• 2 months ago
#Hoshyarian #HaroonRafiq #SaleemAlbela #GogaPasroori #AghaMajid #ArzuuFatima #ComedyShow #Funny #Entertainment

Haroon Rafiq Ka Bhoolne Ki Ahmeiyat Par Zor


00:00Welcome back, viewers.
00:04The thing is, I wanted to say something for a long time
00:08but I don't get a chance.
00:09You take away the conversation in a funny way.
00:12It's a serious matter.
00:13Yes, it's serious.
00:14You can talk about Haroon's serious matter
00:16when you wear a sour coloured jacket.
00:19Yes, it's sour.
00:20You've got it.
00:22It's such a great jacket. What else?
00:24It looks good.
00:25I'm saying this to our fans.
00:28We love them a lot.
00:29We exist because of them.
00:31That's right.
00:32We exist because we have an audience.
00:33If we don't have an audience, we don't exist either.
00:34Who has seen a peacock dancing in the jungle?
00:36Some fans say, let's take a selfie.
00:39When we take a selfie,
00:41the filter is such that I get lipstick on my face.
00:44And my eyelashes are so long.
00:46Even your tongue is coming out.
00:49It's so weird.
00:50Okay, let's get a natural filter for him.
00:52His eyelashes will come out.
00:54Anyway, what I wanted to say is
00:57that God has given a great blessing to humans.
01:00And we often think of that blessing as trouble.
01:02And because we think of it as trouble,
01:04nowadays, students, whether they are in school,
01:08college or university,
01:09they are not being taught that thing.
01:12And they are being misunderstood.
01:14But it's a very good thing.
01:16To forget.
01:18It's very important.
01:20Children are being told to remember everything.
01:23They are being forced to remember.
01:25Memory is a good thing.
01:26But God's blessing is such that
01:28you see, humans face a lot of loss in life.
01:33That's true.
01:33They leave their loved ones.
01:36They leave their elders.
01:37Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children.
01:41So, God has made such a system
01:42that your mental frame is very strong.
01:46So, what does it do?
01:47It starts forgetting things slowly.
01:50Then you remember things with a reference.
01:52Otherwise, you don't.
01:53Think about it.
01:54If all the sorrows and problems
01:57were always on your mind,
02:00and you couldn't forget them,
02:01life would have been so terrible.
02:04So, forgetting children,
02:06and forgetting is selective forgetting.
02:08It's not that you forget everyone.
02:10Selective forgetting.
02:11And unlearning.
02:12The right word for it is how to unlearn.
02:16How to unlearn what you have learned.
02:20The reason is that the brain has a certain capacity.
02:24You say that you are very tired at night.
02:27My brain doesn't have the capacity to talk anymore.
02:30Or to talk seriously.
02:32Or to solve a puzzle.
02:34The brain gets tired.
02:37So, it has a capacity.
02:39So, until we unlearn,
02:41we won't forget the lesson we have learned.
02:43We won't remember a new lesson.
02:45And I see a lot of people
02:48who are stuck in a particular dilemma.
02:50They can't get out of it.
02:52I have friends who are stuck in the same dilemma.
02:55Let me tell you something else.
02:57You must have seen some elders.
02:59They always remember old movies.
03:02They remember old politicians.
03:04They are stuck in the same dilemma.
03:07You must have noticed something else.
03:08The elders, who are older than a certain age,
03:11they repeat the same incident.
03:13Yes, they repeat it.
03:14They repeat it.
03:15They talk about the past.
03:17They talk about the past.
03:20Sir, a man came to Gokhale's father and said,
03:22your son wants to get out of this dilemma.
03:26And Mr. Haroon, all of us sitting here,
03:30if we couldn't forget the negative comments,
03:33we wouldn't have been able to continue the show.
03:34We wouldn't have been able to continue.
03:36There is a difference in the negative comments.
03:40I don't know why, but God puts it in your heart.
03:42You realize that it is constructive.
03:45It is good for you.
03:47Or it is bad for you.
03:48And criticism is bad criticism.
03:50Yes, it is.
03:51There is nothing else.
03:52People are hating you for no reason.
03:54There are such comments.
03:55You are right.
03:56But you forget them.
03:57You move on.
03:59Similarly, my request to the children is that
04:02there should be a class at home, school, college,
04:04university, everywhere,
04:08in which, how to unlearn things.
04:11You see, some people believe in such things
04:14that the science that has been proven is wrong.
04:17But they are not ready to move.
04:20Because there is a fear in the mind.
04:22That if I forget, I have lost my life.
04:25You are an old man.
04:26He is 60 years old.
04:28If you tell him that you have believed in this thing,
04:31science has proven it wrong,
04:33it is not right,
04:34and he will remember that
04:36I promoted it all my youth,
04:38I was very famous for it,
04:40then what should I do?
04:41Should I leave it today?
04:43What will people say to me?
04:44No, it is not like that.
04:46You will become more great.
04:48Has anyone seen such an old man
04:50who says, son, I was wrong?
04:51So unlearning is very important.
04:53Okay, there is a philosophical term, tabula rasa,
04:56which means that a person is born with a clean slate
04:59and then with the experience of life,
05:01he learns.
05:02So tabula rasa or clean slate
05:05should bring a person to every moment of his life.
05:08It will always bring you to a new birth.
05:11You learn new things.
05:12By the way, there is one more thing.
05:15We tell the kids to remember this thing.
05:18There is no class on memory techniques.
05:20It is like that.
05:21There should be two classes.
05:22One is on memory techniques,
05:24in which you explain how to make a mind palace,
05:27how to go to the mind palace,
05:29how to keep memories there,
05:31what to do, all this should be there.
05:33When the thing is in the hand,
05:34the person says,
05:35where have I kept my mobile?
05:38I don't understand.
05:40I am so stuck.
05:41Do you know,
05:42this is not a disease of forgetting,
05:44it is a sign of intelligence.
05:48Look, you…
05:49I don't know where my mobile is.
05:53Okay, this is a sign of intelligence because
05:56often it happens that the thing is not visible.
05:58You must have seen,
05:59God forbid, some people have such an accident
06:01which is so terrible.
06:03After that, when they come to their senses,
06:04they say, I don't remember anything.
06:06Although the accident happened in their senses.
06:09So, the brain deletes it.
06:11Which is a good thing.
06:12This is a good thing.
06:13That it deletes such a big trauma.
06:15So, when your brain starts keeping important things
06:19at the front
06:20and starts playing with unimportant things at the back,
06:24it's a good sign.
06:26That you have better things to think about.
06:28So, that's why this cell phone, watch, keys…
06:31And let me tell you one more thing,
06:32that you go again and again,
06:33that I don't know if I locked the car or not.
06:36This is not stupidity either.
06:39This is also a sign of normalcy.
06:41With the remote,
06:42sometimes, you hear a click.
06:45Then you go and open the car and see.
06:48How did you open the car?
06:50Which car is this?
06:51You haven't seen this car yet.
06:53It's a car for the village youth.
06:56It's a car.
06:57Okay, this is…
06:58The midwife starts crying.
07:01The driver says, I'm not the midwife, I'm the GT Road.
07:04The day after, the boot is open,
07:05and there's a car behind it.
07:06What is he saying?
07:07I don't know, I'm in my prime.
07:09By the way, it's a good thing that
07:11a person forgets his mobile,
07:12forgets his keys.
07:13Thank God, he doesn't forget his kids.
07:15I left my kids somewhere.
07:16No, sir, it happened.
07:18She forgot her Kim Kardashian.
07:19Her kids.
07:20Yes, she forgot her kids at the restaurant.
07:22She came out, said hi to the paps,
07:23got in the car, the car started,
07:25then the car stopped.
07:25People said, she left just now,
07:27why did she come back?
07:28She went inside, then took the kids and left.
07:31No, sir, they forget often.
07:33Whenever Goga's family goes out for an outing,
07:36they forget their car.
07:37They go there and ask, where's Goga?
07:38Then the next person says, he's in the car.
07:41Okay, Mr. Haroon, you know a lot about psychology.
07:45So, whenever I think of mind palace,
07:48or memories and all that,
07:50the visual I get is always like
07:53there's a sea,
07:54and there's a palace in it,
07:57and I'm making my memories in that.
07:59Why is that?
08:00Okay, first of all,
08:03you said I'm not an expert in psychology.
08:05But I can tell you based on what I've read.
08:08First of all, your mind palace,
08:11you don't want to show it to the world.
08:14You take a lot of care of your privacy.
08:17You're taking it deep.
08:19You're actually hiding it in the water.
08:22So, if you want to take something out of the water,
08:26you have to put a lock on it.
08:27It's very difficult to take something out.
08:29So, that's why you're kind of a person
08:32who hides his personal things.
08:35But I would suggest
08:37that if you want to improve your memory,
08:40your mind palace should be your own home.
08:45That will help you remember things better.
08:47You must have seen that even in the dark,
08:50you're walking like this.
08:51You know there's something here.
08:54You're right.
08:55So, you're passing by.
08:56Even in the dark, you're hitting the same button
08:58to turn on the light.
08:59When I'm at home,
09:00even in the dark,
09:02you know there's something there.
09:04I don't even see it in the light.
09:06I always hit the same button.
09:08Believe me, it's the centre table.
09:11So, you keep hitting the same button at home.
09:12I keep hitting the same button at home.
09:13I always hit the same button.
09:15Vicky says,
09:16you're hitting the same button at home.
09:20But you have to forget a few things to live.
09:23Wow. That's very beautiful.
09:25But what about those people
09:26who start reminding us?
09:28They don't say anything.
09:30I ask, who are they?
09:31They say, who are they?
09:32They don't say anything.
09:33They don't give their number.
09:35They don't bathe.
09:36What do you do with such people?
09:37I tell them to tell me their names.
09:39I have so many numbers.
09:42I tell them to forget it.
09:43I don't tell them.
09:44You hang up the phone?
09:46That day, Saleem got up.
09:48He had to take a bath later.
09:51He left the make-up room and went to take a bath.
09:52He got a call.
09:53He heard a voice from the speaker.
09:55He said, what are you doing?
09:58Saleem said, I just took a bath.
10:01He said, are you naked?
10:07Ladies and gentlemen, we'll take a short break.
10:09We'll meet again after the break.
