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00:00How about this, Grape-Ape? Miami Beach, at last!
00:04Ready, Grape-Ape, Grape-Ape.
00:11Uh, yes sir, uh, lifeguard, sir.
00:14Will you hold it down? You're disturbing the whole beach!
00:17Oh, uh, sorry, your lifeguard ship. We didn't realize that, uh, you see...
00:22We? We who?
00:24Oh, me and my friend, Grape-Ape. We didn't realize that, uh...
00:34Now, what do you suppose got into this?
00:36I don't know, Grape-Ape.
00:39Okay now, my purple friend, watch this triple-double-backward twist with a half-gainer!
00:50Ha-ha! Bet you wish you could do that, eh, my purple pal?
00:54Yeah! Fancy dive, Grape-Ape. Here goes, bigly-bigly.
01:00No, Grape-Ape! Wait! No, no! Grape! Wait a second! Grape-Ape!
01:09Well, that's okay. It was a nice dive, pal.
01:14Hey, what's this?
01:16Just an old bottle with... Say, there's something inside it!
01:21It's a... It's a...
01:23It's a what?
01:24It looks like a pirate map! Take a look!
01:28Relax, Grape-Ape. There are no pirates around here anymore.
01:32I'm glad. Grape-Ape, Grape-Ape.
01:35What is that? It's a calendar? No, it's a peanut!
01:39No, wait! It's... It's a treasure map!
01:43Well, it is going to be mine!
01:51Ah, let us try that again.
01:58Now, this is our lucky day!
02:00All we have to do is follow this map, and the treasure will be ours!
02:04Treasure? Oh, boy! Grape-Ape, Grape-Ape.
02:09And all I have to do is follow them, and the treasure will be mine!
02:15Oh, boy!
02:18Hurry it up, Grape-Ape! Better get in before the tide goes out!
02:22Okay, Grape-Ape.
02:27What happened, boy?
02:29I know, I know.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:38How are we ever going to get to that island now, Grape-Ape?
02:41Captain Lachique is here!
02:43Where? Where?
02:44Here! Right here!
02:46I am Captain Lachique, and my ship is your ship!
02:50Your ship? My ship? How come?
02:53Let us just say that I feel like going for a ride to a treasure...
02:56I mean, to an island.
02:59Hey, that's funny! We're trying to get to an island ourselves!
03:03So I heard, and that is why...
03:06We? You and who else?
03:09Oh, me and my pal, Grape-Ape!
03:16Captain Lachique?
03:18The treasure! Remember, the treasure!
03:23Funny! I didn't notice there were two of you!
03:26But I will take you wherever you would like to go!
03:29Well now, we'd be mighty grateful, Captain!
03:33Hey, Grape-Ape, we're going for a boat ride!
03:35Oh, boy!
03:39Land ho!
03:42Land where?
03:43Land here!
03:46Now, if I can just figure this here map out!
03:49Maybe I can be of help! Let me see it!
03:52Oh, sure!
03:53Hey, hold on there! That's our map!
03:56Well, I would be glad to stick around and help you to find the treasure!
04:00Whatever it is you are looking for!
04:03Well, thanks, but no thanks!
04:06We appreciate the ride, though!
04:08Yeah, thank you!
04:11Well, I will be seeing you!
04:21Sooner than you think!
04:26Well, he's gone now!
04:28Let's get on with the treasure hunt!
04:30Now, let's see!
04:31We take five places that-a-way!
04:34One, two, three, four, five!
04:39Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq!
04:47Maintenant, on a 20 places que-a-faire!
04:51Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq!
05:02Hey, qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Grape-Ape?
05:04On a un trésor à trouver!
05:08Oh, come on! It's only a native hunt, pal!
05:11Come on! Seven, eight, nine...
05:20Gesundheit, Grape-Ape!
05:22Oh, pirate, Grape-Ape!
05:28Fancy meeting you here!
05:36Captain Le Cheat!
05:37Okay, okay! So you caught me!
05:39I know what you are looking for, and I can help!
05:42I know this island like the back of my hand!
05:45I can help you find it!
05:47Hmm, well now, maybe you could help me!
05:50There's probably enough treasure around here for all of us anyway!
05:54You won't regret this, Beagle-Beagle!
05:57Now, first we have to find Skull Rock!
06:01Yeah, Skull Rock!
06:08Non, non, non, non!
06:09You blue baboon!
06:11We are supposed to go to it!
06:13It is not supposed to come to us!
06:15You know, he's right, Grape-Ape!
06:17Now, where did you find it?
06:21Search me, Grape-Ape!
06:23Oh, no!
06:24That rock was the key to the whole map!
06:27The treasure could be anywhere now!
06:29So, what do we do now?
06:31We just start digging!
06:37Dig here!
06:45Nothing here!
06:52Dig here!
06:59Say, I think you found something!
07:02Stand back! It is all mine!
07:04Je pense que ce qu'il a trouvé, c'est... de l'eau !
07:06Ha ha ha ha ha !
07:07C'est juste une blague, les gars !
07:14Rien que du sable !
07:16Et qu'est-ce que vous pouvez faire avec du sable ?
07:18Le Sable-Castle !
07:24Qu'est-ce qu'il fait ?
07:26Oh, viens ! Laisse-le s'amuser !
07:28Il n'y a probablement pas de trésor ici !
07:35Le trésor !
07:37C'est le mien ! C'est le mien !
07:39Le trésor est tout le mien !
07:42Hé, revenez ici !
07:48C'est le mien !
07:50Tout le mien !
07:52Ok, maintenant, donnez-le moi !
07:54Comment êtes-vous venus ici ?
07:56Nous avons pris une courtoisie !
07:57Eh bien, vous devez partir !
07:59C'est mon vaisseau et mon trésor !
08:01C'est la loi de la mer !
08:03La loi de la mer ? Qu'est-ce que ça signifie ?
08:05Trésors !
08:06Trésors !
08:07Oh, bien, maintenant, c'est différent !
08:09Vous devez partir en marchant sur le planque !
08:12Eh bien, si c'est la loi de la mer...
08:17Ils ne m'appellent pas le trésor de la mer pour rien !
08:21Maintenant, marchez !
08:23Oh, oui, monsieur !
08:25Après vous, grand-père !
08:33Non !
08:38Mon vaisseau !
08:40Eh bien, monsieur, je suis vraiment désolé, mais vous l'avez vraiment eu !
08:45Le trésor, mon grand-père !
08:47Hé, maintenant, le trésor !
08:49Peut-être que vous pouvez acheter un nouveau vaisseau avec votre partie, hein ?
08:52Ouvrez-le, mon grand-père ! Allons voir ce que c'est !
08:55Yo-ho-Cola !
08:57Yo-ho-Cola !
08:59Oh, wow ! C'était tout un gimmick d'advertisement !
09:02Il n'y a pas de trésor du tout !
09:05Et pas de sub !
09:10Yo-ho ! Ho-ho-ho !
09:12Yo-ho ! Ho-ho-ho !
09:14Yo-ho ! Ho-ho-ho !
09:17Pouvez-vous l'arrêter avec les yo-ho-ho ?
09:20Eh bien, vous me le dites !
09:22Qu'est-ce que vous dites à un oiseau de 40 pieds pour l'arrêter ?
09:27Je dis...
09:29Yo-ho-ho-ho-ho !