• last month
00:00Dibs your I find your take fascinating. Um, I find your lack of yes disturbed
00:06No, I'm just trying to shed the label of naysayer
00:09So from now on it's all like we can do it palm palm radio from here on out. I never called you a naysayer
00:16Uh, I called you this mister. God dismisser. Yeah, exactly if you would lose the dismisser now
00:23Lean into work and you'll see that this is almost like your superhero name
00:27It's a character. It's not it's not
00:33To a title the
00:35Dismisser like you could get one of them tight undershirts on with the big letter D or your initials if you want it to say
00:40D D you could do that. Duh dismisser
00:43Well, who's the dismisser now? Uh, not me. That would be you
00:47I'm the one out here carving a path and you're like
00:51No with verbal bullets, I'm I'm simply telling you that while I can't
00:57Dismiss it. Oh, yeah. I'm also not there yet, but I want you to hear what I'm actually
01:04Saying here what my take it's not even about whether the Warriors can win a title or not. I just think you've all been Draymond
01:12That's all I don't think that it like Draymond green
01:16Listen to what he said and these are the guys Evan and Fancy Pants
01:21Grandi and and Lucas you guys were all over Thrive City and Chase Center all weekend long and Draymond said this
01:28Everywhere he went he's saying it to season ticket holders
01:32Not just on TNT that tells me it's premeditated. You know what it is dibs. It's premeditation sensation
01:42Draymond green is the Players Union rep of Stephen a Smith University and he is very
01:50very very
01:52very good at
01:54Knowing how to say something that is going to get attention
01:59That is going to get him a lot of reps and a lot of run and a lot of play
02:05Again, and I'm trying to say this without calling him completely inauthentic because I don't think he is
02:11I don't think Draymond green is sitting there going
02:14I'm just gonna make something up out of my wahoo and throw it out there
02:18But the fact that he was so firm with this in so many different places
02:22Tells me that he practiced this in the bathroom mirror in the morning not because you don't think he believes it. I mean I
02:31Mean does he believe it does he believe it that they can I think they're going to win the I think that no
02:37No, I don't think he believes they're going to do you think that he believes?
02:40They could or they they can or that they might I think I think people like that always think that way
02:46Like it I like in that to the fact that you could go to eight different point guards in the league and they'll all tell
02:52You they're the best point guard in the world
02:54They believe these things about themselves because they've achieved such an insane level guys way for titles, right?
03:00Well, what I mean, how can you so, you know when Steph and Draymond dap each other up last year after they lost and they went
03:08We ain't done. Remember that famous moment? Yeah, they talked about do they believe that?
03:13Yes, I think that they've learned how to almost force themselves to believe that but if you're asking me do I think that Draymond green?
03:21Literally thinks oh, well, yeah, I think that we're gonna win a championship like I truly
03:28Mathematically believe that we're the best team in the league. No, I don't think that I don't think that I think he thinks that sure
03:34Like you're saying there's a path there. They they are great players. They're all getting up there in age
03:39I think they think that they're better than they were two weeks ago. And therefore that gives you a little adrenaline boost
03:46They're encouraged by what they've seen
03:48I think all of that then you tuck it into somebody who really knows how to get a microphone and get people going and
03:54That's what you get. You get all of the things he said rising stars. People shouldn't be on the floor. This game is boring
04:01We're gonna win a championship
04:03The Warriors offered me the coaching job like this guy like you couldn't go seven minutes without a quote from Draymond green
04:09That was like newsworthy. Yeah, he's a machine. Yeah, he's a machine
04:13I think he knows what people will lap up and you know
04:16We're certainly eating this up and you know
04:18I heard it the first time and I thought that's just Draymond green hubris and I thought more about it
04:23And yeah, you could win a championship
04:26And I know that I just rolled off the fan duel odds at 65 to 1 which tells me that it's very very very
04:33Long shot that they actually win it
04:35but I looked back at
04:372022 and all the things that kind of broke their way and the teams that they beat and the teams that got knocked out of
04:43Their way and the way that whole thing
04:45Evolved and you had Andrew Wiggins play his best basketball of his career
04:49So I'm not just gonna say well
04:51You got lucky because other teams weren't there in front of you and jaw got heard and all the rest of it
04:57you went out there and you beat good teams and you had a cushion at 41 and 14 and you had a
05:02Rested team going into the playoffs. So if I look at this year, you're not going to be rested
05:08Let's just say they get to the six seed and you wind up this year
05:11You finish up the rest of the 27 games and you go 20 and 7 and you wind up 48 and 34 and you get the six
05:19You're probably gonna have to play Steph Draymond and
05:22Jimmy Butler a lot and coming it comes back and he plays and everybody plays and you all play and you don't get rest and
05:29You know what you catch your breath and you're the six seed
05:32Okay. Now what now you have to go in and beat Houston Denver
05:38Boston or Cleveland you have to beat three or four really good teams younger teams
05:43Teams that have been better than you all regular season now
05:47Can you catch a break along the way sure can a team that's a bad matchup get knocked out before you face them
05:54Absolutely. So that's all I'm saying is there is a path where you could get even if you get the seven seed
06:00You win the play in you're the seven and maybe Memphis is the two. Well, I like your chances against Memphis
06:06Okay, like I can buy that too. Like again, I'm not I'm not saying that none of that makes sense
06:10I guess the part of the comparison that gets me and by the way
06:14We'd always always love to to hear from you 8 at 8 9 5 7 9 5 70 and later on in the show
06:20We're gonna do our 49ers offseason special
06:22Jason Locke Confora and more are gonna join us on on the show in the second half
06:27We've got some real things to dive into there. But yeah, let's keep it Warriors right now
06:31When you heard Draymond say that at the all-star game
06:34Are you buying this like Draymond Green says and we'll play it for you in a sec. But yeah, we're
06:40We're gonna win a championship. Are you buying this on any level?
06:44And you can take that car that question two different ways meaning. Are you buying that the Warriors are actually still a contender?
06:50Are you buying that Draymond believes what he's saying?
06:54So 8 at 8 9 5 7 9 5 70 where I get tripped up on the comp
06:59Between now and 2022 is not even the part that you're sort of focusing on which is that the Warriors
07:07Whatever word you want to use did he get some breaks these things kind of fell in an accessible way?
07:12I'll buy all of that what I guess what I'm missing is the idea that this team is as good as that team
07:20maybe maybe they'll end up being that but the three years older and
07:25This this new look warrior team that we're all excited about. I am too, but it's been four games
07:31Yeah, yeah for gay and no coming yet. I get right so like that's all I'm saying is like I will get
07:38You know this about me I will get more excited than everybody else if
07:4414 games down the road
07:4724 games down the road
07:48We're seeing a 750 winning percentage like they have right now
07:53With Jimmy Butler if you start doing something like that and it stretches for 10 20
07:58I know there's only 27 games left. Yep. Well now sure sure. I'm just not I I'm just not there yet
08:06That like I know
08:08Everybody's in the honeymoon phase. I get it awesome, and I'm not they're not there that team
08:12That was a really good basketball team three years ago
08:15it was a good team and
08:16it was made better by the fact that you had peak Wiggins and you had
08:20the last of the best of Jordan pool is a Golden State Warrior and you look at what he did in the playoffs early in
08:26the playoffs and
08:27Evan was right Jordan pool against Dallas was awesome, and he he carried you through that series and against Boston. He wasn't as
08:34Impactful, but now you've got Wiggins
08:37I'm sorry
08:37You've got Kaminga in his fourth year and coming is better than he was Moody's better than he was and yeah
08:43You could say that Steph is not quite as good Draymond the same Jimmy Butler
08:47We don't yet know the Stars might have come down a little bit
08:51But your supporting cast is better and all I'm saying is that there is a path
08:55Where you get to seven or you get to six and you get the right matchup?
08:59I don't think that when you face Memphis for example, who is the two-seed right now? I don't think Memphis scares you
09:06I don't think Houston scares you for me if I'm looking at the Western Conference
09:12Denver and the Lakers those are the teams that scare me the most sure and there's no way you're getting through the Western Conference without
09:18Facing at least one of them at least one of our leaves and again
09:21That's my point of possibly to a path
09:24For me the path if you go and you're the seven and you face Memphis and you beat Memphis and
09:31Then you have to go up against maybe Houston beats the Lakers which the Lakers would be favored in a 4-5
09:36But just work with me here if your path is Memphis
09:43OKC and then Cleveland that to me and it's a little bit of a dream path
09:49But that's hard that sounds real like I get what you're saying sounds hard
09:53It's not hard, but it's not as hard as if you had to go
09:57Lakers Denver OKC Boston sure all by that, you know all by that
10:02But like sometimes I think we look at teams in the NBA and we go they haven't done it before so that means they can't
10:08And I'm like, yeah, I mean they can't
10:10I just think that when you like the other you just mentioned some teams that right there that are like
10:15Clearly better than the Warriors
10:17Like I don't think that Memphis is clearly better. Okay. See is more
10:21Yeah, for sure is better than the Warriors. No doubt, you know, the Warriors have beaten him twice this year
10:25Yeah, but like also, okay see, you know, we're all like where's getting coming back?
10:29Okay, see just got their supposed second-best player back
10:34Even out almost the whole year because I'm hungry because of Andrew Wiggins. Well, it was his
10:38Yeah, it wasn't Wiggins fault. I'm just saying it was against the Warriors that he got knocked out
10:43They've decided to go 44 in 10 largely without him. Yep. Now he's back like
10:50Just because okay. See he's never done it before and
10:54Cleveland has never done it before those teams are athletic
10:58Monsters sure. I guess the Warriors 35 plus roster. I
11:04Get that's all I'm saying. No, all I'm saying is that
11:08Okay, see would be a team that if I could avoid
11:11Teams in the West it'd be okay. See it would be Denver and to be the Lakers
11:16I think that the Lakers with Luka and LeBron when
11:20Luka is all revved up and ready and LeBron is back actually playing basketball if he decides to do that again
11:26That for me is a tough matchup because you have no answer for either one of those guys
11:30But there is a path where things can break your way and I do think 2022 is a good example that
11:37Memphis no slouch now either Memphis is you know, 36 and 18, right? Good defensive. That was a good team
11:45Good. Yeah, they don't scare. Okay. I think they're saying the same thing about the Warriors
11:51Yeah, I don't think Memphis is like, oh, you know what I mean? Yeah, but you don't want to play the Warriors
11:55I don't like with Jimmy Butler in a general sense. If you're talking about playing a seven seed. Yes, you'd rather
12:01It's not a team that's won four rings and just got a proven playoff performer like Butler
12:06I get that
