• 2 months ago
#Hoshyarian #HaroonRafiq #SaleemAlbela #GogaPasroori #AghaMajid #ArzuuFatima #ComedyShow #Funny #Entertainment

Hoshyarian Main Lok Singer Lay Aya Hansi Ka Toofan
00:00Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:02Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:05Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:07Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:10Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:12Oh, oh, oh, scared.
00:14Welcome back, Nazim.
00:15It's been a while.
00:16Four people play with the toy
00:18and you're going to go and say,
00:20Brother Teefay, I had tea made of your name.
00:26Azu, you just need to drink a few drops of syrup.
00:29If you don't want to sleep, then bring a pillow.
00:33Let the audience think that they are sleeping on their own.
00:36They have to walk all the way.
00:37Yes, sir.
00:39I am from Samnawal, Lahore.
00:41My name is Hafiz Muhammad Khubai.
00:43That's a lovely name.
00:44I would like to dedicate a lovely couplet.
00:46Go ahead.
00:47The world is full of people like me.
00:51I have a beautiful face and a beautiful soul.
00:56Very nice.
00:59Very nice.
01:01You have named your area as Samnabad.
01:05I think you are from a very old area.
01:08I have a showroom for cars.
01:11I repair old cars and sell them.
01:13Do you know that VHS cassettes used to come?
01:16The biggest market in Lahore was called Afghani Market.
01:21VHS tapes used to have Indian films.
01:24The subtitles used to be in Arabic.
01:27Sameer Video used to be written in the corner.
01:30It was my first day in college.
01:34It was my first day in the first class.
01:36It was a big college.
01:37It was called Dream College at that time.
01:39It was a government college.
01:41We were a little scared as it was our first day.
01:43There was a boy sitting next to me.
01:47As soon as the lecture started,
01:49we were sitting in a very shy manner.
01:52He said in a loud voice,
01:53Jadu Teri Nazar.
01:57The whole class was shocked.
01:59What have you done?
02:01He was sitting like this.
02:03The teacher asked him what he was doing.
02:05He kept quiet.
02:06Then he started teaching.
02:07Jadu Teri Nazar.
02:09He threw him out.
02:11It was his first day in the first class.
02:13I went out and asked him what he had done.
02:17It was his first day in the first class.
02:19He said that he had done it.
02:21I asked him why he had done it.
02:23He said that he watches Indian movies.
02:24I said yes.
02:25He said that Sameer's video was written in his corner.
02:27I said yes.
02:28He said, I am Sameer.
02:33I am Sameer.
02:34I am Sameer.
02:35There was a place in my childhood
02:37which sounded very strange.
02:39There is a road called Poonch Road.
02:42Where is it?
02:43We are talking about New Jersey.
02:45Where my brother is from.
02:48There is a cold road here.
02:50He has been there all his life.
02:51He doesn't know where he is.
02:54He has sold his house.
02:55But he has to take care of his kids.
02:59He has to take care of his kids.
03:00He is like his husband.
03:05Haroon, where is this dirty engine?
03:07I don't know.
03:08It is here.
03:13It is here.
03:15It is like a bucket.
03:16I am sorry.
03:17It is my weakness.
03:18I had a bad stomach.
03:19I had gas.
03:20I had to go to the toilet.
03:24Greetings, Mr. Haroon.
03:26Greetings, sir.
03:27Sir, I am a big fan of yours.
03:29Thank you very much, sir.
03:31I watch all your shows.
03:33Sir, you watch your own show.
03:35I do this show for you.
03:36This is your love, sir.
03:37Yes, sir.
03:37May God bless you.
03:39Thank you, sir.
03:39Sir, I am a folk singer.
03:41I have come here from Kasur.
03:45There is a small village near Kasur, Pyal Kala.
03:46What will you sing for us today?
03:48I will sing my song for you.
03:50He will sing well.
03:52You are saying he will sing well.
03:54If he sings well..
03:56..then Saleem will give Gulab Jamun to everyone.
03:58Absolutely right.
04:00I will ask for the streets.
04:04My fate has made me cry.
04:10The poor have come to this world.
04:17I will ask for the streets.
04:20My fate has made me cry.
04:24The poor have come to this world.
04:31I will ask for the streets.
04:36Look, there is no one here.
04:40There is no one here.
04:43Everyone loves the rich.
04:51The rich have come to this world.
04:58The poor have come to this world.
05:05I will ask for the streets.
05:08Wow, sir.
05:12He is a pop singer.
05:16Sir, is there any hip-hop song?
05:18Yes, there is.
05:21Did anyone tell you that he is good at playing the flute?
05:29From his practice, I can tell that..
05:32..he is a singer.
05:34He can sing a song but he can't play the flute.
05:36But he was good at both.
05:39He doesn't call for a function.
05:40He calls and says..
05:42..your father was unwell.
05:43Can you send him an advance?
05:47He gives Rs. 14 lakhs to a singer and says..
05:49..don't look at my son's wedding the day after tomorrow.
05:53In the village, if someone's father dies..
05:56..he says, call Raiya.
06:03I have written their number in the emergency ward of Saptal.
06:11And when he goes to a function, he says..
06:13..leave the payment, give me some money.
06:16He says, I have come here.
06:18I am going to a good place.
06:22Raiya, you are a very good singer.
06:25But this is a comedy show.
06:27That's why I made fun of you.
06:28The reason is that you are an artist too.
06:31You are our brother too.
06:32So, thank you very much.
06:34Thank you very much. You sang very well.
06:38Yes, sir.
06:41Sir, I am from Pyal Khurd.
06:43Pyal Kalan is next to it.
06:46I have come from there.
06:47He was also saying that he has come from Pyal Kalan.
06:49So, you don't know each other?
06:51Okay, you know each other.
06:52No, he doesn't even know me.
06:53He says, no, I don't know you.
06:56Sir, you are a folk singer too.
06:59I am serious.
07:00He is not a folk singer.
07:03No, I am a Punjabi singer.
07:04I am not a folk singer.
07:07Yes, sir.
07:08Sir, I am from Bulleh Shah Sarkar.
08:09Very nice.
08:09Very nice.
08:10Sir, very nice.
08:14Sir, my name is Bilal Sultan.
08:16And I have come from Jhansadar.
08:18So, I want to sing a song.
08:19Yes, sir.
08:20When I came to you
08:26I found peace
08:31When I came to you
08:36I found peace
08:41The one whom I had forgotten
08:47I found that existence
08:51When the season of sorrow came
08:58When I thought of you
09:03When I thought of you
09:08My heart
09:11Please understand
09:15That you have fallen in love
09:21My heart
09:22Very nice, sir.
09:23Very nice.
09:27Viewers, this was today's show.
09:28We will meet again in the next show.
09:29Take good care of yourselves.
09:31Allah Hafiz.
