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00:00Ah ah ! Grubbs ! Il n'y a rien de pareil que la musique de parade pour un ingénieux ficheux international de journerie ! Ah ah ah ah ah !
00:18Mais Duke ! Envoyer le diamant du Pink Palamazoo ? Comment allons-nous le passer à tous ces gens ?
00:25Nous ne le ferons pas ! Vous ne vous souvenez pas du plan 1 ? Le Pink Palamazoo sera emporté devant toute la ville par un Gorilla bleu bébé !
00:34Oh, par un Gorilla bleu bébé !
00:35Oui, un Gorilla bleu bébé !
00:36Ah ah ah ah ah !
00:38Grape Ape ! Grape Ape ! I love a parade ! I love a... Oh ! What a doll ! I'm in love ! Grape Ape ! Grape Ape !
00:56You're in what ?
00:57Love !
00:58With what ?
00:59Blue Ape ! Blue Ape ! Baby Blue Ape !
01:02Have you got bananas, Grape ? Who ever heard of a 40-foot Baby Blue Girl Ape ? Think of it, who ever heard of a 40-foot Purple Boy Ape ?
01:11Ah ! Here comes our Baby Blue accomplice now ! Time for plan 2 !
01:16Plan 2 ? Plan 2 what ? Oh, that's plan 2 ! Now I remember !
01:22Oh !
01:24Now, plan 3 ! With my remote control device, I merely disconnect the connecting cable !
01:33Then, I activate the jet pack I planted inside the Blue Ape and fly it straight to our secret hideout !
01:41Tally-ho ! And away we go !
01:46Once more now ! You just thought you saw a Baby Blue Girl Ape, got it ?
01:52Got it ! I got it ! I got it ! Oh boy, have I got it !
01:58Oh ! The pink Palamazoo diamond ! It's been stolen !
02:03And there go the culprits ! Two giant apes and a little mutt ! Oh ! Oh my ! First I lose my diamond, now I must be losing my marbles !
02:16Quickly, grubs ! Our Baby Blue accomplices do any time !
02:21Now, it's time for plan 6, remember ? Plan 6 ? Yes ! No ! Oh ! Well, here ! Does this help you remember ?
02:29Oh ! Now I remember ! Climb up the ladder and get the diamond !
02:32And in just 10 seconds, the pink Palamazoo diamond will be all mine !
02:38Tell her to stop the balloon ! We want to get off !
02:43I'm in love, Grape Ape !
02:46Oh ! Just what I need, a lovesick Grape Ape !
02:49Plan 6, balloon, mouth, remove diamond ! Plan 6, balloon, mouth, remove diamond ! Plan 6, balloon, mouth...
03:03Hey Duke ! The pink Palamazoo ain't here ! Besides, you're the one who stole the diamond !
03:09Hey Duke ! The pink Palamazoo ain't here ! Besides, you're colorblind ! This here ain't no Baby Blue balloon ape !
03:18This here's a purple real ape that says...
03:22A real 40-foot purple ape ? Grape Ape !
03:26I'm sorry, Mr. Ape ! You see, I thought you were somebody else !
03:32To coin an expression, there's some kind of monkey business going on here !
03:38What's the matter with you ?
03:40I'm allergic to 40-foot gorilla-la-la's !
03:43Are you forgetting the pink Palamazoo ?
03:46No ! But I'm remembering the purple ape-a-roos !
03:49Oh ! So that's it ! They're for real jewel-stealers !
03:53I like you, I do, I do, Grape Ape !
03:57You sure this will work, boss ?
03:59Of course I'm sure ! That jolly purple giant is going to put the diamond right in my hand !
04:05All together now !
04:16I got it ! I got it ! I...
04:19You mean, I got it !
04:25My lovesick buddy is useless !
04:27Ah, but if that chopper has a radio, I could call the police !
04:33And here's another important announcement !
04:35Oh, it's got one !
04:36In a daring daylight robbery today, the famous pink Palamazoo diamond was stolen !
04:40Ah, so that's it !
04:41By a giant purple ape, a giant baby blue ape, and a short dog type !
04:47Hey, wait ! That sounds like us !
04:49Don't be shy, Grape Ape !
04:51Hey, will you knock off that love stuff, Grape Ape ? We are in trouble !
04:55Why, Grape Ape ?
04:57Why ? The police think that you, and me, and her, stole that diamond !
05:02You mean baby blue ?
05:04Yep ! So we have to get it back to clear ourselves !
05:09Don't go away, Grape Ape !
05:12You try it !
05:13Okey dokey, bigly bigly !
05:17Let us take it ! Get him !
05:19Got him !
05:20Good ! We got good !
05:22Oh, non-sense !
05:23I'm sure that purple Romeo would prefer his baby blue Juliet to a pink diamond !
05:30Just watch !
05:47Drop everything and go to her !
05:49Good idea, Grape Ape !
05:52Yahouzi ! She loves me, she loves me !
05:56Ouh, wowsie, ouh ! Grape Ape, Grape Ape !
05:59Oh, not again, Grape ! We got crooks to catch !
06:02And we've got a helicopter to catch !
06:05Gotcha, Grape Ape !
06:07Let her go, Grape ! Back away !
06:10She loves me ! Grape Ape, Grape Ape !
06:15Whoops ! Grape Ape !
06:22Ok, baby blue eyes, you're on our side now !
06:27I'm sorry, bigly bigly !
06:29You'll be even sorrier if we don't stop those two !
06:32You won't get away !
06:34Who's going to stop us ?
06:36Ha-ha ! Chuckle chuckle ! Ha-ha !
06:38Me and my purple pal ! Ha-ha ! Chuckle !
06:40That's who ! And baby blue eyes !
06:43Baby blue eyes is back !
06:45That's right, purple pal !
06:47Now just hold her hand !
06:50And away we go !
06:53Oh, double draft !
06:55Hold it, right there !
06:57Right there, Grape Ape !
06:59One ape power is no match against nine hundred horse power !
07:05Oh, so you want to play, huh ?
07:07Well, how about a game of tongue of ape ?
07:11You're on, but you'll lose !
07:13Your one ape is no match against my two engines !
07:22You're losing !
07:23Don't lose your head, Grape Ape !
07:26Use your feet !
07:28Whoa ! Grape Ape !
07:30Give it full throttle, then watch us go !
07:34I'm watching, boss, but all we're doing is going to pieces !
07:38Yes, so it appears !
07:40Well, Dookie, give up ?
07:41Never ! I'm not going to end up in the hands of a purple simian !
07:49You were sure right, boss !
07:50We ended up in the mouth of a baby blue simian !
07:55Shush ! I know, I know !
08:02Put me down, you big ape !
08:04Okey-dokey, Grape Ape !
08:06Grape Ape !
08:09And one thing more !
08:11What, Grape Ape ?
08:12Will you stop with that Grape Ape thing already ?
08:15Sure, Grape Ape !
08:17Oh !
08:18Congratulations, Mr. Beagle and Mr. Grape Ape !
08:22Heroes like you two are very rare !
08:25Oh, well, shucks ! Any citizen would have done the same thing !
08:29Right, purple pal ?
08:31Right, Beagley Beagley !
08:33Well, there's a mighty big reward for the return of the pink Palamazoo diamond !
08:37Mr. Grape Ape, I wish I had a reward big enough to give to you !
08:41You do, Grape Ape !
08:43I do ? What ?
08:49Why, certainly ! She's all yours !
08:53Wowzy ! Wow, wow, wow !
08:56Oh, no !
08:59Hey, wait for me, Grape !
09:05About my reward !
09:07Yes ?
09:09Send it to me !
09:10Airmail !
09:15Together at last, Grape Ape !
09:18Puppy love is one thing, but Grape Ape love is ridiculous !
09:23Yeah, ridiculous ! Ridiculous !
09:27He was right !