of guys
08:40dame lillard is out
08:41he out out out and beat he's out paul george out there all out dream on these
08:47they're all out
08:49so i'm not worried about that right now i can't be
08:52because it's just
08:53take your pick
08:54right all out and out doesn't necessarily mean you're hurt
08:58unless you're like coming up he's hurt he's been out for five weeks he's
09:02actually out dream on
09:03was out but
09:05you look at the the salary list in
09:07you got and be in durant and bradley beall
09:09i don't think the jaylen brown or call it the towns or booker no
09:13i mean paul george and kawaii are making forty nine you want either one of them
09:18jimmy butler we know it's going to be on the moon i'll give you i'll give you a
09:21list of names that would interest me
09:24and these are players who
09:26have been reported as available
09:28others who have been reported as maybe
09:30and those who have not been reported at all
09:33i would be interested in kevin durant
09:36i would be interested in
09:39joe l m b
09:41i would be interested in yannis attend to compo yet
09:45uh... i would be interested in anthony davis
09:51still absolutely nothing like a quick retrain i don't know what the hell's
09:55going on there anyway right i don't know what the hell you were doing in the
09:58first place so why not call he's gonna play the four
10:00which uh... you know unlike that i would i would not like the frontcourt i would
10:04call i would call dallas i'll tell you
10:06and i don't know if this
10:08i would call sacramento and ask about the rosen
10:13he was on a podcast last week being like a fox is out i want to stay here
10:17well the reports were he and uh... levine actually got along very well when
10:21they both were in chicago great great i i'm also done with like well the reports
10:26because luca got traded and there were no reports no reports you know what i
10:31so like
10:34that's probably
10:35that's probably my list
10:38i'm just scanning scanning scanning it's a bonus in sacramento
10:43i don't think everyone wants a big man right but i don't think
10:46i'm i'm guessing he's not available right
10:48guessing he's not available
10:50so what nowadays and after what happened this weekend i made a whole idea of not
10:55available i do think has been thrown into a
10:58wild state of unknown you're right
11:01you you are absolutely right so sure call minnesota about anthony edwards
11:05like devin booker is probably unavailable
11:08well he's he's got to be the cornerstone of whatever it is they're doing next
11:12and and and the phoenix suns are perfect target
11:15because quite frankly
11:17they are now reported and of course who cares about the reports
11:21but at least the rumors are out there that they're getting ready to do
11:24what you and i like we have this conversation last off season i tried to tell you that
11:28the suns were up a creek
11:30and remember they doubled down they're like
11:31had a press conference to like kiss kevin durant's butt
11:34and then they went and got tyus jones and they're like see now we've got our point
11:38guard well now you're again you're again around five hundred
11:41you're trying to acquire jimmy butler you've turned bradley beal into a
11:45and the rumors are back
11:46and you should trade kevin durant for a bunch of draft capital
11:50what you should have done in the off season
11:52as you probably would have gotten more draft capital than you're gonna get now
11:56but you should do that because what you're doing doesn't work
11:59and it's time to reset because you are financially the most top-heavy team in
12:03the entire nba
12:05it's realistic
12:06i thought it was realistic in the off season
12:09didn't work out
12:10that would be target one for me right now absolutely yet
12:13the warriors would be an amazing show
12:16i don't know how well it would work but they'd be an amazing show and i wonder if
12:19you wouldn't have to include draymond green in that
12:22in order to make kevin durant feel like he wants to be here
12:26uh... that's a good question
12:29it's good to be back but i don't
12:31i don't know if we're making an assumption there at least it's a wild
12:35assumption i don't know that it's true i don't know i don't either